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I so called this. I thought to myself “How could he POSSIBLY mess this up in the worst way?” and then it dawned. If he stopped being socially inept for 5 or so minutes, and connected with Sal ever so slightly… it would wrench everything to high hell, wouldn’t it?
Can I say it?
I’m gonna say it.
DAMNIT TO HIGH HEAVEN, DANNY (Try reading that without getting confused), DAI KARRA!
Put my own exasperation catchphrase at the end, there. May catch on, may not.
But wait! There’s more! Danny can also be used as a footstool, a punching bad when training your boxing skills or to keep your seat warm when you’re away.
He says, “I guess you’re probably not who I thought you were” — meaning, “Oh, I guess you’re probably not Amazi-Girl”. Explain, please, how that is being clueless.
That too! Amber is shorter, has wider hips, shorter legs, and a wider chest. Sal is taller, more slender, with a smaller waist. They are quite clearly not the same person.
I don’t find the top three out of four (Joyce, Dorothy, Amber) attractive. For the former, it’s the personality. Too immature. For the latter two, it’s the glasses (don’t get me wrong, I love glasses! Just not huge round frames) and haircut. I only like Billie because of her personality (“alpha bongo”) and only after her whole Ruth arc. Based on pure looks, Sal is the most attractive to me. Based on looks + personality, it’s a tie for Sal & Ruth.
That is a valid excuse for not noticing her skin color, and I’ll give you her voice and the unlit cigarette as part of an act, but what about literally every other feature? Her height? Her weight? Her chest? Her entire physical profile really. I can’t believe it was dark enough for him to not see a basic silhouette.
Exactly. Her and Amber are built completely differently. There is no reason a logical human being would mistake them as the same person, unless said person was so self-absorbed and projecting their own fantasy so much that they never even realized just what the object of their “affections” looked like.
…oh wait, I just described Danny.
If the difference in height didn’t clue him in, or the different build, the skin tone difference certainly isn’t going to. And as I said before, they woud definitely smell different, and he has been close enough to both girls to have noticed that by now.
And rereading that, it just occured to me that “…because the Black Getter and what’s his face are kind of really awful people and things” is not the logical conclusion from this. I apologize profusely and solely meant your characters.
I know a lot of people who are extremely smart in the academic sense, but are incredibly dumb in the “actually getting along in the world” sense. Either my social circles are a statistical anomaly or it’s more common than you’d think.
Yup, I once worked with a very nice, very intelligent person who had a masters degree in Civil Engineering, but in common sense, he was completely clueless, I sometimes wondered how he managed to get dressed and find his way to the office every morning.
I already cringe with the pain of reading Sal’s reaction when he mentions the robbery (Amazi girl mentioned a robbery when she talked about why she does what she does, and Sal has that uncomfortable part of her rebellion teens…).
I really wonder how Sal will react. I just read the full Joyce and Walky archives few days ago, so I might still be under that Sal’s influence.
That is exactly where the fun will be.
Danny will be following an irritated Sal around. He might even be asking shy she doesn’t drop in at night anymore.
Amber backed off after the double bomb of Mike’s probing question and Danny’s indignant blow-up, but this will make Amber more possessive, perhaps.
Add in the fact that Ethan and probably Mike figured out who Amazi-Girl is.
And if Amber is teaching Dina how to act empathetic and socialize, will Amazi-Girl get a sidekick? How does functional autistic trying to help muck it all up?
I hope for a glorious explosion by Christmas break (roughly 15-18 years from now). Bonus if Mike gets to do the old mystery “You are probably all wondering why I called you all here” bit to get everybody to confront the issues and work it out.
I’m sorry, “person is mistaken for another person but the reader knows” is literally my least favorite storyline ever in any media. It’s too aggravating to watch some bumblefuck (here, Danny) repeatedly misidentifying someone.
It started as avoiding more interaction with Danny while she waited. But in panel 5 she told him to stand closer to eliminate the glare. She is actually starting to get into it (the DS).
But now he’s really convinced she’s Amazi-Girl, so he’s going to hear that as GF telling him to get closer.
She caught and stopped Ruth’s fist pretty easily. One handed and without being startled.
You don’t do that in real life without a lot of eye/hand/reaction stuff (sports) or fighting.
Just be glad it isn’t a Stephen King book. The pony would come back to life, eat the father, destroy the race track (and everything else), and the book would be 8000 pages. Then, of course, it would be made into a movie.
Danny’s relationship with Amazi-girl was pretty much entirely based on Mario-Kart anyway (or did they play other games too?), so it doesn’t really make any difference.
The only anime I can think of off hand that features a fork is Haiyore! Nyaruko-san, a story about a boy armed with impressive fork based powers having to deal with Lovecraftian aliens posing as teenage girls.
The bit that makes me laugh here isn’t the premise of the anime (there are a lot weirder ones out there, and I’ve heard of this one before), but the notion that it could be the only anime featuring a fork. XD
My favorite absurd-concept anime is “Kore wa zombie desu ka”. A high school boy who’s also a zombie accidentally becomes a “magical garment girl” and as a result goes around fighting demon animals in peacoats with an enchanted pink chainsaw while wearing a dress. He also accidentally gets married to a “reformed faction vampire ninja assassin” 2/3 of the way into the first season.
