Last day for the Dumbing of Age Book 1 Kickstarter! Thanks once again for your overwhelming support!
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Last day for the Dumbing of Age Book 1 Kickstarter! Thanks once again for your overwhelming support!
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He wants Billie. Admit it.
He wants Billie… to get out of the dudevator.
Are you Wednesday Addams today, or just someone who looks like her?
You are correct, good eye!
Good to see I was correct, just behind the curve, so to speak.
that’s exactly who I thought it was too
anime style Wednesday Addams
I know I do.
Keep your PJ jeans on. 😀
Billie its Walky. How are you surprised?
An apocalypse was brewing, and an underground war was being fought to prevent it from occurring. At the beginning of this war an unlikely–but no less important–little kid was born. Who was he? The answer would surprise that same little kid most of all.
He forgot o take his meds?
But more importantly Wack’d, would he ever be able to change into his pajama pants?
Don’t you know…guys don’t wear pants when they’re in elevators. We’ve just been keeping up appearances for you ladies.
It’s true. The sound of 15 zippers going at once is deafening.
^^this is possibly the greatest statement in modern history^^
I am fairly certain that straight dudes don’t start taking off their pants when traveling in an elevator for guys.
He’s preparing himself for Gary.
I hope he remembered to bring the lube then.
in the elegaytor. (i couldn’t help mah’self.)
I buy that pun for a nickel.
… I’ll buy your mom for a nickel?
It won’t help unless you speak French.
Then *I*’ll buy your mom for a nickel?
Too bad Plasma! I am a child of RnB, Disco, and the Oldies! I know just what I need to know, that one song by Lady Marmalade!
Now I just need the French equivalent of a nickel… HIGH HO TO CANADA!
That would be a nickel. The Canadian equivalent of a nickel is a nickel.
*Claps.* Comment sections are like the street performance art of the internet.
Actually a canadian nickel would be 4.81 cents USD atm. So you’d be gypping plasma’s mom.
Fun fact: Until 1982, canadian nickels were actually made of nickel. (US ones are mostly copper, with some nickel for coloring)
Show her your male wing, Walky. Be not afraid.
As long as he doesn’t show her his goat. I got hit with the goat once. It was at once epic and horrifying.
Damn Quebequois roommates.
How did you go from Male wing to bat wing? Did you watch Waiting… recently or just horrid flashbacks from living with guys from the east coast?
Both are, in this case, euphemisms for the penis and/or balls.
Oh, that explains things. If he was hitting you with it, he was doing it wrong.
That… makes sense…
Too Bad I’m looking for Canadian Nickels! Otherwise I’d be ashamed!
$5 bet that on the back of Walky’s orange underwear it says ‘Nickelodeon.’
I really want some nickelodeon underwear now…
I would not take that bet.
Underwear? I thought he was going commando there.
I thought that at first too, but nah. Way too orange. Compare his face color and underwear color.
If Billie’s not careful, she’ll give Walkie a lift.
He wants to ‘go up’, she wants to ‘go down’.
it doesn’t matter which direction it is as long as it’s on a floor
In the air, in the air, honey one more time not it ain’t fair
Love in an elevator
Lovin’ it up when I’m goin’ down
I wonder if Aerosmith’s Love in an Elevator has actually being reduced to elevator muzak by now.
I hope not. That’d be awkward
Elevator muzak is always awkward. Admittedly, that would be more awkward than most, but still.
To windooooow – ba doop bow!
To thw waaalls – de doop dow!
To the Sweat drops down and fa-ha-haalls
All these female cra-ha-haawlls!
I dunno I think things could get more awkwards…
Well it seems last night you caught me spankin’ it
No use denyin’ it, I was really crankin’ it
Well, dry you eyes, there’s no need to be sad
If you could just forgive me, and talk to me dad
It has. Heard it in an elevator, of all places, a few years ago. Almost fell over laughing once I recognized it. It was like a horrific Internet in-joke had suddenly appeared IRL. XD
Why does all the cool stuff happen to people I don’t know on the Internet?
There’s no way this can be walked in on and create comic misunderstanding. It’s metaphysically impossible.
Awkward. But hey, it could happen to anyone, right?
they have elevators on the dorms O.o how many floors does the building have? O.o
Escher is clearly getting new-school with us.
Uh, yes? Every dorm I’ve ever seen that has more than two floors has elevators, and those two-floor ones might’ve as well. (Never went inside them.)
Actually one of the reasons the college of Humboldt State University or HSU is also transcribed at Hills and Stairs University is because on of the complexes that goes diagonal on a Hill has 9 floors and no elevator on the complex.
As a matter of fact the only on campus housing that has an elevator is the newest apartment style complexes and theres 4 other complexes not counting the first two that lack elevators…
I guess we gotta burn off that freshman fifteen somehow.
That is insanity. O_O
Mike must’ve been the architect.
All the dorms where I went to school had them, even if they were only two floors high.
Gotta be handicapped accessible.
I see london I see France…..
Orange undies how adorably flamboyant.
Why is Walky so surprised Billie’s going to the male wing? I mean, sex jokes aside, is it really that uncommon to see other people in their dorm room?
