eww, root beer with alcohol sounds terrible. It’d be like rum and coke, only worse. And rum and coke is bad enough, why take two things that are good on their own and mix them to create something that tastes like ass.
Actually, root beer had originally been an alcoholic beverage, dating back to colonial days and earlier (native Root Tea). It was only during prohibition that the spirit-less drink everyone knows came about. Thankfully, these days you can once again get the real thing from a handful distillers.
Originally called the Cuba Libre and was supposed to be symbolic of great trade realtions btwn US and Cuba (that aged well) Rum being very Cuban and Coke being very American
Agreed. Every time I try to make a simple mix drink (as in the aforementioned rum and coke) I end up just doing a double shot and chasing with my mixer. I drink soda so infrequently that I hate to mess up the taste when I do.
I got really drunk once in college on Vodka & Dr. Pepper. It wasn’t terrible. Once of those things you do when all you have is half a bottle of vocka you swiped from your grandparents and not enough money to buy orange juice.
Actually, mixed right, rum and root beer is a fantastic combination of flavors. It ends up tasting like a somewhat alcoholic vanilla root beer. It also helps if you use a good rum (like R.L. Seales or The Kraken).
is anyone else noticing that EVERYONE is indulging in their addictions here? while some may be better or worse, it is all about how much you’re relying on them.
One time, in Napa Valley, Billie happened to glance at a vineyard. The vines immediately withered and never bore fruit again. With a single glance, she had imbibed all the alcohol that field would ever produce.
I just got done being kicked in the face with the latest Goblins update (which pissed me off so much I deleted it from my bookmarks) and now I come here to find Billie cheating on Ruth.
It’s enough to make you want to go back to newspaper comics and the happy-go-lucky hijinks of Funky Winkerbean.
Same here. I’ll take a lot of nad kicking for the sake of character development or a good story, but Goblins crossed the line into Darkness Induced Audience Apathy a long time ago for me.
I don’t think the color of the bottle is as telling as the flush in her cheeks. I think when characters drink in Willis’s universes, their cheeks turn pink.
To be fair to Billie….I’d be tempted get back on the wagon…or fall off it…or…I would tempted to do things with wagons too if I had had the kind of day these characters have had.
She probably had some secondhand stress from being in the same room as Sal and Walky. But still… Very touching day with Ruth. Maybe too emotionally touching?
Well, she is dealing with the fact that the crazy chick she was scared of all this time is actually kind of nice and also confiding in her and still kind of crushing on her all at once. And also that Billie has probably lied about going cold turkey.
She did have to deal with her parents not showing up for Freshman Family Weekend. It’s exactly what she expected to happen, but that’s still got to hurt a little. Still, given how things turned out for everyone else, she almost certainly got off easy this time.
Doesn’t she like to jump out of windows? We aren’t 100% that its Amazigirl in panel 3. Maybe Sal got pissed. put on her gear and is just jumping around outside.
Yes, we are 100% that that is Amazigirl. Matches Amber’s figure way more than Sal’s. Also, how on earth would Sal know about the gear? That would require her to know enough about anyone other than the people she’s friends with.
Seriously, can we just let the “hurr hurr Amazi-girl is anyone but Amber” thing die already? Please?
When Billie does it, it’s revealing a facet of her character and fuels plot. When DoA fans do it, it’s beating a horse that died in the Paleolithic Era.
Billie has been in close proximity to Amazi-Girl twice. The first time was during the altercation with Ruth in the hallway when Amazi-Girl literally picked her up and carried her away from the fracas. Billie was also at the same party where Joyce got roofied and Amazi-Girl made an appearance only to find out that Ruth had things pretty well under control already.
So she should know, if nothing else, that Amazi-Girl has short hair; or at least hair that is shorter than Sal’s. She also should know that Sal’s hair is her own; it’s not a wig. Therefore, QED: Based on hair length alone, Sal cannot possibly be Amazi-Girl.
Eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable. It’s not actually all that unreasonable for Billie to trust the scenario she’s come up with based on other evidence more than she trusts her own memories of events, and it’s definitely reasonable for her to trust her own memory, even though she’d been drinking, more than she trusts the memories of the girl who’d been roofied.
Except of course that this is the reason that eyewitness testimony is so unreliable. Most memories are not of things that were actually observed, but of the scenarios that the brain constructed to fill in the gaps between manifestly inadequate bits of actual data. And those memories are just as real as memories of things that actually happened; there’s no way to tell the difference between the actual data and the interpolation and extrapolation, or even things that the brain just made up out of whole cloth to explain things that it didn’t have any real explanation for. And memory isn’t written in stone, either. The brain will go back and revise those scenarios as it feels the need. And not necessarily with actual facts. Imagine things often enough and the brain will lay down those imagined events as actual memories.
Billie has convinced herself that Sal is Amazi-Girl. She’s been convinced for long enough now – two full weeks – that she may well have unconsciously edited her memories of events so that she actually remembers Amazi-Girl as having had a caramel complexion and long hair that she stuffs down the back of her cape. And, unlike us, she can’t go back and check the archive to see that she was wrong.
The other day I saw an argument about whether “spell checker” should actually be “spelling checker”, but that’s irrelevant now because clearly “word-squiggler” needs to be the official term.
I dunno. Sometimes I look up stuff about video games.
Then again there are plenty of drawings of my favorate video games banging so I guess you’re right.
Why would Walky tell her about that when we just saw him so unwilling to talk that he stormed out of the room?
He’s probably talking about something a lot more inane, looking to Dorothy for comfort. Probably something slightly mushy and goofy, knowing Walky and seeing Dorothy’s smile.
Well, it could be that he told her about it and she’s smiling ‘cos he felt able to tell her something pretty close. Butmore likely he just wants to see her as deathjavu said.
