Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
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Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
Cyanide & Happiness
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2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Slightly Damned
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No all people have same tolerance to sleep-deprivation. My partner for one can’t function properly with less than 6 hours sleep, even in a sole occurrence. She is younger than I am, (I’m just a bit younger than Willis himself), I can still pull all-nighter from time to time, even if I tend to avoid to do it, because, you know… kids… they won’t let you get some sleep back when you need it… and it takes ONE WHOLE YEAR to overcome the effects of one all-nighter on your body… so…
It’s true. I haven’t been able to function on less than 6 hours of sleep ever, I just was much more likely to try and do it anyway when I was 18. But I’m a fucking mess every time I try. God dang. I’m on 4 hours rn and I need to go back to sleep there is no reason for me to be awake but the sun is out and there is no god.
I averaged one all-nighter per term at university. Ended up in a similar state to Danny here each time. Which is how I didn’t notice what Word had kindly done to my essay on the composer Luciano Berio: converted his surname to “Beri-beri” throughout.
It seems that Ethan has kept one key characteristic from the Walkyverse – He’s a nice guy who people trust and rightly take on as a best friend. However, beyond that? Somehow they can never plausibly see themselves doing that (except the ones Ethan doesn’t want going further, c.f. Joyce and Walkyverse!Robin).
My record is about 4 days, the hallucinations were definitely not fun, I actually have vivid memories of the hallucinations to this day. part of me, now that I am older, wants to see if I can beat that record, but also I know that is a stupid idea, especially when people tend to rely on you to drive.
three. that way they can each take eight hour shifts. 8 hours sleep, 8 hours actively watching you, 8 hours of being awake and nearby, in case it takes TWO people to wrestle your sleep-addled body away from the door because you want to dance in the street nude in the middle of winter.
My record was 58 hours. It was actually pretty enjoyable for the most part. Towards the end of it my eyes stopped really feeling like they were working as eyes, though, so I was like, okay, time to sleep. At the 52nd hour I just felt really connected to things and started crying slightly with joy at how much I loved trees? And I described this experience to a professor of mine, and she was like, “Or you could just do drugs.”
Only 72 hours straight for me, but one week working at the newspaper I managed only seven hours of sleep total. Since I was already pretty unhinged before this, once my boss found out she gave me the next three days off.
Longest I’ve gone is about 52 hours, moving an office and half a server room to prep for renovations. (Taking a sledgehammer to a few carefully chosen desks at the end was cathartic, and enough of an adrenaline bump to get the car home!) It was a blur of coffee and Diet Mountain Dew.
Freshman year. I had an intro to set design class that was half art and half theatre lit. It was taught by the kindest and most twinkly-eyed elf of a professor who, in addition to the more obvious set design sketches for whatever play we were reading, required us to complete a graphic project each week.
These would not be discussed in class. In fact, these would not actually be required until the end of the semester. But there was at least one per week, and their completion WAS required “before you go home for the summer”.
Yeah. Methinks in hindsight he may have been a little more mischievous, because I didn’t do a single one of these projects for the entire semester. Until the end, in that weird week where my finals were done but no one left campus. Where I armed myself with caffeine for the first time.
I awoke at around 10am on Sunday morning. I gathered my paints, brushes, sketchbook, and assignment list. How hard could be?
I was awake straight through until I turned them in at 8:30 am that Thursday morning. No-Doze, Mountain Dew, and even cofgee (i cant stand coffee) coupled with bouts of slapping my face at regular intervals had pushed me through. I stumbled to breakfast at the dining center around 730 after I finally finished. I looked like Steve Martin at the end of The Jerk, minus the salt and pepper hair and thermos. I remember eating a banana, a bowl of oatmeal, a cup of cottage cheese, and a carton of milk. My friend Jess, who was on the crew team and thus used to being there that early, excitedly came over to say hello. I don’t recall what I said, if anything, or what I smelled like. But I remember her rising and wishing me good luck with a mix of distaste and concern.
