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Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
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I thought that all their innuendo reminded her of her big test on Monday, and she’s going to study. I try to study in public restrooms as often as I can, it’s just a great learning environment.
What I think is happening, is that she’s secretly on a date with two boys at the same time, and throughout the evening she’s gonna keep excusing herself to the bathroom so that she can sneak back to the other tables.
Intelligent? hah! they simply took the newest craze/topic and make it as offensive as possible. Then slap poop jokes infront of it to mask shit with shit.
“[South Park is] still the only cartoon with any intelligent comedy”
These are the words of a man who has never seen Futurama, nor Daria. Nor the original Looney Tunes.
There are few things left on the Internet that actually make me laugh out loud. Thank you, Vert and Valtrax, for proving that there are still some genuine LOLs out there.
Seriously though, keep the double entendre to a minimum, Dotty. What are you doing, trying to advertise to the whole world that you’re doing Walky at the moment?
I was going to put in some clever lyrical reworking of “Do the Hustle” here, since that’s what instantly sprang to my mind from your comment… but “Do the Hustle” doesn’t have enough lyrics to rework! So just imagine that music in your head…
Naw, I’m with Blob. Don’t flirt/make out/”insinuate” with your significant other in public, especially when, say, eating a meal with other people who are therefore trapped and can’t reasonably excuse themselves.
To be fair though, they are early enough into the relationship that the “LOOK AT ME, I HAVE A *ROMANTIC PARTNER*! HAVE YOU MET MY BOYFRIEND YET? OH, YES, I WAS JUST TALKING TO MY GIRLFRIEND” stage is still excusable, if no less obnoxious.
Still pretty rude to be doing in a public place. Making out, talking dirty… these are not things one does in a public restaurant if one is trying to be considerate of the other customers..
The thing is, what seems ‘joking’ and ‘playful’ to the people screwing is not ‘joking’ or ‘playful’ to everybody else at the table. Or rather, it’s still a joke, but it’s a pretty lame joke, since no one else is allowed to join in on it. I agree with Blob completely, and I am a sexually-active college student who is often guilty of doing what Dorothy is doing. No matter how subtle and clever you think you’re being, there will always be friends who can awkwardly confirm for you later, that no, you were not being subtle. Not at all.
The thing is, I have dated enough to learn that most people get uncomfortable with blatantly sexual PDA, no matter how cute or subtle I think it was. Dorothy and Walky have yet to learn this.
Also, as a college student, there are way too many people who make out in restaurants, libraries, etc. and generally act like it’s their own private space. So I am inclined to not give them the benefit of the doubt.
Alright Ethan. This is like…cutoff point. You either break it off NOW or deal with the fact that you’re a bad person doing a bad thing and deserve bad things to happen to you for the bad thing you are doing.
Has anyone else considered that maybe the innuendo-laden conversation is merely a background to Joyce’s growing embarrassment about having kissed Ethan out of nowhere because of peer pressure, and not actually the cause of her departure?
Really? I was just offering it as an alternative to what I considered the likely intent, which was simply that Joyce is uncomfortable around sexual innuendo.
As another alternative, though, maybe the conversation is simply the background to Joyce’s growing shame after Dina’s remark made her realise that perhaps Dina felt hurt by Joyce’s failure to notice her at first.
Probably Joyce’s facial expression. And behavior. And destination. And also conservation of detail – authors don’t tend to juxtapose for no reason. Yes, reality does, but reality is a pretty crappy author.
I’d comment on your misspelling and say something not-really-funny like ‘you mean pornography about immortal teachers?’ – you know, ever-teachers – but I expect that there’s plenty of pornography in that subcategory as well, for whatever reason.
First time I think I’ve seen Dina say out lout that she is often ‘overlooked’. She does seem to be spending more time out and about, and not standing behind doors so much as she used to do. Yay, she’s coming out.
I don’t think Joyce “cragged shame pits of the lust-wolves” Brown is going to be pushing for sex anytime soon. On the other hand, she’s surprised me before–last strip, for example.
