It’s a t-shirt you can buy! Why? Well, I figured why not. I mean, seriously. Since my t-shirt folks do print-to-order, if a design is simple enough, I can just throw it up on the Intermanets in a few minutes and see if anybody cares.
Plus who wouldn’t want a shirt that may or may not be about boners?
(Fun story. I designed the t-shirt for Dina in the strip thinking it would genuinely be about paleontology, but after 24 hours passed, I realized there might be unintended multiple meanings. Which is real progress for me, because these bone-related accidental double entendres used to pass me by unawares.)
I think Dina has about as many appearances as she does items of merchandise.
While she may have as many appearances as merchandise items, I would also wager that as far as merch goes she is still ahead of other characters with more time on the screen.
I will never look at that strip the same way again.
The “bury my bone” strip? Yeah, the first one to point that out to me was MY DAD.
I always assumed the bury the bone thing WAS the joke in that strip…
It is only now in recent years that I’m realizing how Joyce you used to be…
Just for this page at least, can you add a digg option?
Just more evidence that this comic needs MOAR DINA.
Did I ever mention that Dina is one of my favorite characters ever?
She is.
One of my favorites as well.
Er, yeah, about the Dina merchandise…
I like her head-chomping dinosaur hat and I’m delighted that you offer it in the store, but if you’re going to charge $30 for it (which is totally fine), you might want to use a photo that doesn’t include a sign proclaiming “HATS $20”.
I don’t technically charge $30 for it, because the hat is out of stock and will forever be.
Ah. Well, rats. So you’re just taunting us with it, then?
Really, though, it’s always sort of refreshing when a webcomic creator comes up with some form of strip-related merchandise item that falls outside the usual categories of book collections and t-shirts. The hat was perfect.
(pauses to actually read copy about hat in DoA online store)
Geez, you were making those yourself? OK, yeah, no wonder you’re not selling them anymore. Still, they look(ed) great.
Why not sell them for $100, or for , then make ’em on order?
If nobody orders ’em, then it’s no more work for you aside from whatever it takes to add it to the store. If somebody does, then it’s enough profit to be worth doing.
That way people who will do anything (short of stealing the hat from someone else that already has one) have a way to get it – if they really, really, really want it.
. . . that “or for , ” was supposed to read “or for {insert even more obscenely high price here, like $1,000},”
Any chance you could publish the pattern? I’d shell out a coupla bucks for it, as I suspect would other crafty readers.
No more sewing for you, and everyone gets hats! Win-win
Heh. I don’t know if there’s a pattern, strictly. My “pattern” was pieces of hat, which is now a hat itself. To make a pattern, I’d have to start all over with the trial and error of making hats, and that sewing machine I borrowed isn’t here anymore. I think I’d have to disassemble one of the hats to trace a pattern from it.
No more hats? Ever? Giza’s tears are flowing like waterfalls.
I proudly claim credit for at least a little of your corruption.
Wow I feel dumb that it’swalky link one passed me by too.
I’d get this, but I never got my “Can’t afford my hugs” – shirt
Eek! When did you order it? I will look into it.
Aha. Found the order. Was my bad, since I missed the email and didn’t forward it to the t-shirt guys. I’ve refunded your money and passed the information along to them, so free t-shirt for you! I’ll just eat the costs, since this was my stupid error.
You are now my hero david
Dina’s Dino Hat + “Dig It” t-shirt = Dina Cosplay
Willis, do you realize what you have potentially unleashed onto the world?
The wonderfully, socially inadequate Dina is now at 7% in the poll, bongoes. Awesome.
Dina has always been my favorite in both universes.
Is this still a thing we can buy?? I really want one! The link didn’t work though.