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I had to work too, but it was with wholesome liberal 3rd Graders who were really excited about it. Two of them declared a desire to become president someday as well. All were SO relieved that the mean bully wouldn’t be in charge anymore, we were kicking that guy out. Super lovely in every way.
I thought their was a YouTube video of every single “Your Fired” from the Apprentice that ended with the Electoral Vote Totals and Tuba sound effects. But when I searched for it to show my wife, I couldn’t find it.
It’s very indirect in a democracy, and is in theory muted by meritocratic promotion, but at the highest levels there is definitely politics involved in getting promoted. As such, when the soldiers vote in a federal election, they’re selecting the people who are likely to influence the promotion boards for their next boss. So, kinda? but very muted.
I am the very model of a modern Major-General,
I’ve information vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical
From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical…
Hey, having a Major-General who can tell at sight a Mauser rifle from a javelin is a useful thing, particularly if they know more of tactics than a novice in a nunnery.
Was Leia’s election connected in any way to her rank though? Or just her title? i.e. wasn’t she elected Princess (like Amedala) but a General due to competence and leading the rebelion?
A solid example though, is Eisenhower. And man, I had to stop myself from writing Hightower. I shouldn’t have watched Police Academy again on Netflix.
See that’s what I always thought from context, but then Clif’s comment plus the thing about Amedala and I just don’t know. I should ask my star wars friend. But do you have any source for this Clif?
It’s all very confusing. Leia was adopted by Queen Breha and her husband, Viceroy Bail Organa, thus joining the royal family of Alderaan. Bail was also represented Alderaan in the Galactic Senate and groomed Leia to take his place, which she eventually did. It remains unclear if Senators are appointed or elected. It is said that both Bail Organa and Queen Breha care deeply about democracy and supported the Rebellion from its early days, which sure seems strange if they are an absolute monarchy. Maybe Alderaan is a constitutional monarchy, but it doesn’t sound like it when you read about it online. It feels like the Royal Family holds real power?
The government in the Star Wars universe is a very odd, traditional mix of monarchy and federal democracy. Under the Republic, each system chose its own form of government, and had its own means of electing a Senator. Many chose a monarchy, and had the monarch select a Senator. The Senate, however, democratically voted on matters concerning the central government.
So, it’s possible for Princess Leia, the daughter of a monarch, to be made a Senator by her father, and then be democratically elected by the Senate to be made General of the Republic armies.
Ok full nerd time. The government in the Star Wars universe is based on Dune, like much of Star Wars. It’s a feudal republic. It’s feudal in the sense there’s a single governing body overseeing a bunch of other governments. Therefore they don’t really control any system, and have to negotiate. It’s also how you can have two areas fighting within the Republic – feudal governments often have those problems.
With the empire it transferred to a feudal dictatorship, but the same issue of a lack of control was there. That’s why the emperor needed a super weapon.
Almost none of this of course in the movies, especially the original where Leia was established as a princess, but retroactively added as desperate attempts to explain the weirdness.
I particularly like that not only is Leia a princess as the adopted daughter of a Queen, but she’s also secretly royal by birth as the daughter of the former queen of Naboo. Which I believe was actually established first before her adopted mother being a queen showed up.
Yes. I’m glad we don’t name the children of current elected officials as if they were heirs to those elected official’s current positions at the time they’re elected.
That having been said, I think most of our elected officials generally already had all of their children by the time they’re elected, and most of the ones who do have children while in office have them via affairs that turn into career-ending scandals, which tends to preclude that sort of thinking. Queen Amedala was elected at a much younger age than most of our local government elected officials, let alone those at the country level.
Leia was royal by birth in the sense that she was daughter of a queen – however that queen got to that position.
And from a Doylist point of view, the character Amidala was almost certainly made a queen at least partly because she was the mother of a character we already knew as a princess.
In the beginning of the Spanish Civil War, a lot of the Republican militias elected their own commanders. I quote from a random PDF I found on the subject: “Within the CNT militias especially there was no hierarchy, no saluting, no titles and no rank insignia.”
George Orwell talks about that in Homage to Catalonia, saying its not as ridiculous an idea as many people might think in the long run, but the militias didn’t have the luxury of the long run.
The right to elect officers is in the manifest of Patropavloskduring the Kronstadt “mutiny” against the bolshevik steal of the russian revolution.
I seem to recall such thing in other revolutions (1792, 1871 in France, and in Hungaria at least in two occasions).
Oh, and I forgot the EZNL.
How is it strange? Walky is objectively one of the better characters in the comic. Sure he has a few flaws but that’s what makes him interesting. He’s pretty likeable all things considered.
I think Sirksome might have been replaced with an alternate-universe Sirksome. Quick! Someone check through the comments to see when their first pro-Walky comment appeared!
