I’m at Phoenix Comicon right now! Come see me and Joel Watson at Booth #243. That’s a different booth than advertised earlier, ‘cuz our original location blew huge monkey balls and we got ourselves moved.
As you come in the entrance to the exhibitor hall, we will now be in the back left corner, amongst the dealers.
Dorothy clones, all trying to transfer to the Ivy League at once. How will they compete?
So Dotty and Amber are like Mr Smith?
You mean the program agent smith
…you mean there can BE only one
Since Highlander II and onwards should have never have existed.
The series was fine. For the most part.
All but the first and last seasons were great.
Highlander-style tournaments should be how colleges handle admission from now on. Also how politicians should be elected. Complete with decapitations, of course.
In fact, they should be how every decision is made.
I think my fiancee feels the same way. Every time we can’t agree on what to make for dinner, she tries to decapitate me.
Although, in these moments, her voice gets real gravelly and she thinks we’re in 16th century Scotland. And that I’m someone named “Ramirez.” So she might just be insane.
Well that would make choosing between going to KFC or Pizza Hut for tea a particularly messy affair.
Why the hell would you go to either of those places if you want tea?
Here in Oz, we refer to the three main meals of the day as Brekkie, Lunch and Tea.
In my opinion every decision should be made in the Thunder Dome.
Come on, can’t we get Beyond Thunderdome?
The only way to determine the best Dotty clone: Wet T-Shirt and making out contest!
But who will be the judges?
Dina and Joyce.
We keep going until we can get a clear consensus.
They’re pulling a Genderflipped Dr. McNinja!
As for why they look (somewhat) different?
Dorothy fails at the “not a clone” test.
He keeps it up, Danno’s gonna see “Attack of the Clone” =p
Amber is just Rei II to Dotty’s Rei I.
But who is the Rei III in this analogy?
Marcie? Since she has has a similar hairdo to Amber and Dotty, plus she wears glasses and she seems cooler personality wise compared to the previous two, just like the 3rd Rei.
So wait, that means Amber is going to die a fiery death in huge explosion.
Faz is Rei III
Just when you thought Evangelion couldn’t get more disturbing…
Suddenly Shinji’s reluctance to have anything to do with Rei III becomes perfectly understandable.
I think you mean Amber. Or better known as, Dorothy Symbiote 12.
Really smooth, Danny :I
Oh Danny, you are such a goon.
The eyebrows. Willis sure loves them eyebrows.
It’s his personal Rule 36 you know.
Yes, bring up your ex-girlfriend while going out with a lady friend who said that she likes you. No way this could maybe upset here.
Well he DID turn her down already. He’s probably not even thinking about it since he just got nookie from Amazi-girl.
yes, but if I were Danny I would still be a bit careful not to mentoin Dotty, since I could not be sure how easily Amber would be upset by such things.
How old are you though? How many times have you made a similar mistake already where you learned from it?
I might — MIGHT — buy this argument if not for his response to Amber, which seems less “oh man I didn’t even think before saying that
” and more “why aren’t you LAUGHING, bongo? god you’re even MORE like my ex girlfriend when you’re mad at me, so you’re just proving my point!”
He’s just that self-centered. Oblivious is too kind a word.
Yeah, like Danny’s assertive enough to expect everyone to laugh at his lame-ass jokes. Also, her response wasn’t “my god that’s a really hurtful thing to say” it was to snark back, so it COULD have been interpreted as banter, given that Danny is a friggin moron. He’s not misogynistic or malevolent he’s just stupid.
As they say, “Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.”
I don’t think the two are mutually exclusive.
A lot of the most malicious people I’ve known have also been incredibly ignorant.
Neither of them are smiling even a little bit. It’s not a friendly exchange of snark, regardless of whether you think being hurt is overreacting.
Dan keeps bringing Dorothy up. He needs to get laid (again).
He hasn’t been layed at all ever since he borke up with Dotty.
Yeah, he just ALMOST got laid with Billie and Amazi-Girl
Or he needs to just man up. I don’t think getting rewarded for his behavior is going to make him any less of a douchebag.
Yeah, Danny is a nice guy but he start to act like a douche toward Amber.
Are they half-sisters thanks to Amber’s dad in this universe?
