Hey, readers! I’m gonna have an Artist Alley table at BotCon this weekend! If you like both Dumbing of Age and Transformers, and you live near Dallas, Texas, you can find me there.
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Hey, readers! I’m gonna have an Artist Alley table at BotCon this weekend! If you like both Dumbing of Age and Transformers, and you live near Dallas, Texas, you can find me there.
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Tri harder, Billie
FIVE harder, Blob!
You got five rooms to choose from, so get a room already! 😛
You’re right plasma Billie should sleep with her boss to get in her favor.
I mean why not if shes wiling to through a bone to Danny?
Besides, college is all about experimenting with lesbianism and partying.
At least that’s what National Lampoon and American Pie have taught us.
Only Five? You really must have been a regular sided fish in a small puddle.
5 bedrooms isn’t even enough room for all that Billie. She deserves ALL THE ROOMS.
One room for her, two for her clothes and the rest is for the dog or cat or whatever her pet is.
Billie could never have a pet. Its cuteness would steal the spotlight from her.
Nah the last two are for her boobs.
I can’t decide if walking into a bedroom and just seeing a boob walking around in it is funny, disturbing, or sexy.
I think that all depends on if they’re still attached to Billie. I fso then it’s kinda creepy
Wow, I just had the worst idea for an Attack of the Killer Tomatoes sequel…
Its been done- I think it was in Woody Allen’ Everything I want to Know about Sex, but am afraid to ask…
Worst? Or best?
Woody Allen kind of already did it in “Everything You Wanted To Know About Sex (But Were Afraid To Ask)”.
(Okay, less “kind of” and more “totally did” lol.)
Billie is gradually getting on my nerves.
Don’t worry, Ruth will do something that’ll make her sympathetic again.
You mean, “Don’t worry, Ruth will do something that will make Ruth AWESOME again”, right?
Yah…Billie in ‘it doesn’t matter if anyone likes me, I’m popular!’ mode has been annoying from the start.
Damnit Billie. If you want Daisy to publish your article you don’t need to show off five bedrooms. You just need one: your own. Bang her and be done with it :p
Joe has a pool on that.
Too bad his track record hasn’t been too great.
Do I smell a new meme?!
Shh don’t say that out loud.
Too late. New meme will be ready and operational in 5 to 7 working days.
I love that “new meme” smell.
I like the cut of your jib, Undrave! 😀
I like the cut of your avatars Mongoose 😀
and I also like the cut of Billie’s jeans.
DAT… well you know.
DAT calf? Dat Thigh? Dat shin?
DAT ASS!…..I’m sorry did I said that out loud?
No, dat kneecap.
… with a femur …..
Dat penis.
Billie, the only way you can improve things with Daisy now is if you start wearing shirts with chest windows.
mandatory chest windows for all.
Except for really fat guys, trust me, you DON’T WANNA see that.
squint and pretend it’s girl boobs
I squint to improve my sight if even only for a few seconds, so that’s no good for me.
In that case, just remove your glasses.
I have no glasses, I’m legally blind.
Even better!
Tried that. Got nightmares for weeks.
Too hairy… Can’t unsee …
Why exactly I would want to see girl boobs on a fat guy with a chest windows?
Because it’s better than seeing the truth?
Of course, you are more than welcome to make more corrections, that was just the bare minimum.
They’re like donuts but with more cleavage and less sprinkles.
> less sprinkles
… But is there any reason there shouldn’t be sprinkles? BRB, finding superhero girlfriend with chest window. Uhh… for science!
There might be sprinkles if she is a messy enough eater i suppose…
I like ’em better glazed.
With your penis?
With semen as the glaze no doubt. 😛
No, I think she’s at the point that she needs to stop wearing a shirt at all.
Wow. Someone attempts to get through to Billie with as much bluntness as possible, and she still doesn’t accept the truth of her own situation. Or is in denial. I’m not sure which. Either way, she is one infuriating hypocrite; it seems that she can deem anyone else a “nerd”, but it just isn’t cool when someone else gives her a taste of her own medicine.
Mike should be the one to handle this. He could probably get through to her in his own way.
he got through to her mom. carnally. for a five cent piece.
With his reproductive organs. On the FROOONNNT OOOFFF HEEERRRR HEEEEEAAAAAADDDD!!!
I’m a man dressed as a bat
I’m a man dressed as a bat
She’s such a blockhead.
If I see her try to kick a football I’m gonna pull that ball out of the way at the last second
So Billie is Charlie now? OH MY!
I always thought of her as Lucy. Danny is Charlie.
No, but Danny was the one who pulled away the metaphorical football.
She doesn’t get it, does she? That said, I’d be inclined to listen to the R.A. scandal.
