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Countdown to Countdown
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Cyanide & Happiness
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The Otherknown
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2 Slices
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Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
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I really don’t like the thought of Marcie’s voice loss, which seems like a huge sore spot, being the result of anything Slipshine-worthy. It seems like that would be a really tough read, to understate it as much as possible.
I like chicken. I sometimes want to eat McNuggets. But a box of 50? Can an actual human being eat that many and not die of a massive heart attack in short order?
I regularly eat 20 chicken nuggets at a time with no problems. Though I’ve never had 50 in a single sitting, and I usually eat Burger King nuggets not McDonalds.
That’s without SAUCE. Buffalo Sauce adds 420 calories to the order…Tangy BBQ adds 600. As for sodium, the Buffalo Sauce would add 6500mg and the BBQ would add 3100mg. Or Walky being Walky, he might go for the limited-locations Habanero Sauce, for 960 calories and 2200mg of Sodium.
Yeah, New Danny is a hoot. He seems to have a sense of humor about himself, and he’s got a lot more confidence having chosen silliness over angst.
I hope he doesn’t blow it if he ever realizes that he’s the only person on campus that Sal seems to trust. Ultra-cool motorcycle-riding tough girl Sal trusts *him*, Danny the dork. I think it’s because he’s genuinely a kind person, so if he does start to go angst on her, she’ll tell him to knock it off because he has what’s important.
Joyce, Billie, Danny and Walky carefully explored the packed store, fully of strange objects. Walky carefully picked up and examined a small compass surrounded by a glass ball that seemed to use a gyroscope to rotate so that it was always facing the user no matter how they held the ball. The shop was a giant circle with a glass dome over the top of it. Within its very center lay a large sundial that displayed an image of a golden chariot without a rider being chased by a girl riding a wolf, wrapping around the dial’s edges. Examining this strange site, Danny was snuck up upon by a young woman wearing a golden colored dress. Her rose colored hair was tied up in a bun and her face was one where her grey eyes would betray her true feelings no matter how her mouth lied.
Sheena: Hello, traveler.
Danny: Gah!
Danny jumped up in surprise turning around to see the young female in front of him.
Sheena: Sorry, did I scare you?
Danny: No, it’s all right. What’s up?
Sheena: Birds, the clouds, people who have cast levitation spells.
Danny: I mean what’s going on with you.
Sheena: Ah, I noticed you were examining the images on the dial.
Danny: I guess?
Sheena: You don’t understand what they mean?
Danny: No clue, I can infer that the chariot represents the sun and the girl represents the moon though.
Sheena: Yes, but its more complex than that. Please let me tell you of my land’s history.
Danny: Sure.
Sheena: Thank you, in the times before the founding of this land there existed a young man and woman, named Solis and Luna respectively, they were gods who ruled over the earliest peoples. They would constantly fight over the existence of humanity, with the male always being against and the female always being for. The man had a golden chariot which would blaze with a mighty heat and shine like, well the sun. The female had a pet wolf known as Lanis. One day the man lost control of his chariot and it launched itself into the heavens, understanding that this constant heat would eventually burn the land asunder the female mounted her wolf and dedicated herself to keeping the world in equilibrium by always following the chariot.
Danny: But what happened Solis?
Sheena: They say that without his chariot he lost the ability to stay within the mortal plane, and now exists only as a spirit without a way to form a physical body in this world.
Danny: Wait, who are you?
Sheena: I am Sheena, priestess of Luna and keeper of this towns shrine.\
Billie: Danny, we got a map! Stop talking to the hot chick and come on.
Sheena: But I am perfectly cool, also I am not a baby chicken.
Danny: Ignore her.
Danny turns around to leave and for the first time Sheena notices his uke.
Sheena: Your instrument.
Danny: What about it.
Sheena: Give it to me.
Danny: What! Why?
Sheena: Trust me.
Reluctantly, Danny hands his uke over to Sheena who examines it in her hand before holding it in the air by the handle and chanting words that Danny had no chance at following. Finally, she handed the uke back.
Danny: What did you do?
