There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
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I did the same a couple of months ago. Then I go look at the
first strip and then the latest and scratch my head. It’s like
driving to work in the morning. I know I left home and now I’m
at the office but I’m not really sure how I got here.
I read this comic and then read the chapter title “Hanging with my family” and nearly died from adorableness imagining that Billie considers Ruth her family.
Probably. While I couldn’t tell you the exact concoction, They do use large doses of certain vitamins in detox centers.
On a side note, she’s lucky she hadn’t been drinking long enough to get DT’s.
The hotlink hover over the comic is not working for me now. Humm. Getting weirdness the last couple days on my pc. Some things work and some don’t and I’m blaming it on the full moon or something.
Hi, Willis. Glad to see the characters quitting. I’m sure someone has told you about these before, but just in case I’m wrong, here are a couple great reference articles on quitting drinking that could help give an accurate portrayal of what these two are going to go through.
He’s already written all of this storyline and probably the next one too, now Willis is just uploading the ones he finished several months ago.
It’s nice to see a fellow Cracked reader, but even if your ideas sound like good ones to him, you can’t expect them to implemented until the far future.
Hailing from a state that’s drunker than whole countries, it’s hard for me to buy that these girls are quitting. It strikes me as a degree of self recognition that’s beyond the average college freshman, especially one as allegedly jaded as Billie. She’s been caring for drunks through high school right? So someone bottoming out like Ruth did wouldn’t rattle her enough to stop her own party train. I could see Ruth offering to slow down. Or denying that there’s a problem at all. But to quit drinking entirely, even with the evidence we’ve seen? Maybe that’s the difference between going to School in Indiana rather than Wisconsin.
I never got the logic behind “Hey, let’s go kill our livers by drinking something that makes us depressed, angry, throw up, and then repeat the same symptoms six hours later but with a migraine”. I just didn’t.
But why not weed or something, and I’m not trying to sound like a stoner.
I don’t advocate or necessarily disapprove of using either, but come on, Logic…
I hate marijuana. For one, I’m asthmatic, so inhaling smoke is uncomfortable. There’s no euphoria when I smoke, just laziness. Where alcohol shuts down the part of my brain that shouts discouragement, weed kills the power and leaves me perplexed.
You ever see a German with a hangover? I have. It’s not a nice thing. How about you stick to your happy drink, I’ll prefer (if I ever try it) my happy smoke, and we both agree never to shove flaming nicotine death sticks in our mouths?
The symptoms you’re describing are by no means the only ones alcohol has, nor are they present 100% of the time. For example, alcohol has never made me “depressed or angry”. No, for a socially awkward person who struggles in social situations, loosening my inhibitions allows me to hold conversations I’m too nervous to have sober. Sober me at a party is hiding from a crowd on a balcony or in a bathroom. Drunk me is having a conversation with a pretty girl.
Having fun on alcohol is like having fun on any drug: be responsible, know your limits, and know what you have to do to combat the side effects. Don’t want to throw up? Stop drinking when you stop feeling like drinking. Don’t want a hangover? Glass of water to wash down your last drink, then another one before you go to sleep.
I think this is how they flirt.
Isn’t this how everyone flirts?
Tsunderes in love…
That’s just great and by great I mean, better bring a knife because the tension is going to be so thick.
Okay, you bring the knife, I’ll make sure Ruth or Billie don’t try to murder each other with the knife.
I dunno, Ruth seems more like a bludgeoning type of murderer to me…
Even though it was Billie who kicked and kicked and kicked until the door died?
Is “tension” what we’re calling Billie’s butt now? Also what’s the knife for.
A knife for the tension. Right.
sounds like a cool anime.
Not for me.
very tsun-tsun but only barely dere love
Same tsun time. Same Dere channel.
Mondere to Tsunday.
Tsuntimes I Deream
I love you guys.
Tsunderes in love…blue skies above…
I think you just described my greatest dream.
I would’ve buttered her up and move in for the kill.
If it is I screwed myself out of several potential relationships. More if I count girls I wouldn’t take anyway
Reminds me of Beatrice and Benedict
Yes, it reminds me of them, too. But then, does that make Walky & Dorothy Claudio and Hero?
