This is genuinely the exact reason why I wasn’t allowed to watch Scooby Doo.
I know, it makes zero sense.
Now, if they said it were a gateway to lesbianism, there might’ve been a point.
This is genuinely the exact reason why I wasn’t allowed to watch Scooby Doo.
I know, it makes zero sense.
Now, if they said it were a gateway to lesbianism, there might’ve been a point.
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heh heh… booby
Boobs…an ogle a day keeps the doctor away.
unless said doctor is the owner of the boobs.
Then it keeps their mother-in-law away.
Dorky girl with a talking dog?? They don’t timetravel by any chance.
Sherman was a boy dude.. 😛
Yep, the two of them with some weird scarfed British dude in a big blue box.
I’ve never seen Dorothy wear a sunhat, though, so I dunno what she’s talking about.
Nah, dude. Ya gotta go back for Janos’s reference. Wayback. To moose and squirrel.
Those animals. Where have I heard of those animals?
And now for something we hope you’ll REALLY like!
Rocky the Flying Squirrel and Bullwinkle the Moose.
“Yep, the two of them with some weird >scarfed< British dude in a big blue box."
The British dude was eaten very rapidly?
If a talking dog is all it takes, Davey and Goliath were a gateway to witchcraft too.
You’re really making me want to watch Scooby Doo for the first time in a long time David.
Come for the mysteries, stay for the witchcraft.
So Dungeons and Dragons was out of the question then.
You really need to watch Scooby-Doo Mystery Inc! Now. From the beginning.
It’s Scooby-Doo with an ongoing plot, and an overarcing genuine mystery.
You will thank me for this. Oh, you will thank me.
To be fair, I wasn’t allowed to watch CatDog for similar reasons (it was against nature). Didn’t stop me from watching it, though.
We. Don’t. Question. That.
That way lies madness.
According to the show’s creator, Peter Hannan: “Do you think Mickey Mouse ever had to use the bathroom? I don’t think so. I don’t think CatDog does, either.”
So, there you have it. CatDog has no waste disposal system we’re familiar with.
But… We’ve seen them come out of the bathroom…
Not to mention the fact that that can’t be healthy. It’s probably why they’re yellow. Liver failure from the lack of waste disposal. I mean, come on, Dog eats garbage regularly. How are they alive? HOW ARE THEY ALIVE???
Jetstream’s right. This way lies madness.
They have a biological thermal reactor inside them. ‘Waste products’ are just the gases they exhale, because everything else has been translated into energy.
you’re all forgetting one of the greatest gifts to Cartoon Physics, the Acme(tm) Hole In The Wall. Catdog has one surgically implanted at the end of their digestive tract that allows the waste to deposit in a separate location. When they come out of the bathroom, it’s just them dumping that receptacle in the toilet.
I don’t know what’s scarier, that my mind crafted that in the short time it took me to read these posts, or the fact that you now will know that Catdog is ALWAYS POOPING
Wasn’t there an episode where the paparazzi found their way into Catdog’s bathroom? I think Dog said something like “I though you said that no-one could ever know how we do this.” My Memory is fuzzy though.
Sorry but that guy’s logic doesn’t work on me. Of course Mickey Mouse uses the bathroom. It’s just never shown because it’s gross, but the Disney world does have bathrooms.
He, said this? when? where?
Reverse osmosis. It just oozes out of their skin… constantly.
Same for me, but replace Catdog with Pokemon
Actually, that happened to me too. But it was because my mom was afraid of the “rising fad” because of a friend of hers. Of course, I was kind of obsessed with that show as a kid, but who wasn’t.
Me three, had a bunch of cards and after a year of sleepless nights and three games, I caught all of them on red blue and yellow, just for my mom to toss it, it broke my heart.
Pokemon wasn’t a gateway to witchcraft: it was a gateway to dog fighting XD
Go, cock fighting monsters!
Michael Vick would be a great Pokemon trainer.
I wasn’t allowed to watch CatDog because my mom saw Cliff beating up the trash can lid in the theme song, declared the show “too violent” and forbade me from watching it.
