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Alex Assan, Lin Darrow
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Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
All Known Alternatives
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Akane has only one way to get back home: collect the 42 keys to parallel worlds. Eri and Ben are just trying to get through the summer before university. When a magical key turns up in an old spare set, all three are forced to change their plans and fast.
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“Considering you can get one for even glancing the wrong way at certain people, I’d say no.”
Can you? Can you really?”
At the very least, you can be sued. Whether or not you can be charged or convicted likely depends on the relative intelligence or lack thereof of your state’s legal system. Assuming you are from America, of course.
There are a few counties in Georgia where you can be arrested for statutory rape if youre sitting in a car with someone and youre not wearing socks and shoes.
I’m pretty sure that’s an urban legend. Similarly, at my high school and a couple of camps I attended, there was a rumor that if you sat in the bed with your shoes off and your feet off the floor, it was considered “having sex.” We would have “orgies” that consisted of lots of people sitting together with their feet off the floor.
Sure she does – she doesn’t have worship or respect or have faith in any god, but she does have one. In her basement, back at home. In a little cage. She likes to poke it with sticks. Ones that are on fire.
On a similar note, as an atheist myself I’m rather conflicted; I once declared that a styrofoam cup that was sitting on my desk at the time was a god. Does that make me not an atheist anymore? I certainly believe in the cup’s existence, and nobody has yet made any convincing argument that it’s *not* a god…I’m so confused.
Obviously, you’re a Discordian. You just didn’t know yet. Other Discordians, on the other hand, didn’t know yet about your styrofoam cup cabal. Until now.
Billie might say she doesn’t care, but we all know she is secretly in love with the Walkerton siblings, so losing half of her soulmates will probably ruin her FOREVER.
((‘kay, that is a bit more dramatic than what will probably happen.))
By let’s say friday, after they are done watching the shows and/or making out, she’ll notice that she got a message from Danny. A video, assuming they both have good enough phones.
He’s hanging himself this very moment, and daring her to come save him and/or take her back.
Depending on how much he has recovered from the break up (last week) and how far if any place this relationship might go it might crush him (for a time anyways)
So cute! The last two days have been an unexpected, yet adorable turn for these two characters. I thought it might happen one day, but not any time soon.
It’s always nice when something happens unexpectedly quickly- that way we get to get to the ramifications, rather than being stuck in will-they-or-won’t-they forever.
I can’t think of a stranger affliction in the entire universe than “psoriasis of the liver.” Does your liver get all scaly and flaky, and itch a lot? Can one apply topical cream to a liver? I’m confused.
Unless you meant “cirrhosis,” in which case YOU’RE confused.
@Kernanator – you may not know or remember but Myth-busters proved without a shadow of a doubt that a lead balloon does go over well, it just happens to be rather delicate.
Hmm, now that I think of it, this relationship is at the lead balloon stage
Today’s grav is Saya from the love/horror novel, Saya no Uta(The Song of Saya).
It is a story about a guy who develops “meat-vision” after an operation which results in him seeing the world like it is covered in meat, bones and organs and people now look like freakish monsters.
After a few weeks, he meets Saya who ‘looks’ like a beautiful young girl to him.
To someone with normal vision, she is a slimy tentacle monster.
If you want check it out, here is part 1 of 38 video chapters of Saya no Uta below.
Today’s grav is Saya from the love/horror novel, Saya no Uta(The Song of Saya).
It is a story about a guy who develops “meat-vision” after an operation which results in him seeing the world like it is covered in meat, blood and organs and people now look like freakish monsters.
After a few weeks, he meets Saya, who ‘looks’ like a beautiful young girl, but to someone with normal vision, she is in fact, a slimy tentacle monster.
I knew it. I loved this game. The story was in a disturbing way romantic if that makes any sense.
My favourite ending was the True Ending – it seems more like a Good Ending than the original Good Ending.
The weirdwat thing is that despite knowing at Saya’s a foul-smelling tentacle slime monster from another dimension whose goal it is to wipe out humanity and turn the earth into a festering meat mass, you still kinda want to have ‘meat-vision’ and hug her.
*head desk* – and you actually used the correct word once as well.
