Whereas “Sadistic RA” is actually news worthy…I think Daisy has her priorities seriously screwed up, or she has a very different idea of what “gossip” is than I do.
Hot girl on motorcycle is a tangible fact. People saw that.
The evil RA is hearsay at best. A story that can be proven is always better then one that cannot be, no matter how amazing that latter story is, it’s fiction without facts.
lol, the eye-twitch in panel six is one of the funniest little details in a while. poor billy, although she could very easily use this as an oppertunity for revenge if she is vindictive enough (I would be)
Well, I wonder how good of a fighter Sal is now. Seeing as how she has no alien enhanced powers in this universe, seeing a Sal and Billie fight has to be interesting. Though Walky never trained Billie in alien fighting techniques so I’m thinking that if all she took was martial arts, it would be pretty even.
My school newspaper never does this, so did Daisy drink some paint thinner or something? I hope Daisy does something to recover from this bout of stupidity for even proposing such a pointless story.
Welcome to comics, where stuff is done that wouldn’t make sense in the real world. Even if the comic is trying to be “more realistic,” it’s still a comic! Just ignore it and enjoy it for what it is, my friend.
My high school paper was this bad. It was about making the perceived popular kids look good and ignoring anyone else.
A story of mine was so well written that the teacher overrode the editor and put it in but then the photo was the team captain who refused to talk to me when I interviewed the team, and whom no one knew why he was the team captain since the guy who did grant me an interview was the one everyone followed.
The photo had nothing to do with the article and was just a picture of him surrounded by the hottest girls on the track team in a shameless, “Look how awesome and sexy he is” picture.
Many school papers it sees are like this.
If Daisy was any sort of real journalist she would know that at times it is the expose by the reporter that exposes a person’s behavior to the public and forces the person’s superiors to finally act when they have been avoiding doing so in the past.
For all her protestations a gossip rag is exactly what she is publishing and what she is asking for.
No it won’t. The RA was right if she has the least trouble on her floor of all floors the supervisors will mostly turn a blind eye to her behavior but if public opinion is against the the RA would get thrown under the bus to save face.
It’s may also just backfire, as Billie is a bit of a snob and a jerk, she’s not very sympathetic. Public opinion might not be swayed enough for anyone to do anything about it, as it’s kind of personal problem, Ruth isn’t shown tormenting any of the other girls (and I doubt Billie would care about it if she were). During my undergrad I would only read the school paper for the wacky advice columns, mostly to laugh at them.
“Listen, I’m not going to waste a story on some no-talent fresh out of high school, but I’m all for dark, mysterious biker chicks. Get me enough info on her that I can set up a date, I might like you a bit more.”
So… am not saying that Daisy did meant it like that, but you could also read it like that:
*If Ruth was a really hot girl and had an awesome motorcycle, you could write about her an article. But since she´s not, you gonna do one about Sal.*
Also hot girl on awesome motorcycle is *Art* but property destroying and power abusive R.A. is *Newsbriefs*?
Oh well, at least Daisy got her priorities right: Hot girl over crazy chick.
You can’t objectively write a news story about someone who is terrorizing you specifically. You aren’t the writer; you’re a story element. If anything, once Ruth was brought to justice, Daisy would probably have another writer interview Billie (since victims are in the story, not composing it).
She’s suggesting the hot girl on motorcycle story because it’s gossip. We’ve seen plenty of characters talking about it already. Gossip is the basis of 21st century news. Sad times.
Modern journalism has also been removing the objectivity. Read just about any article these days and 90% of them are oped pieces even if not labeled that.
Which is why “modern journalism” is nothing more then very public gossiping.
Back in age of Edward R. Murrow, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward when journalists exposed dirt about someone, it was because it was important, proven and for the good of the public.
Today dirt is purpose in itself, proof is often circumstential or illigaly obtained, and no one cares about the truth, just about most bombastic developement.
Journalism today is entertaiment. And bad one at that.
It’s the start of the school year. A “Student Profile” column makes a great idea to fill up the ol’ newshole with some human interest. It could be worse — one of my “writing” visiting professors once said that his gig one of the other big local colleges, where they had an actual “Journalism and Public Relations” program, featured an entire class that couldn’t tell him the difference between journalism and public relations.
