Roadrunner taught me that people were wasting their money on useless mail-order products long before the internet came into being and that you can save yourself a lot of troble if you just order takeout.
That’s not a feelski. That’s just shoulder-arm. That shit’s standard operating procedure when sitting next to a girlperson that you’re currently seeing nude.
Yeah, it’s all Gurren Lagann this or Kamina that. I don’t hate Gurren Lagann but Getter Robo’s been doing all the crazy awesome stuff way before Gurenn Lagann did and to me, Ryoma is way awesome than Kamina.
Gaiking is more like a hybrid between a straight up Super and a combiner. A combiner usually have alternate modes, like Getter 1, Getter 2 and Getter 3 for instance.
Why can’t I find some geeky girl to have these conversations with?
…Wait, I talk to the girls in the electronics department at my job all the time. Kay, why can’t I have a geeky GIRLFRIEND to have these conversations with?
If only someone can find the missing reels for many of the missing 2nd Doctor episodes, it has been decades since I last saw them as a child/early teen.
…For that to have happened you would have to be over fifty years old. Those tapes were destroyed way before you would’ve been able to see them otherwise.
I’m not surprised that someone older than a teenager is using the Internet… I’m just surprised it’s the person who always makes their gravatar an anime girl…
I know someone online that old enough to be a grandfather and yet they act all geeky and fun. They are great to talk to and they collect nerdy stuff better than us younger folks!
His video game collection made me respect him more.
There is actually a long and complicated explanation for this in the EU, which I’ll admit I’m largely unfamiliar with. However, I’ve been informed that it basically retconned Remembrance of the Daleks so that the Seventh Doctor blew up a different planet and somehow convinced the Daleks it was Skaro.
Dorothy, Dorothy, Dorothy… Wait until you get a job where communication with your “peers” are not only uninteresting but also valueless. And those conversations are the one that “matter”.
And I think that Walky’s response really is true here. Talking about things you love with someone you like? That’s important. It matters. It’s a way for two people to bring joy to one another, and that’s wonderful.
She developed ‘granny boob’ early on, and due to Walky’s braveness to touch said boob, he knows that Dorothy is currently going commando up top. Maybe even down below. Pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to know about THAT yet.
You know, I noticed something with these past couple weeks of strips.
3 weeks ago, I was really invested in the whole Joyce & Ethan go to church storyline. Then the next week, they shifted to Sarah confronting Raidah. I was fine with that, but then I remembered how much I wanted Willis to get back to Joyce & Ethan. THEN, they shifted gears to Ruth & Billie watching TV. I got invested in that and then he went back to Joyce & Ethan, which made me happy.
Now it looks like we’re back to Walky & Dorothy and I want to see where THAT’s going, but I want closure on all the other stuff. GAHHHHHH
Diamond life, lover boy
He move in space with minimum waste and maximum joy
City lights and business nights
When you require streetcar desire for higher heights
No place for beginners or sensitive hearts
Sentiment is left to chance
No place to be ending but somewhere to start
No need to ask
He’s a smooth operator
Smooth operator
Smooth operator
Smooth operator
It’s okay to talk about serious topics, depending on the situation. (I for one like to break the ice at parties talking about my father’s death. Unless he’s attending too; that’s awkward.) The thing is though, what’s the goal of your conversation? If it’s to study, then talking about class and schoolwork is cool. If you’re trying to secure permission to perform an appendectomy on someone, that discussion need not be flippant either. But if you’re just trying to pass the time with your significant other by shooting the shit, there’s no particular benefit to avoiding topics you enjoy.
Oh Dorothy, you never experience the era before the internet huh? the era where we want to geek out on our favourite shows but we rarely able to find someone else in our surrounding area that as geeky as us. Now with internet you can jump in to any forum focused on your favourite shows and meet people with the same love as you do.
I used to live in that dark era. When I can only get anime from VHS or bootlegged DVDs. When I want to talk about Gundam, Cowboy Bebop and Evangelion but no one can understand what I’m talking about.
Cherish your time with Walky Dorothy. This is geeks golden era, and we will cherish it by talking about geeky stuff on internet forums everyday!
The same thing women always mean by matter – “be more impressive so I can tell my girlfriends about in a Grease Summer Lovin’ style, as there’s no way they’ll be jealous of this, even though we’re so comfortable together and you ended on the best line ever”.
I know what she means. There’s this gal at church I’m friends with who is, as best as I can tell, the only other person there who reads Homestuck, or has a strong understanding of geek culture beyond pop geek stuff and video games, but whenever that’s the only stuff we talk about, it feels a little silly afterwards.