I went back to my room and finally slept after nearly 95 straight hours awake. I would have loved to get those projects back and see how badly they turned out, but I never did.
In the army, basic training. On a field exercise I went one week, Monday morning to Friday afternoon, on four hours sleep consisting of sporadic bits and pieces. I don’t remember any of it.
Ethan loosing his virginity to Danny will be one hell of a slipshine!
But how would that ever happen? Danny would never stop asking if he was ok, and Ethan has never even kissed a man before.
I feel like if they do get together, which might be a while from now, they might wait a while to have sex? I don’t know, I just get that sense from them. Danny is so new to realizing he likes guys, and Ethan hasn’t been with anyone before… and I know things went kind of fast with Danny and Amber, but he was with Dorothy for a long time before they had sex. Of course, that was high school, so it’s a bit different.
I think it would be nice to see a major couple in the comic that waits a while to have sex. With these two, it would be pushing back on the idea that mlm are just looking to jump into bed with someone, those “the average homosexual has over 100 sexual partners” homophobic scare tactics. At the same time, it could be like, okay, but why don’t these two men get a Slipshine like everyone else?
Becky and Dina are already waiting. Danny and Ethan aren’t going to just jump into each other’s pants from the word go but they both want sex. It’s ridiculous to expect them to wait out of some hypothetical offending behaviour.
I somehow managed to forget about Becky and Dina, my favorite couple.
Anyway, I didn’t say I would expect them to wait just because of the stereotype, just that it would be a perspective to take on these two fictional characters’ actions regarding sex.
When I was in college, I worked as “night security” (really obnoxious air quotes there) in freshman dorms. Basically, my job was to be upright and conscious at the front desk in case someone tried to sneak in late. (freshman had a curfew at my university.)
For SOME REASON I thought, yeah, it would be a GREAT idea to sign up for 9pm-9am shifts on Saturday and Sunday mornings for three years in a row. I made hella money (well, I made 7 dollars an hour when minimum wage was 5.15) and I got all my homework done, plus tons of video game time, because again: upright, conscious, literally my only two job requirements.
One time, I picked up an extra shift to cover for someone and ended up being at something like 4 hours of sleep for the entire weekend. When my relief came in Sunday morning, I distinctly remember trying to say “good morning”, but something completely gibberish coming out of my mouth. We both looked concerned. I tried again, and again: gibberish.
I’ve never really tried to push my staying-awake limits since then, even though I’m working nights again at a big boy job. It was pretty scary being unable to form coherent words.
Oh man I’ve been there, overnight shift at McDonald’s 11 till 7 was doing five nights a week at one point. Can’t really remember too much from that time lack of sleep does that aparently but I can assemble a big mac from muscle memory to this day. The pay was crazy though, it was like a $17 an hour in USD plus penalty rates between 1 AM and 5 AM, then the Sunday bonus. But I could never go back to that job, wasn’t worth it. I was either working or sleeping.
Sleep avoidance can be something of a gateway to lucid dreaming, if you can manage to stay alert when you finally decide to put your head down and snooze.
Eh, it’s pretty terrifying when you have something obstructing your breathing and you’re aware that you have something obstructing your breathing but you can’t do a thing about it. Sure, you’ll probably wake up for reals before it actually becomes life-threatening, but…
As a college freshman that pulls one all-nighter almost every week (and two in this one!), I know the feeling. You go to college at 8 AM feeling great and telling yourself that you’re not going to sleep in class, then that 10AM class with the half-lit room and the monotonous teacher comes and proves the contrary.
Never stayed up more than 48 hours yet, though. Most of my sleep deprivation is out of dumb, not necessity.
My freshman year, I got a job working the night shift at a 7-11, and I still made the Dean’s list. Of course, the dean has two lists, and I was on the one you don’t want to be on.
Pulled alot of allnighters in school and at university, was the only way i would ever get papers done :p never got Danny level tired though, just got really cranky.