I don’t think he’d exaggerated, but I believe he discounted the “we’re all to shy to raise our hands and speak up in a seventy person lecture hall” factor. The only lecturer I knew who broke that barrier in the large lower division mass lectures was the scary/friendly economist who rewarded right-answering students with high-velocity bags of M&Ms.
Even so, college papers are real enough. My college paper once fired a section editor for plagiarism.
Is Billie doomed to be haunted by Sal at every turn?
“But Professor, I *can’t* lose my spot in this course! I was only even late because I spent all morning looking for my roommate!”
“Well, I’ll tell you what. I’ll let you stay in if you can get a signed drop/add form from that other girl who’s always late–then you can have her spot. What’s her name? Sam? You know, the one with the motorcy–”
I forgot to mention that, in comic time, it’s the start of the school year. That’s when the biggest ad buys are made — so Daisy’s probably desperate for articles, otherwise the paper will be 10% editorial, 90% ads instead of whatever ratio is the target goal. The Sports department is probably doing a long story with multiple big photographs about the golf team tryouts.
Oh wait, that’s what we did at my college. We don’t have a football team, so our sports people had to do a lot of softball, water polo, and soccer reporting. We had some genuinely weird people in Sports, such as the guy who used a 120 format Rollie TLR camera to photograph basketball indoors because he could find 1250 ASA black and white film in that format.
Prediction Time: After about seven strips of Billie tracking down and stalking shadowing Sal, interrupted by at least seven strips featuring other storylines, Billie writes a hatchet job truly talented, gripping, even somewhat accurate profile that not only does harm to Sal but also to others.
So a story about a chick with a motorcycle is bigger news than an abusive RA who is performing essentially illegal acts against the student body (i.e. theft, assault, and abuse).
Doesn’t really sound much different from the regular media, huh?
This is totally believable seeing as how college newspapers suck out loud. Still, she should be admonishing Billie to deliver evidence or proof of some kind, not that the story is “not news worthy.” My school paper had amazing front page articles like, “It snowed yesterday, did you notice? Here are some pictures of people and snow.”
…all we had were chicks in Trans Ams =o
Girls with Trans Ams in your school? Urgh! Why did I end up in the college with all the hicks and retards who couldn’t even handle an ATV?
It’s more likely than you think
Oh, we had hicks and retards. They just had cool cars to fuck up.
Wow, that’s even better
Poor Billie, look at her sad FAAAAACE.
I’m more fascinated by her “sanity has snapped” face in the last panel.
Wait, seriously? “Hot chick with motorcycle” is a story? I’m pretty sure that’s not even a headline.
You haven’t read a lot of college newspapers, have you.
I’m picturing J Jonah Jameson Demanding pictures of the mystery hot biker now. It pleases me.
He’d probably accuse her of being a menace to society and say she worked with the Goblin on a scame or something.
I’m picturing that too, but with more Spider-Man, and also Batman, who is there because he’s Batman
Whereas “Sadistic RA” is actually news worthy…I think Daisy has her priorities seriously screwed up, or she has a very different idea of what “gossip” is than I do.
Hot girl on motorcycle is a tangible fact. People saw that.
The evil RA is hearsay at best. A story that can be proven is always better then one that cannot be, no matter how amazing that latter story is, it’s fiction without facts.
Ah, the irony is so thick you couldn’t even cut it with a knife.
Here, have my chainsaw.^^
“Maybe you can get an interview with her roommate…”
lol, the eye-twitch in panel six is one of the funniest little details in a while. poor billy, although she could very easily use this as an oppertunity for revenge if she is vindictive enough (I would be)
That’s a good idea, a good cross news story could be in play here.
lol, eye twitch. on one hand i want her to get the story, but on the other, i don’t want her to
And so, Billie’s story about Sal’s brutal murder gets published immediately.
“She’s such a good writer, it’s like she was really there!”
Well, I wonder how good of a fighter Sal is now. Seeing as how she has no alien enhanced powers in this universe, seeing a Sal and Billie fight has to be interesting. Though Walky never trained Billie in alien fighting techniques so I’m thinking that if all she took was martial arts, it would be pretty even.
So what Daisy’s REALLY trying to say here is how one should go about submitting the fanfiction.
