This is the link I gave you yesterday. But tonight, do not vote for me! I think we have strongly established that not even my fake popularity can eclipse XKCD’s real popularity. (You see, XKCD is very, very good.)
Instead, my mission for you tonight is to find the bottom of the rankings, work your way up the list, and find yourself some new webcomics. For example, the comic currently at the bottom is Metalero. (I haven’t checked out that comic myself; it’s just the one at the bottom of the list, so let’s cross our fingers that it’s not racist or something.) Enjoy!
who likes blondes? that guy
don’t think it’s shipping if it’s cannon.
Cannons are for sinking other ships, unless you were meaning to use the word canon.
So cannons are canon if the ship is sunk?
Canon sinks ships, too. Or at least it tries to.
Don’t loose lips sink ships?
Dorothy’s got some loose lips.
dat avatar doh, just makes it so perfect..
I suck my ship into your mom’s loose lips
for a nickle
er, sunk. But it kinda worked either way.
…..and nickel.
Though I think this is sweet I hope this pairing doesn’t workout cause
Walky x Dorothy mean a systematic killing of near infinite Joyce and
Walky’s courtesy of head alien
also the dexter and monkey master toys talked a few pages ago
AWWWWWW!!!!!! ^_^
d’awwwwww x10
oh wait
Brown chicken brown cow!
Honk chicka honk honk!
Wok shakin’ wok wok!
Doo wacka doo wacka doo wacka doo wacka doooooooo!!!
giggity giggity, giggity goo
Hey Chicka Bump Bump!!
Blarg Chicka honk honk
Moch better than aaaaawwwwwwwwwkward at any rate.
The week is still young.
Yes, it could get awkward if he is wearing his pyjama jeans, his “little walky’ might come up to say hello, and hilarity will ensue for all, well, for us anyway. Or he gets laid, whatever.
Awwwwww. My night is made.
oh snap!
Dawwwww. Walky now has an adorable case of Cooties.
Silly you can’t get cooties from kisses! You get cooties from siting on toilets, and porcupines.
You’re thinking of piles not cooties with those examples.
Sorry I get those two thing confused sometimes. Probably because there both are itchy and painful.
It’s a common mistake.
I think you will get more than cooties from sitting on porcupines
I dunno how painful cooties really are, because I’ve never had them. (For those not in the know, cooties is an old-timey name for head lice.)
Know what’s funny? We’re told when we get older there’s no such thing as cooties. Have you ever had staph germs described to you? THEY ARE ADULT COOTIES!
That’s not what he asked, either.
This relationship will never survive with communication problems like this.
The look on Walkys face is absolutely priceless, and perfect. Pretty sure I had the exact same look back in my sophomore year in highschool when the girl I liked actually liked me back. Good for Walky… Now hows he going to screw this up?
I believe the quote is “Not even god himself could sink this ship!”.
It’s been an honor serving with you, gentlemen.
Aren’t you supposed to do surprise kisses on a Friday? Isn’t that like… some kind of webcomic rule?
Yeah, I was just as surprised to see this NOT be the cliffhanger strip. So…what else will happen then? Tune in tomorrow! Same Dumby time, same Dumby site.
He’s actually gonna skip Tuesday and Wednesday and give us comics Saturday and Sunday instead
And I apparantly can’t keep track of the days of the week. I blame you, Plasma
What did I do?
If Willis is starting the week with a surprise kiss… it means that Friday is going to be MADE OF DRAMA AND SUSPENSE.
and Dorothy/Walky sex
No way, man. Dotty’s got self-respect and Walky’s got a sweet lego penthouse to protect.
Does that mean she thinks hes sweet, or she likes him?
If she doesn’t like him, then that would be really horrible how she’s going about this: try to make him admit his crush, initiate a kiss, and then let him down? She is not nearly that mean or irresponsible: at the very least she thinks he’s a possibility worth exploring. Looks good for Walky!
Well, she did start off a year ago letting someone down… but in a pretty different context, and I’m not even sure why I’m still talking since it isn’t really relevant.
I really hope Walky doesn’t blow it.
Ideally hope Dorothy does
I really***
Yea, I saw that coming (yea, I know, so did she), surprised the response took an hour, however.
I didn’t get online until then. I responded as quick as I could, though i was surprised no one else made the response either, if that’s what you meant…and what is your gravitar from. I know it’s a HILARIOUS comic, but i forgot to bookmark it when i was reading it a month or two ago and forgot the name
Richard, from Looking for group, one of three great webcomics by the Blind Ferret group. Although my opinion may be biased, as the comic is one of the few Canadian ones I have found (as am I, obviously).
