It’s happened in this strip before. At least Ethan has non-shelfish reasons. Plus Amber was his pre-gay girlfriend.
Joyce has done this twice and woken up Billie and Sal.
She had no relationship to Billie, just an shared bathroom. She barely knew Sal.
Her reason was to wake Billie up for Church – she just assumed.
She woke up Sal to bug her for a ride on her motorcycle and to confirm she is cool.
Amber did ask for some space, but Ethan does want his friend back.
Apropos of nothing, ever see Azumanga Daioh? That dream sequence where Osaka imagines that if she removes Chiyo-Chan’s pigtails her brain will stop working and she’ll just fall over rigid?
I fully believe that will happen to Dina if you remove her hat.
Thumb CAN work but make sure you’re close enough that if it moves into stress massaging this isn’t weird territory for the two of you or it could get creepy
Can’t say but if my experience with (female) aspies is anything to go by the experience will be highly unpleasant for her for several encounters, and “total immersion” instead of “gradual escalation” works better/faster.
I totally misread a single letter of Rhy’s response to Doctor_Who.
I reread both posts three times trying to wrap my head around it.
Finally, I spotted my error. ‘change’, not ‘charge’. Ah. Got it.
… light physical contact… WHY. Why would anyone ever want that?
/don’t mind me, I’m just an autistic person with sensory issues being just as awful at this.
I am the only in my family diagnosed, but we are all (both sides of the family) very non-physical. Not a lot of touching going on.
I am generally adverse to touching but am fine with it, even enjoy it with a few people. All women, I can never figure out what that is about…I am not really particularly interested in them romantically/sexually, aside from my ex-girlfriend.
Speaking from personal experience, sometimes it’s simply that people have built really thick emotional walls out of self-defense and that messes up how you interact with everyone. So there’s another possibility.
Forgot I wanted to say that, for myself, I don’t usually mind being touched in such a way as in this comic, but it rarely does me any good. The only person I can even think of whose hand on my shoulder would actually help me is my husband. I still struggle with the mindset that everyone else is just being “nice” and doesn’t really care.
I’m naturally a bit of a huggy person (in a way, as I’m about to explain) and had to learn to back off some over time. I have a friend–she has some developmental disabilities and some boundary issues–and in the beginning of our friendship, she was a little hurt that I only hugged with one arm. To her, that meant that I didn’t really want to hug her. I explained that, to me, a two-armed hug is what you give to a significant other when you want to be intimate. So we agreed that when we hug, she uses two arms and I use one, and we’re all fine.
I don’t like (instinctively react negatively to, to be more accurate) anybody touching me, but I’ve learned to tolerate it from people I have managed to be capable of caring about.
I used to be like you – but once I got into college I ended up getting classmates that would have none of it. They hugged the physical contact anxiety out of me. Though one of them punched-me-in-the-arm out of it.
I got used to physical contact enough to not flinch when most people do it, but there are some things that I still can’t tolerate from anyone other than very close friends – not even from my siblings.
Curiously, I had a friend who has Asperger’s and who was also very fond of rubbing and patting my head / hair. I was okay with that since she didn’t mean any harm by it and it was a way she had of expressing affection.
Don’t get me wrong, if complete strangers still touch me in certain areas (like my arms or part of my shoulders) I still flinch like crazy. I dunno.
I really hate being touched by strangers or even their possessions (like on a crowded bus), or being tapped/poked/whatever by my mom. Touching my mom is only okay if I initiate it, like helping her down stairs or something. It just seems really uncomfortable and sometimes taboo to touch someone or be touched.
I actually do a close-contact martial art, and I’m pretty comfortable touching and being touched by people I know through it, both in the dojo and out. I got way better at being touched after I started.
Really the only person I actually initiate contact with though is my girlfriend.
I dunno if I wanna make “she’s awful at making light physical contact” into innuendo. It implies these characters have a highly unsatisfying love life, and if I want to deal with that I’ll just think about my own.