I can’t wait to see how this develops. I mean Danny&Sal of Roomies! worked for a reason (for a while anyway) Now that it’s been brought to my attention, I wouldn’t mind some Sal/Danny.
No, now tell her that he is looking forward to meeting her tonight and perhaps get more intimate than last time.
Kill the moment of tolerance. She thinks he’s just like all the other guys, he thinks he was just too public.
Actually, I have some real popcorn waiting to be popped. Real butter or the fake stuff Regalli?
Well fuck. I guess we’ll have to deal with this for a while now. And the real Amazi-Girl is likely going to be avoiding him and he’ll think it’s because they’re getting along in civilian life instead of him just being wrong.
I swear, every time I reach a point where I can enjoy Danny we get a brand new way for him to be intolerable.
Yeah. I’ve hit the point where I’m not even feeling the schadenfreude anymore (and schadenfreude is my favorite freude!). I just want the oblivious asshole to go the hell away so we can get back to the entertaining people.
On the bright side, if you cover up Danny with your hand, Sal is kind of adorable today.
The best way to use a character that isn’t liked is to make them the butt monkey. Who better to take the pratfalls?
I mean, does anybody want to see Dina made a fool? Did anybody like Mary yelling at Riley? Nope, just made Mary look more like an Inquisitor in training and the mean girls look meaner.
Billie is my favorite, but I’d rather see bad things happen to her than to Danny. (Within reason, I mean. If someone’s gonna get hit by a truck or something, I want it to be Danny.) Mostly because Billie is hilarious when she loses her shit, whereas Danny just becomes a more whiny douchecanoe.
Angry Billie is the best! Angry Sal breaks my heart, angry Joyce doesn’t usually get my sympathy (except, y’know, at the party), angry Ruth is… Very violent.
That’s what worries me, all he needs is to be really klutzy and accidently pull down some poor girl’s knickers from time to time for him to be the perfect stereotypical harem guy.
Remember: anything you write, I see and hear with absolute clarity in my head. I just phantom-created forty-two episodes of a harem anime starring Danny.
I’m not sure whether to thank you or strangle you.
While it’s good to see Danny attempting to connect with a lady, it’s still one of those moments where he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed and he’s going to end up making all of us say “GOD DAMMIT DANNY!” and then the universe will come full swing with a dramatic reveal of who amazi-girl is(if you haven’t figured it out yet you’ll see) and Danny will still do what he does best…and Danny it up.
Are there actually people who read webcomics, especially plot-heavy ones like DoA, without reading through all the archives? I mean, the availability of the archive is one of the biggest advantages of webcomics over newspaper comics.
What a boring world it would be if everything always went the way we wanted it to and all these fictional characters would live happily ever after again in this universe.
Either of those scenarios could get really interesting really fast. Amber seems kind of freaked out by Sal and/or Billie. I’d assumed at the time that it was because she’d had a conversation with Billie as Amazi-Girl a couple days earlier, and was worried that Billie would recognize her, but backstory revealed since makes me suspect that it was actually that Amber recognized Sal, from a certain convenience store robbery.
Now, if Amber sees Danny making friends with or dating the person who held up the convenience store she was in and inspired her to dress up like an amazi to fight crime, there’s gonna be a whole manure truck plowing into a jet turbine.
I like this theory.
What’s more, it would have Amazi-Girl shadow Sal who is followed by Danny. Amazi-Girl warns Danny away from Sal. Danny thinks it’s because she wants to keep her identities/lives separate.
But his Dream is to date a superheroine and regular person and find out they are one and the same.
This plays with and shatters that dream in a most unkind way.
Hey, how much of Amber’s actual backstory do we know? That convenience store thing? I’m getting a weird feeling that Amber was *IN ON THE ROBBERY* with Sal, not just a witness/bystander in the store, and something went drastically wrong (someone get shot/stabbed, perhaps). Sal became the Sal we see today; Amber “compartmentalized” and became the Masked Vigilante and that’s why she’s giving Sal a wide berth in case Sal makes the connection and spills the beans.
When Amber was 13 (this would be ~5 years ago, around the time Sal was sent away), there was a robbery, looks like involving someone with long, dark, curly hair. Amber was terrified and hiding behind a snack display rack. And this, plus not getting laid after prom, inspired her to become a costumed vigilante.
We’ve also seen, from the strip I linked in my above comment (hell, this is going to get flagged by the spam filter anyway, might as well have that link again while I’m at it), that Amber is freaked out possibly by recognizing Sal. (And that was the first time they saw each other in the strip, at least when Sal wasn’t wearing her full-coverage motorcycle helmet.) Sal, on the other hand, has never shown even a twinge of recognition of Amber, and at the recent floor meeting, the only other time they’ve been in the same strip, Amber doesn’t seem to have any problem with being undisguised in Sal’s presence, though she is notably standing about as far from Sal as physically possible. (And, to be fair, from Billie, Sarah, and Dorothy, all of whom she’d spoken with as Amazi-Girl, too.)
