Shortpacked!Rick has slept with Faz at least twice. It’s safe to say he doesn’t. Or if he does, they are confusing and beyond the understanding of mere mortals.
Is it naive of me to hope that the only fucking with my mind that’s going on here is that in the next strip or two Willis is going to pull the “Surprise! It’s exactly who you were expecting!”???
so while this may be setup to intro robin in the strip i guess the obvious question would be why would robin care who slept with her sister. assuming that personalities are mostly the same they don’t really get along much
In my original sentence, ‘straight men’ was used in the sense of ‘comic foil’ or ‘person who reacts to the funny antics of the wacky person’, e.g. Ethan is often the straight man to the many raging fanboys in Shortpacked!
One thing I don’t get about this whole “Reboot” timeline:
Was it caused when this one guy’s home blew up and so he tattooed himself and stole a planet-destroying mining ship and went back in time, or was it caused when Raiden looked at the future and said “Noooo! He must win!” ?
and so my theory is given yet another chunk of proof, newbies like me don’t need to read the other comics, you will all slowly tell us everything we need to know, for a nickel.
Even if we hadn’t seen evidence of him using multiple factors in deciding a partner (see: his deciding Dany should date Sarah while he dates Joyce), a 1 to 10 system is still a system.
Maybe Danny’s in the video instead of/in addition to Joe. IMPLIED DORM ORGIES. Can the look on Danny’s face REALLY be explained just by having to see his friend naked again?
I doubt that it’s JUST the nakedness that’s bothering him.
Seeing Joe hang around in underwear is one thing. Actually WATCHING him bang a chick seems like another thing entirely. As well as considering all the possible repercussions of Joe’s one-night-stand becoming a political incident.
assuming that the congressperson is in fact robin, what i’m wondering is how she got elected, i mean semme isn’t in this universe and i thought that was a significant part of her getting elected the first time, at least it was part of her platform or something like that
No, it was Star Wars, which I’m pretty sure still exists. Unless you’re referring to her abductee powers interacting with enough sugar to put most people into a diabetic coma.
You know, as someone who goes to Indiana University and works at the paper there (the IDS), it’s rather odd to see it in a fictional setting. Do people who live in popular cities like New York and Chicago get that feeling when they see places they know?
When the big tornado came through the St. Louis airport and tore it up, I looked at the pictures and it was weird to see all that destruction in such a familiar place.
Not quite the same thing, though… and St. Louis isn’t as big as Chicago and NYC.
This story has nothing to do with anything about the royal wedding. (Though a huge reason why I dropped my own journalism major back in 1997 is that Princess Di died my first week of college and she became Journalism 101’s entire curriculum. OH MY LORD.)
Why? She has nothing to do with your country. Or really mine politically by that point. Of course that didn’t stop UK newspapers from publishing conspiracy theories long into the 2000s about it.
I must be failing to see something here. Why would this be a scandal, I would think this would make Joe a famous guy on campus, with a corresponding increase in the sexings.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 3h
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 4h
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
With their penis. For a nickel.
With the help of their FAAAAAAACE.
I have perverse sexual lust for this conversation
I find it difficult to masturbate to.
Sort of like the hotel room after prom.
Break his FEMURS so he cannpt escape.
But he needs his femurs to live.
Disgruntled aside.
I do belive an epic hatefuck is about to begin.
I am intrigued, aroused, an’ disturbed.
Who exactly is gonna be involved in this “epic hatefuck”?
And who will be filming this while it happens?
Sorry, this was the best I could do.
At least he would be better than Faz.
HA or The Cheese would be better than Faz.
Comment section degradation is occurring at an unprecedented rate. One more meme and we’re done for!!
(and subs)
… done for a nickel
Watch this be Senator Faz DeSanto D=
Willis was rather non-specific as to the gender of said “congress person.”
You’re being evil on purpose and I don’t like it.
Says the person with the Mike avatar
lolirony, I know.
You could claim it’s an Ethan avatar, with Mike being evil in it.
otoh, iirc, Ethan liked it.
(Even as I type this I know there’s no point…Willis will do what Willis has always done…tease us and then f*ck with our minds…)
For a nickel.
Faz in a sex scandel? With another person? NOW THAT WOULD BE NEWSWORTHY!
It would be a leaked sex tape of him and a “mysterious ninja” in a public washroom.
But Rick has standards… I think.
Shortpacked!Rick has slept with Faz at least twice. It’s safe to say he doesn’t. Or if he does, they are confusing and beyond the understanding of mere mortals.