Thank you!
Goblins is from Canadia
!!! yay!
Walky still hasn’t answered her question.
This story line can now only end with Walky fainting or Dorothy being pregnant.
So basically Walky faints and Mike comes in and sexes Dorothy?
and then he sexes unconscious Walky. It’s pretty horrible, all around.
So who does he pay the nickle to?
I read that as “Walky farting”. Is there a storyline that DOESN’T end with that?
For the twist, Walky will be pregnant, but by an elephant.
Wally the giraffe by Dorothy the elephant.
“I have your baby in me, giraffe!”
But elephant pregnancies last two years!
Or, in DoA time, the rest of eternity.
Awwwwww! So adorable!
Not as adorable as Dorothy doin’ the voices.
So glad we get 3 more before the weekend.
Huh, I wonder if THIS is the universe Walky becomes a Doctor…
Or maybe just plays doctor…
Dorthory has been on the growing up kick lately… Well I think now its Walky doing the growing up XD
The joke is that KresyAntics isn’t talking about his maturity… though maybe his “maturity”…
Is that a subtly hidden innuendo I hear? I dunno, Dad, it looks like we got a young Bill Shakespeare here!
We will have to wait until second base before we get to see some indepth journalism between these two.
Hopefully its not a just short editorial.
If he can impress her with his column, she might be will to give him a fullpage spread.
And Plasma wins yet again.
Oops my heart just exploded
Yeah, THIS is gonna last.
She’s going for the irresponsible kid on the rebound from her clingy obsessive ex.
He’s still emotionally in middle school.
We’re still on target…
Still on target…
It’s a match made in comic heaven, yes.
Tomorrow’s comic he throws the head alien at her face.
Actually, I disagree. First, I haven’t seen any signs of serious emotional baggage in Dorothy, so this might not be a rebound – after all, she broke up with Danny, not the other way round, so presumably she’d already moved on.
Walky may not know how to talk to one girl he likes, but that’s only one side of a person’s emotional development, and he seems to have a good handle on most other things – his self-esteem, how to be happy in most situations, he’s capable of bouncing jokes back at people that pick on him… this all bodes very well. Even after having several very healthy relationships in college, a few years ago a girl still had me fumbling for words in her presence.
Whether this works out or not, though, I called it.
This. Dotty knew the breakup was coming probably since the beginning of the summer. Having been the dumpee in a similar-ish situation, I think it’s fair to say she knew what’s up a while ago. She started coping long before we first faded in.
I saw the last frame of this in a banner on QC and was gonna be upset if it was just teasing me!
Same here, I saw the Billy kiss there too lol
Billy from Family Circus?
Reading this, I felt compelled to listen to “Iris” for some reason.
Tsundere Walky?
One word: NICE
That showed her… also SCORE!
Night. Made.
Poor Danny…
I hope Walky doesn’t say anything stupid. But I also hope he doesn’t go mute. Too bad I can’t think of a third option for the poor guy.
He says something stupid, but it’s adorably stupid and Dorothy isn’t remotely offended.
Why doesn’t this ever happen to me?
Cos it’s not written in your script of life.
Or at least not in this particular chapter. Maybe the next one?
…and if it doesn’t happen soon, get yourself a new author.
I tried that once, but got into a series of unfortunate yet hilarious accidents, preventing me from completing my quest.
I tried that once, too, but I still got hit by a bus. Got to bang Maggie Gyllenhaal, though.
Dangit I was scraping air for a STF ref and you beat me to it.
Lucky you, I just got an arrow to the knee. (runs away).
You know, I used to spout mindless memes like you, but then I took Plasma Mongoose’s knee to the groin.
Have you tried throwing an ape at a girl’s head? Apparently that shit is romance gold.
But she’s going to go to Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaale
Re: Webcomics voting
What I can’t believe is that Sluggy Freelance is so low on the list. It’s even older than the walkyverse (even if just barely) and one of the longest running and original webcomics.
Pete (the artist) is just too classy a guy to ever tell his viewers to vote on these things. I think I’ve seen him ask his viewers to vote maybe once in my lifetime. Sure, the little guys need more viewers, but don’t forget to vote for Pete! He’s earned it by now!
The votes on these things mean absolutely nothing. That’s why nobody bothers, and why I treated it as a game. Voting won’t help Sluggy Freelance.
Just, y’know, read it. Or one of the countless other comics listed.
