Maybe she voted for the democrate, Robin looks like she is a republican since she is dumb, indecise, selfish, unpredictable, not trustful, don’t work hard, don’t know Politics nor Law and only won because her voters are retarded.
Leslie is the most sane, wise and smart in both Dumbing and Shortpacked wolrd.
I’m personally of the opinion that Robin is probably either an extreme democrat running against a moderate conservative (…not that that’s happened in an age), or green party. Possibly moderate republican. I don’t think Leslie would vote for a very extreme republican because she’s pretty gay (although there are plenty of gay republicans, most are democrats) and a professor (a study showed that the majority are democrats), and although I know many democrats who would vote for a more moderate republican and consider themselves democrats because they disagree with the extremism of the current republican politics, I don’t know many who would vote extremist.
I’m personally fond of the green party idea, though.
Sorry. I just love Leslie so much that I can’t believe she would vote for a republican.
Neither that Democrats would accept Robin in their party. Weren’t they supposed to be the smart ones?
And over here when we don’t like neither the democrats nor the republicans we can actually vote and elect smarter and wiser people from other parties. You know… like a Republican Democracy is suppose to be.
Problem is, isn’t this supposed to be a strongly Republican district? In the real universe at least, I’m pretty sure it is… which would mean Robin would most likely be the Republican, and that Leslie voted for the Democrat.
Though I guess in a fictional universe with a fictional Congressperson, you could stretch things a bit.
Ah, so you’re right. I just saw on Wikipedia that they have a PVI of R+6 (meaning they’re 6 points more Republican than the national average), and have a Republican representing them now, and jumped to conclusions. Looks like it’s more of a swing district though.
You realize how stupid that statement sounded right?
You just said that all republicans are stupid and that you vote for the smart people on both sides. >_> Someone please hand me the ‘Bat of Stupid People Beating’
Robin must be a Republican. She’s running on a “family values” platform, only to be embarrassed by apparent hypocrisy. Plus, looks like Roz is cooking up Robin’s very own closet gay Scandal!
Besides, she’d fit pretty well into the Palin/Bachmann/O’Donnell pattern, if you ask me.
As a fellow Democrat, could you please stop making us look bad by acting like an illiterate, bigoted jerk?
Politics goes absolutely nowhere if you do nothing but vilify the other side without trying to understand where they come from.
Also, for all we know, Leslie is a gay Republican. Not everyone lets a single wedge issue drive their entire political worldview and pigeon-hole them into a stereotype.
40% of the country is independent now, what about that? Leslie is statistically more likely to be an indy than anything else. Voting for or against a Democrat or Republican doesn’t mean you are one.
Valdrax and Lordphulish, you both seems to be wise, I hope more people think like you.
Sorry for making such a fuss. Can you forgive me for my bad english, prejudice and over-generalization?
I just get way too pissed with the right wings parties. We have three big right wing parties over here, and they have been pissing me so freaking much this year that I can’t control my anger. They are allowing big farmers to destroy riverbeds, allowing teaching religion over science in public schools, defending bigotry, stealing our money, wasting billions with sport while the health system sucks, raising their own salaries… I’m just……… way too frustrated to control my self.
Over here the Right wing parties are always doing whatever they can to transform our environmental preservation areas into big farms. The Left are not much better, they want to give the land to the poorer, not to preserve it.
I don’t think its lack of thinking about the other side, I think its greed, selfishness and ignorance from both parties. That’s why I voted for the Green Party.
I apologize for my hate comment and my bad english, not my native language (witch is portuguese, and school english class over here is not very good). I did not wanted to represent the democrats at all, i’m not even american.
I know the culture have a very big influence in politic views, that’s one of the reasons I prefer the democrats, like most of foreigns I prefer the party that cares about the rest of the world.
I just can’t believe a smart, sane, mature, lovely, kind and lesbian would vote for a republican.
As far as I know most republicans are selfish, conservative, greed, religious, intolerant, bigots, rednecks and/or can’t see farther than their own bellybuttons. Aren’t republicans against a more egalitarian health policy, gay rights, steam cell research and teaching evolution?
But I admit, maybe I’m wrong! My sources may not be very reliable.
Republicans are against “a more egalitarian” health care system, yes. Teaching creation in schools in tandem is a fringe position, and not teaching evolution more fringe. I think the mainstream Republican position is not kind to gay rights, generally disallowing gay marriage or civil unions, slightly less strongly against adoption, and about evenly split on discrimination laws. Stem cell research is split as well.
However, the US looks at social services very differently than most countries, because of our history with private industry catapulting our economy the way it has at a number of points, even to the detriment of the populace in some ways, which is why health care is more controversial.
If you “can’t believe a smart, sane, mature, lovely, kind and lesbian would vote for a republican”… well, to be honest, you’re mostly right. However, you’ve got to recall that the US view of the state is very Hobbesian, and there’s a sense that Europe and the rest of the Americas get to enjoy the levels of social services they do in part because we and other countries don’t. “Beware of generous kings,” the saying goes. It’s true Leslie is almost certainly a Democrat, or a left-leaning independent, but that’s a bit of a harsh thing to say.
(And if the Democrats would keep to their promises about the military, they wouldn’t be spending money half as fast…)
Over here the Left wing also spend twice as fast as the Right wing, using most to help the poor to not become poorer. The Right need only half to help the riches get a lot richer.
But don’t understand how your horrible social service would help us to have a better one. Seriously, how?
I THINK I understood your question. You’re wanting to know how limiting social welfare provisions could help Portuguese society.
Being a Danish Social Democrat, I’ll give you my thoughts. The primary benefit to Portugal from limiting its social welfare provisions at this point would be to get its budget deficit under control. The key to providing a social safety net is to stretch it only as wide as the money will allow. Establish an effective progressive taxation regiment and offer social welfare initiatives based on the amount of money that this regiment generates.
The problem is that Portugal overreached, and now the bill is coming due. A similar problem has emerged in Greece, only on a much more severe scale.
As far as basing your economic model off of that of the United States: don’t. Just don’t. The US is up to its neck in debt, and it’s only getting worse. Americans are lovely people (and you really should stop listening to stereotypes about them), but their government has rocks for brains.
You think she means that fictional candidate who lost a fictional race and will never have any impact on the story set in a fictional universe? That white guy? The fictional one?
See, but now Robin’s become integrated with the school, and all schools have rallies, so it’s literally just become a matter of time. I think it’ll be just after the rally Robin holds to get public support and Roz crashes her career down around her.
That reminds me of a bit from season 1 of 30 Rock where one of Liz’s secret shames is that there’s an 80% chance she’ll tell all her friends she’s voting for Hillary Clinton and secretly vote for McCain.
In other words, Leslie loves the idea of Robin and how she is paving the way for future women and minorities to run for congress, but it does change the fact that Robin is in the wrong party from Leslie’s POV.
They probably always were; Olbermann may make fun of Democrats, but the nicknames and funny voices are reserved for Republicans, Libertarians, and gigantic DINOs.
i know that as a white male i’ve obviously lived the life of a horrible oppressor and have had every opportunity handed to me on a silver platter, but i never really how something like robin winning the vote would be that inspirational in the 21st century
In that district–hell, in most districts/areas where one is a first [minority] as [government position]–it would be. We can talk about the U.S. as being a land of total equality all we want, but the truth is that government representation doesn’t reflect the population properly–in terms of gender, race, or sexuality (or ability, for that matter).
I find ability to be pretty much fairly represented in the sense that the average voter and the average politician are equally intelligent and capable of dealing with the responsibilities of elected office. Problem is, the average voter is about equally skilled at governing nations and flying space shuttles.
yeah, but in like 95% of those cases the minority candidates aren’t being oppressed, they just haven’t won yet so i don’t see how thats all that inspirational. IMO. and as mentioned before in a battle of race i am not only unarmed but also have to start with a gaping hole in my chest, if i were robin and the big thing that im known for is being the first hispanic female to win an indiana seat in 2009 as opposed to being a good rep for the people id be pretty pissed.