There – a location in space or time
Their – ownership of or belonging to
They’re – contraction of They Are
I would venture a guess with loving it. It’s just too silly. That and I think it reinforces the idea that Walky won’t be taking things too seriously too fast aka NOT Danny.
I’m going to be one of those crazy people who thinks that these two will get into a relationship, find a few compatibility issues, and then get through them and come out of it a stronger couple than before.
This reminds me of my first kiss at university. In my tiny dark little dorm room, watching a movie (Moulin Rouge!, for the record), and some awkward hugging. Five years later, still at it.
This leads me to a single conclusion:
There is no more intimate environment than a student’s room with something geeky playing.
Hey, just came across this link. I feel the need to pass it along as the DoA comic is being affected. Some jerk has put DoA on an app. probably wihtout permisson
This was mentioned on Darth’s and Droids too…. Maybe it’s time to get everyone’s legal teams together and press a class action case before this ends up being the eBaum’s world fight mark II.
This makes me so happy I could die…but that would be bad since I should be working on an essay for my Shakespeare class and I’m just going through all the comics I follow in an attempt to put off writing it.
Wow, the adorability of this strip has blown a fist sized hole in my skull. I really hope they can make it work, or atleast end on comfortable terms ’cause this is just so damn sweet its setting off my diabetes. By far my new fav strip in the comic.
Willis, sorry for the Off-Topic post, but are you aware of the Android App that’s been publishing webcomics without the creators consent? It seems to feature Dumbing of Age (I’m trusting on other people’s info, as I won’t download the App myself).
Here’s a link to some info: http://chrishanel.tumblr.com/post/19196576643/spread-the-word-theft-is-theft
All good comics about sexual harassment usually do end with a girl happily yelling “Oh My God!”.. or wait. No it’s the other way around, they don’t usually end like that.
Smooth, Walky.
I thought so. I mean, the threat of litigation has always worked for me, anyway.
And she seems to be pre-law, so she knows all about the legal ramifications. Or at the very least what a sexual offense charge would mean.
Is there anyone who doesn’t know what a sexual offense charge means?
Considering you can get one for even glancing the wrong way at certain people, I’d say no. No one really seems to understand how the work.
“Considering you can get one for even glancing the wrong way at certain people, I’d say no.”
Can you? Can you really?
You’re being assaulted at this very moment.
By an invisible ninja.
Suddenly, sexual assault charges, Thousands of them.
Billions and billions of sexual assault charges.
“Considering you can get one for even glancing the wrong way at certain people, I’d say no.”
Can you? Can you really?”
At the very least, you can be sued. Whether or not you can be charged or convicted likely depends on the relative intelligence or lack thereof of your state’s legal system. Assuming you are from America, of course.
Harassment, not assault.
I almost was by a principle
There are a few counties in Georgia where you can be arrested for statutory rape if youre sitting in a car with someone and youre not wearing socks and shoes.
That’s all I have to say.
Oh? Which ones?
(I’ll just be sitting here with a chunk of rock salt, while I await your reply.)
I’m pretty sure that’s an urban legend. Similarly, at my high school and a couple of camps I attended, there was a rumor that if you sat in the bed with your shoes off and your feet off the floor, it was considered “having sex.” We would have “orgies” that consisted of lots of people sitting together with their feet off the floor.
Did you go to CTY, by any chance? That’s where I heard the “orgy” rumor.
Of course, we liked calling everything “orgies” there.
wow, for not wearing socks and shoes? my family’s in trouble if I take them to the beach.
Hey one blackmail-based relationship already worked, who’s to say it won’t again?
Just the way she like him.
That was so smooth im going to have to press charges for being a criminal……a smooth criminal….
Mumma-say, mumma-sah, de mah-koo-sah…
Dorothy don’t lie you don’t have a God.
Sure she does – she doesn’t have worship or respect or have faith in any god, but she does have one. In her basement, back at home. In a little cage. She likes to poke it with sticks. Ones that are on fire.
On a similar note, as an atheist myself I’m rather conflicted; I once declared that a styrofoam cup that was sitting on my desk at the time was a god. Does that make me not an atheist anymore? I certainly believe in the cup’s existence, and nobody has yet made any convincing argument that it’s *not* a god…I’m so confused.