I hope it’s SoBe also, with a shot of EverClear in it!
I used to intro 19 year olds (when I was 21) to EverClear, and thereafter, anyone else with BOOBS that I could. I’d be doing it tonight if I wasn’t HERE, reading THIS COMIC!!
Remember the beginning of the storyline and her lack of withdrawal symptoms compared to Ruth? Pretty sure this is just confirming what everyone should have suspected at that point. Billie never quit drinking, she just quit drinking in ways that Ruth could easily verify.
So is Walky calling his sister? Or Dorothy?
Dorothy is hitting the books, of course.
Looks as if Amazi-girl is coping, her way. Wonder if she is Blaine hunting?
Joyce is sleeping the sleep of the justified. She deserves it.
Billie, ah dang it Billie……
Is it wrong I want Ruth to go on a few dates with the crazy ass publisher of the college paper, only for the publisher to become insanely jealous of Billy?
actually, the longer you leave it on the more of your vocabulary it learns, to the point where when speaking clearly and concisely in a normal indoor voice it can properly distinguish Voice-to-text using slang that you taught the phone in the first place. well most of them can, idk about yours.
Interestingly enough, last night I learnt I can add “fucker” and “fuckee” to the dictionary, but not “fuck”. Because people who use smartphones are afraid of cursing?
And despite the emotional drama in Joyce’s day, she can still sleep blissfully.
As for Billie … alcoholism is an addiction, and a tough one to kick. Not sure she has as much incentive to kick it (yet) as she did in the Roomies! continuity.
I was about to go to sleep when I realized what a fucked up day I had
I cracked open a beer but then Ruth stopped me
She was like,
“Billie, you promised you’d get sober with me!”
So she took it
And threw it on the ground!
Some poser hands me beer at a birthday party.
What you want me to do? Drink it?
1) I love that in spite of her act of rebellion against her parents (which clearly took a lot out of her), Joyce is sleeping peacefully. If I had to guess, because she’s secure in the knowledge that she did the right thing.
2) Alcoholism is terrible and no laughing matter IRL, but Billie made me laugh a lot in the strip.
Looking back over this particular story arc, I have noted that Joyce’s parents actually *PRAYED TO GOD* that Joyce would do what she did. Panel #4 — “Give her the strength to make the right decisions, even when they are difficult.”
Granted, I suspect when they were praying to God for her to have the strength to make the right decisions, even if they were tough, they had the opposite outcome in mind, but yeah. Actually, that just makes it better that they got exactly what they prayed for, and it still bit them in the ass.
Now that you pointed that out, the last strip from every book involves Joyce sleeping. The beginning of every book is in the morning, though I’m assuming that “Pyjama Jeans” is in the wee hours of the morning.
Billie’s parents are absent, leaving her more or less an adopted Walkerton kid. She commented way back at the floor meeting after the fire alarm that she sometimes forgets and calls Linda and Charles “Mom” and “Dad”, to which Sal responded that it’s good that they have a daughter they like, and Billie and Walky have both said that they consider their relationship to be as siblings.
I don’t think Billie had realized how wide the rift between Sal and the parents was, and how much resentment of the rest of the family Sal was really feeling, until witnessing the argument just now, and if she has the empathy of a brick, she might be considering now if she’s the Walkertons’ replacement for their real daughter who is too black for them, and if she’s okay with that, and if Sal’s okay with that or resents her, too.
Of course, it’s Billie, so she’s probably just thinking about where she’s going to hide her booze so Ruth doesn’t find it (A: In her belly!), and if she touches on what Sal thinks of her, it’s probably just to wonder how it’ll affect her chances to hit that.
That’s not necessarily true. Walky said he used to watch cartoons with Sal until she got booted off toe Catholic school, then he used to watch with Billie until she became too popular for him. I’m guess that happened around when they were 15-16? So still a good chunk of it, but I imagine her cheerleading and popular friends and partying towards the end of high school meant she wasn’t with the Walkertons much recently.
UGH. I said “soy sauce” because it’s the first glass bottle non-beverage I could think of.
Now I’m worried people will interpret that non sequitur as racism and I’m worried that interpreting it as racism makes me actually racist or just self-aware then I uh guess its turtles all the way down fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
So, the website tells me that this storyline started on July 13. This seems to have distracted a great many of you fleshlings, but no one important enough to facillate the takeover of this planet.
I think that, for his next story, he should push grow his readership so that world leaders are hanging on his every word, and then use that power to take over.
Of course, if she’d gone through the crap Joyce or Sal had today, she would have JUMPED off the wagon, flipped the wagon over, and then set it on fire.
If she’d had Amber’s day, she wouldn’t have flipped it over. She’d set it on fire, then push it over a bridge (which would also catch fire), then into a barn. She’d close the barn doors after the horses had run out, and that’d normally be a bad thing, but y’know. Barn on fire.
There’s a bright white rectangle from the screen reflected on his face, and around the top and sides of the rectangle is a shading area that one might see as a mustache. It’s more of a Fu Manchu or a biker ‘stache than a handlebar, though.
Gotcha. I was looking at the full white area as a mustache goatee combo and didn’t notice that the shaded gray area does indeed look like a handlebar. And as far as Movember goes, I’ve got almost a years worth of full beard going on right now so I’m way ahead of the game 🙂
@Jack Finch, regarding your comment a few days back:
I believe that Billie is no longer winning the who’s growing up the most since starting college contest.