That’s what I’m thinking. She felt the need to compete or whatever. Things keep going this way and if Ethan continues the illusion, it might eventually reach a point to where to where Joyce goes “To h-e-double-hockey-sticks with it” and give in to her lust for Ethan.
Uuuuugh, nothing like hanging out with friends and hearing about how much they wana bone. Though I’m sad that my particular friend is lonely; I’m also glad that he’s not in THAT relationship anymore. Called each other “bebe” (baby) all the time *shudder* sweet christ almighty those two needed to be locked up.
With Joyce getting attacked not that long ago (in DoA time) and now with all of these feelings she’s having towards Ethan, it’s understandable why she’s so nervous and/or embarrassed. Forget an emotional roller coaster. It’s more like an emotional hurricane.
I’m starting to see why Walky and Joyce are the couple in the old continuity. Though Joyce at least has the excuse of being sheltered by extreme parents. There’s no excuse for Walky.
Walky’s excuse is the best excuse: he’s how he is because he chooses to be. Despite what insecure minds might tell you, there’s no inherent superiority to any life approach once you get past the bar of ‘being grounded in reality’. Fancy shirts are only better than comfortable shirts if you’re measuring by a metric that is actually improved by the shirt (like increased butt-grabbings); if this is not the case, then the comfortable shirt is easily as good. Similarly the word ‘potty’ isn’t a mark of shame unless you’re an insecure senator wannabe. As for myself, I prefer the word ‘can’, as in, ‘I’m going to the can’. It has the precise level of simplistic uncultured crudeness that I wish to convey. But it’s not ‘better’ than “potty”, if you’re interested in conveying different things, or if you just don’t care.
I sure hope Ethan is going to come out to Joyce ASAP now. It’s officially Gone Too Far. I have a feeling Mike is going to be involved in outting him very soon if he doesn’t get off his ass and get to it.
DoA Mike seems to prefer somewhat more benign assholery. Or at least assholery with a benign edge. Outting Ethan is just so perfect, he must have some sort of internal Spidey Sense going off.
I remember Willis talking about how he discovered in the original Roomies! that Joyce and Joe were good foils to each other because they would clash so much.
I just realized that DoA Joyce and Walky basically fulfill the same dynamic.
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing
paulaptb@paulaptb.bsky.social ⋅ 1d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer)@leftistlawyer.com ⋅ 1d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling USA@usapolling.bsky.social ⋅ 1d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
Joyce is turned on by that kind of talk, even if she will not admit it out loud.
She admit it with her expression though.
That’s the repressed, evil side of Joyce, slowly worming its way to the surface. She will be assimilated.
I thought that all their innuendo reminded her of her big test on Monday, and she’s going to study. I try to study in public restrooms as often as I can, it’s just a great learning environment.
Studying – that’s what they call it nowadays?
Hey, maybe Joyce could borrow Sal’s tutor!
Oh she’d ‘borrow’ her ‘tutor’ alright.
Resistance is futile.
We are The Borg.
I actually think she’s a bit more freaked out by the fact she kissed Ethan, and the innuendo is just an additional push to her existing embarrassment.
It doesn’t take much to get her water flowing.
Considering the faucet hasn’t been used much, it’s unsurprising.
And once it starts, she just can’t stop!
Are you lot implying something???
The Corruption of Joyce is progressing at a good pace.
Judging by her face in panel three, that’s a pretty urgent potty.
Erm, panel 4.
When you gotta go, YOU GOTTA GO!
Yeah, the call of nature is unforgiving.
Panels 3 and four look equally urgent to go to the bathroom.
What I think is happening, is that she’s secretly on a date with two boys at the same time, and throughout the evening she’s gonna keep excusing herself to the bathroom so that she can sneak back to the other tables.
The rom com formula!
She *is* on a date with both Ethan and Walky.
And then the t-rex will attack her in the stall, and her last thoughts will be, “….are those feathers?”
