Megan Rosa”superawesome”larian Gedris (she also has a Tumblr) has designs on Ruth having designs on Billie. Oh, Ruth, you scamp. WILL THIS BE TONIGHT’S COMIC? Find out in four hours, I guess!
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Megan Rosa”superawesome”larian Gedris (she also has a Tumblr) has designs on Ruth having designs on Billie. Oh, Ruth, you scamp. WILL THIS BE TONIGHT’S COMIC? Find out in four hours, I guess!
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That’s our Ruth!
If this is not what happens in the next comic, there will be riots worldwide.
Guess it’s torch and pitchfork time!
Patience, Viceroy.
All good things to those who wait.
I must admit that was my first thought when I read that Billie didn’t want it back ^^ but on second thoughts, Billie feeling bad for not abstaining from alcohol seems more likely.
Rosalarian and Ruth/Billie all in one place. Truly this is a perfect storm of wonderful things.
So… where’s the uniform bottom? Skirt? Skort? Snakeskin?
I just realized I totally recognized that artist. =D
She’s hella good. And does great yuri.