Willis posted a pick of Dotty’s parents on tumblr. Her dad did not look like he head connections to the korean mafia.
They never do…That’s why you don’t suspect them!
Dotty is just going to Yale as a drug courrier.
Dorothy Black, coming to BBC America.
Featuring Ethan as Felix.
Without Amazi-Girl’s superpowers, this ship would surely sink…
Dorothy is part of a hive-mind? Don’t tell Joyce, she probably thinks atheists are some sort of Borg-like collective already.
They Aren’t?
You will be enlightent. Resistance is irrational.
Spelling error detected. Deploying language upgrade pack to unit #45723
You will be amazed what assimilation does to the human body
Are you sure you didn’t mean to say ass-stimulation?
I continue to be mystified as to what she sees in him.
It can’t be that hard to find an available heterosexual male on a college campus. (Especially when you’re a hot girl in CS!) It took Dorothy, what, ten minutes after kicking Danny to the curb?
He’s also not super creepy like BOB.
A spineless guy? Judging from Ethan that seems to be her type.
You are on fire tonight. Six internets for you.
Why thank you good sir? madam? fellow internet person?
Indeed. The joys of randomly assigned gravs. I’ll just be Sarah, since that’s who the site thinks I am!
I feel your pain.
I see what you’re doing there.
But I do kinda like being Sarah!
Someone she can share her pokemons with??
There’s a Pokemon sex pun in there somewhere…I just can’t find it.
I’m pretty sure that if you’re making Pokemon-based innuendo, you are obligated to refer to a lady’s “Cloyster”.
She wants him to shove his Onix inside her Cloyster.
Hahaha, that reminds me, one of the games had a couple send out that exact pair of Pokemon.
Also, Likitung.
Danny leveled up.
Danny learns BULLET SEED, unlearns SPLASH.
That was excellent. Although I can’t imagine Danny being that effective.
Danny used HARDEN!
Danny is out of energy!
Danny used FLAIL!
Danny hurt himself!
Danny fainted!
So THAT’S why he refused sex…
Clearly this is leading to Dorothy and Amber fighting to the death, in costume, over who is the “real” Amazi-Girl.
Also, one of Amber’s exes returns from the grave, just as things start heating up with Danny.
>:T I MAY draw this… MAAAAAAY!!!
If you draw it ill color it
You wouldn’t happen to be refering to that scene from Superman II, would you Kerny?
First of all, I don’t remember any such scene from Superman II. Admittedly, I haven’t watched it recently, but that’s a whole ‘nother issue.
I’m actually referring to AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #141 through #150, better known today as the first Clone Saga. You can read a pretty good summary of it here:
Sorry I should have said Superman III where Superman seperates into good Clark Kent and evil Superman thanks to some tar based kryponite.
I’ve never seen Superman III myself, though I’ve heard it’s some good old-fashioned Silver Age styled hijinks.
If you have the time, give the movie a watch on a slow day, or just watch THIS 11 min Superman III Review to get the gist of this movie.
Superman VS Clark Kent Battle.
Are you actually want us to read Clone Saga? you monster.
The first one is actually supposed to be pretty good.
Adventure time, hell yeah!
I didn’t even know there was an Adventure Time comic. Is it any good?
It’s pretty good – does rely heavily on situations very similar to the show however, rather than new things.
*Reads roll-over text*
… Altogether everyone…
Oooooh myyyyyy….
Isn’t it just the Laughing Ogre on N. High St?
Is that a webcomic?
It’s a store where Willis does appearances/signings very occasionally.
How does Amber afford so many comics! I’m jealous.
I had this exact thought. Maybe Amazi-Girl has a second job?
Amazi-girl daylights as a criminal and steals money for comic books.
This. ^
That’s what the student loan is for.
Hahahaha you think a student loan leaves people with extra money hahahaha. No. With loans and federal aid, she probably still has some out of pocket cost to pay.
You just have your priorities wrong. Paying for school instead of comics.
The loans go directly to the school. The only time you see any of it is if there’s extra for a disbursement period.
Well… you’re clearly living in the wrong country.
Comics? From my memory, and confirmed to still be valid by my kids, student loans are for beer and ski trips.
Me too
I just got two and book that costed another two this weeks D:
Annoyed eyebrow thing is trademarked, mind you.
And to think I was gonna use it in real life.