More like “So they did sneak in to the ark.”
If I’ve learned anything from DoA in the past week, it’s that Fundies think that the Dinosaurs were on the Arc.
You’ve seen them in St. Louis? No that would be Arch.
I think you mean Ark.
or Arc, as in Arc tech, as in Repulsor tech.
I can make anything an iron man reference.
Personally, I’d ship T-Rex.
…clever girl
And Dina would be standing behind the door, thinking, ” I knew they had feathers”.
When you gotta go, you gotta go.
I think Joyce is going to examine something too…
With her penis?
Ethan’s in for a treat, then.
Or his worst nightmare.
I would prefer to say “answering the call of nature” or “going to relieve myself” Heck, “going to the toilet” is still viable.
Yes, but she’s still young at heart.
Dude, I’m still young at heart and even I don’t use the word “potty”. Then again, I never actually used the word potty in my life.
I own a dog, so I occasionally use the word “potty.” Pretty much only to the dog.
Neither did I.
I still say “gotta use the head”.
I just say ” I’m-a go to the bathroom.” or sometimes the ever classy ” I gotta piss”
i used to date a girl who would always say “i gotta piss like a racehorse”
I usually use the good ol’ “I must excrete waste matter from the appropriate orifice, pertaining to its solidity.”
I still wonder why my friends haven’t invited me over for lunch at a restaurant in a while.
“I gotta make a deposit in the porcelain bank”.
“Bombarding the dam”
Or in case of diarrhea
“Carpet bombing the dam”
“dropping the kids off at the pool”
I thought that one is for masturbating in the bathroom?
My brother the doctor always announces “I’ve got to go micturate!” in restaurants.
Someone I know prefers to say “hit the head’. That sounds a bit painful to me.
I generally just go with, “I’ll be right back.”
Do you do it with an Austrian accent?
It has been known to happen when I’m in a particularly puckish mood.
“I’ll be in my bunk.”
That’s what she’s really thinking!
Wait. Are we still talking about peeing. If so… :6
/looks up at all the other euphemisms
…We were talking about peeing?
Still doesn’t clear up the removing bodily waste or masturbating confusion.
Relationship chicken, and she lost bad.
It does seem like the primary drive here is wanting to keep up with the Jones’s.
I’m taking bets on when Joyce explodes. Also taking bets on the number of casualties.
There will be no casualties, but everyone with in the range of the explosion will have eternal Joyce smiles.
That sounds an awful lot like casualties…
You got a lot of casualties in your pants.
You should see a doctor about that.
It will be carnage, death by snu snu everywhere.
I’m guessing that this has been a topic of conversation between them.
Self-Induced Pre-Martial Hanky Panky in the Potty?
Don’t you mean “Handy” Panky?
Just as long as it’s NOT “Mr Hanky” Panky.
Chloroform can be used as an aphrodisiac?
I was thinking more of the lines of “Mr Hanky the Christmas Poo’.
I think it was a South Park reference. One of the many reasons I don’t watch that show. O_o
I used to watch that show. It was entertaining at first but disgusting later on.
meh, it’s still the only cartoon with any intelligent comedy… they just hide it behind the poop jokes.
Intelligent? hah! they simply took the newest craze/topic and make it as offensive as possible. Then slap poop jokes infront of it to mask shit with shit.
You don’t watch many cartoons, I take it.
“[South Park is] still the only cartoon with any intelligent comedy”
These are the words of a man who has never seen Futurama, nor Daria. Nor the original Looney Tunes.
@ Ronnie
…or the Simpsons, or Family Guy (but not so much).
On the day Walky starts dressing up nice, Dorothy is wearing a “Kraft Macaroni and Cheese” T-shirt.
They’re both wearing the clothes the other picked out for them. Symmetry!
Look back at the previous strips. They’re both wearing the shirts they picked out for each other.
Remember? They made a deal that they could each pick out something for the other one to wear.
I think it also turn them on immensely.
Hey we need more people with Billie gravatars to say the same thing some more times! Come on, don’t be shy.
