It’s February 2. I feel like I referenced the wrong movie.
It’s okay, I’ll have another chance in several hours.
It’s February 2. I feel like I referenced the wrong movie.
It’s okay, I’ll have another chance in several hours.
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Oh, Joyce.
It’s Joyce. She probably thinks being divorced is a sin and Joe’s parents are going to hell.
Weren’t they anyway for being Jewish?
Joyce just keeps on finding new ways to prove that she is utterly crazy.
This is more about her innocence, I’m thinking.
Tomayto, tomahto.
I’d say this just crossed the innocence line and is taking a nosedive into stupidity.
Gonna quote Tristan J on this one.
Tomayto, tomahto.
Yeah, believing in disney movies at her age is a little worrying.
Oh, Lindsay Lohan.
Amazing how she turned out, isn’t it?
That’s because she befriended Paris Hilton. Being friends with Paris Hilton ruins everyone.
I prefered Paris Hilton when it was just a fancy hotel.
Are they going to Mother Bear’s? 😛
Naw, Mother Bears is too “Roomies!”.
Man, now I have to go and reread Roomies! DAMN YOU WILLIS!
I approve of this entirely new kind of crazy that Joyce has become.
Somehow, I don’t think Joe and Joyce look enough alike to pull off an effective Parent Trap. And even saying that much shows I know way too much about the movie.
Actually, to pull off an effective Parent Trap, we’d need Joe to be a twin, and that would melt Joyce’s mind, she’d just melt from the PSL she’s harboring going nuclear.
is this where we’re finally gonna see faz? that’s upsetting, but it’ll probably put to rest whether he’s Fazoli’s kid i suppose
Ugh, just shoot semen into her vagina already. That’s what happens during sex, right?
Why is your blunt turn of phrase a turn on?! Curses where is the poetry.
I also notice that Mike is on guard/
lol, you must be new here. Mike’s looking for an excuse to punch something else, since our lovebirds are a safe arm-length away.
If you are unimaginative, then yes, that is what happens.
Also if you are dumb. Very, very dumb. No way in hell is Joyce on the pill.
A lot of girls are on the pill for reasons other than Not Having Babies.
Joyce ain’t one of them, though. Five’ll get you ten that contraception methods, themselves, are inherently of the devil – regardless of use.
Wait… Into the VAGINA?! No WONDER than woman last night got all pissed at me!
Joyce’s last line made me lol.
Also, am I the only one slightly terrified by her manic enthusiasm in panel 4?
Also, run Joe. Run now.
With your penis.
I’d imagine that would hurt.
Joe thanks you for assuming that he’s capable of that.
I hate that word, but that was funny.
I’m a little surprised Joyce knows that word.
‘Divorced’ is a terrible word, yes.
With a family that’s seen five out of seven marriages fail within the last two generations, I view that one more as a non-judgmental reality. Then again, I’m the only one still on amicable terms with my ex.
Hey, my parents got divorced, as well. See, my mom was cheating on my dad with several other men. Their names? Well, the was Jim Bean, Bud Weiser, Jose Quervo, some Russian guy named McCormick, and, finally, some guy who owned a Carribean fishing boat. I think his name was… Well, something “Morgan”…
You know, I get the joke. But it makes it sound a lot more wrong.
Mike looks ready to do some punchin’.
Joyce is getting to be so cute its almost unsettling…in the best way
FINALLY. It’s the Felicia day cameo that Dumbing of Age has been crying out for.
I know she’s supposed to be cute and naive, but seriously… Joyce’s complete lack of real world understanding is actually kinda unsettling. And that smile in the last scene. I don’t know why, but it comes off kinda creepy with her talking about Lindsey Lohan.
Have you read the original Roomies? “Naive and innocent to the point of unsettling” is almost the whole POINT of Joyce’s character.
…Is it wrong that my immediate reaction was “Wow, I didn’t know The Parent Trap was a remake” and not anything actually…y’know…relevant to the plot?
That’s okay. My first reaction was “WTF? They remade parent trap? But why? That movie would be worthless without the olsen twins.”
>_> I’ve got bad news for you…
Yes, you are obviously thinking of “It Takes Two” which was blatantly the same basic plot as the parent trap, only not. xD
Oh, good…I was confused. ‘They remade it AGAIN? With the Olsens, to boot?’
There are only two plotlines for movies with underage twins. The Parent Trap and The Prince and the Pauper.
That’s not true. Those are just the popular ones.
Ew, Joyce! Joe, you really have no idea what you’re getting into…
she looks so heartbroken in panel three poor joyce
I can’t help but empathize with Joe. And I don’t even like people like Joe. I’m worried she is going to say something so bible-thumpy that he has an Aneurysm and dies on the spot.
You know…. now that I think about it Joyce DOES kinda resemble a young Haley Mills….