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 1d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 1d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 1d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
“ykno, like Keef, but Eef”
“also like Beef but not really”
“You must be tired after today… Let’s go to sleep.”
Nah, mate. D’you mean this Keef?
I thought she meant this Keef.
“I mean who the heck would name someone Beef?”
Someone in an 80s film or TV show?
Short for Beefolemew? Or Beefoven?
Or Elizabeef?
New Danny just wants to have fun
bold move danny. bold move.
… cant wait for new Danny to wake up immediatly in that situation… XD
“Now that is just gratuitous” would also be a good name for a book
As fanservice goes, this is not really doing it for me.
…Aaaaand I forgot who my avatar is now.
Gravatar win.
Better luck next time?
I, however, ship this so hard.
doubt you are the only hard thing right now…
Gargantuan would be raving!
And then he sleep-fucks him while Ethan grows increasingly exasperated.
Grows all right!
Sexsomnia is a real thing so you never know.
That sounds like something Cyril Figgis would say.
New Slipshine
Oh, come on, Danny. You’re a freshman, you were up one night. Toughen up.
Danny’s a growing boy, he needs his sleep.
Eff is probably also growing right now.
A frshman written by an older-yearold.
No all people have same tolerance to sleep-deprivation. My partner for one can’t function properly with less than 6 hours sleep, even in a sole occurrence. She is younger than I am, (I’m just a bit younger than Willis himself), I can still pull all-nighter from time to time, even if I tend to avoid to do it, because, you know… kids… they won’t let you get some sleep back when you need it… and it takes ONE WHOLE YEAR to overcome the effects of one all-nighter on your body… so…
It’s true. I haven’t been able to function on less than 6 hours of sleep ever, I just was much more likely to try and do it anyway when I was 18. But I’m a fucking mess every time I try. God dang. I’m on 4 hours rn and I need to go back to sleep there is no reason for me to be awake but the sun is out and there is no god.
I averaged one all-nighter per term at university. Ended up in a similar state to Danny here each time. Which is how I didn’t notice what Word had kindly done to my essay on the composer Luciano Berio: converted his surname to “Beri-beri” throughout.
I’m almost sure he’d have liked it…
Just think, in a few years he’ll feel like that just staying up until 1 AM!
Excitement and discovery await aboard the Good Ship Danneef!
The Chaotic Neutral Ship Siecox waves as it passes you.
I understand that reference.
Danny must be tired. He can’t even get the M out.
Is that kinda like getting the lead out, but later on in the alphabet?
And that’s twice that someone has used Ethan to rest.
So if the trend continues, Joe’s next.
Ethan is the comfiest pillow.
He’s a giant hunk of man-fluff
Looking forward to the the Danny version of Joyce’s dream, but with a happier ending:
Danny wakes up afterward:
“Why the fuck would Ethan have a detachable dick?”
Didn’t he already have one where Amazi-Girl transformed into Ethan?
Good for Ethan?
It seems that Ethan has kept one key characteristic from the Walkyverse – He’s a nice guy who people trust and rightly take on as a best friend. However, beyond that? Somehow they can never plausibly see themselves doing that (except the ones Ethan doesn’t want going further, c.f. Joyce and Walkyverse!Robin).
There was an exception to that rule over in the Walkyverse, but I don’t think they’ve been ported over to DoA yet.
And so Danny goes down on Ethan, but not in the way the readers expected.
You have won this particular round of Pnwing Teh Internets.
So close, and yet, so far
…”But Mister Sandman did NOT bring him a dream–he brought a NIGHTMARE!”–Fred Roggin
“Dreams of war, dreams of liars. Dreams of dragon’s fire. And of things that will bite.” – James Hetfield
Full name: eef annnnnzzzzzsnortzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
And then Amber turns the corner. Because that way we get maximum drama and awkwardness.
Danny: Threesome?
