(Unless this is a joke about the whole “Ethan is gay” thing, in which case… yeah, this is like asking what happened to Monette’s baby. Old before it began.)
No, this is seriously news to me. Even though I have read all of Willis’ other comics. Daisy never really stuck out at me though so I must not have noticed.
It’s a nice joke, but given that it’s only mentioned in a side-bubble like with Ethan, I can believe a second News post being required for this someday.
And considering how casual Roz is about other aspects of sexual politics, I could easily see her identifying as bi/pan/multi/whatever but not making a big honking deal out of it. Kind of a thing where she’ll pursue whoever catches her eye, but doesn’t consider it relevant to any situation where she’s not trying to get into someone’s pants.
Just lay all your cards right on the table, Daisy.
Maybe my school was more conservative than I realized, but I’m a bit astounded at the concept of a school-sanctioned newspaper with a sex columnist. Not like kids at my college were leading the Puritan life, but a certain degree of pretense was expected in publications that might be picked up by visiting families deciding where to apply.
“The Sexpert” was a sex advice column that ran in the Indiana Daily Student back when I was a student there. It was mentioned once in Roomies!: http://www.itswalky.com/d/19981208.html
Yeah, I remember The Sexpert. There was another sex column a few years later as well. From what I recall, they both offered reasonable advice on serious questions. Of course, Indiana University has the benefit of housing the Kinsey Institute, where sex is serious business!
You went to a college that had a reputation for being old fashioned/proper/respectable/etc. When I went to a small rural liberal arts public university, they had one in the paper. It was complete garbage (they once said that men and women can’t ever be just friends). You didn’t miss out.
There wasn’t one at my college (I don’t think we even had a newspaper), but it was kind of the Official Position of the counseling/psychology faculty, the student life staff, and the people in charge of dealing with student “issues’ that men and women could never, ever, ever be “just friends” or even “friends without any sexual or romantic connotation.” The stated reason was, “Because men are governed by their hormones and cannot control themselves around women. it’s dangerous to try to foster a non-dating relationship with one.” In fact, they’d give speeches on it relatively often (I remember two in my four years), to help protect the women and to warn the men away from becoming rapists.
“Men and women can’t be friends.” Kind of dangerous, as it pretty much also ruins the idea of men and women thinking of each other as humans. Fosters sexism that way.
“Men are hormonally-driven creatures and are all potential rapists.” Well, that’s a little extreme, but men are hormonally-driven, and rape is a major problem. I mean, hey, look at all the rape jokes on the consequences-free internet. I’m just not sure if they took the best line toward lowering or removing rape. At least they never punished people for being friends, though, it was just advice.
My school has had various sex advice columnists. We also have soccer cheers where we spell out condom for defense, s-ampersand-m for domination, etc., which might be somewhat rarer, at least for big schools that attract a lot of non-students to sports games (we’re a division-3 liberal arts college)
We had a sex columnist and I went to a state school.
Her column wound up being some sad cross between Sex & the City references and “look at me, look at me” attention grabs and very little about actual sexual advice.
So… I guess I’ll join everybody else in saying that you didn’t miss much?
The tiny liberal arts college I currently attend has its own sex advice column that’s separate from the actual school newspaper. However, I can’t think anyone who has ever actually read it or submitted questions… Though I do go to an early college, where the freshmen are all between 15 and 17, so maybe that’s just us.
Our sex columnist was actually pretty good at my state university. She got a ton of mail, generally falling into one of two categories: the “you’re going to hell” kind and the “will you marry me?” kind (often in the same letter).
@T- I don’t think SCAD even has a physical paper anymore. I don’t see it anywhere, anyhow, but I remember when they used to be in bins all around town for the public to peruse, so perhaps that’s partially why it was a bit more conservative a publication…
I was referring to William & Mary where I was an undergrad. I didn’t pay much attention to student news when I was all-too-briefly taking grad studies at SCAD.
