Under $1200 $1000 $700 $500 $300 to go until Sunday updates are unlocked for a year!
I think you guys are gonna do it.
YOU DID. Be here Sunday! Lord knows you’ll want to after Saturday’s strip.
Under $1200 $1000 $700 $500 $300 to go until Sunday updates are unlocked for a year!
I think you guys are gonna do it.
YOU DID. Be here Sunday! Lord knows you’ll want to after Saturday’s strip.
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Still more patient than I when something has my attention.
Ah yes, the bad side of having an imagination, I know it well…
I blame PBS.
I’d say I blame Rod Sterling, but truly, I blame my SO. I never had that kind of imagination until we got together, and I got to hear the fates she imagined for me when I was away from her. Now I can play the ‘worst-case scenario’ game with frightening ease.
Serling. If you’re talking about Twilight Zone Guy, it’s Serling.
Consider, if you will, a Residential Aide at a state school’s co-ed dormitory…
OK Legs, do your stuff (again!).
Ruth may need a new wall.
Legs? I thought she’s Mrs. Robinson.
At least she’s not the nose, I guess. I leave that to Ethan.
i personally find her eyes in the last panel a little strange…
They do look a little derpy to be honest, seeming to be looking in different directions. I suppose it’s let-slidable, though, since it’s hard to precisely place a dot when it’s that small.
I don’t think he draws the original that small, and you can zoom in when you draw digitally, which I assume Willis does.
Lemme guess… Ruth spilled the booze on her way to the bathroom, and is currently on her way back, and standing just out-of-panel behind Billie watching her.
She spilled alcohol in the doorway of her room? Wouldn’t that carry with it certain consequences in a dorm that prohibits alcohol?
Yeah, the RA might have to write her up.
(One of my friends actually did write himself up for drinking. In his defense(?), he was drunk at the time.)
That’s amazing
Trying to make a Billie-goat-ram-battering ram joke but failing.
Yes, Ruth! Use those crazy-strong cheerleader legs! Dammit, that wall should’ve shattered into a million pieces as soon as she used those legs to brace herself!
…Billie. Her name is Jennifer Billingsworth.
I can’t be expected to remember everything!
Or anything at all, for that matter.
That’s okay. The friendly natives (loud, but friendly) will remind you.
I may steal that name for an alternate name handle, even though I’m meaning to reference Lovecraft’s town and not Batman. BlackgateAlaskan is still a good name, though.
…I’m pretty sure the dorms in this building have inwards opening doors.
Ruth needs to make more use of Billie’s legs.
Panel 4 took me a sec. Thought she was trying to kick in the door and somehow missed.
Good job Billie. This is the proper intensely paranoid action. You do the comments section proud.
That was my first thought as well. It’s kinda beautiful, sometimes, how well the characters mirror the activity in the comments section. Reality imitates art!
This is why we all know that buffer calendar on the side of the page is a lie. Willis is actually breathlessly writing tomorrow’s strip as we speak, basing it entirely on things he reads while skimming these comments.
All you need to do to take control is plant keywords in Willis’ head. Then when he draws a strip, the suggestion enables his brain, simian though it may be, to reorganize the subtly planted words, and the magic happens.
My brain feels violated. And intrigued.
Why the random emphasis on words?
Oh wait, never mind.
Unfortunately, the bold l-e-s was nigh invisible for me, so I was trying to figure out what a bainorgy was…
I look forward to tomorrow’s Shortpacked! =p
I refer you to the current Menage a 3 story line.
Yea, that one is getting interesting. I expect to see Gary return to his room to find four girls making out on his bed any strip now.
Chekhov’s Cheerleader Kick!
Not to be confused with Chekov’s Cheerleader Kick, which was inwented years later.
If one were to remove the speech bubbles (and therefore the context) from the last panel, it might seem as though Billie is aggressively trying to hump the doorknob.
Alternatively, keeping the text but just having that panel would leave a similar impression.
Alternatively number 2, that’s exactly what she’s doing to try and get the door to open up.
I would’ve grabbed a hatchet.
And this, children, is why you should never use your imagination!
NEVER! My imagination is one of my best friends.
As long as it’s not your only friend.
Hey, I have plenty of friends. You just can’t see them.
I’m still not 100% sure that you all aren’t a figment of my imagination, or that I am a figment of one of yours.
I don’t know if I am the dreamer or a dream or a dream who dreams about a dream.
I dream you dream I dream, but do you dream I dream you dream I dream?
Yo dawg, I heard you like dreaming so we put dreams in your dream so you can dream while you dream.
I dream of ice cream.
And suddenly we ate watching Inception.
If you cant talk to yourself, who can you talk to then?
I’m glad Billie is finally addressing the problem.
The problem of getting to Ruth’s booze?
The problem of getting to Ruth’s boobs.
