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Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
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…….oh god. I just had a mental image of Rocket coming out of somebody’s room, zipping up his little pants, glaring up at somebody and going “What?” and walking away.
at first my brain was rejecting Mike as Rocket. Now I see it and I will not be able to unsee it.
I thought that was Norville Rogers, but h’s not in the tags, and he usually is. And his beard’s a bit fuller than Norville’s, now I look at it. I suppose it could have grown, given the absurd thing his DC Comics counterpart is sporting…
If it is Norville, he quite possibly smells of the old wacky baccy, as we call it in Britain. Like, zoiks!
(Haha, I said “we”; in my boringly straight life, I’ve never actually had occasion to call it anything.)
Something like that. Becky’s actually very good at keeping secrets when she has to. When she first shows up, she spent the entire day with Joyce, not even letting on a hint there was something wrong. She’s just reveling in not having to keep hers anymore.
Has she ever actually spilled anyone else’s secrets?
Mind you, I’m not surprised Amber sees her that way. That brash over the top presentation is a good way to keep people from realizing you do have secrets to hide.
Kindness never pays the rent because it keeps giving it away to starving children. Beauty is fed up with these antics, but doesn’t have the heart to say it because that would make it look like an asshole.
I would find it deeply amusing if Becky is so weirdly ignorable that she would be able to get a complete college education just by showing up for class and no one caring about her presence.
“It is a modern-era bathing suit/fashion statement, for your information. They closed the local spa earlier today and I was too lazy to…focus on my not-flimsy presentation. …Oh, crap.”
The Cheese, with its reality warping powers, observed that which is known as Becky making a Dina happy. Having seen this, the obvious reaction was to protect and entertain her through any means possible. This is merely the tip of the iceberg.
I’m surprised Amber isn’t going to turn Becky in for breaking THE LAW. It seems Amazi-Girl has been a good influence on her. Still, I don’t trust Amber not to betray her because, well, she’s the Evil One.
AG’s never really been about the law. She just enforces the laws that are convenient to her and ignores the ones that she thinks are stupid otherwise she wouldn’t even dress up as a vigilante.
Also, is Becky technically breaking any laws? Campus policy, I’m sure, but as an invited guest of a student, she’s probably not trespassing, and as an adult it’s not like she’s a runaway or anything. Does AG care about dorm policies or just laws?
Technically, since Becky hasn’t been registered as a guest, she’s trespassing on campus property. As long as the property is owned by someone else and she doesn’t have explicit permission to be there, she is breaking the legal law as well as the campus rules (although in this case she wouldn’t get into trouble with the police, just get into trouble with the school and kicked off campus. I mean, hopefully no one calls the cops on her). I would say AG cares more about whatever rule or law it’s convenient for her to care about.
The school doesn’t seem have guest registration – we’ve never seen anybody having to do that. It’d be consistent with the fact anybody can just use the elevator and go up to the dorms.
Amazi-Girl has patience and understanding as well as trying to do things for justice rather than ANGER. Amazi-Girl tried to warn Danny about this but he just doubled down on Amber, not realizing how dangerous she is.
Wrong. AG is where Amber shunts off her anger because she feels it’d be more productive. Without anger, AG has nothing to do.
Also, if you just got through her chats with Ethan and her friendship with Dina and can still insist AG’s the only one with patience and understanding, I don’t even know.
You literally have them backwards. Amazi-girl is the one that Amber was afraid of getting people in trouble for drinking. AG is the stickler for the law–or, at least, Amber worries she is.
(Though, arguably, having a problem with drinking may have more to do with her using it as an excuse to attack Sal. So now AG feels she has to be consistent.)
this one seems relevant also. amber definitely knows what ag does is illegal (and this was when she wasn’t separating amber/ag as much, based on the part between your link and mine).
If any of them, AG would have turned her in. We’re talking about the same girl who routinely threatens people for petty crime. She’s the one who jumped Sal and her friends for drinking, tried to goad people into a fight over vandalism, and specifically hunted down the guys who bullied Danny so she could beat them up.
If you read any of Cerberus’ comments you’d know exactly how harmful that kind of fucking belief system is. Ctrl+f the comments field of basically any strip with Amber and/or Amazi-Girl for the phrase “golden alter”.
Well, more power to him. I’m female and I’ve worn them probably 3 or 4 times in my life at the most. Uncomfortable as all hell is what I consider them.