Sheena: I have created a connection between you and the goddess Luna through your instrument. Whenever you must call upon her help you must simply play it and you may summon a weaker astral presentation of her and her wolf, and its said in ones most dire hour playing it will allow her to come directly for one minute.
Danny: That’s…impressive. Can all priestesses do that?
Sheena: No, only I have that particular ability.
Danny: Why?
Sheena: Meet me where the moon hits the water and I will tell you more, now go to your friends.
Danny turned and started to leave, looking behind him one more time, but she was already gone.
I think its a ratty old hoodie, known as such but not drawn that way, and neither it nor the Butt Taco shirt under it have been washed since Dorothy redressed his.
She could make him dress up (for an increase in butt-grabbings) but she had yet to remake him into a guy who is ready to live completely like a grown-up.
(I remember that I didn’t keep the most thoroughly clean dorm room as a frosh.)
… I think he’s wearing the Butt Taco shirt under that.
Dangit, Walky, you’ve been on pause for thirty minutes and already you’ve lost all sense of civilization. (Not that I have the right to judge; without my boyfriend I would likely sleep until noon and never make my bed.)
I have never understood the making-the-bed thing. You’re only going to unmake it and there doesn’t seem to be any upside in compensation. (This explanation never did go over well with my mom.)
I do make my own bed when I’m a houseguest because one doesn’t want to be that guy. But at home? Why?
(Unless it matters to someone who is or might be sharing your bedroom, of course.)
Yeah, the times I’ve made a bed have been at other, non-home places. And even then I tend to sleep on top of comforters, so…
I didn’t grow up making my bed because I didn’t have a comforter on it, and I didn’t sleep under the sheets. Usually, actually, I’d just have a fitted sheet on the mattress and then sleep with a blanket on me. There really wasn’t much to “make” in the morning.
It’s warmer. The edges that are tucked in trap heat much better than loose blankets. I personally prefer to solve this issue by adding more blankets, but tucking them in also works.
Whenever blankets are tucked in like that, I have to pull most of them back out just to get in the bed, then pull the rest out so my feet don’t feel trapped.
For me it’s a couple of things: 1) I work at home a lot and my desk is in my room and it’s easier to keep focussed if my space is tidy and it puts me into work mode, 2) I fell like the “but I’ll just mess it up again” is a slipperly slope for me in that I will merrily apply it to everything and end up living in a tip which makes me, personally, unhappy, 3) it’s quite satisfying to finish a long day and get into a nicely made bed and 4) it’s easier to have multiple blankets and duvets (where i live is quite cold in winter) when everything is neat (if they get screwed up it can be difficult to get back under them all).
I learned in my teens that it is actually better to not make your bed unless you want to change the bed clothing very often. Leaving the bed open to dry and air a bit is just good.
I have taken it to my heart and never looked back.
The one good thing about having someone break up with you is that you get a nice stong week of being completely entitled to have no sense of civilization. “Yeah I’m eating fifty chicken mcnuggets alone in bed, someone just broke up with me! I’m mourning!”
This is so true. Thanks to the new grease, once McDonalds nuggets and fries get cold, you might as well chunk them. Reheating them makes them tastes like shiiiit.
What’s your take on Walky not saying anything about how he felt a need to step away from Dorothy (if temporarily) for her own good?
I give him a lot of credit for not saying “I was going to break up with her but she asked to put us on pause first”. He put her feelings first over his pride. In friends’ chatting with her she doesn’t need the added twist.
Dunno, I see no reason why he should tell Danny and Sal anything beyond the bare minimum if he doesn’t want to.
This conversation is about HIM. He flaunts his new, sweet bachelorhood*, and in doing so he needs to let them know that, yes, he is in fact a bachelor for the time being. The whys and hows of how he became a bachelor is none of their business.
He should probably tell Joyce at some point, when the framing can be “I’m worried about her, could you keep an eye on her,” but that’s not the conversation he has with Sal and Danny.
*) As or WHY he feels the need to brag about being a bachelor… I simply think he dulls the pain by playing up his initial “too-cool-for-girls”-persona and trying to convince himself that there are good things with bachelorhood.
