I’m gonna be in Seattle for Emerald City Comicon this weekend! Booth 1008!
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I’m gonna be in Seattle for Emerald City Comicon this weekend! Booth 1008!
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[starting to think Walky and Dorothy just changed wardrobes]
Fits her remarkably well if so (better than that whole “Joe is clearly wearing Dina’s shirt post-orgy” thing)
Well the difference in size is a lot less pronounced with Walky/Dotty than it is with Dina/Joe.
the shirt was obviously one-size-fits-all.
It’s the shirt he got for her when she said he could pick anything for her to wear.
Quite right
I dunno, it looks like they just traded–saves money!
No, he bought that shirt for her.
Lol at the US. It’s just called Kraft Dinner up here.
Not really, since “dinner” here in the US refers to the main meal of the day, normally eaten in the evening (or midday in some parts of the US, see below). If mac and cheese is all you’re having for your main meal, that’s a pretty meager “dinner”. Here it’s often more of a side dish than a whole meal.
Funny thing, my dad is from the Midwestern US and my mom is from the Eastern US, so they used to good-naturedly argue a bit over whether “dinner” included lunch time or if it only meant supper time since the meaning was different where they grew up.
Most of my dinners are Kraft Mac and Cheese and nothing else. Well, not most. I’m not so young anymore. Probably only half.
I forget other people weren’t there for the moment when I was in Seattle and I noticed the end-cap of the politically correct “Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Dinner” right below a giant banner for Marlboro. It was one of the single best moments of my irony-loving life.
A little note about that, HiEv. 1. Literally, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese is in fact commonly (colloquially?) referred to as Kraft Dinner up here. Like, for us, that’s its name. He wasn’t trying to say that it belongs to any specific meal of the day. 2. Dinner is the same meal up here as it is down there. He is in fact not confused about the definition of dinner. There was nothing to correct him about. He was just referring to what we commonly call the food in question.
Lastly, referring to your comment: “If mac and cheese is all you’re having for your main meal, that’s a pretty meager “dinner”.” Well, understandably, as you said, it’s more of a side dish, however, nobody is obligated to eat it like that. Several boxed pastas that are no more substantial than Mac and Cheese are eaten regularly as full meals, particularly frozen pasta meals. BUT, I would like to clarify something: I eat platefuls of Kraft Dinner (as we call it) for dinner very often. I enjoy it and it fills me up. It don’t feel like I’m missing out on much nutritional value; I’ve never felt guilty about it. And seriously, my Kraft Dinner meals are real platefuls. There’s practically no other space left on my plate.
One final note: I don’t call dinner by that name. I use the term “supper”. I was just saying dinner for the comfort of you people who don’t say “supper”.
Ha ha! You have a different name for something! I shall laugh patronizingly at your culture!
Aw, anyone eating Kraft for dinner has enough reason to be grumpy.
She killed herself.
Calling it.
You’re a macabre man. Man, you’re macabre.
I thought you were calling him macrame, and that he was selling darling home-knitted textiles from his etsy store.
Well, what do you think is clogging the trash chute?
Macabre +2
Yes, Ruth obviously flung herself down the trash chute in despair afrer being rejected by Billie.
NO! This is where the universes start to show similarities: Ruth won’t kill herself, she’ll drink herself to death. She might ACCIDENTALLY fall down the trash chute in a drunken stupor, but I still hold to the theory that she’ll spiral into alcoholism and then die in a car accident.
Was that facepalm a “WTF are you thinking” or “SHIT I can’t believe he guessed it” one?
Naw, his face is just a palm now and he wanted to share his condition with us.
I think the facepalm is “God what an idiot everyone knows Ruth can only be killed by drunk driving!” And unless someone downs a bottle of grappa and jump their sedan off a ramp through Ruth’s window, there’s no way a drunk driving accident could happen from within her room.
Turns out she has a race car bed and crashed it.
RAs get racecar beds? Why don’t they advertise that fact? I’m sure there’d be a lot more volunteers if it meant they’d get one of those.
Racecar beds? If you really REALLY want to attact the right kind of RA, you need a Millennium Falcon bed.
but it’s a SWEET car bed!
Or a “this character was last seen in despair, may have killed herself and your response is ‘Calling it'”?
As long as you *facepalm* with no regrets.
And integrity.
Link us an example of a facepalm with no regrets and integrity. I need an example.
…well, that’d be a major downer for everyone (though I suppose we haven’t seen Friday’s strip yet…)
Yeah, we’re getting back to Ruth and Billie quicker than I thought. Which can only mean one thing. I need to drink a lot of lime juice for my bi-weekly DAMN YOU WILLIS!
Putting the ‘bi’ into ‘bi-weekly’?
That would be the direct opposite of “warming up” to Billie.
Unless she lit herself on fire?
…man, I’m depressing myself here. I’d certainly hope she didn’t kill herself, her storyline was depressing enough in Roomies…
Heh. Red head on fire, in bed. Anyways, she wouldn’t be warming up to Billie in that way, unless of course she lit herself on fire and Billie roasted some marshmallows.