Okay, seriously, how the fuck did Becky manage to get through life in a fundy community without being burned as a witch? You’d think if she were HALF this bad back in her hometown that someone would have done some serious corrective action.
COmpulsive airing is actually a fairly common defense mechanism (I have a LOT of friends who have left the fundy community). You say everything you think, when you think it, especially if it’s embarrassing, because it will be the worse for you if you try to hide it and someone ferrets it out. You tell everyone everything you know about others, too, because you’ve been rewarded for snitching so much you don’t even realize it’s problematic, and because you’ve been told that reporting people you care about to authority/ the community is like making sure a doctor knows the whole truth— they can’t get right with Jesus if they’re hiding their shame! To this day, I love my ex-husband and his siblings dearly and miss them all terribly, and to this day, I am so glad to not be in contact with them because I was not allowed to say one thing and not have it immediately broadcast to the everyone (seriously, let me tell you about the time I mentioned to my then-husband that a friend of my mother had mentioned that she’d done some drugs in college in the seventies, and how my mother-in-law then took it upon herself to shriekingly confront Mom, a sunscreen-addicted soccer mom then tending to a household of eleven children/stepchildren, about her “sex and cocaine addiction.” Wait, don’t, it’s funny enough in retrospect that I want to save that story for a party.)
“Blabbermouth” or “No brain-to-mouth filter”. Yeah, that’s Becky alright! Not a hint of malice in that girl but she isn’t exactly good at thinking about he consequences of her words!
Boardgame for you to check out suggestion: Gloomhaven, because you like boardgames and stories. Check out the reviews and myabe a couple of play videos.
Looks nice! I’m a bit careful with games that invite you to play multiple sessions though – we have hard enough time to schedule single game events (which is why I only play single session roleplaying games nowadays).
But I’ll absolutely check it out. Those bordgame geeks scores are not to sneeze at!
Oh, no, then – Gloomhaven is a legacy game, and you most DEFINITELY need multiple (lots of multiple) sessions to really do anything worthwhile. We spent like two hours learning the play basics and running the first scenario alone. I don’t know how many scenarios that thing has, but we’ve already unlocked number 81 (they’re nonlinear unlocks, we have like 6 scenarios unlocked), and you almost assuredly won’t be able to complete most scenarios the first time around. I’m fortunate enough to have a gaming group that meets every week, and we’ve already scheduled an extra weekly session for three-four of us just to play Gloomhaven.
(Game can be played solo, but that looks like to me it would be extra-meh; even two players might be not worth it, unless each runs two classes – which is something I don’t like doing. I put optimal character (not player) count at 3-4.
Panel 1 – Nice try, Dina, but you and Becky are way too cute for there to be time for a Dina/Amber-ship.
Panel 2-3 – That said, the level of confidence in each other these two introvert has, and how good their communication is, is heartwarming. Short, precise and to the point.
Panel 4 – that is important information indeed. Hopefully Dina and Ethan will try to help Amber together next time.
Panel 5 – That’s a valid concern. It’s also interesting to see what Amber thinks is the right thing, in light of this conversation http://www.dumbingofage.com/2015/comic/book-6/01-to-those-whod-ground-me/lookout/
Between “Becky is left homeless” and “Amber has to stop being a violent vigilante” I gotta say the latter is by far the lesser evil in that it’s not even an evil at all it’s actually for the best.
It is more the choice between ‘Becky is left homeless’ and ‘Amber being kicked out of college or arrested because Becky can’t shut up’. If any staff actually hear about it and give a damn the consequences would take her away from the limited quantity of support she has and further shatter her mental health.
The former would be inevitable while the latter is merely a possibility though so she could try just being more careful around Becky to make sure she doesn’t find out. Or she could hide her stuff with Dorothy, Becky will never look there.
Eeeh, Another possibility is that being discovered could cause Amber to get the psychiatric help she desperately needs. Worked for Ruth (so far). But honestly, I’d be pretty surprised if Willis went there. Amazi-girl is one of the signatures of the strip.
Even if Amber stopped cold turkey, Becky could still find out. I mean Dorothy put two and together based on stuff in her room, Becky could do the same.
Not really the choice in play. Amber getting caught would shine a huge freaking light on that dorm room, which would result in Becky getting caught and ending up homeless anyway.
