Kickstarter runs until Thursday at 11pm EST! Just four days left of me annoying you folks about it. Hooray!
Kickstarter runs until Thursday at 11pm EST! Just four days left of me annoying you folks about it. Hooray!
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This spells trouble. T r o u b l e.
That does indeed spell out trouble! Good on you, sir.
A m a z i -G i r l also spells trouble.
If by “spells” you mean “has exactly two letters and an attitude in common with”…
Is that not how you spell?
Well crap, that’s how *I’ve* been spelling my whole life!
With a capital T, and that rhymes with P and that stands for paranoid.
I didn’t think it was paranoia, but vengeance.
She’s paranoid about Dorothy posting the article.
Not really paranoia if there’s a good chance of it happening.
T rhymes with V as well, you know…
Ya got one, two, three, four, five, six pockets in a utility belt.
Pockets that mark the diff’rence
Between a criminal and a Cape-
With a capital “C”!
And that rhymes with “V”,
and that stands for VENGEANCE.
We got trouble! Right here in Indiana University!
Trouble with a capital T,
and that rhymes with V,
and stands for VENGEANCE.
Gotta figger out a way,
To keep the young ones moral after school!
with a capitol ‘t’! which rhymes with ‘p’
And if you’re illiterate, it spells T-R-U-double B-L-E.
Mmm … truffles.
Witches also “spell” trouble.
(Don’t throw tomatoes at me, please)
There’s Trouble in River City.
With a capital T.
And that rhymes with V.
And that stands for Vigilantism.
And make it double.
I don’t see how this could end well.
There’s always make-outs.
I calculate that there is a .0001 percent chance of this ending in sloppy makeouts.
Oh god I just realized that Danny’s going to get caught up in more Amazi-Drama. Again.
And then people might possible blame him for everything. Again.
As if Danny getting involved would stop me from blaming him.
It’s always Danny’s fault. ALWAYS
No exceptions.
He causes problems just by existing.
If only there was some FAQ about using Danny as the universe’s karma drain. This tired joke has gone on long enough.
Yeah, if he hadn’t given her the game boy, she wouldn’t be walking by at this exact instant. By existing, he’s always at fault, amiright?
Danny’s an insensitive jerk for not intervening already. How dare he!
I’d buy that for a dollar!
… i would pay good money for that, sir..!
Amber means she only has one more day to wear the mask to cover up the black eye she’s developing from the chair ricochet the alt-text mentioned in an earlier comic
I would’ve been extremely amused if Amber’d had a black eye in her next appearance, with no further explanation ever given.
Okay, seriously, does anyone know of a way that you can see the alt-text while on a tablet. I always miss the alt-text messages because iPads are mouse-less and I use an ipad for 99.99999999% of my computering. claims to have a solution to the problem of reading alt text on an iOS device. Some sort of javascript bookmarklet. The website link is really annoying, makes you answer one or two questions on a thingy on the right before it allows you to see the full article text (though it’s only clicking on “yes”/”no” type questions), and I don’t personally have an iOS device to test for myself if the solution presented there works, but hopefully it will for you.
For this web comic, just tap in the blank space under the comic (to the right of the “Last” button or the left of the “First” button).
Thank you for solving something I’ve been searching for, for at least five months.
Does that also work with Android?
It did when I last tried it.
I can vouch for iPad (2), click the empty space to the right of the “Latest” button.
When darkness turns to light…
But seriously, AMBER NO!!!
“This will be the last night I can get a discount on pizza by cosplaying as a ninja turtle!”
Tommorow “Hey, you’re not Leonardo! You’re that Amazi-tits chick!
Backup plan: Blonde hair dye.
“Hey, your that awesome reporter who unmasked Amazi-Girl! It’s on the house!”
“Also, Did you suddenly get curves in all the right places, by the way?”
Someone is going to the hospital….. again.
To say sorry for violently destroying him, while also affirming that she wishes for him to stay out of her life and getting the proper legal documents to make sure of that.