So that would make the other elevator the feminvator?
The feminvator is right next to the masculvator. I think the dudevator is next to the chickevator.
Oh right I always get those two confused.
…and of cause to go to the dark basement, you take the darthvator.
I personally use the Master-vator myself.
Unfortunately the Mastervator can’t take me to see Yo-yo Ma, I gotta ride the chellovator for that one.
Not to be confused with the nickelvater which takes you to see Yo Mama.
If you don’t want to run into anyone, you should probably take the evator. Not to be confused with the e-vator, which is used to visit floors that only exist online.
Another alternative for avoiding others is the seeyouvator.
There’s also the catchyouvator for meeting up with people briefly, saying hello, and then getting off at your stop, and the dumbvator, for when you’re delivering food.
I thought the hellovator was for meeting up with people briefly, saying hello, and then getting off at your stop.
Don’t forget the Motivator, for when you just don’t have enough willpower on your own.
What have I done!?
If anyone needs me I’ll be on the lamentovator.
Did you notice that she didn’t start out by telling him that she wasn’t his girlfriend? This is not normal Billie behavior. OK, following Walky around like she is his girlfriend is normal for her, but not yelling for all to hear that she isn’t, well, isn’t.
And, what will happen when she finds out that he actually HAS a real, publicly acknowledged girlfriend, and it isn’t her?
She’ll want his balls even more cause of frustration attraction?
So now what I’m wondering is when your next Kickstarter is, you have to have close to enough strips for another Shortpacked! book by now…
I have enough strips for like ten Shortpacked! books. Volume 4 only goes up to 2008!
Well since the deman’s there, how about a Kickstarter every six months or so? Seems like a reasonable wait in between since yours are basically presales…
Walky pretty much lives in his own little world (elevator), but then so does Billy. Each one dosen’t really notice other people. Walky out of innocence for the most part maybe, and the fact that he really dosen’t seem to care what others think of him. Billy owns the world, other people just live there, gives her a Hellofa shock when she discovers that ain’t necessarily so. When she finds out Walky has a girlfriend, she will just get another shock, and go about her business as usual.
You sound ALOT like Sal right now.
I can’t wait to see Walky in the pj jeans.
I can. Remember that MIKE ordered them.
Something is going to be horribly wrong with them.
Which is why we can’t wait to see it, obviously!
“You mean you can get them for guys, too?”
There’s an alligator in the dudevator!
I can guess what happened next:
Walkie pants will fall, someone will enter the elevator.
a) Joyce, she will freak out, run to Dorothy and tell her what she think Walky and Billie do on the elevator. Drama tag is on.
b) Dorothy, she will leave angry, Billie and Walky will try to explain what really happened, slapstick tag is on.
c) Mike, he will kick Walky in the nut, leave happy.
d) Danny, he will swear to keep it a secret. Good guy Danny strikes again.
e) Ruth, HULK SMASH!
f) Sal, she will enter the elevator non chalantly, awkward silence.
g) Dina. Walky and Billie keep talking to each other.
h) Amber/Amazi-Girl. Accuse Walkie of indecent exposure, Billie defend him, Action tag occur.
i) Joe, get out from the elevator, pull a truckload of socks in front of the elevator.
I am going with an amalgamation of g & h
Clearly, every option should have situation c) added to it. Including c) itself.
So in other words:
C – Mike, he will promptly drop kick Walky’s “Walkers” off.
I’m guessing B), though I) made me laugh out loud.
Or it’s Danny, who is GOING to keep quiet (good guy) until he finds out that Dorothy is sort of seeing Walky. Then he gets tormented – is it jealousy to tell her, or just trying to save her from a “cheating jerk?”
Going down the list:
a) Busy with Ethan.
b) That’s what I’m expecting… actually b & d
c) Mike is always possible, especially concurrently with others.
d) See b
e) not yet, I expect Ruth to show up in the aftermath
f) Sal doesn’t use elevators
g) That would be amusing to see her arrive concurrently with Mike…
h) I don’t see her being here for this party
i) hmmm… we know he has an interest in her so that could make for some interest and he’d work pretty well as a standin for b&d
I really want a repeat of this comic, but with Ethan instead of Billie. Doesn’t say anything, just awkwardly stares and slowly works up a blush over 4 panels.
….completely agree. Come on Willis. Hope to it. >.<
*Hop* to it….stupid grammar mistakes. -3-
Or…hope-to-hop to it.
So taking off his pants in the elevator for dudes, eh?
Outside of periods of extreme cold, I can’t envision a single instance where I would rather be wearing pants than not wearing pants. Dudevators included.
Go Walky! 🙂
Based on his hands being full and Billie having arrived concurrently with his entering the elevator, doesn’t that mean that he had his fly down before that point? You know, just strollin’ down the hall to the dudevator, with the breeze flowing in?
It’s Willy!
Anakin would have been so much cooler if he called himself “Dude Vader”.
Haha, YES
Well it’s not as though he could be any less cool.
Okay, wait… Dudevator has to be a title of something.