Well, going in further in the straight fandom would require a demonstration of knowledge about the wonder twins that no one here is ever going to want to admit.
Such as pointing out that Zan transforms only into forms of water and Jayna only into animals? Or something more along the lines of them liking the flavor of compact discs?(disks?)
If you were talking about twins knowing when the other is in danger then yes but I thought we were talking about the Wonder Twins’ shape-changing powers, those require touching.
Even in the Stone Ages when I went to college, there was a student directory that told you where people lived. It was on paper. I imagine that now you’d be able to look it up through an on-campus online system.
True. And when I went to college the RAs would made nametag things and put them on the dorm doors at the start of the year, so yeah. It’s pretty easy to figure out who’s where.
I know, it’s just evidence up until now suggested that Billie was a moron who couldn’t be civil if her life depended on it. She must really be on the edge.
She started being a little more civil when she was trying to get on the paper. Not exactly tactful, but she was more civil than she had been previously. Though I do agree that she’s on edge.
What I think dchorror was trying to explain is that Billie has no reason to know about Sal’s affinity for windows. In this universe she hasn’t seen or heard of Sal crashing in through windows yet.
And I just realized why she’s hunting down Sal. She’s been assigned to find a campus vigilante. What better candidate than someone she can’t get a hold of?
No need for the pretense around Billie. In IW she knew he wasn’t as dumb as he pretended to be because he hadn’t hidden his intelligence when he was younger. I imagine it’s the same this time around.
Walky was always somewhat witt and a snarker but he didn’t use to care if he was expressing it in ways that only he would understand. Other people didn’t get his jokes because he communicated them in fart language.
*roflroflrofl* I probably totally translated it wrong, but it was lols nonetheless.
D//x;; Yeah, I know I probably shouldn’ta jumped the gun…I just thought its was, like, the 21st century! I mean, who DOESN’T have some form of emergency contact? >: Then again, this IS Sal…
Well, life in prison can change someone. Sal may need some time alone. Or she could be in some underground bike racing circuit. It is Sal we’re talking about because to me she’s unpredictable. The only thing I can predict is her entrance and we haven’t seen that for weeks.
Dude, I room with my brother and I don’t know how to find him. He disappears and returns at seemingly arbitrary hours. I frequently don’t see him for weeks at a time, though there is often evidence that he came and went while I was sleeping. He’s a moody silent fellow so I’ve never managed to get his cell number out of him. When someone asks me how he’s doing I say “I don’t know.” I’m pretty sure the last time we spoke to eachother with words was around a month ago when I asked if he wanted the last of the leftovers before I took them. He grunted something I took to be a no.
There really isn’t a magic familial bond that let’s you know this stuff about your relatives when they’re not telling you. If Sal hasn’t felt like sharing her info with Walky then he’s got nothing.
People actually think twins have this! IT DRIVES ME CRAZY! No I cannot locate my twin sister at a given moment’s notice, she lives in a frickin different city!
If she lives in a different city, and the city is sufficiently removed from you, I’m pretty sure you could point straight towards her most of the time. You know where she is, therefore you have twin telepathy. PROVEN WITH SCIENCE!
Two of my brothers are twins. During high school they could randomly spout out that their twin was in trouble and they would be right about 75% of the time. Not proof of twin telepathy, just proof that they were both in trouble about 75% of the time…
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer)@leftistlawyer.com ⋅ 3h
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling USA@usapolling.bsky.social ⋅ 4h
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari Drennen@aridrennen.bsky.social ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
What, you didn’t know about Wonder Twin Powers?
Form of Unrelenting Smartass.
Sal takes the form of Smoking Badass
Shape of Deadpan Snarker.
Billie responds with an Icy Stare.
It doesn’t affect the wild Walky!
Are we mixing fandoms now?
Quite Possibly.
Commenters used Crazy Crossover.
It’s somewhat effective.
Well, going in further in the straight fandom would require a demonstration of knowledge about the wonder twins that no one here is ever going to want to admit.
Such as pointing out that Zan transforms only into forms of water and Jayna only into animals? Or something more along the lines of them liking the flavor of compact discs?(disks?)
Commenters with secret geek hobbies? Surely you jest!
By your twin powers combined, I am…!
Don’t you need to be in direct contact to use those?
They had to touch at least fingers IIRC.
Really? I thought twin telepathy work if one of them is in danger.
If you were talking about twins knowing when the other is in danger then yes but I thought we were talking about the Wonder Twins’ shape-changing powers, those require touching.
Depends on which incarnation. There have been some writings of them where there was just a proximity problem.
Well, she likes Walky enough to know where his room is.
And he looked pretty happy to see her at his door.
All he needs is to get her some booze and the shippers shall squee.
