Akane has only one way to get back home: collect the 42 keys to parallel worlds. Eri and Ben are just trying to get through the summer before university. When a magical key turns up in an old spare set, all three are forced to change their plans and fast.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
No End
Erli, Kromi
A queer romance about people attempting to build lives in a cold, post-apocalyptic world ravaged by hordes of undead.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Alex Assan, Lin Darrow
A ragtag band of bootleggers open a speakeasy for bottled colour in the greyscale city of Ironwell.
Josceline Fenton
A witch accidentally marries a monster, and now she and her familiar has to navigate life around her monstrous husband and her even more terrifying in-laws.
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Interesting concept but I have never been too good at keeping journals with the exception of recording dates, amounts and receipts of bills I have to pay.
What sucks about these long threads, is I had to put a ruler to the screen and scroll up to see what line you were talking about. Although I’m sure I looked quite amusing to those around me.
It doesn’t help that there is extra space on the left and right where at the top there are ads and other widgets, but down here it’s just space making it seem more indented than it is. I’ll have to remember the ruler thing because I had to check twice thinking it was a reply to something else.
As Henry said, obfuscating stupidity was a major factor of Walkyverse-Prime Walky’s character. I think several of us were waiting for something similar to be shown here, and it being the matter of school work just coming easy to him while his silly nature obfuscates it makes a lot more sense here than his act from the other universe, which IIRC was based from an incident that happened because of Head Alien.
I think Walky might get a rude awakening sooner or later. You’re typically eased into university classes, but sooner or later you’re going to get tough ones where you absolutely *need* to study.
Agreed. Five of us in my HS graduating class went to the same university. The other four were smart enough to cruise in HS while I had to sweat . That changed in college, since they now had to learn to study, and I had already learned that lesson in an easier arena with less at stake.
Yup, saw the same thing myself, I cruised through High School, hit the wall in first year and had to learn to study. My best friend, the smartest person I know, cruised until third year, and ended up flunking out.
Half of college is learning to churn out convincing crap in a short span of time. I was great at the half-hour five-pager, but when it came to 100-page theses, I was too much of a perfectionist. I never learned how to add padding.
Monkeys don’t throw poop any more than humans do. When you see one doing so, its because they’re kept in a cage with nothing to do ever, and they’re JUST. THAT. BORED. A monkey throwing poop is a monkey in deep psychological distress.
I’ve always had the same thing happen to me, but I was a total shit-head about it. “How long did you prepare for the in class essay? 3 hours? I just threw bookmarks into a book and based my thesis around whatever pages they landed in. I got a 95%”
Sometimes you don’t even have to throw the monkey and some girl will gossip to her friends that you THOUGHT about throwing a monkey, and you’re still screwed.
But then, I can simply listen to a lecture and retain most of what’s said. With most exams, I’m guaranteed at least a B. If anything, I seem to do worse when I study a lot.
I worry that it will happen when I start taking upper level courses, so I’m trying to get into the habit of reading prior to class.
My calc professor didn’t like the way I worked with infinities. I still ended up getting the right answer, but he was all “you can’t work with infinities like that, go back and do more work to get the same answer.”
Gen eds are still pretty easy to waltz through but yeah. Higher level classes don’t let you get away with that. You’ve been warned.
The best way to study (at least for me) is to skim the material every few days to get the repetition in to help with memory. The next step is to talk about and explain the material to someone else *not* in your class. This tests your actual understanding of it as opposed to your ability to recite it. Understanding results in higher scores on tests than recitation.
I would not recommend this but.. I actually found drinking a few beers or shot or two of scotch, or rum has helped me study, I mean you don’t want to get sloshed but if your stressed and on a deadline I found it too be helpful, especially with writers block. I don’t know why but it works for me at least. Also don’t study the night before the test review the materials a few days in advance about 2 days before the test cram then then relax the day before briefly review the materials and get a goods night sleep a good breakfast.