I think the best conversations are the ones where you engage in things you care about with someone important to you, but that also have implications beyond the conversation itself, and prompt a response for yourself on how to do things differently (or start doing them period).
I’ve gotten into some serious arguments with my best guy over tons of comic and animated items. Robotech vs Macross, Yamato vs Star Blazers, who’s the cutest Sailor Scout Jupiter or Mercury. No matter who won or lost it was great just having the diacussion in person.
(btw the answers are Robotech, Star Blazers and Sailor Mercury)
I’ll bet he gets her shirt off, sometime in April (after IU is blown out of March Madness) and STILL doesn’t know what to do… AT ALL. Probably talk about the same gunk as in this strip!!
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
What are you talking about, Dorothy! Cartoons matter! They are the deepest insights into the HUMAN CONDITION!
Especially true if it’s webcomics or manga.
Yes, I learned a lot from reading Dragon Ball.
DBZ tought me that constipation can help raise your power levels and that death is cheap.
Actually, you can only come back from the dead with the the help of Sheron once and only once.
Unless you use the Namek Balls, then it’s as many times as you like.
Another thing I learned from DBZ is that the Saiyans are more or less Space Vikings and that DBZ as whole can be seen as a Kabuki theater.
That last comment made me giggle. Thanks.
Actually after the Cell incident they change the rule for earth’s Dragon Balls. Now they can revive people multiple times.
I think in general the rules distinctions of Dragon Balls can be seen to come down to an “…or whatever” clause
Homestuck taught me to follow my dreams of total world annihilation.
And Nepeta taught me to chase after douchebags, even if they don’t love me back.
Looney Tunes taught me that ingenuity and talent will never succeed so long as they are put towards the goal of destruction.
Roadrunner taught me that people were wasting their money on useless mail-order products long before the internet came into being and that you can save yourself a lot of troble if you just order takeout.
Animaniacs taught me that angry jerks, evil dictators, vampires, and even Satan himself can be brought to helpless tears if you are annoying enough.
Animaniacs taught me geography.
Don’t forget Magellan too!
I had the good luck to see him do that song live at Calgary Comic-Con last year, twice. My daughter still raves about it.
Animaniacs taught me to finger prince.
I don’t think so.
Goodnight everybody!
Pinky and the Brain taught me… uh… Brain Stem. That’s all I remember.
Earthworm Jim taught me that even super heroes are afraid of things like public toilets or haegis. And that you can defeat your enemies with origami.
These two things came into my mind regarding this topic. Huh.
Transformers taught me that construction equipment or groups of jet fighters that share a body style but not a paint job can’t be trusted, but that red tractor-trailers are basically Jesus.
They matter if you’re having fun, Dorothy.
Protip: Fun is crazy important.
In a funeral too.
or your man, even!
Walky’s romantic line is slightly shaded by him reaching for feelsky.
Only if she’s not going for it though. Which is quite possible, but still.
That’s not a feelski. That’s just shoulder-arm. That shit’s standard operating procedure when sitting next to a girlperson that you’re currently seeing nude.
It still acceptable, unless he start doing some pokey pokey.
My favorite’s still “Anomalie”.
Wish I could discuss the intricacies of Getter Robo with any woman.
I would find it difficult to find a person in general willing to discuss the intricacies of getter robo. (not counting the internet)
Yeah, it’s all Gurren Lagann this or Kamina that. I don’t hate Gurren Lagann but Getter Robo’s been doing all the crazy awesome stuff way before Gurenn Lagann did and to me, Ryoma is way awesome than Kamina.
Just who the hell do you think he is?
But seriousely I don’t know what getter robo is. Not really a robot guy.
Pretty much the first combining Super Robot anime ever. I could discuss in detail but it’ll take a lot of time.
Combi-mecha? I’ll always have a soft spot for Voltron, and also Geiking. I think Geiking is a combiner… can’t remember. It’s been a long tim.
Gaiking is more like a hybrid between a straight up Super and a combiner. A combiner usually have alternate modes, like Getter 1, Getter 2 and Getter 3 for instance.
I’m a guy. But since you mention Getter Robo I will give you a virtual high five.
May Musashi rest in peace. And he don’t get killed… again.
this comment section need an edit button
my favorite robot is Megas.
*guitar riff*
“Unless of course we were talking about junk food”
I think we’re seeing the latest replacement for J&W of outlets for stories based on Willis and Maggie’s relationship.