It does seem that Danny and Amber are taking up a lot of the strips recently. And while Amber is interesting, Danny is not.
Danny is like the little kids wading pool; shallow, a bit wet but mildly fun… for a while at least.
Suddenly, urine?
Are you saying that Danny is a bit piss-weak?
More like
“Danny, urine trouble.”
I have piddle more respect for you now you made that pun.
Awwww, poor Danny. He’s got plenty of flaws (like most of us) but always struck me as a decent guy at his core.
Danny always struck me as one of those guys you can be friends with- maybe even for years. But then one day WHAM- he reveals that he’s totally a sexist. Actually, that is pretty much exactly who DAnny is :(.
Imo that is.
Amber, you know OK Cupid is free, right? Sure, there’s a lot of douchebags on there, but at least then you have options, instead of getting railroaded into Danny Central Terminal.
See, Danny’s so boring his metaphorical love tunnel terminal doesn’t even have a nickname.
Danny, you suck. Get a haircut.
Who wants to bet how long it’ll take before we find out the two of them are long-lost half-sisters?
Does that have any relationship with ethan?
She got infected.
In this universe, it’s the other way around.
I, wow. In one comic, I went from being “meh” about Danny and thinking his relationship with Amazigirl was kind of cute to utterly hating him.
Good job, Danny. Good job.
Danny was joking around and Amber was rude in response. What exactly elicited utter hate towards him?
dude, she definitely wasn’t any ruder than he was.
Danny: Wow, you, a GIRL, like the same things as MY EX-GIRLFRIEND? This is amusing because you are obviously so SIMILAR to my EX-GIRLFRIEND! In your tastes!
I would probably have been significantly more rude!
This. I know Danny can be dense sometimes. But someone need to knock some social sense into him or he will end up hurting people around him, mentally.
‘Girls liking comic book is super rare and bizarre omg!!’
Intentional or not, that is totally the way his comment came off to me.
I understand buddy, let’s all hate Danny together.
I’m in.
Danny is kind of the worst.
Danny, Danny, Danny…
I don’t hate him (okay, that might change), but I can see why people would. He’s…not very empathic? Sort of emotionally oblivious to everyone but him, which makes him seem pretty self-centered. Keeps framing other peoples’ lives in relation to his own.
Yeah. I’m pretty meh on him myself. He’s just not someone who can inspire much of a froathing fannish defence on. Meanwhile he probably reminds too many people of someone they know/knew or even someone they used to be and look back on thing “oh god what was wrong with me” probably pressing some buttons. I mean at most you’ll get people citing he’s young and naive and he can grow up. But I think people are annoyed at not only the empathy failure but also the spinelessness.
Spinelessness isn’t a very endearing trait unless you’re looking for minions (and not always even then- sometimes you want minions which can take the initiative and perhaps take a pot at the hero while you monologue or save you or be able to grab that diamond without being caught even if you don’t give them details).
he’s spineless in a ‘nice guy’ kind of way, which makes him hateable.
Nice Guy(TM) really requires caps at least. Because there is nothing nice about them.
Danny’s not a Nice Guy (TM) though. That’s a word meaning a very specific type of behavior, not just ‘any guy who seems ‘nice’ but we don’t like’. In fact, he’s almost the exact opposite of that in many ways. He’s the one considering the girl as a just a friend and precluding possibility of lingering romantic interest.
Fine, but if you’re going to say “he’s spineless in a ‘nice guy’ kind of way, which makes him hateable”, you’d better mean “he’s spineless like a Nice Guy(tm)”, because otherwise you’re perpetuating the nonsense claim that it’s actually some lack of machismo that causes “nice guys” to finish last.
Woah- thats what the quotes were for? I see your point, but I don’t think we disagree about anything here…
@fit-to-freak: Agreed. My general tone is all because of Focka’s complaints, not because of you.
Sorry for the splashback.
What. I don’t think you know what the words you’re saying mean.
Nice Guy (TM) means a dude who think he’s entitled to getting smoochies from girls he is friends with, because don’t you see, he’s so NICE and whines about how he’s such a nice guy and that’s why he keeps getting ‘friendzoned’ and no girl wants to go out with him, even tho he’s NICE!
Of course I know what a Nice Guy ™ is.
