Everyone’s actually just super-interested in Walky’s awesome Butt-Taco shirt, which you can also own.
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Everyone’s actually just super-interested in Walky’s awesome Butt-Taco shirt, which you can also own.
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So how do those words taste, Joyce?
Like left over butt-tacos.
More specifically, last nights butt-tacos.
She needs to wash it out with the hair of the dog.
Please rethink that statement carefully.
Are you talking to me or Sensedog?
Just checkin’ ^_^
I was referring to Joyce’s statement in the second panel, where she claims that Walky and Dorothy are not happening. It also wasn’t the first time that she indicated that it would not happen after the fact (of course, she did not know about “last night” when she made those statements). Hence, she is having to “eat her words” in a way.
N-not that I would know
This comic makes me happy!
a much needed refreshment after the most discomforting happenings in the sibling comic of “shortpacked”
> sibling
Interesting choice of words… :3
Seriously, it’s college. how often do guys wear the same shirt back to back days. Hell i have 2 different pairs of shirts that are the exact same shirt.
Problem is, this shirt has the same stain as last night, too…I think it’s safe to say, it is the same shirt 😉
I made the same comment. Then I realized that the key words there were “Last Night.” The implications of that statement are somewhat giggity.
Ow my gut hurts.
I can’t wait for Billie to find out. It’s gonna be like what Christmas morning must feel like.
and your older brother got the gift you wanted first.
Christmas for Vivvav. Not Billie.
Billie is too full of cheerleader burnsauce right now to unwrap this present.
the best kind.
Implied fornication? We must know more.
Implied premarital hanky panky to be specific.
Not necessarily, it might mean they went out to dinner, what with the sauce stain.
That stain isn’t even an hour old.
See? No stain.
He must have had his breakfast McNuggets then.
Huh…I swore that shirt had a stain on it the day before…
Same stain, different (yet identical) shirt.
I can see that, I went through university with about 4 identical baseball shirts I bought from my engineering club. They were cheap and comfortable, and I could replace them easily as they wore out. I did get some comments about wearing the same shirt all the time, but not too many, as only 5 of them were female, and most of the rest were typical young males (read slobs). I did draw the line at wearing sweatpants to class however.
First time I’ve ever seen an Agatha gravatar. My compliments.
Thank you!
Uh, yeah. Sauce.
Billie’s cheerleader burnsauce got on Walky’s butt taco shirt?
Joyce’s face in the last panel is priceless.
What he said.
What Jason & Sierra avatars said.
Yes, what they, and that one, and… What they all said.
But here’s the problem with this continuity. Now Joyce’s mind is broken and there’s no mindwipe device!
Lovin’ the look on Joyce’s face there.
Excuse me, her FAAAAAAAAAACE!!!
Good catch there, we almost had to revoke your fan club membership.
… Except not but they won’t believe that now!
I’m trying to remember, would this be a good example of PSL as well?
Joyce going into “OMG! Pre Marital Hanky Panky!” mode has been overdue anyway.
So here we go.
Oh god, Joyce in that last panel. Awesome.
I concur!
With your gravatar I cannot help but read your comment as irony.
“Tell me more, tell me more…”
“Did she put up a fight?”
Shoo bop bop
That’s a Grease reference isn’t?
Yes it is.
College fling, don’t mean a thing, but uh-oh those College nights!
Tell me more, tell me more,
did she drop all her study?
Tell me more, tell me more,
was he your butt-taco-buddy?
I wish I could hug you right now.
That second line always kind of disturbs me.
The fifties weren’t as pleasant as people like to pretend they were.
It’s supposed to disturb you.
Yes, this is a good comic.
in regards to the banner hanging up above the comic. a Toronto maple leaf jersey? You couldn’t pick a cooler hockey team? Like the Canadiens maybe?
Yes, because it’s totally possible to pick a sports team that won’t piss somebody off, thank you.
I vote whalers.
2nd Whalers. The Jets (new or old) have some pretty sick unis too..
But if you REALLY wanna piss people off, The Buffalo Sabers Buffaslug is a sure fire flamebait
They went back to the classic this year. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/9e/Buffalo_Sabres_Logo.svg
That looks like a totally kickass pokemon.
Deep down, we all know that we are a drinking city with a sports problem. And we are content with that, even if we claim otherwise.
Now I am going to Duffs grab pint Labbat blue, eat some wings and cry.
The sad thing is, our lacrosse team is actually pretty damn awesome, but nobody pays nearly as much attention to them as they do to the Bills or Sabres; this happens even though the two latter teams consistently crush the hopes of many sports fans each year.
Well truth be told I am a Knighthawks fan myself.
WE have a lacrosse team?!
Nahh that wasn’t my line of reasoning at all David. Pissing people off is inevitable(i’m not) but i’m thinking more along the lines of the fact that the Leafs haven’t won a cup since 67, the poor bastards.
Dude, I grew up wearing Chicago Cubs hats. Usually you don’t choose your team.
You are forever a Cubbie in my mind now.
My little brother bought a Chicago Bulls hat from a NYC street vendor and wore it for years because he liked the logo. No other reason.