Someone complained that their relentless Walky-bashing was getting old, and they apologized and started systematically praising Walky, with a lot of exclamation marks, from the next day onward. I thought it was hysterical but its been at least a couple weeks so I guess they really did revise their view of Walky =)
(Sirk, do you subscribe to this version of events? I hope I am not being slanderous.)
Technically I believe any form of printed defamation would be libel, but to address your comment I can neither confirm or deny any theories concerning the seemingly abrupt change in tone of criticism or opinion toward the character David Walkerton. But as proof this profile hasn’t been taken over by alternate dimension Sirksome I think I should note I have slipped up a few times. Each time I have broken form has been noted by a commenter. An example being 3 strips ago when I unintentionally vented some frustration that Walky did reveal to be incredibly oblivious to Lucy feeling for him. I believe you, (milu) were the one to notice that time! My apologies. A momentary lapse that I will strive to improve in the future.
Your efforts at this course change or parody are commendable. We award upon you the highest honor: Your parody is indistinguishable from really liking Walky and vice versa. Bravo.
I believe a jokerclapping.gif is appropriate here. Possibly including a full viewing of the Dark Knight (if that is in fact, a reward for you, else select a movie/activity of your choice)
Given her praise of Walky a couple days back, I don’t think that’s the issue, but rather that she’s trying to avoid any romantic entanglement as a distraction. That’s why she broke up with Walky in the first place. Self-sabotage she calls it in an early strip
Hrrmmm. That sure sounds like something I did. Still this comment is quite troublesome for me. I will take note of this for improvement in future comments. Thank you for the feedback.
Jennifer ‘I’m totally straight! It’s just that everyone thinks about how hot their same-gender roommates, and best friends, and sometimes RAs are, BUT ANYWAY I’m straight!’ Billingsworth.
Amber confessed to her and even after that it still took like five years with multiple instances of Sal denying it and multiple instances of Sal and Amazi-Girl seen at the same time, and even then she still had to have it pointed out to her
The last time Jennifer mentioned it, she was still under the belief that Sal is Amazi-Girl. Unless it happened off-screen, she likely hasn’t changed her mind.
I don’t know if it’s brave. If anything admitting she has weaknesses only makes her more approachable and relatable, thus appealing and that much more of a flawless individual. By admitting she as weaknesses she ironically purges another weakness! Not that there were many to begin with.
That would be putting her into a no-win position. If she fails to admit weakness, she loses. If she does admit weakness, it MUST be towards the ends of appeal and ultimate flawlessness, therefore she loses.
In my experience no-win positions are a significant part of most peoples lives …
My understanding is that that is doubly true for women with ambition, so if Dorothy hasn’t learned to roll with that yet I predict that extra excruciating educational experiences will emerge ere long.
Technically the title of Sorcerer/Sorceress Supreme is held by the most skilled practitioner of magic and who wields the majority of energy in their dimension. If two people fit one aspect then there can be more than one, but never more than 2. Additionally if two people are equal in one of the aspects then there can be no Sorcerer/Sorceress Supreme.
Yes because clearly Dorothy, not herself in any way shape or form, has the ulterior motive besides making people happy. Herself, who is NOT in denial at all to any degree obviously, has pure hearted motives only and just wants her ex to be happy. These motivations are absolutely correctly assigned and not at all reversed. And if things go well, she will absolutely NOT get jealous.
Politics and Poker, Politics and Poker
Played for a pot that’s mediocre
Politics and Poker, running neck and neck
If Politics seems more predictable
That’s because usually you can stack the deck!
A list of notable Dorothy weaknesses:
1. Low vision. Seriously launch whatever scheme you have to take her down from like ten yards away and she won’t see it.
2. She’s too trusting. Becky’s been blatantly planning her downfall since they first met and she actually thinks they’re friends.
3. Lust. Dorothy’s attracted to people and regularly craves and participates in sex which gives all those with less active sexual urges a marked advantage. While she’s off chasing an orgasm someone else has cured cancer…or I don’t know secured a crucial districts votes or whatever is relevant to her character motivation.
4. Low physical strength. Sure she jogs, but I’m pretty sure like 90% of the girls in the cast could snap her wrists easy yo!
Eh. She’s stuck in my head as Billie (similar to how I’ve jumped from Dorothy to Dotty), and I’ve decided I’m not gonna waste time obsessing over that particular detail too much
Dorothy doesn’t deny what Jennifer said, but it still feels self-serving put that way. I like the first panel with Dorothy being genuinely happy to see a happy Walky and a happy Lucy.
Primier Perfect, Prime Minister Perfect, President Perfect Chancellor Perfect doesn’t work though nor does Governor Perfect or Repersentive Perfect MP Perfect someone what works as does Senator Perfect.
I’m pretty sure in Naboo it’s a Queen. Still elected of course. Queen Dorothy Amidala better make sure she avoids a young man who can use The Force and doesn’t like sand.
