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Ah, that trademark Danny Dannyness.
Danny is famed for his Dannyness, which has been theorized as being a method of self defense. The will use the Dannyness to ward off any potential predators by Dannying the area, making it too uncomfortable for the predator to remain in the area. However, this adaptation does not aid with the introduction of modern humans to the Danny’s environment.
By Joe…*drops the pipe* You’re correct sir! I faintly recall this happening during a…”journalism” moment.
But is it copyrighted?
It’s so copyrighted that Jen Aside has been charged $6.7^8384 for the mere mention of it. That’s pretty damn copyrighted.
Doesn’t it make sense though this time? It’s not like he’s introducing them to his actual girlfriend. That he doesn’t have to care if his parents like Amber gives him free reign to say what’s on his mind, even if it’s a touchy subject for his friend.
Well, yes, that is the joke in the alt text, right? Amber is super nervous about making an impression because Danny is her bf and Danny gives no shits because as far as he knows Amber is NOT his gf.
He could stand to be more sensitive, but that is his flaw to overcome.
Danny is channeling me right now.
Like, if I had a girlfriend.
yup just danning this up at every opportunity
I think Danny hates himself or something.
Well, he has to spend all day every day with Danny. he probably hates Danny most of all.
It’s like his brain won’t accept good things happening to him, so he subconsciously fucks it up at every opportunity.
He’s the Arnold Rimmer of DoA.
…Guess that would make Walky Lister and Joe the Cat.
So, there’s also an Ace Rimmer version of Danny then?
A Danny from another universe who started out the same but turned out heroic? Weird to think this, but it might be the Walkyverse’s Danny.
I mean, he actually saved the universe once. By being nice to his ex, sure, but it still counts.
Whoa that actually makes sense…
Yay, a Red Dwarf reference. Been a coon’s age since I saw on of these in these parts.
So danning is the DoA universe’s equivalent of britta-ing?
Or getting Yamcha’d
I have this headcanon where Yamcha winded living happy with a harem of ladies by his side ala Chibodee Crockett.
According to GT Yamcha moved back into the desert and became a bandit again.
Of course GT’s not canon.
The only thing I could consider canon from GT is Super Saiyan 4 and even that is pushing it. GT had so much potential and they fucked it up..not as much as “that movie” but still…
Hey let’s not kid ourselves here…
Chibodee is more Bad-ass then Yamcha could ever hope to be!
Perhaps someone should start a Danny fails counter though it would probably overload quickly.So far this strip has 2 fails.
Danny is the AT&T of Indiana University students.
For a while, you could only get an iPhone from him?
Danny sells blackmarket iPhones?
Oh Danny. Don’t you just want to drop kick him?
Or pick-up punch him.
Nah! I would rather “SHORYUKEN” him!!!
I gotta agree that sometimes, it’d feel good to HYAKURETSUKYAKU his FAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!
I feel a need for a “BEHOLD, OPTIC BLAST” myself.
“Star Gentle Uterus” would be my recommendation.
Personally, I’ve always just hoped he’d get hit by a truck, in a sort of karmic retribution.
Ouch! Right below the belt-way!
Danny can enunciate well with a straw in his mouth…
And also his foot in his mouth.
Well, I felt that didn’t need to be mentioned, as it is his natural state of existence.
That’s not a straw, Danny just has a weird tongue.
XD Danny’s a fly! He’s invading the human gene pool, EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE!
Well, D’oh!
Oh, Danny. Boy…
The (pizza) pies, the (pizza) pies are calling.
I see what you’re doing there, Wonder Wig.
You know what, I don’t think Danny is that bad of a person…why? Because I just found out in the news that three guys set a woman on fire because she rejected them and a few years back, in Malaysia we have a dude who doused his girlfriend in acid…though acid crimes are equal gendered as there are cases where a woman throw acid at her husband’s face.
I think your standards might be a liiittle too low.
Well, humanity nowadays have lowered my standards quite a bit…and making me lose my faith in them every waking moment and making me wish I was a robot so I can wipe them out and replace them with super-intelligent animals.
Don’t kid yourself – the superintelligent animals would be slaughtering each other withing a week.
I recommend superintelligent pottery. Made with no limbs, so all it can do is sit there, and scream.
You mean “does not kill or maim until the second date” is a standard?
I have to agree. Sadly, as far as boys go… He is an average, slightly oblivious one
Yeah, but were any of them DANNY!!!!???