Yeah, I feel like on the usual college campus a corrupt RA would be big enough news. Of course, most college campuses don’t have a political sex scandal or a local superhero to write stories about, so I suppose next to that Daisy can afford to ignore RA scandal stories as too boring.
I feel like Ruth probably ISN’T a corrupt RA and Daisy knows this. Even if she doesn’t know, I feel she would probably assume, correctly, that Billie is just angry at her for totally petty and selfish reasons.
I think stealing from dorm members and threatening/bribing them with the destruction of their property is a bit corrupt.
Yeah, agree. Especially for just not signing a roommate agreement? That’s some crazy shit.
Especially considering that it wasn’t even Billie who wouldn’t sign the agreement, but her roommate.
Pretty, popular and rich? The stereotypical trifecta.
Now I’m thinking the reason Danny turned her down was she took her glasses off while things were getting heated up.
Got something against dem Asian eyes? RACIST!
No, he seems to be a major glasses fetishist.
Glasses appeaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllll.
A giant cat? Or was it glasses?
You were think of Mega Neko.
You know, not all Asians are Chinese.
But when you introduce a white parent, the specific cant of a person’s eyes becomes much less distinctive, giving them not so much a particular regional or national look than a vaguely Asian vibe.
danny: never mind…moments over.
She’s a Rich bongo?
Please tell me you’re referencing this:
NSFW, obvi
TV Tropes, dude, Tv Tropes.
Dammit, I was actually going to go to sleep tonight. Guess that’s not gonna be a thing.
I’m tired of talking about this comic. Let’s talk about me, instead. Me, me, MEEEEEEE!
Me too! *Squishes tomato*
OK, what you want to talk about?
[Public apology in advance for this atrocity against your ears]
I wanna talk about ME wanna talk about I wanna talk about NUMBAH WUHN OH MAH MEE MAH whadda THANK whadda NO whadda WAWNT whadda LAHK whadda SEEEEE! IIIII lahk tokkinnabowt yew yew yew yew YEWSHEWALLY! But OCCASIONALLY! I wanna tokkabowt MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Oddly catchy!
[Me! Me! Me! Me! Is all you think that I care about! Me! Me! Me! Me! That’s all you I wanna talk about about!](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ5FdOjUikk)
Oh god that’s hideous. I’m sorry.
Redddit-style links don’t work ’round these parts. Which is tragic
I-it’s all I know!
Personally, I prefer Eric Church. But all country’s good, so it’s fine.
Sorry mate, your picture’s coming up black to me – I can’t tell if you’re pretty or popular (see: Pretty), so I’m not sure if I can judge whether it’s worth talking about you instead of the comic.
Wait, how many bedrooms does your parent’s home have?
Do they have more than one home?
Plasma: Is it that two-buns girl from Naruto?
Yes, Tenten is the one without a backstory.
The one without a backstory but way more interesting than Sakura.
At least by design. 😀
She’s more likeable but that’s not hard to do
Billie change is hard… eventually you will have to get used to.
Loose change is hard, especially if it is thrown fast enough.
………………………………………………There is nothing I can add to this clusterf*.
Try a larger ellipsis; I feel as though that one only went so far. There’s potential in them there dots.
If she/he extends the ellipsis long enough, will his/her avatar change from Billie to Dotty?
Oh Billie. You manage to inspire such sympathy and such rage in me at the same time.
Come to think of it, pretty much all my favorite characters do that.
I hear ya, many of my favourite characters are people I couldn’t stand for very long IRL.
I wonder why…?
Cos real life tsundere and yandere are scary scary people.
Goddammit, how do you know the kind of girls I like? Er, I mean… I don’t have a fetish!
Dig yourself deeper why don’t you. 😀
Tsundere: A damn bongo(who for some reason likes that person)
Yandere: A clingy psychopath
Yeah, not a good crowd to be with.
But they like me! How could I turn down that?
Well, I wish you a lot of luck.
It’s your funeral, begbert.
Aw, come on, nine times out of
ten the hapless protagonist survives
the loving ministrations of their devoted
psychopath. And they’ve still got more
going on than their two classmates who
just provide comic relief; they’ve got nobody.
Believe it or not, some people find the person they’re going to spend the rest of their life with after they graduate.
“You don’t understand Daisy! I’m at least the 3rd-most important character in this comic strip! You’re just an occasional supporting character!”
Daisy: “Fourth Wall, stop leaning on it or it might break.”
Meta joke? Or fat joke? The world may never know. Maybe it’s both!
“Good thinking 99.”
What the hell does one DO with 5 rooms?
What DOESN’T one do?
Have sex. Seriously, have any one of you do a room?
I cannot say that I have ever had sex with a room.
Someone. That’s what.
offices, sewing rooms, space for a pool table, gift-wrapping room? I grew up in a house with five bedrooms and only two children, but we never had enough space, it seemed. Your needs always seem to expand to exceed your square footage allotted.