Remember, the burden of evidence would lie with you, not with the others.
Also, I’m pretty sure that would make you a priest(ess?), so that’s still a kind of atheist. Don’t worry.
Obviously, you’re a Discordian. You just didn’t know yet. Other Discordians, on the other hand, didn’t know yet about your styrofoam cup cabal. Until now.
For a nickel.
*then Mike shows up and sues for copyright*
Trademark, I would think.
((I did this wrong, didn’t I?))
That’s complicated, see, because when done right it is still always wrong.
“So wrong, yet so right”?
If my penis in your face for a nickel is wrong, I don’t wanna be right?
Well, now I have to press sexual assault charges.
Nice recovery walky! You are getting stronger!
Blackmail the essence of all great romances!
Hey, it worked for Amber and Mike in Shortpacked.
It’s kinda hard to tell if he is being sarcastic or not.
Why would it be? it DID work… In fact, some form of manipulation seems to be the only way for a girl to get any attention from Mike.
That is the most threatmantic thing I’ve ever read!
So he should be fine, as long as he doesn’t compare her to his mom?
“my mom uses more tongue.”
Dorothy blushing = cutest thing evar.
I would’ve said Walky, but now we’ve covered all the bases for this comic!
I just can’t wait to see how Danny and Billie will react to this development.
Billie won’t care (except maybe she’ll be even more depressed since she’s supposed to be hot stuff and Walky’s got someone first.)
Danny will spend a couple of weeks halfheartedly convincing himself he’s moved on before hanging himself.
Billie might say she doesn’t care, but we all know she is secretly in love with the Walkerton siblings, so losing half of her soulmates will probably ruin her FOREVER.
((‘kay, that is a bit more dramatic than what will probably happen.))
I had Danny hang himself. It’s going to take more than that to beat me for dramaticness.
Yeah, but that is just par for the course for Danny.
I can beat that.
By let’s say friday, after they are done watching the shows and/or making out, she’ll notice that she got a message from Danny. A video, assuming they both have good enough phones.
He’s hanging himself this very moment, and daring her to come save him and/or take her back.
Er, take him back. Götterdämmerung!
I now ship Walky/Billie/Sal. I:
Depending on how much he has recovered from the break up (last week) and how far if any place this relationship might go it might crush him (for a time anyways)
i think a much bigger factor would be if he’s made up with amber and how he’s doing on that front
Death by cuteness: the entire strip!
Too much “d’awwww!” to handle.
Walky: surprisingly smooth
Dorothy’s smile in the last panel. (ಠ益ಠ)
Why does her lip look like a creepy pedo mustache?
Most terrifying DoA panel ever.
It’s always been like that. Dorothy’s lip shading has always looked like a chocolate milk mustache.
And everyone’s noses are a diagonal line over a squished dot.
Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
With careful training, you could probably fix it so you can’t see faces in comics anymore, just wierd squiggles and dots.
She’s channeling John Waters.
Kinda cute.
This is adorable.
Which means something bad is about to happen.
Perhaps, but not necessarily to them.
That was a…happened.
Aww… that’s cute… Although this budding adorableness may put a dampener in Dorothy’s plans for going to Harvard…
Well she’ll just have to settle on Yale!
>GASP!< Not Yale! :O
Lisa’s going to Stanford!
So cute! The last two days have been an unexpected, yet adorable turn for these two characters. I thought it might happen one day, but not any time soon.
It’s always nice when something happens unexpectedly quickly- that way we get to get to the ramifications, rather than being stuck in will-they-or-won’t-they forever.
At the rate this comic is going we are VERY fortunate for something to happen quickly.
Walky is smoother than I give him credit for, considering how he was reacting a few days ago.
Yes, end on the joke Walky. Perfect strategy, no sarcasm.
So cute. They make me want to choke them both.
Oh, man, I’d completely forgotten I had the Mike gravatar.
It does give the comment a certain gravitas.
What’s mexican food got to do with anything?
Oh, Mexican FOOD! I was worried Kern was talking about gravy margaritas.