I don’t know, I see much of what you’re saying, especially w.r.t. Joyce, but I still see some “Hey, everyone who thought she was a million times better than me, you were right” by not telling the whole story in his future. I don’t even know if he’ll even bring out the “we were only in it for funsies” deflection.
The rules of garbage roof mean the next scene with Agnes McMarshmallow will be very intersting. Looking forward to what she’ll have heard, and how little he’ll say about it.
And if DofA is only going to go one semester or college year, will Walky get another chance to be not “too cool for girls”?
They won’t stay on pause forever. There will be some kind of crisis within the next few weeks that either makes it a real breakup or brings them back together. Mind you, the next few weeks is still a couple years of real time.
So, I’m thinking that Walky’s reaction will last a few days before he crashes and starts moping around, wearing ‘Jason-wear’ (as he will call it) and thinking of ways to lure Dorothy out out ‘pause’.
Meanwhile, Sal and Danny really look comfortable together, don’t they? Like others, I do wonder how Amber will react. Angry jealousy, certainly but a part of me also wonders if Amazi-Girl will tell her that Danny is ‘better off with Sal’.
Why should Amber react with “angry-jealousy” to her ex boyfriend talking to a girl? She’s seemed to have made some sort of truce with Sal and she’s staying away from Danny for now. Also, I’m not sure why two people of the opposite sex having a pleasant conversation always indicates to people that they want to fuck. Danny’s not Sal’s type, and vice versa. It would be cool to see them become friends, though my feeling is that the robbery bomb is gonna drop and Danny’s going to decide to avoid Sal.
Dorothy does genuinely seem to want to continue their relationship, but I think that the time apart may also bring home the realization that Dorothy may have to choose between love and her career prospects. And, I hate to say it, but Dorothy’s somebody who never lets go once she sets her sights on something. I think it will end up in a situation where Dorothy (though not without regret) decides not to continue their relationship because she has to devote all of her time/energy to pursuing her studies and political career.
I mean, that was something they both agreed upon from the beginning of their relationship, that this was a temporary thing before Dorothy went off to pursue her ambitions. I don’t think it’ll blindside them.
True, but I think it’s obvious from both Walky and Dorothy’s sides that they’re feeling more for each other than a simple “good company and good sex” relationship. If this truly was just meant to be a temporary thing, Dorothy would not have offered to help tutor Walky when he revealed his grades were starting to slip.
You know I can’t help but use a computer analogy. Walky is a browser and Dorothy was like his Impulse Control Add-on… which just turned itself off and he is instantly back to old Walky…
Man it’ll suck if Dorothy and Walky don’t get back together because it would be 90% likely due to her chasing a pretty insanely hard to obtain career. Like I get it and all, but dumping someone who makes you happy to chase a career you’ll likely never achieve isn’t my idea of a good one xD
She’s put effort into this career since high school, I don’t see why she should have to settle for a relationship that makes her a little happy, when it’s not her big dream and what she wants.
Focusing on a career you want, and are willing to fail for is pretty courageous, I admire Dorothy for wanting a bit more in life than just a romance and an office job.
Yeah, I’m sure that’s the way this is going to go. Overwhelmed with work and stress? Drop the relationship that you enjoy, so that you have more time to double down on the work.
It’s not as if Walky is the source of her current stress. It’s not as if he’s asking her to “settle” – even before they started thinking about breaking up. It’s not like this is going to solve her stress/overwork problems. She’s just going to get worse.
I’m all for her going for her dream, but it’s not one or the other. They’re not really what’s in conflict here.
He wants her to succeed, and she can succeed. But she needs someone like walking to help support her and she MIGHT have just cut that out (hopefully temporarily) Because unless Walky goes to her to help her she’s going to crash cause she isn’t going to seek help herself.
The thing is she’s going to crash without a support structure, walky’s been supporting her and her choice since they started going out and even offered for her to just stop tutoring him but she wouldn’t have it. Now she’s stuck, with almost the same work load, but without a support structure (Since I know Dorothy won’t go to walky for help because it’s Dorothy)
Walky does believe in her and support her that’s why I’m pissed off about it. xD She’s losing possibly the only support structure she had who wanted her to succeed in her big dreams, but will end up crashing because she doubled down on work without a support structure
“MEN o’ pause!”