Its about to go down SHT JUST GOT REAL. On a related note. I got one more person willing to help voice act a DoA TV show. any more offers?
You have my attention.
Isn’t that already a thing that’s happening?
I auditioned for Ryan because all the roles I actually wanted were taken. I did not get the part.
Aw man. I don’t know if the Ryan Voice Actor is still around. It’s been so long. I’ll have to ask but maybe we could have reauditions.
Here’s my old audition, for what it’s worth. In hindsight I think I may have made his earlier lines not frustrated enough.
Hmm, don’t take this as an insult but I think you would play better the Character Danny, then again I probably shouldn’t say that from hearing one voice, plus its not my call to make.
I feel like Danny’s voice would be a lot shakier and maybe a little higher. Also he was already taken.
Honestly my first choice was Joe. He was, alas, also taken. After that probably Mike.
Really I just went with Ryan because, y’know, only guy left, and even then turns out someone beat me to the role. It was kinda fun to play a villain but hot damn if I didn’t feel really uncomfortable saying some of that stuff, especially given how thin the walls are in my dorm.
Actually, Wack’d you sound very, very similar to how Danny sounds in my head. *ducks*
I really think you’re projecting too much of Danny’s -concessional- personality traits onto him. He gets nervous sometimes, but otherwise he’s pretty oblivious. He probably sounds like a pretty average, not noteworthy guy.
I don’t think it’s nervousness so much as it is that Ryan’s largely going off a script while Danny just kinda blurts stuff out a lot of the time. Danny to me would be shakier simply on the basis that when you don’t think before you talk you’re gonna pause and trip over your words a bit.
As for the highness–I dunno. I mean, I don’t hear him as a chipmunk or anything. For the record, my natural voice is very much Danny, I pitched myself down a bit for Ryan.
The Dubbing Of Age Project is at a wierd Stand-Still. I made a skype group for it but I’m basically just keeping it on life support. I’m not able to make any BIG decisions.
Sooner or later, he is gonna HAVE to kickstart for a TV show.
I thought he said he didn’t want to do animation.
I’m not sure why. I mean, there can’t be more than five or six hundred key frames to draw per half hour animation. What’s the big deal?
Not quite an animated tv show but we would be voicing characters.
I might be interested.
Yo can I get Bucket of bloods guy if he isn’t taken?
I want in
God dammit, Amber.
AmaziGirl Rises.
*Reads Alt Text*
Willis is truly evil.
Damn you, Willis!!!!
And then it turns out the new storyline starts tomorrow.
better yet, on Slipshine!
Matter of fact, I think he deserves it: David M.Willis A.K.A (GOD DAMN YOU WILLIS)
for being a evil asshole who holds nothing dears and is willing tear down beloved franchises, other peoples self-esteem, and always torturing you’re fandom and always willing to take shots at Religion,Race, And sexuality.
On behalf of all online comic and video game lovers everywhere, I’m rewording the prestigious (not really) “Heart of Darkness aword” of Silent Hill down coming.
You basterd.( love ya man)
did you mean “reward/award”?
wait so hold on
does amber think that just because she does something before her identity is revealed, they won’t link it to her once the expose comes out?
Yes. Isn’t that how it works?
I guess no one will stop her until they know it’s her
Only in stories with major plotholes in them.
My guess is that she realizes it and doesn’t care, just as long as she gets to (I’m assuming) kill her father once and for all, and what happens to her after that, happens.
…And I totes just missed that she was observing Sal in the first panel. Go me.
She is not out to kill her father. She is out to get Sal, because of the store robbery. This is seen in the first panel.
Ah, I see you already noticed. Sorry.
That’s exactly what I was thinking.
I think she knows perfectly well what will happen. This isn’t a “they’ll never know it was me!!!” plan, this is a “this is the last time I’ll ever be able to use my coping mechanism, so I’m gonna milk it for all that it is worth” plan. Goes along the same logic partying like its 1999, except with less partying and more vigilante assaults.
