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Actually, that would be the fact that nobody thinks he has a secret identity because what kind of person could just leave their job unexpectedly and still make a living and etc etc.
“So, he’s immune to bullets, can make pretzels out of I-beams, and could incinerate us all with his laser vision? If he wants to pretend that putting on a bad suit and glasses keeps us from recognizing him, I’ll call him ‘Clark’ all he wants.”
You have to keep the persona’s secret, or everybody will figure it out. Just wearing glasses (the same frames as Amber) isn’t enough of a disguise these days.
Besides, Sal is filled with fear for what would happen to Danny if her enemies figured out he is her boyfriend.
A cascade of hormones reacting from a scent the female gives off at breeding time, as well as a variety of psychosocial factors such as age, weight, sense of humor, etc.
I don’t know that particular moon. Its not on any of my lists of planetary bodies. Are you talking density of dwarf star alloy [aka Dr Who ] or Neutronium [ aka Larry Niven ] ?
Bloody hell, hit enter. What I was going to say was “…so Jacob, Faz, Amber, and Ethan can come, but not Ken?”. Then I realized you meant the street fighter jokes. Unless he’s Robins Aide, I guess.
He… he really doesn’t have any clue. I keep telling myself, “Danny couldn’t possibly be stupid enough not to figure this out soon,” and he keeps proving me wrong.
Technically, even with fingerprint there is a chance that they could match… But the chance is so astronomically low, that we just smack an [IMPOSSIBLE!] stick right on there
You know what would make this story hilarious? If it resulted in Sal getting a restraining order on Danny. The sheer difference between the two universes would to worth everything, all the frustration, all the stupidity.
Really, who wouldn’t rather play Mario Kart than talk to Danny? I “don’t have a 3DS” and “never played Mario Kart in my life”, but I’ll give it a shot if it means not having to listen to Danny blither at me.
Ok Danny, so you are still a total idiot at social situations. Are you going to succeed on your NERD check at least? Gonna notice she doesn’t play nearly as damn well as your level 120 paladin pasty pale girlfriend?
Any more teeth showing in panel 4 and his ‘smile’ will meet itself around the other side of his head.
I don’t think Sal is going to stomp on it.
I hope she makes him eat it, but she is being extremely patient, or was, which portends…what? Only Willis knows.
I’m actually gonna counter this argument with a: “We don’t know that for sure”. I mean, there are still incidentals, not to mention some minor characters might even own one and we just didn’t see it because we had no reason to.
Amber and Dan are Comp Sci majors. They live in a dorm with a bunch of other kids away from home for the first time, but still with the stuff bought when they didn’t have to pay their own room and board.
So I’m guessing he sees a higher than average amount of 3DS’s.
Even if Danny figures out that Sal isn’t Amazi-Girl, it would not surprise me one bit if upon seeing Marcie, who is quite athletic as well as sporting a similar general appeanance to Amber, assumes that she might be Amazi-Girl instead.
Marcie does have the build, but so do 1/3 to 1/2 the women on campus, apparently. The hard part to figure is this – the athletic women in DoA aren’t built that way. So what translates?
Dorothy certainly doesn’t look like she was on the track team for running. There is a reason runners have the same build – a “runner’s build” in fact.
Plus you are asking for Danny to notice something.
Danny has met Amazi-Girl and carried on conversations with her. Marcie, on the other hand, has never yet spoken a word in any of her appearances, and even Sal has referred to her use of sign language (AMSLan). I am convinced that Marcie is either speech- or hearing-impaired, and therefore cannot be Amazi-Girl.
Although playing a deaf-mute would be a helluva way to keep a secret identity — it worked for Zorro’s companion Bernardo (as played by Gene Sheldon) in the 1957 TV series!
If Sal is waiting for Marcie and can’t wait to get out of this conversation, then they’d pretty much leave when she gets there.
Since Marcie can hear, Sal just says “let’s go”. Marcie nods, Danny has no reason to see that Marcie is mute.
In fact, he might believe that there was recognition so she wanted to leave to protect him from her enemies.
Danny, this should be a clue, even if it doesn’t point toward her not being Amazi-Girl, it should at least point to her wanting you to not talk to her.
But who am I kidding, this is Danny. He couldn’t find a clue if it was represented by a big blue pawprint.
I think each awkward moment of this failure of conversation only convinces him more that Sal is Amazi-Girl.
Remember a few pages (days) ago when a fair amount of posters thought Danny didn’t really believe Sal was Amazi-Girl? He’s pretty much proceeded straight ahead like he whole heartedly believes. He isn’t even trying to make sure.