Walky is thinking like a true otaku.
All we need now is Walky arguing with someone over which season of Monkey Master is the best and we’re done.
And how the original is better than the reboot.
This strip is meta enough already without bringing that into it.
Or for that extra bit of controversy, have a debate on when MM jumped the shark.
MM jumped the shark when they introduced that annoying nephew of his.
And what about that movie where they killed off Alien only to have him come back with the power of friendship?
Or that one time when they make Monkey Master into a truck?
Friendship flips your body across a vertical axis, apparently.
And don’t forget Monkey Master Grain Fate. The character derailment is of the charts.
For those of you who don’t get the joke, try to find the synonym to both Grain and Fate.
I get it.
Congrats on getting that joke. If a lot of people get the joke, I would’ve continued with stuff like Master Successor Monkey: Ape of Darkness etc.
Did she just go Britta in the 3rd panel?
She may need to install a Britta filter to control that.
This guy… eh? EH!?!?
Just as long as she doesn’t act like Gordon Brittas.
True Dorothy, but just remember what’s underneath those trivial conversations.
Background image?
A floor?
The floor is EVERYWHERE!!!!!
The floor is made of LAVA.
The fourth wall?
The comments section?
That final line of yours should merit a “Get Out Of The Doghouse Free” card for future use, Walky. Bravo.
used retroactively for a certain pants incident.
The important thing isnt what the talks are about, but who you are talking with.
If you feel happy, it matters. That should be enough.
Sometimes feeling happy is not enough
I’ll teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
Dorothy’s right. If it doesn’t have mass then it doesn’t Matter.
So if it’s not Catholic, it doesn’t count?
Second panel Dorothy is radiating dangerous amounts of extradimensional awareness.
Why can’t I find some geeky girl to have these conversations with?
…Wait, I talk to the girls in the electronics department at my job all the time. Kay, why can’t I have a geeky GIRLFRIEND to have these conversations with?
You can. We geeks just don’t like to work hard for much.
A good rule of thumb is “the more trivial it is, the harder we work for it.”
Reconciling “The Daleks” with “Genesis of the Daleks”, or sorting out a solid chronology for the history of the Cybermen? Hours of rewardless labor.
Finding someone to hang with who makes us happy? We give up within seconds.
If only someone can find the missing reels for many of the missing 2nd Doctor episodes, it has been decades since I last saw them as a child/early teen.
Yeah, the only way you can actually see them is if you have a time machine of some sort.
Unfortunately the only ‘time-machine’ I have is a G-Shock watch.
…For that to have happened you would have to be over fifty years old. Those tapes were destroyed way before you would’ve been able to see them otherwise.
I remember when TV only showed things in B/W, we didn’t have a colour TV until 1977.
…How old are you? Most of the episodes you’re referring to were almost definitely gone by 1977.
I was conceived roughly about the same time as when the ruby laser was first successfully tested.
Your parents picked the oddest things to celebrate.
I’m not surprised that someone older than a teenager is using the Internet… I’m just surprised it’s the person who always makes their gravatar an anime girl…
What can I say, I have always had a fascination with animation.
I know someone online that old enough to be a grandfather and yet they act all geeky and fun. They are great to talk to and they collect nerdy stuff better than us younger folks!
His video game collection made me respect him more.
How is Skaro back?!?
*deep breath*
There is actually a long and complicated explanation for this in the EU, which I’ll admit I’m largely unfamiliar with. However, I’ve been informed that it basically retconned Remembrance of the Daleks so that the Seventh Doctor blew up a different planet and somehow convinced the Daleks it was Skaro.
Dorothy, Dorothy, Dorothy… Wait until you get a job where communication with your “peers” are not only uninteresting but also valueless. And those conversations are the one that “matter”.
And still get paid doing it!
And I think that Walky’s response really is true here. Talking about things you love with someone you like? That’s important. It matters. It’s a way for two people to bring joy to one another, and that’s wonderful.
Is he talking about the comic book or the boob he’s groping just off screen?
We did never find out if he was brave enough to touch them the first time.
Her boob must be really low then.
She developed ‘granny boob’ early on, and due to Walky’s braveness to touch said boob, he knows that Dorothy is currently going commando up top. Maybe even down below. Pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to know about THAT yet.
Swing low…sweet Dorothy’s boobs.
Coming for to jiggle me home
You owe me a new keyboard.
There’s nothing more important than comics! Or TV. Or video games.
You know, I noticed something with these past couple weeks of strips.