She forgot like two weeks later, but I always changed channels if she walked in while it was on, just in case.
My parents were pretty strict about violence too- only PBS & Star Trek were on generally, and computer games were restricted as well. But my younger brother got all sorts of stuff I didn’t, because I got stuff they deemed “age appropriate” that would not have been appropriate for him.
And Star Trek didn’t have any violence? Weird…
It was socially conscious, liberal violence. TNG, of course.
Why would you even WANT to watch CatDog? That show sucked augh.
THANK YOU! I always felt like I was the only one who didn’t like it.
By the way, you can dislike things without being arrogant. And “stupid” isn’t automatically bad.
I didn’t watch CatDog either, but that was because it was stupid.
But…God isn’t natural either.
I was totally allowed to watch CatDog. But I didn’t because it creeped me out.
Scooby promotes witchcraft? But wasn’t the entire point that the supernatural stuff all turned out to be a hoax (at first, anyway)?
Yeah, yeah, just try arguing logic with such people.
Not if you cutting the Gordian knot.
Actually, the first cartoon reboot movies from about 2000-ish did away with the whole “they are just guys in masks” thing and had actual legit ghosts and magic and stuff.
The gang teamed up with this goth band called the Hex Girls and one of them was Wiccan. Well, part Wiccan, because Wicca is a race apparently and not a religion.
granted, this all would have hit when Willis was in… um, college? But for little middle-school me it became the reason I stopped watching Scooby-Doo even though it had never been a problem before that point.
The first movie was zombie island, but you’re right. Plus Tim Curry, is awesome. And wiccan is a blood line as well as a practice, my bro is practice, not blood, and my cousin is blood line
My facts conflict with yours; in my understanding the idea of wiccan bloodlines in any meaningful sense are based on mythology, not facts.
Wicca is a religion that is about 50-70 years old. Anything older is entirely shrouded in mystery cults that there is NO evidence of direct blood descendants of by any traceable means. As a practicing pagan it bothers me that there is so much misinfo out there on this topic. Not that there can’t be generational pagans or that Paganism itself isn’t older. But the religion of Wicca is not old enough to have any “ethnic” variant.
Well, there were the early direct-to-video movies. Otherwise, and even with that (well, you could argue Witch’s Ghost although I wouldn’t) I wouldn’t have a problem letting my kids watch Scooby-Doo without worrying about witchcraft.
In fact, the only reasons I would steer them away from “13 Ghosts” and the live action movie is that they sucked so bad.
No, no. You’re missing what’s really important here.
Not on the island of zombies, and from what I know some of the newer instalements had some of the cases not being fake XD
When I was a kid, there was a series called The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo where Scooby, Shaggy, Daphne, an offensive mexican stereotype, and Vincent Price actually had to hunt down real ghosts and put them back into a chest. The premise was that because they had let them out, they had to put them back in.
Wich one of them plays baseball?
Aw, is Dorothy already having regrets over the break-up?
I thought it was a spat with nothing all that final about it. I think Dorothy and Walky regret their decisions so reconciliation is possible.
Walky’s gonna find a nice woman who loves his pajama jeans and him in them. You know, like Billie.
But how will he know she doesn’t just love the pajama jeans? Imagine the trauma if he found Billie wearing them, the pajama jeans snuggling her bottom as only they can? Walky might never recover,
I think he’d be proud.
Of the pajama jeans.
They could both get a pair.
That’s ridiculous, vigilantism maybe, but not occultism.
And pot.
It’s a more logical explanation for why Scooby forms comprehensive sentences, and why Shaggy always sees ghosts.
Or gluttony.
Cartoon with a talking dog?
She must mean The Jetsons.
I thought Courage the Cowardly Dog at first.
Johnny Test Clearly was the first to do that!
(ugh…that refference kinda hurts me)
You guys are lame, everyone knows Adventure Time was first.
Your avatar drives the shaming home.
The Sarah avatar adds instant sarcasm/dourness to every post I make. I love it and I’m wondering when Gravatar Roulette is going to bestow all my comments with another hilarious twist.
