A few weeks ago I put up a large version of the first panel on Tumblr.
And check out the convention appearances on the right hand side below the comic —->
you heard me
A few weeks ago I put up a large version of the first panel on Tumblr.
And check out the convention appearances on the right hand side below the comic —->
you heard me
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And now we know how Dr. Manhattan ate his pizza.
With sharp, pointy teeth?
No, that’s how the Killer Rabbit eats his everything.
Have some dignity!
Joyce… Just… wow… Real Christians don’t eat pizza then..
Then I’m going to hell!
Ok guys.. Let’s sing:
If you enjoy going to Hell, then you may also enjoy
Or this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vtxp70tVHyM
O Lord, please don’t burn us,
Don’t grill us or toast your flock,
Don’t put us on a barbecue,
Or simmer us in stock,
Don’t braise us or bake or boil us,
Or stir-fry us in a wok
All gods creatures…fresh off the grill.
Sounds yummy! Can I get a reservation?
Somehow, this comment reminds me of that comic:
Why I’m not a vegetarian #342
Yotomoe, did you ever watch Mr. Meaty?
Hey at least she admits that she’s a little eccentric, and not all of it is Christianity. Maybe she’s not as well-adjusted as she thinks. Little kids are the ones who insist on eating each item separately. Pizza, however, is designed to be eating as a “melange”, though.
Obviously children are the closest to God, having most recently come down from heaven, and not yet having been corrupted by worldly things. That is why they naturally feel the desire to eat food the way God made it.
Not eating, absorbing.
But how does Dina over there eat pizza?
It would appear to be in the manner of a velociraptor, or perhaps a ceratosaurus or deinonychus. Hard to tell from one panel.
soooo she’ll just stare at it while two other Dinas attack it from the side?
Does that mean she has dino-might?
But then again she dino-might not.
This commentary thread is developing some truly strange dino-mics.
She wrestles it to the ground, bites chunks out of it and swallows them whole, like a feathered dinosaur with its prey.
Her elongated thumb-claw and long, gracile snout enable Dina to snatch pizzas from passing delivery bikes and swallow them whole.
nobody knows. she has never been observed actually eating anything.
Well, I have to disagree with him on the whole salad thing, but dang is he right about Joyce.
I mean, using a fork and knife is bad enough, but jeez.
It might be a Little Girl thing. My daughter used to love disassembling her cheeseburger and eat the parts separately. When she was 4.
My mother still insists on eating her foods one at a time, and she’s *mumbles* years old! She’ll freely admit it, too.
I eat my food one type at a time!
However! Pizza is a food! You don’t look at a pizza and think ‘Hmm that pile of bread, cheese and tomatoes looks tasty’.
I bet Ethan got Sausage pizza as well.
There seriously needs to be a “like” button on comments!
By that logic you shouldn’t eat cake, you should seperate the eggs, flour, sugar and milk first.
By that logic you shouldn’t eat anything artificially produced because they use many different ingredients and chemicals. Not that eating artificial foods is a great idea in the first place.
No one’s ever explained to me what’s so bad about chemicals. Water is a chemical.
I think we need a tumblr post to explain this.
Both salmon and marijuana are bio-chemicals, therefore you should be allowed to smoke either if you want.
It’s not the chemicals you should worry about, it’s the “produced.” Everything man-made is unnatural and therefore dangerous.
Like clothing!
Clothing is the most dangerous of all…
Clothing is unnatural.
That’s it! Now I’m reading this thread naked!
Unlike perfectly safe natural chemicals like, say, rattlesnake venom.
I heard it’s good if you have low pressure.
Also if you’re Poison Ivy.
And nothing in nature is dangerous! That’s why I drink rattlesnake venom and arsenic cocktails before bed!
I have had interesting conversations with the “man made chemicals are bad crowd”. I simply ask them to explain how naturally occurring sulfuric acid is better than sulfuric acid made in a factory. It usually shuts them up. These people cannot explain to me how two otherwise identical chemicals can be bad or good, depending on what the source of said chemical is.
Oooh, ooh, I have an answer to that one! Naturally occurring sulphur vs artificially created sulphur. I believe, based on looking back at the history of sciency stuff about atoms, building blocks, etc., that there is likely a lot of different constituent parts of the naturally occuring chemicals that we simply haven’t even been able to detect yet. Therefore, creating them artificially includes the risk of not being able to replicate all the juicy goodies that might be in the natural world.
