Because I can, I’ve put a poll over on the right, between the intra-comic links and the Twitter box. Everyone important has shown up, so it’s time to see who folks are most excited to see more of. I won’t promise that I’m gonna be, like, beholden to it or anything. Mostly I’m just curious. I have my own ideas as to who’s most popular, and I want to see if my suspicions match reality. (And even if I were beholden to it, there’d be a month-long delay anyway as we burn through my buffer.)
Select up to three characters and let’s see who’s in most demand.
Wow, didn’t expect to see Joe so low in the rankings. What’s up with that?
Indeed…. WTH?!
I think it’s because he’s in the strip so much right now. Law of scarcity and all.
Sal is only in 5th place (at the time of this post?) Billie is in NINTH?! Bring on the Sal/Billie Roommate shenanigans. Character CONFLICT, people. It drives the story!
Well, technically, Willis drives the story. It’s his to tell, but c’mon, a vote for character conflict is a vote for PROGRESS. Literally.
Mike can conflict with anybody. It’s kind of his thing.
It’s a good thing that a lot of folks at the top of the rankings are getting paired in some way with folks at the bottom.
So MikeXDanny, DinaXSarah, Amazi-GirlXDorothy, AmberXJoe, WalkyXRuth, SalXBillie, JoyceXEthan?
When I checked?
No Leslie? Seriously?
Was limiting this to, well, students.
Grad students are students too! I too mourn the lack of Jason.
Seconded! Jason is the number 1 character I want to see more of. I’VE MISSED HIM FOR SO MANY YEEEEARS *sob*
But professors are interesting too!
I’m beginning to suspect Robin will never appear…
No Jason? Seriously?
Joe has a criminally low amount of votes. He should Joe everyone who doesn’t vote for Joe up the butt.
Why all the Sarah hate?
I was wondering that myself. She’s one of my favorites, but right now she’s just being used as a sounding board for other people to bounce their personalities off of. Girl’s got potential!
*Insert avatar joke here*
In my defense, I just saw a poll with “Dina” on it and clicked the hell out of it; if I had bothered to RTFM and see that I could have picked three, I would have totally picked Sarah too because she is supercool.
I’ve never really liked or identified with Sarah. And I really can’t see her socializing with the rest of the cast without a MAJOR personality change. She reminds me of folks I knew when I was in my 20’s who spent all their time “getting ahead”.
I’m not sure it’s “hate” so much as “everyone else on the list has more love”. When I saw the results, I felt sorry for her too, but that doesn’t mean I would change one of my votes to hers.
Not much about her stands out yet. She’s mainly Joyce’s straight-man.
Mike all the way man! Ya just can’t get enough of his douchebaggery
All of my votes are in the bottom six.
Story of my life.
The universe is punishing you because you didn’t vote for Mike.
The Reel Big Fish cover is way better than the Social Distortion original.
…Hey, at least you scored a top pick for the new Guilded Age artist.
Woot, I picked the least popular choice (Sarah)! That makes me feel special for some reason. …But my other two picks are the top two in the poll (Mike and Dina). That makes me feel boringly average for some reason.
I did too, Joyce, Sal and Sarah. Joyce because she’s oddly different in this universe, Sal, because, well, I like badass women, and Sarah, because honestly Sarah’s probably one of the characters I can identify with more (the whole being a serious student thing).
I think the MikeXDina shippers are owning the poll, so ‘average’ is a little slanted here.
I tried to vote for “I harbor Perverse Sexual Lust”, but it doesn’t seem to be an option.
What up wit’ that?
sal, cause she really hasnt done anything yet. mike, cause he has my shortpacked book hostage. and ruth, cause how many strips is she really in? shes a super billie, and god knows we need her to survive more than 1 year in a comic.
How long has this poll been up? Cause Mike already hit 200+.
I would have given all three of my votes to Billie if it were possible.
I’d like to see a “Who do you NOT want to see more of?” poll. That’d be fun,
Egads! The three I chose are at the very bottom.
That’s cool, the way that it shows ones votes bolded in the ranking list.
Why do people want see Mike so much? He’s just… I mean, he’s not a very nice guy.
Yeah, pretty much. That, and I tend to really like fictional characters I would totally hate in real life. They’re more entertaining, somehow.
I voted for my favorite three but I have to add here – I like all of the characters and hope that they all get fun plot lines!
Is there a way to anti-vote for Walky?
So why no Roz? She’s a student. Not that I would have voted for her, but she should at least be given a shot.
Ethan and Sal were my obvious choices, but the third spot was a four-way split between Ruth, Amazi-Girl, Dina, and Billie. I actually went for Dina in the end, but now that I can see the results I wish I hadn’t… Ruth and Billie are criminally low in the rankings.
I never read any of the Walky stuff, Shortpacked is what pulled me here initially, and an archive binge of the Walky stuff seemed daunting and unnecessary. Well, I figure I’ll get to it eventually because I shouldn’t deny myself the delicious Willisness, but with DoA starting up I figure I’ll postpone that a little longer so I can see this thing with completely ignorant eyes. (It seems like that’s always happening to me, somehow, seeing the remake/reboot first. Certainly more often than when I go into the remake/reboot already having seen the original.)
Ack, voted for Mike, Dina and Walky. At least Walky’s outside the top 5, feel like I should have put my votes elsewhere for peeps who deserve it but aren’t as popular, like Sarah or Danny
Mike is the most in-demand right now, I’ll be over here pretending to be surprised.
Also I voted for him too. And Billie and Sal.
Oh hooray for Mike and Dina!! I’ve really been wanting to see Mike’s college shenanigans, and Dina is just super wonderful.
Voted for: Amazi-Girl, because she’s kick-ass; Dina, because she’s unintentionally hilarious; and Walky, because I have perverse sexual lust for him.