This comic’s “script,” such as it was, called for The Creepiest-Looking Guy Ever. I realized that any attempt at this would just be reinventing the wheel, so I just whole-hog borrowed him.
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This comic’s “script,” such as it was, called for The Creepiest-Looking Guy Ever. I realized that any attempt at this would just be reinventing the wheel, so I just whole-hog borrowed him.
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slowly all of Shortpacked! will slip into DoA…
*waits for Pat Lee*
His life drawing class is even better and he promises to pay the models double since squatting and pelvic thrusts are so hard to hold (he doesn’t actually pay them anything)
Mike can kick him in the FAAACE. And then fuck his mom. With his penis.
… for a nickel.
For a Nickel.
NOOOO; two seconds too late! >.<
its ok. theres plenty of mom fucking and nickels to go around
If you’re counting seconds, you might be too quick in the sack – creepy guy’s mom notwithstanding.
Mike is going to fuck his mum with BoB’s detached penis? OUCH!
This, of course, is awesome.
How the he’ll did this guy get in before ninja Rick?!?
ninja rick has been in every DoA strip so far.
Curses and shirts with skull looking things on them? This is shaping up to look like a mystery for Shaggy to solve!
That would explain all the tissues all over his dorm floor.
Naw, he’s creepy, remember? Antique 1897 Mason jars.
Hey, I went to school with, worked with, and had a girlfriend stalked by that guy, even down to the “CURSES!”
. . . .
Are you stalking me for characters?
You seem nice – I’m sure there are plenty of other reasons to stalk you.
This guy is from SP?
Looks like a Hot Topic reject.
I… could have gone without having him show up in this comic. Would have preferred if Shaggy had asked to sit next to her.
That being said, I’m guessing that he wants to be a game designer, games with…
Your avatar is well-suited for that comment.
Why wouldn’t she have let shaggy sit next to her though? Everyone loves shaggy. He’s not creepy at all, really more of a lovable buffoon.
Well characters in comics (and movies) are meant to be ‘informed’ ugly, not ugly ugly. Shaggy would’ve done fine.
Oh, I get that shaggy’s not attractive. He’s not informed creepy though is the problem. This guy, for all his lack of creepy behavior prior to panel 3, has creepyness that can be inferred by the reader. Shaggy’s like a big lovable ugly puppy. Not gonna get the ladies with his hygiene or general unappealing habits, but no one’s gonna feel bad about sitting next to him. If anything he’d probably be better company than most.
Unless shaggy has an odor I guess. Does he have an odor? I don’t remember that ever being the case but it would certainly fit with his image.
Of course, if we’re deciding that she genuinely has a stigma against ugly people then that’s another matter entirely. Seems like it would be a bit out of character, but it’s a new universe and much of her background and views are still a mystery.
That reminds me. This comic needs more violence. It needs adult stuff like blood and spraying bone shards and armies of nazis whose chests explode into blood that’s like acid except it hurts more and hits people in the eyes and then they SCREAM!
We need Mike and Ruth to team up so that can take place.
Avatar/comment combo win.
Guess Amber forgot a bookbag, laptop bag, weapon, or stuffed animal to put on the reserved spot.
You forgot jackets, which easily occupy seats. And here I thought she was actually saving it for Danny. He probably will end up being her white knight, though.
Yes I did, it was enough to make me want to break his FEEEEEEMURS!
I approve of this avatar/comment combination.
Psycho-Joyce makes everything
worsebetter.Sheesh! You’re a creep! Go away! We were having a good time until you showed up, buckets of blood guy! Go have some coffee with cream or something! Because I’ll tell you something! This is a happy place!
he could become part of Amazi-Girl’s rogue galary! The Blood Bucketeer!
OH NOES! AMAZI-GIRL QUICK! The Blood Bucketeer is holding the television station hostage and ruining our clean family entertainment!
They have to be a duo, or at least team up once in a while. There’s no real way around that.
His super-villain costume will include a bra as head gear. And panties, lots of panties.
Amazi-Girl also need a money producer themed bad guy to complete the trifecta of horrible entertainment.
“Let me just reach into my utility panties!”
I like that his character tag is ‘bucket of blood guy’. I bet he’s actually a Brony though.
