Today’s the last day I’m going to be at Cartoon Crossroads Columbus, here in Columbus, Ohio, at table 6! CXC is at the Columbus Metropolitan Library downtown, and admission to the event is free! Come say hellos.
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Aw, Amber.
It’s gonna end badly, but they’re cute for now.
Yeah. No rush though.
Exact thoughts, both of them
The nice thing about the comic’s slow updates is that we get to see every agonizing detail of the wreck that kills Ruth I mean this relationship.
Cute Amber is cute af.
Buckets Of Blood guy has a cellphone case that has fake blood painted on it.
I don’t want to consider any alternatives.
Of course he does!
The blood is real. The cell phone is fake.
The obvious twist here is that it’s his own blood on the fake phone(it’s actually a PDA).
Too bright to be real blood, don’t worry.
Plus, dude’s the sort who would unironically post the Navy Seal Copypasta. He’s never seen real blood in his life.
Eh, I’m certain he’s seen a bit once. He cuts himself on his edge too often not to.
Well if it were white then he’d be Buckets of Jizz Guy…
It’s not a phone, it’s a knife!
That does explain the blood.
Hey, we never heard what happened to Ryan’s knife after Amber borrowed it.
She gave it back to him. Repeatedly.
his face was too asymmetrical, she had to make a matching scar for the other half of his face
I was waiting for this comment. The forum didn’t disappoint.
Bob has returned?
In DOA he has class.
showing his class while class…
OK I’ll see myself out after that bad pun
Man, Danny’s gonna develop a complex with all these girls leaving him for Walky.
Just wait till Ethan leaves him for Walky.
The only reasonable course of action is for Danny and Walky to get together.
… then what if Danny leaves Danny for Walky?!
Wouldn’t that be “Walky leaves Danny for Walky”?
How about Danny AND Walky leave Danny for Walky?
Dump-caption! xD
Danny and Walky both have musical talent and timing (see Danny’s musical sting with Joe, and Walky’s breaking out “All By Myself” with Joe, and each just knew “Desperado” was the song for Sal).
They need to be together as troubadors.
They all have terrible taste, Danny is best boy.
In fairness, some breaking up was necessary to get Danny to invest in himself and discover his true inner awesomeness. (Also being away from his shitty parents, but I really think he would’ve kept remora-ing to Dorothy if she hadn’t broken up. She was definitely uncomfortable with him following her, he was definitely oblivious to all cues, and I expect that dynamic went on for months pre-strip and she was just working up the nerve to say she was done with things. The breakup talk gets noticeably more straightforward and heated after he goes ‘maybe you’ll change your mind’ about Yale, and he says he’ll drop out to follow her, but I think that was the final straw to tell her there was no chance in hell of him getting things and it hadn’t come up before. Still a jerky move, but if it was preceded by months of that dynamic I can see where it happened.)
(The AG breakup was totally AG’s loss, based off misconceptions of what was actually going on and AG’s own paranoia. I don’t think Amber realized quite how much separation was going on or how dangerous things were until right around that time, so I’m not sure how preventable it was, but in another world Amber would’ve started finding support right after then and maybe apologized by now. Sadly, Amber still thinks AG is her good part now and may not be aware the nighttime beat ups are still going on – if she was only hanging out with Sal there probably aren’t new social media notifications. I could see Amber convincing herself she’s locked AG out on her own and therapy wouldn’t help anyway. She’s wrong, but I can see that thought process.)
So, she caught Celebi, then?
I have no idea what the legendaries are in the current Pokemon generation.
In Go there’s only two Mythicals* implemented so far, Mew from Gen I and Celebi from Gen II. (Though Deoxys is coming to raids soon, but Deoxys’s status is complicated since ORAS guaranteed we’d encounter one in postgame with intention to catch.)
* As of a couple years ago Game Freak started making a distinction between legendaries caught in the normal game and legendaries distributed in events and with special peripherals or spinoffs. The latter are now Mythical Pokémon. I don’t dedicate like 20% of my brain to this franchise to not share useless information whenever it’s vaguely relevant and possibly sort of wanted.
In japanese Pokemon related media they have always presented Mythical and Legendary Pokemon as two separate things, but outside of Japan they only started doing that when Gen 5 came around
Didn’t know that! Interesting. (I think North America made occasional reference to them being really special before then, but yeah the Mythical term specifically is recent here.)
The Tigerzord and a thing Moon Knight and Batman would fight over IIRC.
Don’t forget Crystal Dragon Satan.
Also Hawaiian fairies, cute steampunk, and… some electric mammal that’s NOT Pikachu. And now this cute thing with a hex nut for an eye. We don’t understand it, but we want it.