“no wait”
You have the best comment/pun here.
And the best pun/name too.
The internet is yours today, congratulations
Leaves room for Joyce!
Dammit, I knew we weren’t getting Marcie’s backstory that easy!
Maybe it’s available as DLC.
or, as we call it, slipshine
I hereby voice my support of this development!
I really don’t like the thought of Marcie’s voice loss, which seems like a huge sore spot, being the result of anything Slipshine-worthy. It seems like that would be a really tough read, to understate it as much as possible.
Also, 12 years olds.
Patreon bonus strip?
That’s better.
And less likely to get the site shut down by feds…
i just realized what her comment in the last strip meant :(((
At least we now know when Marcie lost her voice…
Fifty McNuggets strikes again!
I expect them to strike again 6-8 hours after he eats them.
I like chicken. I sometimes want to eat McNuggets. But a box of 50? Can an actual human being eat that many and not die of a massive heart attack in short order?
Sure. you spread it out over 36 hours, and drink LOTS of water… and a bowl of peas.
I regularly eat 20 chicken nuggets at a time with no problems. Though I’ve never had 50 in a single sitting, and I usually eat Burger King nuggets not McDonalds.
Does eating 20 of them make you more or less likely to be regular?
I’ myself out.
Now, when you say “regular”…
…I mean in the euphemistic 1960s TV commercial term.
“What’s that horrible smell?”
“Walky’s in the bathroom again”
“no, I meant that awful chicken smell”
…I’ll show myself out
I could have handled 50 when I was a teenager, my stomach a bottomless pit in those days, these days 24 would be enough to leave me stuffed.
Apparently 50 nuggets has about 2200 calories, double the daily recommended serving of fat (133g), and over 4200mg of sodium (175% DV).
Enjoy that teenage metabolism while you still have it, Walky. In a few short years you’ll feel like garbage even thinking about that much junk food.
That’s without SAUCE. Buffalo Sauce adds 420 calories to the order…Tangy BBQ adds 600. As for sodium, the Buffalo Sauce would add 6500mg and the BBQ would add 3100mg. Or Walky being Walky, he might go for the limited-locations Habanero Sauce, for 960 calories and 2200mg of Sodium.
If I can eat 30 Krystal sliders in two hours, then fifty McNuggets should be no problem.
They’re called ‘college students’. You wouldn’t BELIEVE some of the things they pass through their digestive tracts.
“You eat 50 McNuggets, and what do you get?”
A lesson in steatorrhea.
I am fascinated by how you know a word which is a lot like “diarrhea”. But please don’t tell me how, or its meaning.
Your instincts are correct. You don’t want to know.
I, being incurably curious, went and looked it up, and it’s really not so bad.
“An afternoon seated and deeper in…”
Huh, deeper suggests a lot of unpleasant things. I’ma stop right there.
Sorry Walky on pause is just a delayed broken up
Apparently Walky only eats fifty mcnuggets when he’s single or “on pause”.
#include “nuggets.h”
poop Walky(){
if(status == “pause” || status == “single”){
for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
This amuses me more than it should.
Wait, does this mean the end of New Danny?
I hope not, I like new Danny. He is delightfully pompous sometimes, but he means no harm and he has come a long way since the start of this comic.
Yeah, New Danny is a hoot. He seems to have a sense of humor about himself, and he’s got a lot more confidence having chosen silliness over angst.
I hope he doesn’t blow it if he ever realizes that he’s the only person on campus that Sal seems to trust. Ultra-cool motorcycle-riding tough girl Sal trusts *him*, Danny the dork. I think it’s because he’s genuinely a kind person, so if he does start to go angst on her, she’ll tell him to knock it off because he has what’s important.
New Danny is kinda like Ethan who’s gotten over half his insecurities.
Maybe not as outwardly hot, but hey, self-confidence has its own form of attractiveness.
No, it just means New Danny is still a kid with more stuff to sort out.
The hat’s still there, so I think we’re good
New Danny I want to stay, and also the uke.
Old Danny had his own set of relationship problems to sort out. (He didn’t exactly treat Dorothy well when they were together.)