In my mind, Dave Willis read your comment and took it as a challenge (but probably only in my mind). Nevertheless…
Well, yeah. I tried to be quite clear that it was only in my mind that Mr. Willis was giving provocation to justify being cursed at. Cursing at Mr. Willis appeared to be a thing. However, I appear not to be doing it right. Perhaps it is a thing, but not today’s thing. Very well, then…
And in other news, Dorothy will not be accepted into Yale (or was it Harvard?) and be conflicted with wether or not to blame Walky. Joyce will soon neglect going to church entirely, then enter a period of depression when she realizes that she doesn’t even care. Amber will eventually go too far and seriously injure someone, leading to her own questioning of herself.
Oh hey, we survived this storyline! *pats us all on the back*
It can only get better (worse, more depressing, soul-crushingly awful) from here. Bring it 😉
At first glace, I thought that was Dina in the fourth panel, till I saw the Dragons t-shirt. Maybe that’s not booze?? Please not booze? No, it probably is, now I am sad for Billie.
This makes me double sad today. There’s a guy in my class and I think he’s got alcoholism. He smelled like a still. Fell asleep in his car at lunch and was late back to class.
Why do I feel like the strip title should have been “Coping Strategies”? Or un-coping strategies, in some cases. (What do you mean, that’s not a word? Sure it is! Now.)
Bad Billie!
I am disappoint.
Me too! I really hoped she’d stick it out for Ruth’s sake.
She’ll stick it out alright.
More like stick it IN.
Like, in Ruth. Like some kind of phallic thing. You know, ’cause they’re gonna bang.
Two ladies can bang without a phallic object.
They can also bang with a phallic object.
Why not both?
Banging simultaneously with and without a phallic object?
Schroedinger’s lesbian experience?
@Tan: That was around the time when scientific journals stopped publishing Schroedinger’s papers.
@Tenn But Playboy picked them up, so it worked out.
If this isn’t R34 of this already, I’m fairly certain it’s only a few in-depth Google searches away.
@Neospector Quantum Physics porn? never heard of that before…
Oh God…
I think a new fetish was just created
@Kelly I read it for the wavefunctions!
This post……
Very bad Billie!
that gravatar
…it could be root beer?
There is a thing called hard root beer.
Which kind of defeats the purpose why root beer was ever made…….
eww, root beer with alcohol sounds terrible. It’d be like rum and coke, only worse. And rum and coke is bad enough, why take two things that are good on their own and mix them to create something that tastes like ass.
Actually, root beer had originally been an alcoholic beverage, dating back to colonial days and earlier (native Root Tea). It was only during prohibition that the spirit-less drink everyone knows came about. Thankfully, these days you can once again get the real thing from a handful distillers.
Originally called the Cuba Libre and was supposed to be symbolic of great trade realtions btwn US and Cuba (that aged well) Rum being very Cuban and Coke being very American
Agreed. Every time I try to make a simple mix drink (as in the aforementioned rum and coke) I end up just doing a double shot and chasing with my mixer. I drink soda so infrequently that I hate to mess up the taste when I do.
I got really drunk once in college on Vodka & Dr. Pepper. It wasn’t terrible. Once of those things you do when all you have is half a bottle of vocka you swiped from your grandparents and not enough money to buy orange juice.
Vanilla vodka + Dr. Pepper is pretty fantastic over ice – tastes like cherry coke with vanilla in it. 😀
guess it’s a matter of opinion, the cuba libre is one of my favorite mixed beverages.
Actually, mixed right, rum and root beer is a fantastic combination of flavors. It ends up tasting like a somewhat alcoholic vanilla root beer. It also helps if you use a good rum (like R.L. Seales or The Kraken).
R&R’s! Rum and root beer truly is delicious.
Root beer and bourbon is unexpectedly AMAZING. I’m as surprised as anyone.
Stunned Amazi-Girl grav makes this comment.
Can’t say I blame her. We all need a drink after this storyline.
True but her part was probably the LEAST painful, everybody else deserves a drink more.
is anyone else noticing that EVERYONE is indulging in their addictions here? while some may be better or worse, it is all about how much you’re relying on them.
I hadn’t noticed that. Right on!
Oh yeah!
Billie drinks for everyone so they don’t have to.
She’s like Jesus.
Nah, her blood is harder than wine.
Billie’s blood is 80 proof.
Yeah, you can’t drink lying down! You’ll choke! |=p
Or worse: spill!
Not when you’re an alcoholic of Billie’s caliber!
She can absorb alcohol through her skin.
From 20 paces, no less. She just needs to stand downwind of a liquor store.
She’ll be completely wasted and the entire suply will be dupleted in 10 seconds.
One time, in Napa Valley, Billie happened to glance at a vineyard. The vines immediately withered and never bore fruit again. With a single glance, she had imbibed all the alcohol that field would ever produce.
I would pay her to hit about half of Sonoma County’s vineyards. Miss the cows.
She’s really good. Really good at drinking!
She’s slightly propped up by the pillow anyway. I’ve taken drinks of my water at night like that, so it’s not really a problem.
Bad Billie? Bad Willis!
I just got done being kicked in the face with the latest Goblins update (which pissed me off so much I deleted it from my bookmarks) and now I come here to find Billie cheating on Ruth.
It’s enough to make you want to go back to newspaper comics and the happy-go-lucky hijinks of Funky Winkerbean.
That’s why I prefer Funky CancerCancer.
Cancer cancer?
/Damnit I was going to make that joke.
//And C’mon, Willis isn’t as needless cruel as Batiuk
Cancer McSmirk.
…cancer incest?
Willis I trust to make a good story out of it, which is not something I can say about either Batiuk or Thunt.
It’s not like he didn’t hint at it, though. It does explain why Billie wasn’t going through withdrawal symptoms like Ruth was.
I had to stop reading Goblins long ago because it was just a continual kick in the nads. I don’t even have those and it hurt.