Gravy margaritas for those who want to have psoriasis of the liver, and a heart attack!
Especially if you include the biscuit chasers.
I can’t think of a stranger affliction in the entire universe than “psoriasis of the liver.” Does your liver get all scaly and flaky, and itch a lot? Can one apply topical cream to a liver? I’m confused.
Unless you meant “cirrhosis,” in which case YOU’RE confused.
An itchy liver would be terrible.
Captain, we are being hailed by the GSV “Just Enough Gravitas For A DoA Comment”.
I hate that I find these two so cute together because I know this relationship is probably going to go down in flames.
No I disagree this relationship will soar, like the Hindenburg!
This will go over like a lead balloon!
Or a balloon filled with Flotium.
@Kernanator – you may not know or remember but Myth-busters proved without a shadow of a doubt that a lead balloon does go over well, it just happens to be rather delicate.
Hmm, now that I think of it, this relationship is at the lead balloon stage
Should I be worried that this would be a perfect strategy to use with me?
Obviously you should marry a lawyer.
Just don’t ever try to DIVORCE a lawyer . . . .
Well, he handled that better than I thought he would.
Smooth Walky. No girl can resist moves like that.
His litigation brings all the girls to the yard.
And they’re lawyers are like
I am better than yours,
Damn right i am better than yours,
I can retain you,
But I have to charge
You beat me too it.
This thread. Just, this thread…
And there like,
His lawyers are better than yours,
Damn right they’re better than yours,
Who’s your current gravatar, PM? She looks familiar.
Today’s grav is Saya from the love/horror novel, Saya no Uta(The Song of Saya).
It is a story about a guy who develops “meat-vision” after an operation which results in him seeing the world like it is covered in meat, bones and organs and people now look like freakish monsters.
After a few weeks, he meets Saya who ‘looks’ like a beautiful young girl to him.
To someone with normal vision, she is a slimy tentacle monster.
If you want check it out, here is part 1 of 38 video chapters of Saya no Uta below.
Today’s grav is Saya from the love/horror novel, Saya no Uta(The Song of Saya).
It is a story about a guy who develops “meat-vision” after an operation which results in him seeing the world like it is covered in meat, blood and organs and people now look like freakish monsters.
After a few weeks, he meets Saya, who ‘looks’ like a beautiful young girl, but to someone with normal vision, she is in fact, a slimy tentacle monster.
He must have been really glad to…
Meat her.
(Well, it’s required, and I wasn’t going to stand idly by.)
That was intended as a reply to AJBulldis. I clicked on Reply, didn’t I? Durr.
OK, I def clicked Reply this time, and it still ends up at the bottom. This makes me so mad I’m going to change my randomly assigned avatar!
(In other words, not mad at all.)
I knew it. I loved this game. The story was in a disturbing way romantic if that makes any sense.
My favourite ending was the True Ending – it seems more like a Good Ending than the original Good Ending.
The weirdwat thing is that despite knowing at Saya’s a foul-smelling tentacle slime monster from another dimension whose goal it is to wipe out humanity and turn the earth into a festering meat mass, you still kinda want to have ‘meat-vision’ and hug her.
Human empathy is sure scary sometimes.
*head desk* – and you actually used the correct word once as well.
There – a location in space or time
Their – ownership of or belonging to
They’re – contraction of They Are
*dies of cuteness*
Dammit, Willis, you see what you’ve done? People are DYING down here, and it’s all your fault!
It was so sweet I got DIABEETUS.
Did you grow a moustache?
…It’s a SLIGHT possibility.
cutest response ever!
Male tsundere, THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT!!
And not like a damn bastard. Or that creepy master slave thing that some people like. I really need to stay of the Internet.
You really don’t want to know.
[Here you go](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsundere)
Aaaaaaand I’m not on Reddit any more, Toto.
Can’t tell if Dorothy’s dreading it or loving it in the last panel.
I would venture a guess with loving it. It’s just too silly. That and I think it reinforces the idea that Walky won’t be taking things too seriously too fast aka NOT Danny.
I agree completely. He’s being over-the-top and in exactly the way she likes. I think her “OH MY GOD” is more “THIS GUY IS TOO CUTE.”