Watch, Sal turns out to be the most badass Mario Kart player in history. She instantly loves it and soon she’s walking around with Mario hats and shirts like Joyce with D&MM.
That’s a thought, Marcie as Amazi-girl. Billie points out the physical resemblance and off goes Danny to…..he wouldn’t, would he?
yeah, he would.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Oh man, he honestly thinks her wanting him to leave her alone is all part of the act of keeping her identity secret, geez Dan you make it hard to root for you.
I kind of want him to have subconsciously known all along, but also subconsciously figured, “If she is keeping it from me, there’s a reason, and I can wait for her… forever.” But I’m kind of a sap.
i suppose i’m just annoyed because a vast majority of people on here judge this guy so quick. all of the characters in this comic have their weaknesses and flaws, and they have made some downright terrible decisions, but no one else seems to get as much flak as danny.
and most of the comments are “jesus he’s dumb”, in relation to amazi-girl. think about it: has anyone else who has seen amazi-girl and amber made the connection?
Nobody hates him , people just find him to be a naive dumbass, witch at time he seems to fit the image , trust me I’ve seen people vent there hate on a character before compared to this, he just seems to the loveable idiot
nah, people on here go CRAZY. it’s not “oh that’s cute, he doesn’t realize it’s her…” it’s “DANNY IS AN IDIOT I HATE HIM” or something more harsh then that. it’s insane.
Even for just DoA it’s been a few years in our time.
I’ll also point out that while each character has their faults, Danny has no real strengths. His faults are distinctly un-male too. I can (and have) detailed them and the fact that he is dumb or unperceptive never made the list.
Well Mary seems to have no redeeming qualities, but she is clearly a background supporting character at this point. Maybe if DoA goes to 2 years real time = 1 year DoA time we get more.
Even Joyce, whom I don’t enjoy much, has positive qualities and is trying to grow.
Heck, even DANI, the possible autism spectrum character, is trying to grow.
Danny, not so much. But my hope for this arc(let) is that it is traumatic enough to get that going. Growth, that is.
I don’t know. It’s hard to suspend disbelief here. Whatever else there is to be said about him, Danny’s totally in love with Amazi-girl, and they have been intimate. His internal biology is imprinted well past accepting any substitutes. I can just buy him mistaking his feelings for Amber as temptation to stray when it was in fact it was his unconcious screaming “yes yes, I remember…this is the one!”. But this? Every cell in his body would be telling him….that’s not her. Love is blind in other ways, but not this way. Just the opposite in fact.
I’ll admit I was being metaphorical and hyperbolic. Biology per se was probably the wrong word. Still I’ll stand by the idea that the brain certainly works this way. Mate recognition is a real thing (in humans and other mating species) and it’s visceral as hell. I’m just not buying Danny not knowing instantly that this ain’t Amazigirl.
For me the final straw was the fire alarm. He was having a good time in the comic shop with a girl who’s supposed to be his best friend, when he gets an alert about the alarm going off in the dorm. Using heroic fiction logic, he reasons that fire alarm => heroic rescue scene => Amazigirl in action, and rushes off. When he doesn’t see her, instead of realising he’s been jumping to conclusions, he asks Joe if he missed her, assuming she must have been there.
That’s when I came up with the idea that he lives in his own fantasy world.
Early on. He has been entitled (I thought love [MY LOVE] was enough), entirely lacking in initiative, and fails to try to earn anything.
Yeah, his dream was his love would be enough, Dorothy would achieve, and she would still sex him up.
So yeah, I dislike that in people. They decide they get to join in, then somebody else does all the work.
You’re right about his sense of entitlement. Not only did he think he could tag along passively, he thought he could do it without bothering to listen to her when she has something important to tell him.
His personality grates me, he’s the kind of guy you see who obsessively clings to whoever he thinks he’s in love with at the moment, because he can only define himself with a romantic partner.
Sal strikes me as pretty desperate for attention (which makes sense given what we’ve seen of her mother) which could lead to her accepting Danny. How long could she stand his constant hints about dressing up as AG though?
I honestly don’t buy that. Sal is only desperate for attention from her parents. From everyone else, she doesn’t give a crap. When you’re looking for attention, you behave like Billie. You don’t sneak out early in the morning and sneak back in at night. You don’t avoid hanging out with people and have to be convinced to join in (at the beach). You talk to people. Right now the only people Sal really talks to are Marcie, presumably a friend from before college, Billie, a childhood friend and Walky, her brother. No one new. I guess Jason, but she only approached him because Joyce made her.
She behaves and dresses the way she does for HERSELF. Not for anyone else.