Oh, Sluggy doesn’t need any help anyway, lol. With over 100k readers a day….yeah, I think Pete is doing pretty good for himself! It just makes me sad to see it ranked so low. Pete is my darn nifty hero.
I never even read what the contest (or w/e it was) is for.
PhD Comics rocks too and was also pretty low, but that’s probably just for us really small subset of nerds. It’s more than popular in the right circles, and I don’t see it attracting many outside of those circles… Also, I as far as I know, PhD comics was the first webcomic to make a successful ‘quality’ movie, without even taking donations from viewers. That’s what I like to see!
Kiwi Blitz is impressive so far.
I think a lot depends on the nature of the comic’s fanbase (how rabid?), whether they already know about the site doing the poll, and yes, whether the author is shouting “Go vote!” I’m pretty sure both Sluggy and Penny Arcade are much more popular than it looks like here….
Yeah, I was surprised by how far down some of my favorite comics were on the lit. Don’t get me wrong, I like xkcd, but I feel recently the stuff coming out of DoA, Shortpacked, pvp, and QC, is a lot better, almost as if xkcd is running out of material.
I’ve been tempted to remove pvp from my daily readings, actually…
Scottie Kurtz is extremely annoying. Nice comic, yeah, but whenever I read any of his posts or rants, I hate his guts. He’s so full of himself that it isn’t even funny anymore. I stopped reading least I could do for similar reasons some while back. The author pisses me off to no end.
so much awwwwwwwwwwwweeeee up in here
I took your advice Willis and now I added Modest Medusa to my webcomic favourites.
That one is actually quite enertaining, yes.
If I can spend several hours watching a visual novel about a guy with meat-o-vision falling in love with a slimy tentacle monster girl, I can enjoy a story about asnake girl who lives in the toilet.
Oh Saya.
That’s so cute, I temporarily forgot to be enraged at the hole this shoots in my Dorothy/Joyce ship!
But now I remembered. Grar!
Does it, though? Does it really?
Pimpin walky with 2 girlfriends!
I like this because it makes Walky the girlfriend in the relationship
The Stare That Melts Faces
The face that haunts my nightmares.
Her expression makes me think this is more of a ‘I’m grateful’ kiss.
Of course, if she’s only grateful and not really into him then kissing him is a TERRIBLE way to express it. Or maybe he had something delicious stuck to his cheek.
I’m grateful kisses are on the forehead, not the cheek
Panel 2 Walky… maybe I’m just more drunk than usual but wow.
Panel 3. Yes, I AM more drunk than usual.
But I…
Didn’t she…
Dorothy is the master of the mixed message.
The only thing mixed about this message is going to be their tongues.
Dorothy is only interested in people who are not interested in her. He reacted with an angry demand, so she kissed him; had he shyly admitted feelings for her, she would have kicked him in the crotch.
Boom. Headshot.
Metalero is at the bottom!!!! D: Aww man I really like that one! T.T
Good news! Metalero is now 3rd from the bottom with 2 WHOLE VOTES! Tied for last is The Breakouts and Zeke Is Hungry.
Oh, and there was kissing. Whoo, rah, let’s move on.
Glad to see this ship take sail.
=walky runs away screaming=
… poor fella, i can’t see him dealing well with surprises like that.
As for the voting thing, I consider my conscience to be fairly clear as the 50 or so comics I voted for out of that huge list (largely ones I do read from time to time, but a couple of forgotten “they’re still going?!” favourites and even a couple of new discoveries, e.g. Baby With A Mohawk) were already quite well spread. I think for one of them I was about the third or fourth voter even without doing it on purpose.
And Willis, both of yours were hovering just outside of the “top ten”, which in this competitive market (with it’s several huge players) is one hell of an achievement. Kind of like being the most popular software house after Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, Sony and EA.
Not gonna lie: I squee’d
Uh oh…rebound.
And the studio audience goes “Wooooo!”
No kidding! They’ve known each other almost a whole week! Talk about a long engagement!
No, that will be on Friday.
Walky compared to Danny- Less repressed but more childish
Is Walky straight in this continuity?
*ducks, runs away*
Let’s try that a little lower and a lot harder.
“I’m sorry, that’s the wrong … well, what do you know? It’s the RIGHT answer!”
Good idea, Mr. Willis. I found a few webcomics to add to my (incredibly long) list.
Oh sh**. Now I’ll feel all soft and light-headed for the rest of the day D:
Awwwww I can’t see this working out in the long term but awwwwww!
Stupid girls, and their pretty smiles!
You know, I’ll bet anything someone’s already made that joke before a million times, and I look like an uncreative jackass