Point, Yotomoe
Dude, obliviousness is not as bad as setting someone on fire for petty reasons.
Yeah, and rape isn’t as bad as genocide.
Doesn’t make me like Danny anymore than I like rapists.
Point taken there.
The problem with Danny isn’t that he’s a horrible person, it’s that he reminds us of ourselves in ways that are embarrassing to remember.
Yeah, I was Danny for most of my life.
And to make it even more embarrassing, my name is actually Dan.
don’t feel bad, I was a Danny too. And I’m a girl named Kaci
I have a friend named Danny and he’s good with the ladies.
All that build up for what your real name is. Whole big secret of the universe big deal. And it turns out to be Dan? Color me a bit disappointed.
Now you know why I changed it. You think people would tell legends of Dan and his amazing blue box?
That statement would be way funnier if you were a girl.
But it is from that embarrassing moment that we learn not to do it again. Danny is more or less a cautionary tale.
You have a strange definition of equal-gendered if all it takes is for it to happen once to the other side.
The acid thing…it didn’t just happen that one time. Last time I remembered, there were 30 cases in a week where a guy got acid to the face.
Danny, I know you can’t possibly understand your words, but your ways of blurting out personal details will never impress the ladies
They will make an impression on your face. With their fists. Or perhaps their shoes.
Yeesh, I guess that’s what Dorothy broke up with him, among other things.
Not pictured: 10 or so empty glasses of soda Danny has gone through so far
Danny is secretly my husband James?
Daning things up is hard work, that why he had not done it in a while, he needed to refuel. Now he’s at full power!
He seems to get worse every day… how is that even possble given recent events?
I mean, you can’t exect him to know what he’s getting into here, he legitimately doesnt know, but still. That’s just plain rude.
In all seriousness, a major personality change takes a lot of time, AND realizing you need the change. I would believe it if it took all college
Danny did nothing wrong here. Not unless you think having divorced parents is something to be ashamed about.
It’s not that it’s shameful, I think, it’s just that someone’s family situation may be a sensitive subject for them and they should be the ones to decide how comfortable they are talking about it with other people.
It’s fine for Danny being honest and all but….how did he speak with a straw in his mouth?
But it was the straw
Danny is a ventriliquist and he is just bragging right now.
no, no, no! You’ve got it all wrong. It was the straw throwing it’s voice
So, the straw is like Saul’s moustache?
Danny isn’t actually a person. He’s a giant dummy for that straw and noone notices it holding him up.
YES! Thank you
Later: The straw is introducing Amazi-Girl to its parents, and she doesn’t realise that it’s Danny.
….no one works on that railroad…
or if they do, it’s strictly 9 to 5
Willis has some kind of… plan for Danny right? To redeem himself? I mean, even Malaya in SP! had some… redeeming… moments?
Then again… there’s Harold…
Danny will be the only one to successfully graduate college.
Because everyone else dropped out to become billionaires.
Wait, Malaya HAD redeeming moments?
She’s totally awesome!
Malaya….awesome? I’m sorry, I need to sit down for a moment.
Exactly! The very concept of Malaya in any way being awesome has disloged somthing in my brain…thing…
Agree! She reminds me of my friends who hate everybody.
Malaya makes Ultra-car seem less evil.
I’m just going to assume you were talking about Duncan.
You really hate tildes I guess?
For some reason our automotive friend’s name was censored?
Willis is censoring said friend’s name right now because he’s tired of all the “Amazi-Girl is CLEARLY UC,” jokes.
she seems to really like Leslie for real….
I wonder if Randal Randal’d up every situation when he was Danny’s age.
Or does he get it from his mom?
I see alot of hate towards Danny for mentioning that Amber’s parents are divorced. Is that weird personal information somehow? Taboo?
We would be hating Danny if he announced his favorite color.
I’ve noticed. Can’t understand why.
I mostly do that for jokes. I totally up-play my hatred of Danny but I hate saying that cuz it kinda ruins the joke.
Yeah, but is it really a funny joke if everyone makes it? It’s like how all the inside jokes get run into the ground here. ._.
I was one of the first ones who did it though. ‘s not my fault that people steal my bit.
Poor Yotomoe and your unfortunate ability to set trends. for real though people, how about some originality? Dont just fight for seats on the bandwagon
You are missing the point, that is the joke. Must beat the faint stain from that dead horse to death.