It’s a parental approval thing. That’s why she blew up at Walky.
Though Mike has called her out for checking items off the cool loner thing.
If it was general and she’s as hot as Billie says, she’d always and publically have a boyfriend. Or be under a pile of guys.
He can’t even recognize that the reason Amazi-girl said she didn’t have a DS when she so obviously did, was because her alter ego was someone who definitely would. He really is the best.
I honestly can’t believe Dan’s gotten to this point with Sal. I really thought he’d look at her, start talking to Billie about how that can’t be Amazi-girl, describing some of her traits… only to realize who else he’s describing, smack himself in the head, and excuse himself to go have a talk with Amber.
God damnit this kid gives me a migraine. SHE DOESNT EVEN HAVE THE SAME SKIN COLOR FOR GODS SAKE!!! Even if you only met your superhero girlfriend at night ,you should still be able to tell that. Also, not the same body type, height or even jawline.
I am such a sap that I want Amber/Amazi-girl to start messaging him on that thing, and for Sal to point this out, at which time Danny will realize that Sal is not The One, and extricate himself from this situation. The strip would die the day that happens, so I must tearfully accept that Danny exists only to Dan everything up. Dan on, Danny.
The White House just announced plans to go after funding for libraries and museums. The Cartoon Art Museum runs on a tight budget, and losing the modest support it gets from federal grants would be devastating. Now's a great time to show CAM and other small museums your love.
Shaenon K. ⋅ 11d
Have you enjoyed my candy lady thread? I am pleased to announce that you can get a phone wallpaper and ebook for the price of any donation, with all proceeds going to the Cartoon Art Museum.
Researchers showed clips of the podcast to survey respondents and had them share their thoughts. 57% expressed a negative reaction to his agreement with Charlie Kirk on "woke" language and 63% had a negative reaction to his comments on trans athletes
The great thing about writing for a Transformers Wiki is occasionally getting to write sentences like "Megatron has a theory that he can attract young men by wearing cat ears and ending his sentences with meow." because it's a thing that happened in a cartoon once.
Gavin Newsom sees 10-point net drop in favorability since launching his podcast. Survey finds "the podcast only made 13% of voters have an improved perception of the Governor, with 26% saying that it harmed their perception."
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 2d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
Wow, it’s almost like you’re a whole other person, Amazi-Girl!
Yeah, I really don’t get how he could confuse Sal for Asma- Er, Amazi-Girl either.
He’s Danny. Also he desperately wants this to be Amazi-Girl.
You’d think he could just hold up his hand to cover the top half of her face and realise the jawline doesn’t match.
It’s people like Danny that make Superman feel that his identity is safe.
Actually, that would be the fact that nobody thinks he has a secret identity because what kind of person could just leave their job unexpectedly and still make a living and etc etc.
I think new superman is just an angry blogger or something.
Nobody suspects Clark Kent because he’s absolutely useless. He’s the anti-Superman. That’s the disguise.
“So, he’s immune to bullets, can make pretzels out of I-beams, and could incinerate us all with his laser vision? If he wants to pretend that putting on a bad suit and glasses keeps us from recognizing him, I’ll call him ‘Clark’ all he wants.”
what was that from again ?
I can imagine the desperate Danny will hit any girls she think is Amazi girl. Including Asma and Mary.
I want your avatar as my background now
I want it as my IPhone background!
You have to keep the persona’s secret, or everybody will figure it out. Just wearing glasses (the same frames as Amber) isn’t enough of a disguise these days.
Besides, Sal is filled with fear for what would happen to Danny if her enemies figured out he is her boyfriend.
Danny’s enemies… like the entire comment section?
That’s okay, I’m pretty sure we can’t break the fourth wall either.
unless you can draw fan-fic. ofc.
I would too, Sal. I would, too. I also wouldn’t give it back.
denser than lead
Which makes him a super heavy metal which might improve his street cred.
Gee PM, who’s your Gravatar now?
It’s Joyce as imagined by Sarah in this DoA comic.
Uncanny similarity to Sal’s…hips
Nah, he’s just simply resistant to heat to a degree.
and harder than diamond (and I mean his skull)
about as bright as charcoal, too
About as Sharp as a pearl.
And about as perceptive as someone with anesthesia who is blind, deaf, mute, and anosmic.
About as smart as Danny.
Swift as a snail, keen as a hammer, and about as sharp as a sack of wet mice. That’s our Danny!
Now we just need to add a jingle!
Wet… mice?
This is the best sentence.
About as Danny as Danny… Aw, yeah – nailed it!
Hide something from Superman, make Danny swallow it.
Denser than the fucking moon.