Damn it, link’s broken. Just Google Meltan, or ‘Pokémon Go Weird Thing’ that’ll get you close enough.
Ah, Meltan… My sister said accidentally said a thing that means I’ll never be able to look at that thing without laughing awkwardly.
The currently implementing legendaries are: Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos, Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-oh, Suicune, Entei, Raikou, Celebi, Latias, Latios, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Registeel, Regirock, Regice, Jirachi, Deoxys, Cresalia, Darkrai, Shaymin, Mesprit, Azelf, Uxie, Dialga, Palkia, Girantina, Arceus, Regigigas, Heatran, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyruem, Cobalion, Keldeo, Verizion, Terrakion, Meloetta, Ylveltal, Xerneas, Zygarde, Lunala, Solgaleo, Necrozma, and the ultra beasts if you count them.
Yeah, definately celebri. Or maybe Deoxys.
Also, like Mewtwo, Deoxys will be Legendary, not Mythical, in Go. You can only ever have one of each Mythical, so if it’s distributed via normal raids, Ex-raids, or research it has to be Legendary at worst.
Ah. Saw it described as ‘mythical’ despite it being in raids on the news pages. Guessing since it was officially designated as such for the anniversary even with ORAS Delta Episode. Deoxys is just in a Weird in-between zone.
What’s the comic-time-to-real-time-ratio again?
If they are not in 2018 neither Mew nor Celebi are released yet in PokemonGo.
Then again, wasn’t there a thing of pop culture references being up to date independently of in-comic time?
I’ll throw that in there and let the more awesome DoA-Geeks do the math i guess
They are always now. Or within a year or so of now, since it’s October in comic and has been for a couple of years. Currently it’s October 2018.
Fifteen minutes into the future, to use an old line.
Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey just roll with it.
I vaguely recall Max Headroom. Wasn’t he 20 minutes into the future?
My clock is set ahead. ^_^
To put it another way: if they were still set when the comic started, Pokémon Go wouldn’t even be a speck in people’s minds. It’s now become a thing that actually has plot relevance in the comic (Amber could cover AG training and going out as Pokémon hunting before college.) It’s one of those things that gets retroactively changed even as the art stays the same, like everyone upgrading from DS to 3DS. (We can assume Danny had a Wii U that never appeared before the strip that shows him and Joe playing Switch all night. It was a Wii U after all. I liked that system and I see why it flopped.)
My translator says it’s a gull (a storm-gull).
It’s a horrible joke, cause it requires knowledge of pokemon fandom.
pokemon fandom!
It’s horrible!
Thank god they’re finally talking.
This is probably going to get awkward, but this is something long in the making. (well, long as anything gets in the making in comic time)
Alex is missing from the tags.
Would the real Alex be texting BOB guy?
Looking super red there, Alex. That’s… actually kind of an interesting contrast from basically the rest of the cast! Looks pretty good!
(grumble grumble I wish I had ever had a Mew grumble grumble)
Hey, if you’re willing to shell out thirty to fifty bucks for a peripheral…
(I am, in fact, THAT MUCH of a sucker for both Mew and overpriced pieces of Nintendo-themed plastic, but I still have trouble justifying it to myself.)
(Don’t have one in Go, though. Still grinding out that Gyarados. But I went to a Toys R Us event back in 2007 or so* to get one in distribution when you still needed to trade them and the Mythical distribution back in 2016 was super-helpful.)
* Which entailed, because we were traveling out of state that weekend and had scheduled appointments, dragging my mom to a Toys R Us in a different state early in the morning after weeks of obsessing because MEW. Worth it though.
To be fair, a kindly friend -did- hack me a Mew back in the Gen 4 days (not that he admitted to it being cheated in), but back then I was too much of a lawful goober to be happy with that. Maybe I should go see if it was event-spawned and legal enough to port up to the present? *Shrug*
And I did get a Jirachi from one of those old events! Gamestop promotion, I guess? Going off Bulbapedia? It didn’t, uh, it didn’t take as much hassle as you had, though. Yay, old Nintendo distributions? Really made you value those Pokes by making you haul ass for them?
The hassle was solely because I was a hyper focused teenager and timing didn’t really work out but it was the only day there would be Mew so I would MAKE IT WORK, darn it!
I was just coming down here to say I thought Alex’s outfit looked awesome. Glad someone else is focused on the important stuff.
I really hope that this Amber and Walky thing works out, she seems very happy and it has nothing to do with AG. So my only question is, where is the catch? This is a Willis comic, I know it is coming.
Maybe the catch is she tampered with his grades and stabbed his sister’s hand (not in that order)?
Plus her pretty.. dominant way to treat partners, plus her ptsd (which always puts a strain on every relationship), plus all this ag stuff which is getting out of hand.