I can actually provide firsthand experience with this…. was in an Advanced Statistics class, & had a particularly rough week of not getting a lot of sleep, when we got sprung with a pop quiz. I remember the first 2 question, then I nodded off. I woke up with 5 minutes left in the class, & I had apparently been just conscious enough to keep working on the test, only having one question left to finish. Come into class & get the test back the next day, the only 3 questions I got wrong were the first 2 & the last 1. nearly fell off my chair laughing at myself.
eh, Depends on your major in my opinion. If its a lecture heavy major, with very little course work beyond a term paper its not unreasonable for someone with a good memory to do very well by simply showing up to the lectures and taking the tests. god knows thats how i got through my Psych. classes
Dorothy should know that Monkey-Throwing Compulsion (MTC) is a real disorder that affects thousands of people every day, and should not be joked about or made fun of.
Back when I used to go to school, it was possible to get Cs & even Bs without doing homework just by doing great in tests, unfortunately from what I heard, nowadays homework makes up at least half of your grade.
I feel like blaming it on the teachers is obstructive and misguided. Teachers don’t decide their own curriculum at that level. The big problem is that parents feel like their students aren’t getting a good education, so they go to their elected officials and say “DO SOMETHING!” And the elected officials say “SCANTRONS! NEED MOAR SCANTRONS!” and all the while the teachers stand in front of their classes and say “Sorry kids, I would love to actually go through Shakespeare properly so you can understand it and not just develop a hate for the Bard for the rest of your life… but we need to prepare you for FILLING IN BUBBLES COMPLETELY WITH A NUMBER 2 PENCIL!”
tl;dr people with little to no experience educating have no place deciding what is and isn’t required for a wholesome education.
I always did homework if it counted for marks, by doing it in the library 30 minutes before classes started. Studying (eg cramming) and doing homework for the hell of it was pointless because the teachers didn’t care about marking it and complained if they had to mark mine because they considered it illegible (and unfortunately for them, they couldn’t give me a zero because they didn’t want to read it.)
So yeah, teachers instill the study habits into their students by what attitude they take to marking it. This was back when it was considered unfair to do homework on the computer >_>
Somehow now for much of college I was walky after this comic. Playing video games and people asking if I’m going to study and me going “nah.. I’ll get an A either way.” and then getting my A and pissing them off for the effort.
The trick of course is to take higher-level courses about subjects that you (A) already know (B) are genuinely interested in or (C) understand the importance of and how they relate back to (A) and (B).
The only University course that gave me trouble was Third Year Old English Linguistics, and that was just because I didn’t have the First or Second-year prerequisites (because whoever put together the course-list for the English Honours program is an Idiot).
Roninwolf, the Arby’s thing was from when Mike was describing his version/vision of hell. I’m pretty sure this was before he was alerted that he was going to be paternal.
I do not like walky’s kind. I fried my brain to get A’s and B’s and now I’m so burned out from school and work I barely get anything done…ok maybe I’m just jealous.
Hey, I remember I whizzed through High School without needing to do homework or any studying at all. I just absorbed everything taught very easily. I always felt horrible when a friend of mine would be stuck on something so simple, would get average grades on tests, and spend 80% of their free time studying. But now this has bit me in the butt, and I have a hard time studying and learning studying techniques.
I’m still like that, and I’m a senior in college. I typically study for about an hour before my exams (more if I haven’t been showing up to class) and manage to ace almost everything.
It helps that I’m a computer science major, there’s not a lot of memorization, most of it it is understanding algorithms and logical structures.
I have exactly Walky’s mindset when it comes to work. That’s why I count myself lucky that my focus was getting my certificate in Film and Television, which was entirely practical and managed to fit that mindset exactly so I was enjoying learning.
NO. People say that, but when it comes that easy, you have a tendency to coast and it’s easy to forget to make goals. You have to have an ambition, something you really want, to keep from just getting lost.
Or at least, it should end badly, without some character development on the part of both these guys.
Dorothy seems to be attracted to geeky, unmotivated gentlemen (Danny, Walky) but then feels like they are holding her back (not totally without reason) and dumps them (Danny, Walky?). Should be entertaining watching Walky handle that.
Forgive me if I’m missing some subtle nuance of the Danny/Dorothy split, it has been a long time since those comics. Still, reading this one and the one previous all I could think was “the cycle begins anew.”