David, if you managed to do that, you will have won the internet. There would be a ceremony held in your honor and everything…there may even be cake.
(The Cake is a lie)
I grew up wearing a Pioneer Seed cap. Wonder who I can piss off.
There is always the made up team option, unless you have a self-imposed rule about only using real brands.
^ Question was aimed at Willis.
Ruth has been a Toronto Maple Leafs fan since at least 2000. Relinquishing her Leafs jersey would be handing a victory to Phoebe Bradley, and Ruth would rather die.
So only real teams/products it is. 🙂
Throwing the match to someone who prefers to have her name
pronounced ‘FEEB’ would be pretty pathedic, yes.
Frankly, I support Ruth’s reasoning, believe it or not.
The jersey’s colors also look great on her.
How about a team that competes in a sport that people actually care about!!!
For those of you who are wondering hockey sucks!! and good night!
Go Springfield Isotopes!
And no joyce realizes that she is the ood one out.
Oods are good, love an Ood!
Another Ood I failed to save…
She totally lacks tentacles and an external brain. She can’t be the ood one.
You win doctor who reference!
Poor, poor Dorothy, about to be ruthlessly mocked and teased into oblivion.
Poor Dorothy? Joyce is the only one alone now.
There’s always Mike.
It’s Mike.
Well… There is precedent… if you read the other universe.
I’m a fan of the D.W.S. (David Willis Ship) JoycexMike
Every time I see Mike its HARD to look away,,….
I’m going to point out your gravatar/name/comment combo and let the crew of the DWS MikexSal have at it.
(I’m totally using that from now on, thanks Lucan.)
Actually, Billie is as well (she isn’t in this particular comic, but still). Being able to get laid at a keg party (can anyone really say that Billie is not the type?) and having an actual relationship are two different things.
Oh my God, Joyce’s face in the last panel. Priceless.
But her face doesn’t look half as freaked out as she did when she first discovered that Dotty was an athiest.
Perhaps it hasn’t occured to her. Just because the average person’s mind would go there doesn’t mean Joyce’s did. No wait on closer examination she looks pretty horrified.
As far as Joyce is concerned, PREMARITAL HANKY PANKY is less evil than Atheism.
Makes sense, premartial hanky panky you can pray for forgiveness.
But if you’re athiest who will you pray to for forgiveness!? Who?
Implied premarital hanky panky.
I feel the word awkward is overused so I am going to use… discomfited
I immediately regret this decision.
Now don’t be a spoot-head. You can’t over-use awkward in this comic 😀
I gift you an internet.
That’s the only one I had so treasure it like pine tree air freshener.
I’ll throw in a Lickety Split for good measure.
How very obscene.
I’m not kidding. I’m 90% sure that “lickety split” was a cunnilingus reference. NickToons are fucked up.
You can try these words: addled, baffled, befuddled, bewildered, confounded, disconcerting, sickened…
I second this one, I love discombobulated bcause it sounds made up.
Compromising! Embarrassing! Uncomfortable!
This is the most interesting place to be.
*Plays Kenny Loggin’s “I’m All Right” from the CADDYSHACK soundtrack on the Muzak*
There are so many thing I could say I don’t even know where to start it is awesome
Mike looks even grumpier than normal in the last panel, even though this is hardly news to him. Maybe HE wanted to out the two as a couple, and Dorothy beat him to it.
That is entirely possible.
exactly and Mike’s next statement would go something like… yea I had to use the jaws of life to extracate these two from PREMARTIAL HANKY PANKY in the pitch that only non-virigins could hear
Joyce only understood 3 of those words.
And they’re all prepositions
now Mike’s gonna have to go with plan B. Calling up Dorothy and/or Walky’s mom’s with his nickel collection
I really really want to hear the part of Joyce’s and Mike’s conversation we missed.
I have the sudden urge to see Dorothy naked.
Me too.
Oh wait. No I don’t.
I’ve seen it.
…What? Rule 34. It was applied a while back elsewhere on the internet.
It just occured to me, but has Joyce ever heard an Aristocrats joke before?
I don’t know. We must test this.
Mike could probably tell her a good one.
Mike would do it live action.
Probably during either her striptease classes or her Karma Sutra camp days…
Then again, this IS someone who thought Ethan being gay would mean he’d prefer Barbie dolls over action figures. Hmmmm………
Roz wonders if they remembered to used condoms.
Used condoms aren’t a great idea. New ones would be preferable.
Woops, grammar fail on my part.
I’ve got this suspicion that Mike hasn’t actually said anything since last strip, and has just been letting Joyce ramble on defensively the whole way to class.
Almost certainly.
(and Roz)
Mmmmm! Delicious crow for Joyce. Just look at her FAAAAACE
Bwahahahaha! (Panel 4) Inquiring minds want to know!
Aside: I’ve really enjoyed tonight’s SP! and DoA. Funny, if in very different ways!
As for Joyce-specific sound effects, we’ve already used our weekly *glass shatters* sound effect on Billy. Any thoughts?
How about the sound of something short-circuiting? BZT or BXT. Draw out the X or Z as long as necessary.