The density of the moon is only about a quarter that of lead, on average.
SCIENCE! wins again!
Alright, but can your *SCIENCE* explain why it rains?
Yes, but can it explain why kid love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
prove it
But can it explain… LOVE?!
A cascade of hormones reacting from a scent the female gives off at breeding time, as well as a variety of psychosocial factors such as age, weight, sense of humor, etc.
Your question made me burn through 3 laptops before I could post.
Don’t taunt the poor machines like that.
Reasonably well. It’s ‘just’ an emotional reaction, if a sublime one (also previous dude hilariously fucked it up).
I don’t know that particular moon. Its not on any of my lists of planetary bodies. Are you talking density of dwarf star alloy [aka Dr Who ] or Neutronium [ aka Larry Niven ] ?
Tuff grrls choose Samus.
What? This is Mario Kart. She has to choose Laura Croft.
No, Cynthia! She’s the best Champion!
I, personally, like to play as Chun-Li.
But Ryu isn’t in this universe.
Yet. Zangief could always appear later.
I suppose M. Bison could make a late debut, I mean Faz was just introduced last month so who knows.
Fingers crossed for the appearance of Poison, then.
It’s like watching Ruth got Schizoprenia.
Samus isn’t in MK? Well Lara does share Sal’s tatse in pants.
MK? Oh, I always choose Scorpion.
Scorpion? Eh, I’m more of a Venom fan.
I was fond of using Sub-Zero.
I like to play as Agumon.
I prefered Samurai Shodown over games like Mortal Kombat and Charlotte was my favourite character when I did play SS.
You know who else played SS…?
Is this about Ken? Other universe, guys.
Bloody hell, hit enter. What I was going to say was “…so Jacob, Faz, Amber, and Ethan can come, but not Ken?”. Then I realized you meant the street fighter jokes. Unless he’s Robins Aide, I guess.
Oh Danny. Oh Danny boy. Why? Why Danny?
…as sung by Barry Manilow.
Why Danny? I’ll tell you why Danny…
Actually, if you choose Danny, you’ve probably exhausted all other options.
Option 1: Danny
Option 2: Common Sense
Dorky without being Adorkable.
Man, I think Danny’s pretty Adorkable.
I know, all the Danny hate, so reviled it crosses dimensions…
He… he really doesn’t have any clue. I keep telling myself, “Danny couldn’t possibly be stupid enough not to figure this out soon,” and he keeps proving me wrong.
Well at least her playstyle will show him the truth. You can’t fake that. That’s like a fuckin’ fingerprint!
Sal and Amber are the only to humans in the universe that play Mario Kart exactly the same.
That could complicate things. But no way a noob can play like a vet. Not even for someone oozeing coolness like Sal.
Technically, even with fingerprint there is a chance that they could match… But the chance is so astronomically low, that we just smack an [IMPOSSIBLE!] stick right on there
yeah we tend to do that with alot of things
Astronomically low probability …. so there are only a few dozen matches worldwide.
Darn it dumped with a very odd screen.
So what now?
Gottawonder if Sal is going to make Danny eat that gadget?
I like this storyline. These two are pretty amusing together.
You know what would make this story hilarious? If it resulted in Sal getting a restraining order on Danny. The sheer difference between the two universes would to worth everything, all the frustration, all the stupidity.
Sal is getting tired of Danny so much, she’d rather play Mario Kart than talk to him.
To be fair, he is Danning a lot lately.
Really, who wouldn’t rather play Mario Kart than talk to Danny? I “don’t have a 3DS” and “never played Mario Kart in my life”, but I’ll give it a shot if it means not having to listen to Danny blither at me.
*Throws 3DS on grounds, stomps and breaks 3DS*
Now if that was a Game Boy Gray Brick model everything would be fine.
Well, you might damage the floor a little?
DSes are pretty hardy consumer electronics, still. You just can’t run over them with an SUV.
I need an adult.
Sal is being more lenient than expected.
I agree. I don’t know why though. It’s so unlike her!
To be fair, her usual tactics is to insult and run. Seeing as she’s waiting for someone, that strategy isn’t accessible.
I think this is because she is averse to being expelled.
Sal probably perfers a PS Vita, but everyone likes Mario Cart!
At least, until it comes time for PvP.
I Don’t.
Then you, friend, are living a lie.
The only lie I live in that I am wearing pants.
Or has he found the hidden truth?
Mario kart is love, Mario kart is life!
I don’t like Mario Cart.
Mario Kart on the other hand…
Because Poor Literacy is Kewl
He’s Danning it up to epic proportions now. Soon the Danitude will be completely off the scale.