H2Ohhhh snap!
Well chemicals aren’t bad per se, that would be like saying any blanket statement, like, I don’t know, “All people are horrible.” Some are, some aren’t.
Really, different chemicals have different effects on the human body, which is why water = good and cyanide = deadly. It really just comes down to the individual chemical involved, and personally I don’t begrudge people for choosing to be wary of something they can’t even read on a label, especially since additives like MSG and Aspartame have already been discovered to be less than good for you…
I do agree that “chemicals” is an unnecessary-overly-generalized buzzword however. The dialogue should be more sophisticated than that.
Aspartame and MSG? Those sound like prototypical examples of where the science jury is out but the moral panic delivered a conviction long ago, not things “already discovered” to be bad.
Aspartame is definitely a terrible, terrible thing.
(I’m one of the small minority that has actual taste receptors for the stuff, instead of just banging it into the sugar receptors and calling it a day. It is not a sweetener. It is a nasty bitterener.)
I’ve read around a bit about aspartame after it came up in a documentary.
I found a lot of studies and treatises about it (over 150 actually). A bit more than two thirds of them placing it somewhere between problematic and outright dangerous. The rest labeling it as completely unproblematic.
What I found disturbing was all of the latter being financed directly or indirectly by aspartame producing or using industry.
Now I might have overlooked some studies or misread some of those I didn’t. But I for my part am stearing way clear of anything containing the stuff, just to be sure. Which I found to be remarkably easy, truth be told.
Well we could start with the food additives that are literally derived from crude oil….
Crude oil is the most natural substance on earth.
It’s made of dinosaurs! Dina’s favorite! (rar)
To Crude Oil
the original Organic alternate fuel source to hunting whales other then sport.
Here’s one example — and it’s rather appropriate to this strip, given Dorothy’s shirt: the yellow dyes used in Kraft Macaroni & Cheese.
Here is a link to a petition about it, for those interested.
BTW, those dyes are only used in the U.S. version of the product; they’re banned everywhere else.
It doesn’t take a lot of knowledge to start a petition, just a lot of irrational fear.
Ok, now I just need to find a way to pan Short Circuit 2, and I’ll be all set!
(Nice one!)
I never said chemicals specifically were bad at all.
Dude you have no idea how frustrating it is for me when my mom tries to tell me something isn’t good for me because it’s “processed.” I continuously try to ask her HOW it is processed to make it unhealthy, what actually is INSIDE the food that makes it bad, but she can’t explain it any better than “it’s processed.” It’s not even that I necessarily disagree with her, but the fact that she doesn’t know HOW it’s bad for me or can’t even explain it drives me insane.
So what happens when you tell her that cooking is a process?
Processed food is a colloquialism which refers to commercially prepared convenience food. Rather than food which is in it’s natural state and which you then process by cooking. The reason your mother tells you it’s bad for you is because the processes most commonly used in preparing convenience food involve ladening it with saturated fats, salt and sugar. This makes your body go “oh wow, I must get more of this” while at the same time providing little nutritional value.
(cue the little ‘The More You Know’ jingle)
Considering that his mother doesn’t seem to know that, I doubt it’s her reason.
It also most often involves obliterating any insoluble-fiber content, rendering the starches and sugars more likely to spike your blood sugar and push you towards diabetes.
This unfortunately also applies to Jamba Juice or any other brand of smoothie, even if it started out as 100% fresh fruit.
Water is a compound. Chemicals are the subset of compounds that do not have a common name. A good example is Monosodium Glutamate.
Is that sarcasm? I’ve heard so much nature woo and folk science that I can’t tell anymore.
Or dihydrogen monoxide!
Another good example is carbon dioxide.
Hm… Former student in both chemistry and food technology here and I’ve never heard of such a classification.
Oh don’t get me started about the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide! That damn chemical is a killer of hundreds of people every year!
See DHMO.org for details.
By that logic you shouldn’t eat anything
artificially producedbecause they use many different ingredients and chemicals.Luckily for Joyce communion wafers have only one ingredient: the Lord.