The joke of returning to a used up joke is also done to death, and isn’t even humorous in an ironic sense at this point. It’s stupid and tiresome and just kind of embarrassing to see.
Maybe because Danny is actually so inoffensive that it’s funnier to make fun of him than someone who actually deserves it? Like Meg from Family Guy.
really it’s his general obliviousness. Divorce is never a good topic to bring up, and neither is a lot of what he says
Yeah, but in general Danny is pretty much a normal 18-year-old.
I never got all the hate towards Shinji Ikari either, though, so maybe I’m the wrong person to ask.
And being a normal 18-year-old doesn’t strike you as a reason to hate him?
What are you, young or something?
Oh god, I hate Shinji.
It probably has to do with the fact that Shinji is the one the audience is supposed to identify with, but he is just a bucket of flaws with nigh zero redeeming qualities. Sure, realistically, people may be able to relate to him, but nobody wants to. They want to relate to the kind of person that deserves admiration or respect. Shinji deserves neither.
The only time I like Shinji is when he’s with Kaworu, who manages to bring out the few positive traits Shinji possesses. He makes him a better person.
And lets keep in mind that Amber forced her way into a situation Danny didn’t want, and he’s doing something he’d rather not do to accommodate her. Between the two, she has been far ruder.
Also, I mean…Danny’s a dumbass, but Amber could just pull him to the side real quick and put an end to the charade.
I mean…it’s a stupid charade, but it’s one she’s willfully humoring.
Yeah, I gotta agree here. Danny would like to know who Amazigirl is. Amber is the one who is being dishonest (granted, she’s got a lot of issues she’s working through).
I’m personally surprised that Danny was paying enough attention to realize that Amber’s parents are divorced and that she lives with her mom. That makes him a little less oblivious than I gave him credit for.
Danny doesn’t want to know who Amazi-girl is. She tried to tell him, he refused.
She’s afraid Danny will reject her again if she does so. She is at a period in her life where the thought of that is unbearable to her, which makes all kinds of sense.
Still, I wish she’d look elsewhere for acceptance and support. Danny’s lame.
He was very upfront with her about not wanting to date her. Just because she’s afraid of rejection does not forgive deception.
Yeah, I have no idea why.
It’s just a personal thing that he doesn’t really have much right to bring up. Amber should be able to decide how much she wants to talk about her family.
It’s not that he mentioned the divorce. It’s going out of his way to mention her dad when he KNOWS Amber doesn’t live with him and never talks about him. And by saying “Amber hasn’t told me much about him…” he’s pressuring her to talk about Blaine.
I know some kids are sheltered about the realities of divorce, but I think it just shows a plain old lack of empathy. Most people would rather not discuss their estranged/absent parent with strangers. This is why Danny needs to be told off.
Uh, there is no evidence to suggest that he knows Amber’s feelings towards her father, a solid chunk supporting him not knowing in the very line you quoted. You can’t blame him for that (as much as I’d like to, unfortunately).
I personally think he was just being rude here, but that’s just me.
Family info like that is personal. But even things that aren’t necessarily personal can be rude to bring up. Example: I hate and fear horses. Most people think they’re great, but this opinion isn’t private information either way. On one occasion in particular, an acquaintance of mine told a group of equestrians that I don’t like horses, and it became pretty uncomfortable for me to try to explain.
It’s rude of Danny to bring up because he is actively making a social situation harder for Amber.
The acquaintance actually told the horses? Are they the Horse Whisperer?
Haha! I meant to type the more pedantic “equestrienne” but autocorrect got the best of me. If I were friends with a horse whisperer perhaps I wouldn’t be so terrified of the things though!
I like Danny. Feel free to lynch me, but I like him. Most of his faults are either shared with a good portion of the cast or are pretty much to be expected of an 18-19 year old who has a lot to learn, which is basically what college is for, anyway. I don’t get why he gets singled out.
Then again, I guess like Yotomoe, some are doing it for humor, and others, like the one person who holds a grudge over the shoe thing, have their own reasons for the bias.
He gets singled out because he’s the “normal” guy, which is abnormal in this universe.
That might be it, since it’s not like we haven’t seen essentially everyone in the cast do something oblivious or socially clumsy. There is the whole of Joyce/Ethan, there’s a lot of what happens with Dorothy/Walky, and Billie pretty much flies through her social life by the seat of her pants. It’s a little depressing in that Mike is probably the only named character who hasn’t unintentionally hurt someone’s feelings besides Dina.
same here.