See, if Joyce had more real-world familiarity, she’d know that Lohan’s problem isn’t “sluttiness,” but substance abuse. It’s the latter that’s wrecked her career. Directors and co-actors don’t care about your sexual life. Hollywood isn’t the U.S. Congress. They care about whether you turn up on the set on time and coherent.
She was raised as a bible-thumper, although between the temptation of Joe and the assholery of Mike I don’t think it’s going to be a permanent part of her character. For now, however, I’d guess she’s using “slut” because a) She personally is more concerned with Lohan’s “immoral” sex life or b) she’s one of those people who say premarital sex leads to horrible things, so she thinks Lohan is an addict because she’s a slut.
Or maybe this is part of the Mantra to Quell Impure Thoughts.
What? I’ve seen people do stupider things to leave themselves totally unprepared for the directions their lives take.
Doesn’t change the fact that people call her a slut… Just because it’s not the source of her career problems doesn’t change public opinion of her. I’d say doesn’t change the fact that she is a slut, but what the hell do I know about Lohan? Not too much.
Except that she was actually pretty good in that movie.
You must also consider the whole “missing panty scandal” lack of wardrobe on her part, and obvious attempts to flaunt what is obviously unethical behavior on others. If it’s kept away from the you choose to promote your beliefs, and in turn others can counter your stance.
However, from the purebloods and freaks I’ve met with my time on campus, Joyce is more likely to rapidly decay her moral center by exposure to all the stimuli of a new environment. This is seen on a regular basis with those Amish teens who choose to leave the community for city life, and wind up taking binge drinking/perpetual partying to an excess.
Honestly, if all your exposure to Lohan is second- or third-hand mentions in the news and references on sitcoms, you might well think that “slut” is her main problem.
Well, sure. When has the whole truth ever been useful for keeping people trying to fit into society in line?
Goodness, but I seem to have woken up on the cynical side of the muffin this morning.
…okay, there are a *lot* of ways the media manipulates us, but I don’t see insufficient information on the sins of Lindsay Lohan as one of them.
Gossip has long been used to keep people in line, for fear that people will talk about you the same way they are of people such as Ms. Lohan. Accuracy, unfortunately, is not as essential as the scapegoat.
Lol. Poor Joe is just beginning to learn what he’s getting into. Really they’re both in over their heads. This relationship is gonna be a fucking trainwreck.
Hey, that can work out pretty well…if you’re last name is Addams.
Where…where are they going if not to Mother Bear’s? I don’t remember there being another pizza joint on that part of Third… *sob* I’ve been gone so long!
I hadn’t realised that this was set in a ‘real’ location
Yup, have a look:
Third and I don’t remember the name of this one way street before Jordan
Great Cheese, Willis even got the staggered windows right! Dang!
“It’s February 2. I feel like I referenced the wrong movie.
It’s okay, I’ll have another chance in several hours.”
Bill Murray agrees!
… and still regrets Garfield.
We ALL regret Garfield
No one else could have done that Lorenzo Music role justice.
Everyone keeps saying “Joe’s starting realize what he’s gotten himself into” and keep repeating it every new strip, for ages now. People, Joe has NO IDEA what he’s gotten himself into whatsoever, and he will likely not realize it until a long time after the date is over.
Lol. Haven’t been actively reading the comments. Thought I was being witty and original. You are quite possibly right, but that’s what the starting is all about. Even with no idea, he knows more now than he did ten seconds ago. His facial expression doesn’t exactly indicate that he brushed this off as inconsequential.
So, uh, I sure hope that not EVERY Christian is represented as crazy as Joyce is, here. Though, I can’t necessarily say that examples like her don’t exist; I’ve known a good few psychotically zealous girls in my day, sadly.
That aside, how many strips will Joe last before running for the hills, I wonder? Gotta give him credit for following it through for this long.
Here’s my experience with Christians. Most of them are good, fun ordinary people. They have a good sense of humor, enjoy guitar hero, all that stuff that makes a person fun to be around. Only major flaw is that they’re a little “do goody” but that’s to be expected.
However, whenever you get a group of them together there’s always one. The one member who feels the need to point out that my mother’s not the ideal christian because she has a job. The one that needs to tell the story of how she cured her friend of homosexuality by making her touch a bible, while we all sit and think that the friend obviously just doesn’t talk to her about that anymore. The one that preaches the evils of instant messaging, and can tell us in detail which societal sins specifically are responsible for the increased divorce rates.
So yeah, generally cool, but every group has one. You count out thirty christians, you’ll find yourself a joyce in there somewhere. Odds are the other christians aren’t fond of her either.