Doesn’t that make us cannibals then? The human body itself is made of several ingredients.
The bread IS Christ’s body, broken for you. And the wine/grape juice is his blood, shed for you. Mmm, flesh and blood.
Christ’s Body: Best served warm with soup for dunking.
Hence the reason why it’s considered bad form to add Nutella when you are nibbling on the Lord.
In some denominations it’s common for people to bring packs of mints and consume them throughout the service. Now I am imagining people doing that with jars of Nutella… which my spell check thinks is, in fact, nut shells. I think my spell check’s idea would be more disruptive.
Time to bring in some long pig!
Dina is eating her prey after hunting it…
I’m starting to wonder if she’s actually had them sharpened
What is going on with Dina’s teeth, or is that bread crumbs?
Walky eats like my younger brother, now you see it, now you don’t.
Very sharp, pointy breadcrumbs.
The heck kinda bread crumbs do you eat!?
Dino-style! .
Joyce…th-that’s kind of discriminatory. I mean, just because he created them separate does NOT mean that they can not mix together on a slice of harmony.
They are mixing together, in her stomach.
Just like different races of people mix in the ground?
In the graveyard! 😀
But the God will sort them out.
as Arnaud Amalric said in 1209
Dina’s face is like the 2nd mouth that xenomorph’s have, while her hat is the main big mouth. And she eats the brains out of pizza.
Did… did Dina file her teeth into points?
She is REALLY commited to this dinosaur thing.
It’s not readily visible because they’re usually drawn as a solid whiteness, but everyone’s teeth in this comic are sharp and pointy. It’s just a feature of the universe.
OMG! Joyce is a no-touch-itarian like me! Though… I don’t disassemble my pizza unless there’s stuff I don’t like on it. XD But for the longest time I would eat my spaghetti separate from the meat sauce…
That… kinda defeats the purpose of having sauce on the spaghetti. But hey, if you like it that way…
I used to eat the meatsauce and throw the spaghetti away. Why would I want to eat the bland spaghetti anyways?
Yeah! Preach it brother! Protein power!
Dina knows how to eat a pizza properly!
I eat my pizzas like a caterpiller eats a leaf.
With your faaaaace?
Well yeah, I’m not going to eat a pizza like it’s a suppository now, am I?
That would end up with you crapping out of your mouth. You’d be a real shit talker.
Isn’t that a kind of mushroom?
So long as there isn’t pineapple on it, any pizza is great automagically. Walky is just being a jerk.
There’s no wrong way… to eat a pizza.
But pineapple is good. Surely you must have typoed
To put it plainly, I shall take no culinary advice from COUNT DRACULA.
The best is pineapple & jalapeno pizza. Guh… Once or twice I had it with havarti as the cheese, too – that was remarkable.
You sure a guy called “Barf” should be analyzing comments about food based on the name of the person posting? 😉
Pineapple is good, but it’s a fruit and fruit shouldn’t be on pizza.
Tomatoes are a fruit and they are the most common thing to find on a pizza after cheese.
Fair point, though I meant as a topping (and while I’m fine with the tomato sauce under the cheese tomato slices are not welcome on my pizza) and it’s mainly because of the clash of sweet and savory.
Walky is just being a jerk covers about half his appearances.
The other half are covered under Walky is being an idiot.
Walky is being adorable?
That is a side category that may be applied to either of the above as the case mertits.
I eat my pizza crust first. I do it so often I forget that it’s not how people normally eat it.
That’s how I do it too. Now it feels weird to eat it the “normal” way
I hope you guys buy those “stuffed crust” pizza. Me, I have to get cheeseless pizza, or make my own with goat or soy cheese. Allergies stink.
At USY events, we would get pizza with beef, jalapenos and pineapple, but no cheese.
What? No one mentions Dina’s dinosaur teeth?
Goddammit, I should have know better than to say something this early.
Wait, you mean there are men who DON’T eat pizza like Walky?
I certainly don’t.
Whaat you are a men??…
I can’t speak for Plasma, but I’m actually four guys occupying one square. *attacks Anickel4u*
I’m pretty sure that’s against the rules unless you’re all tiny creatures.
If they’re grappling, they occupy the same square.
Assuming 3.x. Pathfinder changed it.
