This weekend (March 30-April 1) I’m going to be at Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle! You’ll find me with Blank Label Comics at booth 210! Come see me there! I’ll have books and posters and doodling abilities at the ready.
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“What’s for lunch?”
I agree with Mike.
That sounds unhealthy.
Thank you Walky for that expositional dialogue.
Kinda reminds me of how in old comics everything, even stuff immediately evident in the art, is explained.
“He’s flipping the truck over!”
Ah yes. Captain Obvious and Noshit Sherlock. Those were the days.
Reminds me of Shakespeare when characters would go, “Boy it’s sure dark out here in this forest on this mid-summer’s night.”
I agree with this statement and will write a comment to confirm my agreement
and then suddenly everyone begins to sound like Faz
it could be worse, imagine a character tailor made for this situation with back story and everything fleshed out, and his/her only job is for one comic be an exposition dump.
There is a trope for that: Mr Exposition.
Warning! Danger! Warning! I read this comment and suddenly I found I was missing a couple of hours. Mysteriously, my computer was displaying a page called Off The Rails. Oh God, what’s happening?!
There is already a trope for that: Mr Exposition.
First it looked like it failed to post and now there is two of them, there seems to be something very buggy with DoA’s comment html or whatever it is called within the last few days.
I really hope that Walky can pull this off.
I got my finger crossed.
Same here…though I worry that it will not last between them. To explain my thoughts on this a bit more, they just seem to be two people with very different goals in life; Dorothy has her lofty ambitions, but Walky is not sure about any career in particular. I understand that “opposites attract”, often in unusual pairings, and that anything is technically possible between two people, but I also have to consider the following:
-This seems to be Walky’s first potentially “serious” relationship. Those often do not stand the test of time.
-Dorothy obviously likes him, but will be conflicted between making time for him, and making time for her studies. I doubt that Walky would understand and accept this, especially during midterms and finals. This would, of course, add stress to the relationship.
-There is a rather clear difference in maturity between these two, which ties in with with my “opposites attract” comment above.
Don’t get me wrong, I HOPE that it will work between them. Walky could learn to apply himself, and by extension maintain the relationship long-term. Dorothy could also make it a point to NOT forget that there is no point to success if there is no happiness involved (she is on the right track at the moment). Basically, they lose if one or both of them takes the other for granted, as is often the case with any relationship…I have learned this the hard way.
Mr. Willis, thank you for the great story. No matter what you do, I’ll be following it.
however in previous comics specifically in “it’s walky!” we learn that walky is actually smarter than he shows, kind of like he’s obfuscating his stupidity. Dorothy has taken to him because he seems to be able to get her to let loose every once and a while: kind of like blowing off an afternoon that would have been better spent doing homework to watch cartoons from their childhood.
walky isn’t stupid he just doesn’t have a direction that he wants to go in, God help us if he ever decided to focus on being prepared or something like that. he has it in him to be walky and be “good” at something. i think that will become some type of ultimatum though, either go with Dorothy and commit to some kind of profession or don’t go with Dorothy and enjoy a life of relative freedom and devoid of any real direction.
I don’t believe they’ll necessarily mate for life, but I expect their relationship could evolve over the course of several months before they finally go their separate ways. Several months in comic time. Perhaps even a year or two. From our perspective, it would be much, much longer.
I think Walky’s the kinda guy that likes some space.
Besides, we won’t get to midterms and finals for years now.
If she wasn’t turned off by any of his other childish antics I doubt the butt taco shirt will make any difference.
he was wearing the butt-taco shirt when they made out yesterday, so we know she isn’t turned off by it. but him wearing (presumably) the same shirt two days in a row is a different matter.
On the other hand, it is going to be hilarious when he shows her his closet filled with dozens of copies of the same shirt. And dozens of pajama jeans (for men).
Maybe he has a whole collection of them, and he wears a different one daily. Have we seen his closet and dresser?
I don’t know, the hoodie-tied-around-the-waist look is pretty hard to pull off.