New Danny is an improvement, it would be a shame to bring back Danny Classic.
He only had to approach the steps because they’re only on pause.
Yeah this air of nonchalance will end the minute Walky thinks some other dude is hitting on her.
Or him.
–Dave, remember what strip we’re in
Today I wish I could be like walky
I wish I could eat 50 McNuggets. I tried to go up to 30 and barley did it with a combination of will power and several dipping sauces.
I have trouble handling six, but I suspect that is more a McDonald’s thing and not a volume of chicken thing.
Dungeons and Dumbing Part 3: lore dump
Joyce, Billie, Danny and Walky carefully explored the packed store, fully of strange objects. Walky carefully picked up and examined a small compass surrounded by a glass ball that seemed to use a gyroscope to rotate so that it was always facing the user no matter how they held the ball. The shop was a giant circle with a glass dome over the top of it. Within its very center lay a large sundial that displayed an image of a golden chariot without a rider being chased by a girl riding a wolf, wrapping around the dial’s edges. Examining this strange site, Danny was snuck up upon by a young woman wearing a golden colored dress. Her rose colored hair was tied up in a bun and her face was one where her grey eyes would betray her true feelings no matter how her mouth lied.
Sheena: Hello, traveler.
Danny: Gah!
Danny jumped up in surprise turning around to see the young female in front of him.
Sheena: Sorry, did I scare you?
Danny: No, it’s all right. What’s up?
Sheena: Birds, the clouds, people who have cast levitation spells.
Danny: I mean what’s going on with you.
Sheena: Ah, I noticed you were examining the images on the dial.
Danny: I guess?
Sheena: You don’t understand what they mean?
Danny: No clue, I can infer that the chariot represents the sun and the girl represents the moon though.
Sheena: Yes, but its more complex than that. Please let me tell you of my land’s history.
Danny: Sure.
Sheena: Thank you, in the times before the founding of this land there existed a young man and woman, named Solis and Luna respectively, they were gods who ruled over the earliest peoples. They would constantly fight over the existence of humanity, with the male always being against and the female always being for. The man had a golden chariot which would blaze with a mighty heat and shine like, well the sun. The female had a pet wolf known as Lanis. One day the man lost control of his chariot and it launched itself into the heavens, understanding that this constant heat would eventually burn the land asunder the female mounted her wolf and dedicated herself to keeping the world in equilibrium by always following the chariot.
Danny: But what happened Solis?
Sheena: They say that without his chariot he lost the ability to stay within the mortal plane, and now exists only as a spirit without a way to form a physical body in this world.
Danny: Wait, who are you?
Sheena: I am Sheena, priestess of Luna and keeper of this towns shrine.\
Billie: Danny, we got a map! Stop talking to the hot chick and come on.
Sheena: But I am perfectly cool, also I am not a baby chicken.
Danny: Ignore her.
Danny turns around to leave and for the first time Sheena notices his uke.
Sheena: Your instrument.
Danny: What about it.
Sheena: Give it to me.
Danny: What! Why?
Sheena: Trust me.
Reluctantly, Danny hands his uke over to Sheena who examines it in her hand before holding it in the air by the handle and chanting words that Danny had no chance at following. Finally, she handed the uke back.
Danny: What did you do?
Sheena: I have created a connection between you and the goddess Luna through your instrument. Whenever you must call upon her help you must simply play it and you may summon a weaker astral presentation of her and her wolf, and its said in ones most dire hour playing it will allow her to come directly for one minute.
Danny: That’s…impressive. Can all priestesses do that?
Sheena: No, only I have that particular ability.
Danny: Why?
Sheena: Meet me where the moon hits the water and I will tell you more, now go to your friends.
Danny turned and started to leave, looking behind him one more time, but she was already gone.
Never mind the hoodie Sal, you’re lucky he’s wearing pants.
Pajama jeans are so pants!
Careful, Walky! Remember to not get crumbs all over yourself. Crumbs attract spiders!
And spiders make everything even more… *Crummy*.
“That’s how you get ants.” – Archer.