Hooking up with Sal would be a bad thing. He’d be cheating on his girlfriend and Sal isn’t likely to take it well if she finds out he was only into her because he thought she was someone else.
I can only assume that you either loathe Danny, or have no concept of “consequences”. His happiness there is based on a complete misunderstanding of…well, kinda everything, and it is GUARANTEED to lead to misery for him and the one person other than himself that he cares most about right now.
Billie came up with a stupid theory, and shared it with Danny. She did not force Danny to believe it despite having every reason to know that it’s wrong.
Heehee. So you’re suggesting he’ll be the next Jerry Lewis? His stock characters don’t strike me as stupid, though, more like nebbishy, awkward and often shrill. When Danny starts saying, “Oh God with the schlepping and the schvitzing and the nice LAAAAAdies,” I’ll concede your point.
Danny, even your puppy look in panel four does not make up for the face you pull in panel five. Also, why do you keep coming to the right conclusion and then immediately sprint in the opposite direction?
You mean like this one? Just right-click on the image and save to your files; then go to the Gravatar site, create an account, and select that image as your personal gravatar.
Really hoping we get past this soon. Danny gets this crap too often for it to be funny anymore, and it’s beginning less like “Danny did something stupid”, and more like “The author is making Danny do something obligingly stupid”.
Willis please, there’s NO way he will think she’s Amazigirl for very long and don’t expect us to believe that either. Once she starts smoking or something it should be blatantly MORE obvious than it already is. She’s a completely different ethnicity for crying out loud.
If she was wearing the costume, almost certainly. (…almost… well… maybe. I’ve overestimated Danny before.)
Amber has very good reasons to keep her secret identity secret, though, including (and, after his recent friend-dumping dickweaselry, especially) from Danny.
Its not like she was atempting to turn the friendship into a romance and almost explicitly asking him to dump his girfriend for her, was she?
No, clearly it would have been easy to continue as friends without raising the specter of betraying his relationship with his girlfriend. Danny did that just to hurt her, not as an attempt to avoid worsening the situation.
I can’t stop grinning at how painfully awkward and untactful Danny’s “I see what you did there (when in actuality I’m just radically misinterpreting a small coincidence)” face is.
I so called this. I thought to myself “How could he POSSIBLY mess this up in the worst way?” and then it dawned. If he stopped being socially inept for 5 or so minutes, and connected with Sal ever so slightly… it would wrench everything to high hell, wouldn’t it?
Can I say it?
I’m gonna say it.
DAMNIT TO HIGH HEAVEN, DANNY (Try reading that without getting confused), DAI KARRA!
Put my own exasperation catchphrase at the end, there. May catch on, may not.
dai karra? isn’t that a Japanese song?
Nope. It’s a Mr. Bulbmin exclusive.
I know Danny is useful…..
He provides shade if you don’t have a glare screen.
He is potentially a set of pockets.
Danny can be used as ballast.
But wait! There’s more! Danny can also be used as a footstool, a punching bad when training your boxing skills or to keep your seat warm when you’re away.
Useful for:
1) The shadow-casting properties shared by all solid objects.
2) The consumption of unwanted food items and air.
3) Making a constant bleating noise which could be helpful if you are sedatephobic or something I don’t know.
4) The donation of bland but functional internal organs.
5) Danning things up.
Perhaps useful is the wrong word.
Oh…. My….. Gosh……
Dan started this page so well, and ended it so, so poorly.
You were on the right track whyyyyy.
Also, I love Sal. She’s so great.
Holy crap, is Danny actually doing something right?
I don’t know…it looks it’s the right thing.
Anything you do that gets you close to Sal is the right thing.
No, he did something wrong in the way I was hoping.
Sal accidentally did something that made Danny think she is Amazi-Girl.
Hilarity really will ensue. Classic sit-com.
if you define wilfully interpreting the world as what he wants to see as right, yes.
Codependent goofuses tend to do that, yes.
Apparently Danny is not as completely clueless as we may have thought.
Yes, I believe he is.
Are you… are you serious? He’s more so.
I think he is overly clue-ful.
He says, “I guess you’re probably not who I thought you were” — meaning, “Oh, I guess you’re probably not Amazi-Girl”. Explain, please, how that is being clueless.
Your clue is in the other 4 panels that follow
Yeah it’s basically Danny going “I’m sorry I ever questioned. your being Amazi-girl”
Disregard above comment. I either did not remember or overlooked completely that Amazi-girl called Wiggler in a prior strip.
Amber/Amazi-Girl is so adorkable in that strip <3
Bill…Thanks for that link. I simply wasn’t getting it until you provided the context.
Well, he figured out who Amazi-girl is.
Oh Danny; bless your heart.
Yes, of course. And the situation has all the potential to not end well.
Note the airborne eyebrows again.
…I can’t even. Is he so stupid he can’t see that she’s considerably darker than Amber? Really? Really? How did this boy get into college?
More like “has absolutely no qualities in common”…
It’s the Amazing Danny!
That too! Amber is shorter, has wider hips, shorter legs, and a wider chest. Sal is taller, more slender, with a smaller waist. They are quite clearly not the same person.
