HERE IS WHERE YOU CAN GET ONE! They’re 11×17″ cardstock gloss and fantastic.
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HERE IS WHERE YOU CAN GET ONE! They’re 11×17″ cardstock gloss and fantastic.
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I have not wished that shipping from America wasn’t so high as much as I do right now
Wondering which pocket/pouch she keeps her DS in.
You don’t have to wonder:
Will flattery be effective?
Will this poster give me immunity to criticism?
It gives you a saving roll vs criticism, only the poster itself is actually immune.
Good enough for me!
Ce poster est formidable !
Translation ; This update is awesome !
Everything is so SHINY!
This version looks like a crappy repaint of her original colors with cheap neon paint or something I don’t really get toy rage but I am trying so hard to induce it in this poster.
No use. The poster is immune to criticism.![😉](
Considering Amber’s realistic weight/height, if she were ever to leap from a high enough platform onto somebody..
Well. Super-hero or not. Pretty sure the person is not gonna have time to think about her costume xD
Is Amber heterochromic?![😉](
Yeah, she’s Shortpacked’s token heterochr– oh, heterochromatic.
Oh, apparently it was deleted/auto-deleted already.
To recap:
Anyone interested in a saturation-enhanced version of Amazi-girl’s hair can find it
I doubt anyone was interested before now, but who knows?
And that was meant to be a reply! Things aren’t going right for me today… and it’s 1:21 AM here, so it’s a bad start to the day. I should also probably get to sleep. Lack of sleep is probably the cause of all these mistakes.
Amazi-Girl dropkicks a villain in the middle of a rave.
(That was supposed to be a reply to the over-satured edit, by the way. Guh.)
ehmagerd. That is freakin’ sweet.
Immunity to criticism or not… is it just me, or does her left boot look really strange and the left knee unnaturally small?
You are the worst kind of person.
Dammit, I try not to be, but my eyes are drawn to things like that and won’t pull away.
Try harder, man. You posted that crit like three separate times.
(It looks fine to me, by the way.)
I only posted it twice – the second time because the first one disappeared. And I’m sorry, but it honestly looks off to me. If it helps, the rest is awesome, especially the expression.
Amazi-girl went Radioactive O_O!
I smell a Simpsons cross-over..
… Im not even gonna ask how my comment managed to appear BEFORE the 5 that came before it O.o
“This isn’t even my final form.”
I’ve always based costumes off of the Mortal Kombat universe =o
Something about the cyborg ninjas. Sektor looked all stealthy then BLAM GIANT SAW OUT THE CHEST >:D
Cyrax is the one with the chest saw. Sketor had the flamethrowers.
We love you man
New desktop background? New desktop background.
If Amazi-girl was on the poll at right, I would have selected her… just sayin’.