Well that and zombies eat brains and Robin is about as fulfilling as a lone skittle. I thought the zombies were based on people that died at some point in the Walkyverse since Mike, Ruth, and Dina are among the undead, but Danny and Roz weren’t so I guess it’s just coincidental.
He’s either faking it, or he was patient zero and made sure to bite as many people as possible before he lost all cognizance just because he’s… well, Mike.
This is a thing of pure beauty. Poor Robin! Will she be coming back as a Zombie Speedster?
“I call zombie bullshit on that!” ~ Zoey from Left 4 Dead
Don’t worry… I think that was Roz. Which is odd, ’cause that girl knows “everything” there is to know about protection from diseases, eh?
Oh, you’re probably right. This is DoA, not SP!, so Roz is more accurate.
Well that and zombies eat brains and Robin is about as fulfilling as a lone skittle. I thought the zombies were based on people that died at some point in the Walkyverse since Mike, Ruth, and Dina are among the undead, but Danny and Roz weren’t so I guess it’s just coincidental.
Awesome… get ’em girls!
Dina’s hat in Amber’s pocket! NOOOOOOO!!!
Looks like they got Mike too, at least his personality won’t change much.
Ten bucks says he’s faking it.
Cause he’s Mike.
He’s either faking it, or he was patient zero and made sure to bite as many people as possible before he lost all cognizance just because he’s… well, Mike.
He was either patient zero, or got himself bit on purpose, for the same reason.
This comic really reminds me of “Recess”
it sure does highlight how many bespectacled characters there are, too
I swear to God, make this game and I’ll play the living hell out of it.
I have a hard time believing Mike would get zombified. He is probably just dressed up like one to troll the rest of the DoA crew.
Mike definitely looks very different from the other Zombies, he’s fakin’ it.
My first thought on seeing this.
Alas, Zombie Ruth still has her clothes on. Ah, well, a man can dream.
I’m a li’l bit late with this, but Mike’s totally faking it. Because fuck you all, that’s why.
Observation: all zombies are male, except Roz and I-think-it’s-Dina peeking over the wall. Walky is the only non-zombified male (not counting Mike).
Conclusion: Eh, I dunno.
Observation: Zombie Ryan is still going after Joyce.
Conclusion: Ryan needs a better spanking.
Observation: Sarah is about to give him one.
Conclusion: Yay!
I can’t decide if I’d team up with Sarah or Sal, if I had to choose just one character.
Who are those two guys behind Walky? They’re the only two I can’t quickly identify. I assume the one between Mike and Walky is Joe, but…
I’m pretty sure the one behind Ruth is Ethan.
This. Is. AWESOME!
*packs up*
*goes home*