Yeah, Adventure Time totally came up with the whole talking dog idea.
It is totally Davy & Goliath
So did it I, but the purple made me gravitate to that point first XD
I thought of Family Guy. I have no idea why.
That’s what I was thinking. Meg is definitely dorky…
…Until you see Mila – then everything changes… forever.
Ennn! Wrong! Courage the Cowardly Dog is a lot of things, but vocal is not one of them. He had to stick to pantomiming. Nice try, though.
I wasn’t allowed to watch He-Man because “Jesus is the Master of the Universe.”
The reason I got was “only Jesus has the power.”
… wow, seriously? And I thought the “every woman who works outside of the home is an adultress” church I grew up in was conservative :/
I’d call that fearmongering not conservative.
How can you be conservative and not a fearmonger?
By bait-and-switching definitions, mostly. Social conservatism relies very heavily on fearmongering (and/or hatemongering), but there are other conservatisms (fiscal, mostly) that don’t. However nobody is referring to those when they say “conservative”.
I never watched he man as a kid, mom hated it, but I got my dorkness from my.pastor father who at random times screamed out “By the Power of Greyskull!” My mom hated it.
You have an awesome Dad.
Explain powered… anything to me then. Is it all through plugging in to Jesus?
This sounds like an excuse to draw something wonderful.
Somebody has to make this happen.
It was almost a shirt, but I couldn’t find a design I liked and so it got kind of back-burnered.
Were you able to watch Captain Planet, or was Gaia a pagan symbol and off limits?
Trying to picture Jesus wearing a only metal bandoliers and a furry loincloth, brandishing a sword and riding a large, green tiger. And Ram-man as one of the apostles.
The whole MoTU cast in The Last Supper.
Is Man-E-Faces Judas? Or Orko?
As clever as Man-E-Faces as Judas might sound, he’d have to be Peter, with faithful face, denial face, and the pissed-off face you see in so many old paintings. Besides Orko would make a perfect Judas. Only instead of for silver, he’d just betray by being, as always, an enormous fuck-up.
Only Jesus can stop forest fires.
And the lawnmower.
*ahem* WHAT!
How in the Fucking puss fill bowles of Hell is Scooby-doo a gateway to witchcraft!!!!!!
Hey, some people believe Pokemon is a work of the Devil.
I believe that Problem Solverz was a work of the devel.
I believe that Windows Vista is the work of the devel*.
* -opers
On Mexico city pokemon parafernalia was burned because some idiot started saying it was satanic and other idiots believed it, it didn’t arrive to my town which is way up north but news arrived and then confirmed S:
It is because a parent says it’s so, and parents know what’s best. Then those same parents wonder why their children stop respecting their judgments when they get older.
you know those door-filled hallways they always have chases in? the doors are literally gateways to witchcraft. or doorways to witchcraft, at least.
Is your costume an orange sweater and a blue miniskirt?
Huh. Scooby-Doo is, like, anti-witchcraft. Every mystery has a rational explanation. The ghosts and monsters, they aren’t real (with the possible exception of Mystery Inc’s Piranha-Goat, who is never really explained). Everything is made up by grown ups to hide the truth. Which, I guess, is reason enough for some people to discourage children from watching it…
And here I thought only North korea brainwashes you from birth.
We’re lucky to live in a society that lets you think for yourself when you start getting into adulthood, but nearly everyone wants their kids to share the same sense values that they have.
Well, to be fair to over zealous adults, there was a point when Scooby-Doo decided “okay, monsters are real.” Never in the original show, but it happened. It still happens in the animated movies every now and then, but it’s mostly faded away.
On the other hand, 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo. Featuring a warlock voices by Victor Price. Enough said.
I think I’ve got this.
Scooby Doo teaches your child to investigate the occult. Your child then goes and starts looking around in the wrong sorts of places. Meets some demons. Sleeps with them in exchange for phenomenal powers. Now your daughter’s a witch and it’s all because Scooby Doo taught her not to leave the ghosts and ghouls well enough alone. Because Scooby Doo told them that the things that go spook in the night were not to be feared.