Still, that makes sense. This has been interesting and educational…
Daisy and Dorothy discuss the digital didoes of a Democrat’s delinquent and debauched dependent and their duty to declare DeSanto’s decadence to droves of delighted dormitory denizens.
I like how Dorothy’s already in with the newspaper enough to get articles loosely assigned to her despite doing nothing more to prove herself than what Billie did. Presumably.
This ‘not telling us who the political candidate actually is thing’ is vexing. It’s like you’re making really into something and never quite achieving… I guess you would call it climax.
I can’t think of an appropriate metaphor for that kind of situation.
Daisy calls it “the DeSanto story” in the second panel here. We know that a guy Dorothy went to highschool with (Joe) had sex with Roz DeSanto and filmed it. Unless the situation is unusually divergent from the Walkyverse here, Roz has one older sibling, Robin DeSanto, who is involved in politics.
I don’t think there’s any misdirection occurring here. It’s just natural that they’d refer to Robin as “a political candidate” rather than by name – especially if she’s running in California here, like she does in the Walkyverse. How many congressional candidates from the last election can you name? How many congressional candidates from the last election running in states halfway across the country? No one in Indiana is going to know who Robin DeSanto is off the top of their head.
Either I’m unusually dense, or the rest of you are unusually dense, or everyone just thinks this is so obvious it’s not worth mentioning:
Joe’s not the guy in the video. Because if he were, Dorothy would’ve sooner mentioned the fact that they’re in the same Gender Studies class *now*, rather than that they went to high school together (and we don’t even know that they did). The story as Daisy sees it is that *Roz* goes to their school, not that the guy in the video does. And if the video’s gone public, *someone* at the school besides Dorothy would’ve already recognized Joe, if it were him.
Joe and Danny will of course continue to assume that it is, and hilarity will ensue.
Now for the part where someone goes “Well, duuuh!” or shoots a hole in my theory…
But as of right now Joe and Danny are the only two boys who went to high school with Dorothy. And since they spent four years together (if not longer) in high school, Dorothy is more likely to associate him with High School than college, especially since it’s only been a week or so.
And then there is the fact that Danny just ran a search on his iPhone about Roz, but we don’t know exactly WHAT he was looking at. For all we know, he was checking out the video or something.
The video meanwhile seems to be recent, as it just NOW went public. If Roz had been doing the cam whore thing before college started, news of it would have come out long before now, since Robin has apparently been in politics for a while now.
But like I said, it’s possible because apparently even in this universe, Roz is a slutty-McSlut-Slut.
DERP! I completely forgot that Danny and Dorothy were a couple in high school, meaning she knows Joe as well. (I thought Dorothy meant “I don’t *know him* know him, we just went to the same high school”.)
I guess I used all my mental capacity keeping the SP! characters separate from their DoA counterparts. Inflicting a new backstory on Danny and Joe was more than I could handle. Any day now, I’ll start wondering why Danny isn’t sad after the breakup with Sal.
Dorothy’s reaction almost guarantees it for me that the guy seen on camera is Danny. I can’t see her having that reaction to it being Joe, because she knows Joe is Joe.
Dorothy’s reaction is fine. No matter how much you know about a womanizer’s … womanizing … you would still be shocked to actually see them having sex.
I still say that this is news that borders a lot more on gossip. How does what a person’s family does affect how they do their job? Like ever. Especially when it is a sibling. I can see a wife/husband having a direct affect or a child but a sibling?
I know that in the other Walkyverses, Robin and Raz ain’t exactly close, so if this is also the case here, it shouldn’t affect Robin’s political career too much, that’s the Cadbury Creme Eggs’ job.
Finally, a job Roz is qualified for.
A Masters degree on the subject no less.
Let’s play a game. At what exact moment did Dorothy’s mind snap?
In the last strip. You could see it on her faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace.
With Joe’s penis. Literally.
Joe’s penis snapped?
Now THAT sounds painful.
And THAT’S a good news story, am I right?
