We’ve seen fan art. But have we seen fan art of a photograph put in a frame and then arranged on a table made to look like it belongs to the character who owns the photo? Jackson Ferrell is hardcore, yo. So here we have a photo of Ethan and Amber at their prom night, all parties involved totally straight so far as they know, resting in a frame on Amber’s desk of homework and recreational reading. Sweetness.
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How cute!
I couldn’t overlook the Differnetial Equations homework on the desk
An Exact Equations problem, correct?
Yep. It’s probably not the sort of thing Amber would get into in any of her current classes, and at present in the comic, I don’t think she’d want a blatant reminder of hers and Ethan’s horrifyingly awkward prom night sitting on her desk. But I’d like to imagine that with a little distance from the event, she and Ethan would be able to look back on it with some humor and appreciation for each other’s friendship…hence this fan art, and the advanced Calculus sitting on her desk.
Wow, that turned out kinda long. If a picture is worth a thousand words, I just cranked out another tenth of a fan art piece in this very comment.
God. That looks like MY prom photo. *shudder*