Same here. I’ll take a lot of nad kicking for the sake of character development or a good story, but Goblins crossed the line into Darkness Induced Audience Apathy a long time ago for me.
Wow. How much emotion did you put in one comic?
Billie NOOOOOOO!!!
You took it from me. Verbatim.
After a while of being on this site you tend to get a knack for rapidly mashing the refresh button until you can comment.
Wait, yo, it’s not a bad thing unless she doesn’t tell Ruth this next day.
If anything, I’d rather she fess up to it sooner rather than later. It’s just so sad after their great day together!
Also exactly what I was going to say. Possibly as many Os, even.
A good way to wrap it up
Wrap up what? The first day of this 2-day epic saga know as Freshman Family Weekend? It could be just as crazy the next day.
OR CRAZIER. Walky’s parents will bring the chainsaws tommorow.
(who still remembers this joke?)
Never forgot.
Dammit Billie!
That’s exactly what I said. I’m so disappointed. 🙁
It’s clearly rootbeer
Please tell me that Amazi-Girl image is a poster or something.
Ha! Can’t sleep Billie?
Try…”stroke sessions”. It’ll make you feel sleepy.
Sounds kinky.
Well, I’m pretty sure everybody have their own…”stroke sessions”.
That’s way towels are so handy. 😀
Goddamnit Billie.
The storyline that wouldn’t die.
Has finally been laid to rest.
Or is it?
Hanging out with my family 2:
The parenting.
Still better than The Hangover 2.
Hanging out with my family 6:
Same stuff, different actors
My Family 2: Electric boogaloo
Hang harder.
THE END . . . ?
That better not be booze, Billie. Ruth…. </3
If it turns out to be a brown bottle, I have bad new for you…
She’s found the one bottled chocolate milk and refuses to share?
It looks green, not that that makes a difference. Sad face.
Ah Absinthe, now that’s old-school boozing.
More likely to be Jameson or something.
I don’t think the color of the bottle is as telling as the flush in her cheeks. I think when characters drink in Willis’s universes, their cheeks turn pink.
Does that mean Ethan is constantly drunk?
All the characters except Mike and the twins are constantly drunk, apparently.
Don’t do it, Billie!
Too late.
To be fair to Billie….I’d be tempted get back on the wagon…or fall off it…or…I would tempted to do things with wagons too if I had had the kind of day these characters have had.
Billie’s day consisted of attending a football game with two Canadians.
Pretty drama lite in comparison to everyone else’s
She’s probably absorbing the angst-waves coming off Sal.
She probably had some secondhand stress from being in the same room as Sal and Walky. But still… Very touching day with Ruth. Maybe too emotionally touching?
Billie was emotionally touched innapropriately.
“Shows us on the emotion doll where were you touched”
Billie’s Emotions: I NEED AN ADULT!
I AM an adult.
*Proceed to knee Billie’s Emotions in the gut*
Well, she is dealing with the fact that the crazy chick she was scared of all this time is actually kind of nice and also confiding in her and still kind of crushing on her all at once. And also that Billie has probably lied about going cold turkey.
Not just kind of nice… That Billie is basically the closest person to her, probably Ruth’s best friend by default.
She did have to deal with her parents not showing up for Freshman Family Weekend. It’s exactly what she expected to happen, but that’s still got to hurt a little. Still, given how things turned out for everyone else, she almost certainly got off easy this time.
So where is Billie’s roommate, Sal?
(And so help me, if someone says she in the 3rd panel I’m gonna lose it!)
Doesn’t she like to jump out of windows? We aren’t 100% that its Amazigirl in panel 3. Maybe Sal got pissed. put on her gear and is just jumping around outside.
Yes, we are 100% that that is Amazigirl. Matches Amber’s figure way more than Sal’s. Also, how on earth would Sal know about the gear? That would require her to know enough about anyone other than the people she’s friends with.
Seriously, can we just let the “hurr hurr Amazi-girl is anyone but Amber” thing die already? Please?
Not until Billie does!
It may be a while.
When Billie does it, it’s revealing a facet of her character and fuels plot. When DoA fans do it, it’s beating a horse that died in the Paleolithic Era.
Billie has been in close proximity to Amazi-Girl twice. The first time was during the altercation with Ruth in the hallway when Amazi-Girl literally picked her up and carried her away from the fracas. Billie was also at the same party where Joyce got roofied and Amazi-Girl made an appearance only to find out that Ruth had things pretty well under control already.
So she should know, if nothing else, that Amazi-Girl has short hair; or at least hair that is shorter than Sal’s. She also should know that Sal’s hair is her own; it’s not a wig. Therefore, QED: Based on hair length alone, Sal cannot possibly be Amazi-Girl.
Joyce already tried that argument. Billie is impervious to your “logic” and “rational thought”.
Eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable. It’s not actually all that unreasonable for Billie to trust the scenario she’s come up with based on other evidence more than she trusts her own memories of events, and it’s definitely reasonable for her to trust her own memory, even though she’d been drinking, more than she trusts the memories of the girl who’d been roofied.
Except of course that this is the reason that eyewitness testimony is so unreliable. Most memories are not of things that were actually observed, but of the scenarios that the brain constructed to fill in the gaps between manifestly inadequate bits of actual data. And those memories are just as real as memories of things that actually happened; there’s no way to tell the difference between the actual data and the interpolation and extrapolation, or even things that the brain just made up out of whole cloth to explain things that it didn’t have any real explanation for. And memory isn’t written in stone, either. The brain will go back and revise those scenarios as it feels the need. And not necessarily with actual facts. Imagine things often enough and the brain will lay down those imagined events as actual memories.
