And the cat’s and the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little Boy Blue and the Man in the Moon,
My girl… was just like me…
My girl… was just like meeeee…
And right at this instant, she’s TERRIFIED that she’s going to be “just like her dad,” because she thoroughly enjoyed laying that SOB out! No matter how much he deserved it, she’s going to start torturing herself over her actions. Which sucks for her, and I hope she gets over it someday!
Ironically her fear of becoming like her father is a good indicator that she won’t. Provided she maintains that fear, so I guess you shouldn’t tell her what I just said or she may cease to fear it. Curse you metacognition!
That is the point, I know when I have done things like that (maybe not a sock in someones jaw, but other things) I have felt peace during the moment, but later I look back and feel a disconnect and the fact I could do something scares me.
Worst part of getting out of an abusive relationship is realizing for years later that you’ve had to change in order to handle it… and not all those changes are for the best
I thought Danny was purposefully being ignorant? So to keep the idea of dating a super hero as opposed to a girl who dresses up in a yellow jumpsuit to fight crime
to be fair she doesn’t lie to him about anything and would have dated him in her normal attire if he hadn’t pointed out that he ‘obviously’ burnt that bridge
So the lesson is make sure You bookmarked your favorite sites that are not about freaky fetishes and have cookies unmarked when you delete your history.
Rule 34 leads to disgust, disgust leads to lost faith in humanity. Lost faith in humanity leads to surrendering your body and soul to a demonic power to destroy the world.
Don’t destroy the world. Get DirectTV and Cablevision as soon as you can.
She’s violent every day as Amazigirl. She punched people who deserve it, but after reading this, I am now convinced she needs to hang up her cape and see a shrink.
Well gee, you only came to this conclusion now? I was under the impression that dressing up in a costume and beating criminals up was NOT a valid means of coping with trauma and repressed issues.
While it is true that it’s not a good coping mechanism, this is still a different situation. There’s a difference between her going around as a vigilante to stop crime and enjoying it, and enjoying hurting people. What she’s having a crisis with is now she has to figure out which one it is she actually enjoys: the crime fighting…or just the fighting.
“Well, let’s see! Her mother was beaten in front of her as a child, she spends all her money going around beating people up as a giant Playskool toy, and regularly ends up with wussy boyfriends! Yeah, she’s clearly not all there!”
There’s no arguing that Amber was pretty well justified in with that punch. Blaine has more than earned it, and then some. But that’s not the point.
Here’s the thing. It’s entirely possible she was smiling when she hit him (and based on the vibes I’m getting right now, I’d say she was), and Amber is terrified of what that smile implies about her. Hence the dread and guilt.
Thankfully, the simple fact that she’s both aware of, and scared of what that smile means, shows that she’s far and away a better person than her father.
Eh, the satisfaction of an ass well kicked. Mind you, that comes _after_ the pain and the guilt and the self-fear-and-loathing and is largely a rationalization that lets you live with it.
Yes. Righteous Amber-rage is the best form of rage. If she could funnel that rage, she would be almost as awesome as AmaziGirl!
In other news . . . Blaine ran away; what’s going on with Faz? Does he just have to find his own way home now? (I like Faz in the old continuity–he’s like an Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain*–but this one just seems sleazy.)
*Yes, this is a TV trope. Enjoy your next several hours of reading.
It’s okay, Amber. You don’t get Dark Side points in the real world. You can be angry at evil folks and punch them when they need it without becoming evil yourself. You’re even allowed to enjoy it. Just as long as you don’t start punching the people who don’t need it.
It’s a nice touch that their jackets are the same color.
“Send it to him? Am I some kind of average asshole, like an Internet troll or the guy who cuts you off in traffic every morning? I sent it to him fifteen minutes ago.”
*Jump cut to Dr. Rosenthal uppercutting Blaine in the precise same fashion as Amber did. Canned laughter.*
I know all of this is in no way reality, but it still bugs the hell out of me to hear people joking about stuff like this. “Guy’s an asshole? Send him a video of his ex banging someone else! a) without her consent or knowledge, and b) because this is an affront to his previous ownership of her body!” It just… there’s just so much wrong with it.
The implication is less, “She’s free of controlling assholes like you now!” and more “Look, look, you lost the shiny toy you should’ve valued more, because now other people are using it!” There’s no… agency.
…I don’t get the problem. I’d probably be grinning like a maniac (and maybe laughing maniacally) if I ever punched that scumbag Blaine in the face. It’s perfectly natural.
In all seriousness, I understand why she feels that way. She isn’t really angry or sad with the fact that she punched Blaine (since he had it coming), but rather that she enjoyed it in much the same way that Blaine would enjoy physically hurting someone else.
Trust me, it never feels good afterwards. Even if you’re completely in the right for all of the right reasons. Even if you *know* that, you’ll still end up horrified or hyperventilating or sobbing afterwards.
I kind of think it’s a good thing (if not in the moment). It’s what makes us different from them.
I can clear that up. You see, there was a typo in the email section of the comments after I cleared up my caches and history yesterday. So, Super Asia grav Aizat is the real one.
It could be that she’s sad about more than just being (potentially) like her father. It’s kind of heartbreaking that you would want or need to punch *your own father* out of self-defense/self-preservation.
Sad? No. Terrified? That’s what it looks like to me.
Survivors of abuse who don’t seek treatment are more likely to continue the cycle.
Amber’s afraid of what might happen if Blaine finds her.
Probably not that he’d kick her ass, but that she’d do even worse to him, and like it.
I’ve had my own fears about turning out like my own abusive father in some ways. I’ve been taking steps both consciously on my own, and with the help of therapy to avoid that, but I can totally empathize with Amber here.
I hope things come out alright for her in the end.
Sad and afraid, at the same time, maybe? I hear what you’re saying about survivors, but there’s got to be a part of her that is grappling with the fact that something has been broken in her relationship with her father that can never be fixed (even if she wants it to be).
Yeah, I guess the glasses look weird, but I don’t mind. They look like eggs. Eggs means breakfast. Breakfast means breakfast tacos. :d I’d better get to bed! WHO’S WITH ME?!
Abuse often breeds negativity and even justified violence often has negative consequences. Amber will have things to work through, and will always carry some scars, probably, but she’s someone who’ll do well.
This comic reminds me of the first time I ever got into a fist fight. My friends couldn’t understand why I started crying as we were walking home. “You won! You beat him up! Why are you crying, you should be happy!”
It’s rare to see that side of things reflected in fiction, though. Aside from this strip, the only other example I can think of is Ralphie beating up Scut Farkus in “A Christmas Story”.