Wait, you think you start at a disadvantage because you’re a white guy? Here’s the skinny, Alabaster Joe: We have it really easy when it comes to public perception, because people tend to judge white dudes for what they’ve done instead of for their race or their sex or whatevs.
Robin would totally be a big deal, and yeah, an inspiration. Just not to, y’know, White Guys like us.
There’s a difference between lacking equal representation in government and being (actively) oppressed. To put race aside for the moment, about half of the population is female. While things aren’t completely fair yet, I don’t think they’re actively oppressed – but you’d be hard-pressed to tell that by counting up the genders of the politicians.
“in a battle of race i am not only unarmed but also have to start with a gaping hole in my chest”
Er… no. Being non-white in U.S. politics actually tends to work against you, as does not being a man. Here in the States, being a white male gives you instant authority and if you don’t fit into one of those categories (white or male), yr legitimacy will be questioned. Just look at the whole Obama birth certificate controversy (“Clearly he can’t be a citizen of the United States–I mean, he’s black!”) and how Hillary Clinton was treated throughout her campaign (“She’s too manly.” “Pant suits.” “SHE DOESN’T SHOW ANY EMOTION–SHE’S A ROBOT.” “omg, she’s crying? What a weak, hysterical woman. Clearly unfit to govern.”). If scales are so tipped against you, then how come the vast majority of the government is white and male?
But back to the whole “white = authority, white male = double authority” thing. MagpieSeven is right. And right now you might be giving him more credibility because he, like you, is a white dude, while I’m–if yr judging based on my gravatar–an angry black female and you might be less inclined to listen to me because “I have an interest in being oppressed.” For the record, I’m a queer latin@ and I would LOVE to not be oppressed and for people to look at me as a person outside of my ethnicity, gender, and sexuality, but they don’t, so I’m just going to point out and fight against inequality where I see it.
Really? You’re claiming it’s more unfair to be white? You’re “unarmed”? No, you’re in the belly of a tank you take completely for granted, complaining that everyone else gets a sword.
i didn’t say it was unfair to be white. what i meant by that statement, being an aside by the way and totally not the important part of the post, was that as a white male if i make even the innocent comment regarding someones race or sex i can, have, and will be trolled to hell as being a racist
You are just determined to argue with the guy who made the comic you are commenting on.
Also, in some areas it IS bad to be white, but basically, does it really matter? Situational aspects will always vary so in one area WHITE IS BAD and another YELLOW IS BAD. You understand? Now calm down and enjoy the comic o3o I Just wanna see Robin and Leslie make out already.
I think he feels he’s at a disadvantage on the SUBJECT of racial progressiveness, but despite the desire to be seen as for such, he still feels that her victory to be somewhat insubstantial, given the perceived level of racial acceptance in this day and age.
David = white(?)
David = currently being trolled to hell on the Internet
Also: “Oh man, it sucks how because I’m a white male as soon as I talk about race or sex I start blurting out racist-sounding comments that people can easily misconstrue. I’m not oppressing anyone, just verbally putting them down for feeling proud about something for which I have no background to understand, because I am a white male. It’s not like there are really racists in the 21st century; slavery ended years ago. I also announce that I am a white male everywhere I go, because I am used to being treated well for it in person and on the Internet no one can tell right away and people just treat me like I’m an asshole! They’re oppressing me BECAUSE I’m a white male, which they must know because I announce it constantly.”
I have just created a new favorite character, based off roughly 50 people I have met online and offline. yay
Huh, I thought he meant as a white male he has no experience as a minority, and thus in the ‘battle of races’ argument he is unarmed.
But judging by these reactions a lot of people are seeing the same something being said that I…. dont see.
But regaurdless of that part I do agree with Lord of the dance on his endstate.
If I was elected as a minority and instead of the changes I made and the challenges I tackled all people talked about in regaurds to me was how I was the first such and such race or gender, id be pretty pissed too.
Or maybe not angry, but dissapointed, like MLK on the boondocks episode where he comes back.
And if you’d used your brain in the first place, you would have never played the race card as a white guy. (And despite what my gravatar shows, I am also a white guy)
for the last time i didn’t play the race card. that line was simply a tool to put my ignorance on the subject at hand front and center in order to promote an honest discussion of a topic that i was curious about, its not my fault that certain people are too stupid to pick up on that and instead of asking for a clarifier decide to make ludicrous assumptions based on absolutely nothing
yeah even if you were sketchy on what he meant with unarmed if you look at the entirety of his post any attempt at playing a race card is so far out of context it would make his statement so self contradicting it would have been nonsensical.
“as mentioned before in a battle of race i am not only unarmed but also have to start with a gaping hole in my chest”
That’s not playing a race card? Saying “I’m disadvantaged because I’m X race” isn’t a race card? Excuse me for a bit, I’ve got some people to slap around so I can see how well saying “You’re only doing this because I’m white!” works on the police.
the phrase i used is loosely based on the shakespeare quote “I’d challenge you to a battle of wits, but you seem to be Un-armed” where i live it is a general phrase used to display a situation of relative disadvantage either in yourself or others. in this case i was saying that i, as a white man, was in no position to comment on finding a member of my race/sex being elected to congress inspirational because the first white senator was way back in 1789 when the first congress met. i will apologize for its usage in the sense that it seems that its more of a regional phrase than i though it was and apparently only one other person gets it. i also apologize that its apparently such a terribly disgusting phrase that only one person was able to get past it and actually read the rest of my post and see what i was really talking about.
I dunno if it’s just a regional thing, but it’s not something I would ever have picked up on. At the same time, it is far from uncommon to hear white people whining about how they’re hurt by reverse racism. While I agree that this may be true in some cases (affirmative action and quotas, for instance), for the most part there’s no basis for it. And, unfortunately, these views tend to be held by those who have other, more extreme views. So when you said what you did, you expected, based on your background and experiences, that it would be clear to everyone, but our collective backgrounds and experiences made us hear “When it comes to race, I’m at a disadvantage since I don’t have a race card to play.”
Well for one, minority communities are usually split apart during the redistricting process into three or four other districts to make it harder for minorities to get elected. Plus some portions of the country are just plain uncomfortable with people who don’t look like them.
… I guess that includes every illegal immigrant and country that sees what we have and goes ‘those people need to get in shape and get to work’. And I kinda agree, America hasalot of potential, but the people are… Either slow and intelligent, or fast and arrogant. And in a country that values numbers over quality, the smart ones get weaned out quickly in favor of the short cut takers.
If you need proof, look at our nation’s leaders and try to tell me with a straight face they aren’t just silver tongued retards.
Well when the choices are limited, they take the retard that looks younger or one that ‘symbolizes something’. Kinda like the ‘inspirating Robin DeSanto’
The choices are hardly limited. There’s always third-party candidates and write-ins. The only thing limiting voters is their adherence to the two-party system and those parties’ ability to spend enormous amounts of money.
Hate to burst your bubble but they have been in the bad graces of a majority of countries since 1776.
And to top it off they whitewash [literally – see 1812] the evidence.
Being anti-Transformers isn’t being anti-American. It’s being anti-Michael Bay! Besides, as Mr. Willis could tell you, Transformers started over in Japan.
Transformers started in the Marvel Comics offices when the company was tasked by Hasbro with naming, giving personalities, and crafting a backstory for transforming robots from a variety of Japanese toylines. It’s as American as it is Japanese.