Sal is hot. Amber is hotter. :3
I think that’s a matter of preference. Personally, I’ve never found girls like Amber attractive. Less her looks though, more her personality.
That was for blasphemy.
I don’t find the top three out of four (Joyce, Dorothy, Amber) attractive. For the former, it’s the personality. Too immature. For the latter two, it’s the glasses (don’t get me wrong, I love glasses! Just not huge round frames) and haircut. I only like Billie because of her personality (“alpha bongo”) and only after her whole Ruth arc. Based on pure looks, Sal is the most attractive to me. Based on looks + personality, it’s a tie for Sal & Ruth.
Pretty sure Sal’s DS is a different color too. That’s a detail a geek should DEFINITELY notice.
Danny just loaned her his 3DS.
(also it’s a 3DS, as a poor person restricted to an old DS…or at least I was, until I lost it, the distinction is important)
That is not Sal’s DS. That is his.
The DS which can be perceived is not the true DS.
C’est ne pas une DS
Ceci n’est pas*
He’s book smart?
It’s justified in story with Danny only seeing her in the dark, so he can’t say for certain that amazigirl isn’t dark skinned
That is a valid excuse for not noticing her skin color, and I’ll give you her voice and the unlit cigarette as part of an act, but what about literally every other feature? Her height? Her weight? Her chest? Her entire physical profile really. I can’t believe it was dark enough for him to not see a basic silhouette.
Exactly. Her and Amber are built completely differently. There is no reason a logical human being would mistake them as the same person, unless said person was so self-absorbed and projecting their own fantasy so much that they never even realized just what the object of their “affections” looked like.
…oh wait, I just described Danny.
Especially since they spent one strip pretty much dry-humping.
Joe figured this out a while ago: http://www.dumbingofage.com/2010/comic/book-1/01-move-in-day/alone/
If the difference in height didn’t clue him in, or the different build, the skin tone difference certainly isn’t going to. And as I said before, they woud definitely smell different, and he has been close enough to both girls to have noticed that by now.
Excuse me for a moment….AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!! There, it’s done.
It’s like watching a trainwreck, in slow motion, with the feed looped.
Dude, nice Black Getter gravatar.
I feel I should be trying to murder you both, based solely off your gravatars.
And rereading that, it just occured to me that “…because the Black Getter and what’s his face are kind of really awful people and things” is not the logical conclusion from this. I apologize profusely and solely meant your characters.
What, don’t like Ryoma?
He’s the one what goes basically grimdark, wasn’t he? Shit, was that someone else?
No, he’s the crazy awesome one that punches dinosaurs…I think you’re referring to Hayato.
Whelp…. I don’t know.
I love Danny, but uh… remind me how he got accepted to this university.
I know a lot of people who are extremely smart in the academic sense, but are incredibly dumb in the “actually getting along in the world” sense. Either my social circles are a statistical anomaly or it’s more common than you’d think.
Yup, I once worked with a very nice, very intelligent person who had a masters degree in Civil Engineering, but in common sense, he was completely clueless, I sometimes wondered how he managed to get dressed and find his way to the office every morning.
I know *myself*.
A lot of people are like that. Part of the foundation of the absent minded/nutty professor trope.
Expert talking. Straight through the cigarette.
She also somehow summoned it back into her mouth since the last comic. Not something I would put past Sal.
… or maybe she just caught it, picked it up, or took a new one out.
Nah, she just Pez-dispensed out another one.
I am TOTALLY stealing that next time somebody gets a cigarette from nowhere. Thanks for a hilarious mental image.
There absolutely must be a feedback system, so that I may give this the highest of held thumbs.
Oh my god. Danny has the same eyebrow mutation as Captain Crunch…
I already cringe with the pain of reading Sal’s reaction when he mentions the robbery (Amazi girl mentioned a robbery when she talked about why she does what she does, and Sal has that uncomfortable part of her rebellion teens…).
I really wonder how Sal will react. I just read the full Joyce and Walky archives few days ago, so I might still be under that Sal’s influence.
To hell with that!…
I wonder how Amber/Amazi-girl will react to Danny hanging around Sal…considering their past with The robbery!!!
That is exactly where the fun will be.
Danny will be following an irritated Sal around. He might even be asking shy she doesn’t drop in at night anymore.
Amber backed off after the double bomb of Mike’s probing question and Danny’s indignant blow-up, but this will make Amber more possessive, perhaps.
Add in the fact that Ethan and probably Mike figured out who Amazi-Girl is.
And if Amber is teaching Dina how to act empathetic and socialize, will Amazi-Girl get a sidekick? How does functional autistic trying to help muck it all up?
I hope for a glorious explosion by Christmas break (roughly 15-18 years from now). Bonus if Mike gets to do the old mystery “You are probably all wondering why I called you all here” bit to get everybody to confront the issues and work it out.
Oh god. Or Danny can walk in on Sal and whatshisname math assistant… That’d be a blast.
Jason…and yes!
I’m sorry, “person is mistaken for another person but the reader knows” is literally my least favorite storyline ever in any media. It’s too aggravating to watch some bumblefuck (here, Danny) repeatedly misidentifying someone.