I don’t hate Danny, and everything you say is more-or-less true, but like him? No. Someone who is so self-absorbed, so oblivious, so wrapped up in his own fantasies is just not a good companion, let alone friend. He assigns everyone a role in his personal story, and simply ignores their attempts to say “but that isn’t me”. Amber really needs someone supportive right now (as a friend, not a lover), but he hasn’t noticed, because he never looks outside his own head.
In real life, would you want to spend any time with him? He’s the sort of person I try to politely avoid.
When Amber put Danny in an awkward position in front of his family, he pulled her aside rather than just shove her away or publicly point out her “lie”. Then he agreed to do something for her that made him uncomfortable without asking her why.
Oh yeah, he’s pretty unsupportive.
She’s supposed to be his friend: shoving her away or publicly pointing out her lie would be way beyond unsupportive, it would be malicious, which he isn’t.
But he didn’t ask why because he didn’t care why: all he was interested in was how it would impact on him and his precious fantasy romance. He didn’t notice how upset she was, which must have been pretty obvious after what had just happened to her.
Your friend comes to you and says “Just play along” and you would ask questions? And if if you don’t, you’re a bad friend? I disagree.
Let’s review what he has done as a companion, to see if he is a bad one.
He asks Amber for advice, wanting to be a good boyfriend. He then applies that advice and remembers it, bringing her baked goods as suggested to him. He is there for her to help her out, as he did with the sign. He also grudgingly entered into the deal here with Amber out of not wanting to hurt Amazigirl, and was very clear he would tell her about it so as to not keep secrets.
He really is not sounding like such a bad companion for an 18 year old guy. He’s TRYING, which is more than a lot of guys, or girls, do at that age. That he does not know Amazigirl is Amber can be frustrating, of course, but this is what she has signed up for, and could put a stop to at any time she wants and tell him.
Maybe I’m just a curmudgeonly old bastard who doesn’t like 18 year olds.
I like him in DoA just fine since his flaws are frames as flaws. In a good chunk of the Roomies run he was just as holier-than-thou but framed as being the only sane man (sort of), which made him just super awful. I can understand people carrying residual dislike of him for that, haha.
But yeah, while Danny is tactless but this whole situation is a little unfair for him as well.
Danny is really not doing anything wrong here. He is humoring Amber by going along with her ‘pretend we’re together act’.
Nothing wrong with saying her parents are divorced I guess, but it’s not his place to tell it really. It they were really together he would know it’s painful for her, but he doesn’t. And that’s obvious, which it would not have been if Amber hadn’t made it an issue.
He’s oblivious but he’s not spiteful.
I gotta wonder about Amber’s choice in men.
You’re right. He’s not a terrible person, he’s just obnoxiously unaware of social situations. He makes Walky look like the Fonz.
Everyone keeps on saying Danny is awkward and bad at social situations, but he’s always seemed normal to me…?
…Maybe I can’t tell the difference because I’m awful with them myself (may or may not have to do with my AS diagnosis).
And let’s not forget that while all of this is going on such as Amber’s issues with her father, Ethan masking his sexuality in front of his and Joyce’s parents, Dorothy discussing the nature of her relationship with Walky to her parents…..
…..Joe’s dad is banging Amber’s mom.
Don’t forget Faz creeping the hell out of Dina and robbing her brain of theropod information.
Perhaps we can deduce that some of Danny’s dumbness is in fact deliberate, a dubious decision drawn from a desire not to draw the ire of the dashing damsel with a decidedly destructive disposition that he knows as Amazigirl. Additionally, Danny doesn’t do devious deeds nor deviate from the dames he dates; what we define as dunce-ly doings, Danny may defend as discrete efforts not to dab into disloyalty, for a cheat he ain’t.
On the other hand, he’s an idiot for not noticing Amber is Amazigirl.
The example of this particular comic makes me think it’s a good thing he hasn’t noticed yet, because he’d probably have blurted it out to everyone by now.
Aye, and also actively avoiding asking about Amazi-Girl’s actual appearence.
Alas, aping Ambers acting amplifies awful awkwardness
Kevin & Thasvaddef, amazing alliteration.
You have used up your quota for “d”s for the month.
Any further expenditure of “d”s will result in increasingly harsh fines and possible jail time.
I like Danny as well. So those of you who like him know that you’re not alone. In all actuality I think most of the people who “hate Danny” are just exaggerating for humorous effect.