Billie has convinced herself that Sal is Amazi-Girl. She’s been convinced for long enough now – two full weeks – that she may well have unconsciously edited her memories of events so that she actually remembers Amazi-Girl as having had a caramel complexion and long hair that she stuffs down the back of her cape. And, unlike us, she can’t go back and check the archive to see that she was wrong.
Sorry — that should be *SARAH*, not Ruth, who had turned the sleazy wanna-be rapist into a ground-rule double.
Panel 3: I am the Terror of the Night.
Panel 4:…..What was I talking about?
Panel 5, I meant Panel 5…Panel 4 is just adorable.
I’m curious… if the strip wasn’t running on weekends, when would this one have been posted?
This was drawn -long- past the point where Willis started doing it 7-days a week. So it was no longer a consideration.
Well, regardless of when it was drawn it still would have fallen under the previous schedule.
Actually this strip would have run on blornsday, due to an interdimensional slip-up.
What’s Amazi-Girl jumping off of? Jeez, that looks dangerous.
She’s jumping off of ambiguous large building 1 to ambiguous large building 2.
Are Walky and Dorothy texting each other?
(Mozilla’s word-squiggler doesn’t know “texting”, wtf.)
Bad Billie! You’re holding out on Ruth!
My CELLPHONE’s spellcheck didn’t know “texting.” WHILE I WAS TEXTING.
That’s just……….. wow.
My cell actually knew “sexting” before it knew “texting” because… reasons…
The other day I saw an argument about whether “spell checker” should actually be “spelling checker”, but that’s irrelevant now because clearly “word-squiggler” needs to be the official term.
It’s really bad at checking either spelling or spells, but it’s pretty good at squiggling words.
In all honesty, after this story line I think we could ALL use a good drink.
Behold Willis’ blue period. Very nice.
It’s his blue period because we’re all sad.
Blue periods only exist because they use blue liquid in those ads.
…. What, yours isn’t blue? I know I’m not the only one.
He should see a doctor about that.
It’s very blue. Period.
+1 for Picasso reference.
-10 for everyone after you who made a menstruation joke.
Baaddd Billie… Bad!
god fucking dammit billie
Well, I suppose it’s only appropriate for Ruth to rescue Billie now. Maybe that will clear up some of the tension…
As long as the inevitable disappointment and yelling that comes before doesn’t last too long, I am all for this.
Also is Willis implying that Dorothy is sexting Walky?
I guess I’m confused as to why Dorothy is smiling and Walky isn’t
sometimes people sext each other without doing the sex part
this is known commonly as “texting”
Some people are freaks, I guess.
Meh the disparity in the FACE, is throwing me is all.
Also this is the internet, its all about the sex.
I dunno. Sometimes I look up stuff about video games.
Then again there are plenty of drawings of my favorate video games banging so I guess you’re right.
I’m going to assume you don’t mean the characters in the game and just two physical game boxes knocking against each other.
New fetish!
I’m pretty sure the internet is all about fantasies about sex. If there was actual sex being had, they wouldn’t be talking about it on the internet.
The internet is for porn, after all 😉
And porning is half the battle.
G. I. Hoooooo
Here I thought Walky was just disappointed that Dorothy replied ‘LOL’ to his text of his manly parts.
Remember that last we saw of Walky, he and his sister were having a major fight.
Ok, how can any version of “My sister says that I’m a backstabbing attention whore and that our parents are racists.” elect a smile?
Why would Walky tell her about that when we just saw him so unwilling to talk that he stormed out of the room?
He’s probably talking about something a lot more inane, looking to Dorothy for comfort. Probably something slightly mushy and goofy, knowing Walky and seeing Dorothy’s smile.
Maybe something along the lines of, “I miss you; I wish we were watching cartoons together.”
Which is a nice parallelism, since as Book 1 closed Dorothy was seeking comfort from Walky in the same way.
Well, it could be that he told her about it and she’s smiling ‘cos he felt able to tell her something pretty close. Butmore likely he just wants to see her as deathjavu said.
D’aww, Joyce. She seems at peace with herself for the first time in gol-darn knows when.
She’s having sexytime dreams about Dotty.
Sarah: ¨Why were you moaning and going”Keep on doing it Dorothy?¨
Joyce: ¨uhh¨
Damnit Billie! Your parents didn’t even visit…
For some reason, I read that as “Your parents didn’t even exist…”
She doesn’t actually have parents. She is a robot. She is powered by booze
She’s just booze incarnate.
Go to her Billy, you know it’s the best idea
I hope that’s Sobe green tea Billie.
It’s water…yeah, water.
Yeah firewater.
It’s Snapple. Billie really likes her Snapple.
I hope it’s SoBe also, with a shot of EverClear in it!
I used to intro 19 year olds (when I was 21) to EverClear, and thereafter, anyone else with BOOBS that I could. I’d be doing it tonight if I wasn’t HERE, reading THIS COMIC!!
Maybe Thursday night…
I hope that’s a ship in a bottle and you’re just hungry for wood, Billie.
…No wait. This says ‘intranet’.
And thus many a male fanboy’s ;fancy’ is raised. 😀
Makes sense, babies often go to bed with a bottle to help them relax.
Though some babies prefer natural milk.
Kumis is a type of milk.
Not that milk..
Kumis is mare’s milk? I’ve seen videos of Monica Mattos drinking stallion milk.
Stallion’s… milk?
You… you mean semen?
Honest to god? Learned about kumis/koumis reading the novelization for Buckaroo Banzai.
Off topic here but…
Plasma, is that Asuka firing a BFmachine gun? 😮
Big F***ing machine-gun? YES!
Where can I find this masterpiece?
I had this pic for quite a while, most likely in one of the boorus.
Aw Walky looks kind of bummed.