Butt Taco has the same voice in my mind as Toungy from Kung-Pow: Enter the Fist =D
…Thank you so much for putting the both them together in the same sentence.
So there is a butt taco … a toungy … and a fist entering …
Who is the mysterious green-shirted man on the right? A mere passer-by drawn into the maelstrom of DOA by Walky’s Butt Taco shirt? Or shall he pass again into the void, a limbo of tag-less characters floating in space?
Only time will tell!
It kinda looks like Danny, but not quite.
Probably just a guy. I don’t remember Danny being in gender studies.
Also he’s not tagged.
Joe is intrigued and wishes to know more.
Ideally with charts and diagrams.
smooth as sand paper dorothy, smooth as sandpaper
just realized that my avatar was perfect for my previous level of emotion
Okay. So I found the teleportation of 100% more people into panel six absolutely hilarious. Hi nameless brown-haired guy-or-girl in the green shirt!
Closer to 130%. >_>
Actually, Mike was already in the scene, even if off-panel in the fifth.
So the sixth one boasts a 75% additional people.
I love Joyce’s look in the last panel. “OH NOES! I’m in the presences of pee-marital hanky-panky!”
I…..REALLY don’t think Joyce is ready for pee hanky-panky, regardless of the marital status
Cursed auto-text! This is what I get to writing a response via iphone. Although, you gotta admit if she freaks out over PRE-marital sex, that other kind would freaking destroy her. 😛
I dunno … does she care if there’s pee so long as it’s marital?
It would be pretty hilarious to find out that she’s on board with any and all perversions and fetishes, so long as you have your marriage certificate at hand.
Considering what we know of her parents in the other continuity I’d wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case, assuming that they’re similar here.
“With this urine, I thee wet.”
So…… Mike… How is the show going and haw was your dinner?
I swear I could hear the record scratch in-between the last 2 panels.
Dorothy totally expected Joe, Joyce, Mike, and Roz to jump over, but she is shocked at the green shirted individual’s sudden interest, considering that is the only person she is looking at.
Huh. We both decided to comment on that guy at the same time. Uncanny.
This world is a most mysterious place indeed.
Poor dude in green shirt. He’s got no idea what he’s doing there.
‘Everyone just appeared here, and I suppose I did too. Hey guys. So, the blonde and the grubby guy are going at it? That’s cool.
Where was I before anyway?
What’s going to happen to me after this panel? Am I just going to stop existing.
Man, I’d feel terrible about this if it was going to matter at all.’
Is his name Rosencrantz, by any chance?
This is going to lead into a damn interesting conversation. It must, otherwise there’s no reason for this to happen around gender studies and not, say, at some other class they all coincidentally have together.
Joyce’s expression in the last panel is just a result of how disgusting she finds Walky still wearing yesterday’s butt taco stained t-shirt.
I just love how everyone just magically appears in the last panel
This comic is so brilliant even Joyce gets it. Bra-vo, suh. Bra-vo.
Who is the untagged person in the green shirt in the last panel, and why do they care?
Mike. is. watching. You.
don’t know If i like Joyce’s silent shock or Mike’s shark-like focused stare better.
I have a feeling Mike was observing them in the exact same way last night, all night long *queue porn music*
I’m considering a Butt-Taco shirt, but can you get it with the salsa stain?
You can add those on yourself.
…that’s what she said ^^
I must admit that a good part of why I like this strip is reading the commentary. It just makes it.
I sense a fit of screaming. It’ll probably be the phrase “pre-marital hanky-panky”.
*puts in earplugs*
Walky’s just adapting to college. If you’re not wearing the same shirt three days in a row…
you probably have too many quarters.
Joyce clearly is seething with jealousy that Walky got to first base with Dorothy before she did.
Who’s on first?
Anyone shipping JoycexMike yet?
I’m shipping MikeXYourMom.
Where did this kitty come from, and what is up with that empty burlap sack?
That last panel almost makes up for the trauma I endured in that other strip, you know which one I refer to. I say almost, mind you. I am just glad I read this one last.
I have a question, when people who wear glasses do a facepalm, how do they avoid getting their glasses all smeared and greasy?
Go directly over the center of the face, cup the fingers slightly. You won’t actually touch the lenses. Just make sure your hand hits high enough that your pinky clears the frame.
I just let them smudge and then clean them off.
I like how Joe and Joyce seem to be the only ones reacting to this in the last panel, the rest of ’em are just kinda….there.
Where did that cat come from and why am I holding this bag?
For a few minutes, I just stared at the screen confused by why everyone was horrified by the stain on Walky’s shirt. … Then it hit me.
So is this story arc ending with Joe giving Walky lotion and tissues after founding out they didn’t have Pre-Marital Hanky Panky?
Every day should end with Joe showing up with tissues and lotion.
In the strip! Every day in the strip!
Seriously, what is Mike doing there?
Boooooooom, suck it joyce
Sure they are Willis,sure they are
…I gotta say, Mike looks much less mean than in Shortpacked (which I just finished)
I love Joyce’s expression in the last panel lol.