The problem of betting to Ruth’s goobs.
goobs, n. [güb]; 1.) The physical phenomenon where breasts (of both male and female persons) are predominated by fat; in which is accumulated by caloric intake, leads to a gooey formation.
2.) Ralphie May’s calling card, see: Honkers
How hilarious would it be if it was someone else in the room?
A dude? Or another lady?
Or a dude who looks like a lady?
A lady who used to be a dude.
A half dude half lady? You know, like Baron Ashura? For those of who didn’t know, here’s his/her/its picture: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lxrv0xhDlJ1rnpanoo1_500.jpg
Half woman, half SHARK!
Okay, that is going to give me nightmares for a little while. Dare I check out whatever that is from?
Mazinger Z.
Or a lady who dresses like a man!
I do so love a woman in a tux.
Her newspaper editor, cutting out the middleman and going straight to Ruth for the sexytimes.
Why would the door open out? Maybe she’s pulling the door when she should be pushing?
I don’t think “maybe” fits here. An “outside” door in any form of shared living facility like an apartment or a dorm would open into the individual unit, otherwise the hinges would have to be on the outside of the door and be a nasty security issue. Same reason the outside doors on a house open into the house.
More specifically, we’ve seen this particular door open (most recently here), and it opens in.
Ooooh .. Leafs! That explains those Billie’s tweets …
IMAGINATION! *making a rain bow gesture with both of my hands*
That was my first thought as well.
Huh, so great minds do think alike.
We all know this is what we wanna see
Actually, I was expecting her to go through the wall Macho Man style. NEED A LITTLE EXCITEMENT? SNAP INTO A SLIM JIM!
There’s nothing slim about Billie.
And we all like her for it….or maybe it’s just me.
I certainly do!
And my bow!
And my sword!!
And I’ll form the head!
And my spear! (see what I did there?)
Fret not, I’m right there with you. If you have to draw a body part doing something too complicated, just cover it up!
The first thing that popped into my head to cover it with was Ultra Car flipping the triple bird.
Other people talk to their voices too? Wow.
So, my voices still say Ruth is in the trash chute. I think they are wrong, maybe.
I have 20+ voices in my head…..it gets really noisy at times.
Kick it like a ninja cheerleader!
“Well Sal goes out the window all the time, and I’m a cheerleader. I can do this!”
She’ll get it open. Because Billie’s strong; Cheerleader strong.
Welp. It’s time for Ruth to die of alcohol poisoning to teach Billie a valuable and sobering lesson.
What dormitory still uses for real locks on the doors? It was all cards when I was at school.
Well, my current college still uses physical locks for room doors; a cardswipe is only used to enter the building.
a good deal. every one I visited when looking at schools (and of course the one I wound up at) had a card to enter the building and a key to enter your room.
No regrets!
ok Ruth I may not like you but please PLEASE don’t be stupid. I do not need this in my comics right now…
I can’t think of an uninteresting way for this to turn out.
Billie draws back, raising a foot to kick in the door. Then stops. Lowers her leg, puts her ear against the door.
“Oh. She’s fine. Well, whatever.” Billie shrugs and walks off.
Alternatively, Ruth opens the door just as Billy launches, and she kicks Ruth in the vagina.
I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t qualify as “uninteresting”.
Tomorrow is Friday. I do not have a good feeling about this.
Be not afraid! The shift to 6-day weeks has thrown off the schedule for diabolical cliffhangers for the next few weeks. So if there’s an evil Saturday cliffhanger, it will be an accidental evil Saturday cliffhanger. And with just a few hundred more dollars of contributions, there will be no more cliffhangers at all for a year!
Every day is a cliffhanger, I can’t wait until tomorrow!
That’s pretty true these next few weeks.
I have to agree that I’m really worried and hoping Ruth is just dead Drunk and not just dead.
She busts the door and the hallway gets flooded with cheap rum.
I don’t know why, but this face cracks me up.
“Whoops there it goes”
What is up with this,.. my name was mispelled,… and only part of my post made it?
My imagination does the same thing xD
I feel bad that because I lost my job, I had to withdraw my pledge. I’m glad you were still able to meet all the goals though, I’ll both both books as soon as I can
Never ever feel bad about that! I’m just tryin’ to print some books, not run folks out of their homes.
I would have pledged but… yeah, same issue here. Good luck finding something else.
and the action goes straight into the weekend now.
I’m hanging on every strip this week and now thanks to the Kickstarter we do not have to suffer through the weekend to see the next installment!
It’s killing me. Come on, Ruth. Be okay.
I kind of thought Ruth had attempted suicide, myself. That’s until I started on the archives of the previous strip, and given what happened to her previous incarnation, I kind of think she succeeded.
The fun bit? Who is supposed to educate people on suicide prevention, and hold the floor together when someone ignores it? That’d be the RA.
Poor kids.
Nyah, that’s what you get for setting your comic in a country with doorknobs instead of sensible door handles.