Padme was elected Queen, technically. Elective monarchies weren’t all that unheard of back in the day (the Holy Roman Empire and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth being the most famous examples that came to mind); though their existence has largely subsided in the public consciousness in favor of hereditary monarchies these days, there are still a few countries with some sort of elective-monarchial system today.
I suspect those elective monarchies rarely chose teenagers though* and the “elections” usually weren’t what we would think of as popular elections, but a choice made by the elites. Often from the available heirs of the royal family. And not for a limited term.
*With the exception of when one faction wanted a young puppet they could control.
So obviously done as a nod to Leia being a Princess, despite that having to be justified in an entirely different way.
Malaysian monarchs are still elected for terms today! As you say, elective-monarchial terms are not the usual thing, but it’s still not entirely unheard of.
If I’m reading correctly: the ruler of Malaysia is elected by the kings of the states from among themselves for a 5 year term. Most of those kings are hereditary, one is elected by the hereditary tribal chiefs from the male royals.
That’s really kind of stretching the definition of “elected”.
Well, not so much stretching the definition of “elected” as it is extremely narrowing the number of legitimate electors and allowed candidates. But yeah, very few elective monarchies have had anything close to allowing a large swathe of the population to vote in their monarch in a general election (besides Poland-Lithuania, the closest I can see on that list in the post-Roman era would probably be the Venetian Doge, but since the Doge ruled over the Most Serene Republic of Venice I’d question his placement on that list at all); that’s the fantastical edge of Star Wars for you.
Perhaps it’s just how long I’ve gone without being around people or the fact that I’ve just been super randy as of late but Jennifer really is super hot to me in this strip. Like I just get such “I wanna cuddle” vibes out of it. That kinda slightly sweaty vibe y’know? Where you’re not gross but you feel…human. I dunno I’m reaaaaaaaally feeling Jennifer in this strip Doesn’t hurt that she’s already tip top of my list of hottest DOA girls
Curvy, dark hair doesn’t hurt but also super capable. Billie’s super flexible and proactive. She can go blow to blow with Ruth, Amber is a superhero and Marcie’s a derby girl. Basically I want a girl who can hold me down or take the lead. Like the great Spike Spiegal said “I love a girl who can kick my ass”.
She may have a bit too high of an opinion of herself, but I do appreciate that list of things she did in high school: “I scope parties for roofies. I sneak friends into abortion clinics. I take down abusive boyfriends.” Maybe the term noblesse oblige goes here.
Jennifer sees it as ‘purging weaknesses’. Dorothy sees it as helping people find a degree of happiness in the time she has left with them. In the end, it’s more about the person’s self-image than anything else.
I’m honestly wondering about those other weaknesses though. Is Joyce on that list and, if so, in what context?
It’s definitely both with Dorothy. Jennifer’s not wrong that she’s using this to keep her self from being distracted by Walky, but I think she’s also genuinely happy for them.
I’m really disappointed with Jennifer. I thought she set up that date to get Daisy out of her way and for help Ruth, not… this. Shameless! At least Dorothy seems to have sincerely done that to help Walky.
One thing that Jennifer does not seem to have dropped with the ‘Billie’ nickname is the ugly social dominance instincts and her tendency to treat other people as pieces to arrange for her convenience and enjoyment.
[insert the image of Grunkle Stan being blinded by rainbow] Dotty is too pure… which is also the reason I doubt she’ll succeed in politics. For that you need two things, being at least somewhat manipulative and Connections. She is too focused on being Competent.
She’s organized her entire life, including education, personal relationships and self evaluation and self worth, around becoming president of the United States, something achieved by only 45 people in the history of the world, instead of trying things out and discovering what makes her happy. What kind of massive flaw do you want?
Not to mention that she is completely unsuited for politics. She is too nice, pure and well-meaning, the manipulative sociopaths in politics will eat her alive.
Especially Ethan, since he doesn’t deserve a partner as good as Danny.
Maybe (my headcanon version because he’s never actually shown up in any major capacity) Sayid can date Danny and hit it off. Danny finds music and tattoos sexy and powerful.
I wonder if that line’s ever worked. Like the hero just goes “oh shit I never thought about it like that” and then they team up with the villain and kiss
Pride goeth before the fall and whatnot, so I guess we’re setting up Billie for something really embarrassing involving her own relationship. I won’t say no to that, since she’s pretty insufferable right now.
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 1d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 1d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 1d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
That’s our General Keener
and… Butterbar Billingsworth
I hadda WORK while Biden was gettin’ inaugurated
and not on FUN stuff either, my job’s like the worst Sudoku book
I had to work too, but it was with wholesome liberal 3rd Graders who were really excited about it. Two of them declared a desire to become president someday as well. All were SO relieved that the mean bully wouldn’t be in charge anymore, we were kicking that guy out. Super lovely in every way.
I thought their was a YouTube video of every single “Your Fired” from the Apprentice that ended with the Electoral Vote Totals and Tuba sound effects. But when I searched for it to show my wife, I couldn’t find it.