They’re the answer to most lust based love triangles, and that’s most triangles.
Either that, or Joe will enter the hallway, give Ethan a wink and a thumbs up, and slowly back into the room.
Ethan will tell him it’s not what it looks like, Joe will assume Ethan’s trying not to out Danny, agree sarcastically, and push them into the room.
“Matchmaker Joe”, fresh from pushing a couple into a room over in the Walkyverse, tries it here?
I can see that.
Who cares what Amber thinks?
Like, her best friend in life and her very recent ex who still cares for her wellbeing, I’m guessing?
So the guy she abandoned so she could play superhero, and the guy she verbally abused, gaslighted, and tried siccing Dorothy onto.
Sorry. I shouldn’t have posted this.
Come on Danny, it’s only 24 hours without sleep. I’ve gone 38 hours once, that was fun.
my “record” was 74 … i don’t recommend that for anyone … hallucinations can be fun, but not really when you’re not expecting them.
My record is about 4 days, the hallucinations were definitely not fun, I actually have vivid memories of the hallucinations to this day. part of me, now that I am older, wants to see if I can beat that record, but also I know that is a stupid idea, especially when people tend to rely on you to drive.
What you need is a five day vacation and two people who are getting sleep to babysit you just in case.
three. that way they can each take eight hour shifts. 8 hours sleep, 8 hours actively watching you, 8 hours of being awake and nearby, in case it takes TWO people to wrestle your sleep-addled body away from the door because you want to dance in the street nude in the middle of winter.
Yes. This is from experience.
Well, I can’t argue with experience.
To be clear, I was one of the two keeping someone inside.
My record was 58 hours. It was actually pretty enjoyable for the most part. Towards the end of it my eyes stopped really feeling like they were working as eyes, though, so I was like, okay, time to sleep. At the 52nd hour I just felt really connected to things and started crying slightly with joy at how much I loved trees? And I described this experience to a professor of mine, and she was like, “Or you could just do drugs.”
Only 72 hours straight for me, but one week working at the newspaper I managed only seven hours of sleep total. Since I was already pretty unhinged before this, once my boss found out she gave me the next three days off.
Personal record is only 52 hours. Do NOT recommend it.
Longest I’ve gone is about 52 hours, moving an office and half a server room to prep for renovations. (Taking a sledgehammer to a few carefully chosen desks at the end was cathartic, and enough of an adrenaline bump to get the car home!) It was a blur of coffee and Diet Mountain Dew.
Meth’s a hell of a drug.
What were the colours and shapes dancing in front of your eyes like towards the end of that stint?
Freshman year. I had an intro to set design class that was half art and half theatre lit. It was taught by the kindest and most twinkly-eyed elf of a professor who, in addition to the more obvious set design sketches for whatever play we were reading, required us to complete a graphic project each week.
These would not be discussed in class. In fact, these would not actually be required until the end of the semester. But there was at least one per week, and their completion WAS required “before you go home for the summer”.
Yeah. Methinks in hindsight he may have been a little more mischievous, because I didn’t do a single one of these projects for the entire semester. Until the end, in that weird week where my finals were done but no one left campus. Where I armed myself with caffeine for the first time.
I awoke at around 10am on Sunday morning. I gathered my paints, brushes, sketchbook, and assignment list. How hard could be?
I was awake straight through until I turned them in at 8:30 am that Thursday morning. No-Doze, Mountain Dew, and even cofgee (i cant stand coffee) coupled with bouts of slapping my face at regular intervals had pushed me through. I stumbled to breakfast at the dining center around 730 after I finally finished. I looked like Steve Martin at the end of The Jerk, minus the salt and pepper hair and thermos. I remember eating a banana, a bowl of oatmeal, a cup of cottage cheese, and a carton of milk. My friend Jess, who was on the crew team and thus used to being there that early, excitedly came over to say hello. I don’t recall what I said, if anything, or what I smelled like. But I remember her rising and wishing me good luck with a mix of distaste and concern.
