I wonder how long those pinup pics of these two will be stuck in my mind every time they’re on panel. It’s kind of early to say, but I suspect forever.
POKEMON! Gotta catch em all. A heart so true. Our courage will pull us through. You teach me and I’ll teach you! POKEMON! Gotta catch em all, gotta catch em all! POKEMON!
She wants to be a superjournalist, then somehow, president. There are flaws in her ambitions, but the fact that she isn’t in Yale right now is not one of them.
If her credits transfer in full to Yale then getting her basics done here makes more sense. Her entry level classes could be much cheaper on a per class basis and she might be getting Freshman and Sophmore level classes completed at an easier level. When she transfers all she will have left is her Junior and senior level classes to focus on w\o some little 100 level class taking up to much of her time
congratulations for the 3rd consecutive pokemon joke! here’s your check for $1,000 and your hot floor model that is by no means yours. we’ve had some trouble with this in the past
On an unrelated sidenote, I’m influenced to create a Sims 3 character inspired by Mike – but can’t agree upon which five personality traits he should be assigned.
‘Inappropriate,’ ‘Hot-Headed,’ ‘Perceptive’ and ‘Unflirty’ seemed to all be no-brainers, but I’m split between depicting him as either ‘Evil’ or ‘Mean-Spirited.’ (Here’s a complete list of the Sims 3 Character Traits: http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/traits/)
I believe Ruth better fits the bill for an ‘evil’ character. But do Mike’s antics border upon ‘evil’ also, or might he simply be a ‘mean-spirited’ asshole? Thoughts?
Also, checking a bit on the Sims wiki entries for those traits – I’ll say that Mean-Spirited is much more “Mike”.
“Evil” is more the cartoonish kind of evil – Evil laughs, Dark lairs, criminal career and are not really bad-mannered or hostile or anything (They can even be Friendly!) – not really Mike’s style.
If Dorothy starts trying to chop up people with an ax and ends up frozen in a maze trying to chase Walky, we’ll then know for sure that she’s studied a little too much.
From knowing students who got worse grades than me but were smart, it was often because they’re more social. More known people means more obligations, which means worse grades potentially, however it also means superior networking, better people skills, and if they have a flare for being bastards, better political maneuvering. For political office I’d say the latter might be more important than the former. Then again so long as you have decent people skills and can get lucky enough to meet the right people the better learned you are the better you’ll understand what you’re doing probably.
I wonder how often presidents have to “fake it until they make it”, or even new congresspersons really.
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari Drennen@aridrennen.bsky.social ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
Rigged question
He passed non-the-less.
Rigged for her pleasure?
Dinobot has spoken. My rigged grill structure…
MAKE OUT! Oy-oy!
There’s Lil’ Walky.
We cannot see down that far.
One would hope not…
Why would you assume it’s down that far…are 15 inch boners not normal?
15cm YES, 15in NO!
What they lack in being a thing, they make up for in pain-inducing and ridiculous hentai roles.
If we could see it from that angle, I wouldn’t be calling it “Lil Walky”.
Walky is definitely learning. He might be “winging it” here, but at least now he is doing it with more confidence. Very nice.
This relationship is going down the drain once she finds out Walky is Amazi-Girl
Wait, I thought Sal was Amazi-Girl.
No, it’s Joe!
No, she’s a cyborg.
Its’ Dina all night
I thought it was Ultracar.
People. There’s no way Amazi-Girl could be a full-time student and a full-time superhero.
Therefore Amazi-Girl is Guns.
Sal is Joe?! I had no idea!
Not in Canada.
…I was going to link to that particular chapter of IW! but I don’t remember which year the Avalon ‘crossover’ was.
Yeah. No way Dotty will be able to handle that Walky both can outrun her AND rock the female spandex better than she ever could.
All work and no play make Walky something.. something…
Go crazy?
I was waiting for that
…Did everyone just confused Walky with Wakko??
“Knock knock”
“Who’s there?”
“Max who?”
“Max wants to come over and go crazy!”
Go crazy?
Aw, damn it!
Go cra— wait a second..
all play and no work makes Walky a fun guy
All stains and no wash makes Walky’s shirts smell like fungi.
Least he’s honest.
So, she wants to be the very best? Like no one ever was?
To catch Amazi-girl is her test
To train her is her cause…
I think I just sparked off a few fanfics.
Does that make Walky Brock or Misty?
I have a hard time imagining Sal as Max.
If you can imagine Dorothy as Ash, then Sal as Max is just a slightly longer stretch.
See, Pikachu agrees!
I don’t know about them but I can see Joyce and Ethan as a bizarro Jessie and James.
nurse joy
If she wants to be Batman, she has to be the best at everything.
Dorothy can breathe in space.
Yes, but how are her DDR skills?
Gardening or GTFO.
I wonder how long those pinup pics of these two will be stuck in my mind every time they’re on panel. It’s kind of early to say, but I suspect forever.
Pinup pics? Whaaat?
Is it the one where walky is covering himself with a dorito taco shell?
I’m the best at what I do, and what I do is nonstop studying.
And that isn’t very nice.
Now I’m better at doing whatever it is Wolverine does!
Why does Heaven smell like wet dog?