Dammit. I came here not too long after watching a YouTube edited version of the Watchmen intro, and I’ve got Simon and Garfunkel’s Sound of Silence in my head, and I’m imagining this sequence in that slow-motion style.
Dammit, it is even more awesome now.
Also, Nietzsche’s quote about fighting monsters also just appeared in my head.
I have a problem discerning obscured faces. When Billie was hiding in Ruth’s closet when Ruth passed out from drinking, I saw the weirdest thing. I saw three panels of a super long face with the most awkward of worried smiles. She looked down for a second. I thought she was looking at the half-chub she got from Ruth’s misery. It was hilarious.
But I was wrong.
For two completely different references:
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness … ”
“Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the Dark Side will be complete!”
Adrenalin and endorphins are a hell of a drug.
(yeah, I crack a funny reference, but I sure ain’t kidding – “fight or flight” is some pretty heavy stuff.)
I just spent a minute trying to determine if Willis used the same – exact same – image of Amber (is it a vector?) in this strip as he did when she initially punched Blaine.
He did.
Sometimes people who get punched didn’t deserve it at all. This was not one of those times. This guy deserves to get punched twice a day for the rest of his life.
I was wondering if she was feeling misplaced guilt, too. It seems like on some level, you must mourn the loss of the relationship that could never be. Acting against that desire might intuitively feel like a betrayal, even though he so sincerely deserves a beatdown.
Kinda reminds me of Zero’s dream in Rockman X3 manga. Though in that one, he dreamed that he fought Sigma only for Sigma’s face to rip and reveal Zero’s face.
Why is everyone so negative about Amber’s actions? After years of mental, emotional, and likely physical abuse, she stood up for herself. Yes, in a violent manner and my reaction is GOOD FOR HER! Do you think her hugging him and saying, “Gee, Dad, I’m sorry you have issues you have to take out on me, lets go for ice cream and you can smack me around and tell me I’m fat and useless, won’t that be nice?’ would work? I swear, most of the people who wrote these comments would throw rocks at an abused wife and tell her that’s her job. NO ONE should have to suffer abuse and with Amber’s Dad…he is NOT going to stop. He’s obviously not afraid of courts, cops, or social censure, so…what? You would prefer he continue to control her life through fear and intimidation? Or should she be forced to run away and hide, change her name, all because of an abusive ?
No. He will NOT STOP, do you get it? He will not stop until someone outside of himself forces him to do so. So: you go, Amber. Reclaim the power he’s stolen from you all these years, and next time…use a baseball bat. Start at his ankles and work your way up. You don’t have to be a victim; you can be a survivor. Sure, it may be ugly, not nice, regrettable, horrible…but if it’s necessary, you get to hold your head up before anyone, and hold it *higher* than anyone that tells you there `had to be another way’. They’d be happy if you kept trying to find another way until he wound up killing you.
Remember, Amber: `We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready to do violence upon those that would harm us.’ (paraphrased; it’s late). And if you have to be the `rough man’…that doesn’t make you a bad person.
The problem isn’t that she stood up for herself. We love that part. Hell, it’s not even the fact that she hit the asshole. That’s fine. The problem is that, if this comic can be trusted, SHE ENJOYED IT. She enjoyed visiting violence upon another person, a person who was a family member. In her mind, she cannot help but connect herself to another person who enjoyed hitting family members: Blaine. Whether this comparison is valid or not is up for debate, and I’ve seen people give arguments for both sides. But honestly, what we believe about this situation isn’t as important as what Amber believes about it. And Amber believes she has become her father.
Sorry, I read it as not a smile of pleasure, but triumph. Realizing she has the power to stand up for herself…that’s a triumph. The tears and such in the previous panels are the worries, doubts, and fears of being like her father. The final one, though…I saw as realizing she’s not and that standing up for herself, even with violence, was a positive thing.
Of course, I could be wrong and likely will be shown to be as I catch up on the archives. Been away for a bit.
So to the people asking why it’s an issue that she stood up for herself: It’s not. Read the comic one more time. She’s discovering that she has a sadistic side. She failed to realize that she loved hurting people earlier because she called it justice, through Amazi-girl. Now she’s hurt her own flesh and blood, and enjoyed it. She doesn’t want to be her dad, and she doesn’t want to be a sadist. Now, I don’t think she’s going to escalate to starting to kill cats instead of kids. But I do think she’s a bit of a sadist.
You keep using that word (sadist). I do not think it means what you think it means. The use of violence does not imply sadism. Far from it. If it did, every cop, every soldier, every person who ever stepped in front of a weaker person to defend them and said, “You get to them only through me,” is a sadist. If you truly believe that…well, karma would keep all of those `sadists’ far away when a real sadist knocks on your door.
I understand what she’s going through but on the bright side she didn’t escalate once he was hurt. She escaped the situation (good move). A true sadist would have stomped him when he was down. Still, it’s a terrifying thing to let your animal out to have it’s way.
Even aside from any emotional stress this is causing her…enjoying hitting someone, worrying she’s too much like Blaine, etc…from a purely physical perspective, an adrenaline crash like the one she’s probably feeling right now is bound to make anyone shaky and weepy.
poor Amber… it’s hard when you don’t feel safe near your father and you have his temper….. I know that feeling. I was there a few weeks back… it’s really scary when you lose control and see him there as part of you… at least my dad wasn’t abusive. (the walls are the only thing that truly suffers)
The important thing is that she keeps a lid on it when she has to, and uses it in a mostly constructive manner. She did get a bit Bonzo’d here, but she recognizes the slip. I think she’ll be fine.
Yes, yes, yes!
Soon Amber will take over the family business!
(Not that there’s a long history of this tactic actually working outside Raven thing and the Godfather)
Corrected for over-enthusiasm:
Yes, yes, yes!
Soon Amber will take over the family business!
(Not that there’s a long history of this tactic actually working outside the whole Raven thing and Michael Corleone)
Cup sizes are meaningless without band sizes (there’s no such thing as a “D cup”), and it’s largely a myth that “D cups” and “E cups” are large (due to improper measuring methods). I wear 28E/30DD and my breasts are significantly smaller than Amber’s are depicted here.
It makes me happy to see someone preach the truth about bust sizes. My fiance went from a 36DD at Victoria’s Secret to a 32/34 F/G at a real boutique. Sadly, it closed and she now has to order her bras from overseas.
I used to love shopping at VS, but now that I know the truth, I can’t. I used to wear a 34C and that didn’t do me any favours, haha.
That sucks the boutique shut down! Maybe a new one will pop up eventually. ouo I like shopping in person so I can try on a load of bras without having to mess around with shipping stuff back and forth.