I went back to my room and finally slept after nearly 95 straight hours awake. I would have loved to get those projects back and see how badly they turned out, but I never did.
In the army, basic training. On a field exercise I went one week, Monday morning to Friday afternoon, on four hours sleep consisting of sporadic bits and pieces. I don’t remember any of it.
Old Danny can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Because he’s dead (of sleep deprivation)!
Actual book 8 title: “Now this is just gratuitous”
I like it.
Oh my.
Okay, Eef isn’t a book title, but “Now this is just gratuitous” might work.
Some comments just work better with a winking avatar!
Strange. It’s not like these two have ever been in a compromising position before.
Ethan: “I wish this were what it looks like.”
Yeah, it’s still cute
I’m willing to go as far as to say it’s cuter this time.
(…but that may in no small part be due to a bias I have about hoodies and hats.)
Danny is a cute egg
This is very cute, especially Ethan’s last line, but I submit that the smash cut* to Billie face down in Ruth’s chest is funnier.
(*if I’m using that right)
It was funnier.
Ethan loosing his virginity to Danny will be one hell of a slipshine!
But how would that ever happen? Danny would never stop asking if he was ok, and Ethan has never even kissed a man before.
I feel like if they do get together, which might be a while from now, they might wait a while to have sex? I don’t know, I just get that sense from them. Danny is so new to realizing he likes guys, and Ethan hasn’t been with anyone before… and I know things went kind of fast with Danny and Amber, but he was with Dorothy for a long time before they had sex. Of course, that was high school, so it’s a bit different.
I think it would be nice to see a major couple in the comic that waits a while to have sex. With these two, it would be pushing back on the idea that mlm are just looking to jump into bed with someone, those “the average homosexual has over 100 sexual partners” homophobic scare tactics. At the same time, it could be like, okay, but why don’t these two men get a Slipshine like everyone else?
Basically I don’t know.
Becky and Dina are already waiting. Danny and Ethan aren’t going to just jump into each other’s pants from the word go but they both want sex. It’s ridiculous to expect them to wait out of some hypothetical offending behaviour.
I somehow managed to forget about Becky and Dina, my favorite couple.
Anyway, I didn’t say I would expect them to wait just because of the stereotype, just that it would be a perspective to take on these two fictional characters’ actions regarding sex.
> “Danny would never stop asking if he’s okay…”
That’s not a bad thing… Perhaps a bit overzealous in maintaining continuous enthusiastic consent, but better safe than traumatized.
“Nah, I’m cool, I got it covfefe”
Ahahahahh… and now we know
covfefe! that explains evfefe
no wait, the first one was correct
In unrelated news, I wish that this comment section allowed editing.
I love that your avatar is just pointing up at your previous comments.
Danny! Ethan! Get [it] together already!
Yay gratuitous!!!
It’s like Danny’s slurring the words to Eep Opp Ork Ah-Ah
(that means “I Love You”)
was this strip written entirely around the title “Eef”
if so, i can respect that
When I was in college, I worked as “night security” (really obnoxious air quotes there) in freshman dorms. Basically, my job was to be upright and conscious at the front desk in case someone tried to sneak in late. (freshman had a curfew at my university.)
For SOME REASON I thought, yeah, it would be a GREAT idea to sign up for 9pm-9am shifts on Saturday and Sunday mornings for three years in a row. I made hella money (well, I made 7 dollars an hour when minimum wage was 5.15) and I got all my homework done, plus tons of video game time, because again: upright, conscious, literally my only two job requirements.
One time, I picked up an extra shift to cover for someone and ended up being at something like 4 hours of sleep for the entire weekend. When my relief came in Sunday morning, I distinctly remember trying to say “good morning”, but something completely gibberish coming out of my mouth. We both looked concerned. I tried again, and again: gibberish.