Impossible. The scale starts at 1 Dan, and ends at 1 Dan.
At least Danny hasn’t tried snogging her….
Thanks for that image WW.
It’s the best image.
That word never fails to throw me…
Ok Danny, so you are still a total idiot at social situations. Are you going to succeed on your NERD check at least? Gonna notice she doesn’t play nearly as damn well as your level 120 paladin pasty pale girlfriend?
Oh she’s “failing” to preserve her secret identity.
The Fail is strong with this one.
Unfortunately, Sal is not going to take this one herself. Certainly not with anybody else.
Any more teeth showing in panel 4 and his ‘smile’ will meet itself around the other side of his head.
I don’t think Sal is going to stomp on it.
I hope she makes him eat it, but she is being extremely patient, or was, which portends…what? Only Willis knows.
You’d think by now he’d at least go “Wait a sec, only one other person on campus has a 3ds… I just saw her playing it. I am stupid.”
I’m actually gonna counter this argument with a: “We don’t know that for sure”. I mean, there are still incidentals, not to mention some minor characters might even own one and we just didn’t see it because we had no reason to.
Yeah that’s true but are 3ds’s really that popular? I never see anyone with one. Plus I realize that there is just no applying logic to Danny.
3DSs are actually pretty popular from what I’ve seen, although it took about a year and half for them to start really selling.
Also, on the logic-to-Danny thing, point. Danny is a walking void of anti-logic.
I never saw the point of the 3ds if you don’t use the 3d feature (I wouldn’t). I’d rather get an SP or DS for less but then, I”m a cheap bastard.
The 3ds has newer games, some of them are really good. The extra stuff is fun to.
Of course NOW you could get a 2ds and still get to play 3ds game.
Newer games? You mean a lot of HD versions right? A lot of good games are stuck in Japan or Europe thanks to region locking.
I prefer to grab the Vita, at least it’s region free.
Also, a lot of the grown-ups who have them (like everyone in my household) don’t carry them around with them; they play them at home, on the couch.
I need to get a 3DS for PersonaQ…
I go to a real life college and I pick up at least 3-10 miis every time I hit the cafeteria. So, yes. Popular. And they all play Pokemon XD
There are like 40,000 students on IU’s Bloomington campus. I’m betting Danny and Amber are not the only ones with 3DSes.
yeah I was just kidding but still.
Amber and Dan are Comp Sci majors. They live in a dorm with a bunch of other kids away from home for the first time, but still with the stuff bought when they didn’t have to pay their own room and board.
So I’m guessing he sees a higher than average amount of 3DS’s.
I go to a California State University (CSU), and I can confirm that there are at least 100 individuals with 3DSs on campus.
And that person is Amazi-Girl’s butler.
I would now like to take a minute to congratulate Willis on setting up this situation with years of planning. His long game borders Echiro Oda levels.
Does that mean someone is gonna get punched with lava?
Now I am sad
No it means someone will die standing and use his last moments to troll the entire world.
Damn he’s stupid.
Even if Danny figures out that Sal isn’t Amazi-Girl, it would not surprise me one bit if upon seeing Marcie, who is quite athletic as well as sporting a similar general appeanance to Amber, assumes that she might be Amazi-Girl instead.
But Marcie has only been shipped with Sal and Sierra. Clearly she has a type.
That’s just stupid Enough to happen!
Plus Marcie has glasses like Amazi-Girl.
Marcie does have the build, but so do 1/3 to 1/2 the women on campus, apparently. The hard part to figure is this – the athletic women in DoA aren’t built that way. So what translates?
Dorothy certainly doesn’t look like she was on the track team for running. There is a reason runners have the same build – a “runner’s build” in fact.
Plus you are asking for Danny to notice something.
Danny has met Amazi-Girl and carried on conversations with her. Marcie, on the other hand, has never yet spoken a word in any of her appearances, and even Sal has referred to her use of sign language (AMSLan). I am convinced that Marcie is either speech- or hearing-impaired, and therefore cannot be Amazi-Girl.
Although playing a deaf-mute would be a helluva way to keep a secret identity — it worked for Zorro’s companion Bernardo (as played by Gene Sheldon) in the 1957 TV series!
“Lance Hunt can’t be Captain Amazing! Lance Hunt wears glasses!”
“He takes them off when he’s in costume.”
“Then how does he see?”
If Sal is waiting for Marcie and can’t wait to get out of this conversation, then they’d pretty much leave when she gets there.
Since Marcie can hear, Sal just says “let’s go”. Marcie nods, Danny has no reason to see that Marcie is mute.