But other than that, what could go wrong?
Also the fact that Walky kinda seems to still be in love with Dorothy…
Tampered with his grades explicitly against his wishes, at that. And pretty much guaranteed to be for nothing, he’s gonna keep failing and avoiding class.
Which just makes it more likely that somebody notices his grades have been tampered with.
Also, now, Lucy has a crush.
Wondering if her Mew came out good, because mine was baaaad I haven’t even apraised but I am sure it’s not higher than a 82, same with the Celebi >.<
…but then again, MewTwo to mention.
I think there must be a Mew Too movement.
;D that’s awesome (as long as it’s not used to derail from actual causes… but we all need a break from fighting for all the causes, too)
I did what I had to Mew
Everything old is Mew again.
There’s nothing mew under the sun.
And saw Mewtwo without exemption
I’ve had a mew too many…
You guys are so a-mew-sing.
The alt text is amazingly ironic, because I was listening to the TFS rendition of ‘My Way’ when I checked the comic.
Act with integrity, mew regrets!
Or at least mew-ted regrets.
Drown out regrets with mew-sic!
What happened to his hat?
He ate it.
Wait, I missed that strip. How come the hat doesn’t get a tag.
It merged into his hair, scalp, and ultimately brain. Willis would just tag the hat, not the danny, except that would spoil it
And where’s his ukelele?
It’s in his room, grounded. It knows what it did.
He’s indoors so maybe he took it off out of respect for Alex…I know it’s a dying trend but he could have grown up with folks who still adhered to taking off your hat indoors
I’m wearing a hat right now specifically because that lesson sunk in in high school so I hate wearing a hat indoors. I don’t allow myself to take it off until I’ve done an outdoor chore I have yet to do.
Ironic how this becomes dated due to the fact that we’re already past celebi now
Useless Fact: Today is Doonesbury‘s 50th Birthday, if you count its Bull Tales campus newspaper prehistory.
Man, I haven’t read Doonesbury in a few years. Glad to hear Trudeau’s still going strong!
He’s only been doing Sunday strips for the last few years. He took a hiatus to work on a Netflix series Alpha House and never came back.
And/or possibly screw Ethan.
Whoops. In response to the Danny developing a complex for girls leaving him for Walky lol.
She won’t be happy until she catches a MewThree.
I got the Mew from the global quest, but without enough people to play with, no Mew² :/
Could someone link whatever Shortpacked strip BoB Guy got his name from for reference?
Looks like his origin story involves complaining about Transformers being a “family franchise.” He doesn’t want a family franchise; he wants buckets of blood!
Oh hey, his tag still works! Some of the smaller ones haven’t always in my experience.
Aaah, Gritty Superbook strip. He’s fascinating in a scary way.
That last line was a mew zing.
I mew that.
Are these jokes going to continue all day? Can’t ya’ll come up with any mew material?
All the good mew material was posted on Mew-Tube.
Mew material is hard to come by.
One must find their mews to feel inspired.
Does anyone know what the supercritical point for puns is – that is, the point at which they go mewclear?
I think the point is when it mewstasizes from just a mew words to mewst of the words mewout the mewtire mewmew mewmew mew, mew mew mew mew mewmew.
I like to think that Buckets of Blood guy volunteers with sick puppies on the weekends and has a bonsai tree growing on his window sill.
Completely unrelated, there is a recent rash of puppies found mysteriously drained of their blood and the bonsai tree is growing rather well do the the rich iron in the soil.
due to the :-/
As a horticultural student who’s recently covered some of this stuff in class, I feel obligated to point out that that’s terrible plant care, unless the soil was rediculously deficient to begin with (unlikely for potting soil) – iron is considered a “micronutrient” for most plants, which means that if you give the plant too much, it’ll burn itself up by taking in nutrients faster than it can use them.
Mew to the
When did Danny and Amber break up? Comic time?
And since when are they friendly to each other? I remember them having a civilised conversation during faz’s visit, but that was her needing a favor from him..
If I’m remembering correctly, it was shortly after the car chase. AG basically started stalking Sal in vengeance/too much free time to obsess after that. So I think two or three weeks ago?
The making up has been gradual, but Danny was definitely pushing for them to stay friends since he worries about her. There’s a couple strips focusing on PoGo like this, including Patreon I think? But yeah, the Faz thing was definitely Amber starting to open up again.
I think it was when Amazi-Girl caught Danny and Sal’s budding platonic friendship, which would have been October 2nd. It’s October 14th now, so roughly two weeks.
(All according to the timeline in the wiki, anyway.)
Yep, there’s the breakup. With the time skip involved I wasn’t certain without checking the timeline, so thanks!