I would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for you meddling kids and your satanic, demon-summoning dog
So Fred and Daphne wear those scarves and Velma the turtleneck to hide the number of the Dog?
Of course, it does explain why Shaggy stays stoned all the time; easiest way to deal with the horror.
Lampooned in a Venture Brothers episode.
The Number you have reach is currently not available at this time. Please leave your name and sacrifice after the tortured scream and wait four to five financial quarters or the soonest Republican electoral victory. Thank for chosing Lucifer Solution proving evil services since 600,000 B.C.E. *beeeeeeeep!*
If Dorothy is Velma, then does this make Joyce Hot Dog Water?
Only if Billie is Daphne. Walky is Shaggy, naturally.
I demand you draw this. Do it now. I’ll wait.
I’ll probably done around 1:30 or so
I spent too much time on this…
I was gonna make Fred Joe but I wanted to do this joke.
This is amazing.
I’ve been of the mind that God was responsible for these kids and canines (if you hate Scrappy, there was also Scooby-Dum) always coming across the same revenge/land grab/theft plans. How do you come across the same crime MO every single place you go? They were uniquely qualified to solve these crimes.
I would like to correct all of the above – in the late 90s/early 2000s, Scooby-Doo DID become about practicing the occult and ghost hunting and witchcraft.
No, I’m serious.
IE, right around the time Joyce would have been in elementary school. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Wiccans being the good guys would send Fundamentalist Christians into a tizzy and thus Scooby-Doo would be disallowed for a kid Joyce’s age and upbringing.
On a different note, LOL WHAT why would the original Scooby-Doo be a gateway to witchcraft, oh people.
Yes, but this line is older than that. One almost thinks that, confronted with a new movie, they had just been reading protest letters and thought “might as well…”
Don’t they still pop up sometimes on the new shows? So basically, now they have a witch on speed-dial for not-actually-a-mask emergencies.
Are you saying that not everyone has a witch on speed dial?
I thought that Joyce was more Velmaish than Dotty ever was.
So…. how long before we see that pic as your grav? ;P
Who’s to say it hasn’t already been?
And just when I thought maybe Joyce had a shred of ‘real person’ hiding inside her…..most importantly freakin’ BOOTS?
Hey, boots are awesome.
Don’t go messing with boots.
Or they’re gonna walk all over you.
In my head I heard her saying it all singsong: “but most importantly boo-oots!”
That was the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen.
Clearly you have not spent nearly enough time on the internet.
Or perhaps you should consider yourself lucky.
Nothing wrong with getting excited over new clothes, especially for someone like Joyce who’s been probably been taught to value humility and modesty. I could be wrong, of course. But to me, this humanizes her more.
Actually that sounds really realistic, especially the diction, which I’m imagining was all stated in one breath without break so Dorothy didn’t really get any of that except for the part about BOOTS.
Oh yeah, meant to say, as a Wiccan, I find the later Scobby quite amusing.
These days the Billy Graham parents wouldn’t allow their children to watch it because it was included in a beat poem called Storm.
“f you’re going to watch tele, you should watch Scooby Doo.
That show was so cool
because every time there’s a church with a ghoul
Or a ghost in a school
They looked beneath the mask and what was inside?
The fucking janitor or the dude who runs the waterslide.
Jinkies, Velma is the one of a few characters both real and fictional I would marry as I’m sure we’d both be happy sitting around doing Sudoku and don’t mind never having sex. (My sexy dreams involve women in burkas doing algebra, Islam scholars gave us algebra that’s the only reason I include burkas in the dream any modestly dressed woman would do.)
I missed a line in her word balloon and read:
You’re like a purple version of that talking dog.
I was quite confused for a few seconds.
So if Dorothy is Velma, who’s Hot Dog Water?
(…or Zelda Gilroy, for that matter?)
scroll up. you’re in for a treat.