Preach it, home boy.
I concur!!!!
…also that word “bumblefuck” I love it!
Suits Danny Perfectly.
Petition to change Danny’s official name to “Bumblefuck.”
Petition to have Cullen say “Bumblefuck” in Transformers 4.
Well dang, glad everyone likes bumblefuck. No idea where I got it, I might have invented it myself? Used to make up a ton of phrases.
Apparently it’s a terrible movie, as well as an extra stupid way of saying “bumfuck”, as in “bumfuck nowhere.”
I like my usage better.
I second this notion.
I so agree. I mean, this storyline is hilarious, but it’s so cringe-y to watch it unfold lol.
I used to just plain turn off comedy shows that did that. No more TV.
And you can forget about reading many Manga, or watching some Anime.
It’s literally Older Than Feudalsm!
Goddamnit All!!!
What has he done right??? What what what??
He lucked into getting Sal annoyed enough to snatch the ds out of his hand and look at it. A apposed to hitting him.
Anything so as to avoid, the ‘we can continue talking and get to know each other” conversation as Danny stated.
Again, just luck, she picked Amazi-girls favorite character.
This whole Luck thing is gonna kill Danny.
It started as avoiding more interaction with Danny while she waited. But in panel 5 she told him to stand closer to eliminate the glare. She is actually starting to get into it (the DS).
But now he’s really convinced she’s Amazi-Girl, so he’s going to hear that as GF telling him to get closer.
Have we ever seen her be violent? Besides threatening violence with Ruth?
She caught and stopped Ruth’s fist pretty easily. One handed and without being startled.
You don’t do that in real life without a lot of eye/hand/reaction stuff (sports) or fighting.
Danny, you’re a nice guys. Sure you have faults-we all do. And sometimes we don’t see the forest for the trees.
But man, come on!
I’ve been giving him every benefit of the doubt, but after this…I just don’t know.
Hell…maybe he’s trolling us all and we’ve got no clue.
If not….arugh.
I kinda feel sorry for Danny, everytime he tries to use common sense, Narrative Causality just slaps him upside the head
The Universe just likes to play with Danny.
Danny is the new Waspinator!
…so he’s one of Willis’ and the fan’s favorites?
No, he is the universes punching bag!!!
Also he is like New Coke….not as good as ther original!
…and Waspinator was actually enjoyable!
So close. Danny. So, SO close.
The expression on your avatar is perfect for that comment.
Reading this strip was like watching an olympic sprinter get in first place then trip and break their leg three feet from the finish line
It was really more like watching a three legged pony pull into first at the Kentucky Derby, then die of a heart attack ten feet short.
A little girl’s father had his last $5 bet on the pony.
Dai karra, that was unexpectedly morbid.
I came for nickel, femur, and Danny-related humor, not the plot to a Steinberg short story.
Just be glad it isn’t a Stephen King book. The pony would come back to life, eat the father, destroy the race track (and everything else), and the book would be 8000 pages. Then, of course, it would be made into a movie.
Danny’s relationship with Amazi-girl was pretty much entirely based on Mario-Kart anyway (or did they play other games too?), so it doesn’t really make any difference.
They’d better play Pokemon. Now that’s a relationship tester.
And if someone tries to use a weedle, which would be the pokemon counterpart of Wiggler, then that’s just going to be a nightmare.
I’m pretty sure they played some Tongue Hockey, and probably one or two games of Find the Boob.
It started when she saved him.
Now we know where all of Peter Parker’s luck has gone to.
Nope, Danny.
He’s your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Dan.
He gained his powers when he was smitten by a girl with a radioactive spider tattoo.
Hey, at least he didn’t get his powers by getting bitten by a radioactive celebrity.
You mean like Super Dan?
(warning: duck loads slow)
All the proportional social graces of a spider?
That explains why Otto is doing so well in the MU.
Well Peter Parker is dead in both the 616 and 1610 universes, so he probably willed it to Danny.
“You picked the bug racer, THAT IS A SIGN THAT WE WILL GET MARRIED.”
Hey, at least it’s better than”You slapped me, now we are married”. Or was it “picking up a fork”?
“picking up a fork”? Is that from something? It sounds familiar…
I don’t remember…all I remember is that it’s from an anime or something.
The only anime I can think of off hand that features a fork is Haiyore! Nyaruko-san, a story about a boy armed with impressive fork based powers having to deal with Lovecraftian aliens posing as teenage girls.
Wait, what?
Yes it is indeed a thing
The name of the series translates to “Nyarko-san: Another Crawling Chaos”
It is inspired by H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu mythos.
“Loosely inspired” I should add!
Yeah, Majin Buu has more in common with a Lovecraftian horror than that.
So I am going to go out on a limb and guess that tentacles are involved somehow?
I’m looking that up, if for no better reason than the concept being HILARIOUS.
The bit that makes me laugh here isn’t the premise of the anime (there are a lot weirder ones out there, and I’ve heard of this one before), but the notion that it could be the only anime featuring a fork. XD
My favorite absurd-concept anime is “Kore wa zombie desu ka”. A high school boy who’s also a zombie accidentally becomes a “magical garment girl” and as a result goes around fighting demon animals in peacoats with an enchanted pink chainsaw while wearing a dress. He also accidentally gets married to a “reformed faction vampire ninja assassin” 2/3 of the way into the first season.