What entertainment?
Are you not entertained?
No, there’s no bear on a unicycle chasing a monkey on a tricycle.
do a dance!
Do I have to explain EVERYTHING?
It’s the internet. So yes you do.
But I don’t want to. *whines*
Unusual for you to use the same avatar two days in a row, PM.
When I like a grav a lot, I somethings wear it for an extra day or two but never fear, I will change again.
There’s a show?
Also dinner, don’t forget that.
I thought it was lunch.
Lunch and a show doesn’t have the same ring to it as dinner and a show.
It’s supper.
You need an extreme Texan accent to pull that off.
nu-uh lunch is dinner and dinner is supper.
Tomatoe, potato.
Oh dear, Mike shall cause shennanigans.
Something tells me Mike doesn’t have to cause shennanigans depending on how awkward things were after he introduced himeself.
Dinner and a show? But they’re going to lunch….
Even without Abductee powers, Mike IS Evil!!
That’s without even mentioning the lack of textbooks.
Something tells me mike wont have to do a thing. Walky IS wearing the same shirt he had on when they were making out…kinda….gross.
These gravatars are uncanny…
what if walky has a closet full of the same shirt?
Somehow, I don’t think Walky is the “keep shirts in the closet” type. But it’s a fascinating possibility…
I see Walky as more of a ‘floordrove’ type of person.
The show is gonna be Mike banging your mom.
for a nickle.
Why is it that part of me wants Mike to hook up with Joyce for shits and giggles. Then again I just always want to see more Mike.
it’s because of that excellent joyce x mike slash art.
OMG I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one….every time I see Joyce and Mike near each other, that piece of slash art pops into my mind.
Walky thus avoids provoking the neighborhood watch vigilantes . . .
It might be too soon to be making those jokes. But I can’t restrain myself and will mention Amazi-girl anyway.
What has Amazigirl got to do with this? I know they are siblings and all but I think she’s more mature than to ruin this for him.
Watch, Dorothy is wearing her matching butt taco t-shirt today (Normally hidden under her sweater but suprisingly enough that sweater is currently tied around her waist)….
I feel that the hoodie around Walky’s waist will become significant later, somehow.
Oh yes. Once Dorothy starts wearing his hoodie, it would be a signal to others that they are dating. Or at the very least, that there is probably more than “friendship” there.
Or that he’s still wearing the same shirt from yesterday.
In the next class, we see that Dorothy is also wearing Butt Taco clothing. Truly it was meant to be.
Front row seats to the Butt Taco Special
Why does Mike wanna tag along with them??? O_O
My guess is he wants to watch Joyce’s head explode.
Oh mike, you just want to spread the details about Walky right? just to see Joyce snap.
Mike x Joyce, I call it.
Mike: Oh wow some pompous chick doesn’t know… fun >)
What I wanna know is did Walky make the butt-taco shirt himself or did he buy it? And if he bought it, did he buy it from Willis, meaning there is a Dumbing of Age comic inside the Dumbing of Age comic? >Universe breaks<
Butt-taco predates Dumbing of Age.
There is also precedent for Willis existing in his own comics.
Yeah, we know that Willis exists in OLD comic universe continuity. But he hasn’t established whether or not a version of himself exists in the new DoA universe.
I just had a thought.
What if this version of Mike has never been drunk? In high school he hung out with Ethan and Amber, so he probably didn’t go to too many parties…. Are we going to see Drunk Mike’s origin story?!
I support that motion.
As does your gravatar.
Mike is a friend to everyone.
I will be severely disappointed if the store is not graced with a Butt Taco shirt, posthaste!
Uh. Check under yesterday’s comic, man. Or
The store was graced with a Butt-Taco shirt prehaste!
I’m just hoping that W&D meet over lunch and conspire to blow Billie’s mind with shenanigans.
All they would have to do is switch shirts over lunch. Seeing Dorothy in the Butt-Taco shirt and Walky not would flip all of the breakers in Billie’s brain.
epic win.