I’d build an awesome recording studio with at least two or three of those rooms. You’d get some isolation, a mixing room… Damn, I really wish I had an extra couple of rooms. And some money.
Simple. It seriously decreases the odds of someone walking in on you during sex AND makes it easier to throw
orgiesparties.Flaunt one’s ability to buy a such a big house that they don’t need?
Oh Billie. It’s moments like these that make me NOT feel sorry for ANYTHING Ruth has done to you, because even when YOU DO get a taste of your own medicine, THE LESSON JUST FLIES RIGHT OVER YOUR FRIGGIN’ HEAD.
Sal is So Angry
I am! >.<
If she had a realistic appraisal of herself, she’d be so much more tolerable. I want to like her, but man is she ever making it tough.
Exactly! D:
Broken contacts? …wha?
They just stopped working, man!
Meh, maybe they ripped. That’s happened to me and I still have no idea how. And a friend has had them break apart (in their eye, nice) when, it ended up, the disposables had expired.
And a roommate once rinsed my then-boyfriend’s contacts down the sink (she mistook his container for hers, and when she opened it and didn’t see her coloured contacts in there (his were clear) she– decided to rinse the container out, for some reason. Because that would magically make them reappear? O_o
Anyways, my point is just that things happen to them occasionally. And they do occasionally seem to literally break apart. Yay for spending half an hour trying to hunt down tiny clear pieces of plastic in someone’s eye…
Yeah, but you’d say they ripped. Hard things break, soft things rip or tear.
It just seems like a weird phrasing to explain her wearing glasses if she normally wears contacts. You don’t say contacts “broke”. They’re not made of glass or hard plastic. You say they tore (which has happened to me too). “One of my contacts got torn” (because they never mess up at the exact same time), or “I lost a contact”.
And disposables are most typical nowadays, and people get multiple boxes of them per order. Unless Billie has a really weird prescription (like the weighted ones for astigmatism), and even then, toric disposables are pretty common… you’d think she’d have extras on hand.
Weighed contacts for astigmatism? Cool, that never occurred to me that that would be something that exists.
I think someone’s reality check just bounced…..
And she keeps falling.
Billie is not failing she is just not succeeding.
Billie has not failed … she just has just found another way that does not work.
“it’s a 5-bedroom house. But I think it’s up to occupant how many bedrooms there are, don’t you? Fuck you real estate lady, this bedroom has an oven in it! This bedroom has a lot of people sitting around watching TV. This bedroom’s over in that guy’s house. ‘Sir are you aware you have one my of bedrooms do not redecorate it'”
Mitch Headberg
Well well I smell Foreshadowing. The bet of who will finish last being Billie? but last in what? I mean obviously understanding bluntness, but what else? Dating? School? Life?
Oh, Billie. The fact you can’t grasp that the crap you did in high school doesn’t matter in college entertains us.
In vaguely related news:
I feel like I have a once-in-a-lifetime chance (unless more cons come here, which is entirely probable) to bother the artist of a webcomic I enjoy this weekend. I would definately take it if I didn’t have finals to study for and a general lack of desire to go to BotCon and/or ability to get a ticket.
Wow. I liked Billie so much in Roomies. More room for development, but seriously…plus she’s cute with the glasses, even if she doesn’t see it.
Who else can’t wait for Billie to hit rock bottom and have to treat other people with respect?
I can wait. There’s drama to be milked here.
Sweet sweet drama.
She already has hit rock bottom. She just hasn’t noticed/acknowledged it yet.
She still has a person who is arguably a friend of hers, who she liked feeling superior to, and who recently lost and subsequently regained a good amount of self-esteem. So she still needs to be told off by said person.
I had thought it would come about thanks to his being understandably sensitve after Mike’s Special, but it was patched pretty well. So it seems her bottom hitting, and subsequent recovery/suicide, will have to wait.
Like she’d listen to anything that dork said. Obviously it would just be sour grapes on his part or something.
Also, I read that recovery/suicide as having an ‘and’ slash rather than an ‘or’ slash, which made for a curious mental conundrum for a moment. Fun!
Daisy, you are denying your readership important information that their inquiring minds would want to know about. Billies house has five bedrooms in it, five!
Billie’s not cool! Billie’s not cool! Billie’s not cool!
And Hermione can’t draw.
And Torres can’t score. Oh wait.
Five? Pfeh. After we renovated the basement, our modest one-story house had *six* bedrooms, and that’s only counting the ones people actually lived in. Five’s nothing to brag about.
I wonder if Billie will end up as a hipster.
Five bedrooms. Five. Quid pro quo.
How’s it feel to be on the outside lookeing in billie