Yeah, they say that come tomorrow party over, oops, known ID
So tonight we’ll vigilante like it’s 1983
I think it’s less that and more that whatever it is she wants to do, she wants to do it while she still has the anonymity to hide behind. Not sure if I can explain the thought well, but like… she can only do certain things by being Amazi-Girl and once people know that Amber is Amazi-Girl, no one will see Amazi-Girl anymore, they’ll just see Amber in a costume. And she knows that.
Her identity being exposed essentially kills Amazi-Girl because even if people don’t pay attention to the paper, she is still going to think everyone knows. She’s probably not even going to bother checking the paper, she’s just going to assume it exposed her identity (and I don’t believe Dorothy’s going to do that).
What she is saying is if she doesn’t do it tonight, she won’t be able to ever because she’ll be incarcerated for assaulting her father. She figures if she is going to be going to jail anyway might as well make it worth it.
WAR! HUH! (Good Cheese Y’All!) What is it good for? (Absolutely) NOTHING!
Say it again.
Ooooh noooooooo!
The wierd thing for me is that compared to her father, what Sal did was almost nothing and besides, she already stabbed her in the hand, what more revenge does she need?
Defeating her father was step one.
Step two was slightly vague.
Step three is profit.
…Huh. Before reading your comment, I’d assumed her intent was to kill her father. But maybe Sal is her target.
Or…maybe both?
If ANYTHING, Sal is the one who deserves revenge.
Hey if anything the scar on her hand is a reminder not to go robbing stores just because she has family issues.
As much as she can get I guess, real question is can Sal do better in a fight with her then did?
That’s what I’m wondering as well. Amber had revenge already – how far does she intend to push this?
We never did learn what happened to Amber after she stabbed Sal through the hand.
You’re forgetting that time Sal forced Amber to watch “Stealth.”
[though Sal had to give him up when the cops came]
Sal tasks her! Sal tasks her and she shall have her! She’ll chase her ’round the moons of Nibia and ’round the Antares Maelstrom and ’round Perdition’s flames before she gives her up!
*Looks up at sky as the camera spins* “SAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!”
Maybe its one of those “You made me what I AM” sort of things?
Or maybe she wants to apologize? That’d be a twist.
I’m pretty sure it’s the former
Yeah, I’m not so positive about this being a lead-in to violence started by Amber (at least not as Amazi-Girl). She wants closure, maybe? And she has to do it as Amazi-Girl, not Amber, because Amber can’t keep her emotions in check well.
That’s the other reason “it’ll have to be tonight”. Like I said in a comment above, even if not everyone reads the paper/Dorothy doesn’t expose her, she’s going to assume everyone knows. And once everyone knows, she’s no longer Amazi-Girl, she’s just Amber in a costume.
Sal has become Amber’s ‘trigger’ moment, like the Joker killing Batman’s parents. There’s little logic in her feelings toward Sal. The robbery is not even the real trigger moment – it was afterwards, when, feeling traumatized and ashamed, her father started verbally abusing her, calling her weak and pathetic. That was when she snapped.
Oh Amber nooooo. No no no.
I’m just going to sit here and hope that Ethan intervenes with a “Hey, have you checked out CAPS? Maybe we can talk to a therapist?” But that probably will only happen in my mental fanfic.
oh no
Jesus. She’s not even the one that got stabbed in the fucking hand. Let it go, Amber.
And it begins. guys level with me, how bad is this going to be?
it could level the college… death on massive scale, then the fall out winter… BAD
It’s going to happen tonight in the strip, so we’ll know in 3-6 months….
If you wanna ask her out, Amber, don’t be scared. You don’t need a mask.
Perhaps Sal has a mask fetish?
“No no no, stop. Keep yer mask on.”
“Okay, fine. But YOU keep your gloves on.”