I enjoy the fact that (if I’m getting the translation right, anyway) the title translates to “Is this a zombie?”
It’s from Kyo kara Maoh
I can’t wait to see how this develops. I mean Danny&Sal of Roomies! worked for a reason (for a while anyway) Now that it’s been brought to my attention, I wouldn’t mind some Sal/Danny.
I tend to figure the reason was: “Sal was seriously nuts; Danny was the only one too Danny to notice”.
On a side note, I’ve got to see that tatoo!
That would be the spider tattoo on her arm. Just check through the Sal tag for when she’s sleeveless.
Oh yeah. Not sure how I forgot about that
You’ve seen it. It’s the spider on her arm.
Not just a spider, a Tarantugun. (I wonder if they’re a D&MM thing in this universe?)
Any Sluggites here? My first thought was OH NO! Cult of K’Z’K!
The cards are in place, let’s see how this effects the story
*Still eating that same bag of popcorn* EXcellent. Now go in for the kill, Danny! Tell her you’re her boyfriend riiiiiight… NOW!
… I should probably make another bag of this, shouldn’t I?
Is this hypothetical popcorn something you’ve been eating for a few updates? Doesn’t it get stale?^^
It’s special DoA popcorn! It lives on in-universe time!
No, now tell her that he is looking forward to meeting her tonight and perhaps get more intimate than last time.
Kill the moment of tolerance. She thinks he’s just like all the other guys, he thinks he was just too public.
Actually, I have some real popcorn waiting to be popped. Real butter or the fake stuff Regalli?
Danny’s face in the last panel….somehow I want that on my phone.
Bizarre coincidence comics
Sometimes it just hurts to watch Dan Dan it up all the time.
Nobody Dans It Better
Makes me feel sad for the rest
Nobody Dans it half as good as you
Danny, you’re the best
You’re the best around,
Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down.
More like “makes me feel glad for the rest.
Y’know, because they’ll never Dan that hard.
I… I almost think he’s going to go out and get a tattoo now…
Well fuck. I guess we’ll have to deal with this for a while now. And the real Amazi-Girl is likely going to be avoiding him and he’ll think it’s because they’re getting along in civilian life instead of him just being wrong.
I swear, every time I reach a point where I can enjoy Danny we get a brand new way for him to be intolerable.
I don’t understand. Laughing at him when he does dumb things is the best way to enjoy Danny.
Can’t laugh, not funny, too annoying.
it just causes constant face-palming from me.
Yeah. I’ve hit the point where I’m not even feeling the schadenfreude anymore (and schadenfreude is my favorite freude!). I just want the oblivious asshole to go the hell away so we can get back to the entertaining people.
On the bright side, if you cover up Danny with your hand, Sal is kind of adorable today.
That’s a lie. Enjoying your hate is much, much more sustaining <3
The best way to use a character that isn’t liked is to make them the butt monkey. Who better to take the pratfalls?
I mean, does anybody want to see Dina made a fool? Did anybody like Mary yelling at Riley? Nope, just made Mary look more like an Inquisitor in training and the mean girls look meaner.
Billie is my favorite, but I’d rather see bad things happen to her than to Danny. (Within reason, I mean. If someone’s gonna get hit by a truck or something, I want it to be Danny.) Mostly because Billie is hilarious when she loses her shit, whereas Danny just becomes a more whiny douchecanoe.
Angry Billie is the best! Angry Sal breaks my heart, angry Joyce doesn’t usually get my sympathy (except, y’know, at the party), angry Ruth is… Very violent.
I just started reading Roomies for some reason… and almost had a heart attack when I realized Danny and Sal were an item there.
Echoes in the multiverse?
There’ve been more than a few of those in DoA. Usually Willis just teases them before immediately yanking the rug out from under them.
I think it’s time for me to venture outside of DoA and look at the other comics Willis did.
Start with Shortpacked!
She/Had a place in his life/But he never made her think twice/As he rises to her apology/Anybody else would surely know!
He’s watching her go.
What a fool believes he sees…
Is Sal *that* bored? Is the friend she’s meeting *that* late?
Oh Danny, you poor, miserable, ignorant little fuck.
Is this future Sal commenting on the events of her past?
Danny’s face in the 4th panel is killing me omg. This whole storyline has me going from laughing to cringing and back to laughing idek. Oh, Danny.
Why do I have a bad feeling that as this comic continues, Danny will somehow end up with every girl sooner or later.
Danny getting a Harem…DOES NOT COMPUTE!!!!
If you think about, Danny pretty much fits the bill of a Harem protagonist.
That’s what worries me, all he needs is to be really klutzy and accidently pull down some poor girl’s knickers from time to time for him to be the perfect stereotypical harem guy.
Oh, shit.
Now you put the image in my head.
Remember: anything you write, I see and hear with absolute clarity in my head. I just phantom-created forty-two episodes of a harem anime starring Danny.
I’m not sure whether to thank you or strangle you.