Ok, so I haven’t read Roomies (don’t really plan to either, nothing against it, just prob not going to) but I have read It’s Walky, and some of Joyce and Walky. That being said, i only read those two at, and just based on a few promotional images and stuff, I can tell that there’s a little bit missing from my “It’s Walky” knowledge and a ton missing from my “Joyce and Walky”knowledge, and I was wondering if there’s a place to find this elusive knowledge. Like, for example, I’ve never seen J & W’s wedding
Joyce and Walky had pay strips where things like the wedding were dealt with. You can still pay for them now and see it all but I believe the series isn’t actually done yet. Just on hold. If you just want to reread the comics as they were they’re all still up.
J & W just seems so short though, like, is J&W just much shorter and much, MUCH less plot driven than It’s Walky, or is it that the full set isn’t posted on Also, what about the alternate walkyverse? Where we meet Dorothy and stuff, when does that happen? And when is walky’s alternate future kid’s story explained?? Like Arghhhh, I’m so confused!
Only one strip a week got put on, the rest (Two more a week, I’m pretty sure) were part of the pay strips. Those actually had plots and are where all of the other things you mentioned occur. It’s still much shorter and has less of an overarching story than It’s Walky!, but there’s a lot more than the free strips.
As someone who bought those strips recently after reading Willis’ stuff for years, I can say they are well worth it! When you can afford it, don’t delay like I did.
“Hey guys, I just had an awesome idea… LET’S DO SOME TEQUILA SHOTS!”
Oh god, EVERY TIME I look back on someone saying those words I can pretty much follow it up with “…and that was the point that the night began to turn ugly.”
“The stupid fat hobbit should turn his attention to useful chart that Sméagol has made, yes, precious. It clearly demonstrates that the goodness of fish increases with rawness and wrigglyness, gollum, and decreases with grilling time and addition of nasty chips.
Meh. I don’t think Frodo is adorable in any way. Frodo is one of my least favorite characters, just above Sam, and some real stinkers like Boromir and Denethor.
I don’t like being hugged either. I do put up with it from family. When I hug attacked, I go stiff as a board. That seems to discourage ninja hug attacks without a whole lot of discourse.
Galasso is Saurman – there are far more evil things out there than he
Mike is Treebeard – Neutral and hostile/distrusting of anything until it proves itself… “I’m on nobody’s side, because nobody is on mine”
Mike doesn’t have the patience to be treebeard. Mike is Smaug.
Force of nature, diabolical cleverness. Not beholden to anything.
Who’s bombadil? Sierra?
Wow, and not a couple of weeks ago I was saying that the Sensitive Scanner doodle in my Dumbing of Age book must be specifically for me because I’m obsessed with the Walkyverse and she hasn’t been mentioned here yet. I somehow completely failed to consider that hey, yeah, Willis is three months ahead and has the ongoing plot thread of Joyce being a Dexter and Monkey Master obsessive.
If you’ll excuse me I’ll be over here, exhaling deeply to let all that hot air out of my head.
I’d been puzzling over that, actually. It’s a bit difficult to tell without the coloring or finer details.
I just pulled up a pic of this ‘verse’s Monkey Master for comparison, and between the more circular ears and fragmented headshape I think you did use the Walkyverse designs. Either way, though, thanks, and I really appreciate it.
That could easily happen to someone in Dina’s situation. Her parents are very quiet and maybe very introverted, so Dina’s not being social might seem “normal” by their standards. If she did well in school and didn’t have meltdowns or other behavioral issues, her teachers might have just thought she was a very quiet, good student, and not thought that she might be autistic or Aspie.
That was only in the first six or so episodes she appeared in. Once the writers got her “Is or isn’t she a spy?” subplot going, she mellowed out greatly…
Sensitive Scanner is as much an original comic character as Monkey Master and Head Alien himself, though her role in the comic books was not nearly as large – mostly just an occasional foil to contrast HA and MM’s methods of dealing with her.