Careful Walky. Having that attitude got me into trouble- I was able to skate through public school cause of my smarts, but that meant I had no framework for studying in place. When the lessons finally became more than my brain could handle without reviewing the material, the semester turned into a huge disaster I almost did not recover from.
My sentiments exactly! I even turned into a bad kid my final year of high school, skipping school and classes many many times. But I still managed to graduate because I did so terribly well the years before that, and because I was still smart and learned very easily on the days I did attend class. Now that I’m attending my third year into college, after completing my Associates, the classes are upper level and have gotten to a degree of complexity in which I have to rely on myself to learn the material via textbook. I have to actually read, and read ahead of time, as well as really learn what I’m reading. It’s some hard stuff.
Right through primary school I was told I would need to study when I got to high school. Right through high school I was told I would need to study at university. Two degrees later and people are telling me ominous things about my PhD thesis.
I was just about to post how NO ONE noticed that she was still kind of channeling the episode in that first panel. Lo and behold, the very last comment noticed, too! *high fives*
She’s just being underlit by Walky’s laptop screen. Admittedly being underlit is sort of a villain thing. Myself, though, I’m distracted from the potential villainy by the ephmasis the underlighting gives to her torso shape.
I skimmed through some of the comments, but I get the feeling I’m the only one that feels this way: isn’t Walky kind of out of character lately, around Dorothy? I just still remember his first few reactions NEAR her…he was a total mess, and now he’s acting cool and smooth (to an extent). Or is this due to the fact that Billie got his confidence up a little bit when she tried to help them get together? I’m a first time reader, and only read this comic by Willis, so I feel like I’m seeing a strange Walky.
Didn’t she sort of shut him down and tell him to cut it out? That would encourage his few still-functioning brain cells to tell the others to get back in line. Plus, he may be getting used to her now, and also learning that she likes Dexter may have humanized her a bit in his eyes.
Oh, Walky. I used to be you. And then I ran into my last year and a half of university and was inundated with anatomy, physiology, functional anatomy, exercise physiology, and kinesiology. I not only had no idea how to study, the very concept of setting aside time to study – not do coursework or write papers, but study – was foreign to me. I was so used to just retaining information from lecture that I hadn’t even bought the textbooks the first semester. Suddenly having to memorize two pages of muscles, where they originate and where they insert, and their functions – and then be able to point to them on a model – was my first wake-up call. The fact that I had excellent professors who wrote exams that required understanding of the material and not just regurgitation onto a scantron was my second wake-up call. And the prospect that if I didn’t pass these classes the first time, I’d have to delay my graduation and turn down a really good job offer was my third wake-up call.
I worked my arse off that last year and a half, and finally understood what “all nighters” REALLY were.
He’s Book Smart & Life Dumb.
I was gonna go with “socially inept”, but yours is better
Your terminology is more acceptable by scholastic standards at least.
But yours hurts less feel goods. Which, for some people, is more I important
By the by, is there a prize for getting the first comment on both DOA and Shortpacked? Because if so, you won it. Congrats
It has been ages since I was first , and it wasn’t even intentional, I can only guess that ISP were on my side for some strange reason.
ISP- Insane… Sow Posse?
Orrrrrrrr internet service providers.
That right there sums up me.
And today’s episode of The Plasma Show is brought to us by…?
The show Naruto with the gravatar being Naruto’s Sexy Jutsu form known by the fandom as Naruko.
Yeah, I kinda suspected that.
It’s yeah, now that it’s mentioned, the cheek lines kinda give it away. ya know, iv you pay attention, which I don’t
Well, that explains how you ninja’d everyone on both comics.
That pun was terrible. I approve!
Yes it was terrible but non the less still funny and that’s what counts. ^_^
see I wasn’t sure if it was the Naruto transform or Jean Starwind from that one episode of Outlaw Star with the strong girl competition.
aw damnit when did I turn into Joyce.
Everyone turns into Joyce eventually, as part of their inevitable descention into cute madness.
@Kitsuki Noriyuki: Maybe you did a Joyce No Jutsu by accident?