Because all dogs go to heaven.
What happened to your other eyebrow, Walky?
It became one with the Hair. All will become Hair.
Join it. Join it.
That comment is way funnier with Roz’s dildo attached to her head.
The dildo hat is actually a prophet of the Hair. Listen to it. It does not lie. Join the Hair.
0.0 cannot unthink….
But everyone knows that all hair will end up blocking the shower plughole.
The Indy Ploy is Walky’s best strategy.
Will that mean that he will end up stuffing himself into a fridge?
No, Major Force will do the fridge stuffing…too soon?
Who is Major Force??
Trope namer for stuffed in the fridge, from when he dismembered Green Lantern’s GF and, well, you know…
Very rarely have I ever felt bad for a Internet comic. This one is close
HA Did she just win an argument by hinting at Licky style?
Makeouts generate instant charisma and wit! Hypothesis proven!
So she wants to be the best? The best at what? The best at going to Yale? Yeah, she’s already screwed that bit up.
She wants to be the very best, like no one ever was.
“To catch them is my real test,
To train them is my cause”
I’ll travel across the land
searching far and wide
Each pokemon to understand the power that’s inside!
POKEMON! Gotta catch em all. It’s you and me.
I know it’s my destiny!
POKEMON! Oh, you’re my best friend, in a world we must defend!
POKEMON! Gotta catch em all. A heart so true. Our courage will pull us through. You teach me and I’ll teach you! POKEMON! Gotta catch em all, gotta catch em all! POKEMON!
…Just felt this needed to be finished.
She’s the best around. Nothing’s ever gonna keep her down.
The best in terms of pants!
Whoa, nice reference.
She wants to be a superjournalist, then somehow, president. There are flaws in her ambitions, but the fact that she isn’t in Yale right now is not one of them.
first super journalist, then president, then THE WORLD!!!
Actually this might be a smart move for her.
If her credits transfer in full to Yale then getting her basics done here makes more sense. Her entry level classes could be much cheaper on a per class basis and she might be getting Freshman and Sophmore level classes completed at an easier level. When she transfers all she will have left is her Junior and senior level classes to focus on w\o some little 100 level class taking up to much of her time
These too are way too cute together. It’d be nice if they could stay together, but Dorothy seems so set on going off to the Ivy League.
Awww. Walky’s honesty combined with his infatuation is really cute. Good for them (especially for Walky, since he doesn’t even have to try).
Ready, ready, ready for it… AND…
I am ded with cute…
I wanna be the very best…
congratulations for the 3rd consecutive pokemon joke! here’s your check for $1,000 and your hot floor model that is by no means yours. we’ve had some trouble with this in the past
“Do your best, forget the rest!”
On an unrelated sidenote, I’m influenced to create a Sims 3 character inspired by Mike – but can’t agree upon which five personality traits he should be assigned.
‘Inappropriate,’ ‘Hot-Headed,’ ‘Perceptive’ and ‘Unflirty’ seemed to all be no-brainers, but I’m split between depicting him as either ‘Evil’ or ‘Mean-Spirited.’ (Here’s a complete list of the Sims 3 Character Traits: http://www.carls-sims-3-guide.com/traits/)
I believe Ruth better fits the bill for an ‘evil’ character. But do Mike’s antics border upon ‘evil’ also, or might he simply be a ‘mean-spirited’ asshole? Thoughts?
I’ll say that “Grumpy” fits Mike better than “Hot-Headed”, he’s not that quick to anger, he’s just in a perpetual bad mood.
Also, checking a bit on the Sims wiki entries for those traits – I’ll say that Mean-Spirited is much more “Mike”.
“Evil” is more the cartoonish kind of evil – Evil laughs, Dark lairs, criminal career and are not really bad-mannered or hostile or anything (They can even be Friendly!) – not really Mike’s style.
If Dorothy starts trying to chop up people with an ax and ends up frozen in a maze trying to chase Walky, we’ll then know for sure that she’s studied a little too much.
Dorothy, you’re half-assing your makeouts! You’re still vertical and clothed! You should get on that, metaphorically and literally.
At this point Walky’s been in a stable relationship longer than I ever have.
I made myself sad.
So…a few days?
He had me beat the day after he met her.
Ummm, are you talking comic time, or real time?
That last frame is absolutely adorable. god, I hope they don’t do anything to screw it up…
You’re tempting fate saying things like that.
And not in any sort of fundraising way either
As a southerner who’s been in the exact same situation as Walky… its ain’t, not isn’t.
She wants to be the very best, like no one ever was DUN DUN DUN!
To ace them is my real test, to study is my cause!
NOW KIIIS- oh. Never mind.
At some point, somebody should really point out to her that most presidents were C-students.
From knowing students who got worse grades than me but were smart, it was often because they’re more social. More known people means more obligations, which means worse grades potentially, however it also means superior networking, better people skills, and if they have a flare for being bastards, better political maneuvering. For political office I’d say the latter might be more important than the former. Then again so long as you have decent people skills and can get lucky enough to meet the right people the better learned you are the better you’ll understand what you’re doing probably.
I wonder how often presidents have to “fake it until they make it”, or even new congresspersons really.
Reminds me of “The Shining”… Dunno why…