In fact, he might believe that there was recognition so she wanted to leave to protect him from her enemies.
Well, Happy Thanksgiving America! Eat well, be grateful you don’t work all Wal-Mart and if you do my God (or whoever) have mercy on your soul.
Danny, this should be a clue, even if it doesn’t point toward her not being Amazi-Girl, it should at least point to her wanting you to not talk to her.
But who am I kidding, this is Danny. He couldn’t find a clue if it was represented by a big blue pawprint.
I think each awkward moment of this failure of conversation only convinces him more that Sal is Amazi-Girl.
Remember a few pages (days) ago when a fair amount of posters thought Danny didn’t really believe Sal was Amazi-Girl? He’s pretty much proceeded straight ahead like he whole heartedly believes. He isn’t even trying to make sure.
Watch, Sal turns out to be the most badass Mario Kart player in history. She instantly loves it and soon she’s walking around with Mario hats and shirts like Joyce with D&MM.
Now Kiss.
No need to take out the cigarette.
Light it first.
You made me splurt out my iced coffee.
C’mon, Dan.
Operation Vacusuck has commence!
That’s a thought, Marcie as Amazi-girl. Billie points out the physical resemblance and off goes Danny to…..he wouldn’t, would he?
yeah, he would.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Billie won’t notice, she’s convinced Sal is it.
I’m just wondering if Billie is still watching this trainwreck.
Who could take their eyes off? Remember, she didn’t believe that Danny was Amazi-Girl’s bf. She’d be watching him magnificently fail.
I tell you hwut, that boy ain’t right.
Uh huh.
Late thought. I wonder who it is Sal is waiting for?
I think I missed that if it was brought up.
Are she and Walky talking yet?
Maybe Jason?
Probably the same friend she’s always seen with: Marcie.
Yet? She yelled at Walky yesterday (?) or about a month back in real time.
It should take a couple years (our time) to get beyond that.
I hate to say it but I’m looking forward to where this is going.
$10 these two are fucking by next Friday
God I hope not. Sal can do so much better.
is Jason the ta better?
Uh, yeah. He has a good body, and is a good lay. He’s also smarter and more dignified.
I find Jason to be a bore. But mind you, thats my personal opinion.
Next Friday real world time (roughly 5-10 minutes from now DoA time) or next Friday DoA time (strip to be seen in May 2016)?
ER and the back of a squad car.
Doh! And I was just talking about Marcie, Timemonkey.
You are very much most likely correct.
Yes indeed, so am I Kladeos.
I am really wanting Sal to fall for Danny now.
As in fall on top of him when she climbs out of a window?
This is the greatest way to start a friendship i think I’ve ever seen.
Oh man, he honestly thinks her wanting him to leave her alone is all part of the act of keeping her identity secret, geez Dan you make it hard to root for you.
If you were embracing his essential Danniness you wouldn’t say that.
I haven’t read the previous stuff, but this is consistent with his DoA character.
I kind of want him to have subconsciously known all along, but also subconsciously figured, “If she is keeping it from me, there’s a reason, and I can wait for her… forever.” But I’m kind of a sap.
Hmm. Odds that Danny figures out that Billie’s wrong when Sal finds Amazi-Girl on the Streetpass thing and gets in a PvP game against her?
… Odds that that happens and Danny still doesn’t catch the hint?
First Question – 15% chance!
Second Question – 85% chance!
Is Sal grabbing the DS to play it or smash it on the ground?
Also, anyone reminded of Walky when she said “this is correct”?
Finally we see some sibling resemblance.
Or to throw it far away so he chases after it and goes away.
Ironically, Danny’s approach must presently appear more ballsy than clueless to Sal.
I wonder when/if Willis is to pull on that particular rug.
Oh jesus christ…
Jesus Christ.
Willis, you’re gonna pull a Twelfth Night on us, aint ya.
And then Danny is only going to date Sal bc he thinks she is Amazi-girl? And dump her bc she isnt?
You might be half right?
~Sal’s mind~
– Playing a silly video game!
– Listening to this idiot speak!
Come here Mario, we got some Karting to do!
Although honestly I think she would play as Luigi.
*shakes head disapprovingly*
…..Anyone else feel like this is Willis’ revenge for all those endless “Sal must be Amazigirl/Ultra!car/batman” comments we love to make?
What do you mean we? I thought those jokes were stupid the fist time they were made.
Everyone who made those jokes needs some fist time.
Smashed 3DS incoming.
It pained me to see a game console got destroyed. But this is 3DS, stupid region locking ruin all the fun.
Hm this is going well, man if she doesn’t like video games what in the hell does she do
for fun?
…oh, nerds.