Guys really, you can’t say Danny is an idiot for not noticing Amber is Amazigirl, NO ONE ELSE HAS NOTICED THIS EITHER.
They pick on Danny for not noticing because he is the only one who spends extensive amounts of time with BOTH girls.
Quite right. You’d think he’d pick up on the hair or voice. Most people aren’t around Amazigirl long enough to be able to recognize her voice.
He probably thinks it’s a common hair style, after all the main difference between Amber and Dorothy is their hair color.
Amber’s hair goes in front of her ears, Dorothy’s is behind it; it only looks the same because we never really see them in profile. Also their bangs are different.
I think Ethan has implied that he knows her identity
Everyone else only sees Amazi-Girl either in stressful situations where she’s doing her vigilante thing, or running away in the dark. Danny spent most of a night making out with her. He also spends a lot of time hanging out with her as Amber. There comes a point where obliviousness goes beyond idiocy and becomes pathological.
Wait, I just realized that we need a joke where someone more observant realizes DOROTHY is Amazi-Girl.
I have a feeling that’s the closet Danny is ever going to get when it comes to discovering Amazi-Girl’s identity.
Oh FFS Amber. Ditch the idiot who ignores you in favor of your larger-than-life alter-ego and find a boyfriend (or girlfriend! Whatever!) who loves and respects you without the mask.
Oh wait! You’d need self-respect for that! My bad.
He did like her without the mask, though, but was worried he was jumping into a relationship with her out of her superficial similarities to Dorothy, and was worried he would be using her. That he had the self awareness to do that much is surprising of a guy unable to connect the dots with other things in his life, but all the same, it was a pretty big sign that he does care about Amber and her feelings.
You read the comic from the beginning and forget or just come in later? I am not trying to be a smartass, it’s just this was explicitly stated in the strip.
Why is Danny the only college character who’s sole redeeming characteristic is the fact he’s so unremarkable? Even Rainah is shown to aggressively draw the line at insulting the mentally disabled, and Ethan at least has the Freudian excuse going for him.
But the thing is, he doesn’t have any negative traits to need offsetting with positive; he’s just…neutral.
And I’m fine with it. He plays a good straight man in this strip, anyway.
Given the characters in this strip – and discounting the parents who are, after all, only tertiary elements of the plot – about the only one who I could work up a dislike for is Ruth for her shameless abuse of her position as RA (and of course the sleazeball that tried to roofie Joyce at the party)…and then we see a side of Ruth that shows that she too has her problems. If we think back we’ve all known people who are as clueless as Danny; as naive as Joyce; as aloof as Dina; and as much a horndog as Joe. Rare indeed is the person who comes to college and does not experience a huge culture shock as they are taken out of their own comfortable environs and forced to confront the rest of the world in all its various colors and flavors.
So bring it on, Willis; I’ve got a ticket to ride this train and I’m going to take it all the way to the end.
Forgot to add re: the culture shock – and that’s what we’re seeing with all these people. It’s going to take time for Joyce, Danny, Walky, Billie, et al to become comfortable in the strange new world that is life at a major university, and it’s going to take longer for some than it will for others. Remember too that with only one or two exceptions (Ruth and Joyce’s roommate Sarah, f’rinstance) they are all freshmen and that while it has taken three years in real time to get here, little more than a month has supposedly transpired in the lives of our characters. This could be a very long journey and as I noted above, I’m willing to settle in for the full trip.
Am I the only one who remembers poor Dina, trapped alone with Faz?
Not alone! Her parents are there, too!
Always silently watching and waiting for the chance to strike. DINO-OBSESSING-FROM-BEHIND-YOUR-DOOR STYLE SNEAK ATTACK!!
Like that’s going to help. She doesn’t strike me as an apple that fell far from the tree.
And by that you mean…..
As soon as they get angry enough they will attack with prehistoric fury.
to Dina: are you guys angry yet
Me: this could take a while
Every time I think he isn’t THAT stupid, he just goes ahead and surprises me…
Oh my gosh, is he going to fall in love with Amber and dump Amazigirl?
He’d better not. Amazi-Girl might attack Amber in a jealous rage.
That made me laugh, nice one.
Poor Danny has been beaten by his parents into a state of pure neutrality. He doesn’t even realizing banging the cheerleader when she’s willing is entirely normal. He’s got a lot of growing up to do.