I have a perfect resolution to their problem…
All heroes need a sidekick so Becky can be Amber’s and they can fight crime together.
Something like gay Robin to her Batman.
I really like how the author carefully keeps tracks of who knows what. In this case both Dina and Ethan knew about Amazigirl but only now they learned that the other person also knew.
This is attention to detail that really makes the characters feel real.
So Ethan knows, and Dorothy knows, and Danny knows, and Dina knows, and Ethan knows that Danny and Dina know, and Danny knows that Dorothy knows, and Danny and Dina know that Ethan knows, but does Dina know that Danny and Dorothy know?
i wonder if that shirt’s new. toedad called her a clever girl when he was chasing her girlfriend with a gun so i’m doubting that the parallel was lost on her
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing
paulaptb@paulaptb.bsky.social ⋅ 1d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer)@leftistlawyer.com ⋅ 1d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling USA@usapolling.bsky.social ⋅ 1d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
“well, we do NOW”
“to be fair, even if she DOESN’T stumble into my secret, she’s still kind of a blabbermouth”
I’m amazed she hasn’t been caught already — oh wait.
“it doesn’t really matter if she has a topic to blabber about at all; she just makes a new one.”
Joyce’s face here is small, but solid.
Tell me why I thought joyce was leslie for a moment there
It’s Bean a while?
Becky as Drax makes a disturbing amount of sense to me.
So instead of Drax the Destroyer it’s Becky the Destroyer(of Closets).
So it’s Walky as Star-Lord, Amber as Gamora (Daddy issues), Becky as Drax, Mike as Rocket, and Joe as Groot?
Joyce as Groot. Gentle and kind, but badass when needed.
Joe as Yondu. Dina might be a good fit for Mantis. Snoop as Cosmo the Space Dog Who Totally Better Have Lines In This One
“i am joyce. i am joyce. … i am joyce?”
Mary as Ronan the Accuser.
…….oh god. I just had a mental image of Rocket coming out of somebody’s room, zipping up his little pants, glaring up at somebody and going “What?” and walking away.
at first my brain was rejecting Mike as Rocket. Now I see it and I will not be able to unsee it.
It works so well.
Especially sending Walky-Lord to get that guys leg.
Walky smells weird?
No, the guy with the beard.
I thought that was Norville Rogers, but h’s not in the tags, and he usually is. And his beard’s a bit fuller than Norville’s, now I look at it. I suppose it could have grown, given the absurd thing his DC Comics counterpart is sporting…
If it is Norville, he quite possibly smells of the old wacky baccy, as we call it in Britain. Like, zoiks!
(Haha, I said “we”; in my boringly straight life, I’ve never actually had occasion to call it anything.)
Walky isn’t there yet, unless he can teleport.
Actually, I haven’t read the old comics. Can Walky teleport? Is that a thing he can do?
Becky is as see-through as a plastic bag.
As see through as the professor’s trousers, apparently.
Some plastic bags are opaque.
Some… less so.
And just as dangerous around small children.
Contents: 1 Lesbian
Keep out of reach of children.
Do not eat.
Not to be used as protection from a tornado.
Store anywhere except a closet.
“Do not eat.”
You may be doing lesbianism wrong.
ToeDad aside, was Becky raised by wolves or something? LOL
I wonder if it’s Becky making up for 18 years of being repressed.
Something like that. Becky’s actually very good at keeping secrets when she has to. When she first shows up, she spent the entire day with Joyce, not even letting on a hint there was something wrong. She’s just reveling in not having to keep hers anymore.
Has she ever actually spilled anyone else’s secrets?
Mind you, I’m not surprised Amber sees her that way. That brash over the top presentation is a good way to keep people from realizing you do have secrets to hide.
I believe Becky’s problem is she was raised to be demure, sweet, and quiet like Joyce so she’s tripled down on being the opposite of that.
Nah, she always liked freaking Joyce out by being outre.
Just… not when Toedad could find out about it.
I guess that’s why she was in such a hurry to come outre the closet.
… *fleas for deer punning life*
What, girl at the front doesn’t get a name?
but then Willis would have to remember who she is
She is surprisingly thoroughly drawn for a nameless rando.
Cameo of one of the Willistron’s friends?
She has a nose with no hole! Has this ever happened before in Willis’s oeuvre?