Try searching “You’re fired!” instead. (tongue firmly in cheek).
Actually that rings a bell to me too. It seems like maybe SNL? Colbert? Seth Meyers? Maybe one of the Jimmy’s?
I envy your job
Okay, no kids for my wife and I, and spending time with kids is not my thing. (That’s why I love teachers and vote for all the school refernda.)
But that is downright cute and good to hear.
Your job sounds awesome.
Generals generally aren’t elected.
What?? But I thought that’s what the General Election was for! Shoot, have I been doing this wrong my whole life?
Generals are elected by a large number of people with weapons going, “We’ll do whatever you tell us to.”
I don’t think the enlisted people get a say in who their general is, either. (If they try, I believe that’s called “mutiny.”)
Or “¡Viva la revolución!”
It’s very indirect in a democracy, and is in theory muted by meritocratic promotion, but at the highest levels there is definitely politics involved in getting promoted. As such, when the soldiers vote in a federal election, they’re selecting the people who are likely to influence the promotion boards for their next boss. So, kinda? but very muted.
Generals do most everything generally.
I am the very model of a modern Major-General,
I’ve information vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical
From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical…
Hey, having a Major-General who can tell at sight a Mauser rifle from a javelin is a useful thing, particularly if they know more of tactics than a novice in a nunnery.
Princess Lea was elected and she was a General.
Was Leia’s election connected in any way to her rank though? Or just her title? i.e. wasn’t she elected Princess (like Amedala) but a General due to competence and leading the rebelion?
A solid example though, is Eisenhower. And man, I had to stop myself from writing Hightower. I shouldn’t have watched Police Academy again on Netflix.
Leia was the daughter of the ruling family. She was not elected Princess.
See that’s what I always thought from context, but then Clif’s comment plus the thing about Amedala and I just don’t know. I should ask my star wars friend. But do you have any source for this Clif?
It’s all very confusing. Leia was adopted by Queen Breha and her husband, Viceroy Bail Organa, thus joining the royal family of Alderaan. Bail was also represented Alderaan in the Galactic Senate and groomed Leia to take his place, which she eventually did. It remains unclear if Senators are appointed or elected. It is said that both Bail Organa and Queen Breha care deeply about democracy and supported the Rebellion from its early days, which sure seems strange if they are an absolute monarchy. Maybe Alderaan is a constitutional monarchy, but it doesn’t sound like it when you read about it online. It feels like the Royal Family holds real power?
The government in the Star Wars universe is a very odd, traditional mix of monarchy and federal democracy. Under the Republic, each system chose its own form of government, and had its own means of electing a Senator. Many chose a monarchy, and had the monarch select a Senator. The Senate, however, democratically voted on matters concerning the central government.
So, it’s possible for Princess Leia, the daughter of a monarch, to be made a Senator by her father, and then be democratically elected by the Senate to be made General of the Republic armies.
Ok full nerd time. The government in the Star Wars universe is based on Dune, like much of Star Wars. It’s a feudal republic. It’s feudal in the sense there’s a single governing body overseeing a bunch of other governments. Therefore they don’t really control any system, and have to negotiate. It’s also how you can have two areas fighting within the Republic – feudal governments often have those problems.
With the empire it transferred to a feudal dictatorship, but the same issue of a lack of control was there. That’s why the emperor needed a super weapon.
Almost none of this of course in the movies, especially the original where Leia was established as a princess, but retroactively added as desperate attempts to explain the weirdness.
I particularly like that not only is Leia a princess as the adopted daughter of a Queen, but she’s also secretly royal by birth as the daughter of the former queen of Naboo. Which I believe was actually established first before her adopted mother being a queen showed up.
Padme was elected though, so she’s hardly ‘royal by birth’ in the traditional sense.
Yes. I’m glad we don’t name the children of current elected officials as if they were heirs to those elected official’s current positions at the time they’re elected.
That having been said, I think most of our elected officials generally already had all of their children by the time they’re elected, and most of the ones who do have children while in office have them via affairs that turn into career-ending scandals, which tends to preclude that sort of thinking. Queen Amedala was elected at a much younger age than most of our local government elected officials, let alone those at the country level.
Leia was royal by birth in the sense that she was daughter of a queen – however that queen got to that position.
And from a Doylist point of view, the character Amidala was almost certainly made a queen at least partly because she was the mother of a character we already knew as a princess.
[Ulysses S. Grant and Dwight D. Eisenhower have entered the chat]
Ooh! I didn’t know about Grant. TIL’d. Thank you.
Or Washington, for that matter.
Generals can be elected to other positions, but they’re rarely elected to be generals.
Also Jackson, Taylor, Hayes, Garfield, Taft, Pierce, Arthur, Andrew Johnson, and both Harrisons.
In the beginning of the Spanish Civil War, a lot of the Republican militias elected their own commanders. I quote from a random PDF I found on the subject: “Within the CNT militias especially there was no hierarchy, no saluting, no titles and no rank insignia.”