I am guessing her parents either knew about scooby doo and the 13 ghosts or scooby doo in the zombie island…
She wasn’t allowed to watch Scooby Doo? Oi…course I wasn’t alowed to watch The Simpson’s because Bart was a bad influence…And I also wasn’t allowed to watch Full House or Americas Funniest Home videos cuz my dad didn’t like Bob Saget for some reason….
Maybe your Dad saw Saget’s stand-up act sometime before you were a little cuddly killer of nights out and he knew Saget was just going to lose it mid-clip, bam! He’s telling his capricious little child his version of the Aristocrats.
He’d probably seen his stand up?
to be fair, saget’s stand up is nothing like full house or AFHV.
No but it’s still not funny so he remains consistent there.
I wasn’t allowed to watch Shaman King because the Chinese characters in the opening screen said king of gods or some such.
I wasn’t allowed to watch Scooby Doo for the same reason even though I said multiple times ” But there are no ghosts in Scooby do! They’re always just fakers in the end.” We weren’t allowed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles because it involved Martial Arts and Martial Arts has false idols in it “And you have to bow at your teacher!” Once again my parents didn’t understand the meaning behind the action. We were allowed Transformers though because Optimus Prime was a metaphor for Jesus.
Eh, Mordechai got in trouble for refusing to bow. Bowing’s important.
Bahaha “Well me and Billie and Sarah and accidentally Dina…” is by far the best line =P
Yes it is.
Once again, in her self-absorption Dotty’s missing the point. Because boots!
Are you ready boots?
Start walkin’!
I prefer the expletive laden cover Megadeth did. But that’s just me.
You know, in my household, we were taught that if you say “no offense”, YOU ARE PROBABLY GOING TO OFFEND SOMEONE.
So we learned to come and insult each other without any pretense.
The real reason you wouldn’t have been allowed to watch it is that it’s a gateway to critical thinking – the “monster” in every episode turns out to be a human being pulling a fast one.
Oh! Velma. I thought she meant Meg Griffin.
Also: Nickel femur FAAAAAAAAAAAAACE penis boots!
You missed those.
All right, I skimmed the comments, but no one has mentioned this yet.
This page looks awesome, man. Seriously. The color palette is really refreshing, the poses are subtly dynamic (even the leaning in panel two on both of their parts is expressive), and the facial expressions are entertaining. Is it just a coincidence that all of this looks so great? Because it looks to me like a new style. Either way, fantastic job.
Yeah man, I’m consistently and regularly impressed with the work in this strip. Excellent comic-ing.
Though there have been an increase in actual supernatural elements in the show (can’t remember if the show with Vincent Price actually had ghosts in it or not), the fact that every one of the ghosts was proven to not be real was actually the reason why a prominent scientist liked the show.
That scientist being Carl freaking Sagan, who in 1997 wished that such a show existed for adults that shows the triumph of rationalism over supersition.
Eh, the problem is that it also caused the whole no such thing as ghost. I’m a bit of a scientist and I work on genetics and energies, and my studies have shown, rationally, that something is there, so rationally there may or may not be, no proof either way. But I did love the show too.
Do you mean ghosts as in weird phenomena that is mildly difficult to explain if you don’t try very hard, ghosts as in actual discrete semi-physical entities that are terrified of all science and technology and thus flee from repeatable experiments and decent cameras, or ghosts as in actual spirits of real humans that somehow do something the brain doesn’t and control us somehow anyway? Because if it’s the last one, I’m pretty sure that alcohol and/or mind-altering drugs and medicines disprove it.
Which explains why religious parents wouldn’t allow their kids to watch it.
Ironic that all the more contemporary Scooby Doo “movies” involve legit supernatural power (like Zombie Island that had not only zombies but evil immortal catfolk pagans).
I personally hated the catfolk pagans. It was like the writers were playing mad libs with the script. Almost anything else could have served the same purpose and not been so glaringly out of place.
You’ve gotta be kidding me! The werecats are the best part! So. Friggin’. Awesome. Probably my earliest exposure to werecreatures other than werewolves. How is that not cool? Wait a sec… you’re a dog person, aren’t you? It’s a conspiracy against the awesomeness of cats! *rant-rant-rant*
The best part about that is, without doubt, the fact that you’re TOTALLY SERIOUS about evil immortal catfolk pagans. That there’s a special amount of writer insanity.
