Let’s continue our Ruth/Billie fan art theme, why not. Here’s something by Ryuusei924, in which Ruth explores cutlery.
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Let’s continue our Ruth/Billie fan art theme, why not. Here’s something by Ryuusei924, in which Ruth explores cutlery.
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Relax, Billie, Ruth just wants to share her love! Her sharp bladed love.
Oh how nice. They went to a wedding together.
What are you to me
Are you a joke, a friend, or a rival
What are you to me
Do you live to test my survival,
Do you think that I don’t understand
You just want to get together and hold my hand
This week was the wierdest I ever had
I prefered it when the two of us would just get mad….at each other.
Oh you, are…my best friend in the school
You are…my best friend in the school
And you….can be pretty cool.
And you Ruth.
I’m gonna sing a song for you that’s nuthin’ but the truth.
What are YOU TO ME
Are you a joke, a friend, or a rival
What are you to me
Do you live to test my survival,
Do you think that I don’t understand
You just want to get together and hold my hand
I’ll forget you stole my chearleader stuff because it seems your life was rough, wasn’t it?
Oh you, are…my best friend in the school
You are…my best friend in the school
And you….can be pretty cool.
And you Ruth.
I’m gonna sing a song for you that’s nuthin’ but the truth.
Here is the proof, I’m gonna save your butt too and we’ll BEEEeeeeeeeeee ok.
This will end with angry sex.
Or with Mel Gibson throwing a tomahawk into Ruth’s head.
I absolutely love the expression on Ruth’s face.