Are you suggesting that Amber has a glove fetish?
No, she just doesn’t like to see really nasty scars.
Especially the ones she inflicted.
………what?.. I can’t even pretend to know how this will end…..umm? Good luck Amber??
Someone isn’t thinking too clearly…
As a side note, best Sal picture ever! and that includes the fanservicey ones.
Sheets abouta go down!! Amazi-girl, the bipolar hero with a vendetta vs Sal, the badass, juvenile delinquent, mariocart master , and did i mention shes badaass.
I wouldn’t call A-G bipolar, her affliction seems to be more disassociative fugues, or possible multiple personality disorder.
See, NOW I can understand it if people are expecting violence.
(See my comment a few days ago when Dorothy figured out Amber was Amazi-Girl.) 😉
Oooooooooooh no.
There officially no good ways this can end and Amber, Amber please seek help RIGHT NOW.
No Amber Don’t do it! please!!!!!!!!
I predict this will end in nothing but pain. especially for Dan, but who can tell the difference?
Wait, what happened with the chair-throw? I thought she used it to break the window for a quick escape. Was there any point to it, then?
it was just a rage dump. Why would she need to break the window at all? When Amber gets upset she hits things because she’s emotionally unstable and overreacts to everything.
*falls to knees*
*pathetic Darth Vader wail* NOOOOOOO!
Willis has decided that smexy ass Amber will have an ill fate.
As much as I wanna cry, as much as I wanna beg. I know that will only make the one called Willis bask in his own salty tear laden victory!
She can’t die, she can’t be expelled, she can’t suffer any injury that would incapacitate an athlete for an entire season.
She can only hurt and be hurt. A lot.
Someone stop this runaway train called Life!
….I’m sorry, sir, I have issues with assisted suicide.
And with this, events set in motion long ago race to their final act. Passengers, I wouldnt bother with seat belts, because this plane is going DOWN.
It’s Murderin’ Time!
This can’t possibly end well.
No, don’t do it!
I was just thinking I’d volunteer to show everyone the full Sal x Marcie makeout from my Gravatar if the Kickstarter makes it to the Slipshine stretch goal, but I bet Yotomoe already pledged XD
“Hmm, I forgot that you can tempt me with things that I want.”
-Bender, to Robot Devil
Wow will the next storyline just be the one night based on the name of it?
Oh shit
dammit, Willis, you’re leaving us on a cliffhanger?
So where can I get those awesome Maximals and Predacons door decals??
aw craaaaaaap
Watch your back Sam I smell a wool ass cumming
Well, there’s a disturbing image
Looks like all the possible ‘Oh, crap…don’t do that” have been covered, but.
1. Sal in frame one so she’s going after Sal?
2. Hospitalized bastard Father, go finish him off?
3. But what if it’s Amber? Amber is the one she thinks is ‘outing’ her?
i think you mean dorothy. amber is the one possibly about to be outted.
Not is A-G has gone completely disassociative and regards Amber as “someone else” as in the “not me” sense. Sorta like Batman/Bruce Wayne in Batman Beyond where “Bruce” was a character Batman was playing in public.
It took me this long to realize that one reason Willis chose Sal to be confused as Amazi Girl was to parallel Sal and Amber
Sssssso, uh, this certainly looks like it could end with a murder+suicide, doesn’t it?
NO! NOOOO! This is all bad. This is all going bad! Everybody over the side, into the life-rafts, women and childrens first. EVACUATE STRIP, heartbreak incoming!
*Sitting here calmly* No need to panic. This strip is indestructible. This strip can NOT sink. *grabs a deck chair* It can however tilt over dangerously when AG goes craz– what a cliffhanger? *sitting calmly* No need to panic…
Oh, so cool an act ending!
