Joyce Brown, the statue you can vote for if you want it to be made!
on August 5, 2011 at 4:56 pmHere’s the Joyce statue design I’d settled on. The striped shirt won the poll, but I asked and it wasn’t cost effective to have something like that be handpainted on buttloads of statues. Thankfully, the nearly-equally-popular second choice was something with solid colors. So that decided that. (Likewise, I can’t guarantee the book will actually say “Gender Studies” on it on the final statue. That’d be a pain to hand paint at such a small size.)
She is not intended to be compatible with the Shortpacked! statues. Why? Well, something I kind of dropped the ball on back when I started the old statues was not thinking to make them 6″ scale. It’s a popular scale. Who wouldn’t want their statue to be able to plausibly hang out with Batman or Spider-man or the Ghostbusters? And I was locked in it for the original statues once Amber was made, but since this is a new series and a new continuity, I let myself make Joyce (and possible later DoA characters) this preferred scale.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Patch Together statue process, here’s how it works. Right now, the Joyce statue is starting the voting stage. If it receives enough votes, it will get produced! If it gets produced, then preorders will go up, a statue will get prototyped, I’ll help the Patch Together guys refine the statue until I think it’s perfect, and then after the preorder period is over, everyone’s cards get charged and Patch Together mails you your statue. The number of statues produced depends strongly on how many are preordered. PT tends to make ten or so beyond the number of statues preordered, but the best way to guarantee you get one (or that they’ll be produced to begin with) is to preorder one.
But that’s not exactly pertinent yet. Right now, all you have to do is vote.
Why hand-paint the “Gender Studies” when you can make a stamp?
I don’t know if stamps are in PT’s bag of tricks. And making one still adds to the cost. Frankly, at the size this statue will be, that book’s gonna be half an inch tall. Writing on there won’t be missed.
That explains it, for some reason I was thinking that you are the one making these things, I should have read more carefully.
Huh! Looks like I’m no longer feeling bad about hoping stripes wouldn’t be cost-effective.
Yes, but what if you position the Ethan statue directly behind the Joyce statue? It looks naughty.
Just pretend that the Shortpacked! cast are all horrifying freakish giants, and the mix of scales works fine.
Ah, yes, so you’re saying that the Dumbing of Age universe is literally scaled differently than Shortpacked.
so the hand-painted stripes and “gender studies” aren’t cost effective. not a big deal. what i really want to know is if she comes with a removable shoe full of chick tracts.
Just voted! Does this mean the Shortpacked! statutes are done for the foreseeable future?
Does this mean that we should start asking for Shortpacked! statues at 6″? Pretty please?
Any additional Shortpacked! statues would be at the scale of the previous Shortpacked! statues.
I absolutely love the fact that my Joyce statue will be the right size to hang out with Captain America on my shelf. I feel like she would approve.
no dress? awww.
Am I the only one who thinks her pose is a little … off? She’s adorable, to be sure, but I think she’s bent over just a little too far. Who would she be waving to that she couldn’t stand up properly to wave to? I like to think of characters as people, especially when it comes to things like this, so it seems odd to me for a character to be in a pose that looks unnatural to me. Please feel free to tell me why this pose works–I mean no disrespect at all.
I didn’t think the pose seemed off, in fact it seemed very classic Joyce to me. It might look a little wonky from the side, but it doesn’t seem un-natural. The slight arch forward is indicative of subconsciously submissive body language, something that is common in people who aren’t quite at home in their surroundings, and Joyce being someone who is a) new to college and b) has arguably been… sheltered, for most of her life definitely would be in the right mind set for this type of pose. The left arm being behind the back instead of holding the book to her stomach like most of us would hints at her overall innocence though: even if her body language is slightly submissive in tone, she isn’t really protecting her midsection. She is leaving herself open and vulnerable, something that a person with Joyce’s knowledge of human cruelty (read: none) would do. Whether he meant it or not, David has done a very good job inferring the aspects of Joyce’s character into her body language.
yah i could see that, or she’s just trying to act innocent and not be ashamed of gender studies.
why no dress???? DAMN YOU WILLIS!
“Arguably?” If I tried to argue that Joyce had not been sheltered, I would laugh me out of the comments section!
Likewise, I can’t guarantee the book will actually say “Gender Studies” on it on the final statue. That’d be a pain to hand paint at such a small size.
So, they use a stencil. Paint the book in one pass, then hold the stencil (which covers the entire figure save for the cutout for the Gender Studies on the book) in front and give a quick blast from a spraypaint for a second pass. Much easier than hand lettering!
The book will likely be separate, if Ethan’s statue is any indication. His clipboard is its own thing that slides into his hand under his arm. So now I have this potential clipboard accessory I can use!
Long story short, the stencil could be very small… though it’d have to be in an awkward font to account for letters with gaps in them.
What’s up with this project? How many votes does the statue need?
I haven’t heard back from them. I guess the Shortpacked! Ethan statue didn’t sell well enough to do any more.