Nah, Billie wouldn’t do that. Roasting marshmallows is less fun than grabbing a pail of kerosene.
I think that’s enough self-immolation jokes for now. We’ll get back to you if the need arises for more. Thank you, and have a good day.
You okay Dracula? You look a little. . . Pale. Do you need some sun?
I did say self-immolation, so I suppose jokes about burning ME alive are fair game. Well played.
Wait I mean you didn’t joke about burning me alive at all sunlight doesn’t do that I’mNotAVampire okay geez.
Don’t worry, you don’t need to be one of those closet vampires, we’re very accepting these days!
Don’t even joke like that.
Hasn’t been anywhere enough build up for that. I’m sure she’s just sobbing into her pillow and feeling sorry for herself.
Who pull the drama tag?
Cause that would be satisfying (sarcasm)
She killed the radio star.
Calling it.
She killed the hermit (wrong site?)
A jokester is you!
Nah. Still WAY to early for that. Willis hasn’t made us care about her enough yet. He has a Wheadon-esque talent for waiting until the audience loves a character before killing them. ^_~
Ruth wants something nice and warm. A cuddle.
Well I’m sure Billie DOES look extra cuddly.
I can think of a few other things that are nice and warm.
Like Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Dinner.
betwixt her nethers.
I… CAN’T know that.
I think Billie by far has the best expressions.
The random avatars you got whilst mentioning expressions is pretty negative. Ha ha
So warm, she’s starting to sweat!
You may even say she’s HOT for me.
They can share a peppermint to warm their tongues.
Wow, thanks Mongoose you just gave my fiance and I a new fun idea. Beats that whole chewing gum trade.
Premarital pepper-panky!
Yes, any such shared-chewing exercise can be quite hazardous. I speak from experience.
You just need to be careful with each other’s teeth that’s all.
G.G: I’m glad to be of assistance.
Dat….. metaphor?
Dat ass.
I think that I can safely state that I never saw you comment anything other than “Dat ass” jokes.
With that gravitar? No other comment is appropriate.
And yet…She’s grown accustomed to her look…
Accustomed to her voice…
I’m glad someone else appreciates that alt text as much as I do. Willis, you are my hero.
I guess in this case it would be “My dunk Lady”.
My Fair Billie.
Still the best shirt in this non-Kraft Dinner territory.
It’s a shirt I actually, personally own!
Do like me, and find it at a Kohl’s, I guess.
Kohl’s: best artistic inspiration ever
Your comment + gravatar makes me want to see Kraft Dinner on the menu at Galasso’s Pizza (and Subs).
Just like Dorothy. wait…
Soupy? That sounds like TERRIBLE macaroni.
Isn’t that the shirt that Walky bought for Dorothy?
I bet she’s warming up a few other things too.
I think Billie is going to march up to Ruth and tell her to get off her ass and do her job. But that’s a ball-park estimation, because I honestly have no idea where good ol’ Willis is going with this.
All I know is that it ends in tears. Mine, specifically. And every other reader here.
Yes, Ruth’s guard will go back up the instant she sees Billie again, and there will be more… delay.
Dorothy clearly knows exactly what happened.
Playing it all subtle like, is she? Practicing for when she’s President and has to pretend not to know or approve of things she knows and approved of.
Way to make Billie feel guilty about not consenting to Ruth’s sexual harassment there, Dotty.
I sense a great disturbance within your soul.
Shush, shush, do not speak. Let the drama of the lezbiens flow. . . Flow throughout you.
Nah, I just think it’s funny because Dorothy would be horrified if she knew what she was doing.
This image you have provided me is amusing. You may live another day, mortal.
Let’s not start that again.
You have trash chutes?
I have trash shoots. I shoot my trash out of a cannon into my neighbors house.
Read Hall has trash chutes, yes.
Trash chutes and young adults, thats just asking for shenanigans.
My dorm has trash chutes. And recycling chutes. SUSTAINABILITY!
So if you stuff a corpse down a recycling chute, do they serve it in the cafeteria?
I used to think that the new mouse-over texts weren’t adding much. Today you convinced me otherwise.
Damn this iPhone and it’s lack of a mouse!
I was about to say: Mouseover text for the win.
Ruth say Daisy kiss Billie, and in a fit of rage, shoved her down the garbage chute. Ruth is now fleeing across the border to Canada.
Man, I really, really, REALLY wanna post that clip from Sam and Friends with Kermit in a wig singing and Yorick the skull hiding under a sheet and plotting to eat him, but I can’t find it anywhere!
So I’ll just settle for posting the tribute performance Brian Henson and Leslie Carrara-Rudolph did at 2011’s D23 Expo. Here you go. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfieFzR9jag
Well here’s her chance to ‘demonstrate’ again what happened with Ruth earlier.
And then Billy almost-kissed everyone.
Tomorrow is Friday. And it’s been two weeks; we’re due for another lesbian makeouts cliffhanger.