No Roz, stop being a bad sister with evil plans. Sure it will probably ruin Robin’s career, but what about what it does to your teacher’s feelings. Or your sister’s. This can hurt both of them a lot.
Yeah it can hurt more people than just them, but they will be the ones hurt most. Hopefully though Roz’s plan backfires, and ends up in a strong relationship.
Well, if Roz succeeds even partially in destroying Robin’s career in politics, then Rob/Les is a sure thing (since her pressure to achieve something came from her career in politics, and it was that pressure that ruined the Rob/Les relationship in SP.)
Honestly, as long as Roz’s plan doesn’t involve roofies or anything, I think she could do a whole lot worse than to foster a relationship that challenges her sister to give up on the “traditional family values” platform.
Whether Robin knows she’s attracted to women in this universe is unknown, but it seems likely that she hasn’t thought at all about the real people whom “TFV” disenfranchises.
Leslie is one of those people, and the fact that she doesn’t see herself as a victim just makes the realization that much more powerful the next time Robin has to sign a bill on hate speech.
The traditional family values platform may not be a core part of Robin’s ideology, just a bare necessity to get elected where she’s running. I would run on a ballot of traditional family values in a heartbeat if I could vote how i wanted on other issues because frankly, there are a lot of issues that are just more important and you need to pick your battles.
See, this is why Roz wasn’t being THE MOUTHPIECE the other day. Sure, the core of what she said made sense, but she ended it with (paraphrased), “And I’ll destroy your political career to prove that I can do what I want with my body.”
And then at the same tiiiiiime… she shouldn’t be enslaved to her big sis’s politics or constituents. It’s complex and sad, but there you go. She should try to be somewhat responsible for the sakke of her family, but Robin should NOT get to control her body. Roz sleeping with someone? Eh, not a problem. posting a sex tape online? Eh, also not really a problem. Doing it to prove that she can do what she wants with her body? Not really THAT bad a thing… doing it to sabotage her sister for the above reasons? If she had THAT bit in mind, then yeah, it’s becoming less-good.
So hey, I like it. You have both good and bad, or “she’s got a point” and “She’s wrong” at once! You know, like real people!
i don’t think robin was trying to control rozs body. i think that if roz had bothered to ask instead of just throwing a tantrum robins response probably wouldve been along the lines of “i don’t care, just stop slutting it up online so it stops causing me problems”
If Robin’s political career is predicated on the idea that people do not have the right to do what they want with their sex lives… is it really so bad to wreck that career? The founding fathers were pretty vague on what PENIS goes in which WHERE. Campaigning for “you can’t marry him, God says that’s yucky” is a morally bankrupt stance
(especially if you don’t believe it), and deserves all the wrecking it gets, and then some.
But Robin’s career may not be based on those things. She may just be cautious about goring anyone’s sacred cows as she tries to keep her campaign focused on whatever issues she is passionate about. Even if certain issues aren’t a candidates main focus so much as those of the oposing party a candidate in a close enough district still has to tiptoe to keep from activating the opponent’s base into turning out and casting ‘anti’ votes against you. Robin may or may not be a family values candidate specifically but may just have to keep family values issues in mind because that is good political practice.
Yes. This is obviously the reason. Every mean thing Roz has ever done to Robin has been all part of a master plan so she could go to college with her big sis.
ive always dreamed of going to college with my big sis too. granted my “sis” is a 6’2 300lbs man, but he wears his hair down past his shoulder so i maintain that it counts big time
Clearly you have never been exposed to tubgirl, lemon party, 2 girls 1 cup or pain olympics have you? That image is just an itch compared to the gaping wounds those other things I mentioned are.
Well that still leaves the possibility of them just being straight up Spanish. Or their great great grandfather having been Spanish but now they’re just European descended mutt.
Interestingly, I have a friend whose last name is obviously spanish and his first name is robert. I assumed the european mutt. Of course that wasn’t accurate, he’s Colombian, so I guess I’m not helping my case.
And i just looked up desanto on wikipedia and the only two people with ethnicity mentioned were italian, which is actually what i assumed had previously assumed Robin and Roz to be. Not because of the name, it just seemed to fit.
I don’t live in the Indiana 9th congressional district, but I do live in Louisville, right across the Ohio, and much of it is in our metro area.
In our world, Republican Todd Young defeated the Democrat incumbent Baron Hill last November, 52% – 42%. Democrat Hill held this seat from January 3, 1999, to January 3, 2005, and again from January 3, 2007, to January 3, 2011 (figures and dates courtesy of Wikipedia).
Ok, I had to dtive through ky recently and this has been bugging me ever since so please help me understand this…
Why the hell can NO ONE in Kentucky pronounce Louisville?
I can understand nicknames and stuff, like Louieville, but how the hell do they take a three syllable word and turn it into a one syllable pile of verbal mush?
How the HELL is anyone who’s not from that place supposed to know that Lgffhvl is supposed to be Louisville?
They say Elizabeth town or ‘E town’ just fine and dandy, so what the HELL is up with Louisville?
And why the hell do you not have a SINGLE bank of america in your entire state?
They deep fry EVERYTHING!!! Who the hell deep fries corn on the cob? And it smells like they deep fry it in the gasoline. That cant be safe.
Sorry, sorry, I went off on a little rant there, it was just a horrible experience its going to be a LONG time before I drive across the country again, Id feel less uncomfortable in Germany or Korea (South of course) than some of the. …. strange states I drove through.
If peeps wants to see the grandkid again they can go take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut or visit me in Vegas.
Oh seriously though what’s up with the pronunciation of Louisville?
My sister used to live there. It’s pronounced Loo-ahh-vul. Just enough Southerners congregated there for the horse racing that you get the southern accent. They tolerate people saying Lewis-ville and Louie-ville, but live there long enough, and you’ll pronounce it Loo-ahh-vul.
I say Loovul…but I live in E-ville, so i think it’s just an adopted way of saying it lol. i don’t have a terribly southern accent most the time. In fact most the time I’m at work (McDonalds) I use an Australian accent….why? It’s fun to make customers believe I’m from Australia
Not necessarily. Out here in the Pacific NW there was one particular race where I would have much preferred the white male to the hispanic female candidate. And I just got home from a Democratic Central Committee meeting a little bit ago.
Keep in mind, too, Roz is going through what many college Freshmen do – the “I just discovered things I believe in – I, myself, not my parents necessarily!” phase, which usually results in a temporary period of HILAAAAAAARIOUS overzealousness. Conservatives go a-lynchin’, liberals go a-tree huggin’, and eventually they even out into normal people.
I dunno. I feel like you have to be pretty damn convicted to put out a sex tape just to make a political point. I think this kind of goes beyond a simple phase.
Lewis Black said it best. After all the scandals and all the deceit, in this day and age anyone who still considers themself a Republican or a Democrat is an idiot. I think his language was more colorful.
I don’t think that considering yourself aligned with a political party means you’ve gotta agree with everything they say. I’m a democrat but that doesn’t mean I go “oh democrat politician Imma agree with them now”
Well right, but you’re a democrat. Republicans *officially* rescinded their big-tent policy a while back, I believe (at least among the actual politicians) – it’s easier to consolidate your votes and win things if you actually, uh, consolidate your votes and vote in a block.
Unless your block is some kind of a fad or the mitivation behind it dwindles away. Then you look back fondly at the idea of the big tent.
And there are Republicans actively bemoaning the strict confines of what has become of the heart of their party, but they still hang on at the fringes. So it may be harder but is not impossible to find a Republican who is not part of the current set of pitchforks and torches that have gotten the spotlight of late.
It’s perfectly accceptable, they’re college students now, nearly adults, they need to start thinking about this stuff. But the thing that really makes it acceptable is Roz came to her and asked, Leslie wasn’t ranting her political views off during class.
In say High School or down, no probably not appropriate however.