Will they include pictures.
And Brain Bleach.
Oh snap!
Looks like Roz will be busy this semester.
Wait, is Daisy a lesbian?
You. Read Walky. Now.
(Unless this is a joke about the whole “Ethan is gay” thing, in which case… yeah, this is like asking what happened to Monette’s baby. Old before it began.)
No, this is seriously news to me. Even though I have read all of Willis’ other comics. Daisy never really stuck out at me though so I must not have noticed.
Wait, Ethan is gay?
epic face is epic
Epic faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace?
No, Dorothy is gay. Or at least bi. Ethan isn’t even in this strip silly
Ethan gay? What on earth would possess you to think that?
…at the risk of being ironic, I’ll now admit I have no idea who this Monette is or what happened to said baby.
Can’t find a link to the storyline, but Monette is a character in Shortpacked who early on in the strip struggled so hard to be a lesbian.
Don’t you mean Something*Positive?
Yes. I wasn’t quite awake this morning.
Always: http://www.itswalky.com/d/20020209.html
Fair enough.
The mantra for the Walkyverse is this: A character is assumed to by gay unless proven otherwise.
And even then, it’s still suspect.
Rule 2: Even if proven straight, that caharcater will somehow end up in a gay situation anyway.
That is actually how I live my life in general.
It’s a nice joke, but given that it’s only mentioned in a side-bubble like with Ethan, I can believe a second News post being required for this someday.
Poor Daisy, of COURSE she’s into girls!
Hmm? Is she? Even in Totally Gay Shortpacked, I don’t recall any evidence of that…
Daisy was gay in It’s Walky!, no?
We’ve only seen her with men so far, but we haven’t seen any confirmation that she isn’t gay. Keep in mind, Ethan denied being gay for a while, too.
And considering how casual Roz is about other aspects of sexual politics, I could easily see her identifying as bi/pan/multi/whatever but not making a big honking deal out of it. Kind of a thing where she’ll pursue whoever catches her eye, but doesn’t consider it relevant to any situation where she’s not trying to get into someone’s pants.
Just lay all your cards right on the table, Daisy.
Maybe my school was more conservative than I realized, but I’m a bit astounded at the concept of a school-sanctioned newspaper with a sex columnist. Not like kids at my college were leading the Puritan life, but a certain degree of pretense was expected in publications that might be picked up by visiting families deciding where to apply.
Ah, so glad to have only gone to schools with no such pretensions. (“The statues will walk, the gargoyles will crow…”)
Don’t blink!
“The Sexpert” was a sex advice column that ran in the Indiana Daily Student back when I was a student there. It was mentioned once in Roomies!: http://www.itswalky.com/d/19981208.html
Yeah, I remember The Sexpert. There was another sex column a few years later as well. From what I recall, they both offered reasonable advice on serious questions. Of course, Indiana University has the benefit of housing the Kinsey Institute, where sex is serious business!
The Sexpert offered reasonable advice on what to do if a hot dog broke off into your cooter!
Oh, right. It was the later column that drew upon the 50 years of research from the Kinsey Institute.
Not that hot dog-eating-vags aren’t a real problem!
You went to a college that had a reputation for being old fashioned/proper/respectable/etc. When I went to a small rural liberal arts public university, they had one in the paper. It was complete garbage (they once said that men and women can’t ever be just friends). You didn’t miss out.
There wasn’t one at my college (I don’t think we even had a newspaper), but it was kind of the Official Position of the counseling/psychology faculty, the student life staff, and the people in charge of dealing with student “issues’ that men and women could never, ever, ever be “just friends” or even “friends without any sexual or romantic connotation.” The stated reason was, “Because men are governed by their hormones and cannot control themselves around women. it’s dangerous to try to foster a non-dating relationship with one.” In fact, they’d give speeches on it relatively often (I remember two in my four years), to help protect the women and to warn the men away from becoming rapists.