Plasma, you need a blogspot page just full of list of dates, the Gravitars used on said dates, and what the Gravitars are.
i would check this page daily
Interesting concept but I have never been too good at keeping journals with the exception of recording dates, amounts and receipts of bills I have to pay.
Good thing you explained, I thought it was Ranma.
And I am well aware that both were done by the same person.
Walky is getting more and more like me, that it’s scary. Or was it the other way around?
I feel like this line should be in Walky’s character bio.
What sucks about these long threads, is I had to put a ruler to the screen and scroll up to see what line you were talking about. Although I’m sure I looked quite amusing to those around me.
It doesn’t help that there is extra space on the left and right where at the top there are ads and other widgets, but down here it’s just space making it seem more indented than it is. I’ll have to remember the ruler thing because I had to check twice thinking it was a reply to something else.
Love your avatar thing it amazing.
I dunno what’s funnier, the fact that Walky thought people thought he was smart, or the fact that Dorothy had a perfectly valid counter argument.
Ahem, who thought that Walky was smart? A show of hands, please…
*raises hand*
*raises hand*
*points to IW!Walky*
*Raises hand*
Seriously. EVIL. GENIUS.
*raises hand*
*raises hand*
As Henry said, obfuscating stupidity was a major factor of Walkyverse-Prime Walky’s character. I think several of us were waiting for something similar to be shown here, and it being the matter of school work just coming easy to him while his silly nature obfuscates it makes a lot more sense here than his act from the other universe, which IIRC was based from an incident that happened because of Head Alien.
Should I be worried that me and Walky have the same policy for school? Or that it works for me too?
Dude, most people have Walky’s outlook on school. Those who never have to try that is.
I think Walky might get a rude awakening sooner or later. You’re typically eased into university classes, but sooner or later you’re going to get tough ones where you absolutely *need* to study.
Agreed. Five of us in my HS graduating class went to the same university. The other four were smart enough to cruise in HS while I had to sweat . That changed in college, since they now had to learn to study, and I had already learned that lesson in an easier arena with less at stake.
Yup, saw the same thing myself, I cruised through High School, hit the wall in first year and had to learn to study. My best friend, the smartest person I know, cruised until third year, and ended up flunking out.
Senior in college! Never learned to study! Writing an essay about Huck Finn during commercials! It works!
Yeah, just you wait till those two-page papers turn into 20 pagers.
Its is a twenty pager. Spell checking right now.
Well then why don’t you just fuck right off?
*weeps into pillow, boots up Word preparing for all-nighter for a 3-page paper*
An all nighter? For three pages??? That would take me about half an hour. Are you a science major or something?!
I hope you mean an all-nighter of procrastination and about 40 minutes of work.
Half of college is learning to churn out convincing crap in a short span of time. I was great at the half-hour five-pager, but when it came to 100-page theses, I was too much of a perfectionist. I never learned how to add padding.
If you ever decide to become a bureaucrat, learning to pad reports becomes VERY important.
Except for those of us who graduated in 3 years with a 3.9 GPA without ever having to raise a finger.
Seems like someone’s a liberal arts major.
Throwing monkeys at another’s face is the way that poop finds a mate.
I’m sure there’s something wrong with that statement, but I can’t find what it is…
Why does poop need a mate?
To make more poop.. duh
But doesn’t shit just happen?
you are amazing
I try! ^_^
Yes, but without a mate, you won’t get the sham kind of poo. Sham poo can only be made when normal poos mate.
So shampoo is made from actual poo? Thank goodness I only use conditioner.
Plasma Mongoose, I don’t always like your gravatars, but I almost always like your comment replies. You know, for whatever it’s worth.
That’s the risk I take whenever I use a new or reused gravatar.
Everybody needs to find somebody to looooooooooooooooove.
Beacuse When the truth is found to be lies
And all the joy within you dies
Don’t you want somebody to love
Don’t you need somebody to love
Wouldn’t you love somebody to love
You better find somebody to love
are you attempting this while riding an airplane?
I tried reading this to the beat of the song. It was a good ten seconds before I figured out why the rhythm was off.