Also, Dang it Billie!
There’s no proof of that.
But we have up to 120% proof that she isn’t anymore.
Remember the beginning of the storyline and her lack of withdrawal symptoms compared to Ruth? Pretty sure this is just confirming what everyone should have suspected at that point. Billie never quit drinking, she just quit drinking in ways that Ruth could easily verify.
Well, to be fair, a day like this would probably drive me to drink too.
I would’ve go punch a wall or something.
I would drink a wall.
I would punch a drink.
Hey, how about a nice Hawaiian Punch?
(No joke, I love Hawaiian Punch)
I would drink punch.
Drink a wall, is that what they mean by dry-wall?
Is it just me, or do those phones look like HTC 8X‘s?
Smartphone all look pretty much the same these days, only the OS varies.
The squareness, implied curvature, and the camera placement were what set me off. Obviously they’re just generic smartphones =P
If you want product placement, you have to pay for it or have Willis be a big fan of said product.
The balls is she looking at too need that drink so bad?
She’s watching Sal and Jason.
The other panels, obviously.
“Wow, everyone had a lot more going on today than me. Knew I shoulda skipped that football game and done something dramatic instead.
Bet if I take a swig of Pepsi 90% of the comments will be about me anyway. Check and mate.”
But Billie. With a figure like yours, you automatically get 70% of the comments even if you don’t do anything!!
When the next comic is posted, someone should run through and see how many people posted variations of “Damnit, Billie!”
So is Walky calling his sister? Or Dorothy?
Dorothy is hitting the books, of course.
Looks as if Amazi-girl is coping, her way. Wonder if she is Blaine hunting?
Joyce is sleeping the sleep of the justified. She deserves it.
Billie, ah dang it Billie……
Is it wrong I want Ruth to go on a few dates with the crazy ass publisher of the college paper, only for the publisher to become insanely jealous of Billy?
As much as I love the idea of Ruth and Billie together, that does sound… Interesting. As long as Billie gets Ruth in the end of course.
Publisher lady does seem a bit…psychotic in her neediness.
Who better to explore with than an experienced older(?) lady? Mrow.
By the way her name’s Daisy.
Thank you! I like Daisy but she came off a little too strong in her opening appearance.
*she’d get her in the end alright* hurrr hurrr hurrr.
In brightest day and darkest night no beer shall escape her sight
This comment demands fanart.
Let those who worship alcohol’s might come to her party, it’s The Cheerleader’s Right!
Thumbs up!
Seriously though, Amber in panel 3 is like a vampire.
Amber Alert.
Here you go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycmH1tMp_0s
Well, I mean, it’s Amazi-Girl so clearly she’d go for a bit more gravitas 🙂
To be fair, after the day she just had, it’s a little understandable.
John and David, turn off your auto correct. I turned mine off on my android long ago. Freakin’ thing drove me nuts.
actually, the longer you leave it on the more of your vocabulary it learns, to the point where when speaking clearly and concisely in a normal indoor voice it can properly distinguish Voice-to-text using slang that you taught the phone in the first place. well most of them can, idk about yours.
I think my phone is a little stupid.
Interestingly enough, last night I learnt I can add “fucker” and “fuckee” to the dictionary, but not “fuck”. Because people who use smartphones are afraid of cursing?
Well, as expected my immediate response of “DAMNIT BILLIE” was already taken…looks like I’ll actually have to think…
Oh, I know. Anyone else remember when Billie wasn’t having any withdrawl symptoms and Ruth was suspicious? I suspect this is why.
I really hope she tells Ruth tomorrow.
It just couldn’t be that easy -.-
Billie should become friends with Roz. I can imagine Roz’s advice.
“Why are you quitting beer? Beer is good! It’s only stupid anti-party people who hate beer. You’re not a wife-beating loser! You’re a fun party girl!”
Actually, let’s do this panel by panel.
1. Bad Walky! No distracting your girlfriend when she says she needs to study!
2. Bad Dorothy! Late night studying may have slightly higher memory retention, but it results in less productivity the following morning.
3. Bad Amber! You should be telling your boyfriend the truth, not doing the dark avenger thing!
4. Bad J….actually, your fine. Carry on.
5. BAD BILLIE! You know what you did.
6. I feel like this drink was as much an expression of Willis’ actions as Billie. Story over indeed.
Re: 6. I feel like this drink was as much an expression of Willis’ actions as Billie. Story over indeed.
So you are saying Willis is driving his characters to drink?
He’s drawing them to drink.
@ John: Ah, witty!
Billie: “I’m not a lush, I’m just drawn that way.”
Careful Willis. A DUI stays on your record forever. Don’t Draw Under the Influence. It won’t end well.
Don’t drink and d-raw?
Confound that Willis!
Okay but who is Billie looking at is Ruth on the other side of her bed or something
Yes, Ruth is next to her in bed.
I interpreted it as, “WTF did I just bear witness to?” *drink*
I just assumed she was checking for witnesses.
Sal is sleeping next to her wearing a “BLACK POWER” t-shirt and a “Power To The People” necklace and nothing else.
♪She said, “Been sober for month.”
I said, “Sober my ass!”♪
(P-much trying to do an Trapped in the Closet thing here.)
Billie is indeed trapped in the closet.
With Ethan
Correct me but did Billy try out for college cheerleading and get rejected or did she just assume there was no chance.
She got in trouble for alcoholism so she’s not allowed I don’t think.
While hiding with a drunken Ruth I believe she says something along the lines of “Funny thing, they don’t let you be a cheerleader if you have a DUI.”
Is it just me or is Amber doing the Dark Knight Returns pose there?
Good Night, John Boy.
Panel 5 is a good night to me.
Funniest strip yet! Bravo Willis bravo!