(I’m a little tickled to have Jason as my gravatar, omfg.)
She uses sites like and brastop to do her shopping. She even got a bikini with underwire in it. Those sites are a treasure trove for women with larger chests.
Honestly, it’s just all in her head. She’s nothing like him…he takes pleasure in causing pain and it is clearly causing her nothing but harm. Blaine’s an asshole who will feel karma’s wrath soon enough and she will get nothing but positive vibes. (here’s to hoping I’m actually right)
“Alright, class, so who here has heard of the glass ceiling?”
“The women cannot penetrate the glass ceiling because they lack the impressive power that the great Faz may use to penetrate you. The power is his penis. The book has informed me that you will be impressed by it.”
“One PDF called ‘A John’s Bravado’ has informed Faz that any female not immediately impressed by my power must be pursued!
The more a woman exclaims coldness and disgust, the more she is trying to revoke her true instinctual attraction to my innate power, and dare I say, my Pro-tip.”
I know that feeling all too well. You stand up for yourself or someone else and at the time you think you’re awesome but then you remember how that rage overtook you and made you into something twisted and ugly and you feel horrible about yourself.
My hands were clenched in fists of rage
No angel born in Hell
Could break that Satan’s spell
And as the flames climbed high into the night
To light the sacrificial rite
I saw Satan laughing with delight
The day the music died
This is so good. It seems to me Amber’s worries are unfounded–she was pushed, both in the present and in a way that must have brought back terrible memories or previous horror. Fighting back is what I wish I would have done in that situation. She doesn’t have to worry she’s turning violent because of that.
I do, however, think it might be valid for her to worry she’s turning violent as Amazi-Girl. I still don’t know if that role lets her release her anger or trains her to generate it so she can do good deeds.
I’m pretty sure she’s not worried about being violent. What worries her is that, like her father, she enjoys being violent. Fortunately, the fact that she’s worried about it at all speaks volumes about how different she is from him.
Yeah–important distinction there, and you’ve got a point.
I think my main point still stands, though. Is the identity of Amazi-Girl actually harmful for her development?
Ouch Willis. Ouch.
This strip really hits close to home. I don’t come from an abusive family or anything, but I inherited my mother’s anger management problems. I have ADD, my mother used to get noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors, but they aren’t getting paid for by health care anymore. I definitely know how Amber is feeling here. The helplessness of having lost control of yourself, the immense fear of it happening again, the terrible realisation that no matter what you do, it’s in your genes, and no matter how much you can suppress it, someday it will happen again. You will lose control again, and your anger could be directed at anyone. Nobody can be safe. After episodes like this (my last loss of control is now 5 years in the past, and I’ve never hurt anybody badly. I don’t have much force.) my memory’s just a blur, I try to distance myself from it, and the fear of it happening again drives me away from my friends. It takes time to trust your ability to suppress it. And it will always be a part of you.
But we know from Shortpacked that Amber doesn’t at all take after her father, despite her violent streak. Let us hope that a similar epiphany reaches her in this universe.
But… at least she realises it. And certainly isn’t revelling in it.
And with that realisation comes the opportunity for self control, for betterment. For changing relative to the path heredity may have otherwise laid out.
Besides, didn’t she already tell him outright that she’s no pushover BECAUSE she’s his daughter?
Few traits are innately evil. Simply tools to be used for one or another reason. As long as you’re careful, rage and anger can be powerful tools for the betterment of yourself and others. Revenge is something I keep in high regard and brutality should follow a crime fitting of it.
For me, there is nothing wrong with her enjoying beating the crap out of her father – as a matter of fact, I RESPECT it. I suppose I’m a bit of a RetPaladin.
As long as she doesn’t use her rage against the innocent… well, she’s Batman (in his varying levels of brutality).
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
This is everything that needs to be said for this strip.
And the cat’s and the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little Boy Blue and the Man in the Moon,
My girl… was just like me…
My girl… was just like meeeee…
The sad eagle would suggest that you are an authority on this matter.
Amber: METSU!!!!! *Shoryuken*
So much feels!
And Momo makes that just perfect
Yes Father. I shall become a Mazi.
Well… this is an absolutely heartrending strip.
At first I read “heartrending ship” which disturbed me greatly.
But the words you ACTUALLY wrote – I agree with them.
To be fair, you are correct in that this would also be a heartrending ship. I would have to rend the heart right out of anyone who shipped it.
You wouldn’t have had the chance, because I’m pretty sure I would have combusted if I had typed that. Even as a typo.
No one wants to say it? No one? Fine.
She’d hit that.
Punch it with all her might..?
I’m not entirely sure if I got it right as to what you were trying to do here…
She’d hit that in the FAAAAAACE!
And in fact she did.
Yes — this tears me to shreds.
This. Poor kid. =(
Look at that smile it actually scares me a little.
It scares her even more.
In mother Russia the smile scares YOU!
And right at this instant, she’s TERRIFIED that she’s going to be “just like her dad,” because she thoroughly enjoyed laying that SOB out! No matter how much he deserved it, she’s going to start torturing herself over her actions. Which sucks for her, and I hope she gets over it someday!
Ironically her fear of becoming like her father is a good indicator that she won’t. Provided she maintains that fear, so I guess you shouldn’t tell her what I just said or she may cease to fear it. Curse you metacognition!
On the one hand, I want to say “good for her”.
On the other hand, this can be good for no one.
Well, I’d smile if /I/ got to punch Blaine in the jaw.
On the other hand, this brings up obvious issues for Amber. Hopefully, her DoA arc won’t turn sour.
That is the point, I know when I have done things like that (maybe not a sock in someones jaw, but other things) I have felt peace during the moment, but later I look back and feel a disconnect and the fact I could do something scares me.
Worst part of getting out of an abusive relationship is realizing for years later that you’ve had to change in order to handle it… and not all those changes are for the best
Like father, like daughter
[it’ll be okay Amber you aren’t a cheating asshole]
Why did I not get that was what this strip was going for until I read this?
I’m guessing that Amber is worried that she enjoys being violent even if it was her lousy father?
Most likely; she was complaining about his violent genes earlier after all.
She’s worried that she takes after her father.
True. She just takes advantage of her boyfriend’s stupidity to continue dating him in disguise.
I thought Danny was purposefully being ignorant? So to keep the idea of dating a super hero as opposed to a girl who dresses up in a yellow jumpsuit to fight crime
Apart from superpowers (which Danny probably recognized Amazi-Girl doesn’t, have any), what’s the difference?