Don’t forget constantly ending up in the girl washroom, and having lots of nosebleeds.
Accidentally face-planting in cleavage or under skirts.
While it’s good to see Danny attempting to connect with a lady, it’s still one of those moments where he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed and he’s going to end up making all of us say “GOD DAMMIT DANNY!” and then the universe will come full swing with a dramatic reveal of who amazi-girl is(if you haven’t figured it out yet you’ll see) and Danny will still do what he does best…and Danny it up.
There’s nothing to figure out. Even if it wasn’t obvious from the get go (and it was) it was explicitly revealed not even one storyline ago.
i know, its sal right?
i know, but new readers might not know
Are there actually people who read webcomics, especially plot-heavy ones like DoA, without reading through all the archives? I mean, the availability of the archive is one of the biggest advantages of webcomics over newspaper comics.
Besides the not-sucking, I mean.
What a boring world it would be if everything always went the way we wanted it to and all these fictional characters would live happily ever after again in this universe.
Right now I’m seeing 2 likely scenarios, all others being less probable:
1) Amber sees Danny and Sal talking and thinks he has stopped caring about Amazi-Girl following their quasi-argument.
2) Danny continues to think that Sal is Amazi-Girl, Sal likes Danny, and they start dating. Then Amber notices and Danny realizes that
…Billie was not right.
Sorry about the break; some keyboard macro or something submitted the message before I could finish it.
Either of those scenarios could get really interesting really fast. Amber seems kind of freaked out by Sal and/or Billie. I’d assumed at the time that it was because she’d had a conversation with Billie as Amazi-Girl a couple days earlier, and was worried that Billie would recognize her, but backstory revealed since makes me suspect that it was actually that Amber recognized Sal, from a certain convenience store robbery.
Now, if Amber sees Danny making friends with or dating the person who held up the convenience store she was in and inspired her to dress up like an amazi to fight crime, there’s gonna be a whole manure truck plowing into a jet turbine.
I like this theory.
What’s more, it would have Amazi-Girl shadow Sal who is followed by Danny. Amazi-Girl warns Danny away from Sal. Danny thinks it’s because she wants to keep her identities/lives separate.
But his Dream is to date a superheroine and regular person and find out they are one and the same.
This plays with and shatters that dream in a most unkind way.
Danny’s so Dan he Dans up his own Danniness.
Hey, how much of Amber’s actual backstory do we know? That convenience store thing? I’m getting a weird feeling that Amber was *IN ON THE ROBBERY* with Sal, not just a witness/bystander in the store, and something went drastically wrong (someone get shot/stabbed, perhaps). Sal became the Sal we see today; Amber “compartmentalized” and became the Masked Vigilante and that’s why she’s giving Sal a wide berth in case Sal makes the connection and spills the beans.
This is about all we know. (Wider, full-color version of that middle panel here.)
When Amber was 13 (this would be ~5 years ago, around the time Sal was sent away), there was a robbery, looks like involving someone with long, dark, curly hair. Amber was terrified and hiding behind a snack display rack. And this, plus not getting laid after prom, inspired her to become a costumed vigilante.
We’ve also seen, from the strip I linked in my above comment (hell, this is going to get flagged by the spam filter anyway, might as well have that link again while I’m at it), that Amber is freaked out possibly by recognizing Sal. (And that was the first time they saw each other in the strip, at least when Sal wasn’t wearing her full-coverage motorcycle helmet.) Sal, on the other hand, has never shown even a twinge of recognition of Amber, and at the recent floor meeting, the only other time they’ve been in the same strip, Amber doesn’t seem to have any problem with being undisguised in Sal’s presence, though she is notably standing about as far from Sal as physically possible. (And, to be fair, from Billie, Sarah, and Dorothy, all of whom she’d spoken with as Amazi-Girl, too.)
Everyone’s giving Danny shit but he might just hook up with Sal because of this, I mean his luck has to turn around at some point right?… right?
Hooking up with Sal would be a bad thing. He’d be cheating on his girlfriend and Sal isn’t likely to take it well if she finds out he was only into her because he thought she was someone else.
Also, no. No it doesn’t.
I love Danny’s face in the fourth panel. I’m glad to see him happy.
I can only assume that you either loathe Danny, or have no concept of “consequences”. His happiness there is based on a complete misunderstanding of…well, kinda everything, and it is GUARANTEED to lead to misery for him and the one person other than himself that he cares most about right now.
Fair enough. It’s just nice to see him smile, even if temporarily.
Now when Danny does remeet Amazigirl, he’ll go all “you are an imposter!” because she’ll not have the tattoo.
He is such a Meathead!!!
And there goes the, he’s just fooling himself argument. Danny’s just dim. Really really dim.
I really just want to knee him in the balls, as hard as possible.
Okay, I’m officially joining the “I hate Danny” bandwagon now.
I concur
i hate him for lots o stuff, but he did pick up Sal over with Mario Kart so props to that
If you wait for the annual membership drive, you can get the tote bag or t-shirt.
There’s no need to hate him. At least he never intentionally harms people.
Despise, on the other hand …
Danny’s about to get CASUAL SEXED ON.