And despite the emotional drama in Joyce’s day, she can still sleep blissfully.
As for Billie … alcoholism is an addiction, and a tough one to kick. Not sure she has as much incentive to kick it (yet) as she did in the Roomies! continuity.
Dramatic it may have been but she was victorious in her quest to maintain her relationship with Dorothy.
Indeed. It’s just that emotional turmoil usually causes some sleeplessness, even if one is in the right. At night doubts tend to creep in.
Noooo, Billie. 🙁
“The Children of the Night”.
Billieyoulittleshit D:l
Billie, I demand you take that beer and ♫THROW IT ON THE GROUND!!!♫
How could you?!! Ruthless will kill you now!!!!!!
I was about to go to sleep when I realized what a fucked up day I had
I cracked open a beer but then Ruth stopped me
She was like,
“Billie, you promised you’d get sober with me!”
So she took it
And threw it on the ground!
Some poser hands me beer at a birthday party.
What you want me to do? Drink it?
This comic made me realize that, for someone that didn’t have any parents care to show up, Billie sure did have a random-shit filled day.
It’s funny that the sophomore orphan had the best Freshman Family Weekend.
Well, that last panel feels like a kick in the balls to me. Ouch.
1) I love that in spite of her act of rebellion against her parents (which clearly took a lot out of her), Joyce is sleeping peacefully. If I had to guess, because she’s secure in the knowledge that she did the right thing.
2) Alcoholism is terrible and no laughing matter IRL, but Billie made me laugh a lot in the strip.
Looking back over this particular story arc, I have noted that Joyce’s parents actually *PRAYED TO GOD* that Joyce would do what she did. Panel #4 — “Give her the strength to make the right decisions, even when they are difficult.”
Yeah — she did the right thing.
Granted, I suspect when they were praying to God for her to have the strength to make the right decisions, even if they were tough, they had the opposite outcome in mind, but yeah. Actually, that just makes it better that they got exactly what they prayed for, and it still bit them in the ass.
“…they had the opposite outcome in mind….”
Most definitely.
And with no words in today’s comic, the last dialogue of Book Three, as Books One and Two before it, is between Sarah and Joyce.
Now that you pointed that out, the last strip from every book involves Joyce sleeping. The beginning of every book is in the morning, though I’m assuming that “Pyjama Jeans” is in the wee hours of the morning.
When Walky visited Sal and Billie soon after that she was in her nightwear, so yeah, morning.
Sad texting Walky is sad.
God-DAMMIT-, Billie!
Dumbing of age: No you can’t be happy for two strips in a row. I’ma mess with your emotions are you are going to like it.
Dat some C60 I see?
Wait, did she have the bottle under the covers?
…Oh my!
: ( : ( : ( : ( : ( soooooooo saaaaaad
By Crash and the Boys.
It’s The Boys and Crash now. The boys seem to have staged a hostile takeover.
(That girl is a boy too.)
+1 cool reference points
I wonder if Billie is self-aware enough to be thinking about how she fits into the Walkerton family dynamic Sal and Walky were just fighting over.
What do you mean?
Billie is also mixed race.
Billie’s parents are absent, leaving her more or less an adopted Walkerton kid. She commented way back at the floor meeting after the fire alarm that she sometimes forgets and calls Linda and Charles “Mom” and “Dad”, to which Sal responded that it’s good that they have a daughter they like, and Billie and Walky have both said that they consider their relationship to be as siblings.
I don’t think Billie had realized how wide the rift between Sal and the parents was, and how much resentment of the rest of the family Sal was really feeling, until witnessing the argument just now, and if she has the empathy of a brick, she might be considering now if she’s the Walkertons’ replacement for their real daughter who is too black for them, and if she’s okay with that, and if Sal’s okay with that or resents her, too.
Of course, it’s Billie, so she’s probably just thinking about where she’s going to hide her booze so Ruth doesn’t find it (A: In her belly!), and if she touches on what Sal thinks of her, it’s probably just to wonder how it’ll affect her chances to hit that.
Billie isn’t stupid, but she doesn’t really do the self-reflection thing.
If you asked, she’d probably tell you that your mom might be considered the Walkertons’ replacement for their real daughter.
And that doesn’t even make sense.
Your face isn’t stupid! I mean is stupid! FAAACE!!
(I need the old Yelling Billie grav back.)
To be fair to Billie, they didn’t bother going to see her either. Not that that makes things any better for Sal.
Yeah. But she did apparently spend the last five or so years taking Sal’s place in the Walkerton household while Sal was exiled to Avalon.
That’s not necessarily true. Walky said he used to watch cartoons with Sal until she got booted off toe Catholic school, then he used to watch with Billie until she became too popular for him. I’m guess that happened around when they were 15-16? So still a good chunk of it, but I imagine her cheerleading and popular friends and partying towards the end of high school meant she wasn’t with the Walkertons much recently.
Sal’s place in the Walkerton household is being too cool to hang out with Walky!
Oh, that’s right.
Guys lets not jump to conclusions maybe Billie is just drinking soy sauce in bed.
UGH. I said “soy sauce” because it’s the first glass bottle non-beverage I could think of.
Now I’m worried people will interpret that non sequitur as racism and I’m worried that interpreting it as racism makes me actually racist or just self-aware then I uh guess its turtles all the way down fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Honestly the concept seems so absurd that I read it as “soy milk,” despite the fact that that also makes no sense.
I was too busy throwing up in my mouth a little to wonder whether or not you were being racist.
Same here.
If its Soy Sauce she’ll be in for a weird night. And day. And for the rest of her life shit will be weird.
So, the website tells me that this storyline started on July 13. This seems to have distracted a great many of you fleshlings, but no one important enough to facillate the takeover of this planet.