*plays “Incense & Peppermints” on the P.A. speaker*
And Mr. Wilcox finally muttered, ‘Damnit Dan.’
(there should definitely be a tag for heartbreak stairs)
Danny would have a few words with you, Walky
….wasn’t he wearing a hoodie before? I know this is probably an older one, but visually it doesn’t look worse
Maybe it’s the smell?
I think its a ratty old hoodie, known as such but not drawn that way, and neither it nor the Butt Taco shirt under it have been washed since Dorothy redressed his.
She could make him dress up (for an increase in butt-grabbings) but she had yet to remake him into a guy who is ready to live completely like a grown-up.
(I remember that I didn’t keep the most thoroughly clean dorm room as a frosh.)
He doesn’t want to risk staining his formal hoodie.
… I think he’s wearing the Butt Taco shirt under that.
Dangit, Walky, you’ve been on pause for thirty minutes and already you’ve lost all sense of civilization. (Not that I have the right to judge; without my boyfriend I would likely sleep until noon and never make my bed.)
I’ve made a bed maybe once, twice in my life.
I have never understood the making-the-bed thing. You’re only going to unmake it and there doesn’t seem to be any upside in compensation. (This explanation never did go over well with my mom.)
I do make my own bed when I’m a houseguest because one doesn’t want to be that guy. But at home? Why?
(Unless it matters to someone who is or might be sharing your bedroom, of course.)
Yeah, the times I’ve made a bed have been at other, non-home places. And even then I tend to sleep on top of comforters, so…
I didn’t grow up making my bed because I didn’t have a comforter on it, and I didn’t sleep under the sheets. Usually, actually, I’d just have a fitted sheet on the mattress and then sleep with a blanket on me. There really wasn’t much to “make” in the morning.
It’s warmer. The edges that are tucked in trap heat much better than loose blankets. I personally prefer to solve this issue by adding more blankets, but tucking them in also works.
Whenever blankets are tucked in like that, I have to pull most of them back out just to get in the bed, then pull the rest out so my feet don’t feel trapped.
Its a well known fact that 85% of dreams where you need to run away from something, but can’t , are cause by feet being pinned under made covers.
It is known!
For me it’s a couple of things: 1) I work at home a lot and my desk is in my room and it’s easier to keep focussed if my space is tidy and it puts me into work mode, 2) I fell like the “but I’ll just mess it up again” is a slipperly slope for me in that I will merrily apply it to everything and end up living in a tip which makes me, personally, unhappy, 3) it’s quite satisfying to finish a long day and get into a nicely made bed and 4) it’s easier to have multiple blankets and duvets (where i live is quite cold in winter) when everything is neat (if they get screwed up it can be difficult to get back under them all).
I learned in my teens that it is actually better to not make your bed unless you want to change the bed clothing very often. Leaving the bed open to dry and air a bit is just good.
I have taken it to my heart and never looked back.
Part of making your bed is turning the sheets at intervals so both the sheets and the mattress air out.
Do you not change the sheets? Or the duvet cover?
That little bit of yellow collar? Good catch. Probably off the same pile of unwashed clothes it was exiled to.
Exiled? He’s a college student. He probably digs clothes out of that pile every day.
College student pulls shirt from pile, sniffs at it
“Eh, it’s not REVOLTING.”
Puts it on
By Jove you’re right
Sniff shirt #1. Eww.
Sniff every other shirt.
Return to shirt #1, which isn’t so bad now.
The one good thing about having someone break up with you is that you get a nice stong week of being completely entitled to have no sense of civilization. “Yeah I’m eating fifty chicken mcnuggets alone in bed, someone just broke up with me! I’m mourning!”
I will cut Walky a little slack. Dude’s been under a lot of stress, wanting to break up with Dorothy to not cut into her time.
If he’s still like this in like a week, then yeah, dude needs to step it up.
Just sayin’, I’ve never been in a McDonalds that sold 50-pack McNuggets.
I have. I bought them for a party once.
Often not on the menu, but you can order them
I can’t eat McNuggets fast enough that anything beyond 9 is a waste. Because a cold McNugget is as unpalatable as a charcoal briquette if you ask me.