One is cool and mysterious while the other is indicative of potential mental illness?
to be fair she doesn’t lie to him about anything and would have dated him in her normal attire if he hadn’t pointed out that he ‘obviously’ burnt that bridge
I think you mean, she just continues dating her boyfriend in disguise to humour his
stupidityromantic fantasies.The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree, they say.
Is this your first dialogueless strip?
I know there are a few others.
I love the bookend images, with the sudden closeup realization. Nicely done!
Nah, there was at least that one where Joyce is trying to not get hair on her feet.
And the one with Billie and Ruth’s door, where Willis did break the 180 Rule and it was more confusing than a couple days ago when he didn’t.
And the one where Dina got kidnapped.
Technically, this one is [a strip, I mean]:
I don’t know about Amber, but I sure as hell would take delight in punching Blaine.
It’s a slippery slope.
There’s no such thing.
Well played.
Oh my goodness I am crying…that was so amazing.
That’s what he said.
“Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate.. to suffering”
Suffering leads to fetishes, fetishes lead to Rule 34.
It isn’t suffering if they enjoy it.
Many an artist would disagree. Art is suffering!
… end result, we have therefore determined that the dark side is artistic.
“Always the artists.”
-Mance Rayder
No, no, no – they learn to enjoy it only afterwards(you know, once they’re used to the pain)!
Rule 34 leads to sticky situations.
Rule 34 leads to an internet history you don’t want people to know about.
An internet history you don’t want people to know about leads to obsessively clicking the “Delete history” button on your browser.
Obsessively clicking the “Delete history” button on your browser leads to losing all your cookies.
Losing all your cookies leads to accidentally losing your gravatar.
Losing your gravitar leads to having to get random ones each time.
Getting random Gravatars leads to people thinking you are an imposter.
Or hilariously ironic ones.
Being labeled an imposter leads to Cassandra.
Don’t have to get a new Gravatar each time, get DirecTV.
Cassandra leads to looting of your home city.
looting of your home city leads to your people being forced to search for a new land near the river Tiber
So the lesson is make sure You bookmarked your favorite sites that are not about freaky fetishes and have cookies unmarked when you delete your history.
And an internet history you don’t want people to know about leads to fear.
I think that takes us full circle?
It’s a vicious cycle.
Rule 34 leads to disgust, disgust leads to lost faith in humanity. Lost faith in humanity leads to surrendering your body and soul to a demonic power to destroy the world.
Don’t destroy the world. Get DirectTV and Cablevision as soon as you can.
you need to talk to Pintsize he has something to say about your faith in humanity
In my experience, it’s ignorance that leads to all 4 of those things.
Much anger in her… like her father…
You are not like him.
Search your heart, you know it to be true.
Let the feels flow through you
“Let the hate flow through you.”
That is entirely the best possible avatar for that quote/name.
Amber needs to get herself some of those pointy Squirtle glasses.
I think Kamina has kinda taken those away from squirtle. Unless you mean the even rounder ones from the other ones.
They were Squirtle’s first.
I just now realized that Squirtle and Kamina are essentially the same character, except one is a dude and one is a magic water demon alien thing.
Don’t call Squirtle a “dude”.
Pretty sure Pokemon aren’t aliens.
Except maybe Clefairy.
Pretty sure Pokemon aren’t aliens.
Except maybe Clefairy. And Deoxys.
Instead of her Kamen Rider ones.
Which Kamen Rider wore shades again? I kinda forgot.
Amber the fact that you are regretting your actions (at least that’s what I am picking up)
Means your not like your father!
But this is the first time she regrets it. But not the first time she’s done it.
She’s violent every day as Amazigirl. She punched people who deserve it, but after reading this, I am now convinced she needs to hang up her cape and see a shrink.
Well gee, you only came to this conclusion now?
I was under the impression that dressing up in a costume and beating criminals up was NOT a valid means of coping with trauma and repressed issues.
While it is true that it’s not a good coping mechanism, this is still a different situation. There’s a difference between her going around as a vigilante to stop crime and enjoying it, and enjoying hurting people. What she’s having a crisis with is now she has to figure out which one it is she actually enjoys: the crime fighting…or just the fighting.
“Well, let’s see! Her mother was beaten in front of her as a child, she spends all her money going around beating people up as a giant Playskool toy, and regularly ends up with wussy boyfriends! Yeah, she’s clearly not all there!”
A cookie to all who get the reference. ^.^
What are you talking about? She doesn’t use Playskool toys, just her fists!
Primus forbid she start using Revel and Roll Out Prime from Animated as a weapon. That thing would leave someone comatose.
*throws R&RO Prime at fleeing purse snatcher*
“I am Optimus Pri–##THUD##…”
**guy lies in a muddled daze for hours**
AS a giant Playskool toy. As in, she’s dressed up as one. XD
Well, I assumed that she was just imagining having that last expression while hitting Blaine, what with the guilt and dread and all.
If the last panel was true I’d think there was a big problem. As-is, that punch seems like reasonable defensiveness to me.
There’s no arguing that Amber was pretty well justified in with that punch. Blaine has more than earned it, and then some. But that’s not the point.
Here’s the thing. It’s entirely possible she was smiling when she hit him (and based on the vibes I’m getting right now, I’d say she was), and Amber is terrified of what that smile implies about her. Hence the dread and guilt.
Thankfully, the simple fact that she’s both aware of, and scared of what that smile means, shows that she’s far and away a better person than her father.
Well she did mention she inherited his rage.
I’d be upset if I realized I smiled as I did it, too.
Don’t worry Amber, it will get better.
Actually I can’t promise that…
only willis can, and i don’t think he will
It’s intoxicating, isn’t it? When you have the power, you just want more of it…until it screws you over.
Amber will someday have a daughter that will grow to be more powerful than she can possibly imagine.
Existential Crisis ahoy!
You know what? There re some kinds of rage that are perfecly acceptable. This is one.
This seems like it falls in the category of “righteous fury”.
Enjoying hurting a person is a whole can of fish in itself, no matter how bad the person is.
True as well.
It’s a very complex situation morally.
It’s completely understandable and acceptable for Amber to feel good about getting back at Blaine after the abuse she suffered.
It’s also a bad thing to enjoy hurting someone, even a monster like Blaine.
Like I said: very complex moral situation.
Eh, the satisfaction of an ass well kicked. Mind you, that comes _after_ the pain and the guilt and the self-fear-and-loathing and is largely a rationalization that lets you live with it.
…can of fish? What happened to my can of worms?!
Fish ate ’em. That’s how they got stuck in the can. Duh.
Yep. Righteous fury is a fine and just kind of fury.
The problem here is, Amber wasn’t feeling fury.