Well with some luck Danny will find himself sitting next to Amber. With an autographed condom in his hand. AWKWARD!
That thing is the most powerful awkward moment generator in the Dumbiverse. I really hope Danny hangs on to it for a while, just to see how much damage it can do to his reputation.
A whole week worth of strip for sure hahaha. To the point where ‘autographed condom’ because a character tag!
Amber’s uber cute in DoA. ♥
Other than that, if Amber’s the vigilante saving people, who’s going to save her from guys like him? XD Creeps like that don’t really take “no” for an answer sometimes.
Sometimes they don’t. Other times they say “Curses!”
But she’s not! Everyone knows Ultra-Car is Amazi-Girl! So Amazi-Girl can protect Amber from creeps!
maybe he was referring to her “secret” identity as spider-car, though spider-car hasn’t appeared in this story yet maybe not
Ultra-car hasn’t appeared in this continuity yet, and with no Sci-Fi elements, he might not, except as a cartoon or something like Head Alien. Maybe it’s Ms. Bean?
It would be really weird if Ultra-car was just a car, and that’s it. Just a car.
he could be like the mystery machine. always breaking down in creepy, remote areas when “the gang” wants to spend the weekend at the beach.
and please, david, if he appears in DoA, give back ultra-car’s multi-colored camo!
It just goes without saying that the vigilante saving everyone has the skills to save herself. It’s implicit, since they’re basically the same skill set.
Appropriate avatar is appropriate.
Dan Vs. Amber?
So Buckets ‘o’ Blood guy is a student in Amber’s class, right? That means he’s probably like 18-20ish, right?
Is it just the way I’m seeing it, and I’m way off, or is he balding pretty hardcore for an 18-20ish yr old dude? It didn’t faze me in SP! but here…
It definitely happens.
I’m not saying it doesn’t happen at all! If anything though, it certainly adds to his creepiness.
Patrick Stewart started noticeably losing his hair at 19, and had his current hairline by 22. If you’re calling Patrick Stewart creepy…
Have you seen him on Extras?
If by “creepy” you mean, “the best EVER at EVERYTHING, because he’s SEEN IT”…
…. then yes. “Creepy.”
Extras spoiler:
Patrick Stewart saw everything.
Yep, knew a kid in college. who had a highly prominent bald spot who was only.
And he was definitely creepy.
Definitely knew some guys Frosh year that were already starting to bald.
… one of them was about as creepy and disgusting as this guy, come to think.
As a college teacher, I can tell you that the demographic is changing quite a bit–not all freshman students are 18-20. I have several classes where half the class is in their 30s (freshman year)
A surprising number of my classmates are over forty (age approximated of course. I don’t ask). I mean, not the majority or anything, but there’s generally three to five in every class. I wouldn’t question it at all if some aging gentleman with grey hair just sat down next to her.
Heck, one of my best friends from high school definitely had a combover by 18.
Combover? Those things never convice anyone, they should just shave it all off, Skinhead>Combover anyday.
Either that or only just now getting around to getting his college degree. Maybe he finally got kicked out of mom’s house. Or never went to college and is going back to finish his education 10 years later.
I’m just sayin there’s no guarantee he’s fresh out of high school like most of the characters. College classes are pretty mixed bags. There’s at least two 60ish year old guys I see around the Art Wing at my school.
…y’know, if you want a more plausible excuse, don’t try to sit next to her when the auditorium is empty.
Is it wrong that only in this comic that I imagined his voice being that of the comic book guy from the simpsons, but not in any other appearances he’s made?
Interesting choice but I would choose Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force myself.
I got Billy Quizboy, Boy Genius from Venture Bros. Something about the face.
Same here, actually.
That happened to me my Freshman year of school. That’s what i get for having gone to a tech school. go RIT!
Why’s everyone so harsh on BoB guy? Sure, he’s a dick in an alternate universe, but what’s he done here that’s so offensive?
Not taken no for an answer. When a girl panics and makes up excuses to say “DON’T SIT HERE!” the appropriate thing to say is, “Oh, okay.” And then sit somewhere else.
Respect the wishes of others.