1) It must involve a pairing.
2) Hot chicks involved is a plus.
2a) Motorcycles are even better.
3) Daisy x Hot Girl = instantly published.
4) Her number and favorite place for a date = instant “Columnist” status.
You forgot 5).
5) Also submit various images of said pairing to Daisy’s personal email so she has images to fawn over in pure lust.
My school newspaper never does this, so did Daisy drink some paint thinner or something? I hope Daisy does something to recover from this bout of stupidity for even proposing such a pointless story.
Welcome to comics, where stuff is done that wouldn’t make sense in the real world. Even if the comic is trying to be “more realistic,” it’s still a comic!
Just ignore it and enjoy it for what it is, my friend.
My high school paper was this bad. It was about making the perceived popular kids look good and ignoring anyone else.
A story of mine was so well written that the teacher overrode the editor and put it in but then the photo was the team captain who refused to talk to me when I interviewed the team, and whom no one knew why he was the team captain since the guy who did grant me an interview was the one everyone followed.
The photo had nothing to do with the article and was just a picture of him surrounded by the hottest girls on the track team in a shameless, “Look how awesome and sexy he is” picture.
Many school papers it sees are like this.
If Daisy was any sort of real journalist she would know that at times it is the expose by the reporter that exposes a person’s behavior to the public and forces the person’s superiors to finally act when they have been avoiding doing so in the past.
For all her protestations a gossip rag is exactly what she is publishing and what she is asking for.
Seeing as how she still needs to get that room mate form signed this would be 2 birds with one stone.
Of course, her problem with the roommate form is that she can’t even find Sal.
No matter what universe, Daisy’s a sucker for a hot girl.
…especially with a potential slash pairing on the horizon.
Long-haired Billie+Sal… hmm… at least in the main universe, at least one canonically partners with women…
Motorcycles make women hotter.
I’ve never seen someone in real life actually use the o.O face. Mind you, I still haven’t…
Also, if only you could catch people on fire with your mind.
I see it all the time. Maybe you’re doing it wrong. Maybe I’m doing it wrong.
In Daisy’s defense, going to Ruth’s supervisors will accomplish more than bongoing in the paper will.
Although, hot girl with motorcycle isn’t a newsworthy subject.
Now Amazi-Girl that might be worth it…
No it won’t. The RA was right if she has the least trouble on her floor of all floors the supervisors will mostly turn a blind eye to her behavior but if public opinion is against the the RA would get thrown under the bus to save face.
It’s may also just backfire, as Billie is a bit of a snob and a jerk, she’s not very sympathetic. Public opinion might not be swayed enough for anyone to do anything about it, as it’s kind of personal problem, Ruth isn’t shown tormenting any of the other girls (and I doubt Billie would care about it if she were). During my undergrad I would only read the school paper for the wacky advice columns, mostly to laugh at them.
<3 Because Sal's just that awesome~
Okay, guys. What you’re all overlooking is that it’s an awesome motorcycle. Pay attention.
“Listen, I’m not going to waste a story on some no-talent fresh out of high school, but I’m all for dark, mysterious biker chicks. Get me enough info on her that I can set up a date, I might like you a bit more.”
I remeber my uni paper being about that bad. Kinda like a local town paper.
And Billie’s mind has officially snapped.
So… am not saying that Daisy did meant it like that, but you could also read it like that:
*If Ruth was a really hot girl and had an awesome motorcycle, you could write about her an article. But since she´s not, you gonna do one about Sal.*
Also hot girl on awesome motorcycle is *Art* but property destroying and power abusive R.A. is *Newsbriefs*?
Oh well, at least Daisy got her priorities right: Hot girl over crazy chick.
If only Billie could convince Daisy that Ruth was a hot, crazy chick…
Wait, she isn’t?
You can’t objectively write a news story about someone who is terrorizing you specifically. You aren’t the writer; you’re a story element. If anything, once Ruth was brought to justice, Daisy would probably have another writer interview Billie (since victims are in the story, not composing it).
She’s suggesting the hot girl on motorcycle story because it’s gossip. We’ve seen plenty of characters talking about it already. Gossip is the basis of 21st century news. Sad times.