What you’re all forgetting is that they chose those clothes for each in an earlier strip.
It’s the clothes they bought for each other!
I have the fastest Billie!
What’s wrong with the term potty, or is that word too common-sounding for ya?
The proper term is the crapper.
Or the ever popular Aussie term “the dunnycan”.
You can’t go wrong with calling it the john.
Just make sure you don’t have a friend named John. That could be really awkward.
Unless he is into that sort of thing.
Yes. Yes, you can.
Unless your name is John…
No one call it “the throne?”
I used that term sometimes but only for the 5 star quality loos.
I want to know what’s your 5 star quality throne looks like.
Me? I want that Japanese toilet made by TOTO.
I prefer “thunderbox”.
Now that is a very ocker word.
*stands up*
“You called down the thunder…”
“…now reap the whirlwind.”
There are few things left on the Internet that actually make me laugh out loud. Thank you, Vert and Valtrax, for proving that there are still some genuine LOLs out there.
Next time I go to the bathroom, I’m saying that.
Dina looks like Joyce and Ethans kiss traumitized her!
And dang Dorothy, time and place gurl, time and place.
Naw, she always looks like that.
Seriously though, keep the double entendre to a minimum, Dotty. What are you doing, trying to advertise to the whole world that you’re doing Walky at the moment?
“Do the Walky” can be an interesting term.
I was going to put in some clever lyrical reworking of “Do the Hustle” here, since that’s what instantly sprang to my mind from your comment… but “Do the Hustle” doesn’t have enough lyrics to rework! So just imagine that music in your head…
Is it set to the “Do The Mario” song? Please let it be set to the “Do the Mario” song!
Remember when Jason and Sal were having sex?
Pepperidge Farms remembers.
Remember when Roz was going to hook Ms. Bean up with her sister?
Pepperidge Farms remembers.
Remember when I blew up the Sun?
Yeah, I don’t either.
Is that some kind of advert reference??
Either that or a Family Guy reference….and I’m pretty sure we’re classy enough not to reference that.
I’m not a big fan of Family Guy even though it has the elements of the type of humour I like, but somehow the result most of the time is ‘FEH’.
Yes, peppridge farms had an ad campaign were they said “Peppridge Farm remembers”. Futurama and Family guy just reference it.
I seem to remember a Dr. Demento riff on that theme as well, my radion station used to play them. The tag line was: “Pepperidge Farms Dismembers”.
Well done, you bastard, that legitimately made me laugh out loud.
Oh, the absolute lack of consideration for others that comes with being a horny college student.
Seriously, you two, keep that shit to yourselves.
Really? I mean, this is pretty tame stuff.
Naw, I’m with Blob. Don’t flirt/make out/”insinuate” with your significant other in public, especially when, say, eating a meal with other people who are therefore trapped and can’t reasonably excuse themselves.
To be fair though, they are early enough into the relationship that the “LOOK AT ME, I HAVE A *ROMANTIC PARTNER*! HAVE YOU MET MY BOYFRIEND YET? OH, YES, I WAS JUST TALKING TO MY GIRLFRIEND” stage is still excusable, if no less obnoxious.
Still pretty rude to be doing in a public place. Making out, talking dirty… these are not things one does in a public restaurant if one is trying to be considerate of the other customers..
Someone is alone…
So you’re saying it’s NOT incredibly rude to make out and talk dirty at a casual lunch meeting?
Jokingly? No.
The thing is, what seems ‘joking’ and ‘playful’ to the people screwing is not ‘joking’ or ‘playful’ to everybody else at the table. Or rather, it’s still a joke, but it’s a pretty lame joke, since no one else is allowed to join in on it. I agree with Blob completely, and I am a sexually-active college student who is often guilty of doing what Dorothy is doing. No matter how subtle and clever you think you’re being, there will always be friends who can awkwardly confirm for you later, that no, you were not being subtle. Not at all.