George Orwell talks about that in Homage to Catalonia, saying its not as ridiculous an idea as many people might think in the long run, but the militias didn’t have the luxury of the long run.
The right to elect officers is in the manifest of Patropavloskduring the Kronstadt “mutiny” against the bolshevik steal of the russian revolution.
I seem to recall such thing in other revolutions (1792, 1871 in France, and in Hungaria at least in two occasions).
Oh, and I forgot the EZNL.
So, Sub-Commandante Dotty.
That was a Star Wars reference, fwiw
I resent Walky being referred to as a “weakness” ! Shame! Shame on both of them!
You being pro-Walky sure is strange.
How is it strange? Walky is objectively one of the better characters in the comic. Sure he has a few flaws but that’s what makes him interesting. He’s pretty likeable all things considered.
I think Sirksome might have been replaced with an alternate-universe Sirksome. Quick! Someone check through the comments to see when their first pro-Walky comment appeared!
I just want to know what they did with the real one.
Someone complained that their relentless Walky-bashing was getting old, and they apologized and started systematically praising Walky, with a lot of exclamation marks, from the next day onward. I thought it was hysterical but its been at least a couple weeks so I guess they really did revise their view of Walky =)
(Sirk, do you subscribe to this version of events? I hope I am not being slanderous.)
Technically I believe any form of printed defamation would be libel, but to address your comment I can neither confirm or deny any theories concerning the seemingly abrupt change in tone of criticism or opinion toward the character David Walkerton. But as proof this profile hasn’t been taken over by alternate dimension Sirksome I think I should note I have slipped up a few times. Each time I have broken form has been noted by a commenter. An example being 3 strips ago when I unintentionally vented some frustration that Walky did reveal to be incredibly oblivious to Lucy feeling for him. I believe you, (milu) were the one to notice that time! My apologies. A momentary lapse that I will strive to improve in the future.
Your efforts at this course change or parody are commendable. We award upon you the highest honor: Your parody is indistinguishable from really liking Walky and vice versa. Bravo.
I believe a jokerclapping.gif is appropriate here. Possibly including a full viewing of the Dark Knight (if that is in fact, a reward for you, else select a movie/activity of your choice)
*chef’s kiss*
There is a difference between what makes a character ‘interesting’ and what makes them ‘boyfriend’ material.
Given her praise of Walky a couple days back, I don’t think that’s the issue, but rather that she’s trying to avoid any romantic entanglement as a distraction. That’s why she broke up with Walky in the first place. Self-sabotage she calls it in an early strip
It’s weird considering how you used to post anti-Walky comments almost every time he was in a strip doing anything for several months.
Hrrmmm. That sure sounds like something I did. Still this comment is quite troublesome for me. I will take note of this for improvement in future comments. Thank you for the feedback.
I don’t think they’re labelling Walky as a weakness, but rather Dorothy’s … keener preference for him.
“It’s a little Machiavellian for me” said with no irony
Jennifer ‘I’m totally straight! It’s just that everyone thinks about how hot their same-gender roommates, and best friends, and sometimes RAs are, BUT ANYWAY I’m straight!’ Billingsworth.
Her nickname in high school was “Yeah, sure, whatever you say”.
Jennifer doesn’t go by her nickname anymore because it starts with “Bi.”
Jennifer Straightllingsworth
i deaded
Beautiful. Amazing. Thank you.
I’m just going to start assuming that whenever she uses that smug holier-than-thou face she’s projecting.
Don’t dis my guy Mac. He wrote the book.
Hmm, how much of what Billie says is true and how much is her projecting?
…was that the joke?
Almost certainly so
Yes, as she is aiming her ex- at another person.
My weakness has four letters, it’s —-.
My other weakness has maybe five letters, it’s —–.
(shoulda known we’d have a raincheck on Daisy)
Jennifer is just astoundingly oblivious, isn’t she.
Never been otherwise!
Just remember how long it took her to realize Sal WASNT Amazi-Girl
She still hasn’t.
Amber confessed to her and even after that it still took like five years with multiple instances of Sal denying it and multiple instances of Sal and Amazi-Girl seen at the same time, and even then she still had to have it pointed out to her
The last time Jennifer mentioned it, she was still under the belief that Sal is Amazi-Girl. Unless it happened off-screen, she likely hasn’t changed her mind.
Given the conversation they were having I think it probably did happen off-screen
That wasn’t the first time Sal denied being Amazi-Girl in Jennifer’s presence, either.
Hmm, but what about this?…
I interpreted it as us being show flashbacks rather than Billie having flashbacks.
(I say Billie because that was before they were really Mike.)
(Also, those blue audience-flashbacks were put up three years before Jennifer’s most-recent insistence that Sal is Amazi-Girl.)
Praise to Dorothy for not accepting an autocratic title!
And for admitting she has weaknesses! That’s so brave!