Yes. Righteous Amber-rage is the best form of rage. If she could funnel that rage, she would be almost as awesome as AmaziGirl!
In other news . . . Blaine ran away; what’s going on with Faz? Does he just have to find his own way home now? (I like Faz in the old continuity–he’s like an Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain*–but this one just seems sleazy.)
*Yes, this is a TV trope. Enjoy your next several hours of reading.
Blain did not run away he is searching for amber for round 2
It’s okay, Amber. You don’t get Dark Side points in the real world. You can be angry at evil folks and punch them when they need it without becoming evil yourself. You’re even allowed to enjoy it. Just as long as you don’t start punching the people who don’t need it.
It’s a nice touch that their jackets are the same color.
Good…let the hate flow through you!
“Mike, when you did get here? I thought you were with your parents.”
“Shut up. Focus on the hate.”
“I’m where you least want me to be”
“Right now I’m in your mother. No wait, that’s Joe’s dad” *shows her a picture*
“And now I am phoning your dad to tell him where you are.”
Even Mike wouldn’t do that. He’s a jerk, but he’s not a psycho.
AMBER: You got a picture of Joe’s dad tapping mom?
MIKE: 15-minute video, right up to her first ‘O’.
AMBER: Call my dad and send him that!
Yes! And if Mike is anything like his Walkyverse self (which I think he is), he would do it in a heartbeat.
And probably throw in a picture of him fisting Amber’s mom as the cherry on top.
“Send it to him? Am I some kind of average asshole, like an Internet troll or the guy who cuts you off in traffic every morning? I sent it to him fifteen minutes ago.”
*Jump cut to Dr. Rosenthal uppercutting Blaine in the precise same fashion as Amber did. Canned laughter.*
I know all of this is in no way reality, but it still bugs the hell out of me to hear people joking about stuff like this. “Guy’s an asshole? Send him a video of his ex banging someone else! a) without her consent or knowledge, and b) because this is an affront to his previous ownership of her body!” It just… there’s just so much wrong with it.
The implication is less, “She’s free of controlling assholes like you now!” and more “Look, look, you lost the shiny toy you should’ve valued more, because now other people are using it!” There’s no… agency.
…I don’t get the problem. I’d probably be grinning like a maniac (and maybe laughing maniacally) if I ever punched that scumbag Blaine in the face. It’s perfectly natural.
In all seriousness, I understand why she feels that way. She isn’t really angry or sad with the fact that she punched Blaine (since he had it coming), but rather that she enjoyed it in much the same way that Blaine would enjoy physically hurting someone else.
Trust me, it never feels good afterwards. Even if you’re completely in the right for all of the right reasons. Even if you *know* that, you’ll still end up horrified or hyperventilating or sobbing afterwards.
I kind of think it’s a good thing (if not in the moment). It’s what makes us different from them.
She’s equating taking joy in inflicting violence on a family member with her father’s own abuse. That’s understandable even if he did have it coming.
*heavy metal voice* Kill your parents!!!
What’s the matter kid? Never seen the “Kill Your Family” show before?
Hey, there’s 2 of me!
*holding gun* WHICH IS THE REAL ONE!!!
I can clear that up. You see, there was a typo in the email section of the comments after I cleared up my caches and history yesterday. So, Super Asia grav Aizat is the real one.
Shoot the one with the goatee!
No no no…it’s…
Yami Marik voice: Kill Your Family!!!
Oh boy, a magic box! I MUST WORSHIP IT!
But Amber isn’t called Steve!
God dammit Danny I demand you ditch your parents to confort her right now! You can be useful for once Danny don’t screw it up
She doesn’t need Danny — she’s going to have Ruth! (Come on, Ruth! Find her soon . . . )
Ruth doesn’t need to find her.
She knows. SHE KNOWS.
Ruth doesn’t sleep. She waits.
Danny can’t not screw something up. It’s like…all he does.
Seriously. If he was walking in a desert, the ground itself would open up so he could fall in a lake and drown.
Danny could burn cereal.
Danny can upset Mr. Rogers’ spirit.
Danny loses to the first Goomba every time.
Oh god, Danny is me.
No, Kernanator, YOU ARE THE DANNY.
It’s funny considering Danny was a perpetual voice of reason in the Walky-verse.
Now he’s a clown who can’t possibly win in this community.
Danny was a perpetual voice of something in the Walkyverse, but I don’t think I’d call it “reason”.
It could be that she’s sad about more than just being (potentially) like her father. It’s kind of heartbreaking that you would want or need to punch *your own father* out of self-defense/self-preservation.
Sad? No. Terrified? That’s what it looks like to me.
Survivors of abuse who don’t seek treatment are more likely to continue the cycle.
Amber’s afraid of what might happen if Blaine finds her.
Probably not that he’d kick her ass, but that she’d do even worse to him, and like it.
I’ve had my own fears about turning out like my own abusive father in some ways. I’ve been taking steps both consciously on my own, and with the help of therapy to avoid that, but I can totally empathize with Amber here.
I hope things come out alright for her in the end.
Sad and afraid, at the same time, maybe? I hear what you’re saying about survivors, but there’s got to be a part of her that is grappling with the fact that something has been broken in her relationship with her father that can never be fixed (even if she wants it to be).
Bwa? Okay, I’ve never been in her situation, but I’d say it’s pretty clear what her problem is and wanting to get hugz from daddy isn’t it.
Yeah, I guess the glasses look weird, but I don’t mind. They look like eggs. Eggs means breakfast. Breakfast means breakfast tacos. :d I’d better get to bed! WHO’S WITH ME?!
Amber’s glasses are actually eggs with eyes drawn on them. She actually sleeps through every class and noone notices.
“Mr. Simpson, take off those glasses.
… those too.
… and those.”
Mmmmm, this reminds me, I need to get another AM crunchwrap from Taco Bell one of these days…
I’m not so sure Amber was actually smiling.
Whether she was or wasn’t in the moment, she might feel like she was.
Abuse often breeds negativity and even justified violence often has negative consequences. Amber will have things to work through, and will always carry some scars, probably, but she’s someone who’ll do well.
If Amber begins punching everybody, does that mean the comic will end up like Lawsome?
Lawsome was the best Willis comic ever…
Why it never won any awards is beyond me. The academy never recognizes talent until it’s too late.
I’ve been there before… your mind, the only thing that comes to mind is eliminating the thing that made you angry…but then it hits you.
Ironic choice of words.
The girl who dresses up in spandex and beats up people for petty crimes has an anger issue? Next you’ll be telling me Ruth drinks because she is sad.
I know. It’s almost as preposterous as Ethan being gay.