I think that, for his next story, he should push grow his readership so that world leaders are hanging on his every word, and then use that power to take over.
Anything less is a waste of talent.
Damnit BIllie.
Yep, fell off the wagon.
Of course, if she’d gone through the crap Joyce or Sal had today, she would have JUMPED off the wagon, flipped the wagon over, and then set it on fire.
If she’d had Amber’s day, she wouldn’t have flipped it over. She’d set it on fire, then push it over a bridge (which would also catch fire), then into a barn. She’d close the barn doors after the horses had run out, and that’d normally be a bad thing, but y’know. Barn on fire.
I gasped so hard I choked…
This comic would have made me sad were it not for the fact that in panel 1 it looks like Walky has a handlebar mustache. CANNOT UNSEE
Not seeing the handlebar. However I do feel like he looks like Reno, Sierra’s adoptive father in this.
Whoops, meant to reply, not new comment. Oh well.
There’s a bright white rectangle from the screen reflected on his face, and around the top and sides of the rectangle is a shading area that one might see as a mustache. It’s more of a Fu Manchu or a biker ‘stache than a handlebar, though.
(p.s. — know your ‘staches; Movember is coming up.
Gotcha. I was looking at the full white area as a mustache goatee combo and didn’t notice that the shaded gray area does indeed look like a handlebar. And as far as Movember goes, I’ve got almost a years worth of full beard going on right now so I’m way ahead of the game 🙂
@Jack Finch, regarding your comment a few days back:
I believe that Billie is no longer winning the who’s growing up the most since starting college contest.
In my mind, Dave Willis read your comment and took it as a challenge (but probably only in my mind). Nevertheless…
(Am I doing this right?)
Willis wrote these comics months ago. I don’t know that anything you write here will affect the story line for a very long time.
Well, yeah. I tried to be quite clear that it was only in my mind that Mr. Willis was giving provocation to justify being cursed at. Cursing at Mr. Willis appeared to be a thing. However, I appear not to be doing it right. Perhaps it is a thing, but not today’s thing. Very well, then…
“Billie, Nooooooooo!”
She’s probably still in second place.
Well, fuck. I sincerely hope Ruth finds out and goes back to kicking her ass.
*ruth walks in* “oh thank god billie gimme that” so… you cant sleep either? well maybe I can help with that.
Dear penthouse…
edit: could PROBABLY use some more Joe… oh well ill let one of the shippers do joe/ruth/bille
Darn it.)
And in other news, Dorothy will not be accepted into Yale (or was it Harvard?) and be conflicted with wether or not to blame Walky. Joyce will soon neglect going to church entirely, then enter a period of depression when she realizes that she doesn’t even care. Amber will eventually go too far and seriously injure someone, leading to her own questioning of herself.
It was Yale.
No Billie… you were doing soo well…
Damn it, as if this storyline wasn’t more depressing!
This just goes to show what I’ve been saying: Ruth and Billie need to be sleeping together.
Joe gravatar = Perfect for this comment.
Oh hey, we survived this storyline! *pats us all on the back*
It can only get better (worse, more depressing, soul-crushingly awful) from here. Bring it 😉
No Bille. Noooo….
Billie* No spelling. Noooo…
Billie, No! You can quit, I believe in you!
Ugh, two “bad news” comics in one day. Both were well-plotted out, but still depressing.
I was hoping that was the Desanto girl…
It would really shoot Robin’s “family values” thing in the foot if Riley were an alcoholic already.
Can I just say how great it is that such a long and emotional storyline is named after Birdemic
Maggie came up with the name for this storyline, based on this strip, if I’m remembering correctly.
Unless, of course, that was a stealth reference I just didn’t get….
Yes, the title of the storyline was her idea, based on that strip, by making a reference to Birdemic.
Now I have a reason to watch that awful, awful movie.
Don’t worry guys. It’s just Snapple.
A buttload of Snapple.
…Why did I misspell my own username?
Whoops, guess things happened. Willis, please delete these.
Oh wait, now things are fixed? Man, I have no idea what’s going on.
Dammit, now I hear Towlie’s voice whenever I read your comments.
Can’t wait for Ruth to find out about this!
I feel bad that I seriously didn’t realize what was wrong with Billie’s drinking till I read the comments >>”
At first glace, I thought that was Dina in the fourth panel, till I saw the Dragons t-shirt. Maybe that’s not booze?? Please not booze? No, it probably is, now I am sad for Billie.
This makes me double sad today. There’s a guy in my class and I think he’s got alcoholism. He smelled like a still. Fell asleep in his car at lunch and was late back to class.
Why do I feel like the strip title should have been “Coping Strategies”? Or un-coping strategies, in some cases. (What do you mean, that’s not a word? Sure it is! Now.)
AmaziGirl looks pissed.
Thats some supreme skill from Billie drinking whilst lying down, thats like nearly impossible
Her bed is actually propped vertically against the wall – just one more reason to drink.
Storyline over.
Awww, I love happy endings!
High-functioning alcoholism = comedy gold!
There are two Billies in this comic. I can only conclude with one thing:
Damn you, Billies!
It’s OK… it’s been refilled with water.
Next five comics will be of Joyce saying “….ffffffffffffff…….” Next week she’ll say “u” and then faint before she can finish it.
I posted this on the wrong comic how did I get to this comic.
Greetings from the future: EVERYONE IS FUCKED.
Do people know about the hidden buttens under the right side of the strips or am I the only one?
(Actually, Billie probably isn’t wearing pants, so…)
That final panel is the most heartbreaking thing I have ever seen.
Billie, no. 🙁 Alcohol can be extremely flammable when spilled on ships. ;;;