I’ve never really tried to push my staying-awake limits since then, even though I’m working nights again at a big boy job. It was pretty scary being unable to form coherent words.
Oh man I’ve been there, overnight shift at McDonald’s 11 till 7 was doing five nights a week at one point. Can’t really remember too much from that time lack of sleep does that aparently but I can assemble a big mac from muscle memory to this day. The pay was crazy though, it was like a $17 an hour in USD plus penalty rates between 1 AM and 5 AM, then the Sunday bonus. But I could never go back to that job, wasn’t worth it. I was either working or sleeping.
And I only just noticed this chapter is named for a Bowie song.
…does Ethan have a guitar?
(Then again, it ought to be a Mormon going down on the guitar; page Agatha.)
In the unreleased 7th panel, Danny is performing fallacio to Ethan and Ethan is saying “Oh for God’s sake!”
Fallacio? Is that, like pointing out someone’s fallacies
More like pointing out their phallusies. Am I right?
(Okay… I’m a little sorry. “Am I right?” was totally uncalled for.)
Danny has the gentlest wiped-out face (panel 4). And Eef needs to take him to the nearest bed and tuck him in.
note: that’s “tuck”. Tuck him in.
“Why when I say ‘f’ you say ‘k’?” falsely attributed to Soupy Sales
He is a nice slice of Eefcake, that’s for sure.
Well, I think that we can cross Danny off the list of anyone who might do anything useful… or anything at all today! Good thing it’s a Sunday!
Okay, we’re nicknamin’ him Eef now.
the Tome of the Dumbing of Age tells of the coming of the Second Eef.
Jojo music just started to play in my head…
This ship is great, lets hope the seas aren’t rough ahead.
He’s a Good Eef.
hahahhahahahhahaha XD
Don’t worry Ethan, the squeeing of shipping fangirls will awake him in no time.
Aaaany time now…
Okay, just call Joyce. That would suffice.
Sleep avoidance can be something of a gateway to lucid dreaming, if you can manage to stay alert when you finally decide to put your head down and snooze.
Can’t it also be a gateway to sleep paralysis?
Yes it can be, although that is not so terrifying as it is made out to be, if you can simply accept that the mechanism of your body is shutting down.
Eh, it’s pretty terrifying when you have something obstructing your breathing and you’re aware that you have something obstructing your breathing but you can’t do a thing about it. Sure, you’ll probably wake up for reals before it actually becomes life-threatening, but…
Can’t blame him, Ethan DOES look like he’d make for a pretty comfy pillow
I can see Joyce fantasising about being surrounded by Ethan and Jacob’s muscle pillows in all their splendid naked glory.
In Danny’s condition, I think that the statue at the centre of the fountain would probably look like a comfy pillow!
As prone as Danny is to Dan it up, I gotta say he is doing things quite right here.
good night danny
Good night.
As a college freshman that pulls one all-nighter almost every week (and two in this one!), I know the feeling. You go to college at 8 AM feeling great and telling yourself that you’re not going to sleep in class, then that 10AM class with the half-lit room and the monotonous teacher comes and proves the contrary.
Never stayed up more than 48 hours yet, though. Most of my sleep deprivation is out of dumb, not necessity.
My freshman year, I got a job working the night shift at a 7-11, and I still made the Dean’s list. Of course, the dean has two lists, and I was on the one you don’t want to be on.
Dean Claus?
Double double secret probation?
Just plain old academic probation. It’s a kind of dean’s list, right?
Just seeing who my avatar is
Yeah that seems about right
Firefox on Mac cannot access this website. “Unable to connect.” I haven’t found another website with this issue. Any ideas?
Try power cycllng your router.
It usually helps for me.
Pulled alot of allnighters in school and at university, was the only way i would ever get papers done :p never got Danny level tired though, just got really cranky.
Eef, meet Neil. Bob may be coming along later.
Surprised Ethan isn’t glaring at the author in the last panel.
Hardcore sleeping (please never let me explain this pun)!