…and they say romance is dead…
Maybe they meant Romans?
Well, some romans, surely, but not all of them? Or did the bugs hit Rome instead of Buenos Ares? DAMN those sneaky Arachnids!
A Starship Troopers reference? Wow, that came out of left field.
Shit if i know?
Monkeys don’t throw poop any more than humans do. When you see one doing so, its because they’re kept in a cage with nothing to do ever, and they’re JUST. THAT. BORED. A monkey throwing poop is a monkey in deep psychological distress.
Poor Monkey :'( … heh heh poop
This is the single greatest statement in the history of the world.
And what does throwing monkeys have to do with being smart?
I think that explains it.
Two years down the road when they’re happily married, Walky says it was his plan all along.
That’s how.
> two years
Soooo…. in 2088?
You are way to optimistic. I place it at just after the heat death of the universe.
I’ve always had the same thing happen to me, but I was a total shit-head about it. “How long did you prepare for the in class essay? 3 hours? I just threw bookmarks into a book and based my thesis around whatever pages they landed in. I got a 95%”
The law of if you don’t know what you are talking about applies here. Baffle them with monkeypoo
I smell management material here!
Compared to what monkeys throw though you should consider yourself lucky.
Yeah, like a monkey missile. You know, that Dotty got hit with earlier?
… I’ll just leave then.
You gotta admit, a monkey to the face is pretty convincing.
Throw one monkey at a girl, and you’re labeled for life.
Sometimes you don’t even have to throw the monkey and some girl will gossip to her friends that you THOUGHT about throwing a monkey, and you’re still screwed.
Hey, she kept the monkey. Clearly she wanted it all along!
In college, people thought i never studied. That’s because I did it when they weren’t around, and goofed off when I was free.
whatever the probability of them making out is decreasing. Walky+Dorothy shippers are not likely to be vindicated any time soon.
Oh Walky, that was high school. Most people can get away with that. College you are gonna crash and burn…
That is unless you really are an exception in which case I am jealous.
I’m a sophomore, and I can still do that.
But then, I can simply listen to a lecture and retain most of what’s said. With most exams, I’m guaranteed at least a B. If anything, I seem to do worse when I study a lot.
I worry that it will happen when I start taking upper level courses, so I’m trying to get into the habit of reading prior to class.
Guess I’m just really lucky….
Well, the exception is math exams. I’m terrible with math of any kind.
I can handle maths tests just as long as it involves numbers, but when it comes to Calc, it’s all greek to me.
Icy what you did there. It was really cool.
I’m trying to derive a math pun from by brain, but my pun gland seems to be lacking some function
Either way I’m fairly adept math, until I get to stuff I haven’t encountered before… or have forgotten
Hey now, don’t be a square.
I’m sure you can derive a functional pun from something.
Just remember, there is a limit to how far you can go before
you make an as-ymoptote of yourself.
Point illustrated above, in a rather graphic e(x)-ample.
All those puns add up to multiple laughs.
My calc professor didn’t like the way I worked with infinities. I still ended up getting the right answer, but he was all “you can’t work with infinities like that, go back and do more work to get the same answer.”
Gen eds are still pretty easy to waltz through but yeah. Higher level classes don’t let you get away with that. You’ve been warned.
The best way to study (at least for me) is to skim the material every few days to get the repetition in to help with memory. The next step is to talk about and explain the material to someone else *not* in your class. This tests your actual understanding of it as opposed to your ability to recite it. Understanding results in higher scores on tests than recitation.
I would not recommend this but.. I actually found drinking a few beers or shot or two of scotch, or rum has helped me study, I mean you don’t want to get sloshed but if your stressed and on a deadline I found it too be helpful, especially with writers block. I don’t know why but it works for me at least. Also don’t study the night before the test review the materials a few days in advance about 2 days before the test cram then then relax the day before briefly review the materials and get a goods night sleep a good breakfast.
Or a white russian.
Does she have to be White? I mean don’t get me wrong, I love the more Aryan Russian girls. but the Slavic ones are cute too.