Yeah, he wasn’t creepy until that moment. Just ugly, though that kind of says something about amber…
To be fair to her, she didn’t really want to sit next to or talk to the (presumably cute) Danny either.
Good point. Maybe she just wants to sit alone? There are probably better ways of accomplishing this though…
I can only conclude that the rear seat by the window was already taken.
Also, it looks like there’s a whole bunch of open seats available, yet he insists on sitting next to the person who’s preoccupied with something that suggests she’s not interested in socializing. That alone’s kinda jerky.
Yeeah, this strip completely misfired with me. Now I’m just feeling sorry for the guy. Sure, he must’ve said “OK” for the first six or seven times this has happened. I see it completely justified for him to ask if she really finds him that creepier than all the other guys in class. Also note how he is immediately familiar of the situation – he already sees the “because you are creepy” justification coming up. Now he can just go and sit in a corner by himself. And all he really wanted to do was to take a seat. In a classroom. Stupid girl just denies even that without even knowing him. Poor guy.
Curses, foiled again. Mark my words, I will return to be more creepy than usual. On an unrelated comment, FAAAAAAAACCCCCEEEEE!
You have not heard the last of Bucket of Blood Guy!!!
Wait a minute. He’s Buckets of Blood Guy? He looks creepier here than in Shortpacked.
-Please- let him have a supervillain identity. Blood Man and Amazigirl must fight!
His name should be Blood Bucketeer!
They do, usually for a couple of days once a month…
You sir, win an internets.
She can sit by Danny, and they can cuddle and smoooch
Or she could sit next to Joe…..On second thought, she should sit next to Danny.
she could sit on joes lap. then she wouldn’t need to save a seat. though then he would be tempted to try some in class joeing and would likely wind up on the interweb again
We need Joyce to show up; her presence alone would scare him away the same way garlic scares away vampires.
What’s the class, BUCKETS OF BLOOD 101?
I always liked how his hair looks like an ill-fitting wig.
The nose shading on the creepy guy always made me think of Hitler. Especially in panel 2 of that SP link.
A few months ago when I was still in classes, I would avoid this exact situation by just putting one or two of my my own notebooks on the desk or table next to me and my backpack in the chair to look like someone else was already there but had left to get coffee before class started. Usually worked.
inb4 Ronald Reagan shows up next.
I think he’s more pale than I am. 🙁
That’s all well and good, but is he gay?
Willis needs to start labeling these characters just to make it clear for us. Perhaps a tattoo on the forehead would do it.
he already does. all the characters with blue tags are gay, all the characters with green tags are straight
My first thought: “Hold on a minute! I’ve never seen a green label!”
Scrolled up the page and had already clicked though the last few updates before I got it.
“Oh ho ho! You clever man. You got me!”
Does it matter, I don’t think anything would have sex with him.
she forgot to add “with 100% certainty”
So, clearly, we’re going to find out at some point that his name is Bob, aren’t we.
Or possibly Buck.
He reminds me of that guy on You Tube who is looking for a girlfriend. He claims he is going to inherrit a lot of money and gives his penis size. (Although, I don’t know if it is his adjusted TMI size or not.)
This avatar/comment combination is amusing.
Whenever some gives their penis size, it’s always TMI.
I have met a guy like him before.
And I suspect Danny will find himself the lucky one next to Amber. XD
Yeah, DannyXAmber FTW.
And ignore the Gravatar. I don’t know how I got that.
He reminds me of a Charles Addams’ character.
She’s not…
she isn’t…saving the seat for DANNY…r-right?
I hope so.
Hmmm, iono how to feel about those two, yet…time will tell *has a feeling Fridays weekly cliffhanger will be Danny asking her out*
Wow, how did you get Lon Chaney to do a guest spot, particularly as he is dead.
Are his eyes the same color tone as his skin, or are they an off shade of pink? I ask because he kinda looks like he’s stoned.
And at least he hasn’t started the conversation with talk about how he wants an adult version of the Flintstones where Fred and Barney plot the murder of their wives in graphic detail… yet.
Seth McFarlane is doing a Flintstones reboot, so we may actually get to see that.
I think in-depth plots with character development are a bit more than what McFarlane ever wants to do.
Dear Lord. The memories are coming back.
im hearing him in the voice of Comic book guy from the simpsons