When did Rick do this? I missed seeing those comics.
I think they’re referring to the time where Robin’s plan screwed up and Faz ended up on top of Rick… or the other way around, can’t remember exactly.
Thank you my dear chap/chapette.
Maybe this is going to be one of those stories where you have to replace the evil brother tyrant with the benevolent one.
Wait I just got yesterdays stripe!
He who laughs last…
…gets looked at funny?
…Thinks slowest?
…is just a hand in the bush.
…butters no parsnips.
What color was yesterday’s stripe?
Sorry…I was in a mean mood when I typed that…
That’s why you change underwear daily.
Ok put an extra e i just saw that
Yellow stripes are so 2004.
looks like danny hugging joe just a little to tightly there..
Aparently sex tape scandals run in the family.
No, Roz is just a Cam Whore.
Almost literally.
She’s only a whore if she gets paid.
Does she?
That’s why it’s only almost literally.
Although maybe with add space on whatever site she puts up sex tapes on… she might get revenue, which might count.
Seems more they run in the multiverse.
Danny is quickly outclassing both Joyce and Walky in the “Doofy Faces” department.
They should start a club. He can be the Doofy Faced President. Wait…didn’t we already have one of those back in 2008?
GWB was only trying to imitate Jimmy Carter’s doofy face.
Danny looks like he has to take a shit ha ha.
Looks more like he just did one or should I say two.
Okay, this goes way beyond the sort of reaction I’d expect. There’s a nasty reveal coming.
Oh, my. This won’t end well.
The drama tag for this strip came pre-pulled, therefore, nothing ends well. Only hilariously.
Oh damn, escalation!
Danny looks like he’s trying to murder joe before the mob can.
Joe is going to fix this. With his penis.
That would have been hilarious if that was not what got him into this mess.
Also, in panel 3 it looks like Danny’s face is imploding.
I think you mean panel 4, and yes, yes it does.
Is it naive of me to hope that the only fucking with my mind that’s going on here is that in the next strip or two Willis is going to pull the “Surprise! It’s exactly who you were expecting!”???
Except that in THIS universe Robin is an ex profesionnal wrestler and is MASSIVE :p
MASSIVE as in she ate way too many Creme Eggs?
so while this may be setup to intro robin in the strip i guess the obvious question would be why would robin care who slept with her sister. assuming that personalities are mostly the same they don’t really get along much
Robin might not care. Other people might.
Meh, fuck other people.
No, wait, that’s how we got into this mess.
I think that’s one of the reasons they don’t get along much.
And her sister’s behaviour is being tied to her name, a scandal won’t really be good for her. Which might be exactly why Roz did it.
it’s going to ruin all the world peace that’s going on!
oh man, i get it now. DoA is just a pocket universe that occurs during the short era of world peace that SP! robin created.
Uh Oh
dammit, now i want some spaghetti-o’s. but i won’t have a chance to eat any until after work TOMORROW. this sucks so hard…
I love that there are no straight men in this comic.
Just like everything else Willis does! Oh, puns.
Joe and Danny haven’t had same-sex relations yet have they?
In my original sentence, ‘straight men’ was used in the sense of ‘comic foil’ or ‘person who reacts to the funny antics of the wacky person’, e.g. Ethan is often the straight man to the many raging fanboys in Shortpacked!
So does this make you the straightman to my bumbling buffoon?
Depends how sardonic I’m being right now.
Straight in the comical sense or as in not gay?
That’s not one of my usual useless non-answers, both are correct.
One thing I don’t get about this whole “Reboot” timeline:
Was it caused when this one guy’s home blew up and so he tattooed himself and stole a planet-destroying mining ship and went back in time, or was it caused when Raiden looked at the future and said “Noooo! He must win!” ?
It was caused when Willis wanted to make a webcomic that didn’t have aliens in it.
So it’s the second one, then.
and so my theory is given yet another chunk of proof, newbies like me don’t need to read the other comics, you will all slowly tell us everything we need to know, for a nickel.
Spoilers for Star Trek (2009) and Mortal Kombat (2011) aren’t going to help give you insights on the comics.
So Joe made his first sex tape without knowing? Wow, and it’s what? They’re second week of classes maybe?
he knew about it. he just didn’t care.
Somehow I missed that strip. And I got quite a laugh out of it because the BEST place to attach that camera for the best view was Danny’s foot.
Yes. Just yes.
Why is Danny freaking out over this? It’s Joes problem not his… SHEEESH!