So Dogberry would be…
Head Alien?
I love them together like this!
This is what happenes when a tsundere and a yandere flirt. xD
Also Billie looks pretty great in that top.
But Billie is the keymaster and you’re the gatekeeper.
There is no Ruth. There is only Zuul.
This sounds like a much more traumatic detox than Ruth was letting on…
Billie has a ‘key’? *eyebrows waggles*
And ruth wants Billie to give it to her.
Perfect Gravatar
I don’t know, Joe strikes me as the type of guy that’d be creeped out by a girl with a key.
I see him being more like Mistertique from Oglaf – puzzled at first, but more than willing to entertain the possibility.
And now we picture Sigourney Weaver as Ruth.
Ruth as Ripley? Yes, please.
Then we send her to fight off the Aliens.
Those poor, poor Alien bastards.
Three days sober and no one’s dead?
As far as we know….
Nope. Yesterday, the entire college was murdered. But that was just Ruth being Ruth, nothing to do with the booze
But there’s no sign of blood anywhere.
Ruth was actually blonde. It just soaks into her hair regularly.
So, she’s the Bloody Queen?
She certainly rules.
Your drawing style’s changed recently, Willis. I just can’t pinpoint the exact strip at which it happened…
Art evolution is a slow process.
I read the entire archive of Questionable Content and could not identify a single art change between one strip and the next.
Sometimes, it is VERY slow.
It’s easier to see the art-evolution if you click on every 100 pages of QC.
…click on every 100th page of the QC archive.
The only noticeable one happens super early, and, otherwise, it’s a really fluid change.
I don’t know, I think I noticed about a dozen particular QC strips where my brain was like “suddenly looks a bit different” …
I did the same a couple of months ago. Then I go look at the
first strip and then the latest and scratch my head. It’s like
driving to work in the morning. I know I left home and now I’m
at the office but I’m not really sure how I got here.
I like how far the styles of Dumbing of Age and Shortpacked! have diverged, too.
How weird this comic is when it’s put next to today’s Roomies! update…
I guess this answers the question of for whom she was framing the cleavage.
As if there was any doubt.
As if.
I swear Billie’s boobs are getting bigger.
All that booze she drank has to go somewhere.
I thought booze goes to your bladder.
Fat distributes itself a little differently for women, more specifically the hips and breasts
Three days without alcohol, a diuretic, means she’s retaining more fluid than usual.
Boob science!
Danny got her pregnent
How? By just looking at her?
DS sexy time with Amazigirl
Repeat 1000 times
Wash load of socks
Washer covered in semen
Whole dorm gets pregnant.
That’s sounds like a bad comic book plot.
I think the only way this is possible is if Danny was secretly the spawn of Yog Sothoth. Which WOULD explain why his parents are such dicks to him.
Wait, if Danny is the spawn of Yog Sothoth, shouldn’t everybody go crazy right about now?
Are you implying that everybody is this comic isn’t crazy?
Danny can’t do anything, let alone impregnate a woman.
Wow, you just made Danny worse than me.
I didn’t make Danny worse than you. I’m sure Willis did.
We all do our part.
I really like Billie in panel one. She just looks so bright and cheery, something we haven’t really seen in a long time with her.
agreed. Happy Billie is best Billie.
Billie’s cleavage window bothers me…
As a large-breasted woman myself, that’s not how lowneck shirts look on us.
(Specifically panels 3 and 5)
Nooooo! You can’t take away Billie’s copy of your room key!
You two are my favorite slightly dysfunctional couple!
So, situation normal, then?
As normal as Waspinator getting slagged every episode.
As long as he doesn’t turn into Doctor Bees, everything should be fine.
I feel like Ruth is going to end up addicted to whatever those little white pills are.
She becomes addicted to Tic-Tacs.
Or worse, placebo.
Every year aspirin addiction claims thousands of lives.
I read this comic and then read the chapter title “Hanging with my family” and nearly died from adorableness imagining that Billie considers Ruth her family.
Mmm-m Billie’s got such a nice curvy figure :9
She always have that nice curvy figure.
And we are all happy for it.