3 weeks ago, I was really invested in the whole Joyce & Ethan go to church storyline. Then the next week, they shifted to Sarah confronting Raidah. I was fine with that, but then I remembered how much I wanted Willis to get back to Joyce & Ethan. THEN, they shifted gears to Ruth & Billie watching TV. I got invested in that and then he went back to Joyce & Ethan, which made me happy.
Now it looks like we’re back to Walky & Dorothy and I want to see where THAT’s going, but I want closure on all the other stuff. GAHHHHHH
Just watch Gaogaigar for your super robot fix and all will be well.
(ignores glowing Blue Lantern ring that just appeared out of nowhere)
Wait. This was supposed to go WAY up there and my Stephen King (watch out for random trucks then Walky) joke was to go here.
I blame Hexidecimel!!
Wait, who are you supposed to reply to?
Dorothyyy, this conversation was going so WELL. Why’d you have to start being all serious? Being a grown-up is silly.
Aaand done channeling Walky.
David Walkerton: Smooth Operator
Diamond life, lover boy
He move in space with minimum waste and maximum joy
City lights and business nights
When you require streetcar desire for higher heights
No place for beginners or sensitive hearts
Sentiment is left to chance
No place to be ending but somewhere to start
No need to ask
He’s a smooth operator
Smooth operator
Smooth operator
Smooth operator
You know, sometimes I feel like Walky says everything that I’m thinking. Panel 4 is one of those times.
I wonder if he means: comics are what matters, or if he means having this conversation with you, is what matters. Two pretty different meanings.
I for one empathize with Dorothy here.
I’m quite surprized to read recommandations not to talk about any serious topic!
It’s okay to talk about serious topics, depending on the situation. (I for one like to break the ice at parties talking about my father’s death. Unless he’s attending too; that’s awkward.) The thing is though, what’s the goal of your conversation? If it’s to study, then talking about class and schoolwork is cool. If you’re trying to secure permission to perform an appendectomy on someone, that discussion need not be flippant either. But if you’re just trying to pass the time with your significant other by shooting the shit, there’s no particular benefit to avoiding topics you enjoy.
Oh Dorothy, you never experience the era before the internet huh? the era where we want to geek out on our favourite shows but we rarely able to find someone else in our surrounding area that as geeky as us. Now with internet you can jump in to any forum focused on your favourite shows and meet people with the same love as you do.
I used to live in that dark era. When I can only get anime from VHS or bootlegged DVDs. When I want to talk about Gundam, Cowboy Bebop and Evangelion but no one can understand what I’m talking about.
Cherish your time with Walky Dorothy. This is geeks golden era, and we will cherish it by talking about geeky stuff on internet forums everyday!
What does she mean by ‘matter?’
The same thing women always mean by matter – “be more impressive so I can tell my girlfriends about in a Grease Summer Lovin’ style, as there’s no way they’ll be jealous of this, even though we’re so comfortable together and you ended on the best line ever”.
That or she wants to talk G1 UK Transformers comics.
I know what she means. There’s this gal at church I’m friends with who is, as best as I can tell, the only other person there who reads Homestuck, or has a strong understanding of geek culture beyond pop geek stuff and video games, but whenever that’s the only stuff we talk about, it feels a little silly afterwards.
I think the best conversations are the ones where you engage in things you care about with someone important to you, but that also have implications beyond the conversation itself, and prompt a response for yourself on how to do things differently (or start doing them period).
I’ve gotten into some serious arguments with my best guy over tons of comic and animated items. Robotech vs Macross, Yamato vs Star Blazers, who’s the cutest Sailor Scout Jupiter or Mercury. No matter who won or lost it was great just having the diacussion in person.
(btw the answers are Robotech, Star Blazers and Sailor Mercury)
Sigh. best guy friend.
So…between Napoleon and a shrimp powered space ship, does every Dexter and Monkey Master episode involve a short joke?
wait…did Walky just inadvertently say the sweetest thing in the world?
Walky, get away from her now. Before she gets a desk job and becomes booring!
I know this relationship is doomed, but I have to admit I like these two together a lot.
*Sigh* Someday I hope I have a girlfriend that willing to talk about our shared obsession with stupid shit.
that………………………..that is sooooooooooo f88king sweet, Walky…………………….
The best conversations are those that don’t matter.
I’ll bet he gets her shirt off, sometime in April (after IU is blown out of March Madness) and STILL doesn’t know what to do… AT ALL. Probably talk about the same gunk as in this strip!!