This is so true. Thanks to the new grease, once McDonalds nuggets and fries get cold, you might as well chunk them. Reheating them makes them tastes like shiiiit.
I wish Walky had been the one to break it off first, just to see all the character’s reactions to finding out
here is kitty’s finnish word of the day!
naimaton (not in a relationship or married, single)
a single as in a song is still called a single, or sinkku
have a nice day!
If I still ate meat, I would fucking go to town on a box of 50 McNuggets, so I’m kinda with Walky on this one.
oh definitely, especially if there’s a small collection of sauces too. but even cold unsauced nuggets are good snacking.
at least, they used to be. i haven’t had em in a coupla years so i guess that might have changed . . ?
I will definitely steal Walky’s line, so help me.
GAWD Sal is hot…
Some people just don’t mind chilly weather as much.
Danny, don’t lie to your self.
Life does not make sense now, and it never will.
I feel Willis is the only one who can through things in that are somehow both curve balls and make the most sense
THAT’S the closest Danny comes to shadenfreude about Dorothy breaking up with Walky too? Maaaan, he’s really too good for this sinful earth.
What’s your take on Walky not saying anything about how he felt a need to step away from Dorothy (if temporarily) for her own good?
I give him a lot of credit for not saying “I was going to break up with her but she asked to put us on pause first”. He put her feelings first over his pride. In friends’ chatting with her she doesn’t need the added twist.
Dunno, I see no reason why he should tell Danny and Sal anything beyond the bare minimum if he doesn’t want to.
This conversation is about HIM. He flaunts his new, sweet bachelorhood*, and in doing so he needs to let them know that, yes, he is in fact a bachelor for the time being. The whys and hows of how he became a bachelor is none of their business.
He should probably tell Joyce at some point, when the framing can be “I’m worried about her, could you keep an eye on her,” but that’s not the conversation he has with Sal and Danny.
*) As or WHY he feels the need to brag about being a bachelor… I simply think he dulls the pain by playing up his initial “too-cool-for-girls”-persona and trying to convince himself that there are good things with bachelorhood.
I don’t know, I see much of what you’re saying, especially w.r.t. Joyce, but I still see some “Hey, everyone who thought she was a million times better than me, you were right” by not telling the whole story in his future. I don’t even know if he’ll even bring out the “we were only in it for funsies” deflection.
The rules of garbage roof mean the next scene with Agnes McMarshmallow will be very intersting. Looking forward to what she’ll have heard, and how little he’ll say about it.
And if DofA is only going to go one semester or college year, will Walky get another chance to be not “too cool for girls”?
They won’t stay on pause forever. There will be some kind of crisis within the next few weeks that either makes it a real breakup or brings them back together. Mind you, the next few weeks is still a couple years of real time.
Or in denial…
So, I’m thinking that Walky’s reaction will last a few days before he crashes and starts moping around, wearing ‘Jason-wear’ (as he will call it) and thinking of ways to lure Dorothy out out ‘pause’.
Meanwhile, Sal and Danny really look comfortable together, don’t they? Like others, I do wonder how Amber will react. Angry jealousy, certainly but a part of me also wonders if Amazi-Girl will tell her that Danny is ‘better off with Sal’.
Why should Amber react with “angry-jealousy” to her ex boyfriend talking to a girl? She’s seemed to have made some sort of truce with Sal and she’s staying away from Danny for now. Also, I’m not sure why two people of the opposite sex having a pleasant conversation always indicates to people that they want to fuck. Danny’s not Sal’s type, and vice versa. It would be cool to see them become friends, though my feeling is that the robbery bomb is gonna drop and Danny’s going to decide to avoid Sal.
Amazi-Girl has made a truce with Sal. Amber… less so.
Less so, but better than she used to be. They played Mario Cart, admittedly from the chair fort, but she didn’t panic and have AG take over.
No, Danny. Life never made sense.
Nah, since Trump got elected it’s all suddenly made it crystal clear.
The world is insane.
Took you till now to realize that? I learned that when I was 15. Worlds a fucking mess.
Good job I guess? And well I mean how do you know old Fire_daws is?