That is the ideal. But people actually vote for any number of reasons. Too many are willing to assume that a candidate is lying about what they say they will do because something about who the candidate is convinces them of that.
How is she trying to break Leslie? She’s actually trying to make her kinda happy… for selfish reasons mind you, that will more likely negatively affect Robin’s political career, but that doesn’t mean it’ll break Leslie. 😛
Why thank you Wix. I hate to promote my own thing on someone elses site so I’ll just say you should click my name….I’ll be updating tomorrow probably around 4 pm central time
Well said. And the political “spectrum” doesn’t always work very well.,many think that it has multiple axes, the most common being the standard more or less government influence in society. But people even break that down by what parts of societal life government should or should not be in (public health, regulation of trade, family and cultural issues, etc.) But even if we look at the typical right to left spectrum how does one account for libertarians? On one hand you have the John Birch Society, sovereign citizen types. On the other you have MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell. And many libertarians can hold beliefs from the far left and the far right simultaneous to espousing distaste for political moderation. I call these ‘political magenta’ as in some understandings of the color spectrum magenta bridges red and violet without touching the yellow-green-blue in the middle.
In any case, though, all political commitments fall to the wayside when the choice gets difficult enough. I’m a Democratic Precinct Committee person, but give me a choice between a Republican like Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and a Democrat like Montana Senator Max Baucus and I’m voting Republican. You can never tell when life is going to give you one of Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver’s Satan sandwiches, but in politics it happens more often than some idealists would care to admit.
The term “guy” is generic term. The specification of “white” would require being white to be an unusual enough quality that it would identify the guy. Since it is not, it only serves to be a quick way of saying, “Hur hur hur, they’re always white.”
And so, from such ignoble birth as a weak joke, a brief word choice goes on to inspire arguments about bringing race up for no reason, whether or not there is racial equality in the present day, and how representation should happen on the basis of matching elected officials to demographic statistics.
Need to be more specific.
Michael Dukakis.
A little more specific, please.
Michael Stanley Dukakis (b. 11/3/1933)
Or his evil twin Roderick.
Obligatory “Roderick, no!”
Nice to know that Leslie doesn’t vote with her libido.
True, that really is for the best. But still, is it bad that I kinda wish she would? D= LesliexRobin 4evs
I bet Leslie would be glad to ‘slip a special vote’ into Robin’s ‘private ballot box’. 😀
with his peni…. wait.
With her strap-on?
This is the answer.
Femurs gone wild.
For a nickel?
would have been soo awesome if I had been Mike…
Nickel femur strap on?
That’s a pretty good band name…
Man – that’s COLD!!! >_<
Maybe she voted for the democrate, Robin looks like she is a republican since she is dumb, indecise, selfish, unpredictable, not trustful, don’t work hard, don’t know Politics nor Law and only won because her voters are retarded.
Leslie is the most sane, wise and smart in both Dumbing and Shortpacked wolrd.
hmm… if i didn’t know any better i would say that was quite the hateful statement
That is quite the hateful statement. You won’t get very far in life if you can’t figure out why the other side thinks what they think.
Plus, who knows if Leslie is even democrat. For all we know, Leslie totally agrees with republic economic and foreign policy.
I’m personally of the opinion that Robin is probably either an extreme democrat running against a moderate conservative (…not that that’s happened in an age), or green party. Possibly moderate republican. I don’t think Leslie would vote for a very extreme republican because she’s pretty gay (although there are plenty of gay republicans, most are democrats) and a professor (a study showed that the majority are democrats), and although I know many democrats who would vote for a more moderate republican and consider themselves democrats because they disagree with the extremism of the current republican politics, I don’t know many who would vote extremist.
I’m personally fond of the green party idea, though.
Robin is DEFINITELY not Green Party. Her ‘family values’ platform would get her run out of there so fast your head’ll spin.
I’m pretty sure she’s a closeted Republican and Leslie voted for a white Democrat that ran against her.
Sorry. I just love Leslie so much that I can’t believe she would vote for a republican.
Neither that Democrats would accept Robin in their party. Weren’t they supposed to be the smart ones?
And over here when we don’t like neither the democrats nor the republicans we can actually vote and elect smarter and wiser people from other parties. You know… like a Republican Democracy is suppose to be.
Comments like these make me want to make Leslie a Republican.
Problem is, isn’t this supposed to be a strongly Republican district? In the real universe at least, I’m pretty sure it is… which would mean Robin would most likely be the Republican, and that Leslie voted for the Democrat.
Though I guess in a fictional universe with a fictional Congressperson, you could stretch things a bit.
Within the past fifty years, the Indiana’s ninth has had a Republican representative for only seven of them.
Ah, so you’re right. I just saw on Wikipedia that they have a PVI of R+6 (meaning they’re 6 points more Republican than the national average), and have a Republican representing them now, and jumped to conclusions. Looks like it’s more of a swing district though.
You realize how stupid that statement sounded right?
You just said that all republicans are stupid and that you vote for the smart people on both sides. >_> Someone please hand me the ‘Bat of Stupid People Beating’
The Bat Of Stupid People Beating is not to be used for political discussion – that causes it to have to be replaced too often.
Robin must be a Republican. She’s running on a “family values” platform, only to be embarrassed by apparent hypocrisy. Plus, looks like Roz is cooking up Robin’s very own closet gay Scandal!
Besides, she’d fit pretty well into the Palin/Bachmann/O’Donnell pattern, if you ask me.
As a fellow Democrat, could you please stop making us look bad by acting like an illiterate, bigoted jerk?
Politics goes absolutely nowhere if you do nothing but vilify the other side without trying to understand where they come from.
Also, for all we know, Leslie is a gay Republican. Not everyone lets a single wedge issue drive their entire political worldview and pigeon-hole them into a stereotype.
Hear, hear!
40% of the country is independent now, what about that? Leslie is statistically more likely to be an indy than anything else. Voting for or against a Democrat or Republican doesn’t mean you are one.
Thank you for ending this.
A politician attacking a minority group “wedge issue” if you happen to be part of the relevant group.
And frankly, I don’t think it should be even if you’re not.
Valdrax and Lordphulish, you both seems to be wise, I hope more people think like you.
Sorry for making such a fuss. Can you forgive me for my bad english, prejudice and over-generalization?
I just get way too pissed with the right wings parties. We have three big right wing parties over here, and they have been pissing me so freaking much this year that I can’t control my anger. They are allowing big farmers to destroy riverbeds, allowing teaching religion over science in public schools, defending bigotry, stealing our money, wasting billions with sport while the health system sucks, raising their own salaries… I’m just……… way too frustrated to control my self.
And they do all that because the espouse political ideals they haven’t thought through very well. See? You can learn from your opponents.
Over here the Right wing parties are always doing whatever they can to transform our environmental preservation areas into big farms. The Left are not much better, they want to give the land to the poorer, not to preserve it.
I don’t think its lack of thinking about the other side, I think its greed, selfishness and ignorance from both parties. That’s why I voted for the Green Party.
Almost without exception, political parties are a lot like bedpans; they needed to be changed and for the same reason.
I don’t believe I need to elaberate the reason, do I?
Sadly, we keep swapping out the two bedpans without bothering to clean them first.
That makes the metaphor even more accurate. 🙂
I agree. Great metaphor.
But sometimes we also may use the same bedpan twice without cleaning.
And here I always thought it was about diapers ….
But then again, this is what you get with an entrenched two party system that is self perpetuating.
You may have even 70% independents but one of the two parties will have their “person” in the oval office. It’s just gamed that way.
bad hygiene?
Yes, in that over time they become full of-
So judging by both your spelling and your opinion that all Republicans are dumb, you must be the biggest Republican of all
I’m keeping this entire exchange on the site just for this one response.