And then Joe will be like MY BFF I MIST YOU and they’ll make up.
Sal is cooler than Amber so I approve of this inevitable chain of events.
Sal is far more annoying than Amber.
Danny: “I will defy reader expectations.”
Willis: “Not if I can help it.”
Super Duper Ultra Epic Facepalm
This guy will grow up to be worse than Homer Simpson or Peter Griffin….
*Looks at strip again*. Ugh I think I need to lay down. This level of dumbassery is harming my beloved neurons. X_X
Hey, Danny? That face you’re making in panel five?
Never make that face ever again.
There goes 50$.
I would like to take a moment to deliver one long, Charlie Browm style AAAAUUUUGGHHgGh
oh danny… oh danny…
The pipes are calling……you an idiot
O Danny boy
Danny’s face in the last panel is one of the most annoying things I have ever seen.
I am tempted to make it my new gravitar, perhaps edited to have a cigarette in the eye.
I made it even more annoyinger! Twice!
(Cigarettes not included.)
*reading the comic*
Wiggler? What’s so special about Wiggl-
*reads alt-text*
*facpalms from Danny’s stupidity*
I think Billy is as much to blame for this, not just because of her crap deduction skills, but for being so damn bad at keeping a secret identity
Billie came up with a stupid theory, and shared it with Danny. She did not force Danny to believe it despite having every reason to know that it’s wrong.
With any luck, Sal’s friend shows up and Danny gets evidence that he isn’t / won’t be Sal’s boyfriend. But Danny has only one kind of luck.
Somebody get me half a dozen clue-by-fours to beat Danny with. I’m expecting them to break on his thick skull.
AAAAANNNNNDDD she beats all his Time Trial data.
My new, completely-baseless theory: Danny’s intelligence will continue to decline until he comes out the other end as a genius.
In France?
Heehee. So you’re suggesting he’ll be the next Jerry Lewis? His stock characters don’t strike me as stupid, though, more like nebbishy, awkward and often shrill. When Danny starts saying, “Oh God with the schlepping and the schvitzing and the nice LAAAAAdies,” I’ll concede your point.
Danny, even your puppy look in panel four does not make up for the face you pull in panel five. Also, why do you keep coming to the right conclusion and then immediately sprint in the opposite direction?
Oh fu Danny’s just become every teen comedy sitcom ever.
I humbly request a gravatar that features facepalming as it can be applied to 80% of the comics, 99% of those featuring Danny.
You mean like this one? Just right-click on the image and save to your files; then go to the Gravatar site, create an account, and select that image as your personal gravatar.
For some reason, I’m reminded of the time that Lois Lane started dating Bruce Willis.
As one of Dannys fans I’m quite pissed. The one time he does the right thing it’s still the wrong thing.
Nope, still ain’t buying that he doesn’t recognize it’s not her. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
Really hoping we get past this soon. Danny gets this crap too often for it to be funny anymore, and it’s beginning less like “Danny did something stupid”, and more like “The author is making Danny do something obligingly stupid”.
This is the worst love tripod ever
I love it
Watching this crash is gonna be so much fun.
Perfect Gravitar.
Willis please, there’s NO way he will think she’s Amazigirl for very long and don’t expect us to believe that either. Once she starts smoking or something it should be blatantly MORE obvious than it already is. She’s a completely different ethnicity for crying out loud.
Not completely different! Only 25% different!
Sal would chew him up and spit him out.
Mind you Amber could put this all to rest with just a couple of words…
Would Danny believe her though?
If she was wearing the costume, almost certainly. (…almost… well… maybe. I’ve overestimated Danny before.)
Amber has very good reasons to keep her secret identity secret, though, including (and, after his recent friend-dumping dickweaselry, especially) from Danny.
Its not like she was atempting to turn the friendship into a romance and almost explicitly asking him to dump his girfriend for her, was she?
No, clearly it would have been easy to continue as friends without raising the specter of betraying his relationship with his girlfriend. Danny did that just to hurt her, not as an attempt to avoid worsening the situation.
Yeah good point and he’d probably screw it up anyway\
This can only get slightly more implausible before it involves a shark.
So a shark is going to come into the building, eat Danny and have a badass fight with Sal while she plays Mario Kart? Sounds awesome.
Great page
T-40 strips, I’m gonna break out my “We got a Dan down. Dan down!” Pun.
I think we’re at the point in the conversation where Danny thinks Sal is more plausible than Amber herself as Amazi-girl.
Sal and Dan aren’t a ship, they’re a submarine.
And they keep diving!!!
Sal’s expression on that last panel is glorious.
Sal’s expression?
I can’t stop grinning at how painfully awkward and untactful Danny’s “I see what you did there (when in actuality I’m just radically misinterpreting a small coincidence)” face is.
I have to admit, panel 4 makes me giggle whenever I look at it.
How can someone that observant be that oblivious?
God dammit Danny.
That Sal in the first panel has to be the cutest Sal I’ve seen. I wonder why…
Hrg, Willis, is he ever gonna grow a clue? It’s getting painful to read him now >.<
Did he never notice that the person he was making out with wasn’t Black??
On the other hand, props for not seeing race, Danny