I somehow read that as randomless nameo. Dafuq.
She shall hence forth be known as Silvia.
Or maybe she’s one of the Kung Fu Creatures on a Rampage… 2!!!
So she’s not Delores, then?
Who is Silvia? What is she that all the readers comment on her?
(Is she kind as she is fair? For beauty lives with kindness.)
Beauty may live with kindness, but they avoid the hell out of each other. They are terrible roommates.
I liked the sitcom about it though.
Kindness never pays the rent because it keeps giving it away to starving children. Beauty is fed up with these antics, but doesn’t have the heart to say it because that would make it look like an asshole.
This is the show’s entire conceit.
I would find it deeply amusing if Becky is so weirdly ignorable that she would be able to get a complete college education just by showing up for class and no one caring about her presence.
I don’t think we need to worry about that.
“It is a modern-era bathing suit/fashion statement, for your information. They closed the local spa earlier today and I was too lazy to…focus on my not-flimsy presentation. …Oh, crap.”
His presentation’s not all that’s flimsy HEY-OOOOOOO
Old dudes have a right to feel sexy too.
Welcome to college, Becky.
Do… Do I want to know who this professor is?
Alan Rees.
The guy in charge of training SEMME recruits. Turned out to be an alien.
Wait, then how does he even exist in this universe?
Cuz this isn’t the Walkyverse and he can definitely have existed as a person here?
Sure, if you want the BORING, CORRECT answer.
The Cheese, with its reality warping powers, observed that which is known as Becky making a Dina happy. Having seen this, the obvious reaction was to protect and entertain her through any means possible. This is merely the tip of the iceberg.
i, too, have a blabbermouth like becky
*plays some T.Rex on the hacked Muzak*
I’m surprised Amber isn’t going to turn Becky in for breaking THE LAW. It seems Amazi-Girl has been a good influence on her. Still, I don’t trust Amber not to betray her because, well, she’s the Evil One.
AG’s never really been about the law. She just enforces the laws that are convenient to her and ignores the ones that she thinks are stupid otherwise she wouldn’t even dress up as a vigilante.
Also, is Becky technically breaking any laws? Campus policy, I’m sure, but as an invited guest of a student, she’s probably not trespassing, and as an adult it’s not like she’s a runaway or anything. Does AG care about dorm policies or just laws?
Technically, since Becky hasn’t been registered as a guest, she’s trespassing on campus property. As long as the property is owned by someone else and she doesn’t have explicit permission to be there, she is breaking the legal law as well as the campus rules (although in this case she wouldn’t get into trouble with the police, just get into trouble with the school and kicked off campus. I mean, hopefully no one calls the cops on her). I would say AG cares more about whatever rule or law it’s convenient for her to care about.
The school doesn’t seem have guest registration – we’ve never seen anybody having to do that. It’d be consistent with the fact anybody can just use the elevator and go up to the dorms.
They DO, however, have a limit on how long guests are allowed to stay in the dorms (three days, iirc), so by this point, she’s way over
Yeah, three or four nights seems to be the limit, so Becky is definitely over.
I mean, Amber isn’t going to do that. And I doubt Amazi-Girl is the good influence on Amber in this case.
Seriously. Amazi-Girl is the one who would have flipped out about it, if either of them. Amber is allowed to be inconsistent, after all.
Amazi-Girl has patience and understanding as well as trying to do things for justice rather than ANGER. Amazi-Girl tried to warn Danny about this but he just doubled down on Amber, not realizing how dangerous she is.
Wrong. AG is where Amber shunts off her anger because she feels it’d be more productive. Without anger, AG has nothing to do.
Also, if you just got through her chats with Ethan and her friendship with Dina and can still insist AG’s the only one with patience and understanding, I don’t even know.
You literally have them backwards. Amazi-girl is the one that Amber was afraid of getting people in trouble for drinking. AG is the stickler for the law–or, at least, Amber worries she is.
(Though, arguably, having a problem with drinking may have more to do with her using it as an excuse to attack Sal. So now AG feels she has to be consistent.)
this one seems relevant also. amber definitely knows what ag does is illegal (and this was when she wasn’t separating amber/ag as much, based on the part between your link and mine).
Are you kidding me???