But is Dorothy gonna publish it though? She looked conflicted about it. I think Amber might out herself as Amazigirl with this whole “going after Sal” thing
Amber doesn’t know Dorothy is conflicted about it. Of course, there would be a twisted irony to accidentally outing herself in an attempt to NOT get outed. Twisted just like Willis’ mind… DUN DUN DAAAAAAAA
Much like the comments section, Amber appears to be thinking the worst of Dorothy. And why wouldn’t she think that way, she doesn’t know Dorothy at all.
And as for the comments section, it also thought Amber was going to assault Dorothy, so it seems to be thinking the worst of everyone.
Despite having presumably read from the beginning, the comments section, on average, doesn’t seem to have a good grasp on the story or characters.
Well, I say presumably read, but we keep getting evidence that people don’t read. So maybe that’s the problem.
Remember what the comments section said about Walky’s parents?
Fight of the Century.
Oh you people. I doubt it’ll go too bad from Amber’s end. Amber donned the costume so she wouldn’t act like the way she did before, when she stabbed Sal’s hand. She may have another PTSD episode during this confrontation, but going into a frenzy would only prove her dad right, which is what she doesn’t want.
What I think Amber wants from Sal is closure; to know that since the incident, Sal’s been trying to turn things around. She may not get an apology for taking Ethan hostage, but a start would be knowing that Sal is done with putting other people in danger for selfish gain.
Except last time she went into costume over Sal she babbled about taking her from behind. So it’s up in the air what she really wants.
She just wants to top.
More sparkly
Luckily, that can only end well.
“No, I think I have to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part.
And I’m just the girl to do it!”
Nooo! Amber, don’t go over to the dark side! That way lies only pain, sadness and cookies.
Tune in folks same time same place for more adventures of AMAZIGIRL!!!
Amber and Danny both like to make big assumptions.
“You were a juvenile delinquent five years ago. I stabbed you through your hand with a large knife. Prepare to pay the price!”
Amber needs to go to the authorities first and foremost, get ahead of this thing, explain what Blaine was trying to do. Danny needs to back her up and encourage her to do so, instead of worrying if she’ll still like him for what he’s done. Dorothy needs to go to Danny as a friend, remind him that Amber needs to get ahead of this thing, and tell him that if she can’t get herself to do it, Dorothy will have to inform the authorities (preferably in a manner in which she says “I think it was self-defense”). They –cannot– let Blaine be the first to talk to the cops, and either Dina (where is she?!), Danny, or even Dorothy needs to actually be there trying to support Amber, instead of leaving her all alone.
Aaaaaand….that’s not gonna happen, is it. Damn.
l really just want Amazi-Girl to go away forever. I know I’m probably unique in that. It’s a storyline I dislike, a concept I dislike… Amber needs medicinal help and serious therapy, and probably doesn’t belong at college. She does not need to be running around town dressed like a superhero beating people up.
I imagine a webcomic with the characters doing perfect runs of their respective lives and sorting out their issues and flaws with minimal negative consequence to anybody else would be a little dull in comparison.
It’s certainly fair not to like it, but as far as the concept goes, I figured it was an interesting take on what superheroes actually would be.
Everyone loves Batman, but set aside the comic book world he lives in, and Bruce Wayne is someone in dire need of counseling over unresolved grief. This plot shows the same sort of idea only more elaborate.
Both in- and out-of-comic, people see Amazi-girl start with the assumption that she’s being awesome. As we get to know her more, we realize how much of a mistake that is, and for someone like that to exist in a realistic setting just how much must be terribly wrong.
Maybe not a fun story, and not to everyone’s taste, but I think still a worthwhile one.
I know, that exact thing has only been explored in comics about 3 or 4 billion times in comics since the ’80s, a new, fresh look at exactly the same thing was clearly necessary.
(Not that it’s necessarily bad as such in itself, but wondering what a boilerplate superhero comic trope is doing in a slice of life comic isn’t unmerited.)
I don’t know what it’s doing in this type of comic, but it changes the emphasis and the resolution. In most of those billions of other comics, you can be sure there is always going to be a Batman, because the world was built to need one. Not here.