A men? The grammar nazis won’t like that too much.
Grammar nazis must have a real problem at church then.
What, grammar nazi’s can’t pray?
Grammar nazis won’t pray for you to pluralize your words properly! No, they respond more nastily.
Heh. Fair point.
And to that I say, A men!
Why would we eat it like that? It must be done slowly, to savor the delicious perfection.
Wait, there are HUMANS that don’t eat pizza like Walky? Oh, right, we need to allow for women who subscribe to the Dina School of Pizza Consumption.
Dinas Dino teeth are the best part of this comic.
Did Dina eat a bunch of rare candies and is now evolving to the next evolutionary stage as a result?
Rare Candy is the best type of pizza.
Walky’s just getting ready for bootcamp.
See, this is why I loved Joyce and Walky’s dynamic in the Walkyverse and why I love it here. Out of all the characters, they are the ones who are not afraid to be kids. They are who they are and if other people are gonna brand them as “immature” then so be it, but they’re the ones who’ll find the fun in everything.
I found fun in your mom for a nickel.
But, yeah, I agree.
I don’t think Joyce finds fun in everything, she just bounces between abject horror and blissful ignorance.
Except Joyce is the one mocking Walky’s perceived childishness. Childishly, of course, which is the most common way to do that.
Of course, in the original comics, she was mind-wiped from remembering her religion, and had moved beyond being so judgmental when she did pick up religion again. Here, she’s got all that judging intact.
Every word Walky says is true. In terms of pizza eating. He has said non-pizza words that are not true, but his pizza words are the gospel.
I am squeegling* so hard at Dina and her little chompy dinoteeth.
* Squee+giggle.
Walky is entirely correct. The only acceptable topping for pizza is meat.
For purposes of this exercise, chickens are to be considered a kind of mobile flower.
I was with you, up until you excluded chicken. I’m sorry, but we can no longer be friends.
Agreed. Chicken on pizza is delicious!
My favorite is to put shrimp (sliced lengthwise) and hot sauce on a pizza with pepperoni and/or chicken prior to baking.
Mmmmm! Chicken-feet pizza!
I have bbq chicken pizza. Your argument is invalid, like Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
…and to think that just over 20 odd years ago, the very idea of chicken as a pizza topping was considered too weird.
Do mushrooms count as meat? I will not accept a pizza without mushrooms.
Also, garlic.
Mushrooms are not my sort of thing, but they’re technically neutral in the meat vs. veggies debate as fungi are separate entirely.
Also, pizza should always include garlic. I prefer it mixed liberally into the sauce and/or crust, but pizza without any garlic isn’t pizza at all to me.
>fungi are separate entirely.
I like your style! That’s thinking with Science!
There is a brand of vegetarian pizza I have been buying from time to time, it’s quite good, especially when I add the pasta sauce, spices, pepperonis and extra mozzarella cheese on top before I cook it
I see what you did there.
At the cellular level, fungi are far closer in structure to animal cells than to plant cells, bacteria, or algae. So I’d say yes!
If it’s got fungus on it, it’s not food anymore.
And chicken isn’t really morally objectionable like the olives and grass clippings or whatever Dorothy got on her pizza; it’s just difficult to do right. Tends to come out dry and flavorless.
I’ll also make a specific exception for pineapple with and only with ham.
(I am right now having pizza for… I guess this is technically breakfast, because of this conversation. Pepperoni and sausage.)
Actually, pineapple goes surprisingly well with pepperoni.
I don’t fully understand why I had the opportunity to discover this, but it happened.
When asked what kinds of pizza toppings I will agree to I have a standard three word answer: meat and fungus.
As someone who doesn’t eat meat I might have to agree with you there because I like my pizza to have no toppings.
Well, at least she doesn’t claim that her beliefs are her church’s beliefs.
But this is all irrelevant to the main point: TEETH.
I’m with Joyce on this one. Different foods touching is just wrong.
You can’t call her “mrs” anything because she’s not married!
Ironic considering that it was Walky making that mistake…
Good God the excruciating pain Dina must have gone through in order to file the teeth into that shape! If that ain’t committment then I don’t know what is!
They weren’t filed, she dug up dinosaur teeth and implanted them after having hers yanked out.
Or she got one of those nightguard things, pimped out dino-style.