If any of them, AG would have turned her in. We’re talking about the same girl who routinely threatens people for petty crime. She’s the one who jumped Sal and her friends for drinking, tried to goad people into a fight over vandalism, and specifically hunted down the guys who bullied Danny so she could beat them up.
If you read any of Cerberus’ comments you’d know exactly how harmful that kind of fucking belief system is. Ctrl+f the comments field of basically any strip with Amber and/or Amazi-Girl for the phrase “golden alter”.
Loose lips nuke closets from orbit.
For a blabbermouth she kept one secret for quite a long time.
Joyce’s face in last panel: Why would you point that out to us?!?!?
“I was happy with my previous level of thinking about my professors’ undergarments, which was ZERO!”
With her hair up and tiny shocked eyes, Joyce looks a surprising amount like Leslie.
Also, he wears it because of the way it feels, not for any ‘weird’ reason, jeesh.
Panel one Dina

I can’t decide whether I like her smile or Joyce’s expression more. They’re both amazing
JEEZUZ this Dina is adorable. I’ve always had a soft spot for Dina, but MAN.
Well, more power to him. I’m female and I’ve worn them probably 3 or 4 times in my life at the most. Uncomfortable as all hell is what I consider them.
Joyce’s face though. “Why are we talking about this THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANTED TO TALK ABOUT”
Too much Becky, Becky. You broke Joyce’s brain.
That’s what she’s been doing on a regular basis since they were five.
You’d think Joyce’d have built up some resistance to it but nope.
It’s a continuing arms race. Becky keeps stumbling onto new ways to scandalize her
It’s not enough to say the world “poop” anymore
I preferred it when Dina wasn’t giving us these fake smiles all the time.
They aren’t fake anymore, people change.
@Paul Is it possible to fave comments <333
OMG, everyone’s favorite character returns!
Actually, I don’t think that’s Norville. No tag.
That’s not Sierra.
The professor stopped wearing pants to class a couple of weeks ago, but everyone was too polite to mention it.
I’m sure some other people noticed, they were just trying to forget about it until Becky brought it up.
Okay, seriously, how the fuck did Becky manage to get through life in a fundy community without being burned as a witch? You’d think if she were HALF this bad back in her hometown that someone would have done some serious corrective action.
She protects her own secrets with everything she has.
Simple – she wasn’t half this bad in her hometown. She’s recently got her freedom from that place and she is a bit drunk on freedom.
COmpulsive airing is actually a fairly common defense mechanism (I have a LOT of friends who have left the fundy community). You say everything you think, when you think it, especially if it’s embarrassing, because it will be the worse for you if you try to hide it and someone ferrets it out. You tell everyone everything you know about others, too, because you’ve been rewarded for snitching so much you don’t even realize it’s problematic, and because you’ve been told that reporting people you care about to authority/ the community is like making sure a doctor knows the whole truth— they can’t get right with Jesus if they’re hiding their shame! To this day, I love my ex-husband and his siblings dearly and miss them all terribly, and to this day, I am so glad to not be in contact with them because I was not allowed to say one thing and not have it immediately broadcast to the everyone (seriously, let me tell you about the time I mentioned to my then-husband that a friend of my mother had mentioned that she’d done some drugs in college in the seventies, and how my mother-in-law then took it upon herself to shriekingly confront Mom, a sunscreen-addicted soccer mom then tending to a household of eleven children/stepchildren, about her “sex and cocaine addiction.” Wait, don’t, it’s funny enough in retrospect that I want to save that story for a party.)
“Blabbermouth” or “No brain-to-mouth filter”. Yeah, that’s Becky alright! Not a hint of malice in that girl but she isn’t exactly good at thinking about he consequences of her words!
…….I’m disturbed by how much Becky is me in the last panel.
The girl in front looks astoundingly like my real estate agent.
Boardgame for you to check out suggestion: Gloomhaven, because you like boardgames and stories. Check out the reviews and myabe a couple of play videos.
Looks nice! I’m a bit careful with games that invite you to play multiple sessions though – we have hard enough time to schedule single game events (which is why I only play single session roleplaying games nowadays).
But I’ll absolutely check it out. Those bordgame geeks scores are not to sneeze at!