Ouch, harsh!
I apologize for my hate comment and my bad english, not my native language (witch is portuguese, and school english class over here is not very good). I did not wanted to represent the democrats at all, i’m not even american.
I know the culture have a very big influence in politic views, that’s one of the reasons I prefer the democrats, like most of foreigns I prefer the party that cares about the rest of the world.
I just can’t believe a smart, sane, mature, lovely, kind and lesbian would vote for a republican.
As far as I know most republicans are selfish, conservative, greed, religious, intolerant, bigots, rednecks and/or can’t see farther than their own bellybuttons. Aren’t republicans against a more egalitarian health policy, gay rights, steam cell research and teaching evolution?
But I admit, maybe I’m wrong! My sources may not be very reliable.
“I’m sorry for my hateful words about Republicans. Here’s a few more of them.”
Really. Hey, Rodrigo, can I take that shovel for you. That hole looks quite deep enough.
Allow me to explain the difference between Democrats and Republicans at least as far as the ones that get into office go.
The Republicans spend money. The Democrats spend money faster. That is all you really need to know.
Australia has very different meanings for certain political words, for instance:
A Liberal voter is typically right wing and conservative.
The (Australian) Democrats used to be the 3rd party that kept the ‘bastards’ honest, now that job is the Greens.
Republicans are against “a more egalitarian” health care system, yes. Teaching creation in schools in tandem is a fringe position, and not teaching evolution more fringe. I think the mainstream Republican position is not kind to gay rights, generally disallowing gay marriage or civil unions, slightly less strongly against adoption, and about evenly split on discrimination laws. Stem cell research is split as well.
However, the US looks at social services very differently than most countries, because of our history with private industry catapulting our economy the way it has at a number of points, even to the detriment of the populace in some ways, which is why health care is more controversial.
If you “can’t believe a smart, sane, mature, lovely, kind and lesbian would vote for a republican”… well, to be honest, you’re mostly right. However, you’ve got to recall that the US view of the state is very Hobbesian, and there’s a sense that Europe and the rest of the Americas get to enjoy the levels of social services they do in part because we and other countries don’t. “Beware of generous kings,” the saying goes. It’s true Leslie is almost certainly a Democrat, or a left-leaning independent, but that’s a bit of a harsh thing to say.
(And if the Democrats would keep to their promises about the military, they wouldn’t be spending money half as fast…)
Over here the Left wing also spend twice as fast as the Right wing, using most to help the poor to not become poorer. The Right need only half to help the riches get a lot richer.
But don’t understand how your horrible social service would help us to have a better one. Seriously, how?
I THINK I understood your question. You’re wanting to know how limiting social welfare provisions could help Portuguese society.
Being a Danish Social Democrat, I’ll give you my thoughts. The primary benefit to Portugal from limiting its social welfare provisions at this point would be to get its budget deficit under control. The key to providing a social safety net is to stretch it only as wide as the money will allow. Establish an effective progressive taxation regiment and offer social welfare initiatives based on the amount of money that this regiment generates.
The problem is that Portugal overreached, and now the bill is coming due. A similar problem has emerged in Greece, only on a much more severe scale.
As far as basing your economic model off of that of the United States: don’t. Just don’t. The US is up to its neck in debt, and it’s only getting worse. Americans are lovely people (and you really should stop listening to stereotypes about them), but their government has rocks for brains.
Damn, dude! We felt the tremors of that exchange over here in DENMARK. Stop shaking my house!
100% agreed.
i like your name. I was thinking about using it.
I wish “the white guy she ran against” narrowed it down some =/
If you lived in that district, you’d know who she meant.
Which white guy?
Since most elections in the US are two horse races, it would be obvious.
The one in the suit.
The one she was running against. If leslie had said “I voted for not-Robin” then she would be exactly as specific as she is now.
Sydney Yus in disguise?
You think she means that fictional candidate who lost a fictional race and will never have any impact on the story set in a fictional universe? That white guy? The fictional one?
Ronald Reagan?
I was wondering when someone was going to mention him…
Wah. Wah. Waaaaaaaaah.
Oh good. Leslie already knows not to let a strong personality override her common sense. This probably puts her one up on SP’s Leslie.
that just means robin never showed up to a rally dressed as princess leia
See, but now Robin’s become integrated with the school, and all schools have rallies, so it’s literally just become a matter of time. I think it’ll be just after the rally Robin holds to get public support and Roz crashes her career down around her.
That reminds me of a bit from season 1 of 30 Rock where one of Liz’s secret shames is that there’s an 80% chance she’ll tell all her friends she’s voting for Hillary Clinton and secretly vote for McCain.
In other words, Leslie loves the idea of Robin and how she is paving the way for future women and minorities to run for congress, but it does change the fact that Robin is in the wrong party from Leslie’s POV.
Ah, so it’s the right person, wrong party perspective that I heard so much.
Exactamundo! *gotta love the late 80s*
Check out the big brain on Brad!
This is a tasty burger.
Atta girl, Les.
Panel 2 needs a sound effect.
You’re suggesting that Roz may be up to no good!?!
*shock/horror/dismay* 😛
I didn’t see anyone digging graves…
… So I should just fill up that hole?
With your penis.
… I’m gonna need a bottle of viagra to do that.
Or teleporting into ErfWorld.
So I take it this Robin’s policies are a little more problematic than “World Peace,” “make these two guys bang,” and “ban all cancer forever.”
They probably always were; Olbermann may make fun of Democrats, but the nicknames and funny voices are reserved for Republicans, Libertarians, and gigantic DINOs.
I think you forgot her platform on the critical Dinobot v. Soundwave debate.
But I doubt THAT’S what Leslie disagrees with!
I mean, it’s Dinobot for crying out loud. =P
That whole “Family Values” thing last fortnight was a warning.
i know that as a white male i’ve obviously lived the life of a horrible oppressor and have had every opportunity handed to me on a silver platter, but i never really how something like robin winning the vote would be that inspirational in the 21st century
In that district–hell, in most districts/areas where one is a first [minority] as [government position]–it would be. We can talk about the U.S. as being a land of total equality all we want, but the truth is that government representation doesn’t reflect the population properly–in terms of gender, race, or sexuality (or ability, for that matter).
I find ability to be pretty much fairly represented in the sense that the average voter and the average politician are equally intelligent and capable of dealing with the responsibilities of elected office. Problem is, the average voter is about equally skilled at governing nations and flying space shuttles.
yeah, but in like 95% of those cases the minority candidates aren’t being oppressed, they just haven’t won yet so i don’t see how thats all that inspirational. IMO. and as mentioned before in a battle of race i am not only unarmed but also have to start with a gaping hole in my chest, if i were robin and the big thing that im known for is being the first hispanic female to win an indiana seat in 2009 as opposed to being a good rep for the people id be pretty pissed.
Wait, you think you start at a disadvantage because you’re a white guy? Here’s the skinny, Alabaster Joe: We have it really easy when it comes to public perception, because people tend to judge white dudes for what they’ve done instead of for their race or their sex or whatevs.
Robin would totally be a big deal, and yeah, an inspiration. Just not to, y’know, White Guys like us.
There’s a difference between lacking equal representation in government and being (actively) oppressed. To put race aside for the moment, about half of the population is female. While things aren’t completely fair yet, I don’t think they’re actively oppressed – but you’d be hard-pressed to tell that by counting up the genders of the politicians.