And don’t even try to tell me that Joyce is christian. I don’t believe it.
It’s like if Dina liked dinosaurs.
Next you will tell me Walky lazyness comes from being constantly favoured by his parents!
Or that Mike is mean as a heightened stage of rebellion to his incredibly nice parents.
It’d be like Billie seeming arrogant because she’s really insecure.
Or Walky liking Dexter and Monkey Master.
Or if… like… goddammit you jerks took all the good ones.
Amber, there are free counseling services available to all students UTILIZE THEM BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE
Silly Amanda, you know there are no therapists in fictionland!
And if there are they turn into Harley Quinn.
Amber you should see a therapist.
Questionable Content disagrees.
That’s its job.
It certainly disagrees with me.
She looked into the gremloblin’s eyes, didn’t she?
Nah, training with Manotaurs gives you weird visions sometimes.
She needs to use the old photocopier!
I’m giving you an internet high five just for referencing Gravity Falls.
Internet high fives received!
Once I heard that catchy theme music, I couldn’t escape.
Given the tricks the human mind plays on itself, she might not even be correctly remembering smiling. Could just be guilt.
Unfortunately, whether or not she was is not the point. The point is that she’s scared of what that smile says about her.
This comic reminds me of the first time I ever got into a fist fight. My friends couldn’t understand why I started crying as we were walking home. “You won! You beat him up! Why are you crying, you should be happy!”
Yeah. I know how that is.
It’s rare to see that side of things reflected in fiction, though. Aside from this strip, the only other example I can think of is Ralphie beating up Scut Farkus in “A Christmas Story”.
Happens more often in books; Ender’s Game immediately comes to mind, but there are plenty of other examples.
I’ve almost always cried and sometimes even shook after a physical fight. I thing part of it is coming down off of the adrenaline.
Give in to the rage…and the darkness comes.
Remember Amber, “you are the night!”
That b-tard deserved what you gave him and more.
Remember that as you punch everyone ever. That’ll make it better :3 Won’t be tongue in cheek at all.
So effect precedes cause?
She became amazi-girl and then went back in time to the beginning of the semester. Amazi-girl really ISN’T the Amber that Danny hangs out with.
Like Rorschach’s origin story. He put on the mask and played at being Rorschach, but he wasn’t _really_ Rorschach until…
So, Amazi-Girl is going to snap after killing a murderer rapist?
“Shock of the impact ran along my arm. Amber O’Malley closed her eyes then, Amazi-Girl opened them.”
But Sal is Amazi-girl.
“You have failed, Your Highness. I am Amazi-girl, like my mother before me.”
^^^So much win!^^^
I still want to have that panel say
Should’ve been FATAL K.O!
Good, Amber…give in to your hate…
I know this feel.
W-where’s the funny….?
I think it’s right here, in your comment, AgentKeen. : ) But definitely not in today’s strip . . .
It’s in the beef….which leads us to another question, where’s the beef?
WHERE’S THE FUNNY?! I want to free my soul! WHERE’S THE FUNNY?! I want to lose co-ontro-o-ol!
Look at her glasses, they’re like eggs! Ha ha funny egg glasses ha ha.
Okay, I’ve got nothing.
The funny was inside you all along. this is heavy.
You are not your Dad, don’t give in to the rage!!
We have stared into the abyss…and we saw ourselves.
You know, if you take the first punch drawing out of context, it looks like the most dynamic “Haters gonna Hate” walk.
Thanks willis, you just punch me in the heart with this one.
In the shadow of her grief she found hate, and in the faces of all men, she saw the guilt of one.
I swear these arn’t tears! they’re eye sweat! that’s a thing right?
I’m with you on this one. That’s our story, and we’re sticking to it.
That last panel is much more unsettling than I’d like to admit. Bad jitters!
Dammit. I came here not too long after watching a YouTube edited version of the Watchmen intro, and I’ve got Simon and Garfunkel’s Sound of Silence in my head, and I’m imagining this sequence in that slow-motion style.
Dammit, it is even more awesome now.
Also, Nietzsche’s quote about fighting monsters also just appeared in my head.
She must have inherited it.
when you stare into the abyss it stares back at you
I have a problem discerning obscured faces. When Billie was hiding in Ruth’s closet when Ruth passed out from drinking, I saw the weirdest thing. I saw three panels of a super long face with the most awkward of worried smiles. She looked down for a second. I thought she was looking at the half-chub she got from Ruth’s misery. It was hilarious.
But I was wrong.
Poor Amber. It is hard to strike your creator. That childhood belief that one’s parents are gods takes a lot of therapy to go away.
or a lot of disappointments.
This hurt more than words ever could.
I am going to have trouble sleeping tonight ain’t I?
To hate and anger give in you must not,
For to the Dark Side a path they are.
Funny. I had a long talk with my therapist today about healthy ways to express anger, to avoid this exact situation.
“Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” Friedrich Nietsche
Best Day and Worst Day.
Shit just got creepier.
*Shirley Walker’s “Batman Mask of The Phantasm” main theme is playing*
The Amazi-Knight is born!
You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a villain.
The second I saw the comic I did a CTRL+F search for this comment, I wasn’t disappointed.
Dick joke:
It is funny because “wang” means “penis”.
For two completely different references:
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness … ”
“Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the Dark Side will be complete!”
Nooooo, Orion has become Darksied
It’s sad, but true.
Her glasses are a weird shape. =(
Every true hero has this struggle, to make sure that you are not a villain with some excuses.
He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster.
Adrenalin and endorphins are a hell of a drug.
(yeah, I crack a funny reference, but I sure ain’t kidding – “fight or flight” is some pretty heavy stuff.)
Ahhhh… crap. well that’s unfortunate… good reveal Willis-domo.
Noooooo…. Willis is becoming like Hideaki Anno – “giving” what the fans want but twisted, truthy and bare-like.
I just spent a minute trying to determine if Willis used the same – exact same – image of Amber (is it a vector?) in this strip as he did when she initially punched Blaine.
He did.
Sometimes people who get punched didn’t deserve it at all. This was not one of those times. This guy deserves to get punched twice a day for the rest of his life.
I was wondering if she was feeling misplaced guilt, too. It seems like on some level, you must mourn the loss of the relationship that could never be. Acting against that desire might intuitively feel like a betrayal, even though he so sincerely deserves a beatdown.
I can understand why she feels the way she does. Basically it is “Will I turn out to be just like you?” Type of guilt.
It is certainly as you have stated. I’m just musing over a different viewing angle, which is likely not even valid.
Ah, character development without the use of any text. I love it.