Again, the phrasing was “he’s SPINELESS in a ‘nice guy’ KIND OF WAY”
not “Danny IS a Nice Guy(tm)”
Danny does not have to BE a Nice Guy ™ to have a quality that is KIND OF similar to a quality Nice Guys ™ possess.
I don’t think you understand comparisons, or that a comparison can be only by degrees.
Here’s another example:
I said, “My dog is wet, KIND OF LIKE THE OCEAN.”
Except he totally acted like a super entitled douche when Dorothy started hooking up with Walky.
Which he did, not as if he was entitled to Dorothy’s lovins but because Dorothy broke up with him saying she wasn’t looking for a relationship and there was a communication barrier between what each thought that statement clarified. And then Dotty and Walky came asking him for favors.
Is being a little pissed if your ex- boyfriend or girlfriend (who you followed to college, however rash and unwanted that decision might have been) broke up with you by saying they’re not looking for a relationship right now, then hooked up with someone else not a week later and then came asking favors, supposed to be ‘being entitled’?
That’s…. honestly news to me. (Specially since he helped out Walky too)
He literally complained about the possibility that Walky could have gotten into her pants sooner than he did. How is that cool on any level? One, it’s none of his goddamn business, and two, why on earth does he think this is about ‘fairness’ in anyway?
this is the comic I’m talking about. Danny basically makes Dorothy’s choices to have consensual sex with other people into a dick measuring contest.
Dorothy didn’t get in his business when he decided to do the sideways mambo with Billie…
That’s the one thing he’s NOT doing is gunning to get in Amber’s pants.
Hell, Amber’s got more in common with that sort, seeing as she’s the one hanging out with him when she has ulterior motives and has slept with him by proxy.
I’m referring to his overall behavior, not specifically just his relationship with Amber. Sorry for being confusing!
True — he’s sort of generic. Annoying in a vague way. Whereas someone like, say, Mike is adored because he’s a supreme jerk in a highly fictional fashion, Danny is treated with distaste because he’s annoying/oblivious in a realistic fashion.
The spinelessness is interesting, because he does seem to expect people to follow his life path (Danny’s never going to live down his first scene, is he), but if their expectations diverge from his he doesn’t take that confrontation. When he has taken a confrontation with someone else, he’s been passive-aggressive about it.
He thinks he’s nice but he’s also pretty self-centered, he enjoys fantasy scenarios and romance, he doesn’t seem to have a direction in life…and so far, he doesn’t seem to have any conflicting motivations or interesting backstory. Dumbing of Age‘s Danny — the Webcomic’s answer to “Meh”.
Exactly. He’s learnt nothing from the Dorothy break-up, he treats Amber with no consideration for the fact that she likes him, and he doesn’t even want to know who AmaziGirl is, because he’s only interested in his own fantasy. He needs to grow up a lot if he’s going to become a reasonable human being.
But in these last two strips, I’ve kind of felt that Amber is enabling him by hiding her interest in superheroes. If she really wants to be the mysterious superhero lover, she needs to see him less out of costume, rather than pretending to be someone she’s not. I think the eventual reveal is going to be really embarrassing.
I still don’t get why you insist that not trying to uncover amazigirl’s identity is a fault. Yes, it’s a fantasy, but Amazigirl’s still the one in control of it, and has implied that she doesnt want him to find out either. She called it an “outlet” FFS. If she has an issue with it WHY DOESN’T SHE TAKE OFF THE MASK?
Because he’s not treating her as a real person. I don’t think she’s the one in control, I think she’s foolishly going along with it, because she fancies him. Although she’s accepted (maybe even welcomed) the unusual fantasy trappings, I think she still expects an emotionally genuine relationship. I don’t think that’s unreasonable of her, but I don’t think she’s going to get what she wants.
It’s not that I think he should be actively trying to see through her disguise, it’s that his obliviousness is a symptom of his total self-absorbtion. You can’t make out with someone in a mask all night without noticing their body-language, their shape, their smell, unless you are lost in your own world, and effectively ignoring them as an individual. That he fails to recognise her the next day shows that he really doesn’t care about her except as the part she’s playing. She might as well be an inflatable doll.