Empathy has some weird side effects
Including not letting Joe suffer the consequences of ‘Joeing’ random girls with his penis.
I’m sure Joe would be offended and disgusted at the thought of Joeing random girls.
He has a system and he sticks to it.
The only system I am aware of is his 1 to 10 ratings.
Even if we hadn’t seen evidence of him using multiple factors in deciding a partner (see: his deciding Dany should date Sarah while he dates Joyce), a 1 to 10 system is still a system.
A universal system; even I use it.
Maybe Danny’s in the video instead of/in addition to Joe. IMPLIED DORM ORGIES. Can the look on Danny’s face REALLY be explained just by having to see his friend naked again?
I doubt that it’s JUST the nakedness that’s bothering him.
Seeing Joe hang around in underwear is one thing. Actually WATCHING him bang a chick seems like another thing entirely. As well as considering all the possible repercussions of Joe’s one-night-stand becoming a political incident.
assuming that the congressperson is in fact robin, what i’m wondering is how she got elected, i mean semme isn’t in this universe and i thought that was a significant part of her getting elected the first time, at least it was part of her platform or something like that
Nah man. Cadbury Creme Egg Cereal blackout. Viable in any universe.
No, it was Star Wars, which I’m pretty sure still exists. Unless you’re referring to her abductee powers interacting with enough sugar to put most people into a diabetic coma.
She got elected when Nancy Pelosi died, duh.
You know, as someone who goes to Indiana University and works at the paper there (the IDS), it’s rather odd to see it in a fictional setting. Do people who live in popular cities like New York and Chicago get that feeling when they see places they know?
When the big tornado came through the St. Louis airport and tore it up, I looked at the pictures and it was weird to see all that destruction in such a familiar place.
Not quite the same thing, though… and St. Louis isn’t as big as Chicago and NYC.
I felt the same way while I watched Rio. Very, very odd.
Unfortunately, I’ve never seen any sort of comic, tv show, or movie set in any of the places I’ve lived, so I have yet to experience this phenomena.
Sounds cool, though. Closest I’ve ever gotten is Miami, but that’s just cause I grew up an hour north of the place.
Why am I starting to get the feeling this was the result of all the annoyance with the Royal Wedding coverage?
This was drawn weeks before the royal wedding.
but the royal wedding PRE-GAME show began months ago.
Try years. I worked with magazines and the William/Kate coverage was pretty much nonstop over the course of the entire relationship.
i guess. i don’t follow the news, particularly this kind of news. all i know is that i couldn’t escape it sometime at the end of last year.
This story has nothing to do with anything about the royal wedding. (Though a huge reason why I dropped my own journalism major back in 1997 is that Princess Di died my first week of college and she became Journalism 101’s entire curriculum. OH MY LORD.)
Why? She has nothing to do with your country. Or really mine politically by that point. Of course that didn’t stop UK newspapers from publishing conspiracy theories long into the 2000s about it.
Danny may not be big, but he can really haul ass when he needs to.
Joe is big, and Danny is hauling Joe’s ass the heck out of there. That’s saying something.
Upon reading this a sudden thought popped into my head.
How do you pronounce Robin’s and Roz’s surname?
Deh-san-toe? Deh-Shan-toe? Dee-san-toe?
WHY did this come to my head? I knew their surname already. Why NOW am I plagued with this dilemma?
I’ve always said it as Deh-san-toe.
Same here.
I’d say: Deh-san-toh.
I’ve pronounced it De-sawn-toe.
I say “Maize.”
As do I.
I love that Danny’s first reaction is trying to snap Joe’s neck.
“It’s a pity-kill! There’s no way you’d survive the incoming humiliation!”
God I love this comics expressions. Man they are just so strange.
Good friends hijack friends who sleep with congressperson’s younger siblings.
Danny is forcing Joe to come with him to the casbah! He’s determined to get Roz’s sloppy seconds!
Woo-hoo, internet stardom! GOOOO JOE!
At least we now know where Robin is in the Dumbiverse.
what’s the faaaace thing?
As happens in Willis comics, many of the vet readers will make mini-memes that just keep going on. – FAAACE!
…? My Gravatar seems to have changed somehow. By sorcery or science I’ll never know.
I must be failing to see something here. Why would this be a scandal, I would think this would make Joe a famous guy on campus, with a corresponding increase in the sexings.
As the reaction IS pretty extreme, I’m assuming it’ll be explained either in the next comic or the one immediately following it.
:O He’s in deep crap!!
i sense robin making an appearance soon