Oh, look, somebody “corrected” Amber’s shirt. Thanks, Between Failures!
You’re welcome! Now my inner pedant can finally rest.
Oh my gosh! I’m not the only one! I read it like this every time.
Breast Mode is Breast Best mode.
My thought process was thus:
Why are Amber’s breasts so big in this strip? -> Wait, does her shirt say “BREAST MODE”? -> No, it doesn’t -> But it should!
No need to transform to Breast Mode, Breast Mode is 24/7.
Am I mistaken, or does this version of Amber look a lot…curvier?
/that’s the joke/
That’s because it was drawn by the guy who does the webcomic, Between Failures. He likes curvy ladies but hey who doesn’t? 🙂
You should sell BREAST MODE t-shirts.
Her Butts Disease seems to have advanced as well.
Come on…make this shirt…do it…do it!
curvy……fat…….fat as hell…..gross. whatever floats your boat.
You’re just jealous of the shirt.
I wasn’t staring at her fantastic breasts. I… I was paying attention to the dialogue! Oh gods! There’s something wrong with me!
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You’re welcome! Now my inner pedant can finally rest.
Oh my gosh! I’m not the only one! I read it like this every time.
Breast Mode is
BreastBest mode.My thought process was thus:
Why are Amber’s breasts so big in this strip? -> Wait, does her shirt say “BREAST MODE”? -> No, it doesn’t -> But it should!
No need to transform to Breast Mode, Breast Mode is 24/7.
Am I mistaken, or does this version of Amber look a lot…curvier?
/that’s the joke/
That’s because it was drawn by the guy who does the webcomic, Between Failures. He likes curvy ladies but hey who doesn’t? 🙂
You should sell BREAST MODE t-shirts.
Her Butts Disease seems to have advanced as well.
Come on…make this shirt…do it…do it!
curvy……fat…….fat as hell…..gross. whatever floats your boat.
You’re just jealous of the shirt.
I wasn’t staring at her fantastic breasts. I… I was paying attention to the dialogue! Oh gods! There’s something wrong with me!