So Billie gets happier and Ruth keeps her edge. Okay deal so far.
What’s the pills? Vitamins I hope.
Probably just Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen. It’s not a green prescription bottle, so it’s almost definitely OTC.
And by green, of course I mean orange.
I’ve seen both.
I feel like there’s no way to point this out without sounding sarcastic…
She’s popping them in her mouth in the same panel where she talks about having detox headaches.
I wonder if Ruth is enjoying Billie’s shirt as much as I am.
Probably. While I couldn’t tell you the exact concoction, They do use large doses of certain vitamins in detox centers.
On a side note, she’s lucky she hadn’t been drinking long enough to get DT’s.
The hotlink hover over the comic is not working for me now. Humm. Getting weirdness the last couple days on my pc. Some things work and some don’t and I’m blaming it on the full moon or something.
But it isn’t a full moon yet!
I would know, I’ve been watching, waiting…
You’re werewolf?
A werebrit, judging by the grav.
*point* There wolf *point again* there Billie.
I knew i wasn’t alone
After studying panel 5 closely, I have come to the conclusion that Ruth is secretly a shark.
Freshwater sharks can swim up the Ohio river into Indiana.
Then what will it mean when Billie jumps her!?
Billie will have jumped the shark.
ba dum tish.
It’s your body telling you not to be such a dipshit.
Hi, Willis. Glad to see the characters quitting. I’m sure someone has told you about these before, but just in case I’m wrong, here are a couple great reference articles on quitting drinking that could help give an accurate portrayal of what these two are going to go through.
He’s already written all of this storyline and probably the next one too, now Willis is just uploading the ones he finished several months ago.
It’s nice to see a fellow Cracked reader, but even if your ideas sound like good ones to him, you can’t expect them to implemented until the far future.
So many true things. Thanks for the link.
Hailing from a state that’s drunker than whole countries, it’s hard for me to buy that these girls are quitting. It strikes me as a degree of self recognition that’s beyond the average college freshman, especially one as allegedly jaded as Billie. She’s been caring for drunks through high school right? So someone bottoming out like Ruth did wouldn’t rattle her enough to stop her own party train. I could see Ruth offering to slow down. Or denying that there’s a problem at all. But to quit drinking entirely, even with the evidence we’ve seen? Maybe that’s the difference between going to School in Indiana rather than Wisconsin.
I never got the logic behind “Hey, let’s go kill our livers by drinking something that makes us depressed, angry, throw up, and then repeat the same symptoms six hours later but with a migraine”. I just didn’t.
Not everyone goes through that when getting drunk. Alcohol is used as a means of escape much of the time.
Of course, different people handle it in different ways.
But why not weed or something, and I’m not trying to sound like a stoner.
I don’t advocate or necessarily disapprove of using either, but come on, Logic…
I hate marijuana. For one, I’m asthmatic, so inhaling smoke is uncomfortable. There’s no euphoria when I smoke, just laziness. Where alcohol shuts down the part of my brain that shouts discouragement, weed kills the power and leaves me perplexed.
Your “logic” cartoon is bullshit propaganda.
You ever see a German with a hangover? I have. It’s not a nice thing. How about you stick to your happy drink, I’ll prefer (if I ever try it) my happy smoke, and we both agree never to shove flaming nicotine death sticks in our mouths?
*Ah, note, my dad’s family is German. I’m allowed to say that.
The symptoms you’re describing are by no means the only ones alcohol has, nor are they present 100% of the time. For example, alcohol has never made me “depressed or angry”. No, for a socially awkward person who struggles in social situations, loosening my inhibitions allows me to hold conversations I’m too nervous to have sober. Sober me at a party is hiding from a crowd on a balcony or in a bathroom. Drunk me is having a conversation with a pretty girl.
Having fun on alcohol is like having fun on any drug: be responsible, know your limits, and know what you have to do to combat the side effects. Don’t want to throw up? Stop drinking when you stop feeling like drinking. Don’t want a hangover? Glass of water to wash down your last drink, then another one before you go to sleep.
How long do you need to be an alcoholic to still feel hung over 3 days later?
“Like depression, with all the fun taken out…”