Seemed like appropriate art to pull from my Dumbing of Age fan art folder for this week. It’s by Yotomoe, as if you couldn’t tell, you know, from the adorableness. The title is mine, I guess I should say.
What? The people who write comments can draw too? Do we all have a special hidden power?
Yours is Heart.
Mine is Butt.
that almost sounds about right… >.>
Most clever insult I’ve seen, possibly ever.
Until one realizes that the Heart power allows him to mind-control anything and everything alive, and he’s simply too nice to use that side of it.
It’s even canon- one episode had an alternate timeline story where Ma-Ti went bad and… well he’s pretty much the emperor of the universe.
Yeah, Heart is like Aquaman. Seemingly laughable, until you actually look at the powers list and go, “…Oh… Oh crap…”
The lesbian kissing is nice and all, but can we get some arguing about evolution in here?
Being kissed by a girl has evolved Joyce into a moeblob with eyebrows that double as antenna. This is totally how evolution works.
change approved!
Poor Joyce, her life is flashing before her eyes.
Squeeeee! *^-^*
Oh mah god. <3 I feel so honored!!!
Good job! I love it!
Title also goes with the comic title… I don’t know how obvious that was but it sure is clever.
Evolution: turning you gay since 1859.
So cute.
Also now my OTP XD
…you know you like it, Joyce.
Somewhere Walky is grinning and doesn’t know why.
Hey, Yotomoe, do you have a DA account? Your art style is adorable.
tomoe342. But be warned, I haven’t used it in a year. You’re better off going to my tumblr.
Is Dorothy into Joyce?
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What? The people who write comments can draw too?
Do we all have a special hidden power?
Yours is Heart.
Mine is Butt.
that almost sounds about right… >.>
Most clever insult I’ve seen, possibly ever.
Until one realizes that the Heart power allows him to mind-control anything and everything alive, and he’s simply too nice to use that side of it.
It’s even canon- one episode had an alternate timeline story where Ma-Ti went bad and… well he’s pretty much the emperor of the universe.
Yeah, Heart is like Aquaman. Seemingly laughable, until you actually look at the powers list and go, “…Oh… Oh crap…”
The lesbian kissing is nice and all, but can we get some arguing about evolution in here?
Being kissed by a girl has evolved Joyce into a moeblob with eyebrows that double as antenna. This is totally how evolution works.
change approved!
Poor Joyce, her life is flashing before her eyes.
Squeeeee! *^-^*
Oh mah god. <3 I feel so honored!!!
Good job! I love it!
Title also goes with the comic title… I don’t know how obvious that was but it sure is clever.
Evolution: turning you gay since 1859.
So cute.
Also now my OTP XD
…you know you like it, Joyce.
Somewhere Walky is grinning and doesn’t know why.
Hey, Yotomoe, do you have a DA account? Your art style is adorable.
But be warned, I haven’t used it in a year. You’re better off going to my tumblr.