She was introduced in Season Two of the show, but her role didn’t really take off until Season Three and beyond. I think she was originally introduced just as a wink and nod to us old-school comic book fans, but the show creators were surprised by how popular she turned out to be, and reacted by expanding her role.
You might notice that while she got a lot of toys – especially for a character that has few to no moving parts – it wasn’t until Season Four that she started getting toys in her own right rather than just appearing as an accessory packaged with Dexter or MM. (Except for the terrible Season Two Happy Meal toy, of course.)
I just LOVE how the D&MM cartoon is getting fleshed out in the comments – wouldn’t it be cool to see a compiled/edited/”official canon” version of all the stuff tossed around about it – with Willis’s own additions, of course (say, as bonus content in a future book? Ehhh? Willis? Ehhhhhhh?? :D)?
Some of those Happy Meal toys to go for a lot eBay, despite the low quality. Wasn’t until the fourth wave that fans could get a Head Alien with a trench coat wig.
I don’t think that Amber, an antisocial vigilante with daddy issues, is the first person I’d go to learn social skills. Well, at least she isn’t learning them from Faz.
A certain fundamental understanding is required to learn effectively from a master. The clueless and ignorant often benefit from the tutelage of someone who has struggled to learn in the past.
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
But the question is, can she pick up on being told she’s awful at things?
She hasn’t responded to it so I guess no.
She knows she’s awful at these things.
Wel…it’s a start.
Typo! Hideous typo!
Can’t be erased. NOOOOOOOO! D:
Most people would be so distracted by the correct “it’s” that they wouldn’t have even noticed the “wel” if you didn’t point it out.
Crap, now I’m ‘most people.’
…does dismay at that make me a ‘hipster?’ …eh, who cares.
Ethan will have none of that sarcasm!!!
Jeez Ethan. Just come barging in why don’t you.
Well he was worried about his friend. The noblest reason to barge in.
Wrong, a more noble reason would be barge in before they die with a life saving antidote in your hand.
not necessarily “more” noble…………………………..more timely, YES!
But for all we know he could be like Kramer and just busting in because he can.
To be fair, the door *was* wide open.
Yes, how dare he come barging in through that open door to check on his sad looking friend. The bastard!
It’s happened in this strip before. At least Ethan has non-shelfish reasons. Plus Amber was his pre-gay girlfriend.
Joyce has done this twice and woken up Billie and Sal.
She had no relationship to Billie, just an shared bathroom. She barely knew Sal.
Her reason was to wake Billie up for Church – she just assumed.
She woke up Sal to bug her for a ride on her motorcycle and to confirm she is cool.
Amber did ask for some space, but Ethan does want his friend back.
Barging in on a lady is manly and impulsive. Right?
This is a dorm. If it’s anything like the dorm I lived in, this is just more or less how things are done.
“She’s been in this position for ten minutes now. She isn’t responding to outside stimuli, I think she might be sleeping with her eyes open.”
If I poke her she’ll fall on her back.
Apropos of nothing, ever see Azumanga Daioh? That dream sequence where Osaka imagines that if she removes Chiyo-Chan’s pigtails her brain will stop working and she’ll just fall over rigid?
I fully believe that will happen to Dina if you remove her hat.
Nope, but I read that in the manga.
My favourite part of it was the toothy cat. CHOMP
Rebooting while updating can take ages when you haven’t done so for a number of years you know.
Suddenly power outage.
*Download at 1%*
*Download at -1%*
And I, Mr. Crocker, will prove the existence of FAIRY GOD PARENTS!
On Sundays we wear teal.
She keeps trying to Vulcan Nerve pinch me.
I keep telling her that it doesn’t actually work!
Actually, the Vulcan death grip does not work either. You’d think the Romulans would have known that, being the more warlike branch of the family.
Perhaps their different internal biology makes them vulnerable to it?
The Vulcan death grip worked fine after Soleta invented it.
How else are you going to audition for a superhero sidekick?