I think Walky’s automatically happy to see people at his door. He looks like the kind of guy that craves company.
If he wasn’t looking directly into her FAAAAAACE I’d think that he was happy to see her for a different reason.
“Walky, don’t talk to me, I don’t know you here. By the way, which room are you living in?”
Even in the Stone Ages when I went to college, there was a student directory that told you where people lived. It was on paper. I imagine that now you’d be able to look it up through an on-campus online system.
True. And when I went to college the RAs would made nametag things and put them on the dorm doors at the start of the year, so yeah. It’s pretty easy to figure out who’s where.
Walky. You rock.
I don’t know what’s funnier, the deadpan look on Walky’s face as he said that or the fact that Billie appeared to actually believe him…
That’s not so much “deadpan” as it is his default expression.
The panel where they are just staring at each other is actually kind of adorable.
You mean the one where they are FAAACE to FAAACE? Yea, I thought it was cute also. I get the distinct impression that she actually believed him?
Walky, a deadpan snarker? Never thought I see the day.
He always had in in him.
I don’t know who she’s madder at. Walky for saying it, or herself for buying it for even a second.
Billie is being surprisingly polite.
Well, he does seem to be one of her only friends at the moment. No good burning your only bridge.
I know, it’s just evidence up until now suggested that Billie was a moron who couldn’t be civil if her life depended on it. She must really be on the edge.
She started being a little more civil when she was trying to get on the paper. Not exactly tactful, but she was more civil than she had been previously. Though I do agree that she’s on edge.
i think being harrassed by a psychotic RA will do that to most people.
Joyce seems to be okay with Billie!
That’s because Joyce wants to have sex with Billie.
According to that fanfic I read.
If a fanfic said it, it MUST be true.
Your Billie avatar could not possibly be more appropriate right now.
Danke! ^_^
Some comments do seem better/funnier/more disturbing depending the Grav after all.
Must be one of those rare times that she is actually sober.
Hey Billie. Ever thought of using a window as bait?
Why would it occur to her?
You’d never know.
Just seems a roundabout way to set a trap. Wouldn’t tickets to an auto/bike convention seem more suitable?
Put the ticket next to a window? Now that’s a good idea.
Come to think of it, why doesn’t Billie just leave the form out with a note asking Sal to sign it, in a place she’d obviously find it?
Well IIRC, Sal seems to be attracted to windows. And by attracted, I mean crashing into them.
What I think dchorror was trying to explain is that Billie has no reason to know about Sal’s affinity for windows. In this universe she hasn’t seen or heard of Sal crashing in through windows yet.
Good point.
Oh Billie, I thought you said this was gonna be a Ruth-free, Sal-free day! What happened?
She realized she didn’t want to lose another letter.
I will not abide another letter, Mr Lebowski.
i dunno. “drago” sounds like a way cooler team name than “dragons”
Might very well become ragon, though.
Hey, “ragon” could work as a legitimate warning.
And I just realized why she’s hunting down Sal. She’s been assigned to find a campus vigilante. What better candidate than someone she can’t get a hold of?
Couldn’t resist.
Neither could I.
Apparently, your image has disappeared. Which is sad, I’ll not know what it is.
It’s Billie as Amazi-Girl. WITH BOOB WINDOW.
Not sure why you couldn’t see it, it appears to be working just fine.
I keep getting “Image removed due to content.”
i like how the cleavage makes the open part of the A. well played
Danke ^_^
Wow. I just noticed the banner change. It’s bad enough that you swapped-out the black chick, but now the half-Asian is gone too?
ps. I’m just kidding.
We’re all blonde chicks up in here!
Except Joe. At best, I think he can only be one of those.
Why can’t he be blonde?
Replace Joe with Mike and we can have an Aryan theme going on. :}
You just know that the Jewish guy will be the next to go.
But sadly it ends up being Joe and not Ethan, thus missing the chance for a racism combo breaker by oppressing the Jews and the Gays at the same time.
Oh the irony of what you just said considering today’s strip in the shortpacked universe. http://www.shortpacked.com/2011/comic/book-13/02-the-new-girl/glitch/#comment
that was awesome! i knew i’d like this walky more than the original
I like Billie a lot better now that I know she’s half-asian.
So you didn’t like her when you thought she was all white?
Quite frankly, I always thought she was asian. It’s just the facial structure. I would have been quicker to say her dad had been adopted.
You thought Asian, I thought Alcoholic Jaundice.
I cant win them all.
I kinda see it now, especially in panel 5. Before I could never tell she was Asian behind all the rage and lust for alcohol.
Not as much.
Hmm. Building rapports with Ruth, Sal, Danny… now Walky. It’s almost like she’s our Sal.
And to think that all Ruth had to do to get Sal’s attention was to hold Sal’s bike for ramsom instead of Billie’s cheerleader costume.
