Won’t work. Sure, Joe is all bruised and defeated tonight, but once he gets back on the horse he’ll be immune to the taunts of the one who stays in his dorm room on a Friday night. And if Danny annoys him too much, he may choose to play the “Sure I misjudged the girl I’d just met – how’d you do with the one you were with for three years?” card.
Considering joe was arrogantly harassing danny about putting dorothy on his “to joe” list at roughly 7:30 the other day, I think danny has every right to laugh at joe getting his arse beat.
Ahh, I detect the hand of Frank Miller.
They’re friends. He’s allowed to laugh at Joe, just like Joe laughed at him. Particularly when the irony of the situation is taken into account. Joe after all was pretty damn confidant at the start of the date that he’d be Legen- (Wait for it) -Dary.
Probably from Mike, but we didn’t actually get to see Joyce punch him, so we have no idea how much damage she may have done. I wouldn’t think that she could do much damage, but looks can be deceiving, and she was pretty ticked off.
their from mike. joyce was throwing rights which would have landed on the left (hiden) side of his face while mike was constantly making contact on the right (shown) side
Depends on how the two people were oriented in relationship to each other. If they were face to face, then yes, she would have hit the left side of his face with her right hand. However, when Mike’s punch landed Joe on the floor, the right side of Joe’s face was toward Joyce. If Joyce approached Joe from more of a right-side profile view, then she would have hit the right side of his face even with her right hand. I’m betting that since she was so ticked, she went for the side of his face that was closest, which appeared to be his right.
Also bear in mind that Mike was also throwing rights when he was sitting behind/to the right of Joe and the punches were landing on the right side of Joe’s face. An assailant throwing rights does not necessarily mean that the assailed will be hit on the left side of the face.
Another point: the only evidence that Joyce was throwing rights is that in the scene where she is yelling at the retreating Joe, she has her right hand in a fist. Since her violence didn’t happen in a panel but somewhere in the no man’s land in between strips, then for all we know she may have wailed on Joe with both fists.
Poor Joe! I’m sure his miraculously 3D bruises will recover. But dang, this alt-universe has some strange xbox controllers! That’s assuming it’s an xbox, of course.
Just realized something: Danny has no way of knowing that Joe’s bruises came from his date going catastrophically wrong. All he knows is that Joe came home with bruises on his face. For all he knows, Joe got beat up on the way to his date by the sort of upperclassmen who started to beat him up. And he thinks that’s funny.
I guess Danny is assuming the bruises are from the date. He’d probably feel bad if they were from upperclassmen. He may even feel bad for Joe once he finds out how the date went and that the bruises are largely from Mike.
Honestly, its totally justified that Danny laugh. After all the stuff that Joe did and said to him about his break-up, the idea that he got his ass handed to him by a tiny Jesus-freak would be pretty nice karma, since no doubt Danny is assuming that the attack was justified.
with his penis.
i want your avatar XD
Wait … he sucks with … but how … what?
I think at this point, Danny has every right to laugh in Joe’s FAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE.
this comment is 100000% better w/the gravatar image you got
Hey Joe, there’s something wrong with your FAAAAAAACCCCEEEE!!!!
You heard them. “Face.”
Yeah, that would pretty much be my reaction too.
I’d laugh as well. Does that make me mean?
no. why should it, they do.
As a trusted friend and roommate, it’s now Danny’s duty to lord this over Joe every time Joe has a date.
Won’t work. Sure, Joe is all bruised and defeated tonight, but once he gets back on the horse he’ll be immune to the taunts of the one who stays in his dorm room on a Friday night. And if Danny annoys him too much, he may choose to play the “Sure I misjudged the girl I’d just met – how’d you do with the one you were with for three years?” card.
Considering joe was arrogantly harassing danny about putting dorothy on his “to joe” list at roughly 7:30 the other day, I think danny has every right to laugh at joe getting his arse beat.
By a lil church girl no less.
does anyone else have the 3D effect going on with the bruises?
Joe gets to laugh next time?
Is THAT what those are on his face? It’s a bit hard to tell, I find.
Looks like Robo-Vac got darker and edgier
This Robo-Vac was raped as a child.
(Yes, anthropomorphic vacuum cleaners have childhoods.)
I can’t believe I’m anal enough to point this out, but Robo-Vac was originally a cop named Tom Hoover who got hit with lighting while vacuuming.
So, erm, yeah. He had a childhood.
God Damn Frank Miller Why do people keep giving work?
Because people keep BUYING his work. It’s a vicious cycle.