This whole knowing how to touch people the right way is a gaddamned minefield, that’s for certain.
Yeah. When comforting people, do not touch the boobs.
Never the boobs.
Which is a shame as boobs are one of the nicest parts to touch.
Could not agree more!
What do you mean, touching boobs works great!
Oh, you mean it doesn’t comfort the person whose boobs I’m touching. Well, it comforts me just fine.
So THAT’S why almost all of your Companions are young nubile females.
Well, I mean, we were all pretty sure, but its nice to get some confirmation.
I bet he uses the old justification “Touching boobs is normal in Timelord society” shtick.
Actually, when doing almost anything that isn’t sexy times, do not touch the boobs.
I find that the shoulder is pretty safe territory. Just keep any motions with the whole hand. Finger stuff just gets weird.
Thumb CAN work but make sure you’re close enough that if it moves into stress massaging this isn’t weird territory for the two of you or it could get creepy
How did I miss that? Dina is the scanner
Dina’s a Scanner? Makes sense, I could see her making someone’s head explode by staring at them too hard.
It would explode from cuteness, and out would pour velociraptors riding rainbows, but explode nonetheless.
No it would be velociraptors rinding on velocirpators.
Whoa, that sentence was one letter away from being really, really bad. >___> No grinding raptors, please.
I’ve dreamed of Dina and Data dating and discovering human behavior.
I don’t know, I think Data would be too into humans and not enough into dinosaurs for Dina.
Pre-emotion chip Data I hope.
But Data would have soooo much, well, data on dinos. I think it would work out.
Dina’s learning face XD
She’s very focused. She is gonna get this physical contact thing if it takes all day.
I wonder how much Dina would change if/when she got laid.
Can’t say but if my experience with (female) aspies is anything to go by the experience will be highly unpleasant for her for several encounters, and “total immersion” instead of “gradual escalation” works better/faster.
It works faster for drowing people as well. Please don’t encourage any “it’s for her own good” sex creeps.
I think Joe does a good enough job of that.
I can guarantee that I only did that by request from the female in question, and it was still unpleasant for a while, for both of us.
Not something I wish to repeat.
…*is waiting to see if dina ever decides to get mike drunk in this continuity.*
I totally misread a single letter of Rhy’s response to Doctor_Who.
I reread both posts three times trying to wrap my head around it.
Finally, I spotted my error. ‘change’, not ‘charge’. Ah. Got it.
I made the same mistake at first, too!
I really should be wearing my dollar-store reading glasses more often when using the computer.
(I really just need to get my eyes examined again, but lactating has odd effects on vision, so I have to wait until my now-9mo weans. Oh well.)
Ooo lets not talk like that about Dina please!
… light physical contact… WHY. Why would anyone ever want that?
/don’t mind me, I’m just an autistic person with sensory issues being just as awful at this.
Aspie powa! *high fives*
But seriously. Some people like to be hugged and stuff. My family forced me for years before I was diagnosed autistic…now they know better.
It cant be strictly an aspie thing surely, some of just are just naturally uncomfortable hugging humans, even ones related to us, right?
Yep. Me.
YAY, I feel ever so slightly less alien now.
I am the only in my family diagnosed, but we are all (both sides of the family) very non-physical. Not a lot of touching going on.
I am generally adverse to touching but am fine with it, even enjoy it with a few people. All women, I can never figure out what that is about…I am not really particularly interested in them romantically/sexually, aside from my ex-girlfriend.
I’m sorry , but with that avatar that statement just crossed so many wires in my brain
My oldest nephew too. The only one who could hug him was his Grandma.
I can’t have anyone go near my sides. Trust issues there.
Speaking from personal experience, sometimes it’s simply that people have built really thick emotional walls out of self-defense and that messes up how you interact with everyone. So there’s another possibility.
Forgot I wanted to say that, for myself, I don’t usually mind being touched in such a way as in this comic, but it rarely does me any good. The only person I can even think of whose hand on my shoulder would actually help me is my husband. I still struggle with the mindset that everyone else is just being “nice” and doesn’t really care.