I don’t know if it’s brave. If anything admitting she has weaknesses only makes her more approachable and relatable, thus appealing and that much more of a flawless individual. By admitting she as weaknesses she ironically purges another weakness! Not that there were many to begin with.
That would be putting her into a no-win position. If she fails to admit weakness, she loses. If she does admit weakness, it MUST be towards the ends of appeal and ultimate flawlessness, therefore she loses.
In my experience no-win positions are a significant part of most peoples lives …
My understanding is that that is doubly true for women with ambition, so if Dorothy hasn’t learned to roll with that yet I predict that extra excruciating educational experiences will emerge ere long.
She may be lying, and not have any more weaknesses, luring opponents into looking for what doesn’t exist.
“President Perfect”
“Secretary Superior”
“Minister Majestic”
Sorceress Supreme?
Sorcerer/Sorceress Supreme is a passed down title, not an elected one.
I thought it came from being possessed by an extradimensional power, mostly during a crisis?
Technically the title of Sorcerer/Sorceress Supreme is held by the most skilled practitioner of magic and who wields the majority of energy in their dimension. If two people fit one aspect then there can be more than one, but never more than 2. Additionally if two people are equal in one of the aspects then there can be no Sorcerer/Sorceress Supreme.
Elected by magic itself.
Secretaries aren’t elected, and the only minister that is is the Prime.
I was going with “picked by a large group of people.”
Jennifer, have you ever heard the one about the pot and the kettle, because
She actually has, as it happens.
Ah, so she’s just practicing truly excellent selective self-awareness.
That’s still my favorite variation on that saying.
appropriate icon is appropriate
Sure, Jennifer, that’s what Dorothy – and not you – are doing.
Yes because clearly Dorothy, not herself in any way shape or form, has the ulterior motive besides making people happy. Herself, who is NOT in denial at all to any degree obviously, has pure hearted motives only and just wants her ex to be happy. These motivations are absolutely correctly assigned and not at all reversed. And if things go well, she will absolutely NOT get jealous.
Of course not. Not the least bit.
Jennifer in a white vest.
Bottom Text
That’s a tank top.
(Unless you’re making a reference that just wooshed over my head. In that case sorry, I’m too distracted by the cute.)
In the UK that would be a vest or vest top though?
I just called it that because that’s what the shirt is called on the Xbox 360 Avatar customiser.
tomato tomato!
point is it’s way ~gaaaay~
that was your point right
Jennifer in a Wife Beater.
Politics and Poker, Politics and Poker
Played for a pot that’s mediocre
Politics and Poker, running neck and neck
If Politics seems more predictable
That’s because usually you can stack the deck!
Humbly and discreetly looks for “My Weakness Is None Of Your Business” on the Hacked Muzak.
A list of notable Dorothy weaknesses:
1. Low vision. Seriously launch whatever scheme you have to take her down from like ten yards away and she won’t see it.
2. She’s too trusting. Becky’s been blatantly planning her downfall since they first met and she actually thinks they’re friends.
3. Lust. Dorothy’s attracted to people and regularly craves and participates in sex which gives all those with less active sexual urges a marked advantage. While she’s off chasing an orgasm someone else has cured cancer…or I don’t know secured a crucial districts votes or whatever is relevant to her character motivation.
4. Low physical strength. Sure she jogs, but I’m pretty sure like 90% of the girls in the cast could snap her wrists easy yo!
Honestly, three out of the four of those are also just me
Nah, those wrists have been strengthened with weights and stretches to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome.
Go for the elbows instead. Way easier.
Dorothy absolutely has Becky’s number. In their little faux-rivalry Dorothy is winning by a goddamn landslide
That’s just what Becky wants everyone to think
My brain is trying to apply the concept of subtlety to Becky, and I think I sprained something.
That means her subtlety is working.
Mind you, I do think Dorothy has Becky’s number in this game, but Becky can be incredibly subtle when needed.
You are correct, Dorothy has elected not to be immune to fire and it is a dreadful mistake quite honestly.
So you’re saying she’d be… “President Perfect?” (Dammit, now the song’s in my head again.)
Fifth-panel Dotty expression is a good one.
Big head bongo energy
Hey Jennifer, you showing any movies in IMAX? Because you’re projecting pretty hard.
She’s projecting hard enough for a large multi-screen movie theater.
When Billie said Daisy I thought she meant Princess Daisy before I finished the line. The “princess” was in the previous line! I was primed for it!
Meant Jennifer. Fuck
Eh. She’s stuck in my head as Billie (similar to how I’ve jumped from Dorothy to Dotty), and I’ve decided I’m not gonna waste time obsessing over that particular detail too much
That’s the twist. The usual Daisy is sick tonight so Jennifer called in a favor with the Princess.
Same. The fact that Willis already did a… particularly memorable strip about Princess Daisy back in Shortpacked! probably doesn’t help.