You are aware a white russian is kalaluah vodka and cream? You could make a brown russian with choclate milk though
I think he was being comically obtuse on purpose.
I would expect this would explain it, at least for writing.
I can actually provide firsthand experience with this…. was in an Advanced Statistics class, & had a particularly rough week of not getting a lot of sleep, when we got sprung with a pop quiz. I remember the first 2 question, then I nodded off. I woke up with 5 minutes left in the class, & I had apparently been just conscious enough to keep working on the test, only having one question left to finish. Come into class & get the test back the next day, the only 3 questions I got wrong were the first 2 & the last 1. nearly fell off my chair laughing at myself.
In college the drunker I was the better my papers turned out. I would read them when sober and amaze myself.
eh, Depends on your major in my opinion. If its a lecture heavy major, with very little course work beyond a term paper its not unreasonable for someone with a good memory to do very well by simply showing up to the lectures and taking the tests. god knows thats how i got through my Psych. classes
Especially if homework makes up the majority of the grade.
You can still do it to 75% of classes. The problem is that you’ve never learned to study properly for the remaining 25%.
Dorothy should know that Monkey-Throwing Compulsion (MTC) is a real disorder that affects thousands of people every day, and should not be joked about or made fun of.
Yeah, my nephew died from that!
He was thrown.
Does that mean you were a monkey’s uncle?
Yes, that’s the joke.
(You will understand if you ever watched Basil Brush)
I never really cared much for Walkyverse’s Walky, but I think this one is really growing on me. So adorable. <3
This isn’t Walkyverse?
This is Dumbingverse. It’s a seperate timeline from Roomies/It’sWalky/JoyceAndWalky/Shortpacked/IFeelLikeIForgotOne
No, this is DoAverse. Walkyverse (also known as ‘DontDoAverse”) is the distinct continuity containing Roomies!, It’s Walky!, and Joyce and Walky!.
Hey if Walky’s Dinosaur eating Jason was not indication of his genius, then I am obviously bat shit crazy!
Or are you just BatMAN Crazy?
He’s the Gosh Darned mechaqua?
It’s great until you come across a subject that you don’t absorb easily, and then you realize that you never learned how to study
Yes, and it got you in his room. The man is a goddamned genius, and we could all learn a thing or two from him.
Okay, yeah, who didn’t see this coming?
Back when I used to go to school, it was possible to get Cs & even Bs without doing homework just by doing great in tests, unfortunately from what I heard, nowadays homework makes up at least half of your grade.
I didn’t do a lick of homework from middle school on, and I managed a solid B/A- average.
Things have certainly changed if I could no longer get away with that.
Its cause no one wants to actually teach anymore.
You’re not the only one who suspects that is the case.
I feel like blaming it on the teachers is obstructive and misguided. Teachers don’t decide their own curriculum at that level. The big problem is that parents feel like their students aren’t getting a good education, so they go to their elected officials and say “DO SOMETHING!” And the elected officials say “SCANTRONS! NEED MOAR SCANTRONS!” and all the while the teachers stand in front of their classes and say “Sorry kids, I would love to actually go through Shakespeare properly so you can understand it and not just develop a hate for the Bard for the rest of your life… but we need to prepare you for FILLING IN BUBBLES COMPLETELY WITH A NUMBER 2 PENCIL!”
tl;dr people with little to no experience educating have no place deciding what is and isn’t required for a wholesome education.
I always did homework if it counted for marks, by doing it in the library 30 minutes before classes started. Studying (eg cramming) and doing homework for the hell of it was pointless because the teachers didn’t care about marking it and complained if they had to mark mine because they considered it illegible (and unfortunately for them, they couldn’t give me a zero because they didn’t want to read it.)
So yeah, teachers instill the study habits into their students by what attitude they take to marking it. This was back when it was considered unfair to do homework on the computer >_>
Somehow now for much of college I was walky after this comic. Playing video games and people asking if I’m going to study and me going “nah.. I’ll get an A either way.” and then getting my A and pissing them off for the effort.
Eventually the courses do catch up with your intellectual level though for almost anyone though.
Or at least, catch up enough so that you can’t skip them all the time.