Yeah… childhood issues.
I’m naturally a bit of a huggy person (in a way, as I’m about to explain) and had to learn to back off some over time. I have a friend–she has some developmental disabilities and some boundary issues–and in the beginning of our friendship, she was a little hurt that I only hugged with one arm. To her, that meant that I didn’t really want to hug her. I explained that, to me, a two-armed hug is what you give to a significant other when you want to be intimate. So we agreed that when we hug, she uses two arms and I use one, and we’re all fine.
I don’t like my family touching me, but I’m okay with close friends and my girlfriend. Hmm.
I don’t like (instinctively react negatively to, to be more accurate) anybody touching me, but I’ve learned to tolerate it from people I have managed to be capable of caring about.
So, like, three people.
Irony of Joe.
I used to be like you – but once I got into college I ended up getting classmates that would have none of it. They hugged the physical contact anxiety out of me. Though one of them punched-me-in-the-arm out of it.
I got used to physical contact enough to not flinch when most people do it, but there are some things that I still can’t tolerate from anyone other than very close friends – not even from my siblings.
Curiously, I had a friend who has Asperger’s and who was also very fond of rubbing and patting my head / hair. I was okay with that since she didn’t mean any harm by it and it was a way she had of expressing affection.
Don’t get me wrong, if complete strangers still touch me in certain areas (like my arms or part of my shoulders) I still flinch like crazy. I dunno.
I really hate being touched by strangers or even their possessions (like on a crowded bus), or being tapped/poked/whatever by my mom. Touching my mom is only okay if I initiate it, like helping her down stairs or something. It just seems really uncomfortable and sometimes taboo to touch someone or be touched.
I actually do a close-contact martial art, and I’m pretty comfortable touching and being touched by people I know through it, both in the dojo and out. I got way better at being touched after I started.
Really the only person I actually initiate contact with though is my girlfriend.
:hug: I know that feel. and I actually have few fairly cuddly aspie friends.
I’m not the hugging type.
If Batman is the best at hugging, and Batman isn’t the hugging type, then, then…
I like hugs.
You’re… batman?
No. I’m batman.
Shippers, have your way…
I dunno if I wanna make “she’s awful at making light physical contact” into innuendo. It implies these characters have a highly unsatisfying love life, and if I want to deal with that I’ll just think about my own.
….Aw. I made myself sad.
Amber should help her with heavy physical contact, if you know what I mean.
Okay, that’ll work.
Christ do none of you people have lives?!
How have you commented before me already!
Please don’t ban me willis I’m being ironic.
I have many lives. I keep them in a jar labeled cookies.
*reads ALT TEXT* Does that mean that Dina is an Moe Anthropomorphic Personification of a tricorder??
Character reference to Itswalky. Also, your idea sounds terrifying.
Today’s strip is really cute.
Ok, so I haven’t read Roomies (don’t really plan to either, nothing against it, just prob not going to) but I have read It’s Walky, and some of Joyce and Walky. That being said, i only read those two at, and just based on a few promotional images and stuff, I can tell that there’s a little bit missing from my “It’s Walky” knowledge and a ton missing from my “Joyce and Walky”knowledge, and I was wondering if there’s a place to find this elusive knowledge. Like, for example, I’ve never seen J & W’s wedding
Joyce and Walky had pay strips where things like the wedding were dealt with. You can still pay for them now and see it all but I believe the series isn’t actually done yet. Just on hold. If you just want to reread the comics as they were they’re all still up.
J & W just seems so short though, like, is J&W just much shorter and much, MUCH less plot driven than It’s Walky, or is it that the full set isn’t posted on Also, what about the alternate walkyverse? Where we meet Dorothy and stuff, when does that happen? And when is walky’s alternate future kid’s story explained?? Like Arghhhh, I’m so confused!