Joyce’s version of the day is pretty good, but not up to Dina’s level.
agreed. i wish that the dina/amber strips had a full explanation of the day’s events.
Take a shot every time Joyce says something that strains credulity and it’s something that happened in Willis’s childhood.
If that’s how we’re playing I think I need to stock up on more booze.
Yeah, my cousin ‘found Jesus’ when he got married, and his kids aren’t allowed to watch Scooby Doo for basically the same reason. I don’t know why him and his wife are so afraid of their daughters becoming witches- with me as a godparent, they should be more afraid that I’m slipping them literature with subtle innuendos that it’s okay to be gay 😉
Gay witch?
Purple Velma, Puuuurrrple Velma…
Yeah, if anything the first version of the show and most other versions take spirit legends and rumors of satanic activity and show that it’s actually just tricks and wires, that no person can actually use witchcraft … unless the people against the show DO believe in witchcraft and think the show is luring our youth into a false sense of security.
Although there were things like the 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo that blatantly showed really evil spirits and even how to capture them through magic, but again it’s JUST A FUCKING STORY.
What do Velma, Joyce, and Dotty have in common?
Sweet, sweet sweater meat.
And that’s coming from a gay guy.
The Daisy Gravvy is very appropriate for that comment. It made me lol.
She’s got a hidden talent that iven “She” doesn’t know about!
“Accidentally Dina” sounds like a sitcom…
Someone needs to get the networks on the phone right now and pitch this.
Is there another sitcom title that goes [adverb] [proper name]? I can’t think of any beyond Suddenly Susan, but that seems to be super influential…
I had NO idea she was talking about Scooby Doo until I read the description below the comic. I was thinking, “Talking dog and witchcraft? Huh?” Wow.
Most religious people aren’t fanatical like that, but the ones that are sure do have odd ways of thinking.
Yes, religion and fictional magic can coexist without one destroying the other, just like religion and science can coexist.
It’s that pesky antireligion you need to worry about, but we haven’t been able to synthesize a whole lot of it so annihilation shouldn’t be a problem.
What the hell happened in some of you people’s childhoods?
The only thing my mother didn’t want me watching is Beavis and Butthead, and I still did. I was a teen.
FFS, when The Simpsons first came onto TV I watched it with my parents and sister.
My parents actually didn’t care what I watched! The most they ever said was “you won’t like this” for a scary movie when I was ten. I did not like it, and did not see another until I was 18. 8|;;
My mom later told me this was here brand of reverse psychology, and she was at least right that I had no special desire to watch anything but animations. …no forbidden allure, I guess?
I never could figure out what my mother would restrict – she was a-okay with Power Rangers, Scooby Doo and all the Disney movies (hello magicland), but I was forbidden from watching Pokemon, she had ‘strong reservations’ about Sailor Moon, and absolutely forbade Are You Afraid of the Dark? – naturally, Harry Potter was essentially the anti-Christ.
Truly, righteous judgement is in the eye of the fundamentalist. Who have you censored today?
Im curious to know how Willis made his break from his religious beliefs. Must be an interesting story behind it. A lot of people who were never brought up religious dont get that its not an easy thing to get over, its painful and you realize some stuff about life you didnt consider before. You dont just jump into the jokes about Jesus or “God sucks lol” type humor right away, for example. I still can’t bear it even though Im more agnostic as time goes by.
“but most importantly: BOOTS”
Dude. My childhood would have sucked so hard without Scooby & the gang. Hell, part of the reason my family puts up with my shit is that I can do a perfect impersonation of Scooby’s laugh. You really have my sympathies, hon.
My parents were the same. Harry Potter was banned, as well!
Considering the getup you wore to that party (whoops, sorry), I don’t think you have much room to talk about looking like Velma
Believing in literal magic in the 21st century, and that watching a fictional cartoon about such can “lead” you to said “magic”. Nice, Joyce. Nice.