“in a battle of race i am not only unarmed but also have to start with a gaping hole in my chest”
Er… no. Being non-white in U.S. politics actually tends to work against you, as does not being a man. Here in the States, being a white male gives you instant authority and if you don’t fit into one of those categories (white or male), yr legitimacy will be questioned. Just look at the whole Obama birth certificate controversy (“Clearly he can’t be a citizen of the United States–I mean, he’s black!”) and how Hillary Clinton was treated throughout her campaign (“She’s too manly.” “Pant suits.” “SHE DOESN’T SHOW ANY EMOTION–SHE’S A ROBOT.” “omg, she’s crying? What a weak, hysterical woman. Clearly unfit to govern.”). If scales are so tipped against you, then how come the vast majority of the government is white and male?
But back to the whole “white = authority, white male = double authority” thing. MagpieSeven is right. And right now you might be giving him more credibility because he, like you, is a white dude, while I’m–if yr judging based on my gravatar–an angry black female and you might be less inclined to listen to me because “I have an interest in being oppressed.” For the record, I’m a queer latin@ and I would LOVE to not be oppressed and for people to look at me as a person outside of my ethnicity, gender, and sexuality, but they don’t, so I’m just going to point out and fight against inequality where I see it.
Wait, you’re not a hostile black woman? Well, I guess you could still be cool. Ha ha ha.
Really? You’re claiming it’s more unfair to be white? You’re “unarmed”? No, you’re in the belly of a tank you take completely for granted, complaining that everyone else gets a sword.
i didn’t say it was unfair to be white. what i meant by that statement, being an aside by the way and totally not the important part of the post, was that as a white male if i make even the innocent comment regarding someones race or sex i can, have, and will be trolled to hell as being a racist
Man, I bet some non-white people wish to high heaven the worst thing that happened to them is that they got “trolled to hell” on the Internet.
wow… you are just totally determined to not get my point huh?
You are just determined to argue with the guy who made the comic you are commenting on.
Also, in some areas it IS bad to be white, but basically, does it really matter? Situational aspects will always vary so in one area WHITE IS BAD and another YELLOW IS BAD. You understand? Now calm down and enjoy the comic o3o I Just wanna see Robin and Leslie make out already.
I think he feels he’s at a disadvantage on the SUBJECT of racial progressiveness, but despite the desire to be seen as for such, he still feels that her victory to be somewhat insubstantial, given the perceived level of racial acceptance in this day and age.
Sorry if I’m putting words in your mouth, LoD
David = white(?)
David = currently being trolled to hell on the Internet
Also: “Oh man, it sucks how because I’m a white male as soon as I talk about race or sex I start blurting out racist-sounding comments that people can easily misconstrue. I’m not oppressing anyone, just verbally putting them down for feeling proud about something for which I have no background to understand, because I am a white male. It’s not like there are really racists in the 21st century; slavery ended years ago. I also announce that I am a white male everywhere I go, because I am used to being treated well for it in person and on the Internet no one can tell right away and people just treat me like I’m an asshole! They’re oppressing me BECAUSE I’m a white male, which they must know because I announce it constantly.”
I have just created a new favorite character, based off roughly 50 people I have met online and offline. yay
Huh, I thought he meant as a white male he has no experience as a minority, and thus in the ‘battle of races’ argument he is unarmed.
But judging by these reactions a lot of people are seeing the same something being said that I…. dont see.
But regaurdless of that part I do agree with Lord of the dance on his endstate.
If I was elected as a minority and instead of the changes I made and the challenges I tackled all people talked about in regaurds to me was how I was the first such and such race or gender, id be pretty pissed too.
Or maybe not angry, but dissapointed, like MLK on the boondocks episode where he comes back.
see? at least someone here can use their brain
And if you’d used your brain in the first place, you would have never played the race card as a white guy. (And despite what my gravatar shows, I am also a white guy)
for the last time i didn’t play the race card. that line was simply a tool to put my ignorance on the subject at hand front and center in order to promote an honest discussion of a topic that i was curious about, its not my fault that certain people are too stupid to pick up on that and instead of asking for a clarifier decide to make ludicrous assumptions based on absolutely nothing
What a terrible card game! “Caucasian, I choose you!”
yeah even if you were sketchy on what he meant with unarmed if you look at the entirety of his post any attempt at playing a race card is so far out of context it would make his statement so self contradicting it would have been nonsensical.
“as mentioned before in a battle of race i am not only unarmed but also have to start with a gaping hole in my chest”
That’s not playing a race card? Saying “I’m disadvantaged because I’m X race” isn’t a race card? Excuse me for a bit, I’ve got some people to slap around so I can see how well saying “You’re only doing this because I’m white!” works on the police.
the phrase i used is loosely based on the shakespeare quote “I’d challenge you to a battle of wits, but you seem to be Un-armed” where i live it is a general phrase used to display a situation of relative disadvantage either in yourself or others. in this case i was saying that i, as a white man, was in no position to comment on finding a member of my race/sex being elected to congress inspirational because the first white senator was way back in 1789 when the first congress met. i will apologize for its usage in the sense that it seems that its more of a regional phrase than i though it was and apparently only one other person gets it. i also apologize that its apparently such a terribly disgusting phrase that only one person was able to get past it and actually read the rest of my post and see what i was really talking about.
I dunno if it’s just a regional thing, but it’s not something I would ever have picked up on. At the same time, it is far from uncommon to hear white people whining about how they’re hurt by reverse racism. While I agree that this may be true in some cases (affirmative action and quotas, for instance), for the most part there’s no basis for it. And, unfortunately, these views tend to be held by those who have other, more extreme views. So when you said what you did, you expected, based on your background and experiences, that it would be clear to everyone, but our collective backgrounds and experiences made us hear “When it comes to race, I’m at a disadvantage since I don’t have a race card to play.”
Well for one, minority communities are usually split apart during the redistricting process into three or four other districts to make it harder for minorities to get elected. Plus some portions of the country are just plain uncomfortable with people who don’t look like them.
I took a look at some of those districts last election and they make an Escher painting look simplistic the way they convolute those boundaries.
Yep, Republican.
If Robin’s campaigns are anything like the SP Robin’s, it’s no wonder Leslie voted for the other guy.
You mean you’re against a platform to ban cancer forever? Why do you hate America?
I think Jimmy was referring to the campaign featuring transformers as the main platform.
You’re against a campaign involving Transformers? WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA???
I don’t hate America, it’s just that America has been on bad graces with some countries. In short, the Bush administration.
*in small voice* I was…uh…joking…
You tell jokes? WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA?????
I am ashamed. I will never hate America again, for America is smart, beautiful, and queen of the ponies.
I remember been told years ago that a true patriot is a person who loves their country but hates just about everyone who lives there.
… I guess that includes every illegal immigrant and country that sees what we have and goes ‘those people need to get in shape and get to work’. And I kinda agree, America hasalot of potential, but the people are… Either slow and intelligent, or fast and arrogant. And in a country that values numbers over quality, the smart ones get weaned out quickly in favor of the short cut takers.
If you need proof, look at our nation’s leaders and try to tell me with a straight face they aren’t just silver tongued retards.
If our leaders are “silver tongued retards” I hate to think of what that makes the populace that often reelects them.
Well when the choices are limited, they take the retard that looks younger or one that ‘symbolizes something’. Kinda like the ‘inspirating Robin DeSanto’
The choices are hardly limited. There’s always third-party candidates and write-ins. The only thing limiting voters is their adherence to the two-party system and those parties’ ability to spend enormous amounts of money.
In shorter, more accurate, and realistic, Forever.
Hate to burst your bubble but they have been in the bad graces of a majority of countries since 1776.
And to top it off they whitewash [literally – see 1812] the evidence.
Being anti-Transformers isn’t being anti-American. It’s being anti-Michael Bay! Besides, as Mr. Willis could tell you, Transformers started over in Japan.
Transformers started in the Marvel Comics offices when the company was tasked by Hasbro with naming, giving personalities, and crafting a backstory for transforming robots from a variety of Japanese toylines. It’s as American as it is Japanese.