Only one strip a week got put on, the rest (Two more a week, I’m pretty sure) were part of the pay strips. Those actually had plots and are where all of the other things you mentioned occur. It’s still much shorter and has less of an overarching story than It’s Walky!, but there’s a lot more than the free strips.
Ah, I see, well I may look into those pay strips, once my finances pick up (cross your fingers for me guys!)
*crosses fingers*
As someone who bought those strips recently after reading Willis’ stuff for years, I can say they are well worth it! When you can afford it, don’t delay like I did.
What could possibly go wrong?
“This is the best I could do….”
“What the fu-” BOOOOOOM!
Dina blew up trying to touch Amber’s shoulder.
Anything now you gone done tempted fate with a phrase like that. TSK TSK!
This phrase is only second in the category of “Last words” to “Hey guys, watch this!”
Third, the first is “Hold my beer”.
“Don’t worry guys, I’m a professional”
“I can jump that far for sure!”
“Of course I know what I’m doing!”
“I took an online course on this!”
I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express™ last night.
“Ah! I was wrong! I was horribly horribly wrong!”
“Don’t worry. I’m sure it’s friendly.”
“Don’t worry. I’ve only had three beers.”
“I got this, I learned all about it on the Internet!”
“Lets go to taco bell.”
I need you to know, I laughed out loud.
“Hey guys, I just had an awesome idea… LET’S DO SOME TEQUILA SHOTS!”
Oh god, EVERY TIME I look back on someone saying those words I can pretty much follow it up with “…and that was the point that the night began to turn ugly.”
Hmm, but which is which? Dina, as the most adorable, is obviously Frodo.
So she’s going to go crazy and lose a finger?
Well, she could go out with a bang, would that be better?
It’s the best she could do.
That means something so much different in this universe than the prime universe…
That would make Faz into Gollum, I have to say.
Which does fit. Pitiable, but only insofar as you don’t have to deal with him personally.
“The stupid fat hobbit should turn his attention to useful chart that Sméagol has made, yes, precious. It clearly demonstrates that the goodness of fish increases with rawness and wrigglyness, gollum, and decreases with grilling time and addition of nasty chips.
Sméagol is great.”
Hardest I’ve laughed in at least two weeks. Still laughing as I type this. THANK YOU!
Have all my internets!
No way, Gollum is awesome, and Faz sucks!
I suppose that would make Amber Sam, and Ethan and Mike Merry and Pippin.
I think that Dina and Amber have more of a Frodo and Gandalf friendship.
No, wait… Ruth stood against the Balrog, so that makes her Gandalf. I retract my previous comment.
Mike as Peregrin Took? Could work maybe… Ethan is too boring to be Meriadoc Brandybuck though.
Meh. I don’t think Frodo is adorable in any way. Frodo is one of my least favorite characters, just above Sam, and some real stinkers like Boromir and Denethor.
Dina would be an ent, being fascinated in old life forms. And anyway, her bark is worse than her bite.
PINEing for the ent wives.
I think Joyce and Dorothy would be good as Frodo and Sam, actually. Or Danny and Amber, if we’re going by the movies.
As someone who had to learn (and still has much to learn) how to do things like these, I find this strip oddly cute.
I don’t like being hugged either. I do put up with it from family. When I hug attacked, I go stiff as a board. That seems to discourage ninja hug attacks without a whole lot of discourse.
You mean like this
I just checked back through the archives, and I think this is the first time we’ve seen Ethan and Amber together post-haircut?
Mike is Sauron.
No, Galasso is Sauron. Mike is Boromir.
Galasso is Saurman – there are far more evil things out there than he
Mike is Treebeard – Neutral and hostile/distrusting of anything until it proves itself… “I’m on nobody’s side, because nobody is on mine”
Hm, good one! It has potential, I am now envisioning Treebeard flipping Saurman the bird!
A very determined Treabeard digging up the grave of Saruman’s mother
“The Entwives all vanished long ago. Except your mom, because for a nickel I can make her an Entwife anytime I want.”