The thing is, I have dated enough to learn that most people get uncomfortable with blatantly sexual PDA, no matter how cute or subtle I think it was. Dorothy and Walky have yet to learn this.
Also, as a college student, there are way too many people who make out in restaurants, libraries, etc. and generally act like it’s their own private space. So I am inclined to not give them the benefit of the doubt.
My brain automatically used Jason’s voice when I read that.
They’re making out now? Where? How did I miss that!
Ok, I see now. My view was blocked by that goalpost. Fortunately it’s moved now.
Definitely a goalpost, yeah. It’s not like it made Joyce uncomfortable or anything.
Or Dina, by the looks of it.
Alright Ethan. This is like…cutoff point. You either break it off NOW or deal with the fact that you’re a bad person doing a bad thing and deserve bad things to happen to you for the bad thing you are doing.
It’s vaguely amusing that somebody has said this very thing in pretty much every strip with Joyce and Ethan in it since Mike happened.
No, Joyce! You’ll go blind!
And have hairy palms.
Those are lies! My palms are still hairless and I still have perfect vision.
Then you’re not doing it right.
You have to rub it counter clockwise and slam your face to the wall while singing “Crazy Train” by Ozzy Osbourne loudly!
Now that made me laugh, good job.
If NOT losing your sight and keeping your palms hairless is doing it wrong, than I would not want to be right.
Dina now gets to observe the mating habits of the elusive weirdoes.
I now imagine Dina with David Attenborough’s voice.
“And here we see the Dorothysaurus flirting with it’s mate, the Walkyraptor.”
The Joysaur, usually a docile creature retreats after initiating the mating sequence with the Ethantops.
I went with Steve Irwin.
Weirdos that got laid more than Joyce….
Joyce really needs to just admit that she wants to be the one having Dorothy proctor her oral exam.
“Guess Who’s Coming [at] Galasso’s”
“Cleaning at table 5!”
This is a wonderful comment.
I use the word “potty” in public all the time… but I also work at a daycare.
Wow, a little kid who can use the internet well! good job!
PS: You need to hide your age in several sites or they’ll kick ya out.
You think I’m playing with these blocks? This is work! I have a deadline to meet here!
First panel Ethan is adorable.
It looks like Dorothy doesn’t approve of Walky’s… potty mouth.
-Cue Roger Daltry primal scream here.
Has anyone else considered that maybe the innuendo-laden conversation is merely a background to Joyce’s growing embarrassment about having kissed Ethan out of nowhere because of peer pressure, and not actually the cause of her departure?
Yes, I believe that was the intent.
Really? I was just offering it as an alternative to what I considered the likely intent, which was simply that Joyce is uncomfortable around sexual innuendo.
As another alternative, though, maybe the conversation is simply the background to Joyce’s growing shame after Dina’s remark made her realise that perhaps Dina felt hurt by Joyce’s failure to notice her at first.
Yeah, I don’t get why everyone suddenly went all dirty with it. I interpreted it as embarrassment, not… THAT…
Or, to be more direct – I thought it was the intent, too.
Me too. Not sure where everyone is coming up with these other theories from.
Probably Joyce’s facial expression. And behavior. And destination. And also conservation of detail – authors don’t tend to juxtapose for no reason. Yes, reality does, but reality is a pretty crappy author.
Can’t it be both? She’s embarrassed to have even momentarily succumbed to the cragged shame pits of the lust-wolves, and the innuendo’s not helping.
The world of academia has never sounded so erotically charged.
Let me direct you to ever teacher related pornography. This may take a lifetime.
I’d comment on your misspelling and say something not-really-funny like ‘you mean pornography about immortal teachers?’ – you know, ever-teachers – but I expect that there’s plenty of pornography in that subcategory as well, for whatever reason.
I blame the Japanese.
Joyce is overloading, this is just too much to her… Dinah is just being Dinah XD
Aw maaaan, I like this couple, why’d you have to go make Dorky (is that their shipper name?) one of those couples?