Modern journalism has also been removing the objectivity. Read just about any article these days and 90% of them are oped pieces even if not labeled that.
Which is why “modern journalism” is nothing more then very public gossiping.
Back in age of Edward R. Murrow, Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward when journalists exposed dirt about someone, it was because it was important, proven and for the good of the public.
Today dirt is purpose in itself, proof is often circumstential or illigaly obtained, and no one cares about the truth, just about most bombastic developement.
Journalism today is entertaiment. And bad one at that.
It’s the start of the school year. A “Student Profile” column makes a great idea to fill up the ol’ newshole with some human interest. It could be worse — one of my “writing” visiting professors once said that his gig one of the other big local colleges, where they had an actual “Journalism and Public Relations” program, featured an entire class that couldn’t tell him the difference between journalism and public relations.
I don’t think he’d exaggerated, but I believe he discounted the “we’re all to shy to raise our hands and speak up in a seventy person lecture hall” factor. The only lecturer I knew who broke that barrier in the large lower division mass lectures was the scary/friendly economist who rewarded right-answering students with high-velocity bags of M&Ms.
Even so, college papers are real enough. My college paper once fired a section editor for plagiarism.
Is Billie doomed to be haunted by Sal at every turn?
“But Professor, I *can’t* lose my spot in this course! I was only even late because I spent all morning looking for my roommate!”
“Well, I’ll tell you what. I’ll let you stay in if you can get a signed drop/add form from that other girl who’s always late–then you can have her spot. What’s her name? Sam? You know, the one with the motorcy–”
“What about en exposé of my editor who is an untalented, elitist hack?”
And then she walks out.
(And THEN they bang.)
I forgot to mention that, in comic time, it’s the start of the school year. That’s when the biggest ad buys are made — so Daisy’s probably desperate for articles, otherwise the paper will be 10% editorial, 90% ads instead of whatever ratio is the target goal. The Sports department is probably doing a long story with multiple big photographs about the golf team tryouts.
Oh wait, that’s what we did at my college. We don’t have a football team, so our sports people had to do a lot of softball, water polo, and soccer reporting. We had some genuinely weird people in Sports, such as the guy who used a 120 format Rollie TLR camera to photograph basketball indoors because he could find 1250 ASA black and white film in that format.
Prediction Time: After about seven strips of Billie
tracking down and stalkingshadowing Sal, interrupted by at least seven strips featuring other storylines, Billie writes ahatchet jobtruly talented, gripping, even somewhat accurate profile that not only does harm to Sal but also to others.Debate: Should Sal be a tag?
No, but ‘Newsdude 1’, ‘Newsdude 2’, and ‘Pink Scanner’ should be.
Does ‘Newsdude 2’ look kinda like Thad, or is that just me?
Sal is already a totally awesome gal…
“When or IF she’s fired…”
So Billie will never get to write that story, will she?
I genuinely feel bad for Billie. Mostly because she’s going through the same exact journalistic BS that I went through in my collegiate days.
Good times. Not so much.
This is true to life.
looks like God hates Billie almost as much as Ruth does
Are you sure it’s god? I’d think in this case that Willis hates Billie.
Willis loves Billie. She’s his favorite chew toy.
So a story about a chick with a motorcycle is bigger news than an abusive RA who is performing essentially illegal acts against the student body (i.e. theft, assault, and abuse).
Doesn’t really sound much different from the regular media, huh?
A hot chick with an awesome motorcycle is a more valid arts section story than ‘unsubstantiated claims of abuse’ is a news story.
One can get them sued for libel though.
That sound you hear is Billie’s disbelief crashing to the ground.
This is totally believable seeing as how college newspapers suck out loud. Still, she should be admonishing Billie to deliver evidence or proof of some kind, not that the story is “not news worthy.” My school paper had amazing front page articles like, “It snowed yesterday, did you notice? Here are some pictures of people and snow.”
aaaand we take three more steps to that bell tower shoot out.
Poor Billie.
Aah, way to kick her while she’s down. I feel so sad for Billie.
poor billie, she just seems to keep getting revenge kicked back at her face. But really, I admire her spunk, albeit it’s in all the wrong places. xD
why doesn’t billie just tell her supervisor??
Billie looks like she’s going to blow a gasket in the last panel.