The technology and design is Japanese but the Marketing is all American (ie USA)
I was actually referring to
It hi- -er, vote for that.
I mean, it’s not *that* much worse than a lot of *actual* campaigning I’ve seen.
True, I guess I’d have to see the white guy’s campaign to know for sure..
No Roz, stop being a bad sister with evil plans. Sure it will probably ruin Robin’s career, but what about what it does to your teacher’s feelings. Or your sister’s. This can hurt both of them a lot.
It can actually hurt a lot more people than just them.
OR it could end well, dunno. Depends on what tack this comic takes.
Yeah it can hurt more people than just them, but they will be the ones hurt most. Hopefully though Roz’s plan backfires, and ends up in a strong relationship.
Well, if Roz succeeds even partially in destroying Robin’s career in politics, then Rob/Les is a sure thing (since her pressure to achieve something came from her career in politics, and it was that pressure that ruined the Rob/Les relationship in SP.)
Honestly, as long as Roz’s plan doesn’t involve roofies or anything, I think she could do a whole lot worse than to foster a relationship that challenges her sister to give up on the “traditional family values” platform.
Whether Robin knows she’s attracted to women in this universe is unknown, but it seems likely that she hasn’t thought at all about the real people whom “TFV” disenfranchises.
Leslie is one of those people, and the fact that she doesn’t see herself as a victim just makes the realization that much more powerful the next time Robin has to sign a bill on hate speech.
The traditional family values platform may not be a core part of Robin’s ideology, just a bare necessity to get elected where she’s running. I would run on a ballot of traditional family values in a heartbeat if I could vote how i wanted on other issues because frankly, there are a lot of issues that are just more important and you need to pick your battles.
since when has roz cared about things like that. its her body, she can ruin whichever lives she wants… wait i don’t think that works
See, this is why Roz wasn’t being THE MOUTHPIECE the other day. Sure, the core of what she said made sense, but she ended it with (paraphrased), “And I’ll destroy your political career to prove that I can do what I want with my body.”
And then at the same tiiiiiime… she shouldn’t be enslaved to her big sis’s politics or constituents. It’s complex and sad, but there you go. She should try to be somewhat responsible for the sakke of her family, but Robin should NOT get to control her body. Roz sleeping with someone? Eh, not a problem. posting a sex tape online? Eh, also not really a problem. Doing it to prove that she can do what she wants with her body? Not really THAT bad a thing… doing it to sabotage her sister for the above reasons? If she had THAT bit in mind, then yeah, it’s becoming less-good.
So hey, I like it. You have both good and bad, or “she’s got a point” and “She’s wrong” at once! You know, like real people!
i don’t think robin was trying to control rozs body. i think that if roz had bothered to ask instead of just throwing a tantrum robins response probably wouldve been along the lines of “i don’t care, just stop slutting it up online so it stops causing me problems”
If Robin’s political career is predicated on the idea that people do not have the right to do what they want with their sex lives… is it really so bad to wreck that career? The founding fathers were pretty vague on what PENIS goes in which WHERE. Campaigning for “you can’t marry him, God says that’s yucky” is a morally bankrupt stance
(especially if you don’t believe it), and deserves all the wrecking it gets, and then some.
But Robin’s career may not be based on those things. She may just be cautious about goring anyone’s sacred cows as she tries to keep her campaign focused on whatever issues she is passionate about. Even if certain issues aren’t a candidates main focus so much as those of the oposing party a candidate in a close enough district still has to tiptoe to keep from activating the opponent’s base into turning out and casting ‘anti’ votes against you. Robin may or may not be a family values candidate specifically but may just have to keep family values issues in mind because that is good political practice.
What if it ruins Robin’s career and she comes to school and teaches politics or political science… or extreme diabetes avoidance!
That would be Karma. Bonus points if Robin and Leslie annoy Roz with licky style makeouts.
Roz is just trying to make her sister go back to college so she can appear in this comic more regularly. It’s because she loves her sis.
Yes. This is obviously the reason. Every mean thing Roz has ever done to Robin has been all part of a master plan so she could go to college with her big sis.
Obviously. That’s the reasoning behind all of my nefarious plans. Same with everyone I’ve ever met.
ive always dreamed of going to college with my big sis too. granted my “sis” is a 6’2 300lbs man, but he wears his hair down past his shoulder so i maintain that it counts big time
This ‘sis’ of yours doesn’t cosplay as magical girls by any chance, does he? 😛
Oh, you mean that image of a guy cosplaying as one of the Sailor Senshi who’s name I forgot at the moment?
You mean THIS GUY?
Looks like I have to claw my eyes out now. And it’s all your fault Plasma Mongoose.
Clearly you have never been exposed to tubgirl, lemon party, 2 girls 1 cup or pain olympics have you? That image is just an itch compared to the gaping wounds those other things I mentioned are.
But those don’t include characters I like.
I’m wondering if this “party” Billie and Joyce are going to is part of the grand scheme…
(Assuming there is one and she’s not just intending to annoy her big sister a lot)
I am amused.
Stay classy, Roz.
Roz, your evil is showing in panel 2.
With the addition of Joyce-inna-sweater, this strip would become 20% cooler.
I’m fairly certain Joyce-inna-sweater is cooler than Rainbow Dash.
It would be at least a +30% to coolness.
Uh, yeah…
Didn’t know that Roz and Leslie were Hispanic. This is news. This. Is. SPARTA!
*Robin, not Leslie. Typing with my ass.
Their last name is DeSanto.
Also first time using html codes. Hope I dot ’em right.
Well I got it half right…
Spelling, good sir.
Oops. Didn’t even notice that. I tend to notice only one wrong thing at a time.
Does this mean they’re from Santa?
Now I realize why robin is so crazy! Her present box had no air holes!
The could be from Evansville? We have lots of 2nd and 3rd generation Hispanics here…I almost followed that with something (more?) racist
Well that still leaves the possibility of them just being straight up Spanish. Or their great great grandfather having been Spanish but now they’re just European descended mutt.
Interestingly, I have a friend whose last name is obviously spanish and his first name is robert. I assumed the european mutt. Of course that wasn’t accurate, he’s Colombian, so I guess I’m not helping my case.
And i just looked up desanto on wikipedia and the only two people with ethnicity mentioned were italian, which is actually what i assumed had previously assumed Robin and Roz to be. Not because of the name, it just seemed to fit.
DeSanto, and their hair and skin tones. I thought it was fairly obvious, but I don’t seem to be quite as blind to these things as others.
Billie’s skin still seems a little off every time I see it. The yellowed… don’t quite look right, somehow. The tone always seemed off to me. *laugh*
I admire the dexterity of anyone who can type with their ass.
Is it dexterity if you do it with your ass? I always thought that referenced skill with your hands.
Though Assterity isn’t a thing, so I dunno what you’d call it.
Posterity? See what I did there. Posterior. Dexterity…
Kill me now.
Better than … Gutitrous .. Gruterity … ah, is there a Linguist in the house?
Better than … Glutitrous .. Gluterity … ah, is there a Linguist in the house?
that’s am amazing talent
I just typo with my fingers
I don’t live in the Indiana 9th congressional district, but I do live in Louisville, right across the Ohio, and much of it is in our metro area.
In our world, Republican Todd Young defeated the Democrat incumbent Baron Hill last November, 52% – 42%. Democrat Hill held this seat from January 3, 1999, to January 3, 2005, and again from January 3, 2007, to January 3, 2011 (figures and dates courtesy of Wikipedia).
Almost certainly, Baron Hill is the ‘white guy’.
Louisville Ky?
Ok, I had to dtive through ky recently and this has been bugging me ever since so please help me understand this…
Why the hell can NO ONE in Kentucky pronounce Louisville?