I eat all foods in the order of least tasty to most tasty. That way the best flavors are the ones I’m left with. For example, pizza would be eaten as follows: crust first, then pepperoni with cheese saved for last.
Complete agreeance with Walky. Pizza is a meat and cheese delivery system. The only plant matter allowed is the flour made from grain in the crust, and the tomato sauce that may or may not be in a pocket under the cheese that will scald your mouth like molten lava when you chew it.
I don’t mind some vegetable matter as a topping but the meat, paste and cheese must be what you can taste the most.
Walky needs to hang out with people who know how to pizza properly. Look at all these pizza amateurs… They’d never be able to get onto the leaderboards with that technique. N00b pizza eaters.
You’re welcome.
I see pizza as an onion and garlic delivery system.
OK Everybody, it’s time to tell up what your favourite pizza base and toppings are.
I’ll start the ball rolling.
Favourite Pizza Base: Thin to medium.
Favourite Pizza Toppings: Pepperoni, ground beef, chilli flakes, capcium, spicy tomato paste and mozzarella cheese.
Base: Medium thickness, preferably slightly chewy without being undercooked.
Sauce: Quality tomato sauce, garlic-y, if I assemble it, I’ll mix in hot sauce, otherwise I’m going to put it on top before baking.
Cheese: I stick to mozzarella.
Toppings: Chicken, pepperoni, bacon and/or shrimp.
Crust: Cheese-stuffed if possible.
Bass: I like to have a nice rythm when I eat my pizza
Base: Medium thickness.
Sauce: Any Tomato sauce is good. I’m not picky
Toppings: italian sausage, pepperoni, bacon bits, meat, meat, meat and meat.
Crust: I would like it to be fluffy, I only like certain kinds of stuffed cheese. Also if the crust is stuffed with more pizza that’d be swell.
Base: Thin like a cracker
Sauce: Barbecue or pesto
Toppings: Chicken or beef or some sort of meat that’s identifiable and doesn’t come in tube form. Mushrooms. Onions. Spinach. Tomatoes. Feta.
Crust: fluffy and thick
Sauce: extra garlic
Toppings: just cheese for me
The crust should look and feel like bread, and the toppings should be assorted pig-derived meats, with pepperoni being the highest priority. For best results, both sliced and diced pepperoni should be present.
Crust: Chicago Style Deep-dish
Toppings: pepperoni, sausage, roasted garlic, onion, bell peppers, and mushrooms.
Base: thin
toppings: BBQ sauce, onions, grilled chicken, chiliflakes.
Why yes, I am from california, why?
Things I like about this comic:
Walky’s eating style
Joyce’s eating style
Dina’s teeth
I love Dina’s dinosaur teeth.
Awww SHI- your coming to Calgary Willis?!
Looks like we’re gonna have to throw-down. 😉
I love Dina’s face there.
dina has tapped into her inner dinosaur in that panel
That is some damn unattractive pizza.
Also, I’m not entirely sure- was anyone, at any point, planning on meeting Dina there, or did they just all sit at her table and she decided that they were joining her for lunch and they didn’t care she was present?
Dina is like rain: you can’t prevent it from attending your event.
More importantly, why is Marcie not insanely more popular as one of the comic’s sexiest ladies?
Not enough screen-time nor fanservice.
Her voice is annoying.
It’s true, nothing is more unattractive than a woman who won’t stop talking.
So weird to read this from a country where most places won’t even think of putting meat on a pizza.
So what do they put on pizzas where you are from?
Regrets and tofu…. mostly tofu
I hear Japan puts corn on pizza. I’m curious, but too lazy to build the pizza myself to try it.
Many Japanese love things like eel, squid, fish flakes, seaweed, cocktail wieners, tuna, mayonnaise and even potato on their pizzas.
That isn’t really that shocking. When they start putting testicles on their pizzas I may – may – pop out my monocle.
Suddenly the sausages… i mean charcuterie… grow in tress….
Though from what I understand, it’s not quite the same as mayo from the states.
Standard mayo is made of vegetable oil and egg yolks while Japanese mayo is made of either apple cider vinegar or rice vinegar and a touch of MSG.
You would go to the wrong province you bugger.