*how old
The world may be insane, but I’ve got an aspie brain. A lot of little, “normal” things seem nuts.
i say 3 days before it sinks in for walky
Dorothy does genuinely seem to want to continue their relationship, but I think that the time apart may also bring home the realization that Dorothy may have to choose between love and her career prospects. And, I hate to say it, but Dorothy’s somebody who never lets go once she sets her sights on something. I think it will end up in a situation where Dorothy (though not without regret) decides not to continue their relationship because she has to devote all of her time/energy to pursuing her studies and political career.
I mean, that was something they both agreed upon from the beginning of their relationship, that this was a temporary thing before Dorothy went off to pursue her ambitions. I don’t think it’ll blindside them.
True, but I think it’s obvious from both Walky and Dorothy’s sides that they’re feeling more for each other than a simple “good company and good sex” relationship. If this truly was just meant to be a temporary thing, Dorothy would not have offered to help tutor Walky when he revealed his grades were starting to slip.
You know I can’t help but use a computer analogy. Walky is a browser and Dorothy was like his Impulse Control Add-on… which just turned itself off and he is instantly back to old Walky…
Ha! See! You take one away from 50, you get 49. CLEARLY, Walky shouldn’t be failing math! TAKE THAT, college math professor!
Walky ba-chilln da ‘hoo-day
Sadly, no one is touching his nuggets
Man it’ll suck if Dorothy and Walky don’t get back together because it would be 90% likely due to her chasing a pretty insanely hard to obtain career. Like I get it and all, but dumping someone who makes you happy to chase a career you’ll likely never achieve isn’t my idea of a good one xD
She’s put effort into this career since high school, I don’t see why she should have to settle for a relationship that makes her a little happy, when it’s not her big dream and what she wants.
Focusing on a career you want, and are willing to fail for is pretty courageous, I admire Dorothy for wanting a bit more in life than just a romance and an office job.
Go Dorothy!
Yeah, I’m sure that’s the way this is going to go. Overwhelmed with work and stress? Drop the relationship that you enjoy, so that you have more time to double down on the work.
It’s not as if Walky is the source of her current stress. It’s not as if he’s asking her to “settle” – even before they started thinking about breaking up. It’s not like this is going to solve her stress/overwork problems. She’s just going to get worse.
I’m all for her going for her dream, but it’s not one or the other. They’re not really what’s in conflict here.
He wants her to succeed, and she can succeed. But she needs someone like walking to help support her and she MIGHT have just cut that out (hopefully temporarily) Because unless Walky goes to her to help her she’s going to crash cause she isn’t going to seek help herself.
The thing is she’s going to crash without a support structure, walky’s been supporting her and her choice since they started going out and even offered for her to just stop tutoring him but she wouldn’t have it. Now she’s stuck, with almost the same work load, but without a support structure (Since I know Dorothy won’t go to walky for help because it’s Dorothy)
See “would be 90% likely due to her chasing a pretty insanely hard to obtain career.” is what Danny thought. and thats why hes dumped.
What makes Dorothy happy is having a partner who believes in her.
and thats whats sad here. He does.
She is sacrificing support.
She Needs a straight version of Ethan. He’s got balance.
Walky does believe in her and support her that’s why I’m pissed off about it. xD She’s losing possibly the only support structure she had who wanted her to succeed in her big dreams, but will end up crashing because she doubled down on work without a support structure
Ugh, “coin a phrase”. I’ll bet he begs the question and feels nonplussed about it too. Literally.
“I’m free, I can do whatever my heart desires!”
–puts on stinky clothes and orders 50 McNuggets–
Never change Walky, never change…
Not gonna lie, I kind of wish I had fifty McNuggets of my own now.
I’m extremely impressionable, apparently.
“My body is a temple.”
“My body is a landfill, but at least I can eat what I damn well please.”
My body is a temple.
An ancient, ruined Roman one.
To be fair, Roman ruins are at least nice to look at.
My body is a temple, and the religion is “doing whatever I damn hell please”
If your body were a temple, what would your temples be?
I wonder who will suddenly puke in his McNuggets ?
Walky is wearing a stinky hoodie and Sal is wearing a cheap belly shirt. Glass houses, man.