However damaged Amber may be, she’s still being awesome.
I’m right there with you. The sooner it stops the better everything will be all around.
This irrational streak of hatred for the super-hero motief is disturbing. Have you listened to yourselves. Beating people up is not a thing Amazi-girl does. It’s a thing Amber has done once in response to a threat from her father. If the Avengers existed, you would be clammering for them to receive psychotherapy.
I don’t know what will happen, but I would put money on it not being the obvious. I have faith that Willis will surprise us all.
What I want to know is….
What’s Sal doing in the hallway?? I thought she always came and went by the window.
Also, this is going to break Billie. Remember, she’s been convinced for a while that Sal is Amazi-Girl. How will she handle Sal actually being a super-villain?? (Yes, super-villain. Badass who nemesis-es super-hero = super-villain.)
Roommate agreement said she had to use the door
no amber stop! you’re about to danny it up!
What if Amber’s plan isn’t to get revenge, but to apologize?
[crosses fingers]
If her identity is about to be revealed does it really matter? I mean like, it’s not as though the university paper would throw a statute of Limitations on Amazi-girl’s actions that protect her from revenge/liability of everything before hand. If her identity is about to get out, doesn’t that mean she’s got a day’s wait and then she might as well have done whatever she is about to do as ol’ Amber O’Malley in a T-shirt and jeans?
Yea sure, if you wanna suck the fun out of it. Hell if my secret Identity ever got revealed I’d STILL wear my suit and mask and go kick ass. I mean seriously.
I think it has more to do with Amber’s idea of herself as two separate people, rather than the consequences. She’s more concerned about her own mental perception of the divide between herself and Amazi-Girl.
R.I.P. Amber. Wrecked by Sal.
So I’m predicting Amazi-Girl attacking Sal, ranting on and on about stopping her from hurting Ethan ever again, Sal will be utterly confused, Amaber will dramatically unmask….and Sal will still not recognise her.
the most climatic anti-climax ever.
“But for me… it was Tuesday.”
“It was tuesday.”
golly i guess the site just hates the word tuesday
Willis just got tired of that overused joke.
It’s surprising how many jokes are ruined by commenters joking about Sal/Amazi-Girl.
Or anyone/Amazi-Girl, really.
It’s entirely possible–I mean, Sal has already seen her and not recognized her–but I think the odds are about zero that Sal doesn’t remember her. Amber can get her dramatic confrontation if she clarifies.
I can just imagine Ambers voice switching through like the Repo Mans voice –
Ref. alt text:
Same bat time, same bat channel.
I haven’t been reading this regularly so maybe this has already been covered but isn’t there a discrepancy with Sal’s age? She doesn’t look like she aged all that much from when the robbery happened where Amber and Ethan looked to be much younger. So, could this Sal actually be a different person form the one seen in the past like a younger sister or something?
almost definitely not, we know that this sal went to juvie for robbing a convenience store.
I would keep in mind that boys go through puberty later than girls. Ethan isn’t going to be as developed yet as Sal or Amber. He’s yet to hit his growth spurt at that point.
(Sal and Amber had the exact same changes done to them for their younger selves – shorter faces, larger eyes and ears, different hairstyles, and slightly less pronounced figures.)
Awwwwwwwwwww yeah!!!
Or looking at Amber’s door, is it this?–FKUQgU
I just wanted to say that I love the Predacon and Maximal faction symbols on Amber’s door. That is all.
Not really sure what is going to happen, but its looking real good
Next Storyline:
Sal: Dang, you need ta chill out. Here, have a Twinkie.
AG: … =D
I’m kinda rooting for Amber just getting another (deserved) stabbin’ out of it, and Sal just kinda wondering WTF and going on with things.
Do you really want to be in the paper? Because this is how you get into the paper.
I know it all ends tomorrow, so it’ll have to be tonight!
Oh dear god.
Oh man, she even dresses like a supervillain