Mike doesn’t have the patience to be treebeard. Mike is Smaug.
Force of nature, diabolical cleverness. Not beholden to anything.
Who’s bombadil? Sierra?
Wow, and not a couple of weeks ago I was saying that the Sensitive Scanner doodle in my Dumbing of Age book must be specifically for me because I’m obsessed with the Walkyverse and she hasn’t been mentioned here yet. I somehow completely failed to consider that hey, yeah, Willis is three months ahead and has the ongoing plot thread of Joyce being a Dexter and Monkey Master obsessive.
If you’ll excuse me I’ll be over here, exhaling deeply to let all that hot air out of my head.
I think I’d forgotten she was mentioned. SS was just a nerdy thing I figgered you’d like. The designs were Walkyverse, IIRC.
I’d been puzzling over that, actually. It’s a bit difficult to tell without the coloring or finer details.
I just pulled up a pic of this ‘verse’s Monkey Master for comparison, and between the more circular ears and fragmented headshape I think you did use the Walkyverse designs. Either way, though, thanks, and I really appreciate it.
No, Joyce. The show hit it’s stride during the Ape Wars arc.
Dina appears very focused.
Is Dina Autistic? This isn’t a joke or an attack on autism, I have Aspergers it was more of a curiosity than anything.
She has not been diagnosed with anything. Which could just mean no one has looked into it in-universe.
That could easily happen to someone in Dina’s situation. Her parents are very quiet and maybe very introverted, so Dina’s not being social might seem “normal” by their standards. If she did well in school and didn’t have meltdowns or other behavioral issues, her teachers might have just thought she was a very quiet, good student, and not thought that she might be autistic or Aspie.
She’s a scanner alright. Last person she touched ended up like this:
Oh, I love the Sensitive Scanner!
Sensitive Scanner was an unnecessary Mary Sue character that was forced into the show by the toy companies just to sell more toys
And the way all the other characters kept fawning over her was just annoying.
That was only in the first six or so episodes she appeared in. Once the writers got her “Is or isn’t she a spy?” subplot going, she mellowed out greatly…
Sensitive Scanner is a girl and a box, so I dunno if that’s really the case.
Could the toy companies even get away with mentioning a girl box?
Sensitive Scanner is as much an original comic character as Monkey Master and Head Alien himself, though her role in the comic books was not nearly as large – mostly just an occasional foil to contrast HA and MM’s methods of dealing with her.
She was introduced in Season Two of the show, but her role didn’t really take off until Season Three and beyond. I think she was originally introduced just as a wink and nod to us old-school comic book fans, but the show creators were surprised by how popular she turned out to be, and reacted by expanding her role.
You might notice that while she got a lot of toys – especially for a character that has few to no moving parts – it wasn’t until Season Four that she started getting toys in her own right rather than just appearing as an accessory packaged with Dexter or MM. (Except for the terrible Season Two Happy Meal toy, of course.)
I just LOVE how the D&MM cartoon is getting fleshed out in the comments – wouldn’t it be cool to see a compiled/edited/”official canon” version of all the stuff tossed around about it – with Willis’s own additions, of course (say, as bonus content in a future book? Ehhh? Willis? Ehhhhhhh?? :D)?
Well, I think it’d be cool, anyway.
Some of those Happy Meal toys to go for a lot eBay, despite the low quality. Wasn’t until the fourth wave that fans could get a Head Alien with a trench coat wig.
this is brilliant. I love this.
I don’t think that Amber, an antisocial vigilante with daddy issues, is the first person I’d go to learn social skills. Well, at least she isn’t learning them from Faz.
A certain fundamental understanding is required to learn effectively from a master. The clueless and ignorant often benefit from the tutelage of someone who has struggled to learn in the past.
A very apt statement I think, your holiness.
I just realized … Ethan is Jared Padalecki now
to be fair, facial expression and tone is most of what indicates sarcasm instead of context.
Dina has very good posture.