I can understand nicknames and stuff, like Louieville, but how the hell do they take a three syllable word and turn it into a one syllable pile of verbal mush?
How the HELL is anyone who’s not from that place supposed to know that Lgffhvl is supposed to be Louisville?
They say Elizabeth town or ‘E town’ just fine and dandy, so what the HELL is up with Louisville?
And why the hell do you not have a SINGLE bank of america in your entire state?
They deep fry EVERYTHING!!! Who the hell deep fries corn on the cob? And it smells like they deep fry it in the gasoline. That cant be safe.
Sorry, sorry, I went off on a little rant there, it was just a horrible experience its going to be a LONG time before I drive across the country again, Id feel less uncomfortable in Germany or Korea (South of course) than some of the. …. strange states I drove through.
If peeps wants to see the grandkid again they can go take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut or visit me in Vegas.
Oh seriously though what’s up with the pronunciation of Louisville?
My sister used to live there. It’s pronounced Loo-ahh-vul. Just enough Southerners congregated there for the horse racing that you get the southern accent. They tolerate people saying Lewis-ville and Louie-ville, but live there long enough, and you’ll pronounce it Loo-ahh-vul.
I say Loovul…but I live in E-ville, so i think it’s just an adopted way of saying it lol. i don’t have a terribly southern accent most the time. In fact most the time I’m at work (McDonalds) I use an Australian accent….why? It’s fun to make customers believe I’m from Australia
Not necessarily. Out here in the Pacific NW there was one particular race where I would have much preferred the white male to the hispanic female candidate. And I just got home from a Democratic Central Committee meeting a little bit ago.
Oops. I was trying to reply to a comment that seemed to assume this strip meant Leslie was Republican.
Keep in mind, too, Roz is going through what many college Freshmen do – the “I just discovered things I believe in – I, myself, not my parents necessarily!” phase, which usually results in a temporary period of HILAAAAAAARIOUS overzealousness. Conservatives go a-lynchin’, liberals go a-tree huggin’, and eventually they even out into normal people.
I meant to say Roz is PROBABLY going through that.
I dunno. I feel like you have to be pretty damn convicted to put out a sex tape just to make a political point. I think this kind of goes beyond a simple phase.
Commitment is one possible motivation, sure. But others could be impulsiveness or revenge.
Lewis Black said it best. After all the scandals and all the deceit, in this day and age anyone who still considers themself a Republican or a Democrat is an idiot. I think his language was more colorful.
Colorful as in full of words like “fuck” and “shit” or colorful as in proses and what not?
The first one. Lewis Black cusses like it’s going out of style.
“Those who consider thyself a Republican, or perchance even a Democrat, must henceforth fucking grow the shit up.”
– colourful language, both interpretations
I don’t think that considering yourself aligned with a political party means you’ve gotta agree with everything they say. I’m a democrat but that doesn’t mean I go “oh democrat politician Imma agree with them now”
Well right, but you’re a democrat. Republicans *officially* rescinded their big-tent policy a while back, I believe (at least among the actual politicians) – it’s easier to consolidate your votes and win things if you actually, uh, consolidate your votes and vote in a block.
Unless your block is some kind of a fad or the mitivation behind it dwindles away. Then you look back fondly at the idea of the big tent.
And there are Republicans actively bemoaning the strict confines of what has become of the heart of their party, but they still hang on at the fringes. So it may be harder but is not impossible to find a Republican who is not part of the current set of pitchforks and torches that have gotten the spotlight of late.
Is it really appropriate for a teacher to tell her student which candidate she’s voted for and how much she swoons over the student’s sister?
Still, Leslie’s ability to separate endearment (for lack of a better word) from politics increases her already maxed awesomeness scale.
It’s perfectly accceptable, they’re college students now, nearly adults, they need to start thinking about this stuff. But the thing that really makes it acceptable is Roz came to her and asked, Leslie wasn’t ranting her political views off during class.
In say High School or down, no probably not appropriate however.
Roz DID come to HER office. She’s asking a question from the teacher in the proper time and place to do so; why wouldn’t Leslie answer her questions?
Now, I’m sure Roz’s plan to turn this inappropriate within a few strips, but her’s to hoping Leslie is wily enough to keep out of that trap…
Hey, since when is the better qualified politician the one that gets elected?
What’s her motive… I’m suspicious.
I think I know what her plan is. *grin* Well played but not well enough.
are you saying that you’re suspicious about her motive or that her motive is to be suspicious?
Right. I do political forums and end up disagreeing with people in the same party all the time. Just people.
Ah, but this is the Dumbiverse. Maybe she supports Soundwave now.
I read this as “but this is the Dumbledoreverse”
Right now its the F—-ng Leslieverse
looking at panel 2, all i see is this
>_> I think you may have just created my new favorite meme.
Or she may have added a aphrodisiac, either or.
Glad to see Leslie’s somewhat grounded. A little hero worship’s fine, but you vote based on what candidates will do, not what they are.
That is the ideal. But people actually vote for any number of reasons. Too many are willing to assume that a candidate is lying about what they say they will do because something about who the candidate is convinces them of that.
Damnit Roz, quit trying to break Les!
How is she trying to break Leslie? She’s actually trying to make her kinda happy… for selfish reasons mind you, that will more likely negatively affect Robin’s political career, but that doesn’t mean it’ll break Leslie. 😛
Solidarity has its limits.
Leslie to Earth: I’m not an affinity voter.
What’s with all these avatars of various characters in their underwear?
That’s just Izzy playing around with multiple email addresses and photoshopping.
also I’m totally not using photoshop lol
They’re relevant to our interests?
Only if fanservice is relevant to your interest.
The answer to that question should always be “Yes”.
You asked the question I was afraid to ask. I salute you.
Okay…Odds are I’ll be sticking with this one as several at once seem to bother people or confuse them. My apologies.
*thumbs up regardless for Izzy* I personally like your work, just because it’s epic editing… And your comments are fun to read :3
Why thank you Wix. I hate to promote my own thing on someone elses site so I’ll just say you should click my name….I’ll be updating tomorrow probably around 4 pm central time
Oh, I wasn’t complaining
Awww, poor Leslie, there’s no way for her to have her cake and eat it too.
umm this whole thread made me smile i love you guys!
Well said. And the political “spectrum” doesn’t always work very well.,many think that it has multiple axes, the most common being the standard more or less government influence in society. But people even break that down by what parts of societal life government should or should not be in (public health, regulation of trade, family and cultural issues, etc.) But even if we look at the typical right to left spectrum how does one account for libertarians? On one hand you have the John Birch Society, sovereign citizen types. On the other you have MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell. And many libertarians can hold beliefs from the far left and the far right simultaneous to espousing distaste for political moderation. I call these ‘political magenta’ as in some understandings of the color spectrum magenta bridges red and violet without touching the yellow-green-blue in the middle.
In any case, though, all political commitments fall to the wayside when the choice gets difficult enough. I’m a Democratic Precinct Committee person, but give me a choice between a Republican like Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and a Democrat like Montana Senator Max Baucus and I’m voting Republican. You can never tell when life is going to give you one of Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver’s Satan sandwiches, but in politics it happens more often than some idealists would care to admit.
Meant for that comment to go elsewhere, but you can’t go wrong with the old ‘have your cake’ truism either.
The term “guy” is generic term. The specification of “white” would require being white to be an unusual enough quality that it would identify the guy. Since it is not, it only serves to be a quick way of saying, “Hur hur hur, they’re always white.”
And so, from such ignoble birth as a weak joke, a brief word choice goes on to inspire arguments about bringing race up for no reason, whether or not there is racial equality in the present day, and how representation should happen on the basis of matching elected officials to demographic statistics.
You invited this upon yourself, Willis.