Okay, NOW I hate Danny. This is what it took, is this ridiculous display.
this… this is such an interesting fanbase.
i mean heaping all of this hate on a character is one thing, but it just seems so… unnecessary.
holy hell you people need to calm down.
I’m mad because he represents my stupidity.
i suppose i’m just annoyed because a vast majority of people on here judge this guy so quick. all of the characters in this comic have their weaknesses and flaws, and they have made some downright terrible decisions, but no one else seems to get as much flak as danny.
and most of the comments are “jesus he’s dumb”, in relation to amazi-girl. think about it: has anyone else who has seen amazi-girl and amber made the connection?
It’s been 3 volumes.
How many people have seen as much of Amazi-Girl (pun intended) as Danny has … or as frequently?
Nobody hates him , people just find him to be a naive dumbass, witch at time he seems to fit the image , trust me I’ve seen people vent there hate on a character before compared to this, he just seems to the loveable idiot
nah, people on here go CRAZY. it’s not “oh that’s cute, he doesn’t realize it’s her…” it’s “DANNY IS AN IDIOT I HATE HIM” or something more harsh then that. it’s insane.
Even for just DoA it’s been a few years in our time.
I’ll also point out that while each character has their faults, Danny has no real strengths. His faults are distinctly un-male too. I can (and have) detailed them and the fact that he is dumb or unperceptive never made the list.
Well Mary seems to have no redeeming qualities, but she is clearly a background supporting character at this point. Maybe if DoA goes to 2 years real time = 1 year DoA time we get more.
Even Joyce, whom I don’t enjoy much, has positive qualities and is trying to grow.
Heck, even DANI, the possible autism spectrum character, is trying to grow.
Danny, not so much. But my hope for this arc(let) is that it is traumatic enough to get that going. Growth, that is.
Its because the term fanbase is synonymous with “Intense shitlording”
Who would ever want to become the lord of shit?
Baal – “lord” used in many phoenecean languages. Hannibaal.
zebub – flies.
Lord of the Flies rules over a pile of shit.
it sure seems that way.
Thi can only end well. Go Sal! I’m sure motorcycle skills are transferable to the 3DS!
I’m wondering about that. If Sal’s crap at the game, Danny will (one hopes) realise his mistake. If she’s good, hijinks ensue.
Nah. In Danny-think, her being bad at the game would be a sign she is covering her secret identity.
I bet she used to play video games with Walky before she got sent away. Just like she used to watch Dexter and the Monkey Master with him.
That face….why is Sal so cute?
I know, right?
Utter adorableness, this whole interaction
My guess is, a few minutes from now, Amber’s gonna see Danny and Sal together,and think something’s up.
But what if she falls in love with the game and then starts dating danny 0.o. Then Amazi girl and Sal will have to fight…yes.
Everyone who’s ever had any hope in Danny, please raise your hand.
Great. Now punch yoursel in the face ! Repeatedly !
Oh dear, this is going to turn into one of those “accidentally-in-love” things isn’t it?
Well if the writing of this story decide to turn to shit!…then yes
I don’t know. It’s hard to suspend disbelief here. Whatever else there is to be said about him, Danny’s totally in love with Amazi-girl, and they have been intimate. His internal biology is imprinted well past accepting any substitutes. I can just buy him mistaking his feelings for Amber as temptation to stray when it was in fact it was his unconcious screaming “yes yes, I remember…this is the one!”. But this? Every cell in his body would be telling him….that’s not her. Love is blind in other ways, but not this way. Just the opposite in fact.
In this case love is blinded by revealing, revealing clothing.
Truth. The boy may be in love, but he isn’t dead. Yet.
Biology seriously doesn’t work that way.
I’ll admit I was being metaphorical and hyperbolic. Biology per se was probably the wrong word. Still I’ll stand by the idea that the brain certainly works this way. Mate recognition is a real thing (in humans and other mating species) and it’s visceral as hell. I’m just not buying Danny not knowing instantly that this ain’t Amazigirl.
Hahaha, you have made the right choice, Sal.
Well. I realized that Danny dans things up too much. It all falls on the parents how the child acts, so…
Danny’s parents danned him up good. And Danny continues to Dan things up. He knows nothing else.
Recovering from surgery was less painful than this.
Just wondering, when did it tip over for Danny? Like when did the fanbase start getting mad at him as a matter of principle?
For me, it was the break-up scene with Dorothy.
I’m more amused than mad. He’s fictional. I might damn Willis, but Danny’s just clueless. It’d take something vile to make me mad.
Fun to mock though!
