I’ve been drawing Joyce half my life. Here’s some images of her pulled from my hard drive, arranged chronologically, for funsies. Try to guess at which point I took life drawing lessons!
I’ve been drawing Joyce half my life. Here’s some images of her pulled from my hard drive, arranged chronologically, for funsies. Try to guess at which point I took life drawing lessons!
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Ye Gods! She went grey way before her time.
I guess it would be between the two black and white pics that you took those lessons.
I would guess that as well, given that Willis said as much on his dA account. xD
Mine too! I love the way her hair looks and her body shape is great!
It’s good that she lost the Mickey Mouse feet early.
I think I like her best in the It’s Walky! years.
My favourite is the second from the left on the bottom, so…
A simple correlation
Willis took lessons = Joyce got boobs
Wow, that’s a lot of years drawing Joyce. I like the progress. She’s always cute. ^^
Gotta say I like her better in It’s Walky! fashion wise.
Still, fun to see Joyce’s drawing changes… trip down memory lane!
Interesting that with the first grey one her hair suddenly lost its ‘bell-shape’…and has been gradually getting it back ever since.
Joyce had Uggs before I even knew what Uggs were. When I first saw a pair I instantly thought of her.
My favorite is the second from the left in the second row…oh, someone said that. Ah well. ^_^ I like all of the second row.
The most recent version of her actually looks the most mature to me. But there’s not much difference in the second row, really, other than the first and last ones.
(And I like recent Joyce the best.)
You should do something similar with Sal when she’s unveiled for DoA. Her 1996 eyebrows were pretty crazy.
Yeah I’m figuring it is around the grey scale images in the top row because that is when Joyce’s face loses what I can only describe as a chipmunk characteristic that I had never noticed in the early years. Those two are also the first time you can start making out attempts to do shading based on how the curves of a body affect the object’s lighting.
That’s a lot of waving. How about a picture of Joyce and SG Ravage waving at each other?
Lots of changes over the years. The triangle grin, however, remains pretty consistent throughout.
Last two don’t look like the same character… she got kinda dumpy. Her face looks cutest in the last pic though. Can’t say much, my characters seem to change height and weight constantly throughout their run.
And there was much re-Joycing.
Ok, that’s unfair. I’m re-Joycing that Willis posted this.
Print? Please?
That girl “wears more vests that the cast of Blossom!”
(I say with love)
I like how she stretches and then shrinks back again.
I harbor PSL for Joyce #8, personally. But it’s interesting to see how your style’s changed over the years, Willis.
Man, I sure do miss that yellow stripe.
So what convinced you to go from mostly realistic body proportions back to a retro big-head look? I think #8 was the most aesthetically pleasing configuration, with all your characters looking a lot more pear-shaped now.
Joyce is a wonderful character. It amazes me to see how much she have evolved! Watch a character grow up (graphical and psicological) its a true privilege…!