Dorothy doesn’t deny what Jennifer said, but it still feels self-serving put that way. I like the first panel with Dorothy being genuinely happy to see a happy Walky and a happy Lucy.
Maybe someday Jennifer will learn to be happy
So you’re telling me Billie is the evil version of Dorothy?
X Busy body who wants to do what’s best for everyone
X Pretty fond of Walky despite themselves
X Journalist
X Drinking rocket fuel in the murder cave
Checks out
Primier Perfect, Prime Minister Perfect, President Perfect Chancellor Perfect doesn’t work though nor does Governor Perfect or Repersentive Perfect MP Perfect someone what works as does Senator Perfect.
What about Prefect Perfect?
I don’t think Prefects are elected but rather appointed.
Going through the link, some places do indeed elect their prefects.
IDK, I kind of like Premier Perfect.
*Plays “Whoever Brings the Night” on Voxola PR-76 Radio*
Okay, I am sorry to be this shallow, but dang Jennifer looks nice in the second panel. And just generally in that top (+ hair).
…aaaaanyway, on topic, the Daisy / Ruth date should be a beautiful train wreck. Looking forward to that.
On that note, I wonder how she’d look in an Aperture Science Test Subject Uniform…
I came here to post this. God damn She’s looking FIIIIIIIIIINE
Okay, who else besides me misses her old hair?
YES. I mean don’t get me wrong I love her bob here, but the ponytail is iconic. Also like y’know…I’m into the idea of Ruth/Billie Hair pulling.
You are not alone, I thought ber old haircut really suited her. Though she’s still the best, witn either haircut.
You can be an elected monarch, Dotty. Go for that.
awww, that’s some serious hand-holding in panel one.
Princess can be an elected title. In Naboo, for example.
I’m pretty sure in Naboo it’s a Queen. Still elected of course. Queen Dorothy Amidala better make sure she avoids a young man who can use The Force and doesn’t like sand.
Some political assassinations of fellow Senators would also be prudent.
“I have… other weaknesses. But soon I’ll set them up with their own dates as well”.
So you would be Padme then.
The elected princess of Naboo. Who was also like 15 years old.
Padme was elected Queen, technically.
Elective monarchies weren’t all that unheard of back in the day (the Holy Roman Empire and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth being the most famous examples that came to mind); though their existence has largely subsided in the public consciousness in favor of hereditary monarchies these days, there are still a few countries with some sort of elective-monarchial system today.
I suspect those elective monarchies rarely chose teenagers though* and the “elections” usually weren’t what we would think of as popular elections, but a choice made by the elites. Often from the available heirs of the royal family. And not for a limited term.
*With the exception of when one faction wanted a young puppet they could control.
So obviously done as a nod to Leia being a Princess, despite that having to be justified in an entirely different way.
Malaysian monarchs are still elected for terms today! As you say, elective-monarchial terms are not the usual thing, but it’s still not entirely unheard of.
If I’m reading correctly: the ruler of Malaysia is elected by the kings of the states from among themselves for a 5 year term. Most of those kings are hereditary, one is elected by the hereditary tribal chiefs from the male royals.
That’s really kind of stretching the definition of “elected”.
Well, not so much stretching the definition of “elected” as it is extremely narrowing the number of legitimate electors and allowed candidates. But yeah, very few elective monarchies have had anything close to allowing a large swathe of the population to vote in their monarch in a general election (besides Poland-Lithuania, the closest I can see on that list in the post-Roman era would probably be the Venetian Doge, but since the Doge ruled over the Most Serene Republic of Venice I’d question his placement on that list at all); that’s the fantastical edge of Star Wars for you.
That said, you definitely were not the only one who thought of that.
Perhaps it’s just how long I’ve gone without being around people or the fact that I’ve just been super randy as of late but Jennifer really is super hot to me in this strip. Like I just get such “I wanna cuddle” vibes out of it. That kinda slightly sweaty vibe y’know? Where you’re not gross but you feel…human. I dunno I’m reaaaaaaaally feeling Jennifer in this strip
Doesn’t hurt that she’s already tip top of my list of hottest DOA girls
Indeed, Jennifer is without a doubt at the top of my theoretical list. Amber probably comes in a close second, with Dorothy right behind her.
My top 3 are Amber, Billie and Marcie. I got a type.
Is your type: curvy dark haired girls? Or is there another reason(s)?
Curvy, dark hair doesn’t hurt but also super capable. Billie’s super flexible and proactive. She can go blow to blow with Ruth, Amber is a superhero and Marcie’s a derby girl. Basically I want a girl who can hold me down or take the lead. Like the great Spike Spiegal said “I love a girl who can kick my ass”.
She may have a bit too high of an opinion of herself, but I do appreciate that list of things she did in high school: “I scope parties for roofies. I sneak friends into abortion clinics. I take down abusive boyfriends.” Maybe the term noblesse oblige goes here.