“No, seriously, she pushed me up against the wall, like this, and then she leaned in close, like this, and then she kissed me, like thmmm-mmmmm-mmm… oh God damn it! You taste like Walky!”
I lol’d
… she knows what Walky tastes like? This requires further exploration in the comic.
She knows what he smells like (I suspect everyone who’s ever been near him knows that), so she can extrapolate.
If Dorothy’s mouth tastes like McNuggets and Doritos, I think it’s a pretty safe bet as to why!
So then, is it Ruth in the trash chute?
Thank you for the floating text, Mr. Willis. It made my day.
I think I already made that joke in the comments once though, so I expect royalties.
Goddamn… grrrrrrrrrrrr
A hot girl asks you to pick out any clothing you want and she’ll wear it and this is it?
Dorothy better be wearing nipple tassels under there or Walky is moving straight to the bottom of my least favourite character list due to vast disappointment : /
If he’s at the bottom of your least favorite character list, does that make him your most favorite, then?
Oh…we are going for another nice (Billie/Ruth) Friday cliffhanger, aren’t we?
Saw the ustream for this one. Dorothy has freckles.
They actually got the shirt? Walky, you idiot!
Naw, see, this shirt makes Walky hot. Makes him want to eat her, if you know what I mean. (Wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more, say no more.)
I’m going to be pretty bummed if it’s Ruth in the trash chute.
How would it be Ruth, is my question. Did she decide to commit suicide by throwing herself in the trash chute? Because it’s not like she could murder herself, then hide her own body.
In this case, I’d say Ruth committing suicide in any way, while totally conceivable in a real-life perspective, is unnecessarily sudden and dramatic for this comic. That’s more a BS development that you’d see on a soap opera when the actress playing Ruth was holding out for more money, or left the show in a huff because it criticizes scientology, or because she was joining the Obama administration.
From where I’m sitting and what I can see of the story, Ruth’s suicide would be a cheap ploy. Now, I trust David’s sense for storytelling, so if Ruth does commit suicide, I’d imagine he has a lengthy treatment of it planned for the future, but in my opinion it simply hasn’t gotten the sort of set-up I’d expect.
Now, let’s see if David makes me eat my words.
I’d love if Ruth was blocking the trash chute. Ass sticking out of the chute, saying “I don’t know why I thought this was a good idea…”
Man, this kind of makes me feel bad. Billie clearly still needs to talk to someone and I feel like Dorothy would actually be a good choice.
I want to see her talk to Roz about it. Not that it would help Billie much, but the rage campaign would be epic.
Haha, yeah, that certainly wouldn’t help, but it would be quite the show.
When Billie finally sees Ruth, that will be the most awkward conversation ever. Maybe they should just make out and get it over with. It’s the only way to be sure!
Is she global warming up to you Billie?
No as Global Warming is a lie. Just ask Joyce. This is real warming up.
Joyce wouldn’t necessarily think it’s a lie — she could easily believe it, but consider it “God’s will”.
Lord I hope Ruth doesn’t do something stupid like kill herself over Billie.
Reading this comments makes me suspect some of the people who actually think Ruth killed herself aren’t joking >(
Reading this comments makes me suspect some of the people who actually think Ruth killed herself aren’t joking >(
Best alt-text.
I keep forgetting that Willis does alt-text now, thanks for reminding me. And Mr. Willis, you really need to find a way to get to the Calgary Comic Con, it has become the second largest con in Canada. You are one of the few webcomic artists I haven’t been able to meet yet.
Billie is SO CUTE in this strip.
Man, what a morbid crowd here. And after Willis has repeatedly insisted that killing Ruth once was enough for him, too.
The fanficesque saga continues.
Like, why doesn’t she just report her to the cops like a normal person would in the real world when she’s constantly harrassed, even physically by someone and at some point forced to have intimate closure with that person against her will.
I mean it’s a comic, okay, but fuck.
Well reporting her to the cops now would be cruel. At the start certainly but after seeing her upset, learning her father died and it seeming like she’s got a soft for her this isn’t actually a police issue. Billie can see Ruth is troubled but still has her personality conflict with her.
As I’m sure (okay, not SURE, because your comment suggested to me that you aren’t very observant, but I’m still fairly confident) you’ve already noticed, Billie is conflicted about her feelings for Ruth, just as Ruth is conflicted about her feelings for Billie. Also, Billie strikes me as the independent, take-care-of-business-oneself type. Perhaps she didn’t call the cops because she’s trying to figure out how she feels about it. Perhaps she feels bad for Ruth, and doesn’t want to get her kicked out of school. If you recall she has for a time been trying to get the school newspaper to do a story on how awful Ruth is, but we saw earlier that those efforts have (at least for the moment) ceased.
Not to mention – sure, Ruth harasses her. Remember when Billie punched her in the face? Or when she took that blackmail photo of her passed out with the beer? Or when she mocked her for that intensely emotional, private phone conversation she was having?
I’d say the two of them have both gotten some pretty good shots in, now they’re both trying to sort out what to do – and neither of them has the slightest fucking clue.