Then maybe Danny is playing ‘Robo-Vac: Arkham Junkyard’ :p
Ahh, I detect the hand of Frank Miller.
note to danny do NOT laugh at those that can KICK. YOUR. ASS. trust me… i know…
I think that these last few strips have proven pretty conclusively that Joe is a lover, not a fighter.
When there’s a presumed non-violent girl around he wants to woo, anyway. You see any girls around here?
Why, no, there are no girls around Danny. Imagine that.
You mean besides Danny? BA-ZING!
I think they’ve proved he isn’t a lover either.
They’re friends. He’s allowed to laugh at Joe, just like Joe laughed at him. Particularly when the irony of the situation is taken into account. Joe after all was pretty damn confidant at the start of the date that he’d be Legen- (Wait for it) -Dary.
I am pleased by this outcome.
Robo-Vac: The Animated Series
The question is – are they bruises from Mike’s fist or the tiny hand slaps of purity from Joyce?
Probably from Mike, but we didn’t actually get to see Joyce punch him, so we have no idea how much damage she may have done. I wouldn’t think that she could do much damage, but looks can be deceiving, and she was pretty ticked off.
their from mike. joyce was throwing rights which would have landed on the left (hiden) side of his face while mike was constantly making contact on the right (shown) side
Depends on how the two people were oriented in relationship to each other. If they were face to face, then yes, she would have hit the left side of his face with her right hand. However, when Mike’s punch landed Joe on the floor, the right side of Joe’s face was toward Joyce. If Joyce approached Joe from more of a right-side profile view, then she would have hit the right side of his face even with her right hand. I’m betting that since she was so ticked, she went for the side of his face that was closest, which appeared to be his right.
Also bear in mind that Mike was also throwing rights when he was sitting behind/to the right of Joe and the punches were landing on the right side of Joe’s face. An assailant throwing rights does not necessarily mean that the assailed will be hit on the left side of the face.
Another point: the only evidence that Joyce was throwing rights is that in the scene where she is yelling at the retreating Joe, she has her right hand in a fist. Since her violence didn’t happen in a panel but somewhere in the no man’s land in between strips, then for all we know she may have wailed on Joe with both fists.
Joyce has brothers. I’m betting she can kick ass when she wants to.
avatar check!
Poor Joe! I’m sure his miraculously 3D bruises will recover. But dang, this alt-universe has some strange xbox controllers! That’s assuming it’s an xbox, of course.
In this universe the Dreamcast outsold the PS2 and XBox never really took off. What we’re seeing is the new SEGA console in action!
I just assumed he had a controller hooked up to his computer.
Don’t laugh at Joe when he has blue balls.
You wouldn’t like him with mocked blue balls.
If Joe tries anything Danny can take a page from Mike’s book and see that Joe will have black-and-blue balls.
Look at your FACE!!!
Just realized something: Danny has no way of knowing that Joe’s bruises came from his date going catastrophically wrong. All he knows is that Joe came home with bruises on his face. For all he knows, Joe got beat up on the way to his date by the sort of upperclassmen who started to beat him up. And he thinks that’s funny.
I guess Danny is assuming the bruises are from the date. He’d probably feel bad if they were from upperclassmen. He may even feel bad for Joe once he finds out how the date went and that the bruises are largely from Mike.
omg how many points you can score from getting jumped before a date tho.. hell if i were joe id find cute girls to show em off 2 😉
Oh come on, Joe’s even obviously early too! Short date, bruising, and he showed up looking less than happy.
2 days late,massive bruising, and a grin… that’s a sign of a good date!
Danny, don’t do it man, he’s got the look of a man who wants to hurt, maim and or kill something. Take evasive action, Danny, do a barrel roll!
Danny: “FFFFFT!”
Laugh it up, Fuzzball.
xD Joe sounds and looks (by his facial expression, anyway) like he was expecting this reaction from Danny.
I wonder when we get to Sal and Billie…
is it just me or does robo-vac look an awful lot like Big Cheese
Honestly, its totally justified that Danny laugh. After all the stuff that Joe did and said to him about his break-up, the idea that he got his ass handed to him by a tiny Jesus-freak would be pretty nice karma, since no doubt Danny is assuming that the attack was justified.
A pity it wasn’t.
Joe got more action than Danny did. The TV isn’t even on.
Actually it is. He’s just playing the worst design video game EVER.
You’ve never played a game that went practically dark when you paused it?
Ok, so that is not the Cheese?
though it was a crummy date I would hope that Joyce could stay positive enough to realize she is one guy closer to finding mister right
Oh, shut up, Joe. You totally deserved it.
I guess I’m the only one who mentally appended “fuzzball” to Joe’s sentence in panel four.
There’s something on your FAAAAACE!
It was pain!
laugh it up fuzzball