Now if only Ruth would start thinking of that instead of using her “job” as an excuse to bully… XD
Where is the fun in that?
This scenario sounds like a fantastic way for Ruth to get shivved.
Depends on if Willis plans on killing Ruth off again or not.
Credit where credit is due; two points to Walky.
Billie is having a lot of conflicting emotions, isn’t she?
it makes me laugh that he actually tries for a second. or seems to try anyway.
When Walky of all people is defeating you in a battle of wits, you’re clearly having an off day.
Remember that this is not the Cloud Cuckoo Lander Walky that we know.
Looks like he is dispensing with that ditzy persona much earlier than in IW!
No need for the pretense around Billie. In IW she knew he wasn’t as dumb as he pretended to be because he hadn’t hidden his intelligence when he was younger. I imagine it’s the same this time around.
Walky was always somewhat witt and a snarker but he didn’t use to care if he was expressing it in ways that only he would understand. Other people didn’t get his jokes because he communicated them in fart language.
*roflroflrofl* I probably totally translated it wrong, but it was lols nonetheless.
Billie: Because they would make sense, duh? I’m a cheerleader, the world revolves around me.
XD sounds like its something she’d say!
Walky doesn’t have Sal’s number. They haven’t talked in years.
OH! FFFFF– Ok DX. I assumed they exchanged info during class or something s:
That’s a good one but Sal might not have a cellphone in keeping with her being elusive and all.
Sal is completely off the grid.
D//x;; Yeah, I know I probably shouldn’ta jumped the gun…I just thought its was, like, the 21st century! I mean, who DOESN’T have some form of emergency contact? >: Then again, this IS Sal…
Well, life in prison can change someone. Sal may need some time alone. Or she could be in some underground bike racing circuit. It is Sal we’re talking about because to me she’s unpredictable. The only thing I can predict is her entrance and we haven’t seen that for weeks.
Thats true…D:
I wonder if shes mad at Walky for not talking to her while in catholic school…D:
I want to see if Walky can annoy Billie enough to provoke her to punch him…in the FAAACE!!!
Man, we got 55 comments before a FAAACE comment. 55 wonderful comments.
A nickel just isn’t enough these days.
Back in the day, a nickel can buy you 5 pounds of candy. Nowadays, people just throw away nickels in a fountain.
Or buy your mom with them.
I heard that they plan on discontinuing the 5c coin in Australia soon as they have been pretty much worthless for a number of years now.
We already got rid of the 1c & 2c coins back in the 90s, so it’s not unexpected.
It’s 2011. Why doesn’t he have, say, I don’t know… an emergency contact?
Dude, I room with my brother and I don’t know how to find him. He disappears and returns at seemingly arbitrary hours. I frequently don’t see him for weeks at a time, though there is often evidence that he came and went while I was sleeping. He’s a moody silent fellow so I’ve never managed to get his cell number out of him. When someone asks me how he’s doing I say “I don’t know.” I’m pretty sure the last time we spoke to eachother with words was around a month ago when I asked if he wanted the last of the leftovers before I took them. He grunted something I took to be a no.
There really isn’t a magic familial bond that let’s you know this stuff about your relatives when they’re not telling you. If Sal hasn’t felt like sharing her info with Walky then he’s got nothing.
That’s what he thinks.
(Personally, as a twin myself, I find it works every time) =P
So, twin telepathy exists?
Oddly enough only with fraternal twins.
How else do you expect us to keep in contact? hehe =P
I think sassy Walky is the best Walky.
Hey! It’s Walky!
Aw so Escape to Witch Mountain was a lie? Childhood ruined…
People actually think twins have this! IT DRIVES ME CRAZY! No I cannot locate my twin sister at a given moment’s notice, she lives in a frickin different city!
Yeah, not only is he having a laugh at Sal, but he didn’t make the link up, even if it’s untrue in either case.
If she lives in a different city, and the city is sufficiently removed from you, I’m pretty sure you could point straight towards her most of the time. You know where she is, therefore you have twin telepathy. PROVEN WITH SCIENCE!
Two of my brothers are twins. During high school they could randomly spout out that their twin was in trouble and they would be right about 75% of the time. Not proof of twin telepathy, just proof that they were both in trouble about 75% of the time…
It would be weird if only one of your brothers was a twin.
Walky’s telepathetic, definition one.
Oh, come on. You’re just not trying hard enough!
That was pretty witty and snarky there Walky. Color me impressed.
Sometimes I really, really love Walky.
Hahaha considering your gravitar I bet Walky would be excited by your comment.
Considering *your* gravatar I’m thinking I should be wary of your comment.
Panel 5: Billie believes in the impossible, just for a moment.
Walky is my favourite character.