Asks Bierce to play, “Roller Derby Dame,” for you.
Round and round, go round and round.
“Roller Derby Queen”, right? Or is there another similar song I don’t know?
I’m surprised Dina’s not in the top 3. After all, she had the moxy to devour a pair of overalls!
But she’s not very thicc is she? That’s kind of a huge prerequisite, no pun intended.
I’m into redheads with Anglo-Gaelic accents, and frequently curse that Penny is, y’know, evil.
(in at least two universes)
Guess you”re just going to have to crush on Karen Gillan, like the rest of the world.
Done and done.
I mean, Princess CAN be an elected title. Haven’t you watched Adventure Time, Dotty?
I hope Willis drops an Adventure Time reference somewhere. His would be the fourth webcomic I read to do so.
Dorothy is thinking “You’re approval fills me with shame”
Jennifer sees it as ‘purging weaknesses’. Dorothy sees it as helping people find a degree of happiness in the time she has left with them. In the end, it’s more about the person’s self-image than anything else.
I’m honestly wondering about those other weaknesses though. Is Joyce on that list and, if so, in what context?
It’s definitely both with Dorothy. Jennifer’s not wrong that she’s using this to keep her self from being distracted by Walky, but I think she’s also genuinely happy for them.
This will be the new page image for Hypocritical Humor on TVTropes
I just adore the last panel Dorothy (text and all).
So she’d prefer “Premier Perfect”? I mean “President Perfect” is just too easy given her goals.
And she is just one of several DofA people getting more attractive with longer hair. It’s not just Walky.
Her fierce presidential eyes…
I feel pretty slow, I had a big “… OH, that’s what Jennifer’s doing here…” moment
I’m really disappointed with Jennifer. I thought she set up that date to get Daisy out of her way and for help Ruth, not… this. Shameless! At least Dorothy seems to have sincerely done that to help Walky.
One thing that Jennifer does not seem to have dropped with the ‘Billie’ nickname is the ugly social dominance instincts and her tendency to treat other people as pieces to arrange for her convenience and enjoyment.
That’s because Billie was secretly replaced by Mike who also has a tendency to manipulate other people for their own enjoyment.
Pot calling kettle black and all that.
That analogy only works if the kettle is in fact black. This is more like the pot calling the rainbow black.
[insert the image of Grunkle Stan being blinded by rainbow] Dotty is too pure… which is also the reason I doubt she’ll succeed in politics. For that you need two things, being at least somewhat manipulative and Connections. She is too focused on being Competent.
I’ve heard it works, she says
Okay, Congresswoman!
I confess I would like Dorothy to have a complete and utter fuck up. It would do her character good.
She’s organized her entire life, including education, personal relationships and self evaluation and self worth, around becoming president of the United States, something achieved by only 45 people in the history of the world, instead of trying things out and discovering what makes her happy. What kind of massive flaw do you want?
Not to mention that she is completely unsuited for politics. She is too nice, pure and well-meaning, the manipulative sociopaths in politics will eat her alive.
She dated Danny. That’s close enough.
I wouldn’t wish Danny on any of the cast.
Especially Ethan, since he doesn’t deserve a partner as good as Danny.
Maybe (my headcanon version because he’s never actually shown up in any major capacity) Sayid can date Danny and hit it off. Danny finds music and tattoos sexy and powerful.
If Lucy/Walky doesn’t work out, historical patterns may seem to indicate that Lucy/Danny would be next.
I think Danny is selfish, self-absorbed, judgemental, and kind of skeazy.
But that’s just my take on him.
What is that on Jennifer’s underarm? Is that just an awkwardly colored armpit or is she wearing another shirt under that tanktop?
It’s the rear part of her under-shoulder muscle, I think.
It’s her cloaked Star Trek communicator pin.
I assumed it was her bra, finding bras that perfectly line up with my tank tops is a consistent problem
That was my guess as well
Wait: Lucy and Walky are already handholding??
Why wait for the Taco Bell?
Maybe one day Jennifer will get a touch of self awareness. Just a scosche.
“We are not so different, you and I.”
“Now you’re getting nasty!”
— Indiana Jones
I wonder if that line’s ever worked. Like the hero just goes “oh shit I never thought about it like that” and then they team up with the villain
and kiss“drew this while biden was gettin’ inaugurated”.
Willis, for sure, know how the history is going 5 months from now…
I’m surprised Dina’s not in the top 3. After all, she had the moxy to devour a pair of overalls!
As sweet as that is, I can’t see it lasting. Which spells bad things for Lucy. Poor girl; she deserves something good.
Seems to me that she’s cutting her ties here, less of a reason to stay.
Pride goeth before the fall and whatnot, so I guess we’re setting up Billie for something really embarrassing involving her own relationship. I won’t say no to that, since she’s pretty insufferable right now.
this reminds me of that scene in Uptown Girls (?) where Dakota Fanning said she’d rather be parliament than a princess. “they have all the power”