But even then…
The trick of course is to take higher-level courses about subjects that you (A) already know (B) are genuinely interested in or (C) understand the importance of and how they relate back to (A) and (B).
The only University course that gave me trouble was Third Year Old English Linguistics, and that was just because I didn’t have the First or Second-year prerequisites (because whoever put together the course-list for the English Honours program is an Idiot).
How the fuck do they just dump you into a Junior level course about Old English? It’s a foreign language. You need to baby steps that stuff.
Seriously? You guys haven’t done this yet? I’m dissapointed in the lot of you.
*groan* *sigh* for a nickle
*face-palm* with her femurs.
A thing that I think has been sorely neglected- BUT THERE IS NO ARBYS.
Your name covers my reaction. Now I have to read the archives to find this one
billie kept yelling FACE at joyce
Oh, no, I remember that one, I meant the Arbys thing.
I could be wrong, but wasn’t that one in It’s Walky?
@Bekah, I dunno, but it was in DoA. I’m knew to this multiverse and I remember the mean being formed.
That was in Shortpacked, not DoA.
@Bekah; seriously, I lose it at your avatar every time I see it. That is awesome
Roninwolf, the Arby’s thing was from when Mike was describing his version/vision of hell. I’m pretty sure this was before he was alerted that he was going to be paternal.
I do not like walky’s kind. I fried my brain to get A’s and B’s and now I’m so burned out from school and work I barely get anything done…ok maybe I’m just jealous.
Hey, I remember I whizzed through High School without needing to do homework or any studying at all. I just absorbed everything taught very easily. I always felt horrible when a friend of mine would be stuck on something so simple, would get average grades on tests, and spend 80% of their free time studying. But now this has bit me in the butt, and I have a hard time studying and learning studying techniques.
Yeah, my studying went pretty well, but after I graduated it just fell apart and now my work is showing it.
i was like that.
until college.
learning to study sucks.
Me too.
And yes, it does.
I’m still like that, and I’m a senior in college. I typically study for about an hour before my exams (more if I haven’t been showing up to class) and manage to ace almost everything.
It helps that I’m a computer science major, there’s not a lot of memorization, most of it it is understanding algorithms and logical structures.
Makeout long overdue!
I have exactly Walky’s mindset when it comes to work. That’s why I count myself lucky that my focus was getting my certificate in Film and Television, which was entirely practical and managed to fit that mindset exactly so I was enjoying learning.
It must be love, loooooooooove, love…
(Walkie’s STUFFED once his uni work gets harder…)
What I wouldn’t have wished to have Walky’s natural academic talent… So many hours I spent pouring over math books and science books.
NO. People say that, but when it comes that easy, you have a tendency to coast and it’s easy to forget to make goals. You have to have an ambition, something you really want, to keep from just getting lost.
Isn’t that how how Einstein found his wife, threw a monkey at her?
Which wife? The first one or the second one?
Who said he had only one monkey?
Who said he couldn’t recycle the same monkey?
einstein was relatively familiar with his second wife already.
Yeah, “relative”.
You and me both, Walky, you and me both.
Then again I never went to college, so we may never know if that trend would hold beyond 12th grade.
Yeah, I had the same outlook as Walky during my first year of college.
Ended badly.
… ok, I seem to be experiencing a strange bug on my iPhone that replaces the comic with Lesbians.
Seriously, I see the slash contest entry with Dorothy kissing Joyce.
Judging by my glance at the comments, I am alone in this.
Still, as far as bugs go, that has to be a pretty good one.
Best bug ever.
Loving these facial expressions.
College does not work that way, Walky. It’s different from school.
This is gonna end badly.
Or at least, it should end badly, without some character development on the part of both these guys.
Dorothy seems to be attracted to geeky, unmotivated gentlemen (Danny, Walky) but then feels like they are holding her back (not totally without reason) and dumps them (Danny, Walky?). Should be entertaining watching Walky handle that.
Forgive me if I’m missing some subtle nuance of the Danny/Dorothy split, it has been a long time since those comics. Still, reading this one and the one previous all I could think was “the cycle begins anew.”