She is deploying the McDonald’s motto.
She is deploying the McDonald’s motto.
“Billions and billions served”?
Being that your grav is Mike, I just automatically inserted “moms” before “served,” and then tacked “For a nickle each” at the end.
You’re missing an “of” in there I think.
I thought that was Carl Sagan’s catchphrase.
Has McDonald’s taken over Carl Sagan? NOOOOO!
*squee all over the fricken’ carpet*
I’m going to be one of those crazy people who thinks that these two will get into a relationship, find a few compatibility issues, and then get through them and come out of it a stronger couple than before.
A total impossibility, I know, but I’m a dreamer.
Nothing can survive the touch of Willis. Mark my words, this relationship is doomed for failure.
See, but people keep saying that about Amber and Mike, and look how far they’ve come. Also…
yklaW dna ecyoJ
I fail to see where Yklaw’s DNA comes into it, Ecyoj’d or not. Also, your puncutation and capitalization is atrocious.
Give it time. The touch of the Willis destroys all it… touches.
Last we saw them they were on the alter, so…
And divorces never happen in fiction?
@ Tristan J
Dammit we just cleaned that carpet!
This reminds me of my first kiss at university. In my tiny dark little dorm room, watching a movie (Moulin Rouge!, for the record), and some awkward hugging. Five years later, still at it.
This leads me to a single conclusion:
There is no more intimate environment than a student’s room with something geeky playing.
She sure dun does have a purty mouth!
I, for one, find this adorable.
I seriously want to bottle up the way the first and last panels feel, and then dole that feeling out to myself day by day.
My thoughts exactly.
Hey, just came across this link. I feel the need to pass it along as the DoA comic is being affected. Some jerk has put DoA on an app. probably wihtout permisson
Please pass it along.
ok, good someone got to this already. glad I searched before posting a redundant comment.
This was mentioned on Darth’s and Droids too…. Maybe it’s time to get everyone’s legal teams together and press a class action case before this ends up being the eBaum’s world fight mark II.
Isn’t Walky pulling a Joyce face in panel 4? He’s totally making a Joyce face in the last panel.
This makes me so happy I could die…but that would be bad since I should be working on an essay for my Shakespeare class and I’m just going through all the comics I follow in an attempt to put off writing it.
But still, this brings me great joy and squee!
Ooh, what kind of essay? What are you studying? And most importantly, what light through yonder poseur breaks?
He speaks her language. She is so turned on by this!
Favourite strip so far and one of the previous ones had Sal undressing.
See? See? What did I tell you – Walky is just a long-form master of the Game
Damn you, I just lost the Game!
As did we all
Wow, the adorability of this strip has blown a fist sized hole in my skull. I really hope they can make it work, or atleast end on comfortable terms ’cause this is just so damn sweet its setting off my diabetes. By far my new fav strip in the comic.
The fact that Dorothy is hedging her bets makes me wary, but I’ve gotta admit the strip is cute.
Willis, sorry for the Off-Topic post, but are you aware of the Android App that’s been publishing webcomics without the creators consent? It seems to feature Dumbing of Age (I’m trusting on other people’s info, as I won’t download the App myself).
Here’s a link to some info: http://chrishanel.tumblr.com/post/19196576643/spread-the-word-theft-is-theft
I feel all mushy inside. Damn you, damn you both!
I saw this in the comments of another webcomic I read and thought You might like to see this since you comic is also listed.
Anyway, hope it helps.
That face in the last panel…
that face!
Ha! Walky used “Mock Litigation”. Its super-effective.
New most adorable Walky face.
I am DEFINITELY going to be trying this!
Cutest faces ever in panel three!!
Walky’s line in panel 4 was BRILLIANT.
Yeah, I can’t come up with anything better to say there, and he said it in the heat of the moment. Dorothy is 20% closer to deciding…
I imploded of cuteness
This makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
What’s the opposite of a “Damn You Willis”?
Wow, the adorkable just ramped up by several orders of magnitude. I am not sure the internet can handle this level of cute.
All good comics about sexual harassment usually do end with a girl happily yelling “Oh My God!”.. or wait. No it’s the other way around, they don’t usually end like that.