Oh, no, then – Gloomhaven is a legacy game, and you most DEFINITELY need multiple (lots of multiple) sessions to really do anything worthwhile. We spent like two hours learning the play basics and running the first scenario alone. I don’t know how many scenarios that thing has, but we’ve already unlocked number 81 (they’re nonlinear unlocks, we have like 6 scenarios unlocked), and you almost assuredly won’t be able to complete most scenarios the first time around. I’m fortunate enough to have a gaming group that meets every week, and we’ve already scheduled an extra weekly session for three-four of us just to play Gloomhaven.
(Game can be played solo, but that looks like to me it would be extra-meh; even two players might be not worth it, unless each runs two classes – which is something I don’t like doing. I put optimal character (not player) count at 3-4.
Wait, Becky has been to this class and they haven’t had their GWIAL! moment already?
“Go Women! I am Lesbian”?
“Guess What,” is what I’m thinking.
Panel 1 – Nice try, Dina, but you and Becky are way too cute for there to be time for a Dina/Amber-ship.
Panel 2-3 – That said, the level of confidence in each other these two introvert has, and how good their communication is, is heartwarming. Short, precise and to the point.
Panel 4 – that is important information indeed. Hopefully Dina and Ethan will try to help Amber together next time.
Panel 5 – That’s a valid concern. It’s also interesting to see what Amber thinks is the right thing, in light of this conversation
Becky for god’s sake.
(Will said Prof throw her out of his classroom or will he continue as if she hadn’t spoken I wonder? Eh, probably the latter.)
Between “Becky is left homeless” and “Amber has to stop being a violent vigilante” I gotta say the latter is by far the lesser evil in that it’s not even an evil at all it’s actually for the best.
It is more the choice between ‘Becky is left homeless’ and ‘Amber being kicked out of college or arrested because Becky can’t shut up’. If any staff actually hear about it and give a damn the consequences would take her away from the limited quantity of support she has and further shatter her mental health.
The former would be inevitable while the latter is merely a possibility though so she could try just being more careful around Becky to make sure she doesn’t find out. Or she could hide her stuff with Dorothy, Becky will never look there.
Eeeh, Another possibility is that being discovered could cause Amber to get the psychiatric help she desperately needs. Worked for Ruth (so far). But honestly, I’d be pretty surprised if Willis went there. Amazi-girl is one of the signatures of the strip.
Or she could stop dressing up as a superhero and assaulting people for petty crimes in the middle of the night, that’s always an option.
Even if Amber stopped cold turkey, Becky could still find out. I mean Dorothy put two and together based on stuff in her room, Becky could do the same.
Be fair, she only uses force against someone if they are attacking her or someone else.
…or when she’s provoked someone into attacking her first because she wants an excuse to fight.
Amber stopping would not change anything. You were just looking for a reason to be all snarky and show your lack of empathy.
Please be better.
Not really the choice in play. Amber getting caught would shine a huge freaking light on that dorm room, which would result in Becky getting caught and ending up homeless anyway.
I have a perfect resolution to their problem…
All heroes need a sidekick so Becky can be Amber’s and they can fight crime together.
Something like gay Robin to her Batman.
So Tim Drake, then?
…. actually, she’s not much of a fighter at all.
…. I mean, maybe she could be the brains of the outfit, but Amber’s already the brains.
Also, Sal’s starting to graduate into sidekick.
I really like how the author carefully keeps tracks of who knows what. In this case both Dina and Ethan knew about Amazigirl but only now they learned that the other person also knew.
This is attention to detail that really makes the characters feel real.
I am in hearts with Joyce’s face in the last panel there.
Becky must have been Beor O’Shift in a past life. Same red hair, and no diplomacy or tact whatsoever.
So Ethan knows, and Dorothy knows, and Danny knows, and Dina knows, and Ethan knows that Danny and Dina know, and Danny knows that Dorothy knows, and Danny and Dina know that Ethan knows, but does Dina know that Danny and Dorothy know?
And if so, does Dina know that Danny knows that Ethan knows?
And if so, does Amber know that Dina knows that Danny knows that Ethan knows?
Dina knows that Danny knows cause she knew AG was dating Danny. Not sure if Dina knows that Dorothy knows.
I’m a little sad that the title of this comic isn’t “Thong”.
Another strip with Mike being tagged, but not appearing.
You can see him beside Becky.
i wonder if that shirt’s new. toedad called her a clever girl when he was chasing her girlfriend with a gun so i’m doubting that the parallel was lost on her