So yeah, I don’t think it’s just your university.
and for the evaluation:
“Men and women can’t be friends.” Kind of dangerous, as it pretty much also ruins the idea of men and women thinking of each other as humans. Fosters sexism that way.
“Men are hormonally-driven creatures and are all potential rapists.” Well, that’s a little extreme, but men are hormonally-driven, and rape is a major problem. I mean, hey, look at all the rape jokes on the consequences-free internet. I’m just not sure if they took the best line toward lowering or removing rape. At least they never punished people for being friends, though, it was just advice.
My school has had various sex advice columnists. We also have soccer cheers where we spell out condom for defense, s-ampersand-m for domination, etc., which might be somewhat rarer, at least for big schools that attract a lot of non-students to sports games (we’re a division-3 liberal arts college)
We had a sex columnist and I went to a state school.
Her column wound up being some sad cross between Sex & the City references and “look at me, look at me” attention grabs and very little about actual sexual advice.
So… I guess I’ll join everybody else in saying that you didn’t miss much?
The tiny liberal arts college I currently attend has its own sex advice column that’s separate from the actual school newspaper. However, I can’t think anyone who has ever actually read it or submitted questions… Though I do go to an early college, where the freshmen are all between 15 and 17, so maybe that’s just us.
Our sex columnist was actually pretty good at my state university. She got a ton of mail, generally falling into one of two categories: the “you’re going to hell” kind and the “will you marry me?” kind (often in the same letter).
@T- I don’t think SCAD even has a physical paper anymore. I don’t see it anywhere, anyhow, but I remember when they used to be in bins all around town for the public to peruse, so perhaps that’s partially why it was a bit more conservative a publication…
I was referring to William & Mary where I was an undergrad. I didn’t pay much attention to student news when I was all-too-briefly taking grad studies at SCAD.
Still, that makes sense. This has been interesting and educational…
Still shouldn’t really be watching it in the library.
Not the library, it’s the newspaper’s office.
That avatar makes me think of “The video feed is coming from INSIDE THE UNIVERSITY!”
i knew it was danny all along (jk, but wouldn’t that throw some people through a loop). almost mixed Daisy w/either Mandy or Grace for a moment
o.e;;;; Daisy is starting to scare me…
Re: this strip
Can I get a woot-woot!?!?!
No, no you cannot.
I don’t know if it’s just my eyes playing tricks on me, but it looks like Daisy’s hair is two different shades of blonde in this strip.
Daisy and Dorothy discuss the digital didoes of a Democrat’s delinquent and debauched dependent and their duty to declare DeSanto’s decadence to droves of delighted dormitory denizens.
Your alliterative prowess astounds me, sir. I must have you.
Appropriate avatar is appropriate.
Now say that again 5 times really fast.
“Because around here, we assign stories to reporters with the biggest conflict of interest. That’s how WE roll!”
“Oh, if you see that Billie girl, remind her that if the TA she desperately hates gets fired, she can write the brief about it.”
My money is still on Danny getting mistakenly painted as the Roz-doer.
Calling it!
Doer is a strange word.
Yes, let the gayening begin! THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE.
Actually, considering this is Willis who’s doing the writing, wouldn’t it be “The Straightening”?
If there is only one gay, then that gay won’t be getting any consensual action.
I like how Dorothy’s already in with the newspaper enough to get articles loosely assigned to her despite doing nothing more to prove herself than what Billie did. Presumably.
I had no idea people actually wore plaid.
I am from a place where I stick out for not wearing plaid.
I, uh, thought you should know this.
A number of schoolgirl uniforms where I come up are plaid.
I’m actually in love with (red and black) plaid.
This ‘not telling us who the political candidate actually is thing’ is vexing. It’s like you’re making really into something and never quite achieving… I guess you would call it climax.
I can’t think of an appropriate metaphor for that kind of situation.