For me the final straw was the fire alarm. He was having a good time in the comic shop with a girl who’s supposed to be his best friend, when he gets an alert about the alarm going off in the dorm. Using heroic fiction logic, he reasons that fire alarm => heroic rescue scene => Amazigirl in action, and rushes off. When he doesn’t see her, instead of realising he’s been jumping to conclusions, he asks Joe if he missed her, assuming she must have been there.
That’s when I came up with the idea that he lives in his own fantasy world.
Early on. He has been entitled (I thought love [MY LOVE] was enough), entirely lacking in initiative, and fails to try to earn anything.
Yeah, his dream was his love would be enough, Dorothy would achieve, and she would still sex him up.
So yeah, I dislike that in people. They decide they get to join in, then somebody else does all the work.
You’re right about his sense of entitlement. Not only did he think he could tag along passively, he thought he could do it without bothering to listen to her when she has something important to tell him.
His personality grates me, he’s the kind of guy you see who obsessively clings to whoever he thinks he’s in love with at the moment, because he can only define himself with a romantic partner.
If this goes on and on, I’m starting to think Dan has a chance to land with Sal. But that’s impossible, right? o.o
Yes. And I will laugh forever.
yes, Danny has a chance, rather.
Danny has a chance. It’s Sal that I’m worried about; when they hook up and Danny figures out Sal isn’t Amazi-Girl, how will he deal with it?
Will he be just stupid enough to dump Sal for his pure and chivalric love for AG? Perhaps call Sal an impostor as well?
Of course he will. And half the commenters will leap to the defence of his noble loyalty.
Sal strikes me as pretty desperate for attention (which makes sense given what we’ve seen of her mother) which could lead to her accepting Danny. How long could she stand his constant hints about dressing up as AG though?
I honestly don’t buy that. Sal is only desperate for attention from her parents. From everyone else, she doesn’t give a crap. When you’re looking for attention, you behave like Billie. You don’t sneak out early in the morning and sneak back in at night. You don’t avoid hanging out with people and have to be convinced to join in (at the beach). You talk to people. Right now the only people Sal really talks to are Marcie, presumably a friend from before college, Billie, a childhood friend and Walky, her brother. No one new. I guess Jason, but she only approached him because Joyce made her.
She behaves and dresses the way she does for HERSELF. Not for anyone else.
I’m not certain either way. Could be what you say, could be that the only way she’s ever got attention is because she’s hot, so she maximises it.
From Sal’s official cast page: “Though she avoids most social contact and has few friends, she attracts a sea of admirers. This annoys her.”
She does not appreciate the attention.
You’re confusing, wanting your parents’ approval with wanting attention from other people.
It’s a parental approval thing. That’s why she blew up at Walky.
Though Mike has called her out for checking items off the cool loner thing.
If it was general and she’s as hot as Billie says, she’d always and publically have a boyfriend. Or be under a pile of guys.
Danny is an expert at detective work.
He can’t even recognize that the reason Amazi-girl said she didn’t have a DS when she so obviously did, was because her alter ego was someone who definitely would. He really is the best.
I honestly can’t believe Dan’s gotten to this point with Sal. I really thought he’d look at her, start talking to Billie about how that can’t be Amazi-girl, describing some of her traits… only to realize who else he’s describing, smack himself in the head, and excuse himself to go have a talk with Amber.
I can’t tell if he’s more stalker or more stupid.
Danny, I’m sure your gut is telling you this is a dumb idea.
Please, trust your gut.
Go Danny Go! The poor guy needs a break…
A break…to his legs!!!
Come on Sal!
Death by Snoo Snoo!!
The guy seems to have no connection to the world around him at all, and lives entirerly in his own delusional fantasies.
He know how to make em’ laies cooperate.
:0 Sal’s cigarette fell out in the last panel!
God damnit this kid gives me a migraine. SHE DOESNT EVEN HAVE THE SAME SKIN COLOR FOR GODS SAKE!!! Even if you only met your superhero girlfriend at night ,you should still be able to tell that. Also, not the same body type, height or even jawline.
Love is blind. But not to a hot ass in low riders.
Although its been said many times, many ways, Danny is a bongoass
And Merry Christmas to you.
Great page
It’s getting there. Come on, Danny, I know you can make this reach critical awkward levels!
Danny makes it really hard to support him especially when he starts using air quotes
I am such a sap that I want Amber/Amazi-girl to start messaging him on that thing, and for Sal to point this out, at which time Danny will realize that Sal is not The One, and extricate himself from this situation. The strip would die the day that happens, so I must tearfully accept that Danny exists only to Dan everything up. Dan on, Danny.
Gosh dannit.