I like that ship. Seeing Dotty going all fuzzy wuffy is a nice change of pace for her.
Joyce is a bad influence XD
First time I think I’ve seen Dina say out lout that she is often ‘overlooked’. She does seem to be spending more time out and about, and not standing behind doors so much as she used to do. Yay, she’s coming out.
Now if only Ethan would…
Oh jeez, I can’t stop laughing.
Ethan did, he’s just been talked back into it by Mike.
She has spend years perfecting her technique. After all, it is hard to make observations in the wild if your subjects are aware of your presence.
Unexpected snarkiness from Dina there.
Her mind is already there, so she had to go find it.
I’m starting to think Joyce and Ethan are gonna sleep together before Ethan comes clean (he has to come dirty first). Y’know, for maximum drama.
And Dina will get even more mad that they didn’t notice she was there.
I don’t think Joyce “cragged shame pits of the lust-wolves” Brown is going to be pushing for sex anytime soon. On the other hand, she’s surprised me before–last strip, for example.
That’s what I’m thinking. She felt the need to compete or whatever. Things keep going this way and if Ethan continues the illusion, it might eventually reach a point to where to where Joyce goes “To h-e-double-hockey-sticks with it” and give in to her lust for Ethan.
Then the drama tag happened?
Uuuuugh, nothing like hanging out with friends and hearing about how much they wana bone. Though I’m sad that my particular friend is lonely; I’m also glad that he’s not in THAT relationship anymore. Called each other “bebe” (baby) all the time *shudder* sweet christ almighty those two needed to be locked up.
Curriculum sounds dirty in Portuguese …
Kinda like Uranus in English.
Oooops! Posted in the wrong sub-thread.
Don’t worry, a comment like that is welcome everywhere.
With Joyce getting attacked not that long ago (in DoA time) and now with all of these feelings she’s having towards Ethan, it’s understandable why she’s so nervous and/or embarrassed. Forget an emotional roller coaster. It’s more like an emotional hurricane.
Are you sure? it looks like like emotional potty for me.
I’m starting to see why Walky and Joyce are the couple in the old continuity. Though Joyce at least has the excuse of being sheltered by extreme parents. There’s no excuse for Walky.
Walky’s excuse is the best excuse: he’s how he is because he chooses to be. Despite what insecure minds might tell you, there’s no inherent superiority to any life approach once you get past the bar of ‘being grounded in reality’. Fancy shirts are only better than comfortable shirts if you’re measuring by a metric that is actually improved by the shirt (like increased butt-grabbings); if this is not the case, then the comfortable shirt is easily as good. Similarly the word ‘potty’ isn’t a mark of shame unless you’re an insecure senator wannabe. As for myself, I prefer the word ‘can’, as in, ‘I’m going to the can’. It has the precise level of simplistic uncultured crudeness that I wish to convey. But it’s not ‘better’ than “potty”, if you’re interested in conveying different things, or if you just don’t care.
Dina seems to be coming out of her shell a bit. She’s more aware of her surroundings and saying more words.
So Dorothy gets to wear a “Kraft Mac & Cheese” shirt while Walky is stuck in that uncomfortable looking monstrosity!?!?!?
is it just me, or does Dina’s bandana do her facial expresisons for her?
because this is currently in snark-face
It had that expression since they realized she’s there, while she was changing her expression under its .. eyes …
I sure hope Ethan is going to come out to Joyce ASAP now. It’s officially Gone Too Far. I have a feeling Mike is going to be involved in outting him very soon if he doesn’t get off his ass and get to it.
DoA Mike seems to prefer somewhat more benign assholery. Or at least assholery with a benign edge. Outting Ethan is just so perfect, he must have some sort of internal Spidey Sense going off.
I remember Willis talking about how he discovered in the original Roomies! that Joyce and Joe were good foils to each other because they would clash so much.
I just realized that DoA Joyce and Walky basically fulfill the same dynamic.
I wish more people were aware of your awesome hovertext.
Poor Dina. “Lot of that going around”