Daisy calls it “the DeSanto story” in the second panel here. We know that a guy Dorothy went to highschool with (Joe) had sex with Roz DeSanto and filmed it. Unless the situation is unusually divergent from the Walkyverse here, Roz has one older sibling, Robin DeSanto, who is involved in politics.
I don’t think there’s any misdirection occurring here. It’s just natural that they’d refer to Robin as “a political candidate” rather than by name – especially if she’s running in California here, like she does in the Walkyverse. How many congressional candidates from the last election can you name? How many congressional candidates from the last election running in states halfway across the country? No one in Indiana is going to know who Robin DeSanto is off the top of their head.
Man, this is like one of those philosophical riddles. What is “news” really? It’s like, whoa man~
I’m still confused about why the world believes that something as natural as sex qualifies as news.
Hurricanes are perfectly natural too.
It’s a guilty pleasure for many humans to read about the sex lifes of famous people and people who are one degree away from famous people.
They have a Sex column in their school paper? Damn, I went to the wrong schools.
And seriously Dorothy, do you no watch the news? Gossip is all there on the 24 hour new channels at least 80% of the time.
Either I’m unusually dense, or the rest of you are unusually dense, or everyone just thinks this is so obvious it’s not worth mentioning:
Joe’s not the guy in the video. Because if he were, Dorothy would’ve sooner mentioned the fact that they’re in the same Gender Studies class *now*, rather than that they went to high school together (and we don’t even know that they did). The story as Daisy sees it is that *Roz* goes to their school, not that the guy in the video does. And if the video’s gone public, *someone* at the school besides Dorothy would’ve already recognized Joe, if it were him.
Joe and Danny will of course continue to assume that it is, and hilarity will ensue.
Now for the part where someone goes “Well, duuuh!” or shoots a hole in my theory…
Well it’s possible someone else already *has* recognized Joe in it, but the story hasn’t pointed to them yet. Good theory, though.
It’s very possible this could be someone else.
But as of right now Joe and Danny are the only two boys who went to high school with Dorothy. And since they spent four years together (if not longer) in high school, Dorothy is more likely to associate him with High School than college, especially since it’s only been a week or so.
And then there is the fact that Danny just ran a search on his iPhone about Roz, but we don’t know exactly WHAT he was looking at. For all we know, he was checking out the video or something.
The video meanwhile seems to be recent, as it just NOW went public. If Roz had been doing the cam whore thing before college started, news of it would have come out long before now, since Robin has apparently been in politics for a while now.
But like I said, it’s possible because apparently even in this universe, Roz is a slutty-McSlut-Slut.
DERP! I completely forgot that Danny and Dorothy were a couple in high school, meaning she knows Joe as well. (I thought Dorothy meant “I don’t *know him* know him, we just went to the same high school”.)
I guess I used all my mental capacity keeping the SP! characters separate from their DoA counterparts. Inflicting a new backstory on Danny and Joe was more than I could handle. Any day now, I’ll start wondering why Danny isn’t sad after the breakup with Sal.
And then I’ll start thinking Ethan is gay.
What is it with that family and sex tapes? AMIRITE?
Daisy’s totally just using all of her writers to check on hot girls for her, isn’t she?
I see no flaws in that plan.
I like Daisy a lot.
Dorothy’s reaction almost guarantees it for me that the guy seen on camera is Danny. I can’t see her having that reaction to it being Joe, because she knows Joe is Joe.
The chances of this are somewhere between “no way” and “are you kidding me”. It was confirmed to be Joe just one comic ago.
Dorothy’s reaction is fine. No matter how much you know about a womanizer’s … womanizing … you would still be shocked to actually see them having sex.
I still say that this is news that borders a lot more on gossip. How does what a person’s family does affect how they do their job? Like ever. Especially when it is a sibling. I can see a wife/husband having a direct affect or a child but a sibling?
I know that in the other Walkyverses, Robin and Raz ain’t exactly close, so if this is also the case here, it shouldn’t affect Robin’s political career too much, that’s the Cadbury Creme Eggs’ job.