That’s why I think she’s going to be hurt. Of course she should either reveal herself or end the relationship, but if he wasn’t so totally self-absorbed, she wouldn’t have to: he would recognise her, and they could either continue to act out the fantasy or continue more conventionally.
She’s deliberately altering literally all of those either as Amber (washing, deodorant) or as Amazigirl (messing up her hair, changing her voice, acting completely different) and he’s known her what? A few weeks? He’s never made out with her before, and The entire point of Amazigirl is that Amber is acting out parts of her personality that she doesn’t express as amber so failing to connect the two is kind of the entire point. She is in control because the whole reason she’s anonymous is because she wants to be. Again, if what she wants is to have a meaningful relationship with Danny, why is she wearing a mask?
If she doesn’t want a meaningful relationship with him, why is she hanging out with him out of costume so much?
We’ve seen her change fairly quickly, so her disguise can’t be that sophisticated. I don’t think it’s possible to quickly disguise yourself so well that someone spending a significant amount of time with you in both outfits won’t see through it, unless they are paying you no attention at all. But ignoring someone you are making out with to that extent, without even the excuse of alcohol, is just rude.
“I am Amber of Dorothy. Resistance is futile. Your life as it has been is over. From this time forward you will service us.”
If you know what she means.
Classy, Danny. Real classy.
you know, Danny………it’s much worse later on when all your clones are getting together as an ex-gf club, talking all that shit about you. And the way yr acting right now………………………….LoLz
Mike would make a “your mom” joke about the alt text, wouldn’t he?
He’d be too busy fanning the fire in the strip if he weren’t already enjoying the delicious awkwardness of Joyce and Ethan.
Wait, girls aren’t part of some cosmic Hive Mind? Based on my dating history, this can’t be true!
Oh, Danny. If you ever want to dry-hump an Elvis impersonator again, you’re going to need to learn how to talk to girls.
I can’t believe I’m kinda-sorta defending Danny here, but don’t we all share a hive mind? After a fashion? After all, isn’t that what pop culture is? A pool of collective memories that we all have, which is why reference humor, nostalgia media, fandoms, heck, even simply memes are entertaining to us? Because they tap into those shared memories, and basically function as “inside-jokes” that we’re all in the know for? Think about it. o_O
hahaha jk we all know there’s no way danny’s that deep.
I like this idea.
Danny’s not my favorite character by any means, but wow. There is such a lot of hate in here for him…kind of makes me think of a hivemind. Just kidding, but seriously I took it as the joke you make with your friends.
I mean, I don’t know about you guys but most of my friends and I make jokes jokingly at each other’s expense all the time. I joke with my one friend about seducing her recently out brother all the time because it makes her squirm and she in turn makes jokes about my horrible taste in men and stuff. It’s just what friends do. Joe made the comment about Dorothy and Amber looking the same, and so it’s probably been in his head. It’s been a couple weeks and Amber seems to be cool with being friends, so making a joke about it doesn’t seem to be that bad. Even natural.
I dunno. I feel like some people want to make Danny out to be a Nice Guy, but I’m fairly certain Willis wouldn’t make Danny go down that path.
But look at the way he reacted to Dorothy dating Walky. He got pissed at the idea that she might fuck Walky sooner than she fucked him. That’s like nice guy 101. I get the rest of what you’re saying but their are valid reasons to think Danny’s an entitled little shit.
Sorry, not seeing this. As mentioned above, Dorothy dumbed Danny saying she didn’t want a serious relationship, then hooked up with Walky. The idea that Dorothy would already be doing the horizontal mambo with Walky would legitimately upset Danny since it would just be another indication that Dorothy DID want a relationship–just not with him. Being upset at being dumped is not the same as having a sense of entitlement–even if the one dumbed should have seen it coming.
As for this exchange, Danny made what he thought was an innocent comment/joke, got some industrial grade sarcasm in return, and responded in kind. I get that Danny’s insensitive and annoying, but I still don’t understand the hate.
The hate for Danny stems from his deep-seeded immaturity that can come off as a sense of entitlement. It’s that deep-seeded immaturity that had him immersed in the fantasy that he and Dorothy would be together 5evur. This is usually excusable by way of being somewhat sympathetic towards him. But, however, here is where he made a truly egregious rookie mistake: exacerbating parallels between two love interests.
Why isn’t this tagged dexter and monkey master like this one