Pff, everyone knows those are just poser Christians anyway. The Elect of true Christians is so small, tragically small. 🙁
Darn, I need to hang out with your “Christian” friends more often; sounds like fun. See, I’m a Christian who likes to use Bible verses and logic (tough to make them blend, but possible) to disprove that “one” you speak of. “By the Book” Christianity is easier to deal with once you’ve shown that the Bible isn’t literally correct (blame it on translation errors). Start with how 1 Kings 7 gets pi wrong. (Diameter of 10 cubits and circumference of 30 cubits => pi = 3.0 instead of 3.1 => some ancient writer was prejudiced against the idea of irrational numbers, and “adjusted” the numbers, so why do you think any of the “ages” of people in Genesis is correct?)
Pfft, everyone knows that pi *used* to be 3, until Satan and the democrats came along and messed things up.
I would like Satan and the Democrats put out a hit single. It sounds like it would be fun.
Yeah, the Bible, to me, is a metaphorical work. You take any text, no matter how holy or supposedly unearthly, and let if get retranslated and reinterpreted by hundreds of people from different cultures and different view points and there’s bound to be more than a few typos. Some people, however, are horrified by that very notion.
As to Pi, little known fact, that wasn’t Satan, and Democrats aren’t that good at Math, kinda like Republicans dealing with anything other than War. It was probably the danged Communists. I blame everything on the Reds.
Aw… Joe has such a deep frown in panel four…
Mike harbor perverse sexual lust for Joe’s mom :p
Joyce means well but doesn’t get that Joe’s parents divorced for a reason, I think ^^;…
And that reason is so that Joyce can reenact the plot from The Parent Trap!
“Yes Socrates!”
You just made my day.
XD;; Not quite….
…It’s strange, seeing tact and Sal combined in one entry. But thank you for putting it gently.
I miss Mother Bears. They had an amazing veggie “summer garden” pizza that got me through at least one third of my degree. The only other pizza joint around 3rd is a Little Caesars.
This is unaaceptable! We demand Mother Bears! UNION!
Silly Joyce, only identical twins can make the parent trap work.
To be clear, it would have to be _Joe’s_ identical twin that his dad got custody of with neither parent ever seeing the other one, which is such a fundamentally ridiculous arrangement that it barely works as the premise for a movie.
He could always pick one up for an alternate reality, even if those things are doa in DoA.
And yet it’s been remade and/or imitated at least twice.
Opening this page spams me with several requests to download “xd_proxy.php”. Googling makes me think it’s a Facebook thing, and I’m not on Facebook.
Uninitiated spam requests for shady downloads? DO IT! Totally legit!!!
So, Joe, here’s a rule of thumb you need to consider: “Don’t stick your dick in crazy.”
Crazy can be exciting! But Joe still shouldn’t do it.
But if this brand of crazy gets pregnant, it stays pregnant. And Joe might find that problematic for his continuing education.
No, the rule isn’t “Don’t stick your dick in crazy.” The rule is “Crazy is awesome in the sack, but is not worth a relationship.” Joe’s only problem is that he won’t be able to get Joyce into the sack without a relationship because of her morals.
“Hit It, Quit It, Then Move To Canada And Change Your Identity.”
… What, am I the ONLY one with that motto?
I really like the backgrounds in this one, and the way panel 1 scaled out. It really set the scene nicely.
Damn! Joyce has the Haterade on tap!
Joyce’s eyes look weird in the last panel. Her pose also is like those fsjal thingies…
Joyce has some cute ideas. I don’t think it’ll work out, though.
Joyce is right about one thing, though. The first Hayley Mills movie is the One True Parent Trap.
The sequels, much like the remake, are not worth thinking about.
She wasn’t a slut yet at that point. She was 12.
Where are all the FAAAACE comments? What is wrong with you people today? At least someone worked in a penis comment.
Mike’s totally going to punch that redhead. In the FAAAAACE.
He’s totally gonna punch her… With his penis.
Joyce is Joe’s Everest.
In the new Parent Trap movie, is “the slut” Joyce is referring to the stepmom or Lindsay Lohan?
The “stepmom” character was in both movies. She wasn’t married to the dad yet in the Hayley Mills version, but she was still the same character fulfilling the same purpose.
She wasn’t married to the dad yet in the Lindsay Lohan version either. The girls wreck their marriage plans.
Sweet innocence, still believe in Santa and the Tooth Fairy and failed marriages can be fixed with child influence
I don’t think Mike knows what to do about her dumb innocence, what would YOU do?
She knows what a slut is! o=
I’m honestly surprised she said slut.
I wonder if that last line is making me read too far into just how judgemental Joyce is. Lohan was like 12 in The Parent Trap, even given her later behavior I wouldn’t think of that specific movie and think of her as “the slut.”
Freaky Friday, maybe…
Mike looks a bit like Johnny Bravo…
That’s a bad idea Joyce, divorce is awesome!