So the question is: was she actually smiling, or is she constructing a false memory? My guess is on the latter.
Does it really matter? Either way, she’s scared of what it means.
Kinda reminds me of Zero’s dream in Rockman X3 manga. Though in that one, he dreamed that he fought Sigma only for Sigma’s face to rip and reveal Zero’s face.
“I love you.”
Oh, Amber. Both of us could seriously use a hug right now, so here *hugs*
“Despite all my rage, I am still reading Dumbing of Age”
Tell me I’m the only one, Willis was an only son
Why is everyone so negative about Amber’s actions? After years of mental, emotional, and likely physical abuse, she stood up for herself. Yes, in a violent manner and my reaction is GOOD FOR HER! Do you think her hugging him and saying, “Gee, Dad, I’m sorry you have issues you have to take out on me, lets go for ice cream and you can smack me around and tell me I’m fat and useless, won’t that be nice?’ would work? I swear, most of the people who wrote these comments would throw rocks at an abused wife and tell her that’s her job. NO ONE should have to suffer abuse and with Amber’s Dad…he is NOT going to stop. He’s obviously not afraid of courts, cops, or social censure, so…what? You would prefer he continue to control her life through fear and intimidation? Or should she be forced to run away and hide, change her name, all because of an abusive ?
No. He will NOT STOP, do you get it? He will not stop until someone outside of himself forces him to do so. So: you go, Amber. Reclaim the power he’s stolen from you all these years, and next time…use a baseball bat. Start at his ankles and work your way up. You don’t have to be a victim; you can be a survivor. Sure, it may be ugly, not nice, regrettable, horrible…but if it’s necessary, you get to hold your head up before anyone, and hold it *higher* than anyone that tells you there `had to be another way’. They’d be happy if you kept trying to find another way until he wound up killing you.
Remember, Amber: `We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready to do violence upon those that would harm us.’ (paraphrased; it’s late). And if you have to be the `rough man’…that doesn’t make you a bad person.
The problem isn’t that she stood up for herself. We love that part. Hell, it’s not even the fact that she hit the asshole. That’s fine. The problem is that, if this comic can be trusted, SHE ENJOYED IT. She enjoyed visiting violence upon another person, a person who was a family member. In her mind, she cannot help but connect herself to another person who enjoyed hitting family members: Blaine. Whether this comparison is valid or not is up for debate, and I’ve seen people give arguments for both sides. But honestly, what we believe about this situation isn’t as important as what Amber believes about it. And Amber believes she has become her father.
Sorry, I read it as not a smile of pleasure, but triumph. Realizing she has the power to stand up for herself…that’s a triumph. The tears and such in the previous panels are the worries, doubts, and fears of being like her father. The final one, though…I saw as realizing she’s not and that standing up for herself, even with violence, was a positive thing.
Of course, I could be wrong and likely will be shown to be as I catch up on the archives. Been away for a bit.
So to the people asking why it’s an issue that she stood up for herself: It’s not. Read the comic one more time. She’s discovering that she has a sadistic side. She failed to realize that she loved hurting people earlier because she called it justice, through Amazi-girl. Now she’s hurt her own flesh and blood, and enjoyed it. She doesn’t want to be her dad, and she doesn’t want to be a sadist. Now, I don’t think she’s going to escalate to starting to kill cats instead of kids. But I do think she’s a bit of a sadist.
You keep using that word (sadist). I do not think it means what you think it means. The use of violence does not imply sadism. Far from it. If it did, every cop, every soldier, every person who ever stepped in front of a weaker person to defend them and said, “You get to them only through me,” is a sadist. If you truly believe that…well, karma would keep all of those `sadists’ far away when a real sadist knocks on your door.
I understand what she’s going through but on the bright side she didn’t escalate once he was hurt. She escaped the situation (good move). A true sadist would have stomped him when he was down. Still, it’s a terrifying thing to let your animal out to have it’s way.
The unstable source of anger
I know that feel, bro.
I’m extremely surprised that no one has commented SHORYUKEN yet.
I think there was one Shoryuken comment up near the top of the page.
so many feels gahhhhhhhh
So, she enjoyed punching Blaine, but now she feels bad for enjoying it. Is that what’s happening here?
In short, yep! She’s worried that growing up exposed to his violence will make her violent.
Excellent. Now for a Face Heel Turn, with Danny the only one who can stop her.
I expect Chronicle-levels of awesome here, Willis.
Even aside from any emotional stress this is causing her…enjoying hitting someone, worrying she’s too much like Blaine, etc…from a purely physical perspective, an adrenaline crash like the one she’s probably feeling right now is bound to make anyone shaky and weepy.
Good! Your hate has made you powerful… Now strike down your father and take his place at my side.
Damn it! You beat me to this quote.
poor Amber… it’s hard when you don’t feel safe near your father and you have his temper….. I know that feeling. I was there a few weeks back… it’s really scary when you lose control and see him there as part of you… at least my dad wasn’t abusive. (the walls are the only thing that truly suffers)
The important thing is that she keeps a lid on it when she has to, and uses it in a mostly constructive manner. She did get a bit Bonzo’d here, but she recognizes the slip. I think she’ll be fine.
Oh man if only Sal wasn’t smoking in my Gravatar I couldn’t be happier about it!
There are two wolves inside you. A noble wolf and an evil wolf. Which will be stronger? The one you feed.
Yes, this is why I save this comic for last. It’ s worth savoring.
On the other side of things, it is immensely satisfying to one-up ANYone you have as much hate for as she seems to have for her father.
Darth Amber. Enough said.
Yes, yes, yes!
Soon Amber will take over the family business!
(Not that there’s a long history of this tactic actually working outside Raven thing and the Godfather)
Corrected for over-enthusiasm:
Yes, yes, yes!
Soon Amber will take over the family business!
(Not that there’s a long history of this tactic actually working outside the whole Raven thing and Michael Corleone)
Wow, Amber *IS* Broken Home Batman.
Amber, the fact that you’re feeling ashamed and frightened of yourself proves that you aren’t him.
And that, ladies and gentleman, is all that needs to be said.
Yeah, but that’s not going to make her feel any better, almost by definition.
The dawn of
She’ll only be Dark Amazigirl when she starts leting her thong ride up
That’s the sign of true evil.
The Seed of the Jerk shall sit the throne, and drown in punches anyone she damn well pleases
Amber in the first panel, D-Cup or E-Cup?
/puts on bravangelism hat
Cup sizes are meaningless without band sizes (there’s no such thing as a “D cup”), and it’s largely a myth that “D cups” and “E cups” are large (due to improper measuring methods). I wear 28E/30DD and my breasts are significantly smaller than Amber’s are depicted here.