Needfuldoer pointed out the breakup.
Danny’s been trying to make a connection since then.
First time was here, where they talk about Sal. That’s apparently October 5th. 2 days after the break up. Still a little rough.
Then in the chairs. This was the next day and it was friendlier, at least on Danny’s part.
After that was the stabbing and the time-skip and they didn’t meet again until the Faz episode, which was the 12th.
Interestingly Danny hasn’t talked to Amazi-Girl at all since the break up, just Amber. They share one comic, according to the tags, but she’s Amber by the time Danny comes on panel, though he obviously saw AG earlier talking to Sal.
Heh, I love how Amber snapped back from her pink clouds when Danny dared to question her pokemon collection. OF COURSE she had a mew.
The tag says “Danny,” but there’s no jaunty cap and there’s no ukulele. It’s obviously Danny’s true neutral nontuplet.
The real Danny is in disguise pretending to be Alex, which is why there is no Alex tag (yet).
hey a good egg takes off their hat indoors
Alex is rocking that red. I think it’s the purple flower in the hair makes it work better by providing just an extra bit of colorful contrast so the red isn’t overpowering.
Bring back Danny’s snazzy hat or we riot!
No hats in class! Standing campus rule!
Welp, a bag of crap is by a fan. Better put on your Panchos.
Why is Alex not tagged?
She’s had her share of sand kicked in her face.
Ah, Danny! Never change! Naturally, it’s impossible for Amber to have had a good experience that doesn’t somehow involve computer games!
Nope, she replaced you with a guilt free, responsibility free fling that will not try to help her deal with her problems.
I can see it meaning a lot to Amber that Walky has chosen her instead of AG. Not that either Walky or Danny understand that.
…welp, this is an attitude Alex’ll grow out of.
Not so long as she has a smart-phone which can be the centre of her universe as opposed to the unthankful little brats she’s asked to teach!
She caught a Mew earlier.
Alex is the teacher I wish I were.
…granted, it helps that they seem to find her subject super easy. My advice for my students are more in line with “Don’t stress… by study super hard because the topic of today’s lecture CAN and WILL come up on the exam.”
Yeah, once she realized the entire class had checked out like a month ago because the material is so basic, I think she decided the best thing to do was have a positive attitude and not let the bored students get to her since she is also floored by how basic the material is.
I’m just waiting for her to go “you know, since we all know things stuff, who wants to learn something fun” -> que epic hacking
“Don’t stress!
It’s important that we gives ourselves room to breathe.
Of course, it DOES count against your final grade.
But you shouldn’t stress about it!!
Oh no.
I still think Danny’s gonna take it in stride. Might be a bit hurt, might make a crack about her being the second girl to date Walky after him, but I doubt he’ll be a wreck. If anything he’ll be supportive since amber is so happy
Gravatars have changed! Let’s see what a little roulette gets me…
They didn’t change for me. And no one else seems to have noticed.
Did you accidentally spin the roulette wheel?
One more try.
Hey, this one almost kinda-sorta actually looks a teeny bit like me. Keen.
That’s Peter. You don’t want Peter.
And bad mistakes….I’ve made a mew. I’ve had my share of sand kicked in my face but I’ve come MEWWWWWWWWWWW
Dang Alex lookin good
if (Danny.clue == null)
return “Actually, I did ‘ball’ a wild Walky.”
Oh Danny, I hope you take the bad news that another ex is with Walky. And with Ethan now baging Mike, I don’t know what are your chances of love. Maybe Sal, but she seems to do her own thing lately.
I got a Mew from wonder trade, it was pretty shocking
“Oh, please. I’ve had a Mew.”
*sings* But then again, Mewtwo to mention…
I gave my life room to breathe, once. Unfortunately, it was helium.
Is that Walky’s Sweater?
Avatar time?
I wonder if we’ll ever see a Switch in IU. No pressure, just a thought.
Huh, gravatar’s still Jacob. Was there really a character swap?
I’ll let you know
Alex is the human I needed to see to brighten up my day! ESPECIALLY as, One: real life keeps. Doing what it is doing. And two: Will help me survive when this goes from cute to “fuuuuuuuuuuuuck”
So is it going to be weird for Danny that Sal’s brother, who helped him realized he’s Bi (along with others. Like, mainly Ethan. But also, “male-sal” did a number on Danny’s brain) not only split up with his EX-ex-girl friend, but also is now mackin’ on his EX girl friend?
I mean, we’ve already started to address how weird it is for Amber. Started. To.
Is this Scott Pilgrim or Day’s of our lives?
Gay’s of our lives.
And here I thought Alex and Buckets of Blood guy were texting to each other in class and therefore it didn’t matter to Alex that Amber was late.