And here’s our first place winning piece of SLASH CONTEST art! It’s by Sev, and it’s Roz x Joyce. Fun fact: This is the only SLASH CONTEST art I got of Roz! Another fun fact: I may have to give Roz those stockings some time in the future.
Roz Roz Roz.
Tomorrow, we’ll see our two Honorable Mentions (they have a similar theme), and after that I’m gonna start talking about the other 16 or so entries in singles or pairs, day by day. Nobody will be at lack for SLASH CONTEST art for a good long while. As it should be.
You’re getting a poster, Sev! And an extra thing or two! But not just yet, since I’m still sick from my trip and I don’t think I should send germs through the mail.
This… this is a work of art.
And not because it’s hot Roz on Joyce action.
Well… not ENTIRELY because of that.
Edit: Also, Roz in stockings is drop dead sexy. *laugh*
Does that artist have a website? The style is really neat. Although I really cant picture Joyce and Roz together (Im sure Roz would be like, “If I were to lez out, she’d be the last one Id consider”.) they seem such opposites but hey, thats slash for you. Hmm, I might do some fanart myself, does this webcomic have a forum?
The artist did not provide a website to link to.
And no, no forum! Sorry! I had one, but that ended up basically being a big pile of spam which nobody ever posted to to begin with. So there’s just the comments.
If you want to send me art, throw it at wiigii at gmail and I’ll put it up here in the blog.
Thanks for the info. Shame about the forum though, I remember there being one for It’s Walky back in the day. I rather liked the spirit of community that webcomic forums had but they seem to be less in vogue these days.
But there is this!
This is so incredibly well done! Congratulations!
Naturally the first and second places include Joyce =D
I had been thinking to draw Roz, but there were SO MANY possible OTPs! How to choose!! XD
I was going to ask, I wonder how many times each character ended up in a pic? I’m assuming Joyce is number one, and you said Roz only ended up in this one, but everyone else…?
Huh. Well done.
Yay, glad it’s so well received! It doesn’t take much to get me to draw some smoochins. I’m surprised no one’s brought up Joyce’s sweater: it’s screen printed with a picture of an owl sitting on a tree branch in front of a starry sky. My grandparents used to wear shirts like that in the 90’s.
At first glance, I thought it was drawn by John Kricfalusi. Very well done.
Roz needs to wear striped stocling from now on.
flip flops and stokings? weird idea XD
I didn’t notice the thongs.
I love this, and it’s fantastic and all, but I agree with Willis about one thing: Yesterday’s entry still makes me laugh for at least five minutes every time I look at it.
This is great! Awesome artwork!
This is just so cute.
Normally I’m not a fan of lesbian slashwork, but the characterization in this is amazing, and I like the style.
This is what my dreams look like. Excellent work.
That artwork was just… WOW! Not that I don’t like your style, Willis, but if you ever need some guest artists, now you know who to ask first.
This is adorable <3