I’d put Amber closer to a 34G.
It makes me happy to see someone preach the truth about bust sizes. My fiance went from a 36DD at Victoria’s Secret to a 32/34 F/G at a real boutique. Sadly, it closed and she now has to order her bras from overseas.
I used to love shopping at VS, but now that I know the truth, I can’t. I used to wear a 34C and that didn’t do me any favours, haha.
That sucks the boutique shut down! Maybe a new one will pop up eventually. ouo I like shopping in person so I can try on a load of bras without having to mess around with shipping stuff back and forth.
(I’m a little tickled to have Jason as my gravatar, omfg.)
me buying bras:
“This one kinda fits and doesn’t look hideous…”
I haven’t been able to find a bra that actually, factually fits since before my first child. -_-;;
She uses sites like and brastop to do her shopping. She even got a bikini with underwire in it. Those sites are a treasure trove for women with larger chests.
A(mazing)-Cup !
She’s actually a Supervillain!
Nah, she’s Batman. One of his more brutal incarnations though.
Honestly, it’s just all in her head. She’s nothing like him…he takes pleasure in causing pain and it is clearly causing her nothing but harm. Blaine’s an asshole who will feel karma’s wrath soon enough and she will get nothing but positive vibes. (here’s to hoping I’m actually right)
Positive vibes from her fathers inevitable death?
Real healthy.
i was talking more about her and not him…as in no matter what happens to that dickbag she has good things coming her way
Seems legit.
also does anyone else thing faz is going to get accidentally left behind at the college and pester people?
I want this so badly you have no idea.
“Alright, class, so who here has heard of the glass ceiling?”
“The women cannot penetrate the glass ceiling because they lack the impressive power that the great Faz may use to penetrate you. The power is his penis. The book has informed me that you will be impressed by it.”
Pro-tip: If you think Leslie will be impressed by your power, you are mistaken on a fundamental level.
“One PDF called ‘A John’s Bravado’ has informed Faz that any female not immediately impressed by my power must be pursued!
The more a woman exclaims coldness and disgust, the more she is trying to revoke her true instinctual attraction to my innate power, and dare I say, my Pro-tip.”
I know that feeling all too well. You stand up for yourself or someone else and at the time you think you’re awesome but then you remember how that rage overtook you and made you into something twisted and ugly and you feel horrible about yourself.
My hands were clenched in fists of rage
No angel born in Hell
Could break that Satan’s spell
And as the flames climbed high into the night
To light the sacrificial rite
I saw Satan laughing with delight
The day the music died
This is so good. It seems to me Amber’s worries are unfounded–she was pushed, both in the present and in a way that must have brought back terrible memories or previous horror. Fighting back is what I wish I would have done in that situation. She doesn’t have to worry she’s turning violent because of that.
I do, however, think it might be valid for her to worry she’s turning violent as Amazi-Girl. I still don’t know if that role lets her release her anger or trains her to generate it so she can do good deeds.
I’m pretty sure she’s not worried about being violent. What worries her is that, like her father, she enjoys being violent. Fortunately, the fact that she’s worried about it at all speaks volumes about how different she is from him.
Yeah–important distinction there, and you’ve got a point.
I think my main point still stands, though. Is the identity of Amazi-Girl actually harmful for her development?
Man when I first saw the dad, one of the first thing I noticed was how much a like they looked. I mean they even wore the same color jacket.
That hint of them looking exactly alike made was a great subtle build up to this.
“Yes… Feel your hatred… come to the dark side!”
Ouch Willis. Ouch.
This strip really hits close to home. I don’t come from an abusive family or anything, but I inherited my mother’s anger management problems. I have ADD, my mother used to get noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors, but they aren’t getting paid for by health care anymore. I definitely know how Amber is feeling here. The helplessness of having lost control of yourself, the immense fear of it happening again, the terrible realisation that no matter what you do, it’s in your genes, and no matter how much you can suppress it, someday it will happen again. You will lose control again, and your anger could be directed at anyone. Nobody can be safe. After episodes like this (my last loss of control is now 5 years in the past, and I’ve never hurt anybody badly. I don’t have much force.) my memory’s just a blur, I try to distance myself from it, and the fear of it happening again drives me away from my friends. It takes time to trust your ability to suppress it. And it will always be a part of you.
and I’ve got a friggin Galasso avatar for my anger issues post… great.
I inherited my father’s temper and my mother’s sensitivity. And three of my best friends live with me in my head.
My avatar is a happy lemon!
How much did you debate the grin with yourself?
Great, great strip. I’m almost speechless.
Also, hopefully the beginning of the end for Amazi-Girl, (still) the only thing I don’t like about DoA.
Amber, you have great rage in your heart. Welcome to the RED LANTERN CORPS!
Someone needs to fanart that. Like, now. Seriously, she’d look freaking awesome as a Red Lantern. Where’s Yotomoe when you need him?
The feels….
But we know from Shortpacked that Amber doesn’t at all take after her father, despite her violent streak. Let us hope that a similar epiphany reaches her in this universe.
“The hate is swelling in you now… Give in to your anger… You, like your father, belong to the Dark Side.”
No, that’s Sal.
Ah,… Now I understand why she ran,…. Meh,.. it sux to have standards AND morals.
She truly wears the white hat,.. You Go Amazi-girl.
It’s impossible to destroy what you hate in your parents. You are so close you end up catching your own shrapnel. It sucks, but there it is.
And my last thought….oh man, Danny, WHAT have you gotten yourself into.
best strip yet!
I just had something of a revelation.
Danny is DoA universe’s Xander.
That is a cruel and unfair comparison. You owe Xander an apology.
If the glove fits…
Yess Amber, feel the power of the dark side.
Amber of Earth. You have great rage in your heart. You belong to the Red Lantern Corps.
That was an incredibly powerful strip. Great job, David.
But… at least she realises it. And certainly isn’t revelling in it.
And with that realisation comes the opportunity for self control, for betterment. For changing relative to the path heredity may have otherwise laid out.
Besides, didn’t she already tell him outright that she’s no pushover BECAUSE she’s his daughter?
Few traits are innately evil. Simply tools to be used for one or another reason. As long as you’re careful, rage and anger can be powerful tools for the betterment of yourself and others. Revenge is something I keep in high regard and brutality should follow a crime fitting of it.
For me, there is nothing wrong with her enjoying beating the crap out of her father – as a matter of fact, I RESPECT it. I suppose I’m a bit of a RetPaladin.
As long as she doesn’t use her rage against the innocent… well, she’s Batman (in his varying levels of brutality).