This is how you know you know shit is just about to get real! My new convention display banner for Dumbing of Age arrived by FedEx today, because convention season is… imminent. Frighteningly imminent. Oh my god oh my god.
Anyway, there’s a new DoA banner because I previously didn’t have one! And I figgered, hey, well, maybe I should probably definitely. I’ll bring this and last year’s Shortpacked! banner, the one that interlocked with the older banners, but from now on it’ll just be that banner and this one. …or until I make a new SP! banner, anyway. I had planned to do a new one along with this new DoA banner, but I couldn’t get a good composition, so I shelved it for a while.
If you want a better look at the DoA banner art, I have it up on my DeviantArt account. You can also find my brainstorming doodles for it, as well.
…man, I should put a Convention Appearances box somewhere on this site like I do back over on Shortpacked!, shouldn’t I? Regardless, I make my first appearance of the year faaaaaaaar over on the west cost at Emerald City Comic-Con. That’s from March 4-6. See you there!
Needs more Sal.
She’s hidden, like a ninja.
I can’t help but notice that for being entirely non-cleavage, Joyce’s breasts are very prominent in the image.
This may say more about me than the banner, though. And not that there anything at *all* wrong with it either way.
Joyce is totally smothering Billie with her boobs!
i hope that becomes a storyline.
we’re only another year out from straight up DP tentacle porn.
(he says, as he’s been saying for the last… Walky! How long have I known you?)
Haha, my first thought about it too haha
Where do you get your banners printed?
eBay! (no, seriously)
Are you thinking of maybe going to Anime North this year?
Speaking of convention appearances… C2E2 isn’t listed on there. Did you have to cancel? I’ve already bought my ticket!
Don’t like it. It lacks Mike and Coonie. J/K