I SHALL find a way to stalk you down Mr. Walky. OOHhhHHh yes >:D
Walky and Joyce are both sort of childish, but they don’t care. Good for them. Dorothy’s pretty dang mature, only occassionally seeming like a teenager, and she’s very reasonable. Ethan’s caught up in trying to adapt to an entirely new lifestyle by recapturing his old lifestyle, which doesn’t fit him anymore. Dina is a dinosaur.
Dina is a rwar?
All ingredients are separate, but some are more separate than others.
Panel 2 Dina is the hottest thing Willis has ever drawn, and I’ve seen Rachel take alternate universe Pamela on.
Walky, you’re seeming to forget that pizza is a vegetable.
Well, pizza, by mixing cheese with meat, isn’t exactly kosher.
Yeah when I lived with a Kosher Jewish family they only ordered pizza with cheese and veggies. I remember not being happy about that at all. I did not even understand why at the time.
Unless it was a non-dairy cheese, then it can be kosher.
I think I’ve eaten pizza like that once… … Wait, when did this comic get alt text.. Oh god I have to go back through the archives and find where this started.
February 14th.
As an unhealthy vegetarian, I eat a lot of pizza with no meat on it. It’s delicious (as long as it’s a good vegetarian pizza, and not one of the many horrible ones available). I don’t think it’s the same experience as eating a meat pizza, though. Not that I would know. I did eat meat before I became vegetarian, but for some reason, I just never came across pizzas until afterward. I realise that this is strange.
I did eat pizza before I was vegetarian, but it was 20 years ago, so I don’t remember very clearly. I’m not sure I didn’t generally go for a plain margherita even then.
Sometimes I get Quorn pepperoni for my pizza. It seems to roughly match my recollection of real pepperoni.
OMG Joyce is a Romulan!
A fundie Romulan? O_o
Is there any other kind?
I know too much about the bible.
it wouldn’t be at all a stretch to say that god created ingredients separate, as much of the book of leviticus obsesses over keeping everything separate. crops can’t be planted too close to eachother, clothes can be made of only one fiber, hell, you weren’t even allowed to harvest crops that were at the edge of the field because they “touched” the border. And all of this came from the obsession of that which was created by god was created singularly and shouldn’t be polluted by touching any of his other creations. crazy right?
This reminds me of a story. When my grandfather was a child, he lived in Brooklyn, and had some Italian neighbors. The Italian mother would make homemade pepperoni pizza and give it to her neighbors, among them my grandfather’s family. The only problem was, my great-grandmother was a very strict Orthodox Jew. So…after graciously thanking her neighbor, she would throw the pizzas away.
Now that I’ve seen it hyphenated, my mind registers dig-nity as a new word. Given the context, I have determined dig-nity to be delicious with hastily eaten pizza.
Obviously, it describes the magnitude of how much you dig something.
No superpowers in this setting, and Walky is breathing pizza.
I now wounder, what feats of heroics can one do with the power to breath pizza???
Yay, you are finally coming to Calgary! I will be able to cross you off my list of webcomic artists I really, really want to meet. Going to share space with Jeph?
Love the teeth on Dina.
He’ll be at Danielle Corsetto’s booth.
Dare I add: the first panel looks a little like the pizza is going the other way…
Whoa. 0.0
He can… create pizza.
Only the truly diabolical would use pizza as a tool to deliver deep insight
I prefer the Delissio Supreme *w*
Right amount of everything
(I used to eat my pizza that way. I’m so sorry.)
Just remember
Star Wars 3.
Luke pussed out.
Vader died.
Anakin killed the Emperor by dropping his old decrepit ass down a shaft into a power station generator.
Sometimes sagas aren’t so black and white
and sometimes people come out with retarded spin offs that predicted what kind of Jedi Luke would end up XXXDDD
Walky crosses the line between “endearing” and “annoying” way too often. Specially since he seems to take his own ridiculous rules seriously.
Walky is always serious :O!!
Just not taken seriously
Calgary!!! SQUEEE! ahem. I am very glad that you are coming to Calgary.
I just realized, has Walky ever heard of instant breakfast?
“Dignity? You’re the one who put vegetables on your pizza.”
I like Walky’s way of thinking.
And I find Dina’s odd behaviour extremely adorable.