Woo, more art by Magnolia Porter! A short while ago she alerted me to the fact that hoodie dresses exist. Hoodie DRESSES. This is truly an amazing and sexy time to be alive. And so I drew Billie in a hoodie dress (and she’ll definitely wear it in the next storyline, so look for that some time in, like, uh, probably March…) and then today Magnolia drew Billie in a hoodie dress. We are all about the hoodie dresses. Meanwhile, my wife, Maggie, told me this facial expression is called the “blushuuu,” so stick that in your vocabulary.
Also don’t forget to check out Magnolia’s comic, Monster Pulse.
You can’t hear me, but I am squealing like mad.
I imagine the sound is something like “eeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!”
… I hear ya :3
I imagine that canines, and a few cats, for block around are moving in with all due haste.
It made me think of this from another artist http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1708
Last panel.
I’m wondering why Billie is blushing. Maybe Ruth told her the hoodie dress looks cute on her? Or gave her a tender, loving throat-punch?
For the first time I harbour PSL for Billie. Amazing times indeed!
*snort* new avatar
This pushes at least five of my buttons. It’s a veritable turducken of cuteness!
When viewed in a larger format, though, her blush reveals itself to be a strip of bacon clinging to her face. o.O
Super cute. Reminds me, about a decade ago, how “jersey dresses” became really popular for a while… basketball jerseys that were also dresses.
that’s the angsty Billie we all know and love.
Very cute, now I must draw more hoodie dresses myself in the future.