Careful Walky. Having that attitude got me into trouble- I was able to skate through public school cause of my smarts, but that meant I had no framework for studying in place. When the lessons finally became more than my brain could handle without reviewing the material, the semester turned into a huge disaster I almost did not recover from.
My sentiments exactly! I even turned into a bad kid my final year of high school, skipping school and classes many many times. But I still managed to graduate because I did so terribly well the years before that, and because I was still smart and learned very easily on the days I did attend class. Now that I’m attending my third year into college, after completing my Associates, the classes are upper level and have gotten to a degree of complexity in which I have to rely on myself to learn the material via textbook. I have to actually read, and read ahead of time, as well as really learn what I’m reading. It’s some hard stuff.
Right through primary school I was told I would need to study when I got to high school. Right through high school I was told I would need to study at university. Two degrees later and people are telling me ominous things about my PhD thesis.
Dude, you are awesome.
So, anyone else notice Dorothy looks like a bond villain in that first panel?
I was just about to post how NO ONE noticed that she was still kind of channeling the episode in that first panel. Lo and behold, the very last comment noticed, too! *high fives*
She’s just being underlit by Walky’s laptop screen. Admittedly being underlit is sort of a villain thing. Myself, though, I’m distracted from the potential villainy by the ephmasis the underlighting gives to her torso shape.
Um, that says something about me, doesn’t it?
And she calls herself a fan. Walky probably had to correct that all over the place in the wiki.
seriously, there is so much angry sex impending between these two
I skimmed through some of the comments, but I get the feeling I’m the only one that feels this way: isn’t Walky kind of out of character lately, around Dorothy? I just still remember his first few reactions NEAR her…he was a total mess, and now he’s acting cool and smooth (to an extent). Or is this due to the fact that Billie got his confidence up a little bit when she tried to help them get together? I’m a first time reader, and only read this comic by Willis, so I feel like I’m seeing a strange Walky.
They have a shared hobby that he’s able to think about, distracting him from his thoughts of “HERPDERPPRETTYGIRLDERPHERP”
Didn’t she sort of shut him down and tell him to cut it out? That would encourage his few still-functioning brain cells to tell the others to get back in line. Plus, he may be getting used to her now, and also learning that she likes Dexter may have humanized her a bit in his eyes.
He’s probably actually gotten used to her, which means he’s gone back from “Buffoon,” to “Smart-Ass.”
So Walky is a genius huh. Neat.
Holy crap on a stick, Willis has rendered me in comic, vaguely-some-kind-of-ethnic form.
Walky is me right down to a T.
Only I kinda cared about uni, because I wanted to be a teacher.
Best strip in a while, and most are pretty darn good.
…Maybe he MEANT to throw the monkey, Dorothy.
Don’t do it, Dorothy! “Just one episode” is the catalyst for procrastinating the entire day away!
So Walky being smarter than he let on wasn’t just a super special Alien power?
Oh, Walky. I used to be you. And then I ran into my last year and a half of university and was inundated with anatomy, physiology, functional anatomy, exercise physiology, and kinesiology. I not only had no idea how to study, the very concept of setting aside time to study – not do coursework or write papers, but study – was foreign to me. I was so used to just retaining information from lecture that I hadn’t even bought the textbooks the first semester. Suddenly having to memorize two pages of muscles, where they originate and where they insert, and their functions – and then be able to point to them on a model – was my first wake-up call. The fact that I had excellent professors who wrote exams that required understanding of the material and not just regurgitation onto a scantron was my second wake-up call. And the prospect that if I didn’t pass these classes the first time, I’d have to delay my graduation and turn down a really good job offer was my third wake-up call.
I worked my arse off that last year and a half, and finally understood what “all nighters” REALLY were.
Dorothy looks like she has a geeky turn on in panel 4.
Somehow I missed this strip when it was originally posted. Damn, it’s a good one.
He’s really more of an ape…
I really like like Walky now, he’s just like me.
Call me a sadist or whatever, but I STILL think it would be a good story to see Walky struggling with new coursework.
Give it until Second or third year, depending on major. Although I guess he’s not in engineering or anything…